art attractionism

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Facebook friends Pictures and thier Comments ...



1st of three Picture of Princess Stephanie of Monaco whose watch allover the decades of The World Peace and The Re-unification of Germany has been deep..

Allah is Great!





Nagybali Maria Grateful thank you Sher Ahmed Khan, beautiful colors, i like this so much! With great respect wish you all the best!Greetings and Blessings.

KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATION have a difference’with education you can read a written Constitution but with Knowledge you can also see its invert!

Zeeshan Qureshi Ten hundred thousand times like the lines!

Sher Ahmed KhanI love poetry, it enlivens life, teaches culture,reaches out to humanity

Selma Limam Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future. Albert Camus


CUBES COLLISION! CRIME DIVISION!Karim Navaz thank you all.

Lena Fouad thanks for tagging me sir @Sher Ahmed , wish you all best

Sher Ahmed Khan Honorable Lena that's Dr Karim there ,it is her birthday.....................

Lena Fouad happy birthday Dr@ Karim wish you hundred of years with health & happiness

Lena Fouad

Ph.D. of geriatric medicine at Consultant


Ms Paint. 16 And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge). 17 (Remember!) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being after he or she has attained the age of puberty), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions) . 18 Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it). 19 And the stupor of death will come in truth: "This is what you have been avoiding!" 20 And the Trumpet will be blown, that will be the Day whereof warning (had been given) (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). 21 And every person will come forth along with an (angel) to drive (him), and an (angel) to bear witness. 22 (It will be said to the sinners): "Indeed you were heedless of this, now We have removed your covering, and sharp is your sight this Day!" 23 And his companion (angel) will say: "Here is (this Record) ready with me!


Ms Paint.Do you love pets ,everyone does . Cats talk to you .So secure .

Mystery TABLE 1

The journey of life has been concluded .


She is from Riga and now lives at Berlin.


Not so complicated but question of spirit.


mon cher amis Marie .pour vous avec l'amour et l'amitié des grands de lumière 


She said” Oui, le Magnifique photo!


Just from her profile.


Higher clarity!

Tomasz .Happy

Michel Paris.we can see dreams fog.

Melinda Naud Best of luck Ahmed! Have a good week-end, thank you

Gary Manzo Love it Ahmed...very cool.

Mohamad Machnouk I am not sure about the world yet, but I am happy for you in celebrating great friendship...

Sher Ahmed Khan Mohammad, i would love to built stronger ties of friendship with you although we are already brothers by faith...Rome is a story like of Saul to prevail over Persia and World!

TABLE 3. Aligned.Anette Lindegaard Thank you for the Tag in this beautiful "kaleidoscope of colours" ........ Wishing you a wonderful Saturday ...... ♥♥♥

Jeannette Godard Have a phantastic weekend, my friend.

Sonia Antunes soooooooooooo nice ▌♥♥

Princess Harakawa Ra · Intrigued

Anne Bourbon Très belle composition de couleurs chaudes ! Très beau weekend :)

NADA ‘s BIRTHDAY!Nada Rozajac Wonderful!!!Thanks dear Ahmed!!!Have a blessed weekend!!!

Leonore Cottrant Merci Sher. I like the tribute "Nada" -))))

Michaela Neatu thank you!

Uzma Ahmed tahnx sher

TABLE 4. Destinations.

Ankica Stojković Thank you♥

Jacqueline Pitchal Absolument magnifique ! Merci. ♥

Rebeca Ortiz THANK YOU, Muchas Gracias


Saiyed Siddique Hasan " Taerri talash mae hum jab kabhi nikaltae hei'n / Aek ajnabi kee taraha'n rastae badltae hei'n " Diversified thoughts and principles !


Peace and Serinity is the answer to violence ,as a old women threw a stone at rahim Khan E Khanan ,he rewarded her and said'indeed a tree full of fruit you aimed at! ..................... the Present commissioner Raj has been returned over Zilai Nizam and there is no possibility of free fair election like the yazidite government proved at Azad Kashmir recently..

Saiyed Siddique Hasan Embedded segregated thoughts & principles under over whelming black thundering clouds !

Also viewed and liked by: Mehal RockefellerDirector of Strategic Partnerships at Humanity Healing International

Michaela Neatu Works at Board Member at Innovatics Laboratories, Inc

Swietłana Charisma Bogdanienko Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Warszawa

Anum Mujeeb Khan Punjab college

Rafael Aybar Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Sharaf Domini Oil and GAZ Prom Chairman.

FAIR COLORS!Kate De Zarne Pernod Sher my friend - you know how much I love these colors! Thank you! :-))))

Barbara Reynolds Beautiful!

Helga Karayannis Thank you dear Sher Ahmed Khan

Michel Paris ...très belle frise ! merci Sher... ;-)


Elizabeth Windsor Carol Williams-Butler ...Gracious Queen..

Sher Ahmed Khan Well,i must say Carol,your looking equally elegant riding the Lion!

Carol Williams-Butler ...Thank you Sher. It has now been approximately two years, come September 12th 2011, that I too, have dealt with much detraction. I certainly know the feeling! I am happy to assist Pakistan, in a way you would be most proud, while assisting my Country, and many others as well!...

Carol Williams-Butler ...Tags by Carol Williams-Butler include: Princess Elizabeth Karageorgevic, Princess Brigitta Karageorgevic, Sher Ahmed Khan, and Sher Saddozai. Tags by Sher Ahmed Khan include: Eritrea Joseph Mountbatten, Carol Williams-Butler, Elisabeth Vanduffel, Manuel Ballesteros, and adittional tags by Sher himself, who have chosen to remove themselves from this photo. Sher's artwork is beautiful, and I can not imagine anyone who would not want to be affiliated with it themselves. He has had some rough times, and been under attack, himself, even having his own home confiscated/destroyed, in the process. Currently, He is living with another family, as he continues to do what he believes to be right for his Country. Including association with those who already control approximately 51% of the worlds finances... Additional tag by CWB includes: HM Queen Elizabeth II... .And, Prince Vladimir Karadjordjevic...

