arlington county, virginia · arlington county, virginia fiscal year 2015 annual report virginia...

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Arlington County, Virginia

Arlington County, Virginia

Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report

Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit No. VA0088579

2013 – 2018 Permit Cycle

Submitted September 30, 2015


Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 4

REPORTING ELEMENTS ............................................................................................... 6

PART I – AUTHORIZATION, EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ........................ 6 A. DISCHARGES AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT ............................................................... 6

2. Permittee Responsibilities .................................................................................... 6 4. MS4 Program Resources ...................................................................................... 8 5. Permit Maintenance Fees ..................................................................................... 8 6. MS4 Program Plan ............................................................................................... 8

B. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................ 8 1. PLANNING ............................................................................................................... 8 2. MS4 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................. 9

a) Construction Site Runoff ...................................................................................... 9 b) Post Construction Runoff from Areas of New Development and Development on Prior Developed Land ........................................................................................................... 9 c) Retrofitting on Prior Developed Lands ..................................................................10 d) Roadways ..........................................................................................................15 e) Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Application ........................................................15 f) Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal ..................................................................16 g) Spill Prevention and Response .............................................................................17 h) Industrial & High Risk Runoff ..............................................................................17 i) Storm Sewer Infrastructure Management ................................................................23 j) County Facilities ....................................................................................................24 k) Public Education/Participation..............................................................................25 l) Training ...............................................................................................................32 m) Water Quality Screening Programs.......................................................................35

C. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................39

1. BACTERIOLOGICAL MONITORING ..................................................................................39 a) Four-Mile Run Watershed ....................................................................................39 b) Additional Watersheds ........................................................................................45

2. BIOLOGICAL STREAM MONITORING ...............................................................................45 3. FLOATABLES MONITORING ..........................................................................................50 4. STRUCTURAL AND SOURCE CONTROLS COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND TRACKING .....................50

D. TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS .......................................................................51

1. CHESAPEAKE BAY SPECIAL CONDITION ..........................................................................51 2. TMDL ACTION PLANS OTHER THAN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY TMDL ........................................53

Appendix A. MS4 Program Plan

Appendix B. Retrofits Completed

Appendix C. Illicit Discharge Reports and Investigations

Appendix D. Sample VPDES Industrial GP Inspections

Appendix E. Sample Commercial Facility Inspection HSI-006

Appendix F. Bacteria Monitoring Detailed Information

Appendix G. Biological Stream Monitoring Detailed Information


Appendix H. MS4 Service Area and Area Treated by Watersheds

Appendix I. Summary of Training and Certification for Plan Reviewers, Inspectors,

and Program Administrators

Appendix J. SWMF and Retrofit Load Reductions


INTRODUCTION Arlington County’s Department of Environmental Services prepared this Municipal Separate Storm Sewer

System (MS4) Permit annual report as required by Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP)

Permit VA0088579, issued on June 26, 2013. Unless otherwise noted, this report covers Fiscal Year 2015:

July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

For background and detailed information about Arlington County’s stormwater and watershed

management programs, please see the County’s website:


Highlights of key performance measures for Fiscal Year 2015 are summarized below:

Program highlights for FY2015

Post Construction Stormwater Management Facilities

Total number of private water quality facilities inspected 582

Total number of County random inspections of private water quality facilities 70

Public water quality facilities inspected 74

New water quality facilities constructed 424

Development and Redevelopment

Number of regulated land disturbing activities approved 269

Number of compliance notices and enforcement actions for Erosion and Sediment Control 581

Stormwater Infrastructure

Total linear feet of storm sewers inspected 99,411

Number of catch basins cleaned 2,938

Retrofits and Trees

Number of public retrofit projects completed since 7/1/2009* 29

Number of acres treated for public retrofit projects completed since 7/1/2009* 13.1

Number of volunteer retrofit projects on private property completed since program

inception (2012)


Number of trees planted or distributed 1381

*Start of Chesapeake Bay TMDL accounting period

Monitoring and Pollution Response and Prevention Activities

Bacteria Monitoring

Number of samples collected at 21 sites 252

Linear feet of sanitary sewer TV inspected 99,448


Program highlights for FY2015

Biological Stream Monitoring

Number of monitoring events at 10 sites 30

Street Sweeping

Lane miles swept 11,210

Tons of particulate matter collected 2,347


Number of pieces of trash collected 2,408

Illicit Discharge Investigation

Number of illicit discharges investigations 104

Household hazardous materials program

Total number of participants 9,045

Total number of pounds of material collected 592,801

Nutrient management

Acres with turf and landscape nutrient management plans implemented 23.34

Outreach, Education, and Training

Employee training

Number of training sessions provided 20

Number of participants 788

Public presentations and workshops

Number of events 46

Estimated number of individuals reached 4512


REPORTING ELEMENTS The reporting elements in this annual report follow the information provided with Arlington County’s MS4

Program Plan. The Program Plan includes both reporting elements explicitly listed in the MS4 permit as

well as elements not listed in the MS4 permit but where reporting of program activity is logical based on

the permit condition.

The format below follows the MS4 permit organizational and section numbering scheme. Please note that

numbering may not be consecutive because some numbered permit sections do not have an associated

reporting element.

The ‘arrow’ bullet symbols and outline box identify the specific permit reporting element required

by the permit or identified in the MS4 Program Plan.

Part I – Authorization, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements

A. Discharges Authorized Under This Permit

2. Permittee Responsibilities

List of agency acronyms:

ACE Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment

ACFD Arlington County Fire Department

ACPD Arlington County Police Department

APS Arlington Public Schools

CPHD Community Planning, Housing, and Development Department

DEQ Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

DES Department of Environmental Services

DTD Division of Transportation and Development

DPR Department of Parks and Recreation

DSB Development Services Bureau

EB Equipment Bureau

ENG Engineering Bureau

FE Facilities and Engineering Division

FMB Facilities Management Bureau

HD Health Department

OD Operations Division

OSEM Office of Sustainability and Environmental Management

SWB Solid Waste Bureau

TEO Transportation, Engineering and Operations Bureau

TR Transit

WPCB Water Pollution Control Bureau

WSS Water Sewer Streets Bureau


Program Element Responsible party

Permittee Responsibilities

Legal authority DES/OSEM

MS4 Program Resources DES/OSEM

Permit Maintenance Fees DES/OSEM

MS4 Program Plan DES/OSEM

MS4 Program Review and Updates DES/OSEM

Stormwater Management

Planning DES/OSEM

Construction Site Runoff DES/DTD/DSB

Post Construction Runoff from Areas of New Development

and Development on Prior Developed Land



Retrofitting on Prior Developed Lands DES/OSEM,DPR



Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Application DPR, DES/OD/WSS, DES/FE/FMB

Illicit Discharge and Improper Disposal DES/OD/SWB, DES/OD/WSS, DES/OSEM, ACE, ACFD,




Industrial & High Risk Runoff DES/OSEM, DES/OD/SWB, ACFD, HD

Storm Sewer Infrastructure Management DES/OD/WSS, DES/OSEM

County Facilities

Good Housekeeping All Departments

High Priority Municipal Facilities DES/OSEM, DES/OD/WSS, DES/OD/SWB, DES/OD/EB,


Public Education/Participation and Training

Public Education/Participation DES/OSEM, ACFD, HD, DES/OD/WPCB, DES/OD/SWB




Dry Weather Screening Program DES/OSEM, DES/OD/WSS

Wet Weather Screening Program DES/OSEM

Biological Stream Monitoring DES/OSEM

Floatables Monitoring DES/OSEM

Structural and Source Controls Compliance Monitoring and



TMDL Action Plan and Implementation

Chesapeake Bay Special Condition DES/OSEM

TMDL Action Plans other than the Chesapeake Bay TMDL DES/OSEM

***For detailed information regarding responsible parties, please refer to Arlington County’s MS4 Program Plan.


List of episodes of non-compliance:

- None.

4. MS4 Program Resources

The County Board approved a sanitary district tax in April 2008 to fund an expanded stormwater

management program. The approved sanitary district tax rate is currently $0.013 per 100 dollars of

assessed property value. This tax generated approximately $8.6 million in funding for FY 2015, with

all tax revenues placed in a dedicated Stormwater Fund. These funds provide funding for stream

restoration and watershed retrofit planning, design, and construction, site inspections, stormwater

facility inspections and maintenance, engineering plan review, and regulatory compliance. The

Stormwater Fund also provides funding for system capacity improvements in critical locations and

proactive system maintenance and replacement.

Adopted FY16 budget for stormwater:


Adopted budget of $9.3 million.

Adopted FY15-24 CIP:

5. Permit Maintenance Fees

Arlington County has paid the MS4 annual permit maintenance fee for permit number VA0088579

by check 1857282, 9/10/2015.

6. MS4 Program Plan


B. Stormwater Management

1. Planning Arlington County provided DEQ links to the following master planning elements prior to December 31,

2013, as required by the permit.


Stream Assessment:


Watershed Retrofit Plan:


2. MS4 Program Implementation

a) Construction Site Runoff

Number of regulated land disturbing activities approved: 269

Total number of acres disturbed: 116.52

Number of Erosion and Sediment Control Inspections conducted: 5,341

Enforcement Summary

Type Count

Verbal Notice to Comply 547

Written Notice of Violation 22

Stop Work Order 12

b) Post Construction Runoff from Areas of New Development and Development on Prior

Developed Land

Strategy to address maintenance of stormwater management controls of individual residential lots.

- For development from 2/8/2003 - 6/30/2014, Maintenance and Monitoring Agreements (MMAs) were a requirement of Chapter 61-13 of Arlington County Code.

- For development after 6/30/2014, MMAs are a requirement of Chapter 60-12 of the Arlington County Code adopted on 05/10/2014.

- MMAs are required for stormwater management facilities for all regulated development activity, including individual residential lots.

- Current form:


List of all land disturbing projects that qualify under the ‘Grandfathering’ provision of the VSMP

regulations found at 4 VAC 50-60-48/9VAC25-870-10.

Name Address Site Plan

Wakefield Manor 2025 Fairfax Drive 417

4601-4607 Old Dominion Dr 4601,4607 Old Dominion Dr U-3105-04-1

2515 Lee Hwy 2515,2525 Lee Highway U-3148-05-1

3405 25th St S U-3009-04-1/U-3100-04-1

NSTA Office Site Plan 1840 Wilson Blvd 382

3803 Fairfax Drive Expansion 3803 Fairfax Dr 196

The Spire/Fairmont 4420 Fairfax Dr 331


Name Address Site Plan

Potomac Yard - Land Bay C Jefferson Davis Hwy 346

Potomac Yard - Land Bay D-West Jefferson Davis Hwy 346

Lofts at Crystal Houses 1900 S Eads St 13

Crystal City Retail - Phase II 2010 Crystal Dr 56

Airport Plaza IV 2600 Crystal Dr 145

Pentagon Centre PDSP Phase I, II,

and III 1201 S Hayes 297

705/707 N Barton St (w/SP #406) 705 N Barton St U-3173-07-1

**List sent to DEQ on August 28, 2014

Summary of actions taken to implement statutory and regulatory requirements of the Virginia

Stormwater Management Program Regulations.

