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Value Stream Mapping: a study about the problemsand challenges found in the literature from the past 15 yearsabout application of Lean tools

Ana Julia Dal Forno & Fernando Augusto Pereira &

Fernando Antonio Forcellini & Liane M. Kipper

Received: 13 November 2013 /Accepted: 10 February 2014 /Published online: 26 February 2014# Springer-Verlag London 2014

Abstract Value stream mapping (VSM) is an important toolof the lean approach and is used to identify value-addingactivities and those considered wasteful of materials and theflow of information and people. However, when not appliedcorrectly, VSM can complicate the identification of waste,lead to misinterpretations and assessment mistakes, and un-dermine the implementation of future improvements. Thepurpose of this paper is to investigate the main difficultiesand limitations encountered during the construction of currentstate maps, analysis of the associated causes, and pointing outof guidelines to facilitate the use of VSM tomap processes. Todo so, a search and evaluation of papers in journals, confer-ences, theses, and dissertations was conducted, and the articleswere categorized according to the field of application (factoryfloor, supply chain, product development and services) andapproach (theoretical or practical). In conclusion, this papercriticizes some ways that VSM has been used, observing thatimportant constraints created by its application must be con-sidered and that when used incorrectly, the tool can lead tomistakes that can cause problems instead of benefits. Consid-ering the problems identified, the paper suggests future worksfor improving the use of VSM for mapping processes.

Keywords Leanmanufacturing . Value streammapping .

Lead time reduction . Process . Improvement

1 Introduction

Lean manufacturing (LM) is as relevant today to productionsystems as mass production was in the early twentieth century.According to Ohno [55], “LM is widely considered the nextbig step in the evolution of manufacturing beyond Ford MassProduction.” In the early 1990s,Womack et al. [84] reported thatcompanies where LM was applied had better results than com-panies that used other production systems. Besides the applica-tion in various manufacturing sectors including textiles, auto-mobiles, ceramics, and electronics, the lean approach has alsogained space in logistics, services, healthcare, product develop-ment, banks, and even in agribusiness [14–16, 29, 66, 67, 82].

To implement lean instruments, it is necessary to involvepeople from all organizational levels (Fig. 1), considering in-stitutional, intermediate, and operational levels [11, 31, 32, 57].

Considered a process map, VSM is inserted at the intermedi-ate level to be able to deploy companymanagement tactics at theoperational level. VSM is described as a technique used for thediagnosis, implementation, and maintenance of a lean approach.Its main function is to identify opportunities for improvementand the elimination of waste with support from operational staff[55, 53, 57]. The goals of VSM are to observe materialflow in real time from the final customer to the raw materialand to visualize losses in the process (Fig. 2), using symbols torepresent the process visually and clearly. VSM has three basicssteps—construction of a current state map, construction of afuture state map, and development of an action plan.

Some VSM benefits are [62]:

Allows a broad view of the entire flow; Helps to identifywastes;Shows the relationship between material and informa-tion flow;Provides a simple and standardized way to treatprocedures;

A. J. D. Forno (*) : F. A. ForcelliniDepartment of Production and Systems Engineering, Santa CatarinaFederal University (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazile-mail:

F. A. Pereira : L. M. KipperDepartment of Chemistry and Physics and the Post-GraduationProgram in Industrial Systems and Processes, University in SantaCruz do Sul (UNISC), Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790DOI 10.1007/s00170-014-5712-z

Makes decisions more “visible,” allowing previous dis-cussion of possible changes and improvements and;Forms the basis for an action plan.