Cantilevers Georges A. H. Pierru TY my friend !

Nasser Al Falasi ♥

Susanne Westhoff · Friends with Carolina Alonso Thank you, Sher

Cathy Inigo Mont Hello, my dearest friend, my dear Sher

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Thank you my beloved brother Sher love and compassion we all are sharing light of Love bless your heart She-Messiah is in us... xox Alexandre and Élaine

Sher Ahmed Khan she Messiah's point of view in a short review i just read is so marvelous.. Christ took the Crucifix so a Christ would walk down.. Correct me!

 Alexandre De Bothuri BàthoryChrist was nailed on a crucifix .... the next Messiah will not be nailed because she is an Immortal and after the fusion with the diamond of Life no one will be able to arm her... the religion of Love will be the only one... no division but union between people

Art Isabeau thankssssssssss....i like thissssssssssssssssss In deed

Sher Ahmed Khan Well said,brother Alexandre.. i say Christ Jesus brought the Soul of God visibly alive for mankind to believe.. It is a strenous process to create believers ,because, Godsmen normally appear as Warners :after almost the entire world has bitten at the fruits of the infidel rulers and thier cruelty.

PIRATE! Angela Richard Have a beautiful Day..Sher Ahmed Khan!!

ORDERLY COVERWhat is the position of the present regime ?

Khalid Bilal Thanks a lot.

Saiyed Siddique Hasan ' Infusion of colors of thoughts and principles "

Mini Darling nice.

New Placement. Gabriele Brandl You are very sensitive, you have all my colours found! Many Thanks! Kiss!

Genevieve Heckmann Thanks a lot

September 8 at 6:38pm

Sher Ahmed Khan very welcome Genevieve and enjoy the evening ahead..blessings of birthday again...

Leticia Rothschild Gondalfo Thank you, Sher Ahmed, for your painting, love the army colour and complimented with it! Have a wonderful day!

Sher Ahmed Khan Gold ? Shake the screen my dear friend .. What i see the cantilever on the right is a bit damaged!

Flavia Cardoso Thank you so much my dear friend Sher Ahmed Khan. God bless you !!!

September 8 at 6:38pm

Sher Ahmed Khan Welcome Flavia, i hope you enjoyed your Birthday! Cheers!

Colors of Peace!

what is the color of peace and i will say 'its a a loving you! Blessings of the day!


Mary Laurence Mogaadi Your paint is so wonderful and so beautiful colors...I really love your artwork, you are an artist. And I hope you will know the color of peace next day in the light of almighty wills. Thank you, I'm honored dear Friend, your Friendship is a delicate treasure in my eyes

Kate De Zarne Pernod I painted the color of Love and You the color of Peace - a perfect pairing for the day! Thank you my friend:-)))

Sher Ahmed Khan the pain we suffer from terror only shows our dedication for peace///

Donadio Salvatore bellissimo dipinto

Leticia Rothschild Gondalfo Love the colours of your painting, it's very calming and pleasant to me! it's a beauty, thank you so much, ♥

Leticia Rothschild Gondalfo May we all have Peace in our Lives, thank you Sher Ahmed, this is Sept. 5th a U.S. Holiday, Labor Day and a Day of rememberance for our Veterans in the Wars. Love and Peace to us all, Thank you, Leticia, ♥

She-xa Mariyam thank you ...

Sher Ahmed Khan 

dear Mary Laurence MogaadiAs long as their is mankind on earth there will be trade although major war acumen was removed after warring races like rajputs and marhattas were pacified .this also proved that war can be controlled towards eternal peace,because it is the ground where temples like somanat first ventured into the sub continent and their constant defeats to king mahmood brought their moral down but not as stength to fight instead for the temple imported into the peaceful region since buddah by hind the militant meccan uncle after the holy prophet passed away and immedeately the another hypocrite uncle sufian started consoiring that eventually divided islam,but from the door of prophets home to the capitols of control. after ahmed in 1700th century pacifies the marhattas ,the waterloo was delivered to belgium and a town with a number of palaces was erected and trade can be settled on cards tables ...

Mary Laurence Mogaadi The story of Human is long, sometimes terrible and always spring of wiseness, or wiseless, I agree, Only enlightings men can find the truth and load us to the way of Light, thank you so much

Sher Ahmed Khan In all ages where a contemporary discover the light they apply the available technology to remain inside the circle with righteous people to lead towards the rain of blessing 

Villa La Collina Tuscany My daughter opened an Art Gallery this year in Florence and I love your painting! Blessings!

Sher Ahmed Khan So lovely ,here i come!


Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory such an amazing quote my dear Sher... the world is upside down..

Sher Ahmed Khan ..........True Andy,just because of a solar system deep inside the universe of poeples modern country democratic life , Military dictators and Protege rulers embossed inside a Religious Treason associated with Turkey.


Kate De Zarne Pernod WOW hmmmmm ❥ ◠ ♡ ◠ ❥

Sher Ahmed Khan Just what you like!

Carol Williams-Butler ...Sher, It would be fabulous, if you'd be as kind to explain this work...

Sher Ahmed Khan Dear Carol, its clicking 'like' on your own post!

Carol Williams-Butler 

...@ Sher, Perhaps according to Facebook Ambassador Diplomatic Training Corps. LOLOL. ;-) Otherwise, from an artistic point of view, scribbling across one's own work, seems a bit peculiar, which is separate from liking a statement. Perhaps gaining extra media attention, in the liking of statements, is to merely stand by what one has said, or in recognition, of a statement and /or support of the commentary of the particular person liked... ;-)

Sher Ahmed Khan thankyou for the eloquence of those notes , and how is your lieut Bilijana?

Carol Williams-Butler ...Sher, Biljana is well, Thank you for asking! Additionally, you should be asking her yourself! Regarding the artwork above, perhaps Kate was overcritical with an upset Sher?... ;-)

Sher Ahmed Khan sure ,must be a arithmatic sum in it she could not solve!