All projects with land disturbing activity exceeding 2,500 square feet are reviewed for compliance with the County’s Stormwater Management Ordinance (Chapter 60 of the County Code) and Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 61 of the County Code) in DES/DTD/DSB, with regulatory, policy and technical support provided by DES/OSEM. In addition, most activity within the Resource Protection Area (generally within 100 feet of a stream channel) is reviewed by DES/DOT/DSB and DES/OSEM, regardless of the level of land disturbance. - For development prior to 7/1/2014, Chapter 61 and the Stormwater Detention Ordinance

(Chapter 60 of the County Code) required the control of post-construction stormwater quality and quantity from development projects.

- Development after 6/30/2014 is regulated by the new Chapter 60, adopted on 05/10/2014 to reflect the modification required by Virginia Stormwater Management Act (62.1-44.15:24, et seq.) and Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit Regulations (9 VAC 25-870-10 et seq.).

- Chapter 61 of Arlington County Code was revised and adopted on 05/10/2014 for consistency with the new Stormwater Management Ordinance.

c) Retrofitting on Prior Developed Lands

The list of the 29 retrofit projects completed since the 7/1/2009 start date for Bay TMDL accounting

(including 1 project during FY15) can be found in Appendix B and in electronic format: file name


Tree Planting and Replacement Programs:

Program Number of Trees Planted or Distributed by Year


FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

County Parkland and County right-of-way 673 804 1477

Distributed to Private property owners 812 577 1389


Summary of StormwaterWise Program:

Program information is available on the StormwaterWise Landscapes 2014 web site. The StormwaterWise

Landscapes program did not accept participants in 2015 in order to address administrative issues related

to the tax status of the reimbursements. Those issues have been resolved and the program will resume in


Year1 Total

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Number of Applications 124 111 235

Number of participants selected 62 67 129

Number of participants with completed


43 44 87

Number of participants with projects

still in progress

0 0 0

Number of participants that chose not

to complete projects

25 23 48


Budget $112,000 $114,500

Actual Expenditures $70,697 $68,555 $139,252 1The StormwaterWise program year runs from January 1 to June 30 of the following year. The 2014 program year will conclude on

June 30, 2015. Funding is sufficient to continue to implement the program at the level required by the permit.

Two projects that were completed as part of the StormwaterWise Landscapes program, a permeable driveway and a rain garden.


Summary of voluntary retrofits completed on private property

Location Type Of Retrofit

Program Year


812 S. Adams St. Conservation Landscaping 2012

4013 19th. Street South Pervious Pavers 2012

Arlington Village, 1400 S Edgewood St Conservation Landscaping 2012

1515 N. Harrison St Cistern 2012

2515 1 PL S. Pervious Pavers 2012

4913 17th St N. Pavement Removal 2012

4913 17th St N. Rain Garden 2012

954 N Potomac St Pervious Pavers 2012

6015 North 21st Street Rain Garden 2012

1030 17th St S Rain Garden 2012

1030 17th St S Infiltration Trench 2012

3610 6th Street South Rain Garden 2012

3001 S. Abingdon Street Rain Garden 2012

2410 S. Inge St. Cistern 2012

365 N Granada St Rain Garden 2012

5907 5th Rd. South Conservation Landscaping 2012

5907 5th Rd. South Cistern 2012

1801 S Stafford St Rain Garden 2012

2910 23rd Street N Rain Garden 2012

2910 23rd Street N Conservation Landscape 2012

145 S. Barton St. Cistern 2012

3720 30th St. N. Rain Garden 2012

5631 Williamsburg Blvd Pervious Pavers 2012

2312 N Vernon St. Pavement Removal 2012

1401 S Columbus St. Infiltration Trench 2012

4316 North 19th Street Conservation Landscaping 2012

4490 North Pershing Drive Conservation Landscaping 2012

1068 S Edison St 22204 Pervious Pavers 2013

1410-B 12th St N 22209 Conservation Landscaping 2013

1415 S Edgewood St 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2013

1513 N Longfellow St 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2013

1513 N Utah St 22207 Pavement Removal 2013

1513 N Utah St 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2013

1612 N Edgewood St 22201 Pervious Pavers 2013

1800 S Pollard St 22204 Pavement Removal 2013

1800 S Pollard St 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2013

1813 S Oakland St 22204 Pervious Pavers 2013

1903 Key Blvd 22201 Rain Garden 2013

2005 N Monroe St 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2013

201 N Edison St 22203 Pervious Pavers 2013

2012 N Kenilworth St 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2013


Location Type Of Retrofit

Program Year


2012 N Kenilworth St 22205 Pavement Removal 2013

2025 S Quincy St 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2013

2038 N Kensington St 22205 Pervious Pavers 2013

2315 N Underwood St 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2013

2321 2nd ST S 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2013

2321 2nd ST S 22204 Rain Garden 2013

2624 S Lynn St 22202 Pervious Pavers 2013

2711 N Wyoming St Conservation Landscaping 2013

2740 S Troy St 22206 Pervious Pavers 2013

2814 N Underwood St 22213 Pervious Pavers 2013

2910 5th ST S 22204 Rain Garden 2013

3001 S Abingdon St 22206 Rain Garden 2013

3066 N Pollard St 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2013

3625 10th ST N 22201 Conservation Landscaping 2013

3801 Nelly Custis Dr 22207 Pervious Pavers 2013

40 N Oakland St 22203 Conservation Landscaping 2013

4303 15th ST N 22207 Pavement Removal 2013

4303 15th ST N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2013

502 26th RD S 22202 Pervious Pavers 2013

5208 Bluemont Dr 22203 Rain Garden 2013

549 N Livingston St Pervious Pavers 2013

5504 33rd ST N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2013

556 N Piedmont St Rain Garden 2013

556 N Piedmont St Pervious Pavers 2013

6041 23RD ST N Conservation Landscaping 2013

6090 9TH RD N Pervious Pavers 2013

620 N Vermont St 22203 Conservation Landscaping 2013

6201 18th St N Rain Garden 2013

6225 21st ST N 22205 Rain Garden 2013

630 N Irving St 22201 Pervious Pavers 2013

6877 Washington Blvd Pervious Pavers 2013

750 26th PL S 22202 Conservation Landscaping 2013

814 S Oakland St 22207 Pervious Pavers 2013

872 N Kentucky St 22205 Pervious Pavers 2013

883 N MADISON ST 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

1706 N VEITCH ST 22201 Pavement Removal 2014

1706 N VEITCH ST 22201 Pervious Pavement 2014

906 N LONGFELLOW ST 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

5118 24th ST N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014


Location Type Of Retrofit

Program Year


5504 10th ST N 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

2722 24th ST N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

5623 26th ST N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

2115 N ROLFE ST 22209 Conservation Landscaping 2014

1801 N CALVERT ST 22201 Pervious Pavement 2014

2604 N POWHATAN ST 22207 Rain Garden 2014

2604 N POWHATAN ST 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

6431 28th ST N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

634 S BUCHANAN ST 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2014

2631 N UPSHUR ST 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

2814 N UNDERWOOD ST 22213 Conservation Landscaping 2014

1410 N Vernon St Rain Garden 2014

1529 N. Taylor St. 22207 Pervious Pavement 2014

1529 N. Taylor St. 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

819 S IVY ST 22204 Pervious Pavement 2014

2436 N UTAH ST 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

6563 24th ST N 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2014

6312 26th ST N 22207 Pervious Pavement 2014

6018 22nd RD N 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2014

5645 19th ST N 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2014

3307 21st AVE N 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

1017 16th ST S 22202 Rain Garden 2014

4508 9th ST S 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2014

1531 N STAFFORD ST 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

629 S TAYLOR ST 22204 Conservation Landscaping 2014

6527 26th RD N 22213 Pervious Pavement 2014

5611 WILSON BLVD 22205 Rain Garden 2014

5611 WILSON BLVD 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2014

6048 9th ST N 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

6086 9th RD N 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

6090 9th RD N 22205 Pavement Removal 2014

6090 9th RD N 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

2635 N ROOSEVELT ST 22207 Pervious Pavement 2014

904 N ARLINGTON MILL DR 22205 Pervious Pavement 2014

904 N ARLINGTON MILL DR 22205 Conservation Landscaping 2014

2551 N GREENBRIER ST 22207 Conservation Landscaping 2014

*Program year: 2012=2012/13; 2013=2013/14; 2014=2014/15.


d) Roadways

Arlington County Street Sweeping program divided into two components.

Residential sweeping

Sweeping program targets seven (7) passes during the calendar year between April and

October, 59 civic associations have been grouped into 11 street sweeping zones. This targeted

level of implementation totals 608 lane miles per pass, or 4,256 lane miles per year.

Commercial sweeping

Sweeping program targets twenty six (26) passes during the calendar year; these

predetermined streets consist of high traffic / traveled roadways within the county. This targeted

level of implementation totals 267 lane miles per pass, or 6,942 lane miles per year.

Year Tonnage of Debris


Total Residential

Lane Miles Swept

Total Commercial

Lane Miles Swept

Total Lane

Miles Swept

FY14 2,646.63 4,257.4 5,404.36 9,661.76

FY15 2,347.14 4,257.4 6,953.09 11,210.49





e) Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Application

County lands on which nutrients are applied to more than one contiguous acre

Field Name Address Acres Proposed

Year of Plan


Year Plan


Year Plan


Arlington Hall West


290 South Taylor Street 1.55 2016

Barcroft Park #4 4200 S. Four Mile Run


1.28 2013 2013 2013

Bluemont #1 601 N. Manchester St. 6.19 2016

Bluemont Junction 744 North Emerson


1.11 2016 2014 2014

Eads Street Park 2730 South Eads Street 1.00 2016 2014 2014

Fields Park 775 North George Mason


1.50 2016

Greenbrier #3 5201 N. 28th St. 1.27 2013 2013 2013

Gunston Park #3 1401 28th St. S 1.29 2016 2015 2015

Jennie Dean #1 3630 27th St. S. 1.19 2016 2015 2015

Long Bridge Park 475 Long Bridge Drive 4.50 2013 2013 2013


Field Name Address Acres Proposed

Year of Plan


Year Plan


Year Plan


Madison Manor 6225 12th Road N. 2.42 2016 2015 2015

Madison Manor Park

(Fall Season Only)

6225 12th Road N. 1.38 2016 2015 2015

Quincy Park #1 1021 N. Quincy St. 1.85 2015 2014 2014

Quincy Park #3 1021 N. Quincy St. 1.14 2015 2014 2014

Thomas Jefferson


3501 2nd St. S 1.33 2016 2015 2015

Tuckahoe (Fall Season


2400 N. Sycamore St. 2.75 2015

Virginia Highlands #2 1600 S. Hayes St. 1.19 2015 2015 2015

Virginia Highlands #3 1600 S. Hayes St. 1.24 2015 2015 2015

Virginia Highlands #4 1600 S. Hayes St. 1.15 2015 2015 2015

Total amount of

treated area


Development of Turf and Landscape Nutrient Management Plans Year Acreage of County Lands

upon which nutrients are

applied and controlled.