Managing the value stream involves a process of under-standing, measuring, and improving the flow of materials andinformation and the interactions of all tasks, to keep acompany’s costs, services, and quality products as competitiveas possible [39]. Activities required to create, program, andproduce a product that can’t be measured can’t be preciselyidentified, analyzed, questioned, and ultimately, improved orentirely eliminated [83]. VSM is one of the valuable tools forunderstanding the current process status and identifying oppor-tunities to make improvements [17]. VSM is a useful tool forguiding improvements based on a carefully considered anddeveloped plan. Lean experts look at operations from thevalue-stream perspective [47]. Lean implementation allows acompany to reinforce the various stages that lead to operationalexcellence, continuous improvement, and elimination of activ-ities that don’t add value. Thus, the influence of lean practicescontributes substantially to a factory’s performance, and the useof lean tools amplifies these results [1]. Nevertheless, althoughit has numerous advantages and positive aspects, the use ofVSM presents some difficulties and limitations.

“The development of a current state map looks like asimple task. One just goes out and documents what it isseen. Show the process and material flow from oneprocess to another. This sounds very easy. What wesee in reality are people ‘stuck’ in a mud puddle. Many

try to do the ‘right’ map, when actually the purpose ofmapping is to see things that are wrong. The lack ofstandardization of the work station sometimesmakes theprocess of capturing reality very hard” [47].

In addition to the difficulty of capturing the reality, VSMcan be difficult to use when a process is complex, such asautomobile production where raw materials processing caninvolve several processes and sub-processes [64].

1.1 Purpose and methodology

The aim of this paper is to identify the main difficulties andlimitations in VSM current state map construction, its majorcauses, and the guidelines for its use. A theoretical-conceptualapproach was used by conducting a bibliographic search withthe words VSM and lean.

In Emerald Insight, the search identified 180 papers, whichwere evaluated according to title and abstract, leaving just 21relevant papers. In the Springerlink database, 2,689 paperswere identified, and their titles and abstracts were assessed,leaving only seven relevant papers. This significant reductionin the amount of articles is because the initials VSM are usedin other fields like chemistry, physics, computer science,business, and economics. In other databases (Scirus and Sci-ence Direct), there were only four studies. Three papers werefrom the Industrial Engineering Congress (Enegep), an impor-tant Brazilian conference in this area, and nine papers from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which has a

Organizational Level People involved Content Horizon Amplitude

institutional director generic and strategic long term macro oriented and


intermediate manager tactical and operational medium term oriented business


operational supervisor, leaders and operatives

detailed and execution short term punctual, related to

each transaction

Fig. 1 The different levels oforganization and theirresponsibilities


Process 1

CT 7 s

Setup 1 h




CT 19 s

Setup 0

Process 2

CT 74 s

Setup 20 s


MRP – Weeklyschedule


Coils2.760 4.140


Production lead time = 12 days

Request / weekly forecast

5 days7 s

2 days74 s 19 s

3 days

Process time = 100s

Weekly delivery

EE E2.760

2 days


Request / weekly forecast

Weekly delivery

Fig. 2 VSM example [62]

780 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790

research reference center in the lean approach called the LeanAdvancement Initiative. The Isi Web of Knowledge databasewas also used, and after the application of filters, removal ofduplicate articles, and reading, 11 relevant articles were iden-tified through Sept. 2013. Thus, a total of 57 articles wereclassified according to criteria to be detailed later.

The paper is organized in four parts. In section 1, lean andVSM concepts and definitions and their importance wereintroduced, in addition to the objectives and methodologicalapproach. Section 2 presents a research and evaluation de-scription of the papers in journals, conferences, theses, anddissertations, according to the field of application (factoryfloor, supply chain, product development and services) andmethodological approach (theoretical or practical). These pa-pers were later evaluated, and the problems and limitationsthey identified classified in 10 categories. The difficultiesencountered are related to products, methods/processes, andpeople. Section 3 lists some guidelines and decision points forthe success of VSM related to demand, product/family com-plexity, process stability, degree of innovation, and acompany’s manufacturing strategy. Section 4 is devoted toconclusions and highlights the difficulties and future opportu-nities identified. Finally, the references used are listed.