Sher Ahmed Khan Arta is born between serious lines of love and starlight...

Carol Williams-Butler ...I know nothing of Kate's arithmatic skills, but suspect the figures your are referencing, may have a large number of zeros behind it. Ah, I prefer the second comment. The superior artistic commentary... :-)

Portrait of Gabriele BrandJeannette Godard Lovely, something so special - GLORIOS und unangepasst. Kisses.

Gabriele Brandl They are a very special artist! I thank you from my heart and send you my kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermanus Draaisma wow very nice

Cathy Inigo Mont Your portraits are very similar and very colorful, I like :-))) Cathy

Anette Lindegaard Lovely ! ...... Thank you so very kindly ...... ♥♥♥

Sukran Adıbelli ☆★PrettY☆★☆*HUGS* EID SAID☆★THANK YOU❥★☆

Muhammad Ali Malik · That's so fantastic Khan sahab !! thanks for the tag !!

Fundamental Signs!Ágnes András Blessing day you to dear Sher!!::)

Tact of column.

Michel Paris ...Structuralism... Hope it's as big as Guernica,(Picasso) or D'Où Venons Nous/ Que Sommes Nous/ Où Allons nous (Gauguin)... !

John Williamson Nice image... thank you.


Leticia Rothschild Gondalfo Very nice graphic of a structure, love the colours! thank you for the tag, ♥

Mohamad Machnouk Nice structure...and bright colors..

Shaheen Shehla Siddiqui Nice combination of colours and calculative geometrical pattern !

LOTTO!The Director says'Action!

Aerial View.1

Look at the beautiful world .

Aerial View.2 Carol Williams-Butler ...Yes Sher, A most beautiful heart! XXX... :-)

Grazia Bertolotti · woowww, ma allora hai un cuore !!!!!!! KISS

The Tension. Amer N. Raja Imaginative :)

Jacques Jeandey Great ,Friend..!

Višnja Bretšnajder this is soooo beautifull can imagine beautifullll thingssss.

Ana Luisa Popa Beautiful colours...creative image speaking about philosophy of life, nature, brain and energie...Warmest hugs!

Hubert Bernd Mayer · Ich liebe und sammle Kunst.***+++***. Greetings , Hubert from Germany,*_*,♥♥♥

Susanne Westhoff · Friends with Carolina AlonsoGreat, thank you, Sher!

Kim Lowe · Friends with Sharaf Domini and 96 others very crative. love the color♥

Space Venture! Jasna Lojic thank you...kiss

Judi Smith Vitouswykegardiner Thank you for including me Sher ...

Saiyed Siddique Hasan Abstract presentation of human dimensional life pattern


Un sacrement de le affaire de may 15......Sher

 Cathy Inigo Mont Thanks, my dear Sher,

Ritschi Freiherr Merci ...

HELGAAlexandre De Bothuri Bàthory so beautiful and full of energy congratulations master brother Sher Ahmed Khan

Muhammad Jawaid Mirza Nice to see these loud colors.

Amer N. Raja ♥ Gr8. Thanks╔═══ೋ���ღ♥ღೋ���═══╗♥♥ VIBRANT♥ ECO ...♥♥ೋ���◊♥♥ೋ���◊♥♥╚═══ೋ���ღ♥ღೋ���═══╝

Helga Karayannis Dear Sher Ahmed, thank you very much for the good wishes for my birthday. It was very kind of you. Regards Helga Karayannis

Sher Ahmed Khan Thanks a lot,dear Helga!

Art Isabeau i like this colors....mercyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


I wish you a very happy birthday Alexander.Jean Boggio Merci. Frere de mars pour. Cet envol de coulee

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory a beautiful array of vivid colors which seems like a warm wind of May xox

Sher Ahmed Khan Devrait montrer que les extrémités.. doit piendre .. merci Bog.. Merci beaucoup, Alexandre frere moi.

Dato' Romona Murad Beautiful use of colors...Sher. Thank you.


Sara Levi Waiss thanx dear!!!

Fashion models at TOP | Fashion Models Agency | Agenzia Moda Modelle/i Fotografi

RADIANT Kimmie Chi I like the Pic....

Nilufer Bari Thanks dear!

 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising

ACROSS THE LIGHT NIGHT Selma Limam woow Sher it's so nice I really like it, thanks very much my friend :-)

Sara Levi Waiss thanks a lot,my dear!!!

Fashion models at TOP | Fashion Models Agency | Agenzia Moda Modelle/i Fotografi

Art Isabeau thanks.........i like it.................................

CAPITOLAnn Mahieu-Bottequin The depth and perspective are interesting dear Sher, and the movement as well. Who's in the back? Someone or something?

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory An Eiffel tower thru the glance of Sher... an iconic tower of the industrial era left from the Universal Exhibition of Paris... A monumental painting xoxo

Hopital Saint Luc/ Hopital Broussais/ Elainex Holdings/de Bothuri Bàthory Foundation

Sher Ahmed Khan A mighty figure on a state!

COLORS FROM FLOWERS. Hiam Homsy wonderfulllll thank you so much my dear friendSher Ahmed Khan for your lovely tag God bless you amen 

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Shear Beautiful dear brother Sher light and magic like a butterfly freedom of the palette brilliant xox

Wasti Hasan Lovely painting, one can imagine thousands of concepts and pictures in one and at a glance. Superb combination of colours.

Mary Laurence Mogaadi Wonderful colors full of light and joy, thank you so much!

Rate Osama Bin Laden plastic surgery!Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory So good Sher... Osama play game: the fear boy.... now he reigns on the ocean of sharks...

Sher Ahmed Khan Really Alexandre ,it seems like a new day in this world!

Yasmeen Baroness Von Schleinitz He might live in a villa in Cannes and nobody recognizes him...