Acres with Turf and

Landscape Nutrient

Management Plans Required

Acres with Turf and

Landscape Nutrient

Management Plans


Percentage of

Land required to

have Nutrient


Plans by End of

Cycle that have



FY14 62.97 35.31 7.05 23%

FY15 62.97 35.31 23.34 66%




Number of acres managed under Integrated Pest Management Plans: 62.97

f) Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal

Illicit Discharge Reporting – See Appendix C

Sanitary Sewer Inspections

Year Linear Feet of

Sanitary Sewer


FY14* 40,900

FY15 99,448



Year Linear Feet of

Sanitary Sewer





*Contract issue contributed to low inspection rate in FY14

g) Spill Prevention and Response

Spills that enter the County’s MS4 are tracked in an illicit discharge database. Spill information for

FY15 is listed under the column “Source” in the table in Appendix C.

h) Industrial & High Risk Runoff

See Program Plan for descriptions and definitions of the terms ‘Industrial facility’ and ‘High-risk


The following table lists the Industrial and High Risk facilities in Arlington County. This list also

includes facilities granted no exposure in Arlington County. Inspection and Discharge Monitoring

Report (DMR) review activity are also provided in the table. For this universe of facilities, the

permit requires at least one inspection per permit cycle. Examples of facility inspections can be

found in Appendix D.


Permit Number

Facility Type Minimum inspection requirement met for permit cycle?

Inspection Date

Reviewed DMR’s?

VAR050997 Red Top Cab – Transportation Inc. Industrial GP

07/15/2014 09/04/2014


VAR051097 WMATA – Four Mile Run Bus Garage Industrial GP

06/25/2014 Yes

VAR051296 US Army – Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall** Industrial GP

06/11/2014 Yes

VAR051421 Arlington County Water Pollution Control Facility Industrial GP

06/18/2014 06/20/2014


VAR051790 US NPS – George Washington Memorial Pkwy Maintenance**

Industrial GP TBD Yes

No Exposure Certificate

BAE Systems No-Exposure Certification


VAN010021 Arlington County Water Pollution Control Plant Nutrient GP

Biannually Yes

VA0025143 Arlington County Water Pollution Control Plant Individual Municipal

Quarterly Yes

VA0032000 US Department of Defense – Pentagon Individual Industrial

09/08/2016 Yes

VA008976 The Nature Conservancy Individual Industrial

04/03/2014 Yes

VAG750208 Avis Rental Car Car Wash TBD Yes

VAG750207 Enterprise Shirlington Car Wash

08/25/2015 Yes

VAG110087 Virginia Concrete Company Inc. – Shirlington Concrete GP

08/21/2015 Yes

VAG750240 Spectrum Auto Painting and Collision Center Car Wash GP TBD NA-new permit

VAG830321 Halstead at Arlington Petroleum GP Not required Yes

VAG830340 1812 Holdings LLC Property – 1812 North Moore St.

Petroleum GP Not Required Yes

VAG830473 Founders Square Phase C-1 North Office - 4040 Wilson Blvd

Petroleum GP Not Required Yes

VAG830480 M Flats Crystal City Petroleum GP Not Required Yes

VAG830486 Marymount University – Ballston Center Petroleum GP Not Required New permit

**Facility does not discharge or have a point of connection to Arlington County’s MS4.


The following table lists non-VPDES regulated industrial and commercial facilities determined to

be potentially contributing a significant pollutant load to the County’s MS4 as a result of site

screening and hot spot investigations conducted in FY15. A sample inspection form can be found

in Appendix E. Where present, outfalls were visually inspected during the site inspections.

Additional outfall screening is conducted as part of the County’s dry and wet weather screening

programs (Appendices G and H in Program Plan).

Facility Address Inspection



Referral 4200 Block 23rd St. S. Alley 4200 block 23rd St. S. 4/3/2015 No

Colonial Village Shopping Center Wilson Blvd 5/22/2015 No

Garden City Shopping Center 5100 Block - Lee Highway 4/6/2015 No

Columbia Pike Plaza 5001-5027 Columbia Pike 05/22/2015 No

Arna Valley Exxon - Car Wash 2720 S Glebe Rd 5/4/2015 No

Carter's BP Station / car wash 4625 Columbia Pike 5/8/2015 No

Car World 3501 N Lee Highway 04/01/2015 No

Koon’s Arlington Toyota / D&P 4045 Lee Highway 04/03/2015 No

Shirlington Village S Campbell Ave / S Randolph St 04/03/2015 No

Danny's Auto Body 4068 S Four Mile Run Bay F 04/23/2015 No

Giant Grocery 2901 S. Glebe Rd 04/03/2015 No

Retail Strip 2808 Columbia Pike 05/04/2015 No

Auto Services Strip 4080 Block S Four Mile Run Drive 04/23/2015 No

Comfort Inn Pentagon S Glebe Rd 05/04/2015 No

David's Car Wash 4148 S Four Mile Run Drive 04/23/2015 No

Shirlington Self Storage 2710 S Nelson St. 04/23/2015 No

Redman Fleet Services 2631 Shirlington Road 05/04/2015 No

Commercial Strip 2565 Shirlington Road 05/05/2015 No

Commercial Strip 2611 Columbia Pike 05/08/2015 No

Exxon Service Center 660 N Glebe Rd. 05/22/2015 No

Columbia Pike Shopping Center 5027 Columbia Pike 05/22/2015 No

LE Auto Services 6970 Fairfax Drive 04/06/2015 No

Alamo Rental Car 2780 Jefferson Davis Hwy 04/03/2015 No

Rosenthal Mazda 750 N Glebe Road 04/21/2015 No

Shirlington Texaco 2817 S. Quincy St. 04/03/2015 No


Facility Address Inspection



Referral Westover Shopping Center 5841 Washington Blvd 05/20/2015 No

Food Star and Strip Mall 948 S George Mason Dr 05/08/2015 No

Lee Harrison Shopping Center 2499 N Harrison Street 04/06/2015 No

Williamsburg Shopping Center #1 6400 Williamsburg Blvd / 6505 29th St. N 04/06/2015 No

Williamsburg Shopping Center #2 2914 Sycamore St 04/06/2015 No

Weenie Beenie 2680 Shirlington Rd 04/03/2015 No

Safeway 5101 Wilson Blvd 05/22/2015 No

Mercedes American Service Center 585 N Glebe Rd 05/22/2015 No

Harris Teeter Grocery 600 N Glebe Rd 05/22/2015 No

Amoco / BP 5000 Wilson Blvd 05/22/2015 No

Westmont Shopping Center 3233 Columbia Pike 05/08/2015 No

Commercial Strip 4113 Columbia Pike 05/08/2015 No

Buckingham Shopping Center #1 4235 N Pershing Dr. 05/22/2015 No

Buckingham Shopping Center #2 301-319 N. Glebe Rd 5/22/2015 No

Arlington Forest Shopping Center 4801 1st Street N. 05/22/2015 No

Cars USA 6847 Lee Hwy 04/06/2015 No

First Choice Body Shop 525 31st ST S. 04/03/2015 No

Lee Hwy Plaza 5731 Lee Hwy 04/06/2015 No

The Fire Marshal Office inspects automobile facilities and fueling stations and reports any findings

of significant pollutants contributions to the DES OSEM. The following facilities were inspected in

FY15 and none of these sites were referred for illicit discharges to the MS4.

Facility / Address Facility Type

Liberty Gas Station -5618 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

7-11/Exxon Gas Station - 6730 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

Exxon Gas Station - 4035 Old Dominion Drive Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 5630 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 3332 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

Liberty Gas Station - 4019 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

BP Gas Station - 5000 Wilson Blvd Auto Service Station- Gas

BP Gas Station - 5601 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

Exxon Gas Station - 4746 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 2240 N Glebe Road Auto Service Station- Gas

Sunoco Gas Station - 5501 Lee Highway Auto Service Station- Gas

Sunoco Gas Station - 4601 N Washington Blvd Auto Service Station- Gas

Exxon Gas Station - 1824 Wilson Blvd Auto Service Station- Gas


Facility / Address Facility Type

Blue Ridge Partners INC Gas Station - 2717 Pershing Drive Auto Service Station- Gas

Sunoco Gas Station - 1830 Fort Myer Drive Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 2835 N Washington Blvd Auto Service Station- Gas

Barcroft Auto Center - 67 N Glebe Road Auto Service Station- Gas

Hess Gas Station - 3299 Wilson Blvd Auto Service Station- Gas

BP Gas Station - 4050 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto Service Station- Gas

Exxon Gas Station - 1001 S Glebe Road Auto Service Station- Gas

Arlington Auto Service Gas Station - 5200 Columbia Pike Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 2817 S Quincy Street Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 4060 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto Service Station- Gas

7-11 - 201 S Glebe Road Auto Service Station- Gas

Exxon - 2619 Shirlington Road Auto Service Station- Gas

Liberty Gas Station - 4211 Columbia Pike Auto Service Station- Gas

Shell Gas Station - 3102 Columbia Pike Auto Service Station- Gas

BP Gas Station - 4625 Columbia Pike Auto Service Station- Gas

Exxon Gas Station-2410 Lee Hwy Auto Service Station-Gas

Exxon Self Service Gas Station-2300 Jefferson Davis Hwy Auto Service Station-Gas

Exxon Gas Station-2720 S. Glebe Rd Auto Service Station-Gas

Arlington Auto Body Shop 4000 5th Rd, # A Auto Body Shop

Arlington Tires - 3237 Wilson Blvd Auto Body Shop

Specialty Auto Body 3912 N 5th Rd Auto Body Shop

America Service Center Mercedes -640 N Glebe Rd Auto Body Shop

Spectrum Auto Painting & Collision Center 4068 S Four Mile Run Dr Auto Body Shop

Danny’s Auto Body Repair 4068 S Four Mile Run Dr, F Auto Body Shop

Shirlington Auto Body - 2609 Shirlington Rd Auto Body Shop

Automotive Express - 3800 S Four Mile Dr Auto Body Shop

Car Spa - 3840 S Four Mile Dr Auto Body Shop

Pohanka Collision Center - 4072 S Four Mile Run Dr Auto Body Shop

First Choice Auto Body - 525 S 31st St Auto Body Shop

Cars USA - 6847 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Lee – Lex Services Center 5747 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Reinhart’s Garage - 3203 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Le Auto Services - 6970 Fairfax Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Exxon - 6730 Lee Highway Suite A Auto/motor vehicle repair

Koon’s Arlington Toyota - 4045 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Cherrydale Motors - 3412 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

D&V Service Center - 5201 Wilson Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair

Japanese Auto Care - 4831 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Merchant’s Tire & Auto Center - 4801 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Mr. Tire - 5200 Lee Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

Sure Fit - 3298 Wilson Blvd Suite B Auto/motor vehicle repair

Pham's - 3435 N Washington Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair


Facility / Address Facility Type

Enterprise - 601 N Randolph Street Auto/motor vehicle repair

Arlington Auto Care - 3298 Wilson Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair

Jiffy Lube - 950 N Jackson Street 987 Auto/motor vehicle repair

Mazda - 750 N Glebe Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Mercedes - 585 N Glebe Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Japanese Auto - 4530 N Washington Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair

Japanese Auto Service - 3413 Wilson Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair

Foreign Car Service Center - 2758 N Washington Blvd. Auto/motor vehicle repair

Zolly Motors - 3421 N Washington Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair

1200 N Hudson Street Transportation Inc. Auto/motor vehicle repair

J.C. Autoban - 3211 N 10th Street Auto/motor vehicle repair

Baird Automotive - 3427 N Washington Blvd Auto/motor vehicle repair

Exxon Garage - 660 N Glebe Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Auto American Body Shop - 3860 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

A-One Auto Clinic - 1515 Columbia Pike Auto/motor vehicle repair

EZ Auto - 3621 Columbia Pike Suite 10 Auto/motor vehicle repair

J&F Motors - 4076 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Mobile - 4154 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Automotive Express- 3800 S Four Mile Run Drive B Auto/motor vehicle repair