2 VSM problems, challenges, and limitations

VSM is conducted in locus at a factory in a hands-on processand is highly dependent on the skill of the person who isexecuting the VSM. Liker and Meier [47] highlighted thedanger in using VSM like a cookbook. At Toyota, peoplespend years working on improvement projects before theyreach the status of new on STP (segmenting, targeting, posi-tioning). There is a lot to learn, and it is only possible to learnby doing.

“The mapping makes people feel as if they are doingsomething lean, but it’s just a drawing. One must havean in-depth understanding of basic concepts and how tocreate processes that can be linked. That is when itbecomes very useful to have someone who has alreadydone the path of process flow in the factory. This personnot only knows where it is going to, but it can savemanyhours that would be wasted by taking the wrong path”[47].

A total of 57 papers were analyzed to identify problemsduring VSM implementation. These papers were classifiedinto eleven categories (P1 to P11) as follows:

P1 Low/lack of integration between processes—cases thatdemonstrate difficulties or a lack of integration betweenprocesses, creating integration barriers within the plant;

P2 Low/lack of clarity of procedures—cases where the pro-duction processes are not clear. The materials and partstravel different paths within the production line;

P3 Low/lack of product modularity—cases where the prod-ucts are not modularly designed, making them difficult tomanufacture and assemble;

P4 Low-skilled people—cases where low-skilled personnelimpede understanding and tool usage;

P5 Poor/lack of process stability—cases where there is alack of standardization and process stability;

P6 Problems/difficulties in measuring data in processes—cases where time data and quantity measurements areimpractical due to layout problems, product complexity,or process type;

P7 Obsolescence of the current state map—cases whereprocesses have changed, but there is no documentationabout this;

P8 Small batches with highly mixed production—caseswhere VSM application is compromised becausethere are many product types being assembled withthe same infrastructure and production scheduleuncapped (heijunka);

P9 Production too flexible—cases where the production lineis too flexible, constantly changing to adapt to marketand product changes;

P10 Process too intuitive—cases where process flow is toodependent on the operator who decides in real time theway that the product should go into production;

P11 Other problems—problems that do not fall into catego-ries P1 to P10 are considered in this category. Examplesfound include authors who comment that VSM onlyshows the current state, and is either very pessimistic orvery optimistic, depending on the level of stock andother factors that occur at the moment in which theprocess is mapped given that it is considered analogousto a photograph. Other problems cited were imbalancesin processes, a lack of support frommanagement for theexecution of VSM, indicators that are not aligned with alean approach, and a failure to consider the value of theclient. Some of these problems are not related to the toolitself, but mainly to production problems.

Regarding the procedure, the papers were classified as“theoretical” when they were based on reviews or theliterature or “practical” when practical applications ofVSM were described, for example, a survey, case studies,or simulations.

According to the area, papers were classified in the follow-ing categories:

Production Related to activities on the factoryfloor, works applied tomanufacturing, and the industrialenvironment;

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790 781

Supply chainmanagement (SCM)

Involve, in addition tomanufacturing,a relationship with suppliers andlogistics;

Other areas Works applied to services, suchas hotels or the administrativesectors at companies such asproduct development.

The term “VSM” began to appear in publications in 1999.Fifteen articles from 1999–2004 were analyzed, 22 studiesfrom 2005–2008, with 11 in 2007 alone. Since 2009, therewere 20 studies, with the search terminating in September2013 (Fig. 3).

According to the survey, 79 % of the papers are practicaland 21 % are theoretical, meaning that researchers are usingthe tool to make improvements at organizations. As for thefield of application, 61 % of the works were related to thefactory floor (production), 25 % related to other applicationareas, 12 % related with SCM, and 2 % with both productionand SCM. Figure 4 illustrates the research results of the maindifficulties reported in the papers on VSM, and that many ofthem discuss more than one type of problem.

Table 1 shows the classifications according to author, year,methodology, field of application, and the problems found.

