arkham (31) (1)

Post on 02-Dec-2015






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Character stuff.


Name:S'k'sx; Aka:Arkham, etc.Race:Armathrax (Undead (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Native, Psionic))- NBI:4-armed, 4-winged, etc.; NBII:Fallen MalakRacial Hit Dice:65; Total Hit Dice:100Starting Occupation:Mercenary (D20 Darkmatter)- Bonus Feat:Brawl; Skills:Intimidate*Class:[A.]/[A.]/[A.]/[E.]/[M.]/[N.]/[S.]/[S.]/[T.]/[T.]*Level:[20]/[20]/[20]/[10]/[20]/[20]/[20]/[20]/[5]/[20]*Prestige Class:[A./A./A./A./A./B./G./I./M./N./P./S./S.]*Level:[5/5/10/10/10/10/5/20/10/10/10/10/10]*Class: - *Level: -*Gestalt, Integrated, etc. (see below).Build:Powerful, Slenderly MuscularSize:Medium; V.S.C.s:8Height:6 ft.; Tendrils:0-12 ft.Wingspan:9 ft.; Tail Length:12 ft.Apparent Weight:280 lb.Physiological Weight:2,293,760 lb.- w/Cybernetics:63,284,907.463785 lb.Psychological Weight:2,293,760 lb.- w/Cybernetics:63,284,907.463785 lb.Buoyancy Units:0 lb., if incorporeal.(-253,139,629.85514-0 lb., if corporeal.)Eyes:Deep Jet-black (Cold, Discerning) - B.:Deep Crimson (Bioemotive)- E.E. (N.f., P.f.):246, 254; T.:248, 256Horns, Spines, etc.:Deep Jet-black (Sharp)Fangs:Deep Chrome-silver (Gleaming, Sharp)Wings:Deep Jet-black (, Flexible, Sharp)Scales:Deep Jet-black (Carapacian, Sharp)Skin:Deep Jet-black (Thickly scaled)Blood:Deep Jet-black (Cold, Fluid)Apparent Age:25Physiological Age:25Chronological Age:572,499Psychological Age:572,499Apparent Gender:MalePhysiological Gender:MalePsychological Gender:MaleAlignment:Chaotic EvilHit Points:160,352; Force Field:160,352 (50/R) - H.S.:5,080; A.L.:2,001; M.C. (I./C.):87.5%/75%B.A.B.:+83/+78/+73/+68;*T.A.B.:+1,212/+1,207/+1,202/+1,197*Utilizes Dex, enhancement, and Weapon Focus feats.NB:DEATH (see below) w/every strike, if desired.Shockwave:Any/all attacks create shockwaves (force). - Shockwave Damage = Square root of Shockwave Radius (round down).- Shockwave Radius (ft.) = Square root of attack damage (round down).Iaijutsu:+68d6+9,180 plus Sneak Attack (see below)Sneak Attack:+24d6 plus DEATH (see below)

Force [Effect]:4,200d4 (9,600d4)[Current][Effect]:4,200d6 (9,600d6)Negative Energy [Effect]:700 (1,600)Poison [Effect]:700/700 (1,600/1,600)Pulse Phaser (Max):1,500d10+708 (1,200)M Bloodrazor (1h, 2h):2,560d10+708; 2,560d10+775M Starblade:1,920d10+708T; S Bloodrazor:1,280d10+708; 1,920d10+708L needle shuriken:480d10+708Unarmed Strike (Bite, Horns):960d10+708Unarmed Strike (Tentacle):1,280d10+708Unarmed Strike (F. (or C.), etc.):480d10+708Unarmed Strike (Grapple):480d10+708Unarmed Strike (Wing):320d10+708Unarmed Strike (Tail (Pincer, Slap)):1,280d10+708Unarmed Strike (Spines):640d10+708Spines (defense):20d10+565Speed:17,000 ft./B.:8,500 ft./C.:17,000 ft./F.:17,000 ft. (P.) or 102,000 ft. (G.)/S.:17,000 ft.Initiative:Always wins (+468 vs Perfect Initiative (+135 Charisma, +8 Cybernetics (+4 Improved Initiative Implant, +4 Reflex Wires), +135 Dexterity, +40 Divine, +14 Feats (+2 Boneblade Master, +2 Quick Reconnoiter, +2 Soulblade Warrior, +8 Superior Initiative), +75 Luck, +10 Mythic, +51 Psicrystal)); NB:Also see Blood and Fists for additional initiative modifiers.S/PR:615 *DR:1,840/ - FH:135/R R:135/R*Armor, Cybersuite, Living Swarm, Mind Blade, The Truth, and Warforged (see below).Fortitude:+52 (+719Reflex:+52 (+709Will:+52 (+709Strength:145 +67Dexterity:280 +135Constitution:- Intelligence:280 +135Wisdom:280 +135Charisma:280 +135Armor Class:2,449 (+40 Anarchic, +675 Armor, +135 Competence, +135 Deflection, +135 Dexterity, +40 Divine, +135 Dodge, +135 Iaijutsu, +140 Insight, +75 Luck, +154 Natural, +40 Profane, +600 Shield)NB:Defense Bonus = +52 (+12 (+1/2 HD > 20HD (round up)); N/A in armor.)

23+50+40+75=14523+50+40+75=28023+50+40+75=14523+50+40+75+18+50=28023+50+40+75+18+50=28023+50+40+75+18+50=280r0Favored Form I:*Metamorph (Changeling (Races of Eberron)/Half-Fraal (D20 Menace Manual)) (Build:Powerful, Slenderly Muscular; Size:Medium, V.S.C.s:8; Height:6 ft.; Apparent Weight:280 lb.; Ethnicity:Metamorph (see previous); Eyes:Deep Jet-black

(Cold, Discerning); Hair:Deep Jet-black (Long, Silken, Straight); Fangs:Deep Chrome-silver (Gleaming, Sharp); Skin:Deep Jet-black (Silken); Blood:Deep Jet-black (Cold, Fluid, Resinous); Apparent Age:25; Physiological Age:25; Apparent Gender:Male; Physiological Gender:Male; Equipment:Goth's outfit (self-explanatory) plus any equipment listed below (concealed).)NB:*Via Change Shape (Form:Metamorph (see previous).) (see below).

Abilities:All Armathrax Abilities (Inc.; Variant:Abyssal (Type:Outsider; Subtype:Chaotic, Evil, Demon (Obyrith, Tanar'ri); Breath Weapon (Annihilation (1/1d3 rounds):A tight beam of cloying darkness targets a single individual within Close range (25 ft. (+5 ft./2 HD/L (round down))). The opponent must succeed at a Will save or be utterly erased from existence. Annihilated creatures cannot be brought back to life by any means, including miracle, reality revision, true resurrection, or wish. The save DC is Charisma-based.) ~ Form of Madness (Su):Failing a Will save against S'k'sx's form of madness (r. = Close (25 ft. (+5 ft./2 HD/L (round down)))) causes the victim to immediately be mindraped (as per mindrape). Chaotic evil outsiders are affected normally. This ability is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. ~ Body Invulnerability (Su):An abyssal armathrax can be killed only by severing it's head (This requires a declared, slashing attack inflicting (HD/L (x2, if d20's; x10, if d100's, etc.; plus a.s./d.a.-based modifiers, if any)) points damage. Excess damage is lost, it's head dies (regrowing in 1 day/point of damage the severance required), and a natural reflex seals the neck shut, preventing further blood loss. The abyssal armathrax can no longer attack with it's severed head, but suffers no other penalties.) and destroying it's body (which is invulnerable as long as it's head remains). It's hit point total represents it's body. ~ Regeneration (Ex):No form of attack deals normal damage to an abyssal armathrax.; C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+33.377; L.A.:+50.066) (v5 C.R.D.)), Demon Lord (Demon Lord Traits (T.I:Subsumed.; T.II:Subsumed.; T.III:Subsumed.; T.IV:Frightful Presence (C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+.5; L.A.:+.75) (v5 C.R.D.)); T.V:Ability damage immunity. (C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+.5; L.A.:+.75) (v5 C.R.D.)) The remainder:Subsumed.; T.VI:Subsumed.; T.VII:Subsumed.; T.VIII:Summon Demons (C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+.6; L.A.:+.9) (v5 C.R.D.)); T.IX:Subsumed.), MR10 (Mythic Spells (10):Blasphemy, chaos hammer, confusion, dispel magic, nightmare, phantasmal killer, power word blind, time stop, unholy blight, and word of chaos.; C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+5; L.A.:+7.5) (v5 C.R.D.))), Evolved (Type:Dragon; Abnormality (divine) (x13; Extra Arms (x1; NB:+1 cost for no Str penalty.), Extra Eye (x6; 1-2.:2nd pair of primary eyes.; 3. & 5.:R. palms.; and 4. & 6.:L. palms.) (Inc.), Extra Eyes (x2) (Inc.), Extra Psyche (x2) (Inc.), Extra Wings (x1)) ~ Alter Reality (cosmic) ~ Anyfeat (divine) (x75) ~ 'Blindsight"500 ft. (Ex):An evolved armathrax can “see” by using psychic energy. ~ Blood Immortal (Replaces:Skill Focus (Intimidate)) (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.) ~ Cold Absorption (divine) (inc. Cold Immunity (divine)) ~ Cosmic Consciousness (cosmic) ~ Divine Immensity (divine) (x5) ~ Divine Inspiration (cosmic) (x12) ~ Divine Nescience (cosmic) ~ Extra Mind (cosmic) (x2) (Inc.) ~ Force Absorption (divine) (inc. Force Immunity (divine)) ~ Force Field (divine) (x6) (Inc.) ~ Gestalt (cosmic) (x2) (Inc.) ~ Greater Integration (cosmic) (Inc.) ~ Greater Mutable A./D. (cosmic) (x12) (Inc.) ~ Mind Blade (M.B.F.:450) ~ Multifaceted (divine) (x75) ~ Mutable A./D. (cosmic) (x12) (Inc.) ~ Nescient (divine) ~ Regeneration 5 ~ Spell Resistance 18 ~ Superior Change Shape (Action:Free action.; Form(s):Any Fine-Titanic creature/object (nonartifact, nondeific; non/magical (sub/epic (up to (and inc.) creation capability)), non/psionic (sub/epic (up to (and inc.) creation capability)), and/or non/psychic (sub/epic (up to (and inc.) creation capability)); inc. hybrid (nonchimera) combination of any aforementioned form and base (true form) (i.e. can hybridize form and retain any/all of own abilities, etc.). All Ex and Su abilities dependant on any aforementioned form assumed are gained, if desired. NB:This

ability can be combined w/anything that Transmutation (polymorph) abilities, etc. can be combined with (ex.s Swarm Shape (feat), Divine Immensity (divine), etc.) for greater results.) C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+.75; L.A.:+1.125) (v5 C.R.D.) ~ Supernatural Resistance (B) ~ Telepathic Awareness"500 ft. (Su):An evolved armathrax detects all creatures whose minds are not shielded with an effect such as mind blank, even through solid rock. Within this same range, it can communicate with any creature that has a language. ~ Uncanny Current Mastery (Force) (cosmic) (x12 (divine (x72))) ~ Uncanny Force Mastery (cosmic) (x12 (divine (x72))) ~ Uncanny Poison Mastery (cosmic) (x12 (divine (x72))); Int +58, Wis +48, Cha +50; C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+477.01; L.A.:+715.516) (v5 C.R.D.); NB:'This is in addition to an armathrax's normal blindsight."Infinite w/Cosmic Consciousness.), Great Old One (Great Old One Traits (T.I:Subsumed.; T.II:Subsumed.; T.III:Subsumed.; T.IV:Insanity (C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+.555; L.A.:+.833) (v5 C.R.D.)); T.V:Subsumed.; T.VI:Subsumed.; T.VII:Unspeakable Presence (Su):Failing a Will save against S'k'sx's unspeakable presence (r. = Close (25 ft. (+5 ft./2 HD/L (round down)))) causes the victim to immediately die of fright. This is a death and mind-affecting, fear effect. A creature immune to fear that fail's its save against S'k'sx's unspeakable presence is staggered for 1d6 rounds instead of killed. The save DC is Charisma-based. (C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+2.222; L.A.:+3.333) (v5 C.R.D.)))).), All Acolyte Abilities (Inc.; Variety:Demon (Obyrith)), All Eldritch Creature Abilities (PRD; Errata:C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+5; L.A.:+7.5) (v5 C.R.D.); E.P.:50; S.A.:Bonus Feat (x25)), All Paragon (Perfect One) Abilities (Inc.), All Amidah (Ultimate One) Abilities (Inc.), All Pseudonatural Creature Abilities (SRD; Errata:C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+53.15; L.A.:+79.725) (v5 C.R.D.), Alien Form (i.e. Alternate Form (Add:All-Around Vision (All-Around Vision (Ex):A pseudonatural creature in alien form can't be flanked and gains a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks.) and Immunity to Critical Hits and Flanking (due to alien physiology).; Appearance:No apparent change, except, gains cranial tendrils (tentacles (0 (fully retracted (i.e. concealed); reach 0 ft.) -12 ft. (fully extended; reach 10 ft.)); concealable (extendable/retractable), pincered (concealable (extendable/retractable))) and extraneous eyes (concealable (openable/closable)).); NB:This ability can be combined w/anything that Transmutation (polymorph) abilities, etc. can be combined with (ex.s Divine Immensity (divine), etc.) for greater results.), Blindsight 120 ft., Constant Insight (Replace +15 w/+20.), and Immunity to Poison.; Tentacles:25), All Superior Half-dragon Abilities (Inc.; Variety:Half-void Dragon; Variant:Alien (Chrysalis (Generates a chrysalis (encasing his body), rather than wrapping his wings around himself, granting himself a deflection bonus to his AC equal to ½ his HD/L. This does not stack with any deflection bonus he has.), Claws (Retains fly speed, etc.; however, his claws, rather than his wings, are always touch attacks, ignore all hardness and damage reduction, and deal permanent damage.), Wings (Concealable (extendable/retractable); Insectile (-1 damage category (wings only); bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing; Special:Augmented Critical (slashing), Increased Damage (all), and Sharpness (slashing).))), Entropic (All Entropic Creature Abilities (Inc.; NB:Cybersuite, etc. are composed of S'k'sx's essence, etc. (see Necrotech (Inc.))).)), All Cyber Creature Abilities (Inc.), All Cyber Knight Abilities (Inc.), All Lich Abilities (PRD; Errata:C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+7.71; L.A.:+11.565) (v5 C.R.D.); Phylactery:S'k'sx's Eyes, Skull & Bones, Sigils, Cybersuite, Armory (1,998 Dark Trinities), Mind Blade, and Psicrystal (via Aumvor's fragmented phylactery, etc.).; Variant:Lichfiend (Libris Mortis), Undead Immortal (Similar to and replaces Blood Immortal (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.).; Special:Nullified w/destruction of all phylacteries.)), All Akalich (Shadow Lich) Abilities (I.H.:E.B.; Errata:I.H.:E.B., Player's Compendium; Variant:Ancient Lich (Corporeal (Gains full HD/L natural AC bonus (i.e. Carapace, Exoskeleton, and Squamous.).; Retains all movement types. Gains fly speed and speed enhancement (x10).; Phylacteric Sigils replace soul gems. Function and number

unaltered.) C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+0.7/L.A.:+1.05))), All Mythic Abilities (Mythic Adventures; Errata:At 10th tier, only a coup de grace or critical hit from an artifact bypass your immortality.; Ascension:Godling; M.P.:Archmage, Trickster; M.T.:10; A.A.:Mage Strike; T.A.:Surprise Strike; P.A.:Crafting Mastery, Deadly Dodge, No One of Consequence, Perfect Preparation, Subtle Magic, Thwart Detection; Beyond Morality, Divine Source, Perfect Lie; Slayer's Cyclone), All Greater Deity Abilities (I.H.:A.; Errata:Divine Bonus (Ex):Greater deities add a +16 divine bonus to:armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any special abilities, psi-like abilities; psionics; spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; power resistance; saving throws; and spell resistance.; B.D.R.:16; S.G.:+4 (i.e. D.B.:+20, etc.); T.D.R.:20), Possession (Fiendish Codex I:Hordes of the Abyss); Character Traits:Carve Netsuke (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), Urban Acolyte (P.P.C.:Heroes of the Streets); T.C.R.:1,093.757; T.A.L.:1,640.636

Action Points:3,000 (Unearthed Arcana; NB:A.P. value = 100 gp per HD/L. Miracle, reality revision, or wish will replenish A.P. = 2,000 gp. Miraculous wish (Epic Incantations) will replenish A.P. = 10,000 gp (i.e. S'k'sx can replenish 1 A.P./5 miracles, reality revisions, and/or wishes or 1 A.P./miraculous wish.).)