M&R Motors Inc. – 3800 S Four Mile Run Drive C Auto/motor vehicle repair

Llantas USADAS Used Tires - 3800 S Four Mile Run Drive F Auto/motor vehicle repair

Capitol Auto Land- 3800 S Four Mile Run Drive G Auto/motor vehicle repair

Eagle Automotive - 3700 Columbia Pike Auto/motor vehicle repair

Citgo - 2324 Columbia Pike Auto/motor vehicle repair

Eshetie Auto Repair - 2503 Shirlington Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Auto Plus - 4601 Columbia Pike Auto/motor vehicle repair

J&P Motors, Ltd - 4064 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Town Car Repair - 301 S Glebe Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Audi Arlington - 3200 Columbia Pike Auto/motor vehicle repair

Jack’s Used Auto Parts - 4000 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Liberty - 2300 Columbia Pike Auto/motor vehicle repair

Shirlington Tires - 2515 Shirlington Road Suite B Auto/motor vehicle repair

Jiffy Lube - 4148 S Four Mile Run Drive B Auto/motor vehicle repair

Arlington Auto Sales Inc - 2427 Shirlington Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Midas Auto Systems - 1001 S Glebe Road Auto/motor vehicle repair

Auto Stop - 3808 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Jiffy Lube - 4144 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Diaz Auto Repair - 2515 Shirlington Road Suite A Auto/motor vehicle repair

Northern Virginia Automotive - 3900 S Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

U-Haul - 2709 S Oakland Street Auto/motor vehicle repair

Danny’s / Jim’s Automotive 4961 S 10th Street Auto/motor vehicle repair

WMATA - 2780 Jefferson Davis Highway Auto/motor vehicle repair

ART Bus- 3501 S Glebe Road Auto/motor vehicle repair


Facility / Address Facility Type

Tony’s Service Foreign Car Repair-6917 Lee Hwy Auto/motor vehicle repair

Joyce Motors-3201 10th St. N. Auto/motor vehicle repair

American Service Center-624 N. Glebe Rd Auto/motor vehicle repair

Curry’s Auto Repair and Tire Center-4160 S. Four Mile Run Drive Auto/motor vehicle repair

Auto America Service Collision Center- 3850 S Four Mile Run Auto/motor vehicle repair

The following table provides a summary of coordination activities with the VA Department of

Environmental Quality Northern Regional Office for compliance review.

Facility Issue Date


Spectrum Collision Center Compliance Evaluation – Need for VPDES Car Wash GP 06/2015

i) Storm Sewer Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure Inspection and Maintenance

1Efforts concentrated on catch basin inspections and maintenance in FY14.

Progress summary on efforts to repair failed storm sewer outfalls.

A preliminary document search has been completed for the outfalls identified in the County-wide

stream assessment that scored a 4 or 5 on the outfall condition severity scale. A review of these

documents indicates that 20 of the outfalls are on private property (easement documents have

been identified for 14 of these); 12 are on public land or in the public right of way; 3 are on

property owned by the US government; and the ownership of one outfall is unclear.

Therefore, of the 36 outfalls1, 26 are on public land or within an easement. There is also one

additional outfall not included in the original County assessment but identified as part of the

Donaldson Run Tributary B stream restoration project—which makes the total 37 outfalls. This is

1 Note: The permit references 35 outfalls as scoring 4 or 5 on a severity scale during the County-wide stream assessment. In fact, there are 36


Year Total

FY141 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

Number of catch basins inspected 2,885 2,938

Number of catch basins maintained 2,885 2,938

Linear feet of storm sewer inspected 7,910 99,411


the outfall referenced in the permit as “associated with the…Donaldson Run stream restoration


For the three outfalls associated with the Donaldson Run and Windy Run stream restoration

projects, design has been completed and temporary and permanent easements obtained for two

of these outfalls. The easement negotiation for the third outfall (Windy Run) is underway.

The next step for the other 34 outfalls is to develop concept plans for the repair/rehabilitation of

the individual outfalls, which will include an evaluation of the feasibility of access (including

building obstructions, steep slopes, forest area, etc.) and the need for temporary construction

easements (in most cases existing easements are inadequate for access and construction


As individual outfalls are evaluated, repair/rehabilitations will be prioritized within the larger

stormwater infrastructure work program outlined in the adopted Stormwater Master Plan and the

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which includes major storm sewer capacity and flood risk

reduction projects, as well as other non-capacity related drainage projects (e.g. drainage

complaints, sump pumps discharging into the right of way, capital maintenance, etc.).

Information required by Part I.B.2.i)6) is available upon request.

Information required by Part I.B.2.i)7 (MS4 service area data) is available in Appendix H

j) County Facilities

1) Good Housekeeping

High priority municipal facilities and on County properties with greater than 2 acres of impervious

surface with the number of stormwater inlets to have “Drain to Stream” markers installed.

Facilities with greater than 2 acres of

impervious surface

Date Marked Notes

Arlington Health Center 6/30/2014 3 markers installed Barcroft Park 6/30/2014 1 marker installed Bluemont Park 6/30/2014 7 markers installed

Fairlington Community Center

6/30/2014 2 markers installed; 3 grate inlets

have "Drains to waterway" message Fort Ethan Allen Park 6/30/2014 2 markers installed

Four Mile Run Park And WPC Plant

6/30/2014 All grates, marker installed on CB at

end of S Eads St

Glencarlyn Park

6/30/2014 1 marker installed along entrance to

nature center Greenbrier Park 6/30/2014 Athletic fields; no SD found Long Bridge Park 6/30/2014 No drains found; bioretention onsite Lubber Run Park 6/30/2014 No drains found Quincy Park 6/30/2014 No drains found Shirlington Park 6/30/2014 All grates Thomas Jefferson Community Center 6/30/2014 All grates


Facilities with greater than 2 acres of

impervious surface

Date Marked Notes

Trades Center

6/30/2014 20 markers installed in addition to

existing markers Virginia Highlands Park 6/30/2014 5 markers installed Walter Reed Community Center 6/30/2014 All grates

Water Pollution Control Plant**

High Priority Municipal Facilities

Arlington County Trades Center 6/30/2014 All storm drains marked

North Side Salt Storage Facility 01/02/2014 One grate inlet

26th St N Leaf / Mulch Storage and Distribution


06/26/2014 No storm drains on site / just riser

Department of Parks and Recreation Nursery 07/12/2013 No storm drains on site

Quincy Park Recycling Center 11/04/2013 No storm drains on site

South Arlington Recycling Center 07/14/2014

Storm drains on adjacent streets


ART Bus Facility TBD One grate inlet – site to be

redeveloped **Water Pollution Control Plant is covered under a separate permit and will not be inspected as part of this permit.

2) High Priority Municipal Facilities

Dates of Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SWPPP) inspections for Arlington County Trades Center,


July 29-30, 2014

October 27-28, 2014

January 28-29, 2015

April 24-28, 2015

High priority municipal facility list and SWPPP status.

Facility Address SWPPP Inspections

Arlington County Trades Center S. Taylor Street Existing Quarterly

North Side Salt Storage Facility Old Dominion Dr. / 25th St N. In development Annual

26th St N Leaf / Mulch Storage and Distribution Center

4628 26th St. N. In development Annual

Department of Parks and Recreation


4220 S. Four Mile Run Drive Existing Annual

Quincy Park Recycling Center 1021 N Quincy Street In development Annual

South Arlington Recycling Center S. FMR Drive In development Annual

ART Bus Facility 3201 S. Eads Street In development Annual

k) Public Education/Participation

Arlington County conducts education and outreach activities for a comprehensive variety of

stormwater and watershed management issues, including nonpoint source pollution, illicit

discharges and pollution prevention, household hazardous waste, litter, and recycling, stream

buffer and stream restoration, and water quality monitoring. Some activities are conducted annually


and others vary each year. These programs range from volunteer stream cleanup events, storm

drain marking, and school and civic group presentations to Web-based information and multi-media

outreach efforts (including posters in Metro stations and the Northern Virginia regional education


Stormwater- and watershed-related public education activities are conducted primarily by DES and

PRCR staff, with a variety of collaborative efforts undertaken with other Northern Virginia

jurisdictions, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment, Northern Virginia Regional Commission,

Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, and other organizations.

The table below provides the reporting information required by the permit: a list of permittee

public outreach and education activities and the estimated number of individuals reached through

the activities. The sections that follow provide summaries of the key programs for FY15.

Outreach Date Estimated

number of



Introduction to Stream Monitoring for Stream Volunteers 07/02/2014 8

Stormwater Master Plan Presentation to Planning Commission 7/7/2014 20

Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment Board Meeting 07/08/2014 12

County Fair Booth 8/8-8/10/2014 2000

Booth at Wags n' Whiskers Event – Pet Waste Outreach 08/23/2014 1000

Stormwater Master Plan Presentation to Planning Commission 9/10/2014 20

Introduction to Stream Monitoring for Stream Volunteers 09/10/2014 8

Stormwater Master Plan Presentation to County Board 9/20/2014 20

Nauck Civic Assn Presentation on streams and actions on private property 10/06/2014 16

Rain Barrel Workshop 10/11/2014 25

ARMN Presentation on Stream Restoration and Stream Monitoring 10/20/2014 20

Master Gardener Training on Water Quality 10/23/2014 40

Stream Monitoring Volunteer Appreciation Night & Data Review 11/03/2014 32

Presentation to Shirlington Dogs Group 11/04/2014 20

Rain Garden Workshop 11/8/2014 30

Presentation to Penrose Civic Association on Pet Waste 11/18/2014 12

Four Mile Run Project Joint Task Force Meeting 2/4/2015 40

Presentation to Retired Federal Employees Association on Zoning and Stormwater

Management 2/11/2015 40

Four Mile Run Project Presentation to Environment and Energy Conservation

Commission 2/20/2015 20

Bacteria Monitor Training for Stream Volunteers 02/21/2015 22

Natural Resources Joint Advisory Group - Presentation on Pet Waste Outreach 02/02/2015 6

Presentation to Cub Scouts - Stormwater & Leave No Trace 02/20/2015 52

Presentation Donaldson Run Civic Association - Stream health and safety 03/04/2015 20

Bacteria Monitor Training for Stream Volunteers 03/11/2015 4

Parks & Recreation Commission – Pet Waste Outreach 03/17/2015 20

Presentation on Stormwater to Aging in Place Villages Group 3/18/2015 15

Level 1 Macroinvertebrate Training for Stream Volunteers 04/13/2015 12

Waycroft-Woodlawn Civic Assn – Pets and Streams 04/14/2015 11

Presentation about Pet Waste to Dog obedience classes - beginner and advanced 04/15/2015 16

Stream Volunteer Team Leader Meeting 04/18/2015 11

Introduction to Stream Monitoring for Stream Volunteers 04/19/2015 13

Level IIA Macroinvertebrate Training for Stream Volunteers 04/20/2015 10


Outreach Date Estimated

number of



Sustainable Stormwater Education at Drug Enforcement Agency Earth Day event 4/22/2015 200

Environmental Programs Booth at Army’s Arlington Hall Base Earth Day event 4/23/2015 200

Level IIB Macroinvertebrate Training for Stream Volunteers 05/02/2015 10

Booth about Water Quality at Potomac Overlook Festival 05/03/2015 69

Presentation on Four Mile Run Project at Aurora Highlands Civic Association

Meeting 5/13/2015 30

Master Naturalist Presentation on Stream Restoration 05/16/2015 20

Four Mile Run Ground Breaking Event and Tour 5/20/2015 75

American Water Resources Association (AWRA) National Capital Region Chapter 05/30/2015 25

Green Home and Garden Tour 6/7/2015 250

Rain Barrel Workshop 6/10/2015 15

Level 1 Macroinvertebrate Training for Stream Volunteers 6/22/2015 9

Green Street Project Meeting - Kensington & 32nd Street 06/23/2015 5

Level IIA Macroinvertebrate Training for Stream Volunteers 06/28/2015 4

Level IIB Macroinvertebrate Training for Stream Volunteers 06/29/2015 5

TOTAL 4512

List of permittee public outreach and education activities and the estimated number of individuals reached, FY15

Summary of outreach and educational activities:

i. Promote, publicize, and facilitate public reporting of the presence of illicit discharges or

improper disposal of materials into the MS4;

- Arlington updated its Report Stream Pollution webpage ( and incorporated information on how to report erosion and sediment control issues.