Besides the reported problems, VSM implementation isstill experiencing some challenges and limitations, as identi-fied in the papers:

Product choice Product development is essential for an orga-nization’s success, survival, and renewal, particularly for com-panies in competitive markets. These requirements show thatcompanies have a larger product portfolio than they had yearsago as well as smaller production lots and greater productvariety. Factories must adapt to this reality, which increasesthe complexity and need for organizing production. From alean manufacturing perspective, the process maps are used toeliminate wastes from the customers’ perspective; and for thisreason, they are related to products. Products may take differ-ent paths during a single process. Therefore, a change in oneprocess made to eliminate wastes for a specific productdoesn’t always eliminate wastes in other products. In somecases, it may even increase wastes, depending on how theprocess is organized. This makes it difficult to choose theproduct to be examined by the process map [6, 9, 24]. Manyauthors indicate that this type of situation can be remediedwith the use of techniques such as clustering products infamilies [2, 4–6, 9, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24, 28, 35, 40]. However,the clustering practice only works if the products use the sameproduction resources. Fargher [22] suggests that it is necessaryto examine various products in the same family to demonstratethat the family group technique was really effective for clas-sifying products.

Processes with lack of stability Processes that are not stableare almost impossible to improve because the mapping doesnot represent the process’ real situation because each day, theprocess behaves in a different way. This is why productionprocess standardization is so important [17, 47, 53, 54, 65, 69,78]. Before beginning the current state mapping, it is neces-sary to confirm if there is stability in the process. Stability inthis case is broadly defined. It implies in-cycle time stability,meeting defined procedures; the use of machinery that iscapable of reproducing project specifications, maintainingquality levels; that production be in keeping with demand,having a proper and reproducible setup process and havingtrained personnel. Finally, it should be ensured that the

Before 200426%

2005 - 200839%

After 200935%

Fig. 3 Year of publication of the studies analyzed












0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

P1: Integration between process

P2: Clarity of procedures

P3: Product modularity

P4: People qualification

P5: Processes stability

P6: Processes measurements

P7: Map obsolescence

P8: High product mix

P9: Production flexibility

P10: Intuitive process

P11: Others problemsFig. 4 VSM frequency ofproblems identified in papers

782 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790

Table 1 Classification of the papers about VSM analyzed

No. Reference and year Methodology Area Problems with application

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11

1 [1] Practical SCM x x

2 [2] Practical Production x x x x x

3 [3] Practical Production x x x

4 [4] Practical Production x x x

5 [5] Theoretical Others x x x x x

6 [7] Practical Production and SCM x x x x x

7 [10] Practical SCM x x x

8 [12] Theoretical SCM x x x x x x x

9 [13] Practical Production x x

10 [18] Practical Production x x

11 [19] Practical SCM x x

12 [20] Practical SCM x

13 [21] Theoretical Production x x

14 [22] Practical Production x

15 [23] Theoretical SCM x x x x x

16 [24] Practical Production x x x x x x

17 [25] Theoretical Production x x x x x

18 [26] Practical Production x x x x x

19 [27] Practical Others x

20 [28] Practical Production x x

21 [29] Theoretical Others x x x x x

22 [30] Practical Production x x x

23 [31, 32] Practical Production x x x x

24 [31, 32] Practical Production x

25 [33] Practical Production x x

26 [34] Practical Production x x

27 [36] Theoretical Production x

28 [38] Practical Others x x x x

29 [40] Practical Production x x x x x x x

30 [41] Theoretical Others x

31 [41] Theoretical Others x x

32 [43] Practical Others x x x x

33 [44] Practical Production x x x

34 [45] Practical Production x x x

35 [48] Practical Others x x

36 [50] Practical Others x x

37 [52] Practical Others x

38 [51] Theoretical Production x x x x

39 [56] Practical Production x x x x x

40 [58] Practical Production x

41 [60] Practical Production x

42 [63] Practical Production x

43 [64] Practical SCM x x x x x x

44 [66] Practical Production x x

45 [68] Practical Production x x

46 [70] Practical Production x x x

47 [71, 72] Theoretical Production x x x x

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790 783

productive system will behave consistently over a given peri-od of time. Process stability can be evaluated by confirming itsreproducibility and repeatability. BIPM [8] describes thatreproducibility is the degree of concordance between theresults of successive measurements of the same measurandcarried out under the same conditions of measurement andrepeatability is the degree of concordance between mea-surement results of the same measurand carried out undervarious measuring conditions. In this light, frequent VSMconducted with the same product can help to assess theprocess stability.