Allegiances: - ; Reputation:+25 (Demonic self.)/+0 (Metamorph self.)Corruption:280; M.C.E.:- ; - ; -; Bonus Feats:2Depravity:280; M.D.E.:- ; - ; -; Bonus Feats:2

Although S'k'sx keeps his demonic nature a secret, he is no less demonic. He's simply cautious, intelligent, and extremely patient, preferring to sow chaos, death, etc. amongst his enemies (and other irritants) on the sly. S'k'sx has chosen to master his demonic nature, rather than permitting it to master him. This is a remnant of his mortal self (prior to his death (of self-sacrifice), ascension (to the rank of elohim, then malak, then nearly kyriotate), fall from grace (into corruption and depravity), and eventual rise (from the deepest, most alien recesses of The Abyss) as, perhaps, the most powerful cosmic horror to ever traverse the multiverse).

Current Events:Currently, S'k'sx spies on, pranks (often maliciously), and steals from the inhabitants of Arkham, using the extensive network of caverns, tunnels, mine shafts, and sewers riddling the earth below. Thus far only the rat things of Arkham (his cultists) have been permitted to notice him. They frequently bring him offerings and animal sacrifices, or, infrequently, human sacrifices. In return, he gives them the power to protect themselves from their would-be predators (in particular, Arkhams underdwelling gugs (which are infrequently confused with bigfoot, etc. by those few human who are unlucky enough to encounter them)).

S'k'sx's Cybersuite (Avatar, Major Artifact, and Phylactery; Description:If possessed of the ability to see the microscopic, one would see ornate, jet-black obdurium/orichalcum nanites.; Powers:Obdurium/orichalcum cybernetics ((Gadgets (As appropriate.):*Ancient (+8) (F.P.C.:T.E.), *Biosensor [HUD Software] (+4),*Chameleonic Surface (+6),*Compact (+2),*Improved Database (+2),*Inobvious (+2), Integrated (x32)

(+128),*Miniaturized (+4),*Morphic Metal Alloy (+6),*Necro-Tech (i.e. undead Techno-Organics (comprised of cyber recipient's own essence, etc.)) (+4),*Satellite Datalink (+1),*Satalite Imagery Receiver (+5),*Sensor Baffling (+3),*Sensor Link [HUD Software] (+1),*Unknown Alien Technology (Armathrax) (+6) (F.P.C.:T.E.); Base:137 (see Chronal Wand (see below);*Inc..); Total:265 (+128; Max:370) (1 (Integrated:33); Max:1):Avatar Backup (PL10), Avatar Boost (PL10), Body Repair Weave (PL10), Camouflaged Skin (PL10), Chemical Air Analyzer (PL10), Data Archive (PL10), Dermal Weave (PL10) (F.P.C.:T.E.), Enhanced Resonance Module (PL10) (F.P.C.:T.E.), Extra Memory (PL10), Feat Plexus (PL10), Fortified Skeleton (PL10; Obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/Orichalchum (53.33...etc.%) (DR:13/ - (193/ - w/Enhancement); H:13 (193 w/Enhancement); Bypass:967; Weight (30 lb.):20,330,382.487928 lb.)), HUD Link (PL10), Improved Initiative Implant (PL10) (F.P.C.:T.E.), Inertial Navigator (PL10), Internal Gyro (PL10), Internal Tool Mount (PL10; Equipment (PL10; Gadgets:All previous (As appropriate.) plus Multiple Use Item (x26) (+26); Location:Microcomputer (see below), etc.):Armacomp [Sensor], Chemicomp [Sensor], Chronal Transciever (Inc.), Chronal Wand (Inc.), Chronometric Compass (F.P.C.:T.E.), Chronometric Tracker (F.P.C.:T.E.), Democomp [Sensor], Dimensional Transciever, Dimension Wand, Dimensional Barometer (F.P.C.:T.E.), Electricomp [Sensor], GalPos Device, Geocomp [Sensor], S'k'sx's Bodyguard (Unseen Bodyguard (S.B.:+64 (enhanced; see Warforged (Inc.)); 15d10 (90d10) (enhanced; see Warforged (Inc.)), 20/x2 (19-20/x3), - , special, B, P, or S; NB:Functionally an "everdancing" shield.); DR:3/ - (48/ - w/Enhancement); H:3 (48 w/Enhancement); Bypass:967; Weight (1 lb.):677,679.41626429 lb.; Integrated Equipment (x18; Calcion (PL10), Chatter (PL10), Doppelganger (PL10), Gatekeeper (PL10), Identity Mask (PL10), Nanohunters (Gray Death, Gray Goo, Poison Pill, Resilite, Stiletto, Trackers) (PL10), Oncoguard (PL10), Prophecy (PL10), Soullink (PL10), 20/20 (PL10), UFog (PL10), Watchdog (PL10), Woundweavers (PL10)) (+18))), Mechanicomp [Sensor], Medicomp [Sensor], Motion [Sensor], Nanocomp [Sensor] (F.P.C.:T.E.), Nanite Scanner, Nanite Translater, Neural Recorder (Primary L. palm), Photon Shield, Piercing Visor (NB:[Sensor]), Polyvox, Robocomp [Sensor], Sensory Transmitter, Universal Communicator (UNICOM)), Internal Weapon Mount (x4; PL10; Weapons (PL10; Gadgets:All previous (As appropriate.) plus Multiple Use Item (x4) (+4).; Location:Forearms, etc.):Pulse Phasers (5 sets (separate; can be fired collectively (at one target; NB:Treat as fire-linked (i.e. 1:10d8 (40), etc. (i.e. x2.5 (x5))).) or individually (at multiple targets).) of 4 (fire-linked; V.S.C.s:8; 1:4d8 (8), 2:8d8 (16), 3:16d8 (24), 4:20d10 (16), 5:40d10 (32), 6:60d10 (48), 7:80d10 (64), 8:100d10 (80), 9:200d10 (80), 10:400d10 (160), 11:600d10 (240) (enhanced; see Warforged (Inc.)); 240 ft. (x15); 4,800 Box (4 fire-linked 1,200 Boxes); Gadgets:All previous (as appropriate) plus Expanded Magazine (+2), Extended Range (+2), Induction Inversion Adapter (x4 (1/pulse phaser)) (+8), Integrated Equipment (Pulse Phasers (x3), Power Backpack (x2; 1/2 pulse phasers; Gadgets:As previous (as appropriate) plus Reduced Size (+2)); Total:x3) (+3), Long Range (+1), Reduced Size (+2), ZPE Battery (x4 (1/pulse phaser)) (+4); Total:51).; Pulses emit from eyes (5) in center of palm.) (PD20 Modern)), Luminous Skin (PL10), Microcomputer (PL10), Neural Computer Link (PL10), Neural Network Jack [Wireless] (PL10), Radio Link Module (PL10) (F.P.C.:T.E.), Reflex Wires (PL10; Class III), Sensory Recorder (PL10), Skeletal Seismograph (PL10), Sonar Skin (PL10), Subcutaneous Body Armor (PL10; Obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/Orichalchum (53.33...etc.%) (A.B.:+128 (enhanced; see Warforged (Inc.)); DR:13/ - (193/ - w/Enhancement); H:13 (193 w/Enhancement); Bypass:967; Weight (60 lb.):40,660,764.975857 lb.)), Subcutaneous Cell Phone (PL10), Tactile Touch Wires (PL10), Voice Stress Analyzer (PL10); Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust

(DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Reliefs depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.) plus see below.; Special:S'k'sx's Cybersuite is 1 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Obdurium/orichalcum Cybersuite (see previous).; Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured/natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 1 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)

- Chronal Transciever (PL 8-9; A chronal transciever permits two-way communication across time, although chronal static can sometimes hinder or block communications. The somewhat bulky PL 8 transceiver can be carried like a backpack; a handheld version is available at PL 9. A chronal transceiver must be calibrated to transmit signals to a given time. Assuming the coordinates have already been plotted using some kind of chronal generator (see below), calibrating the transceiver takes a full-round action and requires a successful Computer Use check (DC 15), The PL 9 version can store the coordinates of up to five different times.; Size: Medium (PL 8), Tiny (PL 9); Weight: 4 lb. (PL 8), 1 lb. (PL 9); Purchase DC: 40; Restrictions: Illegal (+4).)

- Chronal Wand (PL 8-9; The chronal wand is a personal chronal gate generator. It creates a rupture in the fabric of time just large enough for one character to step through into another time. The gate remains open until the wand itself passes through, so multiple characters can step through without using their own wands. The drawback to the chronal wand is that it must be recalibrated after each use (see Equipment Failure, D20 Future), or entirely new chronal coordinates must be entered, as though changing the settings. The PL 8 version of the chronal wand weighs only 1 pound. The PL 9 version has the same purchase DC, with the added benefit that it stores the last five chronal coordinates automatically, enabling anyone to thumb through settings without recalibrating the wand.; Weight:1 lb.; Purchase DC:58.; Restriction:Illegal (+4).)

Divine Rank:20 Homeplane:Assiah (Godly Realm:The Black Spiral (Description:The Black Spiral is a deep jet-black, 4-armed, spiral galaxy (S'k'sx) with 2,924 deep jet-black stars (S'k'sx's avatars).).) Symbols:The Black Spiral (see previous)

Favored Animals:Armathrax, sirrush, and toad (often takes the form of a Fine-sized, black (displeased), grey (neutral), or white (pleased) colored toad and generally feels amiable towards and protective of Baalzebul, The Slaadi Lords; the Slaadi; Tsathogga; frogs, etc.; and their aficionadoes, fans, and servants (none of which are even remotely aware of his existence)).Favored Sacrifices:Animal (nonfavored only; harming or mistreating one of his favored animals angers him), fiend (esp. self-sacrifice or servants of Alastor (Asmodeus's executioner), Asmodeus, Belial (esp. Belial), Dagon, Demogorgon, Iuz, Lolth, Malcanthet,

Mephistopheles, Mydianchlarus, and Ob-ox.), and sentient (esp. self-sacrifice or etc. (see previous))).Favored Servants:Any.

Exp.:1,345,619,999 Q.:572,499,999 (P.P.:572 499,999; W.P.: - )Level x (Level -1) x 500 C.R.:1,093; L.A.:+1,540; E.C.L.:1,640

Artifacts: - (-4 for +546 d.a.)Y.-y. Portfolios (D.):Entropy & TimePortfolios (D.):Darkess, Death, Fear, Secrets,'TrickeryPortfolios (S.):Chaos, Evil, Madness; NB:'Thievery.- Appearance:Naturally invisible (if desired (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))). If visible (by choice or force (see immunities (esp. divination and magic immunity))): Apparent age and/or state of decay (if desired; can change, as a nonaction, at will (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))), displacement effect (if desired (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))), fear (panic; can exclude allies and/or nonenemies, if any) effect (if desired (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))), jet-black (if desired (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))), no reflection (if desired (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))), and no shadow (if desired (manifestation (in any form) and equipment (any/all, if desired (contact; instantaneous), if any))). Domains (Subdomains):Chaos (Demon (C)), Darkness (Loss (D), Night (D)), Death (Murder (D), Undead (D)), Evil (Demon (E), Fear (F)), Madness (Nightmare (M)), Time (Past (T), Future (T)), Trickery (Ambush (T), Deception (S), Espionage (S), Thievery (T)), Void (Dark Tapestry (E), Isolation (E)); NB:Possesses the full base domains and subdomains. Use PRD domains and subdomains.

Divine Abilities (164):Adamant Concentration (Inc.), Adjuration, Alien (Inc.), [Aligned] Body (x2) (Inc.), [Aligned] Mind (x2) (Inc.), [Aligned] Soul (x1) (Inc.), [Aligned] Spirit (x2) (Inc.), Aport, Armor Debasement (Inc.), Armor Deficiency (Inc.), Armor Depreciation (Inc.), Asport, [Condition] [Effect] (x3; Confusion Storm (x1), Panic Storm (x1), Paralysis Storm (x1)) (Inc.), Create Greater Spawn, Create Spawn, Dimensional Folding (Inc.), Distant Gaze, Distasteful (Inc.), Divine Architect, Divination Immunity (Inc.), Divine Palm (Inc.), Dream Stealer, Electricity Absorption, Epic Metamagic Capacity (Inc.), Epic Metapsionic Capacity (Inc.), Epic Presence (Turn Immunity (Inc.)), Eternal Freedom, Familiarity (Inc.), Fearsome Strength (Inc.), Fire Absorption, Goetic Necrosis (Inc.), Gravitas, Greater Aura, Greater Realm (Inc.), High Handed, House of Death, Inner Realm (psyches) (Inc.), Innerverse (psyches) (Inc.), Insane Wisdom (Inc.), Ki Effect (Inc.), Ki Occultist (Inc.), Learned Occult Immunity (NB:Full Transparency.) (Inc.), Malaclypse, Mutability (Mutable (Selective. (i.e. can assume liquid and/or solid state and/or modify form as desired.)), - Blind (Retains blindsight.), - Mindless (Retains immunity.)), Obscurity (Inc.), Occult Abatement (NB:Full Transparency.) (Inc.), Occult Power (Inc.), Occult Spirit (Inc.), Perfect Aura, Perfect Initiative, Perfect Spring Attack (Inc.), Perfect Weapon Focus (see Weapon Mastery), Positive Energy Absorption (Inc.), Positive Energy Immunity (NB:+5 cost (due to D.Darkness P.s, D.Death P.s., and

Undead type).) (Inc.), Possess Realm (Inc.), Precognition, Quickness, Rapid Rejuvenation, Self Mastery, Seventh Sense, Sonic Absorption, Sonic Immunity, Soul Stealer, Spell Storm (x7; polymorph any object (7; 8th)) (Inc.), Superior Aura, Sure-Footed, Sure-Handed, Sure-Minded, Synergy (Inc.), Telelocation, Theopoea, Two-Dimensional, Uncanny Cleave, Uncanny Dodge, Uncanny Lesser (i.e. 1M./2HD; NB:Ages affected (creature(s), etc.) (forward /in reverse).) Chronal Mastery, Uncanny Lesser (i.e. d1000/6HD) Karmic Mastery, Uncanny Lesser (i.e. d100/6HD) Siphoning Mastery, Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (cosmic (+x6 (divine (+x36)))), Uncanny Whirlwind Attack, Unknowing Mind, Unknowing Soul, Unknowing Spirit, Unyielding Damage Reduction, Vampiric Effect, Vengeful Effect, Weapon Breaking, Weapon Debasement (x3), Weapon Deficiency (x3), Weapon Depreciation (x3), Whispersoul (Inc.), X-Ray Vision (Inc.)

Cosmic Abilities (276):Abrogate, Aegis (Inc.), Apostasy, Art of the Spheres (Inc.), Assimilate (Inc.), Cosmic Architect, Cosmic Firmament, Cosmic Font (Inc.), Cosmic Superimposition, Cosmic String, Creature Messiah (x4; chaotic, Construct, evil, Undead; NB:Treat as an O.O. vs. P.T. (if S'k'sx is possessed of -.P. or associated S.P. (see Portfolios (see previous))), a F.O. vs. P.T. (if S'k'sx is possessed of associated D.P. (see Portfolios (see previous))), or a D.S.II (if S'k'sx is possessed of 3 associated D.P.s (self-explanatory)).), Exclusivity, Extra Portfolio (x8; Darkness (x1), Death (x1), Entropy (x1), Fear (x1), Madness (x1), Secrets (x1), Time (x1), Trickery (x1)), Great Forgery (Inc.), Great Necrosis (Inc.), Learned Ability Immunity, Nebulous, Nullification, Numinous (NB:Full Transparency.), Panversal (Inc.), Portfolio Paragon (x7; Darkness (x1), Death (x1), Entropy (x1), Fear (x1), Secrets (x1), Time (x1), Trickery (x1)) (Inc.), Psychometry, Shroud of Death, Slayer (Inc.), Slipstream, Specular (Appearance: - ), Talismanic Effect, Talismanic Occultist (Inc.), Underhanded, Yin-yang (x1; Entropy & Time) (Inc.); NB:Assassin's Strike + Light Eradication + D.P.: Darkness, D.P.:Death, and D.P.:Entropy + Inner Eye (cosmic) + Slayer (cosmic) + Underhanded (cosmic) = DEATH (Ex) (Special:No save. Trumps up to and including F.O. (if D.P.)/D.S.I (if S.P.) immunities, rejuvenation, and resistances.) for any creature he strikes (see unerring (Inc.)).