- All of the County’s stream monitoring teams carry wallet-sized cards with instructions of how to report illicit discharges. These cards are provided to the public that stop to inquire about stream monitoring activities.

o New postcards were developed on preventing illicit discharges:

Construction Sawcut Slurry postcard

Construction Erosion and Sediment Control postcard

Construction Debris postcard

o Two new graphic field guides were created for use by inspectors and construction site

managers on the topics of Erosion and Sediment Control and Pollution Prevention.

Planning & Field Guide for Erosion & Sediment Control

Planning & Field Guide for Pollution Prevention (P2)

o Restaurant Pollution Prevention

Food Truck postcard

Used Cooking Oil Brochure

FOG Brochure for Restaurants

Back-of-House Restaurant Dry Cleanup Methods Series

Keep It Clean restaurant poster – 2 sizes

- November 2014 Citizen article, “Can the Grease to Prevent Sewer Backups” provided tips for preventing sewer clogs from fats, oil and grease.


- March 2015 Citizen article “Wipe Out Sewer Backups” reminding residents not to flush wipes down the drain to prevent sewer backups.

- Articles in Natural Arlington Blog: The Scoop on Poop, Stormwater From a Fish’s Point of View, No Butts About It, No One Likes a Sewer Backup on Thanksgiving,

ii. Continue to promote individual and group involvement in local water quality improvement

initiatives including the promotion of local restoration and clean-up projects, programs,

groups, meetings and other opportunities for public involvement;

The County also manages several stream volunteer programs, including stream monitoring

and storm drain marking.

Over 100 volunteers participated in the County’s stream bacteria and macroinvertebrate

monitoring programs ( in

FY2015, providing over 900 volunteer hours. Through Arlington’s storm drain marking

program (, volunteers donated 168 hours,

and marked over 1,300 storm drains with the “Only Rain” storm drain marker. During the

2014 calendar year, over 90 miles of Arlington’s streets were walked and marked by

volunteers in the storm drain marking program. As of August 12, 2015, in calendar year

2015, 29 miles of Arlington’s streets had been walked and marked. The number of miles for

calendar year 2015 will increase as volunteers continue their work through the end of


iii. Promote, publicize, and facilitate the proper management and disposal of used oil and

household hazardous wastes;

Household Hazardous Material Program - The County’s Household Hazardous Materials

(HHM) program promotes, publicizes and facilitates proper disposal of household hazardous

waste. The County’s HHM facility is open year round for residents to drop off materials, and

the County also organizes two large drop off events (ECARE) each year. The program is

publicized through its webpage (,

Facebook, Twitter, and articles within The Citizen, Arlington County’s citizen newsletter. In

addition, proper disposal of used motor oil is one of the key messages addressed in the Only

Rain Down the Drain education campaign.

Number of Resident Participants by Year

FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

HHM Facilities 6,392 6,380

Fall E-Care 999 1,172

Spring E-Care 1,166 1,493

Total 8,557 9,045


Material Collection*

FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

HHM Facility HHM Collected (lbs) 304,246 315,616

Electronics Collected (lbs) 74,769 73,567

Total Materials Collected (lbs) 379,015 389,183

Fall E-CARE HHM Collected (lbs) 70,046 84,375

Electronics Collected (lbs) 32,761 17,229

Total Materials Collected (lbs) 102,807 101,604

Spring E-CARE HHM Collected (lbs) 89,749 76,380

Electronics Collected (lbs) 36,301 25,634

Total Materials Collected (lbs) 126,050 102,014

Total HHM Facility (lbs) 379,015 389,183

Total E-CAREs (lbs) 228,857 203,618

Total (lbs) 607,872 592,801

* Amounts reflect those collected material manifested off-site or documented through bill of lading

iv. Promote, publicize and facilitate the proper disposal of pet waste and household yard waste;

In 2015, Arlington County continued to support the Northern Virginia Clean Water Partners

Only Rain Down the Drain campaign, a regional stormwater education campaign. The

campaign has used radio advertising, online advertising and most recently cable TV

advertising to educate the public about preventing water pollution. The campaign includes

several television ads to help visualize water pollution, and includes pollution prevention

messages related to pet waste, motor oil, car washing, and fertilizer.

Regional Stormwater Education Campaign

Summary of Regional Stormwater Education Campaign

Northern Virginia Clean Water Partners

Television Ads

Number of times aired 6818

Number of viewers reached 4,808,970*

Resulting web site visits 26,075

Online Banner Ads

Number of Impressions 840,000

Annual Survey Results

Number of residents surveyed 500

Number of Northern Virginia residents that know they live in the Potomac

River watershed



Summary of Regional Stormwater Education Campaign

Northern Virginia Clean Water Partners

Number of Arlington residents that know they live in the Potomac River



Number of survey respondents that recall seeing the Only Rain Down the

Storm Drain logo


Number of dog waste bag dispensers distributed in Arlington 2,000

Number of survey respondents that recalled seeing the TV ads 9%

Those who saw the ads made the following behavior changes:

Pick up pet waste more often 11%

Fertilize fewer times per year 9%

More careful with motor oil 4%

*Viewership numbers for TV ads; can include viewers who viewed the ad more than once.

During the summer of 2015, a survey was conducted of 500 northern Virginia residents to measure the effectiveness of the campaign. Fifteen percent of the respondents recalled seeing the advertisements on TV. Men were significantly more likely than women, and homeowners were more likely than renters, to report seeing the ads, which demonstrates that the targeting of the ads to the male/homeowner audience is successful. Of those respondents who recalled the ads, eleven percent state they now pick up their pet waste more often, nine percent state they plan to fertilize fewer times per year, and four percent are more careful with motor oil.

In addition to the Only Rain Down the Drain Campaign, Arlington County has created new dog waste signs to post near the dog parks, reminding users to pick up after their dog. Pet waste surveys will be conducted prior to the signs being posted, and following the installation of the signs, to see if there is any reduction in the amount of visible pet waste from the educational signs.

v. Promote, publicize and facilitate the use of the county’s recycling program;

The County has a very successful recycling program. The County promotes the use of the

recycling program and guidelines on what to recycle in several ways:

- Spring Yard Waste Brochure (distributed to 34,000 households) - Fall Yard Waste Brochure (distributed to 34,000 households) - Insert in the November/December issue of the Arlington Citizen (distributed to 100,000

households) - Annual Multi-Family and Business/Commercial Recycling Compliance Outreach Visits - Master Recycling Composter Ambassador Training – This is a new training program

started in 2014 to educate volunteers to assist with providing recycling and composting education to the public.

vi. Promote, publicize and facilitate methods for residential car washing that minimize water

quality impacts;

See Section iv. - Only Rain Down the Drain campaign.

vii. Promote, publicize, and facilitate the proper use, application, and disposal of pesticides,

herbicides, and fertilizers by public, commercial, and private applicators and distributors;

See Section iv. - Only Rain Down the Drain campaign.


County staff worked with a local writer to develop an article on the benefits of reducing lawn.

The article, entitled “Lawn Gone”, appeared in the May 2014 issue of the Arlington magazine.

viii. Encourage private property owners to implement retrofits including those described in Part


StormwaterWise Landscapes

The StormwaterWise Landscapes program provides incentives for private property owners to

remove pavement, or install rain gardens, permeable pavement, or conservation landscaping.

Program participants receive a property assessment and written report with

recommendations for practices that are appropriate for their property, and participants can

select one or more practices to install. See Section B.2.c for summary information.

Rain Garden Workshops Arlington County partners with the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District and

the Northern Virginia Regional Commission to conduct Rain Garden for Homeowners

workshops twice each year.

The rain garden workshops are generally well attended, attracting 30-40 residents for each

session. A follow up survey of workshop attendees showed that 24% of the attendees

installed a rain garden after attending the workshop, and 53% stated that they are still

planning to install a rain garden. Also, 75% of respondents had taken another action at

home besides installing a rain garden. Most popular actions to take were re-directing

downspouts, installing a rain barrel, replacing lawn area with other vegetation, or using native


Regional Rain Barrel Program Arlington County continued to support the Northern Virginia Regional rain barrel program

over the past year, including helping staff two rain barrel workshops. Nearly 3,000 rain

barrels have been sold, with more than 900 of those rain barrels going to Arlington residents,

with a 90% satisfaction rate for workshop participants. This equates to 125,000 gallons of

stormwater that can be collected and retained during every storm event.

Summary Rain Barrel Program Activities

2014 2015 Total

Regional Participants 254 195 3146

Regional Number of Barrels* 299 268 3947

Number of Barrels Sold to Arlington Residents 70 75 1116

*Total number of barrels includes barrels sold since the program inception in 2007.

ix. Target strategies towards local groups of commercial, industrial, and institutional entities likely

to have significant stormwater impacts.


Arlington County has created several educational materials targeted for various commercial

and industrial audiences. These include:

- Folder with pollution prevention fact sheets for property owners and businesses - Poster on proper Fats, Oil and Grease storage and disposal for restaurants - Brochure on proper Fats, Oil and Grease storage and disposal for restaurants - Fact Sheets on Dry Cleanup Methods for Restaurants - Brochure of proper de-chlorination and disposal of pool water - Postcards for food truck operators on preventing pollution - Graphic Field Guide and Post card on erosion and sediment for construction contractors - Graphic Field Guide on Pollution Prevention for construction contractors - Postcards on Sawcut Slurry, Erosion and Sediment Control and Construction Debris for


l) Training

Summary of training events

Training (Topics Covered) Date of Training

Number of Individuals


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, APS Custodial and

Maintenance Staff - (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges)

08/07/2014 70

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(7:30 am)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(1:00 pm)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(7:30 am)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(1:00 pm)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(7:30 am)



Training (Topics Covered) Date of


Number of

Individuals Attending

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(1:00 pm)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(7:30 am)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)


(1:00 pm)


Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training ACFD FTA - (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges)

09/23/2014 7

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)

09/24/2014 5

Stormwater Pollution Prevention for APS Bus Drivers (Work at TC)

– (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)

10/13/2014 174

Stormwater Pollution Prevention, FMB Custodial Training - (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good Housekeeping)

10/15/2014 12

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)

12/10/2014 12

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training, Facilities and Field

Operations – (MS4, IDDE, Pollution Prevention, Good housekeeping, Non-stormwater discharges at facilities and during field operations)

12/16/2014 10

Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Compliance - Construction &

Maintenance Projects and Land Disturbing Activities - (MS4, LDAs, SWPPPs, recognizing reporting pollution, permits, pollution prevention, P2 plans, stormwater regulations, inspections, roles and responsibilities)

03/04/2015 26


Training (Topics Covered) Date of


Number of

Individuals Attending

Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Compliance - Construction &

Maintenance Projects and Land Disturbing Activities - (MS4, LDAs, SWPPPs, recognizing reporting pollution, permits, pollution prevention, P2 plans, stormwater regulations, inspections, roles and responsibilities)

03/10/2015 20

Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Compliance - Construction &

Maintenance Projects and Land Disturbing Activities - (MS4, LDAs, SWPPPs, recognizing reporting pollution, permits, pollution prevention, P2 plans, stormwater regulations, inspections, roles and responsibilities)

03/18/2015 23

Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Compliance - Construction &

Maintenance Projects and Land Disturbing Activities - (MS4, LDAs, SWPPPs, recognizing reporting pollution, permits, pollution prevention, P2 plans, stormwater regulations, inspections, roles and responsibilities)

03/19/2015 8

Stormwater Pollution Prevention, Focus: Commercial

Establishments (SWB Recycling Specialists) - (Hot Spot and ID identification and reporting, MS4, reporting pollution)

03/27/2015 4

AC Police Department Hazardous Materials for First Responders

Course (Hazardous Materials and Spill Response).

