art app group exam

Post on 08-Sep-2015






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Espinosa, Kate B.201110291

The artwork in the museum that made an impression upon me is Still by Lani Maestro. Its a sticker print out that was on the wall on the second floor in Metropolitan Museum. What I understood in these artwork is that it is about distance among two people or things, that when they get close to each other something will change and result to forgetfulness and that something will vanish from them. Statements like this are hard to decode. There are always that hidden meaning beyond these statements. But if I relate on how I understood Heidegger, we need to ask different questions and find the answer of those questions so that we can understand or conceal the truth about that specific artwork so that the truth will come out. Each of us has a different interpretation of what we have read in the artwork. But one thing that can enlighten us is the title, to stay Still. If it do not, that thing will disappear.

I knew myself as sentimental person. Being in the two museum makes me feel a more sentimental one. I had these hobby of keeping everything. Even my grade school wallet is still in me. My recollection letter when I was in sixth grade is still in that 9 years old wallet. What more of seeing an art that was twice or thrice as old as me? It makes me appreciate art more. That something can really be preserve if you took a good care of it. If you love and cherish it, you will never lose that one thing that was important in you. Furthermore, new artworks inspired me to keep something that was valuable to me and to not stop being a sentimental one.Art can become a space to reconsider ones individuality by peoples passion in life. For example in the movie Dead Poets Society, John Keating inspires his students to seize the moment. Then later on, Neil who was one of his students applied this carpe diem teachings of his teacher and live his life on enjoying the moment without thinking what will happen in the future. He then reconsider his passion in life, which was being a stage actor. That stage acting is his art. Thats how he can express his self. Because art is expressing yourself in every possible way you want it. In my situation, the art that I am passionate except from TV series is music, listening to different genre of songs affects my mood. When hearing songs, I listen to the message of the songs. Also, songs can remind you of someone and something from the past and the present that affects me when listening to a specific song.

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