Transcendental Abilities (144):Dead Zone (NB:Full Transparency.), Divine Nullification, Everpresent (Inc.), Transmortality

NB:S'k'sx's avatar layers (cybersuite, ectopic suit (concealed beneath his Dark Trinities), 1,998 Dark Trinities, and mind blade (concealed beneath his Dark Trinities)) have their "heads" situated in different locations (preventing each "head" from being severed under normal circumstances (a flexible slashing weapon (such as a whip, etc.) is required for any exposed "head" to be severed) as each "head" is protected from Piercing Strike as well as sharpness and vorpal effects by an over/underlying avatar layer). His cybersuite's "head" is situated normally; while his ectopic suit's, Dark Trinities', and mind blade's locations change constantly (his Dark Trinities' "heads" remain in the innermost layers (rendering them; and consequently him, his cybersuite, ectopic suit, and mind blade; invulnerable), while his mind blade's "head" is never situated normally). Furthermore, each avatar layer is possessed of it's own force field.Special:Portfolio Trumping (see I.H.:A., Pg. 47) can bypass S'k'sx's invulnerability, if his opponent is of sufficient divine status.

Special:Change Name (Bonus Feats:12; C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+2.4; L.A.:+3.6) (v5 C.R.D.)) (Dweomercraft:Lich), The Truth (Can substitute his Wisdom score for his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores (effects which damage/drain one of these physical

ability scores have no effect on his Wisdom score); gains Soldier of Truth as an additional favored class; and gains damage reduction 15/ - .; C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+5.3; L.A.:+7.95) (v5 C.R.D.)) (Secrets)

Special (Class:A. (Arcanist (Advanced Class Guide)), A. (Archivist (Heroes of Horror), A. (Artist (Medieval Player's Manual)), E. (Erudite (Complete Psionic)), M. (Monk (Pathfinder Unchained)), N. (Ninja (PRD)), S. (Scholar (Medieval Player's Manual)), S. (Soldier of Truth (Secrets)), T. (Theurge (Medieval Player's Manual)), T. (Threat (Inc.)))

- Arcanist:Arcane Reservoir, Bloodline, Cantrips, Consume Spells, Bloodline, Arcanist Exploit, Arcanist Exploit, Bloodline, Arcanist Exploit, Greater Exploits, Arcanist Exploit, Bloodline, Arcanist Exploit, Arcanist Exploit, Bloodline

Archetype:Blood Arcanist; Bloodline:VampiricArcane Reservoir:13; Current:13; Maximum:23Arcanist Exploits:Counterspell, Greater Counterspell, Metamagic Knowledge (x3), Quick Study Bloodline Powers:Death Supreme, Vampiric Mist, Vampiric Power,*Vampiric Swarm, Vampiric Touch*1d6+1 Dire vycyryn swarms, 1d4+1 Behemoth vycyryn swarms, or 2d6 Brobdingnagian vycyryn.

CL:350th (800th) SL:0-E (*ASP:388 (SP:3,087 (Base:387; Bonus:2,700)); ES/D:20) SS DC:380+SL *Arcane Preparation overcomes this limitation.

Spells Known:All 0-9th level*ki techniques (as arcane; see The Book of Ki, Pg. 52), spells (as arcane), and powers (as arcane) as well as all epic level*ki techniques (as arcane; self explanatory), spells (as arcane), and powers (as arcane) up to Spellcraft DC 370 (via Anyfeat, etc.).

NB:See Convert Spell to Power (see The Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four). *Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic) power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine) and psionics. *Ki techniques converted to powers or spells function no differently than they did before the conversion. They simply become differentiated (arcane, divine, or psionic). Additionally, Technique Resistance is S/PR. Thus, S/PR is as effective vs. ki techniques as it is vs. spells/powers.

- Archivist:Dark Knowledge (tactics) 3/Day, Scribe Scroll, Lore Mastery, Dark Knowledge 4/Day, Still Mind, Dark Knowledge (puissance), Dark Knowledge 5/Day, Lore Mastery, Dark Knowledge (foe), Dark Knowledge 6/Day, Bonus Feat, Dark Knowledge (dread secret), Dark Knowledge 7/Day, Lore Mastery, Dark Knowledge (foreknowledge), Dark Knowledge 8/Day, Lore Mastery, Dark Knowledge 9/Day, Bonus Feat Channel Energy:700d6 (1,600d6) (Command (138/Day; 700th (1,600th))) Domains (Subdomains):Chaos (Demon (C)), Darkness (Loss (D), Night (D)), Death (Murder (D), Undead (D)), Evil (Demon (E), Fear (F)), Madness (Nightmare (M)), Time (Past (T), Future (T)), Trickery (Ambush (T), Deception (S), Espionage (S), Thievery

(T)), Void (Dark Tapestry (E), Isolation (E)); NB:Possesses the full base domains and subdomains. Use PRD domains and subdomains. Lore Mastery:Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Law), Knowledge (Liberal Arts), Knowledge (Medicine) CL:350th (800th) SL:0-E (SP:3,308 (Base:608; Bonus:2,700); ES/D:20) SS DC:380+SL

Spells Known:All 0-9th level*ki techniques (as divine; see The Book of Ki, Pg. 52), spells (as divine), and powers (as divine) as well as all epic level*ki techniques (as divine; self explanatory), spells (as divine), and powers (as divine) up to Spellcraft DC 370 (via Anyfeat, etc.).

NB:See Convert Spell to Power (see The Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four). *Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic) power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine) and psionics. *Ki techniques converted to powers or spells function no differently than they did before the conversion. They simply become differentiated (arcane, divine, or psionic). Additionally, Technique Resistance is S/PR. Thus, S/PR is as effective vs. ki techniques as it is vs. spells/powers.

- Artist:Talented, Inspiration, Skill Focus (Craft), Enduring Art, Moving Art, Skill Focus (Craft), Imitation, Materials, Skill Focus (Craft), Moving Art, Enlightening Art, Master Hand, Mind Crafting, Moving Art, Master Hand, Exemplary Art (People), Exemplary Art (World), Master Hand, Moving Art, Real Art

Craft CR:360; P.T.:129,600 (12,960 Minutes (via Cosmic Architect, etc.)) Inspiration:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:425), Fear (DC:425); Envy (DC:420), Greed (DC:420), Pride (DC:420); Gluttony (DC:415), Lust (DC:415), Sloth (DC:415), Wrath (DC:415); NB:DC's all DC:430 via Extra Moving Art (x6) (see below). Master Hand:Craft (Architecture), Craft (History), Craft (Sculpture)

- Erudite:Convert Spell to Power, Psicrystal Affinity, Bonus Feat, Bonus Feat

ML:350th (800th) PL:0-E (UP/D:22 (PP:3,288 (Base:548; Bonus:2,740); EP/D:20) PS DC:382+PL

Powers Known:All 0-9th level*ki techniques (as powers; see The Book of Ki, Pg. 52), spells (as powers), and powers as well as all epic level*ki techniques (as powers; self explanatory), spells (as powers), and powers up to Spellcraft DC 370 (via Anyfeat, etc.).

NB:See Convert Spell to Power (see The Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four). *Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic) power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine) and psionics. *Ki techniques converted to powers or spells function no differently than they did before the conversion. They simply become differentiated (arcane, divine, or psionic). Additionally, Technique Resistance is S/PR. Thus, S/PR is as effective vs. ki techniques as it is vs. spells/powers.

- Monk:Bonus Feat, Flurry of Blows (bonus attack), Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strike, Bonus Feat, Evasion, Fast Movement, Ki Pool, Ki Strike (magic), Ki Power, Still Mind, Purity of Body, Style Strike (1/round), Bonus Feat, Ki Power, Ki Strike (cold iron/silver), Ki Power, Improved Evasion, Style Strike, Bonus Feat, Ki Power, Ki Strike (chaotic), Flurry of Blows (bonus attack), Ki Power, Style Strike, Tongue of the Sun and Moon, Bonus Feat, Ki Power, Style Strike (2/round), Ki Power, Ki Strike (adamantine), Style Strike, Timeless Body, Bonus Feat, Ki Power, Flawless Mind, Ki Power, Perfect Self

Fighting Style:The Beast (Inc.) Ki Pool:145; Total:435 (via N.K.P. & S.F.P.) Ki Powers:Diamond Body, Diamond Mind, Diamond Resilience, Diamond Soul, Feather Balance, Ki Stand, Quivering Palm, Slow Fall; Extra Ki Powers:Cloud Step, Empty Body, High Jump, Light Steps, Spider Step, Water Sprint, Wholeness of Body, Wind Jump Style Strikes:Defensive Spin, Foot Stomp, Shattering Punch, Spinning Kick

- Ninja:Poison Use, Sneak Attack +1d6, Ki Pool, Ninja Trick, No Trace +1, Sneak Attack +2d6, Ninja Trick, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +3d6, Light Steps, Ninja Trick, No Trace +2, Sneak Attack +4d6, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Ninja Trick, No Trace +3, Sneak Attack +5d6, Master Tricks, Ninja Trick, Sneak Attack +6d6, Ninja Trick, No Trace +4, Sneak Attack +7d6, Ninja Trick, No Trace +5, Sneak Attack +8d6, Ninja Trick, Sneak Attack +9d6, Ninja Trick, No Trace +6, Sneak Attack +10d6, Hidden Master, Ninja Trick

Ki Pool:145; Total:435 (via M.K.P. & S.F.P.) Ninja Tricks:Acrobatic Master, Fast Stealth, Forgotten Trick, High Jumper; Extra Ninja Trick:Assassinate, Deadly Shuriken, Flurry of Stars, Hidden Weapons, Ki Block, Ki Charge, Pressure Points, Undetected Sabotage Rogue Talents:Black Market Connections, Magical Traps, Quick Disable, Quick Poison, Trap Master, Trapspotter; Extra Rogue Talents:Acrobatic Charge, Convincing Lie, Deft Palm, Face in the Crowd, Fast Picks, Fast Tumble, Hunter's Surprise, Lethal Acrobatics, Positioning Attack, Quick Trapsmith, Quiet Death, Rogue Crawl, Sneaky Maneuver, Stand Up, Strong Impression, Trick Shot, Wall Jumper, Wall Mastery

- Scholar:Bonus Book Feat, Trained Memory, Alchemy or Astrology Feat, Lore, Skill Focus (Knowledge), Bonus Book Feat, Alchemy or Astrology Feat, Skill Focus (Knowledge), Bonus Book Feat, Alchemy or Astrology Feat, Skill Focus (Knowledge), Bonus Book Feat, Clear Explanation, Deep Knowledge, Bonus Book Feat, Memory Palace, Deep Knowledge, Bonus Book Feat, Instant Understanding, Deep Knowledge, Bonus Book Feat, Full Understanding

Alchemy Feats:Purify Earths, Purify Metals, Purify Waters Book Feats:Book (x7; Death's Theorum Vol. I-VII (Death's theories.; Prerequisites:Knowledge (Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, and Theology) 100 ranks.; Benefits:+32, +100, +24, d12; Special:- ; NB:Each volume covers one Knowledge skill (Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, and Theology).)) Skill Focus:Knowledge (Law), Knowledge (Liberal Arts), Knowledge (Medicine)

- Soldier of Truth:Focus, Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Evasion, Improved Disarm, Uncanny Dodge, Alter Gravity, Improved Trip, Up the Walls, Impossible Jump, Improved

Uncanny Dodge, Defy Impossibility, Unhindered By Reality, Impossible Speed, Battering Punch, Improved Evasion, Defy Reality, Manipulate Space, See the Truth, Defy Death, Flight, Beyond Reality

Focus Points:145; Total:435 (via M.K.P & N.K.P.) NB:Focus Points are Ki Points and vice versa.

- Theurge:-

Domains (Subdomains):Chaos (Demon (C)), Darkness (Loss (D), Night (D)), Death (Murder (D), Undead (D)), Evil (Demon (E), Fear (F)), Madness (Nightmare (M)), Time (Past (T), Future (T)), Trickery (Ambush (T), Deception (S), Espionage (S), Thievery (T)), Void (Dark Tapestry (E), Isolation (E)); NB:Possesses the full base domains and subdomains. Use PRD domains and subdomains.

CL:350th (800th) SL:0-E (SP:3,386 (Base:686; Bonus:2,700); ES/D:20) SS DC:380+SL NB:Fast rituals use SP and ES/D.; Special:S'k'sx invokes himself. Metamagic:Metamagic functions normally for all fast rituals. Epic Rituals:ES/D are fast rituals. Free Rituals Known:All 0-9th level*ki techniques (as arcane, divine, or psionic; see The Book of Ki, Pg. 52), spells (as arcane, divine, or psionic), and powers (as arcane, divine, or psionic) as well as all epic level*ki techniques (as arcane, divine, or psionic; self explanatory), spells (as arcane, divine, or psionic), and powers (as arcane, divine, or psionic) up to Spellcraft DC 370 (via Anyfeat, etc.).

Rituals Known:All 0-9th level*ki techniques (as arcane, divine, or psionic; see The Book of Ki, Pg. 52), spells (as arcane, divine, or psionic), and powers (as arcane, divine, or psionic) as well as all epic level*ki techniques (as arcane, divine, or psionic; self explanatory), spells (as arcane, divine, or psionic), and powers (as arcane, divine, or psionic) up to Spellcraft DC 370 (via Anyfeat, etc.).

NB:See Convert Spell to Power (see The Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four). *Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic) power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine) and psionics. *Ki techniques converted to powers or spells function no differently than they did before the conversion. They simply become differentiated (arcane, divine, or psionic). Additionally, Technique Resistance is S/PR. Thus, S/PR is as effective vs. ki techniques as it is vs. spells/powers.

- Threat:Brawler, Fearless, Mighty Blow, Numb +1, Unnatural Force I, Uncanny Dodge, Unnatural Strength I, Armored Brute, Numb +2, Numb +3, Unnatural Force II, Unnatural Strength II, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Numb +4, Merciless, Numb +5, Unnatural Force III, Endure, Unnatural Strength III, Numb +6, Unnatural Dodge, Numb +7, Unnatural Force IV, Unnatural Strength IV, Numb +8, Stubborn, Numb +9, Unnatural Force V, Unbreakable, Unnatural Strength V, Numb +10, Titan


Threat (Revised)

Threats fight brutally and don't back down from a challenge. They are steel-minded and destroy all in their path; breaking bones, shattering rock, and holding enemies in their place with a force few can muster. Vicious and comparable to a pit fighter, they pull no punches and become numb to the harm that befalls them. A Threat is exactly what their name implies, a threat.

Role: A front line combatant above all else.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d12

Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (average 105 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills

The Threat's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level:4 + Int modifier.

Lvl BAB F R W 1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Brawler, Fearless, Mighty Blow 2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Numb +1, Unnatural Force I 3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Uncanny Dodge, Unnatural Strength I 4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Armored Brute, Numb +2 5th +5 +4 +4 +1 - 6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Numb +3, Unnatural Force II 7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Unnatural Strength II 8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Improved Uncanny Dodge, Numb +4 9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 Merciless10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 Numb +5, Unnatural Force III11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 Endure, Unnatural Strength III12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 Numb +613th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 Unnatural Dodge14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 Numb +7, Unnatural Force IV15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5 Unnatural Strength IV16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 Numb +817th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Stubborn18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Numb +9, Unnatural Force V19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Unbreakable, Unnatural Strength V20th +20/15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Numb +10, Titan

The following are class features of the Threat.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A Threat is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (light, medium, and heavy) and shields (excluding tower shields).

- Brawler (Ex): At 1st level, a Threat gains Improved Unarmed Strike (or Versatile Unarmed Strike (PHII, Pg. 85), if already possessed of Improved Unarmed Strike) as a bonus feat. Furthermore, he can apply his Strength modifier as an untyped damage bonus to any natural attack (inc. unarmed strike) twice per day per Threat level. This untyped bonus damage stacks with the normal damage from his Strength modifier. Finally, he can also apply the untyped bonus damage from his Mighty Blow class feature to any natural attack (inc. unarmed strike).

- Fearless (Ex): At 1st level, a Threat gains immunity to fear (inc. fear effects, etc.).

- Mighty Blow (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a Threat can apply his Strength modifier as an untyped damage bonus to any melee or thrown missile attack twice per day per Threat level. This untyped bonus damage stacks with the damage from his Strength modifier. A Threat can declare multiple attacks in a single round to be mighty blows. He can't, however, gain the benefit of a mighty blow more than once per attack.

- Numb (Ex): At 2nd level, a Threat gains a +1 resistance bonus to his Fortitude save and a +1 enhancement bonus to his natural armor (a Threat with no natural armor is possessed of +0 natural armor). These bonuses increase by +1 per 2 levels thereafter (4th, 6th, etc.).

- Unnatural Force (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, whenever a Threat is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, overrun attempts, and trip attempts), he is treated as one size larger, if doing so is advantageous to him. He is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. This ability improves by +1 e.s.c. (effective size category) every four levels thereafter (6th, 10th, etc.), reaching it's maximum of +5 e.s.c.s at eighteenth level. This ability does stack with Inherent Size Categories, Virtual Size Categories, etc. This ability doesn't stack with the Powerful Build ability. However, if he possesses the Powerful Build ability, he can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger (this never increases) without penalty.

- Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a Threat can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A Threat with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against him.

If a Threat already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

- Unnatural Strength (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, any melee, natural (inc. unarmed strike, etc.), or thrown missile weapon a Threat uses deals damage as if one size category larger. The weapon is not really larger and is otherwise treated as a weapon of it's original size. This increase in damage only applies if the weapon is used by him. This ability improves by +1 e.s.c. (effective size category) per 4 levels thereafter (7th, 11th, etc.), reaching it's maximum of +5 e.s.c.s at 19th level. This ability does stack with Inherent Size Categories, Virtual Size Categories, etc.

- Armored Brute (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Threat no longer suffers penalties to his speed for wearing armor heavier than light. Every 4 levels thereafter, a Threat gains a 5 ft. increase to his movement speed. This benefit applies when he is wearing any armor, including heavy armor, but not while carrying a heavy load (apply this bonus before modifying his speed because of any load carried). This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to his land speed.

- Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Threat of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has Threat levels.

If a Threat already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

If a Threat already has improved uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains unnatural dodge (see below) instead.

- Merciless (Ex): Starting at 9th level, a Threat can, after declaring an attack a mighty blow, expend another use of his mighty blow ability. If he does, the attack deals double damage, in addition to the benefit of being a mighty blow.

- Endure (Ex): Starting at 11th level, a Threat is considered always under the effect of an endure elements spell.

- Unnatural Dodge (Ex): Starting at 13th level, a Threat denied his Dexterity to AC (such as he would be if stunned or blinded) gains an instinct bonus to AC equal to his Dexterity modifier. He only gains this instinct bonus to AC if his Dexterity modifier is actually denied. However, the Threat is still considered to have been denied his Dexterity modifier to his AC, as he doesn't retain his Dexterity modifier in all situations.

- Stubborn (Ex): At 17th level, a Threat gains immunity to all mind-affecting effects.

- Unbreakable (Ex): At 19th level, a Threat gains immunity to nonlethal damage, with one exception: if he has regeneration, then he still takes nonlethal damage if it would normally be lethal damage if it weren't for the regeneration.

- Titan (Ex): Starting at 20th level, a Threat can ignore damage reduction and hardness. Furthermore, he gains a +5 inherent bonus to his Strength score and immunity to exhaustion and fatigue.


Special (Prestige Class:A. (Archmage (v3.5 DMG)), A. (Archpsion (The Mind's Eye:Arch Psion)), A. (Assassin (PRD)), A. (Astral Dancer (Planar Handbook)), A. (Astral Zealot (Hyperconsciousness:Explorations In Psionics)), B. (Boatman of the Styx (The Tomes)), G. (Geometer (Complete Arcane)), I. (Iaijutsu Master (Oriental Adventures); Epic Iaijutsu Master (E.I.:Epic Swordfighters)), M. (Master Spy (PRD)), N. (Necromancer (Medieval Player's Manual)), P. (Psion Uncarnate (PRD)), S. (Shadowdancer (PRD)), S. (Shigmaa (Ptolus)))

- Archmage:High Arcana, High Arcana, High Arcana, High Arcana, High Arcana

High Arcana:*Arcane Fire (-17), Arcane Reach (-13), Mastery of Counterspelling (-13), Mastery of Elements (-15), Mastery of Shaping (-11) *This is modified, functioning similarly to Psionic Energy Discharge.

- Archpsion:High Psionics, High Psionics, High Psionics, High Psionics, High Psionics

High Psionics:Mastery of Power Negation (-13), Psionic Energy Discharge (-17), Psionic Energy Substitution (-15), Psionic Reach (-13), Sculpt Power (-11)

- Assassin:Sneak Attack +1d6, Death Attack, Poison Use, +1 Save Bonus Against Poison, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +2d6, +2 Save Bonus Against Poison, Hidden Weapons, True Death, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +3d6, +3 Save Bonus Against Poison, Quiet Death, Sneak Attack +4d6, +4 Save Bonus Against Poison, Hide In Plain Sight, Sneak Attack +5d6, Swift Death, +5 Save Bonus Against Poison, Angel of Death

- Astral Dancer:Relative Altitude, Evasion (no gravity), Improved Maneuverability, Evasion, Astral Dodge +2 (+1), Improved Evasion (no gravity), Astral Agility, Improved Evasion, Improved Maneuverability, Astral Dodge +4 (+2), Lightning Speed

- Astral Zealot:Ectopic Suit, throw ectoform, Conjoin Ectoform, Upgrade Construct, Ectopic Proficiency, Improved Ectoform, Ectopic Expertise, Metacreative Latency, Ectopic Mastery, Advanced Ectoform, Ectopic Dispersion

- Boatman of the Styx:Safe Passage, Stygian Blood, River-born, Sneak Attack +1d6, Stygian Tears, River-marked, Sneak Attack +2d6, Kiss of Lethe, Eternal Boatman, Sneak Attack +3d6, Bonus Feat, Knowledgeable, Sneak Attack +4d6, Stygian Tributary, Xirfilstyx Dance, Sneak Attack +5d6

- Geometer:Glyph of warding, Draw Spellglyph, Book of Geometry, Sigilsight, Pass Sigil, Powerful Spellglyph, greater glyph of warding

- Iaijutsu Master:Weapon Finesse, Canny Defense, Lightning Blade, Bonus Feat, Strike from the Void, 'One Strike, Two Cuts', Bonus Feat, Strike With No Thought/Epic Iaijutsu Master:Echoes of the Edge 1/Day, Spirit Strike 1/Day, Bonus Feat, Echoes of the Edge 2/Day, Spirit Strike 2/Day, Bonus Feat, Echoes of the Edge 3/Day, Spirit Strike 3/Day, Bonus Feat, Echoes of the Edge 4/Day

- Master Spy:Art of Deception, Master of Disguise, Sneak Attack +1d6, Glib Lie, Mask Alignment, Nonmagical Aura 2/Day, Superficial Knowledge, Concealed Thoughts, Quick Change, Sneak Attack +2d6, Elude Detection, Slippery Mind, Shift Alignment, Sneak Attack +3d6, Death Attack, Fool Casting, Hidden Mind, Assumption, Sneak Attack +4d6

- Necromancer:Sacrifice, Infernal Servant Special:S'k'sx sacrifices to himself. Infernal Servant:Griever, S'k'sx's Bloodrazor (Infernal Servant, Major Artifact; Description:Griever, S'k'sx's Bloodrazor, is a CE M Infernal (Cursed (As a preexisting curse from S'k'sx (a deity of higher status (self-explanatory)), his curse bypasses his Malaclypse ability, etc.); Intermediate Deity (Portfolios:As an avatar of S'k'sx (via mindrape, mind seed, etc.; self-explanatory) plus Bloodrazor (x2))) cursed to forever remain in the form of an ornate, deep jet-black obdurium/orichalcum (obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/orichalcum (53.33...etc.%)) Bloodrazor (held together by incorporeal, invisible mechanisms) w/inlays (Calligraphy:The true names of Malichi's many, many, many victims.) of pure nullium (a Necro-Tech (see S'k'sx's Cybernetics (see previous)) modification; separated from his enhanced obdurium/orichalcum portions w/a pure, jet-black orichalcum laminate) crisscrossing his blade's entire surface. While he retains his infernal abilities, he's incapable of transmutation of himself (polymorph, etc.; except, for cosmetic purposes (self-explanatory) only).; Personality:Griever is an anarchic nihilist. However, in spite of himself, he truly loves S'k'sx (seeing him as a favored son) and would die for him, if necessary.; Powers:As an avatar of S'k'sx plus possesses the aforementioned bloodrazor characteristics (40d10 (2,560d10); 18-20/x2 (15-20/x3); 85,726,445.208646, lb.; P or S or B, P, and S; DR:967 (3/ - (48/ - w/Enhancement (shield))); H:967 (3 (48 w/Enhancement (shield))); Bypass:967) and nullifying properties of nullium.; Statistics:As an avatar of S'k'sx (via mindrape, mind seed, etc.; self-explanatory), except, as noted (see previous and below).)

- Psion Uncarnate:Matter-Bound, Shed Body, Incorporeal Touch (1d6, 3/Day), Uncarnate Armor, Assume Equipment, Assume Likeness, Incorporeal Touch (4/Day), Incorporeal Touch (2d6), Parting The Veil, Hide Mind, Incorporeal Touch (5/Day), Psionic Talent, Telekinetic Force, Incorporeal Touch (3d6, 6/Day), Rend The Veil, Uncarnate Bridge, Incorporeal Touch (7/Day), Uncarnate

- Shadowdancer:Hide In Plain Sight, Evasion, Darkvision, Uncanny Dodge, Rogue Talent, Shadow Illusion, Summon Shadow, Shadow Call, Shadow Jump 40 ft., Defensive Roll, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Rogue Talent, Shadow Jump 80 ft., Slippery Mind, Shadow Jump 160 ft., Shadow Power, Rogue Talent, Improved Evasion, Shadow Jump 320 ft., Shadow Master

Rogue Talents:Obfuscate Story, Steal the Story, Without a Trace

- Shigmaa:Second Chance, Call of Death 1/Day, Necromantic Lore, Secrets of the Dead, Reap the Living, Love of the Dead, Secrets of the Dead, Death Ward, Call of Death 2/Day, Paralyzing Touch, Secrets of the Dead, Death Attack, Secrets of the Dead, Energy Drain, Call of Death 3/Day, Secrets of the Dead, Death Exchange, Immunities of the Grave, Secrets of the Dead, Call of Death 4/Day, Leadership of the Dead, Secrets of the Dead, Greater Energy Drain, Secrets of the Dead, Imbue With Undeath, Call of Death 5/Day, Secrets of the Dead, Mastery of Death, Secrets of the Dead; Bonus Feat:x10

Scarification:S'k'sx's skull is engraved (Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Reliefs depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)); -10 hp (i.e. permanent damage.).). 1,529

Feats (618):A Feast Unknown (The Tomes), Acrobatic, Additional Favored Class (x1; Soldier of Truth) (Unearthed Arcana), Advanced Firearms Proficiency (D20 Modern), Advanced Ground Fighting (Blood and Fists), Agonizing Strike (Feats), Aikido (Blood and Fists), Alertness, Alien Weapons Proficiency (D20 Future), Alignment Channel (chaotic, evil, good, lawful), Analytical Combat (Blood and Fists), Aquatic Occultist (Inc.), Aquatic Shot (Stormwrack), Arcane Preparation (Complete Arcane), Archaic Weapons (Chinese, Japanese, Samurai), Archivist of Nature (Heroes of Horror), Aristeia (Inc.), Armed Deflect Arrows (NBoF), Artistic Inspiration (Medieval Player's Manual), Ascend The Aethyrs (Secrets), Ashi-Sokuto (Blood and Fists), Assassin's Strike (Feats), Assume Template (TBoUF), Astral Tracking (DR309), Augment Summoning, Aura of Awkwardness (C.M.U.C.), Aura of Death (C.M.U.C.), Aura of Despair (C.M.U.C.), Author (Medieval Player's Manual), Avoidance (Feats), Awesome Blow, Axe Kick (Blood and Fists), Back Alley Brawler (Feats), Back Kick (Blood and Fists), Banter (Blood and Fists), Bear Hug (Blood and Fists), Beloved Dictator (Unholy Warrior's Handbook), Bless Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Blessing of the Godless (Exemplars of Evil), Blind-Fight, Block (Blood and Fists), Blood Painter (The Tomes), Body Assemblage (The Tomes), Body Blow (Blood and Fists), Boneblade Master (The Tomes), Book (x7; Death's Theorum Vol. I-VII (Death's theories.; Prerequisites:Knowledge (Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, and Theology) 100 ranks.; Benefits:+32, +100, +24, d12; Special:- ; NB:Each volume covers one Knowledge skill (Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, and Theology).)), Bounding Assault (Inc.), Box Ears (Blood and Fists), Boxing (Blood and Fists), Braced For Charge (DR331), Brainwash (Blood and Relics), Brawl (D20 Modern), Brew Antidote (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Brew Magical Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Brew New Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Brew Potion, Brew Signature Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Buoyancy Balance (Inc.), Burst Fire (D20 Modern), Canny Opportunist (DR340), Capoeira (Blood and Fists), Cautious Crafter (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Cautious Harvester (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Chan Si Bong (Blood and Fists), Cheat Death (Secret College of Necromancy), Chyel Ki (Blood and Fists), Choke Hold (Blood and Fists), Chokehold, Circle Kick (Blood and Fists), Cleave, Clinch Attack (E.A.:Whips), Cloak Dance, Cloak Disarm (TBoUF), Cloak Feint (TBoUF), Close Quarters Combat (Complete Warrior), Clothesline (Blood and Fists), Cobra (Blood and Fists), Cockatrice Strike, Combat Acrobat (P.H.II), Combat Brute (Complete Warrior), Combat Cloak Expert (P.H.II), Combat Concentration (Inc.), Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts (D20 Modern), Combat Medic (D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Combat Panache (P.H.II), Combat Reflexes, Combat Surgeon (H.P. Lovecraft's Arkham), Combat Throw (D20 Modern), Command Undead I & II (Inc.), Commando Training (Blood and Fists), Conscious Phylactery (M.F.II), Continue Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Contortionist (H.P. Lovecraft's Arkham), Corrupt (Inc.),

Counterstrike (Blood and Fists), Coup de Grace (Secret College of Necromancy), Cradle Pin (Blood and Fists), Craft Construct, Craft Cybernetics (D20 Cyberscape), Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Nanites (D20 Cyberscape), Craft Wondrous Item, Create Creature (Inc.), Crippling Attack (I.H.:A.), Crippling Strike (Feats), Cut Arrows (A.R.C.:Drow), Cybernetic Surgery (D20 Cyberscape), Cyborg (x1) (D20 Cyberscape), Cypher Script (Inc.), Dark Presence (M.F.II), Dark Speech (Elder Evils), Dark Whispers (Elder Evils), Darkstalker (Lords of Madness), Dastardly Finish, Dazing Attack (I.H.:A.), Deai (Blood and Fists), Deceitful, Deceptive Attack (Blood and Fists), Defensive Draw (Legends of the Samurai), Defensive Martial Arts (D20 Modern), Deflect Arrows, Degenerating Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Delay Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Detect Expertise, Disarm Block (Blood and Fists), Disassemble (Secret College of Necromancy), Discorporate (Secret College of Necromancy), Disguise Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Dodge, Double Claw (Blood and Fists), Draconic Archivist (Heroes of Horror), Dragon (Blood and Fists), Dragon Stance (Blood and Fists), Dragoncrafter (Draconomicon), Dreamtelling (Heroes of Horror), Eerie Dexterity (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), Efficient Poisoncraft (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Eight-Limbed Attack (Blood and Fists), Elbow Slam (Blood and Fists),*Eldritch Corruption (Heroes of Horror), Eldritch Heritage (Nanite), Elusive Target (Complete Warrior), Emergency Surgery (Choice and Blood), Empower Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Empower Spell, Empower Undead (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Eschew Materials, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (see Lord of Battle), Experimental Medicine (Choice and Blood), Extend Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Extend Spell, Extended Dragon (Blood and Fists), Extra Ki Power (x8) (Inc.), Extra Moving Art (x6) (Inc.), Extra Ninja Trick (x8) (Inc.), Extra Rogue Talent (x19), Extra True Vessel (x1; Self (see previous)) (Anger of Angels), Eye Gouge (Blood and Fists), Fairy Eater (The Tomes), False Demise (Secret College of Necromancy), Familiar Bond, Familiar Feat Merge (NBoF), Far Shot, Fast Focus (Secrets), Feed the Dark Gods (The Tomes), Fell Conspiracy (Exemplars of Evil), Fencing (Blood and Fists), Feral Combat Training (see Weapon Adeptery), Fiend Preparation (Demon (Tanar'ri)) (The Tomes), Find Clues (D20 Past), Flash Step (Inc.), Flash Step Dervish (Inc.), Flash Step Maneuvers (Inc.), Flash Step Savant (Inc.), Flash Strike (Inc.), Fleet of Foot (Complete Warrior), Flick of the Wrist (Complete Warrior), Float Like A Butterfly (Blood and Fists), Flyby Attack, Flying Kick (Blood and Fists), Focus of Faith (M.F.II), Footwork (Blood and Fists),*Forbidden Lore (Heroes of Horror), Forensic Pathologist (D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Ghostly Grasp (Libris Mortis), Giant Bane (Complete Warrior), Giant Step (NBoF), Ginga (Blood and Fists), Gird Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Gorgon's Fist, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Combat Reflexes (DR340), Greater Disarm, Greater Disarm (E.A.:Whips), Greater Flash Strike (Inc.), Greater Grappler, Greater Melee Lash (E.A.:Whips), Greater Multigrab (Serpent Kingdoms), Greater Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (see Weapon Mastery), Greater Weapon Specialization (see Weapon Mastery), Groin Kick (Blood and Fists), Ground Fighting (Blood and Fists), Haft Strike (DR331), Hamstring Attack (I.H.:A.), Harvester of Souls (Elder Evils), Haymaker (Blood and Fists), Head Butt (Blood and Fists), Heart Punch (Blood and Fists), Heart Ripper (Cultic Cryptomancia), Heel Kick (Blood and Fists), Hidden Presence (M.F.II), Hidden Strike (E.A.:Whips), Hindering Attack (I.H.:A.), Hip Throw (Blood and Fists), Hold The Line (Complete Warrior), Hook (Blood and Fists), Hover, Hsing-I Kung Fu (Blood and Fists), Hungerblood (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), I Meant It When I Killed You The First Time (Seven Strongholds), Immovable (Blood and Fists), Imperious Command (Drow of the Underdark), Improved Awesome Blow (E.A.:Whips), Improved Block (Blood and Fists), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Combat Reflexes (DR340), Improved Combat Throw (D20 Modern), Improved