2014 - 2015 27

ACFD – Fire Training Academy Hazardous Materials / Spill Response


2014 - 2015 7

ACFD - Hazmat Refresher training (Global Harmonized System,

Emergency Response review, Detection and Monitoring review)

FY15 221

ACFD –Hazardous Materials / Spill Response training (for

Technicians and Specialists levels)

FY15 45

The Arlington County Police Department operates on a two year cycle for Hazardous Materials /

Spill Response training. The last training of all sworn officers took place in 2014 and the next

one will be done in 2016. Even though 2015 is an off-year, ACPD had 27 recruit officers

complete 5 hours of training.

All Arlington County Fire Department emergency response personnel are trained and certified

during recruit school at the Fire Training Academy to the VA State Hazardous Materials Operations

Level. This curriculum covers spill response and includes diking, damming, and diverting

techniques. In FY15, seven recruits received training and certification.

Personnel with the Arlington County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Team are certified to

the Technician and Specialist Levels. Members of the Hazardous Materials Team are required to

take monthly training to maintain their certification levels. Records of training are kept in the

Fire Records Management System (FRMS). Approximately, 45 ACFD personnel received

Technician level training; 26 of those personnel received Specialist level training in FY15.


In FY15, Hazmat Refresher training (Global Harmonized System, Emergency Response review,

Detection and Monitoring review) was provided to ACFD staff (~221) at each of the ten Fire


See Appendix I for Summary of Training and Certification for Plan Reviewers, Inspectors, and

Program Administrators.

m) Water Quality Screening Programs

1) Dry Weather Screening Program

Storm sewer inspections see Part I.B.2.j)

Bacteria sampling. See C.1.a for details.

Additional bacteria sampling. See C.1.b for details.

Annual outfall screening in Shirlington commercial district and the South Four Mile Run Drive

industrial area.

Procedures, methodologies, and outfall locations for dry weather screening of outfalls that drain the

Shirlington Commercial District and South Four Mile Run Drive industrial area can be found in the

Arlington County Dry Weather Screening Plan in Appendix G of the Program Plan.

Seventeen outfalls were screened in FY15. Of the 17 outfalls screened, 10 had flowing water and

were tested. Six outfalls tested had elevated levels of fluoride and surfactants. These results may be

the result of washing activities, potable water discharges (irrigation, AC condensation) or naturally

occurring fluoride in groundwater. Follow-up upland field investigations did not reveal a specific source

with the exception of one discharge tracked back to washing activities being conducted at a rental car

business. The business has a VPDES general permit for car washing from the VA DEQ.

Outfall Flow Chemical Screening Results Visual Indicators

of ID


19889 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.039 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.19 mg/L

Ammonia: 0.053 mg/L Surfactants: 0.15 mg/L

pH: 7.04 Nitrate: 1.374 mg/L

Nitrite: 0.016 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.01 mg/L

No Not necessary

20159 No NA No Yes – washing activities

20280 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.084 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.23 mg/L Ammonia: 0.191 mg/L

Surfactants: 0.2 mg/L pH: 7.3

Nitrate: >1.65 mg/L

No Not necessary


Outfall Flow Chemical Screening Results Visual

Indicators of ID


Nitrite: 0.044 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.26 mg/L

20456 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.136 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.405 mg/L

Ammonia: 0.471 mg/L Surfactants: 0.25 mg/L

pH: 7.0 Nitrate: 0.622 mg/L

Nitrite: 0.094 mg/L Total Phosphorus: 0.23 mg/L


water –

may have been rust

/ iron oxidizing


field investigation did not yield a

source of elevated surfactants

26577 No NA No Not necessary

20619 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.116 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.27 mg/L Ammonia: 0.082 mg/L

Surfactants: 0.35 mg/L pH: 7.53

Nitrate: >1.65 mg/L Nitrite: 0.03 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.10 mg/L

No Follow-up field investigation did

not reveal source of elevated surfactants. Source likely from

car washing activities at nearby businesses

25986 No NA No Not necessary

21057 No NA No Not necessary

20992 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.174 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.31 mg/L Ammonia: 0.219 mg/L

Surfactants: 0.25 mg/L

pH: 7.18 Nitrate: >1.65 mg/L

Nitrite: 0.042 mg/L Total Phosphorus: 0.12 mg/L

No Follow-up field investigation did

not reveal source of surfactants.

24336 No NA No Not necessary

21120 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.052 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.31 mg/L Ammonia: 0.18 mg/L

Surfactants: 0.27 mg/L pH: 7.29

Nitrate: >1.65 mg/L Nitrite: 0.063 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 2.0 mg/L

No Follow-up field investigation did

not reveal source of elevated surfactants. Source likely from

washing activities at nearby businesses

21131 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.188 mg/L Fluoride: 0.21 mg/L

Ammonia: 0.119 mg/L

Surfactants: 0.27 mg/L pH: 6.81

Nitrate: 0.164 mg/L Nitrite: 0.185 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.12 mg/L

Yes – suds in



Follow-up field investigation did not reveal source of suds.

Source may be from washing

activity at nearby businesses

21139 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.327 mg/L Fluoride: 0.469 mg/L

Ammonia: 0.373 mg/L Surfactants: 0.61 mg/L

Yes – cloudy

water in

Follow-up field investigation found source to be rental car

company washing vehicles.


Outfall Flow Chemical Screening Results Visual

Indicators of ID


pH: 7.4

Nitrate: 0.168 mg/L Nitrite: 0.132 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.23 mg/L



Business has a VPDES GP for

car washing

21045 Yes Total Chlorine: 0.095 mg/L Fluoride: 0.219 mg/L

Ammonia: 0.266 mg/L Surfactants: 0.21 mg/L

pH: 7.21 Nitrate: >1.65 mg/L

Nitrite: 0.04 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.07 mg/L

No – iron oxidizing

bacteria present

Not necessary

20981 No NA No Not necessary

20482 No NA No Not necessary

20373 Yes (instream


at culvert)

Total Chlorine: 0.093 mg/L Fluoride: 0.122 mg/L

Ammonia: 0.09 mg/L

Surfactants: 0.17 mg/L pH: 6.98

Nitrate: >1.65 mg/L Nitrite: 0.048 mg/L

Total Phosphorus: 0.17 mg/L

No Not necessary

2) Wet Weather Screening Program

The County developed a list of prioritized areas thought to be contributing significant pollutant loads

during wet weather events. The list is provided in section 1.B.2.h (industrial and high risk runoff).

Wet Weather Screening. Procedures and methodologies for wet weather screening can be found

in the Arlington County Wet Weather Screening Plan in Appendix H of the Program Plan.

Screening will be conducted quarterly at two areas each year.

In FY15, wet weather screening was conducted at two selected sampling locations; a storm drain at

retail shopping strip along Columbia Pike (2705-2601) and an outfall the drains various auto repair

businesses near 4068 S. Four Mile Run Drive. Screening was conducted on a quarterly basis at both

sites, for a total of eight screenings. Screening parameters included: E. Coli (col/100mL), TPH (mg/L),

Nitrate and nitrite (mg/L), Ammonia (mg/L), Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), Chemical Oxygen

Demand (mg/L), Total Phosphorus (mg/L), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L), Zinc (g/L), Cadmium

(g/L), Copper (g/L), Lead (g/L), Chromium (g/L), Nickel (g/L), and Hardness (mg/L). Floatables

were also captured and inventoried.

Results of wet weather screening at the two selected locations is provided in the following table.


Outfall draining Columbia Pike Strip

Shopping Center

Outfall draining auto repair businesses - S.

Four Mile Run Dr.

1st Quarter–September 2014

(November 2014*)

Escherichia coli: 93 MPN/100ml

TPH: < 5 mg/L

Zinc: 0.062 mg/L

Cadmium: < 0.002 mg/L

Copper: 0.0056 mg/L

Lead: < 0.002 mg/L

Chromium: < 0.002 mg/L

Nickel: <0.002 mg/L

Hardness: 11 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: <0.2 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 0.12 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 33 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.12 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 1.1 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 13 mg/L

Floatables: food matter, pebbles, cigarette

filters, pieces of plastic, grease, and a small

amount of plant matter

Escherichia coli: 2420 MPN/100ml

TPH: 220 mg/L

Zinc: 0.29 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: 0.017 mg/L

Lead: <0.002 mg/L

Chromium: <0.002 mg/L

Nickel: 0.0025 mg/L

Hardness: 14 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: <0.2 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 0.336 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 50 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.10 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 1.0 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 4 mg/L

Floatables: plastic candy wrapper, cigarette

filter, organic debris (leaves)

*Sample re-taken in November due to

equipment failure

2nd Quarter- December 2014

Escherichia coli: <5 MPN/100ml

TPH: <5 mg/L

Zinc: 0.099 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: 0.021 mg/L

Lead: 0.0067 mg/L

Chromium: <0.002 mg/L

Nickel: 0.0021 mg/L

Hardness: 8 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: <0.2 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 0.41 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 29 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.18 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 1.2 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 37 mg/L

Floatables: produce sticker, leaf matter,

cigarette filters

Escherichia coli: 1540 MPN/100ml

TPH: 7 mg/L

Zinc: 0.28 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: 0.022 mg/L

Lead: 0.0038 mg/L

Chromium: 0.0021 mg/L

Nickel: <0.002 mg/L

Hardness: 9 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: <0.2 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 0.26 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 59 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.10 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 1.2 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 16 mg/L

Floatables: plastic piece, leaf matter

3rd Quarter-March 2015

Escherichia coli: 11 MPN/100ml

TPH: <5 mg/L

Zinc: 0.038 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: <0.002 mg/L

Lead: <0.002 mg/L

Chromium: <0.002 mg/L

Nickel: 0.0042 mg/L

Hardness: 84 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: 0.4 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 1.1 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 180 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.47 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 2.81 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 66 mg/L

Floatables: pebbles, food matter (shrimp

shells, pasta, ground beef), leaf matter,

trash (plastic wrap, paper)

Escherichia coli: 25 MPN/100ml

TPH: <5 mg/L

Zinc: 0.035 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: <0.002 mg/L

Lead: <0.002 mg/L

Chromium: <0.002 mg/L

Nickel: 0.0041 mg/L

Hardness: 13 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: 0.7 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 0.75 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 54 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.11 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 1.1 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 66 mg/L

Floatables: plastic packaging pieces, organic



Outfall draining Columbia Pike Strip

Shopping Center

Outfall draining auto repair businesses - S.