Measurements of inadequate data in production processFailures in data measurements in production processes canlead to inconsistent data, which don’t represent the true realityof a process. Cases may be stable, but if they are not properlymeasured, they will not correspond to reality. Like the stabilityin a process, the accuracy of data is also important in VSM.Some authors have cited transparency as a key element incurrent state mapping understood as the accuracy of the infor-mation collected in the factory [4–6, 12, 41–43, 67, 75].

The need to have data flow processes that can be interpretedas economic data The main focus of the lean approach is toreduce costs and increase productivity [55, 53, 65].Thus, the proper measurement of times and distances inprocesses results in analyzing how the production system isbeing used to produce a product. In this sense, a map thatallows the systematic identification and quantification ofwastes at a company is certainly useful for aiding the processof analyzing and improving the efficiency of internal process-es [46, 61, 74] measured by assessing system costs. Contri-butions to information about costs made by managers, ac-countants, and engineers can help identify opportunities forfurther cost reductions and improve quality and productivity,thus providing more financial value to the company ([74]).

Product complexity Product complexity is the level of diffi-culty associated with the production of a component, usuallymeasured by the estimated total production man-hours re-quired and difficulty involved with completing the tasks inseries or parallel operations. There is a difference betweenlower value-added and non-value-added tasks that can be seenin VSM for a complex product. In this case, details about theprocess are needed to identify non-value-adding activities[64]. According to Fernandes [23], the word “complex” canbe used to describe the level of difficulty associated with themanufacture or assemblage of a part. Complexity is a “sub-jective difficulty” used to describe the context of the repre-sentation within the manufacturing of complex products, com-plex processes, complex assemblies, the entire complexity of aproduction system, and the combination of all these elements.Identifying a complex product requires measuring the numberof parts that compose the product, the number of processsteps, the part size, the quantity required to complete the taskefficiently, the number of subsystems involved, and otherfactors [23]. The increase in product or process complexityincreases the difficulty in obtaining data for VSM preparation[4–6, 23, 24, 36, 37, 50, 52, 56, 59, 64].

Product and process obsolescence One LM principle is con-tinuous improvement. According to Shingo [69], improve-ments in production systems are likely to be constructed fromtwo points—new ideas and rethinking of the basic ones. TheToyota model is a cyclical process of achieving stability,standardization of practices, and placing continuous pressureon the process to expose its obstacles [47]. Martins andLaugeni [49] highlight the importance of continuous improve-ment, where no day can pass without the company doingbetter in the market. VSM plays a key role in mapping aprocess, identifying wastes, and making improvements. How-ever, many companies fail to apply the tool in time intervalscompatible with the changes of products and processes. The

Table 1 (continued)

No. Reference and year Methodology Area Problems with application

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11

48 [71, 72] Practical Production x x x

49 [73] Practical Production x x

50 [74] Theoretical Production x x

51 [75] Practical Others x x x

52 [76] Practical Production x x

53 [77] Practical Others x x x

54 [80] Practical Production x x x

55 [81] Practical Production x x x

56 [79] Practical Others x x x x

57 [85] Practical Others x x

784 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790

mapping, which should be repeated often, takes time to becompleted. The big problem with this practice is that withproduct lifecycles becoming shorter and shorter, informationcollected soon becomes obsolete because the production sys-tem needs to adapt to the market and customer changes [4, 5,12, 23, 51, 64, 65].