Counterspell, Improved Counterstrike (Blood and Fists), Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike), Improved Disarm, Improved Familiar Bond, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Leech Item (Age of Mortals), Improved Lighten Weapon, Improved Melee Lash (E.A:Whips), Improved Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Improved Natural Attack (bite, horns, tentacle, tentacle (constrict), claw, wing, spines, tail (pincer), tail (slap), tail (constrict)), Improved Oneiromancy (Heroes of Horror), Improved Precise Shot, Improved Snap Shot, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Undead Control (Inc.), Improved Vital Strike, Infuse Template (TBoUF), Inner Depths of the Soul (x18) (Inc.), Inner Peace (Blood and Fists), Inner Power (Blood and Fists), Inner Strength (Blood and Fists), Insectivore (M.F.), Instant Stand (Blood and Fists), Interrogation (B&G), Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Jab (Blood and Fists), Jeet Kune Do (Blood and Fists), Joint Lock (Blood and Fists), Jujutsu (Blood and Fists), Jump Kick (Blood and Fists), Jung Ki (Blood and Fists), Karate (Blood and Fists), Kenjutsu (Blood and Fists), Ki (Blood and Fists), Ki Projection (Player's Guidebook to Monks and Paladins), Kick Up (Feats), Kidney Punch (Blood and Fists), Knife Fighting (Blood and Fists), Knockout Attack (I.H.:A.), Kung Fu (Blood and Fists), Leadership, Leech Item (Age of Mortals), Leg Sweep (Blood and Fists), Legendary (Feats), Legendary Undead Familiar (Dweomercraft:Lich), Lighten Weapon (katana [bastard sword]), Lightning Reflexes, Lingering Attack (I.H.:A.), Lingering Spirit, Lock Block (Blood and Fists), Long Strike (DR331),*Lunatic Insight (Heroes of Horror), Lunge (Blood and Fists), Lunge Punch (Blood and Fists), Ma Ki (Blood and Fists), Martial Deflection (see Weapon Adeptery) (M.F.II), Master Assassin (Feats), Master Manipulator (P.H.II), Maximize Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Medical Immortality (Choice and Blood), Medusa's Wrath, Meia Lua De Frente (Blood and Fists), Melee Lash (E.A.:Whips), Mercurial Strike (DR310), Mighty Attack (I.H.:A.), Mobility, Modify Exposure Risk (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Modify Poison Qualities (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Momentum Throw (Blood and Fists), Monk Weapon Mastery (see Weapon Adeptery), Mortal Visage, Mortician (D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Multigrab (Serpent Kingdoms), Multislice (Inc.), Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Mute Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Nail In The Coffin (Seven Strongholds), Nanoimmunity (F.P.C.:T.F.), Nanophile (F.P.C.:T.F.), Nanotaker (F.P.C.:T.F.), Nerve Strike (Blood and Fists), Neurosurgery (Choice and Blood), Nightmare Fuel (Inc.), Nightmare Walk (Dweomercraft:Lich), Nimble (D20 Modern), Nimble Moves, Ninjutsu (Blood and Fists), Nukite Zuki (Blood and Fists), Obscure Knowledge (D20 Past), Occult Denial (Inc.), Occult Opportunist (Inc.), Old Blood (Metamorph (Changeling (Races of Eberron)/Half-Fraal (D20 Menace Manual))) (Bastards & Bloodlines), One Finger (Blood and Fists), One Inch Punch (Blood and Fists), Oneiromancy (Heroes of Horror), Painful Strike (Feats), Palm Strike (Blood and Fists), Pentjak Silat (Blood and Fists), Perfect Combat Reflexes (Inc.), Perfect Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Performance Enhancement (Choice and Blood), Personal Firearms Proficiency (D20 Modern), Phylacteric Item (M.F.II), Pike Hedge (DR317), Planar Traveler (Complete), Plastic Surgeon (Choice and Blood), Point Blank Shot, Poise (Blood and Fists), Poison Sense (A Poisoner's Handbook), Polarizing Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Pole Balance (DR331), Pole Fighter (DR331), Possess Creature (P.P.:100) (C.o.T.:Infernal Syndrome), Possess Living Humanoid (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Living Monster (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Location (P.P.:100) (C.o.T.:Infernal Syndrome), Possess Object (P.P.:100) (C.o.T.:Infernal Syndrome), Possess Undead Humanoid (Dweomercraft:Lich), Power Attack, Precise Shot, Psychotherapy (Blood and Relics), Purify Earths (Medieval Player's Manual), Purify Metals (Medieval Player's Manual), Purify Waters (Medieval Player's Manual), Python (Blood and Fists), Quick Channel, Quick Draw, Quick Leech (Age of Mortals), Quick Reconnoiter (Complete Adventurer), Quick Sheath (Inc.), Quicken Attack (I.H.:A.),

Quicken Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Quicken Spell, Quivering Palm Versality, Ranged Grapple (E.A.:Whips), Rapid Blitz (Inc.), Rapid Grappler, Rapid Rebirth (x2) (KQ3), Rapid Shot, Rattlesnake Strike (Sandstorm), Reactive Counterspell, Reconstructive Surgery (Choice and Blood), Reinforce Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Repelling Touch (Blood and Fists), Reproductive Care (Choice and Blood), Revitalize Essence (M.F.II), Ridgehand (Blood and Fists), Robilar's Gambit (PHII), Run, Sacrificial Spell (The Witch's Handbook), Sahblet (Blood and Fists), Sand Camouflage (Sandstorm), Sand Dancer (Sandstorm), Sand Snare (Sandstorm), Sand Spinner (Sandstorm), Sandskimmer (Sandstorm), Sandstorm (Blood and Fists), Scorned By Nature (M.F.II), Scorpion (Blood and Fists), Scorpion Style, Scorpion's Grasp (Sandstorm), Scorpion's Instincts (Sandstorm), Scorpion's Resolve (Sandstorm), Scorpion's Sense (Sandstorm), Scribe Scroll, Sculpt Spell (Complete Arcane), Selective Channeling, Sense Life (M.F.), Sense Life (Secret College of Necromancy), Sense Undead (Secret College of Necromancy), Serpentine Mane (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), Shadow (Blood and Fists), Shadow Warrior (Blood and Fists), Shao-Lin Kung Fu (Blood and Fists), Shin Ki (Errata:Replace Awareness w/Alertness.) (Blood and Fists), Short Power (Blood and Fists), Shorten Grip (DR331), Shorthand Script (Inc.), Shot on the Run, Shuto Uchi (Blood and Fists), Side Step (Eternal Rome), Siku Parisai (Blood and Fists), Silencing Strike (Blood and Fists), Silent Spell, Silken Aristeia (Inc.), Sinister Healing (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Sinister Regeneration (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Skeleton Summoner, Skill Focus (x10; Craft (x3; Architecture, History, Sculpture), Iaijutsu Focus, Knowledge (x5; Engineering, History, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine), Spellcraft), Skilled Harvester (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Skillful Executioner (M.F.),*Skin Thief (Dweomercraft:Lich), Skip Shot (D20 Modern), Slash (Blood and Fists), Slashing Grace, Sleep of the Ages (The Tomes), Snagging Trip (E.A.:Whips), Snake (Blood and Fists), Snake Charm (The Book of Roguish Luck), Snap Kick (Blood and Fists), Snap Shot, Snatch, Snatch Arrows, Spell Focus (chronomancy, conjuration, divination, necromancy), Spinning Combat (The Book of Roguish Luck), Spinning Defense (DR331), Spring Attack, Sprint (The Book of Roguish Luck), Staggering Attack (I.H.:A.), Starship Designer (Starships of the Galaxy), Stealthy, Still Spell, Sting Like A Bee (Blood and Fists), Storm Sense (Feats), Strafe (D20 Modern), Strengthen Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Strike Around (E.A.:Whips), Stunning Attack (I.H.:A.), Stunning Fist, Summon Evil Monster, Summon Star-Spawn (Beyond The Void), Summon Suffering (E.A.:Whips), Supernatural Crusader (Tome of Magic), Supernatural Opportunist (Tome of Magic), Supernatural Resistance (Inc.),*Suppress Taint (Dweomercraft:Lich),*Surge of Malevolence (Heroes of Horror), Surgeon (H.P. Lovecraft's Arkham), Surgery (D20 Modern), Surprising Riposte (Drow of the Underdark), Swarm Shape (The Witch's Handbook), Swim-By Attack (Cerulean Seas), Sword and Pistol, Sympathetic Spell (The Witch's Handbook), Taiho-Jutsu (Blood and Fists), Tech Specialist (Starships of the Galaxy), Techno-Medicine (Choice and Blood), Teisho (Blood and Fists), Telepathic Tap (M.F.II), Telling Blow (Complete Warrior), Tempest Breath (Draconomicon), Tempt (Unholy Warrior's Handbook), Tendon Lock (Blood and Fists), Thai Kickboxing (Blood and Fists), Thanatopic Spell, The Path of Blood (Tomes), Thigh Kick (Blood and Fists), Third Hand (E.A.:Whips), Threnodic Spell, Throw Attack (I.H.:A.), Thrust (Blood and Fists), Tiger (Blood and Fists), Tiger Claw (Blood and Fists), Tiger Stance (Blood and Fists), Trained Memory (Medieval Player's Manual), Transdimensional Spell (Complete Arcane), True Voice (Hamunaptra), Unbalance Opponent (D20 Modern), Unbound Essence (M.F.II), Uncanny Forethought (Inc.), Undead Horde (Inc.), Undead Master,*Undead Vessel (Inc.), Unholy Aura (C.M.U.C.), Unholy Friendship (Feats), Unholy Majesty (Errata:Benefit:You can Channel Energy and Command Undead. Your "cleric level" = your character level. This stacks

w/your existing Channel Energy ability and Command Undead feat, if any.) (C.M.U.C.), Unholy Toughness (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Unstoppable Spell, Uppercut (Blood and Fists), Urban Forager, Vault (DR331), Versatile Unarmed Strike (PHII), Vile Ki Strike (Elder Evils), Vile Martial Strike (Elder Evils), Vile Natural Attack (Elder Evils), Vital Strike, Warforged (Armor Enhancements:+450 (+449) absolute fortification (+9), reflex (+1 (x39); Total:+40, +200 ft.) (+47), perfect defense (transcendental) (+90), sophism (transcendental) (+90), thelemic damage induction (cosmic) (x4) (+120), transcorporeality (transcendental) (+90), vampiric (NB:Claws only.) (+3) (Arms & Armor); Weapon Enhancements:+450 (+449) anchoring (+1), annihilating strike (cosmic) (x4; +200d6) (+88), defending (+1), demonic horror (+11), everdancing (+8), everdread (+25), guardian (+1), karmic strike (cosmic) (x4; +200d1,000 exp.) (+88), ki intensifying (+2), lashing (+3) (NB:Extend/shorten, if tail, tendril, etc.; Iai [Force], if claw, fist, etc.), lesser dark nexus (+18), sharpness (+4), siphoning strike (cosmic) (x4; +200d100 q.p.) (+88), spirit stealer (cosmic) (+22), transversal (transcendental) (+64), unerring (+25); NB:CL:1,350th (via Blood Beyond Blood (Feats), Reclaim Necromantic Energy (TBoUF), and Improved Leech Item (Age of Mortals)).) (Inc.), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (see Weapon Mastery), Weapon Proficiency (Cloak (Errata:"blind, block, grapple, and trip".)) (Blood and Fists), Weapon Specialization (see Weapon Mastery), Whip Strike (E.A.:Whips), Whipsword Shift (E.A.:Whips), Whirlwind Attack, Whispers of the Otherworld (The Tomes), Wicked Strike (Feats), Wingover, Withering Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Wounding Strike (Feats), Wrappings of the Ages (The Tomes), Wuxia (Blood and Fists), Xenomedic (D20 Future); NB:*These feats are Tainted Feats.

Errata:Martial arts feats increasing damage by one die type increase damage by one category. Martial arts feats that increase damage by one additional die or two die types increase damage by two categories.; Explanation:Epic damage values are calculated differently.

Mythic Feats I (10):Ascendant Power (Inc.), Ascendant Spell, Command Undead, Deify (Domains (Subdomains):Chaos (Demon (C)), Death (Murder (D)), Evil (Demon (E), Fear (F))); Weapon:Bloodrazor) (Inc.), Dual Path (Archmage; A.A.:Mage Strike), Eldritch Heritage (Nanite), Extra Path Ability (Sanctum; NB:S'k'sx's sanctum exists as a secret innerverse within his innerverse (see Innerverse (Inc.)).)), Mythic Crafter, Quick Draw, Undead Master; Mythic Feats II (2):Beauteous Visage (Testament), Divine Compass (Testament)

Psionic Feats (25):Anticipate Power (Hyperconsciousness:Explorations In Psionics), Conjunctive Mind (Subpsionics), Deep Focus (Ultimate Psionics), Empower Power, Endowed Mind, Extend Power, Greater Psionic Endowment, Improved Anticipate Power (Inc.), Insidious Mind (Subpsionics), Psicrystal Affinity (Personality:Bully), Psionic Body, Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Metabolism (Psionic Feats), Psionic Talent, Quicken Power, Rapid Metabolism, Reactive Anticipate Power (Inc.), Sculpt Power (DR287), Tainted Construct (Subpsionics), Tenacious Mind (Subpsionics), Thanatopic Power (Inc.), Threnodic Power (Inc.), Transdimensional Power (Complete Psionic), Unstoppable Power (Inc.)

- Mind Blade Feats (443):Aligned Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Armor and Shield Weaponry (H.P.:S.), Blade of Might (H.P.:S.), Blade of Silence (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Blade of the Champion (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Bladestorm (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Bladewind (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Cognizence Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Deceptive Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Defenders

Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Dual Blade Wielder (x2) (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Dueling Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Enlightened Warrior (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Energy Blade (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic) (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Entwining Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Executioner's Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Extended Throw (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Fill the Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Focused Shield (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Form Mind Blade (self (i.e. natural (inc. unarmed) attacks; see Warforged (Inc.).)) (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Ghost Hunter (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Improved Armor and Shield Weaponry (H.P.:S.), Improved Material Harmonics (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Improved Shape Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Improved Shield of Thought (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Improved Soul Armor (H.P.:S.), Improved Soul Shield (H.P.:S.), Inner Focus (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Knife to the Soul (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Material Harmonics (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Mind Blade Cleave (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Mind Blade Finesse (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Mind Blade Shaper (H.P.:S.), Mind's Eye Acuity (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Oversize Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Poisoned Blade (U.P.:N.H.I.P.), Reckless Blade Wielder (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Reforge Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Resonant Blade (x390; via Nescient (see previous)) (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Shape Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Shield of Thought (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Soul Armor (H.P.:S.), Soul Armor (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Soul Shield (H.P.:S.), Soul Warrior (H.P.:S.), Soulblade Warrior (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Stunning Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Throw Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Wielder of the True Blade (H.P.:S.); NB:Kensai feats are Mind Blade feats and vice versa.

Psychic Feats (38):Apport Arrows, Clairsentience, Cure Blindness/Deafness, Cure Disease, Cure Poison, Dimensional Shift, Direct Talent, Divert Teleport, Empower Talent, Energy Shield, Extend Talent, Flight, Imbue Weapon, Mind Over Matter, Mind Switch, Mind Trap, Psychic Ability, Psychic Focus (Clairsentience, Psychometabolism, Telepathy), Psychic Invisibility, Psychic Link, Psychic Reflection, Psychic Severence, Psychic Weapon, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, Quicken Talent, Sculpt Talent (Inc.), Sensitive, Subtle Talent, Telepathy, Thanatopic Talent (Inc.), Threnodic Talent (Inc.), Transdimensional Talent (Inc.), Truth Reading, Unstoppable Talent (Inc.)