Four Mile Run Dr.

4th Quarter-June 2015

Escherichia coli: 548 MPN/100ml

TPH: 7 mg/L

Zinc: 0.14 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: 0.022 mg/L

Lead: 0.0094 mg/L

Chromium: 0.0040 mg/L

Nickel: 0.0029 mg/L

Hardness: 6.5 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: 1.0 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 0.43 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 210 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.14 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 1.2 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 120 mg/L

Floatables: pebbles, cigarette ends, organic

matter, trash (bottle cap, foil, plastic piece)

Escherichia coli: >2420 MPN/100ml

TPH: <5 mg/L

Zinc: 0.43 mg/L

Cadmium: <0.002 mg/L

Copper: 0.038 mg/L

Lead: 0.0039 mg/L

Chromium: 0.0030 mg/L

Nickel: 0.0039 mg/L

Hardness: 35 (by calculation)

Ammonia Nitrogen: 1.4 mg/L

Nitrate-Nitrite Nitrogen: 3.7 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand: 80 mg/L

Phosphorus (Total): 0.30 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen: 3.2 mg/L

Total Suspended Solids: 24 mg/L

Floatables: organic debris and pebbles

The County notified the auto repair businesses about non-stormwater discharges (wash water) to the

storm drain system and surface waters. Notices of violation were sent to the businesses. The County

notified VA DEQ about the wash water discharges observed at the S. Four Mile Run Drive outfall.

One of the businesses has ceased washing outdoors. The other establishment recently received a

VPDES General Permit for Car Washing from VA DEQ.

County staff worked with several of the businesses located within the Columbia Pike retail shopping

strip on improving housekeeping, eliminating wash water discharges, improving waste management,

and managing used grease storage containers. Educational materials were provided to several



1. Bacteriological Monitoring

a) Four-Mile Run Watershed

Monthly sampling locations

The 11 sample locations required by the permit are described in the Program Plan.

Also, as described in the Program Plan, in addition to the original 11 monitoring locations, Arlington

added the following four monitoring sites between 2005 and 2012: DR1, DR2, LBR 3 and FMR 9. DR1

and DR2 are located outside of the Four Mile Run Watershed.

Detailed information and data on the County’s bacteria monitoring program can be found at:


In advance of the ‘additional watersheds’ requirement of C.1.b, 6 new sites were added in FY14. At

the time of permit issuance, Little Pimmit Run was the only watershed to have an identified, additional

bacteriological impairment within Arlington’s jurisdictional limits. A new bacterial monitoring site was

added in the Little Pimmit Run Watershed (LP1). LP1 coincides with the existing macroinvertebrate

monitoring location on Little Pimmit Run. Because Arlington does not have two additional impaired

watersheds, two additional monitoring locations located within non-impaired watersheds were added:

Gulf Branch and Windy Run Watersheds. In addition to these, three new bacteria monitoring sites were

added within the Four Mile Run watershed (LBR1, LBR2 and DB1).

A description of the 6 new sites is provided in the Program Plan. A summary of the FY14 data for the

6 newly sites is included in the section below.

The total number of bacteria monitoring sites is 21.

Analysis of E. Coli Data and Precipitation Relationships is available in Appendix F

For the purposes of this report, the 21 monitoring stations are separated into north and south Arlington

locations (with Rt. 50 as the dividing line). A map of the bacteria stations is available online at

General summary

A total of 252 samples were collected over the course of FY 2015 resulting in a 100% coverage of the

program’s sites. Out of the 252 samples, 20% (51 samples) exceeded the primary contact recreation

water quality standard (WQS) of 235 CFU/100 ml (CFU stands for colony-forming units). Of the 51

primary exceedances, 10% (5 samples) also exceeded the secondary contact recreation WQS of 1173

CFU/100 ml. When compared to FY 2014, in FY 2015, there was an 18% decrease in the number of

primary WQS exceedances and a 14% decline in the number of secondary WQS exceedances. In light

of the large quantity of rainfall that was received in June 2015, this downward trend is especially


As was also the case in FY 2014, most of the WQS exceedances in FY 2015 occurred during the warm-

weather months. In FY 2015, 90% of the WQS exceedances occurred in the summer/fall period (July

through October) and in the spring (April through June). During the winter months of November 2014

– March 2015, the average E. coli concentrations for the 21 monitoring sites were below the primary

WQS of 235 CFU/100ml, and ranged between 36 and 187 CFU/100ml. This finding is expected, as the

colder temperatures would not encourage bacterial growth and dog walking activities likely decrease

North Arlington Stations

FMR 1 LBR 1 DR 1

FMR 2 LBR 2 DR 2

FMR 3 LBR 3 GB 1

FMR 4 WR 1 LP 1

South Arlington Stations

FMR 5 FMR 9 DB 1

FMR 6 FMR 10




along the stream valleys during cold weather. Schueler2 notes that fecal coliform, of which E. coli is a

subset, are typically lower in winter months.

The FY 2015 data do not provide support for a correlational relationship between rainfall within three

days or within 4 weeks of sampling and primary WQS exceedances.

Summary of FY 2015 data for 15 long-term sites.

2 Schueler, T. 2000. Microbes in Urban Watersheds: Concentrations, Sources, & Pathways: The Practice of Watershed Protection. Center for

Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Pages 74-84

3 The actual calculation of exceedance frequency for regulatory purposes is more complex and is not presented here.

4 All secondary exceedances are included in the primary exceedance total. For every exceedance of the secondary standard (1173 colonies/100ml),

the primary standard (235 colonies/100ml) was also exceeded.

5 Volunteers do not count above 60 colonies on a cultured plate. For purposes of the computations: a 1ml sample with >60 colonies equates to

6000 colonies/100ml; a 2ml sample with >60 colonies equates to 3000 colonies/100ml; a 3ml sample with >60 colonies equates to 2000

colonies/100ml; a 4ml sample with >60 colonies equates to 1500 colonies/100ml; a 5ml sample with >60 colonies equates to 1200 colonies/100ml

per direction from VA DEQ.

Summary of E. coli Bacteria Sampling Data for 15 Long Term Monitoring Sites 3, 4, 5, 4, 5

Site Number FMR 1 FMR 2 FMR 3 FMR 4 FMR 5 FMR 6 FMR 7 FMR 8 FMR 9 FMR



Concentration 240 218 116 165 195 656 73 179 291 186


Deviation 274 195 135 268 145 836 71 204 219 207

Exceedances of

primary WQS 4/12 5/12 2/12 2/12 5/12 5/12 0/12 4/12 5/12 4/12

Exceedances of

secondary WQS 0/12 0/12 0/12 0/12 0/12 3/12 0/12 0/12 0/12 0/12

Missed collection 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Site Number DR 1 DR 2 ULB 1 LLB 1 LBR 3


Concentration 79 187 115 89 153


Deviation 133 273 119 82 425

Exceedances of

primary WQS 1/12 3/12 2/12 1/12 1/12

Exceedances of

secondary WQS 0/12 0/12 0/12 0/12 1/12

Missed collection 0 0 0 0 0


Summary of E. coli Bacteria Sampling Data for 6 New Monitoring Sites 1,2,3,6,7

Site Number LBR 1 LBR 2 DB 1 GB 1 WR 1 LP 1

Average Concentration 95 184 143 90 79 40

Standard Deviation 117 437 146 97 133 19

Exceedances of primary WQS 2/12 1/12 2/12 1/12 1/12 0/12

Exceedances of secondary WQS 0/12 1/12 0/12 0/12 0/12 0/12

Missed 0 0 0 0 0 0

Summary of FY 2015 data for added sites.

Figure-1 displays the average of the monthly data for the northern and southern sites. Charts for each

individual site are at the end of this section. In June 2015, six of the nine southern sites exceeded the

primary WQS and one also exceeded the secondary standard, causing the significant increase in the

average for the southern sites. The elevated June bacteria counts are consistent with the fact that

June 2015 was recorded as the second rainiest month on record at Reagan National Airport in Arlington


down-as-second-wettest-sixth-warmest-in-washington-d-c/). An unexpected result, however, is that

FY 2015 experienced a decline of primary and secondary exceedances. Of the 21 sites, 12 (57%) did

not exceed the primary standard in June in spite of the rain. Eighteen out of the 21 sites had an annual

E. coli average below the primary WQS, as noted in the summary charts.

6 For the purposes of the computations, if volunteers do not have any colonies on their plate: a 1ml sample with zero colonies equates to <100

colonies/100ml; a 2ml sample with zero colonies equates to <50 colonies/100ml; a 3ml sample with zero colonies equates to <34 colonies/100ml;

a 4ml sample with zero colonies equates to <25 colonies/100ml; a 5ml sample with zero colonies equates to <20 colonies/100ml per direction for


7 For the report’s calculations, the < and > signs were not included and the number of colonies following the sign was used. For example, <34

was treated as 34.


Figures 2 and 3 compare the FY 2014 and FY 2015 monthly averages for the northern and southern

sites. Both the northern and southern sites saw improvements in FY 2015 over FY 2014. When

comparing the monthly averages:

The northern average exceeded the primary WQS only once in FY 2015; there were seven

exceedances in FY 2014. (It should be noted that the April 2015 average in FY 2014 exceeded the

primary WQS by two colonies with an average of 237CFU/100ml.)

The southern average exceeded the primary WQS five times in FY 2015; there were eight

exceedances in FY 2014.

The southern average did not exceed the secondary WQS in FY 2015; two exceedances took place in

FY 2014.














FY 2015 Comparison of Monthly Averages Between Northern and Southern Monitoring Sites

Northern Average Southern Average Primary WQS Secondary WQS

Figure-1. FY 2015 monthly average E. coli concentrations, North vs South Arlington


Figure-2. Comparison of Northern Site Monthly Averages for FY 2014 and FY 2015

Figure-3. Comparison of Southern Site Monthly Averages for FY 2014 and FY 2015

In terms of long-term trend analysis, detailed information is provided in Appendix F for each station,

with sites grouped into the following three general categories:

1. Stable trend with few periods of the moving average exceeding the primary standard

2. Variable trend that exceeded the primary standard but have not met or exceeded the secondary


3. Variable trend that had exceeded the secondary standard









FY 2015 & FY 2014 Comparison of Monthly Averages - North

Northern Average FY15 Northern Average FY14 Primary WQS Secondary WQS












FY 2015 & FY 2014 Comparison of Monthly Averages - South

Southern Average FY15 Southern Average FY14 Primary WQS Secondary WQS


As noted in the MS4 Program Plan, analysis of the relationships between average E. coli concentration

and sanitary capital and operational maintenance projects will be included with the final report for the

permit cycle and will include the five years of data covered by this permit cycle.

b) Additional Watersheds

See previous section

Monitoring procedures

The monitoring procedures are detailed in the DEQ-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan

(QAPP), which was updated and approved in August 2014. The QAPP is available online at and the procedure is detailed at

The monitoring data are posted to the County’s stream monitoring site

( and to DEQ’s Citizen

Volunteer/Non-Agency Monitoring Database, in addition to the data analysis provided in this report.