Leonore Cottrant he may change of plastic surgeon -)

Ulrika BfiftyTwo Hjelm · 10 mutual friends Yes who knows

Dario A. Filippi · 18 mutual friends might be true that comment,sadly

GENGIS KHANCamille Sat Ra Hotep these piece is ideal for meditation

Miz Jlo is it kaabah

Abdul Qadir Memon Very informative !!! Thanks for insight!

Liz Lin · Friends with Lon Nevler and 2 others Nice :))

Doumer Pradillon Lorillot · 301 mutual friends superbe !!

ALADIN Melinda Naud Lovely! Thank you Ahmed!

Leticia Rothschild Gondalfo Gorgeous blue, love it! thank you, Sher Ahmed ♥

Alexandra Narodetzki Thanks Sher, a real beautiful picture! Love and peace for you!

Muhammad Subuktageen Saba Thank you, Sher sahib

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory an amazing picture from a soul to a soul... gift of light and love...

Sher Ahmed Khan Muhammad ,Alexandre ,its great today is also the birthday of Mohammad AS ' Amir Shah Gardez ,its a blessed day ,Prophecised so nicely in a dialogue between The Holy Prophet and Christ Jesus ,where both are requesting each other to lead a prayer at Jerusalem where all the over 100 thousand prophets are assembled ... He is so clean and lovely he is both.

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory thank you so much my dear friend Sher...Light was always shared among messengers and prophets, among brothers who love dialogue not hate... Bless your heart for the wonderful gift you give always to my soul AleXandre

Sher Ahmed Khan 

These are your beautiful and wonderful words Alexandre my friend that really make reality draw in closer as i watch everyday in real terms what Allah said in the Koran' that day a Elephant will delicately pass through the eye of a needle > ofcourse there is the believer who can raise his hand to toast what is right and toss what is wrong..Today the internet dialogue is seeming so refreshing and i am feeling so well acquainted to the environment ..and very special thanks again ..God Bless Greater Light to Likes and You and Elaine a more happier healthier and illuuminous glamourous life.

Carol Williams-Butler ...Thank you Sher, as always! It's beautiful, and does indeed lift the soul! XX..

Ana Luisa Popa Thank you, dear friend Sher! Have a great week!

Pamela McMillion I like the blue.

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory a wonderful painting like a blue angel a star is born inside us thanks dear Sher

Ritschi Freiherr PERFECT..

Sheree Ali Entertainer A bit early, but I get the message... :-)) THANKS... huggs))) Is there a birthday present in the mix? LOL !

Ventura, California

GUTTED!Sher Ahmed Khan Thanks Mary...... The Black n White n Black n White indicate newyork/italian gangs ..............the eye is for Press!

Mary Laurence Mogaadi Very nice impressive and I like the volume and the impression of relief

Art Isabeau wow....i like to much........mercyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory so beautiful my brother of Light inspiration and aour xox

Sara Levi Waiss I love abstract art!!!

Gary Manzo Love it!! I can see this work as big as a room. Thank you.

Selma Limam So bright and beautiful colors, I really like. Thank you Sher!

Leonore Cottrant the eye is for the press -)) Thank you Sher 

Jacqueline Pitchal MAGNIFIC ! I love it ! Thank you dear Ahmed !

Susanne Westhoff · Thank you, Sher, nice picture!

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin Who's that man?

Kevin Murphy · Friends with Ann Mahieu-Bottequin what a beautiful metaphor for the intricate mosaic that is "being"....the spirtual reality/truth seemingly hidden within Maya, the cosmic delusion that the creator set in motion for our lessons and progression and growth, as we strip away the unessential arriving at last to our

essence, which is our spiritual birthright.

Sher Ahmed Khan Ann , Microsoft Paint is a very interesting tool that comes free with a MS[Microsoft] Windows.. It has both a Surface and a Paint Box ...

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin oh! that's an interesting way to use technology - I now see the 'brush' strokes... Can you bring more depth in one way or another with that tool?

Sher Ahmed Khan Dear, I am still practicing ,i once did get amazing results 

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin I'll wait then... :-)

Kevin Murphy · Friends with Ann Mahieu-Bottequin

So beautifully done Sher Ahmed Khan, beautifully done , thank you, and good morning..and good morning to you too Ann

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin Thank you Kevin for your enlightened words. Good morning to you and wonderful Sunday. Much Love. Ann

Kevin Murphy · Friends with Ann Mahieu-Bottequin

Thankyou Madam for this acknowledgement...I would love to say I live to serve, but I am too often self-serving. However when witness to the expression of the creative soul such as in Mr Khans work, Im a reminded of our collective spiritualheritage, and the opportunity each day offers to cultivate and embrace this awareness. Bound by this spiritual thread we see it take form as it transforms us.... This in turn serves to take me out of my-"self" for a moment at least, reminding me once again, that I have a choice. Everyday, still another oppotunity... Once again, thank you Mr Khan and Ann, thank you.

Kevin Murphy · Friends with Ann Mahieu-BottequinThis man, mr. Khan, is truly gifted

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin @Kevin: I agree.

Kevin Murphy · Friends with Ann Mahieu-Bottequin Inshalla! Aum, Peace, and Good Morning!!

Kevin Murphy · Friends with Ann Mahieu-BottequinYes and good morning to all Gods children

Alan Lewis Robinson · Ann Bonjour I have two profiles for you one is Ann and the other is Ann 2 are you the same person? Merci Bon Journee !

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory It is such a beautiful experimentation and the result is just amazing dear Sher a mosaic of feelings and images blend in colour schemes and moods

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin 

@Bonjour Alan: yes I am the same person. You can see the profile pics are the same person (they cannot come from the Internet as they were taken by me 2 days ago). The II profile is a back-up of my friend list just in case I get a virus or if I loose my account for whatever reason. But it is only on my II profile that you can tag pics (related to the ARTS and CULTURE. So if you promote travels for example, you would have to present it with a background of Historical Monuments or Discovery of the Arts in Italy etc.) - Have a wonderful Sunday. Much Love. Ann

Marie-Claire Sayd Dear Sher, Thanks for sharing with us your fantastic work, my friend : I love that creation ; you are blessed... I wish you an incredible week...