Epic Feats (254):Anoxia (x450; C.R./L.A. (C.R.:+90; L.A.:+135) (v5 C.R.D.)) (I.H.:A.), Art of the Gods (Inc.), Augmented Alchemy (E.L.H.), Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x129) (I.H.:A.), Blinding Attack (I.H.:A.), Blinding Speed (x1) (E.L.H.), Cat's Fall (I.H.:A.), Craft Epic Construct (E.L.H.), Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor (E.L.H.), Craft Epic Wondrous Item (E.L.H.), Create Epic Creature (Inc.), Death Attack (I.H.:A.), Dedicated Priest (E.F.&F.), Dire Charge (E.L.H.), Disrupting Attack (I.H.:A.), Distant Shot (E.L.H.), Divine Retribution (I.H.:A.), Double Standards (I.H.:A.), Dream (Inc.), Eclectic Defense (I.H.:A.), Eclectic Shot (I.H.:A.), Eclectic Strike (I.H.:A.), Efficient Item Creation (x11; Art (x3; Craft (Archtecture), Craft (History), Craft (Sculpture)), Craft Construct, Craft Epic Construct, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Create Creature, Create Epic Creature) (E.L.H.), Enlarge Attack (I.H.:A.), Epic Combat Concentration (Inc.), Epic Combat Reflexes (Inc.), Epic Counterspell, Epic Dodge (E.L.H.), Epic Inner Depths of the Soul (x2) (Inc.), Epic Leadership (E.L.H.), Epic Occult Opportunist (Inc.), Epic Palm (Inc.), Epic Poison Crafter (E.I.:B.o.V.D.), Epic Rapid Blitz (Inc.), Epic Skill Focus (Iaijutsu Focus) (E.L.H.), Epic Speed (E.L.H.), Epic Spellcasting (E.L.H.), Epic Weapon Focus (see Weapon Mastery) (E.L.H.), Epic Weapon Specialization (see Weapon Mastery) (E.L.H.), Ether Goer (I.H.:A.), Etheric Vision (Inc.), Exceptional Deflection (E.L.H.), Ghostwalk (Inc.), Heavy Armor Mastery (I.H.:A.), Holistic Disciple (E.F.&F.), Ignore Material Components (E.L.H.), Impaling Shot (I.H.:A.), Impaling Strike (Inc.), Improved Critical Multiplier (see Weapon Mastery) (I.H.:A.), Improved Dodge (I.H.:A.), Improved Finesse (I.H.:A.),

Improved Iaijutsu Focus (Epic Insights:Epic Sword Fighters), Improved Whirlwind Attack (E.L.H.), Infinite Deflection (E.L.H.), Intensify Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Knockout Attack (I.H.:A.), Legendary Acrobat (E.L.H.), Legendary Archer (I.H.:A.), Legendary Climber (E.L.H.), Legendary Commander (E.L.H.), Legendary Leaper (E.L.H.), Legendary Tracker (Epic Pathfinder), Light Armor Mastery (I.H.:A.), Light Eradication (I.H.:A.), Lord of Battle (E.F.&F.), Malifiecus (I.H.:A.), Master of Necromancy (Inc.), Mathesis (I.H.:A.), Medium Armor Mastery (I.H.:A.), Metamagic Freedom (I.H.:A.), Multiweapon Mastery (Inc.), Negative Energy Burst (E.L.H.), Obliterating Attack (I.H.:A.), Penetrating Poison (Poisoncraft:The Dark Art), Perfect Cleave (I.H.:A.), Perfect Vital Strike (Inc.), Phrenology (I.H.:A.), Piercing Shot (I.H.:A.), Piercing Strike (Inc.), Plastic Soul (I.H.:A.), Pre-emptive Strike (I.H.:A.), Prehensile Hair (I.H.:A.), Reflect Arrows (E.L.H.), Scribe Epic Scroll (E.L.H.), Self Concealment (x5) (E.L.H.), Self Opportunist (E.A.:Whips), Severing Attack (I.H.:A.), Shield Mastery (Errata:Prequisites:Str 23.) (I.H.:A.), Sideways Stealing (I.H.:A.), Sixth Sense (I.H.:A.), Sky Walker (I.H.:A.), Sticky Strike (I.H.:A.), Subtle Body (Special:If you have Buoyancy Balance, your racial buoyancy is zero, even if carrying a load with a buoyancy rating, even if unconscious.) (I.H.:A.), Superior Cleave (I.H.:A.), Superior Initiative (E.L.H.), Superior Whirlwind Attack (I.H.:A.), Supreme Dodge (I.H.:A.), Tenacious Body (I.H.:A.), Timely Dodge (I.H.:A.), Turn Immunity (Inc.), Undead Mastery (E.L.H.), Underwalker (I.H.:A.), Unstoppable Spell (F.o.M.E.v.I), Vile Deathstrike (E.I.:B.o.V.D.), Vile Entity (Inc.), Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning, missile, piercing, slashing) (Inc.), Widen Attack (I.H.:A.), Zone of Animation (E.L.H.)

Epic Psionic Feats (131):Automatic Metapsionic Capacity (x127) (I.H.:A.), Epic Anticipate Power (Inc.), Epic Manifestation (E.L.H.), Metapsionic Freedom (I.H.:A.), Unstoppable Power (Inc.)

- Epic Mind Blade Feats (7):Epic Aligned Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Epic Energy Blade (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic) (T.M.U.:M.B.F.), Epic Mind Blade (T.M.U.:M.B.F.)

Epic Psychic Feats (1):Unstoppable Talent (Inc.)

Languages:All languages (via Linguistics, etc.).

Skills:All skills at R100 (via Maven, etc.).- Skill Tricks:All (via Maven, etc.).- Poison Families:All (via Maven, etc.).- Poisons:All (via Maven, etc.).

Equipment:S'k'sx's Eyes (Inc.), S'k'sx's Skull & Bones (Inc.), S'k'sx's Sigils (Inc.), S'k'sx's Cybersuite (see previous), S'k'sx's Ectopic Suit (Inc.), S'k'sx's Armory (Inc.; #1-2:Deep jet-black, ornate, obdurium/orichalcum mask and full plate (1/3 of 2 Dark Trinities).; #1-1,998:3,996 deep jet-black psychoactive skins (Any variety.; Thickness:1 nm.; 2/3 of 1,998 Dark Trinities; NB:Worn under armor in alternating layers.); #3-1,998: 1,996 deep jet-black, ornate, obdurium/orichalcum orbs (Alt. Forms:Typically battle talons; T, S, or M 'bloodrazors; 'spiked chains; M or L 'needle shuriken; 'starblades; 'machines (esp.'The Black Skull (Inc.)); and/or M 'reapers; 1/3 of 1,996 Dark Trinities.).), S'k'sx's Mind Blade (Inc.), and S'k'sx's Psicrystal (Inc.); NB:'Usually concealed (circulatory system) and disguised (deep jet-black, ornate, obdurium/orichalcum nanites).

- S'k'sx's Eyes (Avatars, Major Artifacts, and Phylacteries.; Total:256; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx's Eyes (via biology; NB:Enhanced far beyond their normal capabilities.) manifest as deep jet-black, alien (insectile) eyes (each of which have 174 ommatidia; giving S'k'sx a +87 bonus to Perception checks per eye (Total:+22,272 bonus to Perception checks.; NB:Replaces S'k'sx's normal Perception check bonus)) and can function (if desired; nonaction) as variably (see Divine Immensity, etc.) sized (full strength) spheres of annihilation.; Cybernetics:As S'k'sx (Location:Varies (see previous).).; Gadgets:As S'k'sx.; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; Special:S'k'sx's Eyes are 256 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Varies (see previous).;Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured/natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 256 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)

- S'k'sx's Skull & Bones (Avatars, Major Artifacts, and Phylacteries.; Total:666; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx's Skull & Bones are comprised of S'k'sx's Skull and 665 other bones (inc. claws, fangs, etc.) (S'k'sx's Skull or other bone (Avatar, Major Artifact, and Phylactery; Description:Varies (see previous).; Powers:Self-explanatory.; Cybernetics:As S'k'sx (Location:Varies (see previous).).; Gadgets:As S'k'sx.; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Scarification depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; Special:S'k'sx's Skull & Bones are 666 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Varies (see previous).; Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured /natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 666 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)).; NB:At 0 hp (-135 hp (via Lingering Spirit (see previous))) or lower S'k'sx is forced (Delayed (via Divine Retribution (see previous) and Undead Immortal (see previous))) into his skull (see previous), etc.; Special: - )

- S'k'sx's Sigils (Phylacteries; Total:26,316; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx is possessed of 2,924 (2,924 of which are S'k'sx's avatars' phylacteries as well) phylacteries (2,924 sigils (obdurium/orichalcum); NB:Inlays inside of S'k'sx's Skull.) and 23,392 (23,392 of which are S'k'sx's avatars' phylacteric sigils as well) phylacteric

sigils (obdurium/orichalcum; NB:Inlays inside of S'k'sx's Skull.).; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Scarification depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; NB:S'k'sx's is possessed of additional phylacteries (see Equipment (see previous); Total:29,240).; Special:S'k'sx's Sigils can't be affected (harmfully or otherwise, except, by S'k'sx himself (only if intentional, uncoerced, and willfull)) or destroyed (except, by S'k'sx himself (only if intentional, uncoerced, and willfull)). Furthermore, they can't be "unmade" (see Soul Objects (I.H.:A., Pg.19)) as they are as much a part of S'k'sx and/or his avatars as any other body part (limb, etc.; see FH (see previous), R (see previous), Rejuvenation (I.H.:A., Pg.24), Cosmic String (I.H.:A., Pg.143), and Transmortality (I.H.:A., Pg.155).).)

- S'k'sx's Ectopic Suit (Avatar, Major Artifact, and Phylactery.; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx's Ectopic Suit (via Ectopic Suit class feature; NB:Enhanced far beyond it's normal capabilities.) manifests as an ornate, jet-black, ectopic suit and can function (if desired; nonaction) as a variably (see Divine Immensity, etc.) sized (full strength) sphere of annihilation.; Cybernetics:As S'k'sx (Location:Varies (see previous).).; Gadgets:As S'k'sx.; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Reliefs depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; Special:S'k'sx's Ectopic Suit is 1 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Varies (see previous).; Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured/natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 1 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)

- S'k'sx's Armory (Avatars, Major Artifacts, and Phylacteries.; Total:1,998; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx's Armory is comprised of 1,998 Dark Trinities (Dark Trinity (Avatar, Major Artifact, and Phylactery; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:A Dark Trinity manifests as 3 ornate, jet-black, obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/orichalcum (53.33...etc.%) spheres (1.5 in. r.; 10d10 (480d10); 20/x2 (19-20/x3); 677,679.408764 (R.:0.9608431812 in.); B; DR:967 (3/ - (48/ - w/Enhancement (shield))); H:967 (3 (48 w/Enhancement (shield))); Bypass:967). Each sphere (possessed of one of the avatar's minds, yet still part of a singular entity (i.e. anything affecting one affects them all, regardless of distance or locale (dimensional, planar, and/or temporal))) can function (if desired; nonaction) as a variably (see Divine Immensity, etc.) sized (full strength) sphere of annihilation.; Cybernetics:As S'k'sx (Location:Varies (see

previous).).; Gadgets:As S'k'sx.; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Reliefs depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; Special:A Dark Trinity is 1 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Varies (see previous).; Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured/natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 1 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)).; Special: - )

----- Common Forms:Battle talons (10d10 (480d10), 15d10 (720d10), or 20d10 (960d10); 18-20/x2 (15-20/x3); 2,033,038.226292 lb.; P or S; DR:967 (3/ - (48/ - w/Enhancement (shield))); H:967 (3 (48 w/Enhancement (shield))); Bypass:967; Description:3 blades/forearm (collectively/individually extendable (from between primary knuckles)/retractable); Special:+2 to Block, Climb, Coup de Grace, Disarm, and Sunder. Wielder can't be disarmed.; NB:1/3 of 3 Dark Trinities per set of battle talons.), bloodrazor (ornate, jet-black, obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/orichalcum (53.33...etc.%) equipment (esp. bloodrazor (held together by incorporeal, invisible mechanisms) (40d10 (2,560d10); 18-20/x2 (15-20/x3); 85,726,445.208646, lb.; P or S or B, P, and S; DR:967 (3/ - (48/ - w/Enhancement (shield))); H:967 (3 (48 w/Enhancement (shield))); Bypass:967)), starblade (i.e. lightsaber (30d10 (VSCs:8 (via Starcrystal (see below))) (1,920d10); 20/x2 (19-20/x3); 1,355,358.817528 lb.; energy and slashing; DR:967 (3/ - (48/ - w/Enhancement (shield))); H:967 (3 (48 w/Enhancement (shield))); Bypass:All (blade), 967 (handle); Color:Deep crimson.; Crystal:Starcrystal (Color:Deep Crimson-black.; Composition:Obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/orichalcum (53.33...etc.%).); Special:As a free action, twin starblades can merge, forming a double starblade (i.e. double lightsaber), or resume their normal form.)), machines (esp. The Black Skull (Inc.)), etc.

----- The Black Skull (Artifact (1/3 of 41 Dark Trinities (see previous)), Starship (space station); Description:The Black Skull is a L 12 mi. x H 10.666...etc. mi. x W 8.888...etc. mi., anatomically perfect, armathrax-infested (guardians; H 200 ft., L 800 ft.; 1/3 of 13 Dark Trinities), ornate, jet-black, obdurium/orichalcum, skull- shaped (S'k'sx's skull (armathrax (replica))) starship (space station; 1/3 of 28 Dark Trinities). The Black Skull's primary function is the comfort (inc. archaic, modern, and futuristic amenities (commercial, industrial, and residential); as well as an arena/combat zone where participants (willing or otherwise) can fight to the death for his amusement (winners keep all spoils and; if prisoners, slaves, or unfortunate victims of circumstance; are set free (occasionally by virtue of an airlock, if they're particularly arrogant or mouthy))), protection (self-explanatory), and transport (self-explanatory) of planar/starfaring travelers and the dead, departed, and undead. The Black Skull's interior is an endlessly morphic labyrinth (which S'k'sx, his reapers, 666 coloxi (chefs, etc.), 666 half-coloxi (vary), 666 succubi (couriers, etc.), 666 half-succubi (vary), 666 hezrou (sewer guardians), 666 half-hezrou (sewer maintenance), 666 cambions (vary), 666 tieflings (vary), and his customers (see previous) can easily (and safely) navigate (NB:The Black

Skull kills, jettisons, etc. any/all enemies.)).; Powers:The Black Skull, 1/3 of 14 Dark Trinities (see previous), is crewed, maintained, and further protected by 666 reapers (1/3 of 666 Dark Trinities (see previous)).; Special: - )

- S'k'sx's Mind Blade (Avatar, Major Artifact, and Phylactery.; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx's Mind Blade (M.B.F.:450; NB:Enhanced far beyond it's normal capabilities.) manifests as an ornate, jet-black, obdurium (46.66...etc.%)/orichalcum (53.33...etc.%) dermal enhancement (Armor:+150, - , - , - ; 30 ft., 20 ft. (17,000 ft./B.:8,500 ft./C.:17,000 ft./F.:17,000 ft. (P.) or 102,000 ft. (G.)/S.:17,000 ft.); Weapon:Varies (see previous); Varies (see previous); 6,776,794.08764; Varies (see previous); DR:967 (13/ - (193/ - w/Enhancement (armor))); H:967 (13 (193 w/Enhancement (armor))); Bypass:967) and can function (if desired; nonaction) as a variably (see Divine Immensity, etc.) sized (full strength) sphere of annihilation.; Cybernetics:As S'k'sx (Location:Varies (see previous).).; Gadgets:As S'k'sx.; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Reliefs depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; Special:S'k'sx's Mind Blade is 1 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Varies (see previous).; Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured/natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 1 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)

- S'k'sx's Psicrystal (Avatar, Major Artifact, and Phylactery.; Description:Varies (see below).; Powers:S'k'sx's Psicrystal (via Psicrystal Affinity; NB:Enhanced far beyond it's normal capabilities.) manifests as an ornate, deep crimson-black psicrystal (Personality:Bully (NB:While not free-willed, S'k'sx's Psicrystal is possessed of a rather capricious, corrupt, and malicious personality. If left to it's own devices, it will lack S'k'sx's self-restraint (potentially going on a homicidal rampage of cosmic proportions).); Special:Implanted (Location:The center of S'k'sx's cerebellum.; Init Bonus:+51; Int Adj:+49 (Int 280 (via mind seed, etc.))) (High Psionics:Psicrystals Expanded)) and can function (if desired; nonaction) as a variably (see Divine Immensity, etc.) sized (full strength) sphere of annihilation.; Cybernetics:As S'k'sx (Location:Varies (see previous).).; Gadgets:As S'k'sx.; Qualities:Art (Enduring Art; Moving Art:Empathy (DC:430); Confusion (DC:430), Fear (DC:430); Envy (DC:430), Greed (DC:430), Pride (DC:430); Gluttony (DC:430), Lust (DC:430), Sloth (DC:430), Wrath (DC:430); Enlightening Art (Sculpture:Reliefs depicting the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm. Emanated Sculpture (r. = divine aura r.; can be suppressed (or resumed) indefinitely, as a free action, at will):Illusionary (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting] depictions of the horrors of S'k'sx's Godly Realm.); Exemplary Art (People, World; Any/all creatures (other than S'k'sx or his avatars), locations, and/or objects in the immediate or affected area are affected and, if evil or unholy, become progressively more corrupt and tainted.); Real Art (Major)), masterwork.; Special:S'k'sx's Psicrystal is 1 of S'k'sx's 2,924 Avatars (DR:14 (Intermediate Deity) Paragon (Perfect One); Form:Varies (see previous).;

Statistics:As S'k'sx (except, as previous (sans Inner Realm (psyches) and Innerverse (psyches)) plus Adamic Strike (up to 4 weapons (manufactured/natural)) and Annihilating Strike (i.e. Strike (As per I.H.:A., Pg. 116; 1 HD/L per 16 HD/L)) replace Adamic Talons (see previous) and Annihilating Breath (see previous).).) and 1 of S'k'sx's 29,240 phylacteries.)