2. Biological Stream Monitoring

Monitoring locations

The 10 sample locations required by the permit are described in the Program Plan.

Detailed information and data on the County’s biological monitoring program can be found at:

Summary of monitoring results and analysis

An expanded version of the summary information below is provided in Appendix G.

Average Number of Orders

In FY 2015, the average number of orders for seven out of nine of Arlington’s monitoring sites

remained the same or increased. The averages for Gulf Branch, Lubber Run, and the reference

site decreased in FY 2015. When compared with earlier data collected using the current


Four sites have shown an improvement in the average number of orders between FY 2013 and FY 2015 – Little Pimmit Run, Bluemont, Upper Long Branch, and Barcroft.

Five sites have shown variability in their average number of orders with alternating increases and decreases between FY 2013 and FY 2015 – Windy Run, Donaldson Run, Gulf Branch, Banneker, and the reference site.

Lubber Run had a decreasing average number of orders between FY 2013 and FY 2015.





Fall 2011 &

Spring 2012


FY 2013


FY 2014


FY 2015

Windy Run 5 4.7 4.0 5.0

Donaldson Run 5 7.0 5.3 5.7

Gulf Branch 7 6.0 6.3 4.7

Little Pimmit Run 5.5 4.7 5.0 5.3

4MR - Banneker 6 7.0 6.7 7.7

4MR - Bluemont 6 5.3 5.7 6.3

Upper Long Branch 5.5 5.7 6.3 6.7

4MR - Barcroft 5.5 6.7 8.0 8.0

Lubber Run 4.5 6.7 5.3 5.0

Reference site NA 9.0 10.3 8.7

Average number of orders at each of Arlington’s monitoring sites.

Dominant Taxa

During FY 2015, the dominant taxon represented anywhere between 24 and 79 percent of the

sample, compared with the FY 2014 range of 31 - 95 percent. The dominant taxon in the

reference samples ranged between 14 and 19 percent in FY 2015 and 18 and 26 percent in FY

2014. Lower percentages reflect a more diverse community, which is expected at the reference

site. It is encouraging to see the percent range for the Arlington sites was lower in FY 2015 than

FY 2014.

However, only four taxa were dominant in Arlington in FY 2015, compared with seven taxa in

FY 2013 and FY 2014 – as shown in the table below. Based on three years of data, Arlington

sites (not including the reference site) are dominated by very few taxa that are pollution tolerant.



Number of instances taxon was dominant

FY 2013

Number of instances taxon was dominant

FY 2014

Number of instances taxon

was dominant

FY 2015

Tolerance Value

(Scale 0:10)



15 9* 17 4

Trichoptera Hydropsychidae

3 4* 2 6



0 2 0 3

Tricladida 3 4 0 8

Odonata Zygoptera


2 3 0 9

Chironomidae 2 5 7 6

Gastropoda 1 0 1 7-8

Oligochaeta 1 1 0 8

Reference Site



0 2 1! 5

Trichoptera Hydropsychidae

3 1 1 6

Coleoptera 1 0 0 4-7

Trichoptera Leptoceridae

1 0 0 4



1 0 0 4

Plecoptera Perlidae 0 0 1! 1

Plecoptera Leuctridae 0 0 1 0

*During the fall season, two organisms were tied for dominant taxon at Gulf Branch. This figure includes one of

those taxon.

! During the summer season, two organisms were tied for dominant taxon at the reference site.

Dominant Taxon for Arlington’s ten monitoring locations (includes reference site)


Gini-Simpson’s Index of Diversity and the Effective Number of Taxa

The Gini-Simpson’s Index of Diversity (GSID) and the Effective Number of Taxa (ENT) were also

used to evaluate Arlington’s data. Summary results are provided below, with more detailed

information provided in Appendix G.

Figure-4. ENT values for FY14 and FY15

Higher ENT values indicate a healthier macroinvertebrate community. As expected, the reference

site had the highest ENT values in all seasons. None of Arlington’s nine sampling sites consistently

outperformed the others with regard to ENT values (Figure 4). Overall, ENT values to date for

Arlington indicate:

There is not a strong seasonal trend across sites. Half of the sites (5/10) in FY 2014 and FY 2015 had their highest ENTs during the summer season. However, there was variation between the two years as to which sites experienced their highest ENT values in the summer. Only three sites, Windy Run, Banneker and the reference site, experienced their highest ENTs during the summer in both fiscal years.

Half of the monitoring sites had their lowest ENT values in the fall season. Like with the highest ENT values, there was variation between the two years as to which sites experienced their lowest values in the fall.

Values can vary widely at a site. For example the Banneker ENT values ranged from 5.2 to 2.6 in FY 2015.

Northern sites that drain directly to the Potomac (Windy Run, Gulf Branch, Little Pimmit, Donaldson Run) do not consistently have higher ENTs than Four Mile Run drainage sites. By taking the average of the ENT values for FY 2014 and FY 2015, the Potomac sites were ranked as having the 4th, 5th, 8th, and 9th highest ENT values.


With the addition of data in future years, we expect more information to determine which of the observations above are meaningful and which are due to natural variances or anomalies that appear in the current small dataset


Based on this most recent assessment, episodic nonpoint source pollution and the impact of

“flashy” storm events are believed to be the primary sources of stress in Arlington streams—as

would be expected in our urban watersheds. There is not any evidence that indicates a single,

point source of pollution as the cause. We also do not believe that habitat is a limiting factor for

the macroinvertebrate community based on the professional surveys conducted in 2011/2012

and 2015. The data indicate seasonal and yearly variability across Arlington’s sites and overall

the stream health across Arlington’s streams is similar. The reference site performed the best

in all of the studied metrics, which was expected.

Overall, a longer study period and accompanying data are needed for all of the metrics included

in this report. However, based on the short term data collected to date, the key findings from

each metric are below.

Average number of orders:

Four sites have shown an improvement in the average number of orders between FY 2013 and FY 2015 – Little Pimmit Run, Bluemont, Upper Long Branch, and Barcroft.

Five sites have shown variability in their average number of orders with alternating increases and decreases between FY 2013 and FY 2015 – Windy Run, Donaldson Run, Gulf Branch, Banneker, and the reference site.

Lubber Run had a decreasing average number of orders between FY 2013 and FY 2015.

Seasonal average number of orders:

There is variability amongst the sites as to when each experienced their highest and lowest average number of orders.

The seasonal averages are very similar.

Dominant taxa:

Arlington sites (not including the reference site) are dominated by a few taxon that are pollution tolerant.

Seasonal dominant taxa:

Ephemeroptera Baetidae dominated samples mostly during the summer and fall seasons (22 of 26 times). Chironomidae dominated samples a majority of the time in the spring (11 of 12 times).

Effective Number of Taxa (ENT):

There is not a strong seasonal trend across sites. Values can vary widely at a site.


Northern sites that drain directly to the Potomac (Windy Run, Gulf Branch, Little Pimmit, Donaldson Run) do not consistently have higher ENTs than Four Mile Run drainage sites.

Community Tolerance (CTOL):

Higher ENT values (better diversity) do not necessarily correlate with lower CTOL values (more sensitive organisms).

The three most sensitive communities, after the reference site, were located outside of the Four Mile Run drainage area (Windy Run, Gulf Branch, and Donaldson Run).

3. Floatables monitoring

Summary of results for three sampling sites:

Detailed analysis will be included in FY 2018 report.

4. Structural and Source Controls Compliance Monitoring and Tracking

Electronic database of all known County owned and privately owned stormwater management

(SWM) facilities.

- List of SWM facilities known to exist prior to issuance of the permit will be provided with the

third annual report.

- SWM Facilities added during the permit year can be found in electronic format in

AC_SWMF_FY2015, AC_SWMF_Prior to this Permit and AC_SWMF_Retrofits_Completed.

Location Date Cig


tte B



l Cans


ss B




ss P



























th o

r Clo














l Pie


Barcroft Park 9/20/2014 164 218 116 106 309 12 115 37 610 7 1 4 11 178 0 1,888

Arlington Mill 4/19/2015 12 39 47 9 63 25 113 6 12 3 0 1 5 20 72 427

Shirlington Park*5/21/2015 19 2 0 0 7 2 30 0 5 0 0 1 0 10 17 93

Total - 195 259 163 115 379 39 258 43 627 10 1 6 16 208 89 2,408

Percentage - 8.1% 10.8% 6.8% 4.8% 15.7% 1.6% 10.7% 1.8% 26.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.2% 0.7% 8.6% 3.7% 100%

Stream Cleanup Report - FY2015

Number of Trash Pieces by Category in a 100-Foot Section of Stream

*May 21st tally at Shirlington was VERY RAINY day; it was not possible to collect and count all trash, especially that which was located

near the stream on the rocks.


Summary of inspection and maintenance program for privately-owned facilities:


FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

Number of water quality facilities requiring inspection 381 793

Number of facilities with inspection reports submitted 292 584

Number of facilities not submitting an inspection report one of the last two years (no NOV)

83 191

Number of facilities not submitting inspection reports in the last two years to receive NOV in next fiscal year

6 18

Breakdown of Violation and Random Inspections:

NOVs for facilities that did not send inspection reports for 2 years in the permit cycle

6 18

NOV inspections completed by the County for failure to submit 4

Number of random County inspections of facilities that have submitted inspection reports between July 1 and February 1 for the fiscal year*

41 70

Number of other County inspections of water quality facilities** 11 7

*See Program Plan for detailed description inspection program. **The County performed others inspections related to complaints.

The universe of privately-owned stormwater management facilities is growing rapidly, with nearly 500 new

facilities added in FY15 as a result of the new and more stringent Stormwater Management Ordinance. As

a result, the number of owners in NOV status is growing proportionately—although the overall compliance

rate remains high. Following up on NOVs, even if a very small proportion of the total universe, is a

significant and growing workload.

Also, inspection notifications were not sent to owners of 16 stormwater management facilities due to a

database error that has been corrected.

Summary of inspection and maintenance program for public facilities


FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

Number of water quality facilities installed prior to report year 54 74

Number of water quality facilities inspected 53 74

Number of water quality facilities maintained 38 46


1. Chesapeake Bay Special Condition

d) Annual Reporting

1) The Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plan was submitted to

DEQ on June 17, 2015, with a DEQ approval letter dated September 1, 2015.

2) The Action Plan covered implementation through FY 2014. The summary of

implementation activity in FY 2015 is shown below. Electronic lists are included in

Appendices A and B.


Development Load Changes and Load Reductions from SWMF for FY15

See Appendix J for load reduction from SWMF installed with development activities and retrofit projects

completed in FY15, along with load deductions from SWMF missed in FY09-FY14 accounting.

During FY15 report generation several structures were found that were mislabeled in the database as

water quantity instead of water quality, but the development load had been accounted for in the FY09-

FY14 accounting.


3) Estimated Reduction Achieved through FY15

With the POC reductions from FY 2015 in place, the 5% POC reduction requirement

for this permit cycle has been met. The means and methods implemented to date

include watershed retrofit projects, stream restoration projects, redevelopment-based

reductions, and 2006-2009 ‘historical BMPs.’

4) Control Measures Expected to be Implemented during Permit Cycle. See Appendix C

of the Action Plan document.

2. TMDL Action Plans Other than the Chesapeake Bay TMDL

The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plans for Bacteria (E. coli) and Polychlorinated

Biphenyls (PCBs) were submitted to DEQ on June 22, 2015.

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