Charles Thomas Armstrong Thanks !

Sher Ahmed Khan Thankyou Kevin for so much praise..I see the influence inside of a Spirit its face was actually, what Dear Ann percieved before us.This spirit Aashiq Jinn of Zana Adultry is seemingly showing frustration... and soon this Church of Great danes will be felled! Because we can unite and show activism for sake of our Sons and Daughters so this spirit does not force them to break a commandment and weaken the soul of God in them..Thankyou again Kevin...God Bless You!

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory The blue face of our conscience... always present as a ghost even among the colourful glittering lights of a gala or in the darkest night under the stars watching us like "the Cain's eye in his tomb " to quote Victor Hugo.

Marie-Claire Sayd You're right, my dearest Sher and Alexandre... Thanks... Bless

Sher Ahmed Khan A percentage of peer pressure is understandable but ,the fighting the churches of infidelity is best cause for humanity to save a future! & its emergence in fourth dimension replicate cycle of life !


Le blog de Mademoiselle VIPLe relais de l'excellence à Genève et en Suisse vers l'International: luxe, plaisirs et innovations

 Spring kite Festival'Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory the kite of spring floating in the sky and painting our days with colorful hues so beautiful Sher xoxox


Amir of Dubai.

Ayesegul Sher Ahmed Khan Welcome Aysegul and enjoy the birthday with family...

Ayşegül K Altın · ♥ Thanks a lot dear

Perfect likes.Ann Mahieu-Bottequin Thank you dear Sher. Have a good day. Much Love. Ann

Loulou Loulwa انا معاكم

Loulou Loulwa ديما

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory thank you SHER HAVE A LOVELY WEEK-END LEAVING FOR A FEW DAYS IN L.A

Marie-Claire Sayd Many thanks, dear Sher... Have a wonderful day and week end... Love from France..

Splash!Richard Lopez Thanks a lot Ahmed

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin Benting towards the right?... much love ann

Umer Firoz Pirzada Thanks Budy :-)

Alexandra Narodetzki Thank you a lot my friend!!!The colors are fantastic!!

Catherine Iannino Conti Thank you my friend! Beautiful and vibrant colors!

Cyntia Lay · Friends with Rose Pretty nice one

Cathy Inigo Mont Thank you and Hugs, my dear Sher, I like it

Sher Ahmed Khan Thankyou Ann for the kind words!

Sun is warm,palm trees swaying.Little kids,in the ocean playing.The wonderful smell,of my tanning lotion.

Listening to the music, at Island Paradise...

Ann Mahieu-Bottequin Thank you Sher Ahmed for thinking of me. Much Love. Ann

Sharaf Domini very nice!...

Catherine Iannino Conti Thank you dear is wonderful.. All the best to you!....

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Poetry is in yout vocabulary my dear Sher... as well as talent. God Bless Angels like U….

Aminul Islam Wonderful idea and compose….

Nasser Al Falasi nice pic bro & thx 4 tag :)

THE DURAND LINE.Gary Manzo Wonderfully graphic Sher...thank you.

Sher Ahmed Khan Wah! Thanks Gary.Werner,Nahide ,Marilyn ,Paul Devecchi,........................... :]

Art Isabeau waw....i like....mercyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

My Best Wishes to Pakistani Cricket Team at The ICC Cricket World Cup 2011; ICC Champions Trophy;Tahir Afridi · Friends with Mahboob Afridi

dubai bahut acha bobbe

Sher Ahmed Khan Yes,Buck Up Afridi!

MULTI MEDIA MIRACLE.Susanne Westhoff · Friends with Carolina Alonso

Thank you Sher.

Olivia von Radiossc · 44 mutual friends


Alexandra Narodetzki very interesting !! Thank you !

Cathy Inigo Mont Thanks, Sher

Tatiana Ivanova Thank you, Sher! Very beautiful!

Fred Eucharis · 2 mutual friends

bonne composition,mais il manque des blancs de lumière près des jaunes pour un bon equilibre des formes et des couleurs.

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Pink and Violet hues are dominating the wonderful and cheerful composition because they are the colors of spiritual communication... fantastic Sher

Isabel Van Fechtmann · 235 mutual friends

I agree with Alexandre. Pink and violet hues are enthralling and magical. It is a lovely abstract painting.

HAPPY SAINT VALENTINE’S DAY!Nagybali Maria Happy Valentine's Day,dear Sher Ahmed Khan!Greetings and Blessings.

Ammar Kazmi no doubt he was the great saint Valentine who introduced this lovers day for mankind.

TRIANGLES Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Beautiful Image lSher Ahmed a life framed with triangles, arrows for direction...or springboards...

Michael Occupy Alexander · Wow, I like this one too! Makes me think of EM waves and quantum entanglement.

Sher Ahmed Khan Thankyou ,everything engulfs in science-tism and we are also watching Cubism in finality! I can improve the space impact by multi degrees ,maybe for now it is interesting!Basically perfection to me seems a commissioned fait and in the acedemic field it potrays the amount of comfort!

Shana M. Skaggs Cool pic

Nasser Al Falasi nice pic khan ♥


Written Constitutions clash with natural or religious growth in children. Allah’s laws are higher and closest to Natural Laws of Humans and The Planet.

The is here now soon See the pieces will connectone grand to be in colorone day for all the Constantinople to fall .

Skunks Worldtheories The Online World Of Back_Street

I'll announce this as soon as I'm able. I only mention it because of the ... I didn't want to talk about all those things you've seen a million times in ... Just finished a new piece which I'm thinking will be one of the title page pieces. ... If I'd known then that one day I'd get to do an honest to" cover for heaven" in faith but the news roolin on to hump the rock ...

Sher Ahmed Khan Part of the holy attention is to guarantee fullest knowledge and good gentleman expression to lead the evil out from the hamlin!