Familiar:Griever (Inc.)

Allies:Griever (Inc.), Serafina Evanora Thornheart (Inc.).

Enemies:Everyone else.

Victims: -

Puriel (NG F Malak; Curse:Human appearance and size.; Equipment:Commoner's outfit.)

Serafina Evanora Thornheart (N (CE tend.) F Human (Age:15); Witch 3 (21 hp), Starting Occupation:Student (Knowledge (arcane lore), Knowledge (history), Research); Patron:Ancestral Spirits (Spell List:Thorns); Hexes:Feral Speech, Flight; Spells/Day:0th:/1st:/2nd:; Spells Known:0th:/1st:/2nd:; Spell Save DC:; Feats:Accustomed to Fear (TBoUF), Iron Will, Pentagram (Blood and Relics); Languages:Abyssal, Draconic, English, German, Infernal, Latin.; Skills (18):Heal R1, Knowledge (arcana) R1, Knowledge (arcane lore) R3, History (history) R3,*Knowledge (mathematics) R1, Knowledge (nature) R1, Knowledge (planes) R1, Linguistics R1, Research R3,*Treat Injury R1; F:+1 (+4, R:+1 (+2, W:+3 (+5; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 18; Contacts:Agatha (Senile elderly lady who believes she is Seraphina's great aunt and acts accordingly.); Equipment:Serafina's outfit, The Ring of Thorns (Major Artifact; Description:A deep jet-black, adamantine ring of thorns.; Powers:The Ring of Thorns enables the wearer to cast any plant-based spell of 0-9th level as a swift action at will as a Su ability; autocasts bestow greater curse (The wearer can choose the curse, if conscious, otherwise the DM chooses the curse.) and death by thorns as Su abilities on anyone or anything that willfully/knowingly attacks the wearer; autocasts antipathy (preventing anyone/anything (regardless of Intelligence, alignment, and/or allegiance) the wearer deems creepy from approaching the wearer or remaining in the wearer's presence) as a Su ability anytime the wearer is "creeped out"; functions as a ring of mindshielding, ring of regeneration, and ring of sustenance; and renders the wearer impervious to aging, cold, curses (as per Malaclypse), disease, drowning, filth (the wearer and the wearer's personal effects remain clean, dry, and well groomed/maintained (unless the wearer desires otherwise)), electricity, fire, pain, poison, and suffocation.; NB:CL = 166th or the wearer's CL, whichever is greater; S DCs = 236 or the wearer's save DC for Su abilities, whichever is greater.); Special:Functions only for Seraphina and her successors.), stuffed bunny, dagger.; Familiar:Bird ((N (CE tend.) M Raven).)

Armathrax Medium Animal Hit Dice:8d8+248 (288 hp) Initiative:+26 (+22 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Speed:60 ft. 1 (40 ft.), burrow 30 ft, climb 60 ft., swim 60 ft. 

Armor Class:49 (+22 Dex, +17 natural), touch 32, flat-footed 27 Base Attack/Grapple:+6/+31 Attack:Bite +31 melee (4d8+25/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)) Full Attack:Bite +31 melee (4d8+25/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)) or horns +31 melee (4d8+25), 2 claws +29 melee (2d8+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)), and tail pincer +29 melee (8d6+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)) or tail slap +29 melee (8d6+12)Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tail pincer or tail slap) Special Attacks:Augmented critical, constrict (8d6+25), improved grab, pounce, powerful charge (8d8+50), rake (2d8+12/18-20 (x3 plus sharpness)), sharpness, stunning roar, trip Special Qualities:Blindsight 300 ft., damage reduction 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, frightful presence, immunities, increased damage, lowlight vision, powerful build, resistances, scent, sound imitation, spines (4d6), stability, tremorsense 60 ft., virtual size categories 3 Saves:Fort +28, Ref +37, Will +3 Abilities:Str 60, Dex 54, Con 72, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills:Balance +30, Climb +33, Hide +24,*Intimidate +31, Jump +33, Listen +12, Move Silently +24, Search +13, Spot +12, Swim +33 Feats:Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack,*Nightmare Fuel (B),*Skill Focus (Intimidate) (B)Environment:Any Organization:Solitary Challenge Rating:24Alignment:Always neutral Advancement:- Level Adjustment:+29 

Armathrax are dense, powerful, semi-bipedal, slenderly muscular, carnivorous, reptilian creatures w/a deadly retractable, triblade, pincered tail.

Armathrax are capable of standing upright (seeming humanoid), possess opposable thumbs (i.e. can open doors, etc.), and can mimic sounds or even speech. 

1 Bipedal locomotion. 

The average armathrax is 6 ft. tall (with a 9 ft. tail) and weighs 6,720 pounds. 


Augmented Critical (Ex):An armathrax's bite, claws, and tail pincer threaten a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage and severing a random extremity (see the armathrax's Sharpness special attack) on a successful critical hit. 

Frightful Presence (Ex):A armathrax can unsettle foes with its mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the armathrax attacks, charges, roars, or snarls. Creatures within a radius of 30 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the armathrax. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 14) remains immune to that armathrax's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Armathrax ignore the frightful presence of other armathrax. 

Immunities (Ex):An armathrax is immune to disease, fear (inc. Nightmare Fuel (see previous)), and poison. 

Improved Grab (Ex):To use this ability, an armathrax must hit with a bite, claw, tail pincer, or tail slap attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake (bite or claw attack), pince (tail pincer), or constrict (tail slap attack). 

Increased Damage (Ex):Because of their dense bones and sharp claws, fangs, horns, scales, spines, and tail pincer; armathrax deal damage as if they were one size category larger. This ability does stack with the armathrax's virtual size categories. However, it does not enable the armathrax to use attack forms normally not allowed to a creature of it's size. 

Pounce (Ex):If an armathrax charges or leaps upon a foe during it's first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action. 

Powerful Build (Ex):The physical stature of an armathrax lets it function in many ways as if it were one size category larger. Whenever an armathrax is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the armathrax is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to it. An armathrax is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect it. An armathrax can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, it's space and reach remain those of a creature of it's actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of abilities, powers, and spells that change the subject's size category. 

Powerful Charge (Ex):An armathrax deals 8d8+50 points of damage when it makes a charge.

Resistances:An armathrax has the following resistances: - Energy Resistance (Ex):An armathrax has acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic resistance 5. - Extremity Loss Resistance (Ex):An armathrax's thick bony carapace protects it's extremities and provides resistance from effects that could normally sever them, such as a sharpness weapon. When an armathrax would otherwise lose an extremity, it instead makes a fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 HD of attacker + attacker’s Strength modifier). On a failed save, the armathrax's extremity leaves it's body normally, but on a successful save, the armathrax is unaffected by the severing. 

Sharpness (Ex):An armathrax that critically hits with a target with a bite, claw, or tail pincer attack severs one of the target's extremities. Roll a d10 to determine the severed extremity:D10 result:1-2:Head, 3-4:Left arm, 5-6:Right arm, 7-8:Left leg, 9-10:Right leg. 

Sound Imitation (Ex):An armathrax can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed on a Will save (DC 14) to detect the ruse. The save DC is Charisma-based. 

Spines (Ex):An armathrax is covered with sharp, thorn-like spines. An opponent that hits it with a natural weapon or an unarmed attack automatically takes 4d6 points of piercing damage. 

Stability (Ex):A armathrax gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). 

Stunning Roar (Ex):Every 1d4 rounds, an armathrax can loose a sonic attack of such volume that it stuns all creatures in a 30-foot spread for 1d4 rounds if they fail a fortitude saving throw (DC 45). The save DC is Constitution-based. 

Trip (Ex):An armathrax that hits with a bite, claw, tail pincer, or tail slap attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the armathrax. 

Skills:Armathrax have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. Armathrax have a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Listen, Jump, Search, and Spot checks. An armathrax can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. An armathrax has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. *Armathrax also gain Nightmare Fuel and Skill Focus (Intimidate) as Bonus Feats and use their Strength modifier rather than their Charisma modifier on all Intimidate skill checks.

CecaeliaMedium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)Hit Dice: 3d8 (18 hp)Initiative: +3 (+3 Dexterity)Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft.Armor Class: 3 (+3 Dexterity), touch 13, flat-footed 10Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3Attack: Adamantine harpoon +3 melee (1d10) or Tentacle +3 melee (1d4)Full Attack: Adamantine harpoon +3 melee (1d10) and 8 tentacles -2 melee (1d4)Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tentacle)Special Attacks: Constrict (1d6), improved grabSpecial Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft., ink cloud, jet, low-light vision Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10Skills: Escape Artist +15, Hide +11, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +10Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide)Environment: Warm aquaticOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating: 8Treasure: Standard + adamantine harpoonAlignment: Always neutral evilAdvancement: By character class

Level Adjustment: +9

Krusty ole' salt - “It's like a man, but not a man.”Young lad - “What do you mean?”Krusty ole' salt - “It's has tentacles where it's legs should be.”

Cecaelia are aggressive, cannibalistic, and territorial octofolk. Their superficial similarity to merfolk suggests a distant connection that both species vehemently deny.

Cecaelia are about 4-6 ft. tall and weigh 60-260 lbs. A cecaelian's barbed tentacles reach 8-12 ft in length.

Cecaelia speak cecaelian.


An opponent can attack a cecaelia's tentacles with a sunder attempt as if they were weapons. A cecaelia's tentacles have 3 hit points (1/Hit Dice/Level) each. If a cecaelia is currently grappling a target with the tentacle that is being attacked, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the opponent making the sunder attempt. Severing one of a cecaelia's tentacles deals 1 point (1/10 Hit Dice/Levels) of damage to the creature. A cecaelia usually withdraws from combat if it loses four tentacles. The creature regrows severed limbs in 1d10+10 days. 

Amphibious (Ex): A cecaelia can breathe both air and water equally.

Constrict (Ex): A cecaelia deals 1d6 points of damage with a successful grapple check. 

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a cecaelia must hit an opponent of any size with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. 

Ink Cloud (Ex): A cecaelia can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the cecaelia normally uses to escape a losing fight. All vision within the cloud is obscured. 

Jet (Ex): A cecaelia can jet upward once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 200 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting. 

Skills: A cecaelia can change colors, giving it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. A cecaelia also can squeeze and contort its body, giving it a +10 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks. A cecaelia has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Brobdingnagian Praying Mantis

Medium VerminHit Dice: 2d8 (8 hp)Initiative: +0Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (Perfect)Armor Class: 11 (+1 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 11Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+5Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d6+4/x4)Full Attack: 2 claws +3 melee (1d6+4/x4) and bite -2 melee (1d3+2)Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Improved grabSpecial Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traitsSaves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +2Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 3Skills: Hide +4*, Spot +6Environment: Any landOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating: 1Treasure: NoneAlignment: NeutralAdvancement: 2-3 HD (Medium), 4-6 (Large)Level Adjustment: -

This massive greenish-brown winged insectoid has spiny, scythelike forelegs.


This patient carnivore remains completely still as it waits for prey to come near.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability the macrobe praying mantis must hit an opponent up to one size category smaller with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Skills: A brobdingnagian praying mantis has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Spot checks. *Because of its camouflage, the Hide bonus increases to +12 when a brobdingnagian praying mantis is surrounded by foliage.

Vycyryn Fine Vermin Hit Dice: 1/8d8-1 (1 hp) Initiative: +4 (+4 Dexterity) Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 45 ft. (perfect) Armor Class: 22 (+8 size, +4 Dex), touch 22, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/–12 Attack: Sting +4 melee (1pt.–5 plus poison) Full Attack: Sting +4 melee (1pt.–5 plus poison), 4 pincers -1 melee (1pt.-5), and bite -1 melee (1pt.-5 plus poison) Space/Reach: 3 in./2 in. Special Attacks: Constrict 1pt.-5, improved grab, poison Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., vermin traits Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0 

Abilities: Str 1, Dex 18, Con 8, Int - , Wis 10, Cha 1 Skills: Climb +8, Hide +24, Spot +8, Survival +0* Feats:Weapon Finesse (B) Environment: Any Organization: Solitary or swarm Challenge Rating: 1/16 Advancement:— Level Adjustment:— 

Vycyryn are closely related to scorpions, wasps, and vermiurges. 

Vycyryn make excellent familiars. (Benefit: Master gains a +3 bonus on Spot checks.) 


Vycyryn are likely to attack any creature that approaches, and they usually charge when attacking prey. 

Constrict (Ex): A vycyryn deals automatic claw damage on a successful grapple check. 

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a vycyryn must hit with a claw attack. A vycyryn can uses its Dexterity modifier for grapple checks. 

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 9, initial and secondary damage 1 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based. 

Skills: A vycyryn has a +4 racial bonus on Climb and Hide checks and a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks. A vycyryn can use it's Dexterity modifier for Climb checks. *It also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to orient itself. 

Fiend, Acolyte (Attendant) 


Creating an Acolyte 

“Acolyte” or “Attendant” is an acquired template that can be added to any evil- aligned creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). 

The acolyte uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except, as noted here. 

Size and Type:The base creature's type (unless it is Construct or Undead) changes to Outsider. The base creature also gains the Demon (if chaotic evil), Daemon (if neutral evil), or Devil (if lawful evil) subtype, as well as any perspective alignment subtypes. Size is unchanged. 

Hit Dice:An acolyte has maximum hit points. 

Speed:The base creature's speed doubles. 

Armor Class:An acolyte retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Deflection Bonus (Ex):An acolyte gains a deflection bonus equal to it's Charisma modifier.

- Insight Bonus (Ex):An acolyte gains an insight bonus equal to it's Wisdom modifier. 

Special Attacks:An acolyte retains the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Alter Reality (Su):An acolyte can (cast/manifest) any 0-9th level (spell/power), as a swift action, at will. An acolyte can also combine said (spell/power) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results. Alternatively, an acolyte can use Alter Reality to give itself a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls equal to 9 + the number of Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity feats it possesses. If it's chosen to gain a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls, it lose it's circumstance bonus any round it use Alter Reality for any other purpose. (Caster/Manifester) Level = HD/L. The save DC's, if any, are Charisma-based.; NB:If an acolyte already has Alter Reality, it gains +1 c.a. (or +6 d.a.).

Special:If an acolyte has Epic (Spellcasting/Manifesting), it can (cast/manifest) any 0-9th level (spell/power) or Epic level (spell/power; of a Spellcraft skill check DC up to it's Spellcraft skill check modifier +20), as a swift action, at will. The acolyte can also combine any 0-9th level (spell/power) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results. Alternatively, the acolyte can use Alter Reality to give itself a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls equal to 10 + the number of Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity feats it possesses. If it's chosen to gain a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls, it loses it's circumstance bonus any round it uses Alter Reality for any other purpose. If an acolyte has Epic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, it can combine Epic (spells/powers) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results.

- Postcognition (Su) :An acolyte can see into a being's past and learn it's history. The target must make a Will save or have their entire history become known to the acolyte. If the save fails, the GM should reveal any pertinent (written) facts about the individual’s history. An acolyte can attempt to discern an individual’s history any number of times, but each time they successfully save against the acolyte's prying they gain a cumulative +10 circumstance bonus for their next save. The save DC is Charisma-based.

- Silver Tongue (Su) Anyone who hears an acolyte's voice must make a Will save or be charmed (as if by a charm monster spell). Use of this ability represents a swift action. Caster Level = Hit Dice. The save DC is Charisma-based. 