3 VSM application guidelines

In this section, we suggest guidelines for a successful imple-mentation of VSM current state planning and construction.The guidelines were constructed from the analysis of thecauses of problems listed in Section 2. The causes wereclassified into three categories, namely products, processes,and people (Table 2).

The “product” category considered the causes related toproduct design, its complexity (a high number of componentsand parts, many kinds of materials, many links and subassem-blies), and causes related to instable demand for a product.

“Process” causes are related to a lack of stability andstandardization, i.e., problems with flow definition and docu-mentation. Sometimes, the way the company is organized isalso the cause of communication problems, lack of concurrentengineering, and an integrated staff. When introducing a leanapproach, it is desirable that the structure is not departmental,but weak, balanced, or strong matrix. An inadequate layout isalso a possible cause of problems, because it is associated withhandling and transportation wastes. Companies that begansmall and grow tend to increase their physical structures inan unplanned way, hindering the understanding of processes,continuous flow, measurement, and inducing the operator toact intuitively. Unbalanced processes are another cause ofproblems in the process category. In common practice, eachproduction stage has different production rates and cycletimes, with automated or manual processes, or processes thatneed constant maintenance. When different versions of soft-ware affect the speed in providing data exchange betweensectors or with a supplier, the possible cause is defined as alow integration of information and communication technolo-gy (ICT). Manufacturing can also suffer from a lack of stan-dardization caused by a change in sales, which are causedmainly by the variability and number of models sold andunexpected demand. The lack of continuous flow is aprocess-caused subitem, because all seven forms of produc-tion waste (overproduction, inventory, waiting, transportation,handling, defective products, and unnecessary processes) im-pede process clarity, stability, and measurements. Anotherproblem can be inadequate tools, as in cases where a productis good and the personnel know how to produce it, but therequired tools are not available or are not suitable for eachproduction station.

Last, but not least, the third category of possible causes isrelated to “people”, which may reflect a lack of training,turnover, and absenteeism.

The problems were identified and classified by 13 possiblecauses. Some of the problems identified may have the samecause, and a problem can have more than one cause. ProblemP11 (others) was not placed within this classification becauseit is too general. The causes of problems related to productswere as follows:

Product toocomplex

Companies that have products with alarge number of systems,subsystems, and components, whichare assembled in series and paralleland which are transported to manyplaces in a factory until the end ofthe production line;

Inappropriateproduct project

Product projects that don’t useappropriately preventive techniques andtools to evaluate the assembly process;

Market changes markets with varying demand and modeltypes to be produced, mainly related tomarkets that require constant portfoliorenewal.

The causes of problems related to process were as follows:

Lack of process definition anddocumentation

Undocumented process,performed tacitly;

Company departmentalorganizational structure

Companies without goodcommunication between areas,with strong and competitivehierarchies;

Inadequate layout Layout made withoutplanning, because of physicalconstraints of a building and/orinventories. Process project isinappropriate for producing theproduct;

Unbalanced processes Processes with differencesbetween cycle times and takttimes, processes that useautomated machines withhighly productive processestogether with manualoperations with lowproductivity;

Low integration ofinformation technologybetween areas

Departmental enterprises thatuse different and disconnectedinformation systems andsoftware;

Lack of process stability Processes with large variationsin assembly time and qualityproblems;

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790 785





























































































































786 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790

Lack of continuous flow Processes that have longwaiting times;

Inappropriate tools Processes that use obsolete orincorrect measuring toolsand instruments.

The causes of problems related to people were as follows:

Lack of people training Companies that don’t have goodprograms to train and teach thestaff;

Staff turnover Environment where there isexcessive turnover of peopleindicating a lack of commitment.

From this analysis, we developed guidelines for buildingVSMs (Table 3).

These guidelines help in the early stages of VSM, espe-cially in the planning stage and establishing the current statemap, when it is necessary to decide what product will bemapped, what data will be collected, and how it will becollected to minimize problems.