Skunks Worldtheories everything frenchy hurting 1776....?

Sher Ahmed Khan O yes 1776 ..This is not a theory only! Its the 'nzar' ,imagine when the Presidents had no support to help the European 'push'... Ronald Reagan actually roamed London with Automatic Rifles and requested his banquet meal at Windsor tested . 

The envoy Richard Holbrooke perhaps got sentimental and killed himself?

Skunks Worldtheories 

but frenchy.. so the letter of the zsar about global corruption,nationalism and french revolution [global] by the rosebound aka illuminati catched by bavarian police ann 08-16 date..and this group aka Alexander Edward Wolf-gang aleister crom/wley..thelema or today opus dei and scientology killed the family of the czar under the UK Queens order.World War 1 and 2 is only about a family war of faith and or evil and corrupted by this Dornröschen_sleeper cult.Today is about the family in Jordan...while nuts spea-king in nothing.

Sher Ahmed Khan 

this picture has moved me a lot.. at the edges all four color lines seem correct like a well versed passage.. Interior Ministry.. Church of Catholics...The Judiciary ... Free Masonary .... Inside the picture their is a big twistment and masquerade ......

.......Public Leaders of democracies these 100 years ,are very tall than present royalty although that pride hath fallen too except where the opposition is stronger.. russian agency betrayed their causes [so both ends one agency ]and a macabre of papparazzis red armies confused the original theme ]to book apartments in paradise and tried shape a new press .

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory So true So unreal but real... the Mascarade is on since 1778 and will prevail until the army of the Justs will gather and strike

Sher Ahmed Khan 

Very true haha 7+ becomes sweet treason that induced Cancer into the place...We were talking of the 6 that the lower genre feels poked in the back by invisible pressure!............

The Moral Majority was ignored. But the point of view helped all through and WORLD PEACE gained .At CNN Jerry Falwell chatted Larry Flynt.And then everyone was put behind strong big bureaucracies like EEU and UN Foundation to bring the new world closer to the treason of former world..

GOALCarol Williams-Butler ...Sharp lines in your artwork as well, Imagine that!... Sher Ahmed Khan Par défaut, c'est moi..........:) Carol Williams-Butler ...C'est vraiment!...

;-) Sher Ahmed Khan Thanks Carol, ................................................. with the true ! Carol Williams-Butler ...Mais certainment!The Truth Shall Prevail...

:-) Jodjana T Jamian it's the rhythm and the the pattern made fabulous..

Sher Ahmed Khan

n Xanadu did Kubla KhanA stately pleasure-dome decree :Where Alph, the sacred river, ran............................................

And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far Ancestral voices prophesying war! 

'Set The Lion Free!

Sher Ahmed Khan

The Protégé Rulers don't have clean money in Pakistan and other poorest nations .Dirty money comes from Terrorism [International Gun Trade, Prostitution[Spreading Poverty] Drugs [ Chemical based Drugs like Heroine].. Now is that Watching over Affairs!

GREAT GLOBALIST Joan Cerbo Castronuevo Greetings

SHAHBAZ KHAN Sher Ahmed Khan

By 1966 Shahbaz Khan had already read all thewestern novels and illustrated classics and comics. Max Brand ,1.1. everyone! In 1982 Jimmy Carters VP spent 40 Million USD to create a WesternMovie that didnt make it for a second week and everyone thought thereception was hazzzy! In 1988 Ronald Reagan lifted ban from Stage coach. But Shahbaz Khan still faces bans ! Shahbaz khan is a great scenic realistic oil painter,infact world's best in western painting ,he is so eloquent with his brush that shape of figures in his paintings beat thin eloquent strokes around shapes to create perfect figure .Shahbaz creates a objects from a full full palette ,i mean by addingcolor freely to compensate the object he draws ,only Shahbaz draws it naturally a full war picture or cowboys rising a trail

At first round you remember FM Ayub was removed.1969.The Second Round Mr Bhutto was Removed but he passed the baton to Military Gen, Zia.1978.In the Third Round Zia was removed and his proteges came in.1983.In The Fourth Round The Oxford and Harvard Comparative Government was failed after felling The world Economy!1995.In The Fifth Round The Constitutional Battles began and Justices and Judges went on a raft ride until the entire worlds Culture and Production was challenged But Military Gen,Musharraf imposed a Martial Law and created a cabinet of Harvard Policy Students while the Economic policy in the West had changed!1999. In The Sixth Round Democratisation faced a General Election and Musharraf and his tough Bureaucratic Cabinet was toppled but The PPP leaders could not take rule until they shared power by allowinghim to escape and rewarded MQM one Governorship.2009.The Final Round is in atough forward move , and worldwide Information and Ministry has changed The Way to Rule ......

WELCOME SPRING!Marie-Claire Sayd Thanks, Sher : you send us colours of spring which carry joy and happiness in our heart ... Thanks again for that, my friend ...

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Sher it is a beautiful and cheerful painting my friend

Susanne Westhoff · Thank you, Sher.


Skunks Worldtheories Half way out...

CHERE’Leticia Rothschild Gondalfo Nice abstract and very colorful! thank you, Sher Ahmed Khan it's very kind of you

Sher Ahmed Khan to María Angélica Labas Vojvoda

Happy Birthday my dearSpring is in the airLove song of naturethe butterfly singsand the flowers hear.

María Angélica Labas Vojvoda Beautiful poem, thank very much, have a nice life!!!

Con amor de,Sher Gavkharshodbegim Akhmedova Thank you, dear Sher Ahmed Khan!!! )))

Sharaf Domini very nice!

Ariela Anderson cool

Ever since the Gregory Peck thriller ''Marooned '' was released i have held The Space to myself, and during my stay in USA where i took Associate Courses in Graphic Technology, i only observed that no individuals, but ,only organizations could tackle Space, and that too at earlier stages ,like stage 1, 2, but, not 3, or 4 . I can say Stanley

Kubrik< scenic view> or Francis Cappola were inspiration ?well! they were interesting. Miro or Piccaso developed so i cannot say they were not workers in the Cubist Movement but they prospered from it ,although the real vision was elsewhere ...and more Political.

Cheryl Wykel-Jones Thank you my dear friend. This is such an interesting piece

Sher Ahmed Khan I made this first when i was in class two of school ,Alexandre!~

Imran Rauf Thank you sir.

STARS AGAIN Lepore Pasquale thanks


Cathy Inigo Mont Sher, colorful graphics and gaiety


Susanne Westhoff · Friends with Carolina Alonso

Happy birthday and thanks!

Mohamad Machnouk Nice to be among this lovely group wishing our friend Magdaleina happy birthday...Nice idea and beautiful art work dear Sher...

Jawad Nazir Happy Birthday Magdaleina :)

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Happy Birthday Magdalena as cheerful and harmonious as the beautiful painting of Sher with different colorful levels of bliss

Magdaleina El Haj thank you sher.....your painting joyful as a rainbow trough rain drops....thank you every body,WERNER,SUSANNE,MOHAMAD,JAWAD,ALEXANDER,cheers....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBARA! Barbara Ritthaler Thanks so very much!


Happy Birthday Wishes To You.

Ebon Totvm  Muchas thanks Sher...and warmest saludos !!

December 19, 2010 at 6:30pm · Unlike ·    1

UBA Argentina

Luisa Cristina Van Kerckhoven Thank you very much and congratulations!. Besos

Nadira Khidoyatova Happy Birthday!Thanks for sharing.

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory Love it... like a chain of fraternity pain and happiness as Life goes thru different stages,states,mood, colors,winds ... Hope and Creation Light and Despair

Sher Ahmed Khan Exactly it is so ,Thanks a lot.....,a continuation of my last work ,where the interference inside the states is detectable and mingling....

Skunks Worldtheories HB...Männchen ! Tune Happxy Birthday.

Tia Nenov happy birthday and wishing you a good start in the new year!

Tonya Koleva Yordanova Thank you so much !! God bless you !! xoxoxo

SYRUPTonya Koleva Yordanova Thank you so much !! God bless you !! xoxoxo

Loudette Beck Love the color combi!

Katarina Draskovich Prof. Dr. med. at Private

Le dirigeant suprême du 'club' et sovereign princesse de Monaco est très glamour et un ami trop .. Peint par Sher pour tous ses sympathisants et à l'occasion de nos 56 anniversaire de naissance le 7 mars, celeberation à Facebook ... — Yvette Debono · Tomorrow my dear Sher you will receive so many birthday wishes from all your friends who love you and wish you well and from me as well.God bless you .xxx

Yasmeen Baroness Von Schleinitz Wishing you a fabulous weekend! Have a nice day tomorrow Dearest Sher and enjoy your special day!

Tomas Laskovsky I wish you peaceful weekend and enjoy your birth day, Sher. Tomas

Carol Williams-Butler ...~B~E~A~U~T~I~F~U~L~...This is one of my favorites Sher, of your artwork that I have seen!..

Ana Wla Enta enjoy your birth day, Mr. Sher.

Sher Ahmed Khan Thankyou very much everyone for wishing me...

Thoughtful Taurlena · Friends with Chaudhry Shujaat HussainAS U WISH SIR

Lorre White ,she is a style guru ,all Monacan! 


Maria Johanna Von Habsburg-Brusteinberg · 223 mutual friends

I'm so honored !!!Thanks Sher Ahmed Khan !

Zhanna Danieljan · 53 mutual friends

Thank you dear Sher,I am honourd,that you like my pics!!!Wish you a nice day dear friend

Dani Baves really nice

National University of La Plata

Delfi González thanks you for sharing it, i loved it

Dato' Romona Murad Beautiful...thanks for sharing, Sher~

Sher Ahmed Khan Thats my FB friend An-Margrite...Anahita Khambata u made this? Its amazing

la tolérance à la criminalité internationale est une simple gêne l'égard du temps et de la société ..

I am member Number 17 of The Prince's Rainforest Project. Join us.....

Pierre-Brieu Hoareau Regnault 17 a good number.

Pierre-Brieu Hoareau Regnault

Works at Natixis and Future King Of Switzerland!

Bella Cruz my FB and Flickr contact friend,she is herself a very good Self Potrait photagrapher..She is one 'expo unique"

Bella Crux Ohh WOW :)) I love it! The colors..the's Wonderful!Thank you my friend. I really appreciate it.


aquí es que Dani Dani Baves soy yo ? jajaja,gracias ,es lindo pero raro ,saludos.

Sher Ahmed Khan se podría ganar un viaje a Europa, chinita Dani...

Delfi González sos vos en un afoto que estas girandoooo :O

Sher Ahmed Khan descubrirme a donde se muestra agradable han comenzado como 'sonido de arte "... Aphotics alafoto, arte y diseño es un gobierno muy caro! poder! Somos el reinado!

Pop Art is very 'in' these days... I have lot of invitations to Europe and M E.


MAGDELENA from Warsaw..

Sophia Armstrong ,from NASA ‘ Orphan’s of Apollo 11 .

Magdelena again. Eastern European Intellectualism.


Kit Layog Great Job, You Highness..

Kimberly Hogan-Castillo What we take we have to but back tree seedlings in it's place.

Anahita Khambata · need of the hour..

ZANA Trainer ,helps you build perfect body! Faithma Khan beautiful lovely

Friends are everywhere ,Like so many stars twinkling in the sky

But dear Paloma Rockefellar Your the apple of my eye.....

The Bongrands .

Elisabeth Cpte Plein Wow Sher, You made this when I was hospitalized, just saw it now! Happy 2010 and thank you soooo much!Love and light E.


Dani Hidayat What is it? What picture in this photo?

Sher Ahmed Khan He is my Brother The King not The Ambassador..

Suki Chen 'The Dashing Contender.

Carol Williams-Butler ...Yes Sher, It is time for some dancing, once again, love your artwork...