4 Conclusion

It is undeniable that the application of VSM providesimportant benefits to the productive process [1, 17, 23,39, 47, 64, 83]. That is why it is a practice applied atso many companies and studied at several universitiesand research centers. Even with all its benefits, whenmistakenly applied, VSM can generate poor results that

lead to bad decisions, both technically and financially.Therefore, many interesting opportunities exist for mak-ing more rational use of the VSM tool and thus providemore reliable results.

There are opportunities to develop technologies to assist inthe measurement of data to obtain current state maps. Otherengineering areas are well developed in the use of standards,equipment, and traceability of measurement procedures, butindustrial engineering requires some attention to collectingdata about production. With ICT costs decreasing, the tech-nologies for measuring distances in real time are becomingmore viable. These technologies can improve data reliabilityand lead to better decisions in defining future maps. They mayalso help to normalize and standardize the data process mea-surement, by reproducibility and repeatability evaluation tobuild processes maps. Companies with various factories canassess and compare performance differences at different in-dustrial plants that assemble the same types of products.

The time spent to obtain data for the construction of thecurrent state map also compromises the continuous use of theVSM tool. Facilitating the production data measurement pro-cess can create opportunities for applying VSM frequently,making the tool more useful in continuous improvementprocesses (kaizen). The continuous data measurements canlead to the adoption of statistical methods for monitoringprocess performances and the results of future state maps.

VSM is currently used to identify wastes in processes andmake improvements. There are increasing opportunities in therealm of remanufacturing and ecodesign that can also allow

Table 3 VSM early stage guidelines

Possible causes of problemsrelated to the following:


Product Make an assessment of the life cycle of products. Products with declining demand tend to be discontinued soon. Perhapsthe product is not suitable for representing clusters in families.

Group products into families at companies with many kinds of products and choose one product for which VSMwill beconducted. Do the VSM for various products in the same family to assess whether the grouping was done properly.

Prioritize products in the “A” category (ABC classification) for implementation of the VSM. Elimination of losses in thistype of product will represent higher profits.

Process Make VSM into stable processes. When you do not know if the process is stable, repeat the mapping of the current stateand compare the values to identify if the process is stable or not. When you are sure of stability, construct the futurestate map.

Produce the VSM implementation plan with all sectors involved to eliminate barriers to communication andinformation.

Establish values for processes not yet defined and establish forms of control. Assess the stability and, if the process isstable, map the current and future states.

Establish methods and tools to measure data in the process that can be reproduced by others at another time.

People Assess the skills and abilities of those involved with the VSMprocess. Empower the people if necessary before using theVSM tool.

Evaluate the turnover of people involved with the process to be evaluated. If there is excessive turnover, repeat thecurrent state mapping more often and assess the reliability and reproducibility of the processes.

Determine if the VSM tool is a stand-alone tool or if the company is part of the management system, integrating thestrategic, tactical, and operational levels. Isolated applications tend to be less successful.

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 72:779–790 787

using VSM for identifying environmental wastes arising frominadequate process flow.

This paper sought to identify problems concerning VSMimplementation, investigate the possible causes and defineguidelines to make its execution less complex, and have agreater chance of success. The paper identified future oppor-tunities for VSM implementation, especially with regard toincreased productivity and reliability of this lean tool. In termsof problem identification, the biggest difficulty was in under-standing and classifying problems identified in the studiesresearched, because they were not always clearly presented.Many authors described the importance of the tool anddiscussed its results; but only a few authors discussed diffi-culties in executing VSM. The identification of problems anddifficulties in studies is an experience that can help to deter-mine what went right and what benefits were obtained fromeach study.

Acknowledgments We are grateful for the financial support by thefunding and research agency from Brazil—CAPES (Coordenação deAperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior).

The authors would also like to thank the reviewers and translatorJeffrey Hoff, native of New York City.


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