The Red Line of Security........................Our Political Dilemma!

Art Isabeau is original.......mercyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Sara Levi Waiss thanx my dear!!

Donadio Salvatore grazie bellissima....

Sher Ahmed Khan merely protecting corruption money that the politicians loose strength to hold by themselves!

Nawab Ikramullah Khan Regards

Sher Ahmed Khan thank-you and peace and blessings my excellency brother...

Anette Lindegaard Great ...... Getting the imagination turned on - good image ! Thank you so very kindly ...... ♥♥♥

Cathy Inigo Mont It's very nice, but I would have preferred an invitation for a weekend of relaxation on your yacht :-))

Marie-Claire Sayd Thank you, my dear friend... as always : it's beautiful and inspired...

Jenna Ameera merci tres merveilleux, nous pourrons espere!

Michel Paris ... Very inspirated painting 

The Three WorldsBiljana Nikić · WOW!!! It is fantastic !!!

Sher Ahmed Khan Thankyou Biljana , Frederique Reyanne and friends,,,

Biljana Nikić ·You`re welcome.....XOXOB

Michel Paris ...Analysis of a 3 D vision...

Sher Ahmed Khan Extreme top! what do say from works?

Skunks Worldtheories the works made the others....they are helping...than.not me.pray for give them help by their prayers.

Sher Ahmed Khan The commercialists ,they fear now me or you my dear...

Skunks Worldtheories is not about commerce is about fake humanity.....with fake love....they mean only sex....or maom.

Skunks Worldtheories


Carol Williams-Butler ...Another gorgeous piece of artwork Sher! XOXOXOC... :-)

ELISABETH is Sweden Monaco circuit style guru.


Marie-Claire Sayd Thank you, Sher... You put me on the violet light... :))

Jean Boggio mille et un merci

Sher Ahmed Khan Dear Marie,then inside the yellow frame is something i yearn quite but least talk about..

Cathy Inigo Mont Hugs, kisses and Good weekend, ? ? my dear Sher

Marie-Claire Sayd Dear Sher, is the yellow frame representing Sun and God, as in the ancient Egypt ?

and as it is in the center, all the other stars and galaxies around it ...

Anaam Mojamed · Friends with Noura Khalifa yes es byou teflll

this is a window : there is a light.ah! ah! aa! light.:]Marie-Claire Sayd There is always a light in the dark ! 

Sher Ahmed Khan o yes, that is like a promise from good books..

Marie-Claire Sayd

Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

Marie-Claire Sayd Exactly, my dearest friend...

Sher Ahmed Khan Merci , the light could have a central position .

Marie-Claire Sayd But even so, there is always the light that comes from Above ...

Sher Ahmed Khan exactly,dear , Marie, the light 'from above' comes shining its priorities and only in hands of godsman.. :]

Marie-Claire Sayd Yes.... :))

Cathy Inigo Mont ? ? Sher

Carol Williams-Butler ...Yes, I see it, And, It can NOT possibly, be that far away! XOXOXOC... ;-)

Michel Paris ...There is a light Still a lighted candle in the dark ;-)

Leonore Cottrant It could be the light inside you Dear ...

Leonore Cottrant

Founder, Editor-in-Chief

Vinnie Schortdhil reminds me of that little slice of window in the office where I raise money for charity; for the blind, the deaf, the paralyzed, the dismembered, the abused, the children

Vinnie Schortdhil Indeed. My GOD-friend keeps showing up, making real cool cloud pictures in that little slice of window. Difficult to keep one's know, with THAT kind of thing happening...awful distracting...really...

Vinnie Schortdhil I mean, don't get me wrong. I really am a tuff guy

SCENERY.Amer N. Raja Panoramic ♥

Alexandre De Bothuri Bàthory une merveille de couleurs et de vibrations thank you brother

Sher Ahmed Khan the colors are unique ,indeed..

Patrizia Heinz thanks with love moon ♥

Carol Williams-Butler ...My goodness! I love it! Sher, you continue to amaze me, with your brilliant creativity! XOXOXOC... :-)

Cathy Inigo Mont●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●.♥♥♥ (¯*•๑۩۞۩: ♥MERVEILLEUX ♥ :۩۞۩ •๑ *¯) ♥♥♥.●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●

Cathy Inigo Mont

Works at Ministére des Finances

Jean Boggio mille et un merci baci dio

Sher Ahmed Khan avec merci tous les...............

Kate De Zarne Pernod Pretty Sher Thanks ♡ ♡ ♡Skunks Worldtheories happy birthday...where gad today...da

Biljana Nikić · 3 mutual friendsI want your exhibition in Belgrade !!!

BLOSSOMING SKYAnette Lindegaard Very Beautiful ....... ♥♥♥

Anette Lindegaard

New York University

Jean Boggio Superbe feux d' artifice de couleurs. Baci

Serge Vedernikov wonderful photo!thx Anthea

Denis Cakir Thanks

Chef MaryBeth Johnson thank you so very much. So very thoughtful,

I never fit a standard mold!!! What does it matter now?

Donadio Salvatore molto bella..Thanks!!!***......COLOR

Denis Cakir Thanks

Selma Limam Very beautiful painting I really like it, thank you for the tag :-))

Sonia Ben Youssef

Académie scientifique de Beauté Paris

Thank U very much...

Cathy Inigo Mont Thanks my Brother Sher. ? Have a nice and a relaxing weekend ? Amer is also, my friend

Sher Ahmed Khan O dear,your pointing at Amers beautiful yatch? ... lol! reaching!

Carol Williams-Butler ...YACHT, this or that... ;-)

Amer N. Raja Hi Cathy - Have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the Brother Sher's party on yatch ♥

Amer N. Raja must - Brother Sher is very generous contact him - :)

Faisal Malik Well.....this is Cool...........Gr8 colour Scheme

AnnaSofia Ponti Degli Angeli Thank You very much for the Tag, my congratulations for Your painting, it's the rainbow inside my heart!

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