Special Qualities:An acolyte retains the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following:

- Damage Reduction (Su):An acolyte gains damage reduction equal to half it's Hit Dice (round down; 5 = minimum). If the acolyte has 20 total Hit Dice or less then the damage reduction will be DR x/aligned [chaotic (if lawful) or lawful (if chaotic)] and magic or x/aligned [good] and magic. If the acolyte has greater than 20 total Hit Dice then the damage reduction will be DR x/aligned [chaotic (if lawful) or lawful (if chaotic)] and epic or x/aligned [good] and epic. 

(i.e. A 10 Hit Dice chaotic evil acolyte gains DR x/good or lawful; and magic, allowing aligned (good or lawful) magic weapons to bypass it's damage reduction.) 

- Spell Resistance (Su):An acolytes gains spell resistance equal to 10 + it's Hit Dice. 

Saves:An acolyte gains a profane bonus to it's saves equal to it's Charisma modifier.

Abilities:An acolyte gains +18 Int, +18 Wis, and +18 Cha. 

Challenge Rating:Same as the base creature +9 (with no equipment), or +14 (with 21 levels of equipment). 

Alignment:Any evil. 

Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +14 (with no equipment), or +21 (with 21 levels of equipment). 

Cyber Creature

Cyber creatures, techno-organic organisms, are the ultimate expression of cybernetic life. 

Creating a Cyber Creature 

“Cyber Creature” is a template that can be added to any corporeal, living creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The cyber creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except, as noted here. 

Special Qualities:A cyber creature retains the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Computer Link (Ex):As a move action, a cyber creature can link with any computer it can reach, using short filaments that extend from it's fingertips (or equivalent). Once the physical link it achieved, the cyber creature can use the computer to accomplish complex computer-related tasks more quickly than normal. A task that normally requires 1 or more minutes to complete on the computer takes a full-round action instead, while a task that normally takes 1or more hours takes 1 minute instead. The DC of the skill check increases by 5, however, as the cyber creature trades caution for expedience. A cyber creature retains it's Dexterity bonus to armor class while linked to a computer. Disconnecting from the computer is a free action, and a linked cyber creature who takes an attack action automatically severs the link. The link is also broken the moment the cyber creature can no longer reach the computer. 

- Cybernetic Adaptability (Ex):A cyber creature can have an additional number of cybernetic attachments equal to it's level. Improper removal of a cybernetic attachment installed on a cyber creature causes 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage (instead of 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain, as normal). See Chapter 11:Cybernetics of D20 Future for details. 

Abilities:A cyber creature gains -2 to Wisdom and Charisma. Intelligence and Wisdom are at least 3. 

Challenge Rating:Same as base creature +0.

Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +0. 

Cyber Knight


Creating a Cyber Knight

“Cyber Knight” is a template that can be added to any Aleerin or cyber creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The cyber knight uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except, as noted here. 

Armor Class:A cyber knight retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Natural Armor Bonus (Ex):A cyber knight gains an armor bonus equal to it's Hit Dice. 

Special Qualities:A cyber knight retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Damage Reduction (Ex):A cyber knight gains damage reduction equal to half it's Hit Dice/ - . 

- Fast Healing (Ex):A cyber knight gains fast healing equal to half it's Hit Dice. 

- Indelible Implants (Ex):A cyber knight's cybernetic implants are no longer susceptible to attacks, EMP, or massive damage, unless the cyber knight is dead (NB:Undead is not dead.), as they are fully integrated with the cyber knight's D.N.A. and physiology and have decentralized and redundant (i.e. backup) components. Thus, attempts to attack a cyber knight's implants, instead, damage the cyber knight itself and EMP and massive damage have no effect upon them. Furthermore, they are no longer vulnerable to electricity. 

- Robosoul (Ex):A cyber knight can gain robot accessories, components, and upgrades as cybernetic implants; and can gain robot feats as if it were a robot (biodroid and bioreplica accessories, components, feats, and upgrades only). It must, however, meet all other prerequisites for all accessories, components, feats, and upgrades. 

Challenge Rating:Same as base creature +4. 

Level Adjustment:Same as base creature +6.

Entropic Creature 

“Entropic” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The entropic creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except, as noted here. 

Size and Type:The base creature's type changes to Undead (unless a Construct or Undead). Size is unchanged.NB:The Undying lose their Undying abilities, etc. completely.

Hit Dice:An entropic creature has maximum hit points.

Speed:An entropic creature gains a fly speed equal to it's base land speed with perfect maneuverability. 

NB:Entropic creatures do not fly; rather they are not subject to gravity in the same way other creatures are. They can move in any direction through any medium, disintegrating solid matter in their path. 

Special Attacks:An entropic creature retains the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following:

- Entropic Mastery (Ex):The damage dealt by entropic creatures is permanent.Bend reality or limited wish spell will heal 1 hit point of permanent damage. Miracle, reality revision, or wish will heal 1 point of permanent damage per level of the caster. Those slain by an entropic creature are brought closer to the true nature of death and as such cannot be raised. However, they can be resurrected, albeit suffering a loss of 2 levels (from resurrection) or a loss of one level (from true resurrection). Entropic creatures destroy non-magical matter with a touch. Magical items must make a Fortitude save each time they touch, or are touched by an entropic creature, or be destroyed. The save DC is Charisma-based.Anyone grappling with, or striking the entropic creature suffers permanent damage equal to the base damage dice their attack would usually inflict. 

- Third Death (Su):If destroyed, an entropic creature implodes in upon itself. All targets within the entropic creature's reach must make a Reflex save or be sucked into the void and lost forever. Occasionally, beings lost in this manner find a way to return but they are never the same creature they were before unless they are somehow protected against the dimension of entropy. The save DC is Charisma-based.

- Void Gaze (Su):Any intelligent creature looking at the entropic creature can become lost in the unrelenting depth of blackness. Intelligent creatures within 5 feet per 2 Hit Dice of the entropic creature must make a Will save or become fascinated for 2d6 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is a mind-affecting effect. 

Special Qualities:An entropic creature retains the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following:

- Damage Reduction (Ex):An entropic creature gains damage reduction equal to half it's Hit Dice/- (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5). 


Challenge Rating:Same as base creature +7.6.


Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +11.4.

Paragon (Perfect One) 

Among the population of every kind of creature are some specimens that are its weakest, worst representatives. Likewise, every population has it's paragons:the strongest, smartest, luckiest, and most powerful of the species. Paragons may represent the mythical First Creature, created in it's perfect form by some creator deity, or perhaps the evolutionary endpoint of a race after thousands of years of steady improvement. Sometimes, paragons just spring up accidentally, when all the factors are right. 

Creating a Paragon

“Paragon” is a template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The paragon uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities, except, as noted here.

Size and Type:Animals and vermin become magical beasts. Otherwise, Type is unchanged. A paragon gains the psionic subtype. Size is unchanged. 

Hit Dice:A paragon uses d20's (Divine Toughness) for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points.

Speed:All movement speeds are tripled (i.e. x3 (Divine Celerity)). 

Armor Class:A paragon retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Deflection Bonus (Ex):A paragon gains a deflection bonus equal to it's Charisma modifier. 

- Luck Bonus (Ex):A paragon gains a +50 luck bonus (see Fortuity). 

Special Attacks:A paragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Alter Reality (Su):A paragon can (cast/manifest) any 0-9th level (spell/power), as a swift action, at will. A paragon can also combine said (spell/power) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results. Alternatively, a paragon can use Alter Reality to

give itself a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls equal to 9 + the number of Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity feats it possesses. If it's chosen to gain a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls, it lose it's circumstance bonus any round it use Alter Reality for any other purpose. (Caster/Manifester) Level = HD/L + 50 (see Fortuity). The save DC's, if any, are Charisma-based.; NB:If a paragon already has Alter Reality, it gains +1 c.a. (or +6 d.a.).

Special:If a paragon has Epic (Spellcasting/Manifesting), it can (cast/manifest) any 0-9th level (spell/power) or Epic level (spell/power; of a Spellcraft skill check DC up to it's Spellcraft skill check modifier +20), as a swift action, at will. The paragon can also combine any 0-9th level (spell/power) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results. Alternatively, the paragon can use Alter Reality to give itself a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls equal to 10 + the number of Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity feats it possesses. If it's chosen to gain a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls, it loses it's circumstance bonus any round it uses Alter Reality for any other purpose. If a paragon has Epic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, it can combine Epic (spells/powers) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results.

Special Qualities:A paragon retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Damage Reduction (Ex):A paragon gains damage reduction 50/cursed and epic. 

- Fast Healing (Ex):A paragon gains fast healing 50/round. 

- Fortuity (Ex):A paragon adds a +50 luck bonus to:armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, manifester level checks, skill checks, turning checks); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any powers, psi-like abilities, special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; power resistance; saving throws; spell resistance; and turn resistance (if applicable). 

- Immunity (Ex):A paragon gains immunity to cold and fire. 

- Inner Eye (Ex):A paragon can automatically (no action required) manipulate it's fate. For example...The paragon gains the best or worst (it's choice) results on all dice rolls. However, a natural “20” is not an automatic success and a natural "1" is only an automatic failure if it opts to fail. 

- Spell and Power Resistance (Ex):A paragon gains spell and power resistance equal to 10 + Hit Dice + 50 (see Fortuity). 

Saves:A paragon gains a +50 luck bonus to all saves (see Fortuity). 

Abilities:A paragon gains a +50 bonus to all ability scores. 

- Maven & Omnicompetent (Ex):A paragon gains maximum ranks in all skills (w/all skills becoming class skills).

Feats:A paragon gains 5 Bonus Feats. 

Organization:Any, usually same as the base creature. 

Challenge Rating:Same as the base creature +60. 

Treasure:Double standard. 

Alignment:Any, usually same as the base creature. 

Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +90.

Amidah (Ultimate One)

Amidah or Ultimate One (for there can only be one per multiverse), is a template that can be added to any Paragon (Perfect One) (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). The Amidah uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except, as noted here.

Hit Dice:An Amidah uses d100's (Cosmic Toughness) for Hit Dice, rather than d20's (see Paragon) and has quadruple (*Cosmic Firmament (x3)) maximum hit points, rather than maximum hit points (see Paragon).;*If the Amidah is a deity, the Amidah is treated as if always within their godly realm, regardless of where they manifest.; NB:This Cosmic Firmament ability is the template version of Cosmic Firmament and different from the Cosmic Firmament ability listed under Cosmic Abilities (I.H.:A.).

Speed:All movement speeds are hecatontoupled (i.e. x100 (Supersonic)), rather than tripled (i.e. x3 (Divine Celerity)) (see Paragon).

Armor Class:An amidah retains the armor bonuses of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Luck Bonus (Ex):An amidah gains a +75 luck bonus (see Fortuity), rather than a +50 luck bonus (see Paragon). 

Special Attacks:An amidah retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Evil Eye (Su):An amidah can automatically (no action required) manipulate (no save) the fate of any/all creature(s), location(s), and/or object(s) within Medium range (400 ft.+40 ft. per HD/L of the amidah) or the range of it's divine aura (if any, if greater). For example...The creature(s), location(s), and/or object(s) gain the best or worst (it's choice) results on all dice rolls. However, a natural “20” is not an automatic success and a natural "1" is only an automatic failure if the target(s) (is a/are) creature(s) and (it/they) opt(s) to fail.Special:Creatures with the Inner Eye ability can't have their destiny tampered with in this manner. They, however, can no longer manipulate their own fate (as per the benefits of the Inner Eye ability).

Special Qualities:An amidah retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Damage Reduction (Ex):An amidah gains damage reduction 75/cursed and epic, rather than 50/cursed and epic (see Paragon). 

- Fast Healing (Ex):An amidah gains fast healing 75/round, rather than 50/round (see Paragon). 

- Fortuity (Ex):An amidah adds a +75 luck bonus to:armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, manifester level checks, skill checks, turning checks); damage rolls; difficulty class (for any powers, psi-like abilities, special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; power resistance; saving throws; spell resistance; and turn resistance (if applicable), rather than a +50 luck bonus (see Paragon).

- Spell and Power Resistance (Ex):An amidah gains power/spell resistance equal to 10+HD/L+75 (see Fortuity), rather than 10+HD/L+50 (see Paragon). 

Saves:An amidah gains a +75 luck bonus to all saves (see Fortuity), rather than a +50 luck bonus to all saves (see Paragon). 

Abilities:An amidah gains a +75 bonus to all ability scores, rather than a +50 bonus to all ability scores (see Paragon). 

Feats:An amidah gains 10 bonus feats, rather than 5 bonus feats (see Paragon). 

Organization:Any, usually same as the base creature. 

Challenge Rating:Same as the base creature +60.

Treasure:Triple standard. 

Alignment:Any, usually same as the base creature. 

Level Adjustment:Same as the base creature +90.

Superior Half-Dragon

Common dragons are well-known for their fecundity, siring half-breed offspring with myriad creatures. What few sages realize is that higher-order dragons share this trait; however, such half-draconic offspring are much rarer due to both the scarcity of their draconic parents, and because few beings can successfully couple with such powerful creatures. The spawn of such unions, however, are superior half-dragons (the term is used collectively for all half-epic, half-adamic, and half-nehaschimic dragons) and can become multiversal movers and shakers in their own right. Oddly, some of these dragons should not be able to have children at all (such as void dragons), but rare instances of creatures having the traits of such creatures indicate that such a thing is somehow possible.

Creating a Superior Half-Dragon

"Superior half-dragon" is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with 20 Hit Dice (for epic dragons), 60 Hit Dice (for adamic dragons), or 120 Hit Dice (for nehaschimic dragons), referred to hereafter as the base creature.

Size and Type:The creature’s type changes to dragon, and it gains the augmented subtype. Size is unchanged. Do not recalculate base attack bonus or saves.

Hit Dice:Increase the base creature’s Hit Dice as follows:d20 for half-epic dragons and d100 for half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons. Superior half-dragons always gain maximum hit points per die (half-nehaschimic dragons gain double maximum hit points per die).

Speed:A superior half-dragon has wings, and may fly at three times their base land speed with good maneuverability, or as the base creature, whichever is better.

Armor Class:A superior half-dragon gains a natural armor bonus of +12 (epic dragon), +36 (adamic dragon), or +108 (nehaschimic dragon), which stacks with the base creature’s natural armor. It also gains a deflection bonus from its wings (see below) which does not stack with any other deflection bonus.

Attack:A superior half-dragon has two claw attacks, two wing buffet attacks, and a bite attack, and the claws are the primary natural weapon. If the base creature can use weapons, the superior half-dragon retains this ability. A superior half-dragon fighting without weapons uses a claw when making an attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses the weapon instead.

Full Attack:A superior half-dragon fighting without weapons uses both claws, both wings, and its bite when making a full attack. If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack and its wings and bite as natural secondary attacks. If it has a hand free, it uses a claw as an additional natural secondary attack.

Damage:Superior half-dragons have wing, bite, and claw attacks, with damage as listed on Table 1-8:Universal Base Damage by Size in The Immortal’s Handbook Epic Bestiary Vol. 1. Remember that these values may be modified if the superior half-dragon has any virtual size categories. A superior half-dragon’s natural weapons, and all melee weapons wielded, are treated as being epic for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Special Attacks:Superior half-dragons retain all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following: 

Breath Weapon (Su): A superior half-dragon is able to use a breath weapon, the exact type and damage of which is determined by what kind of superior half-dragon it is. Epic half-dragons can use their breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds, adamic half-dragons can use their breath weapon once every 1d3 rounds, and nehaschimic half-dragons can use their breath weapon once every 1d2 rounds. The save DC is 10 + ½ the superior half-dragon’s Hit Dice + the superior half-dragon’s Con modifier.

- Cometary (adamic): A half-cometary dragon can breathe a cone of temporal stasis, affecting everyone in range for 1d3 rounds if they fail a Reflex save. Opponents frozen in

this manner can be attacked normally by the half-cometary dragon, but cannot be affected again by its breath weapon until the effect wears off.

- Firmament (nehaschimic): A half-firmament dragon breathes a line of quarks (sub-atomic particles) that rend asunder the target’s physical being. Creatures hit by this take 1d6 points of permanent damage per 4 Hit Dice of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Fortitude save). Permanent damage cannot be healed, except by a limited wish (which restores 1 hit point) or wish (which restores 1 hit point per caster level).

- Force (epic): A half-force dragon breathes a cone of pure force, dealing 1d4 points of force damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon (no save).

- Nexus (nehaschimic): A half-nexus dragon can breathe a cone that has a 33% chance (roll once per individual) of shunting those within it into another universe, erasing them from ever having existed at all in their native universe. Those affected by the same use of this breath weapon might be shunted into the same alternate universe.

- Platinum (epic): A half-platinum dragon has two breath weapons. The first is a cone of sonic energy that deals 1d6 damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). The other is a cone of healing vapors that heals 5 points of damage per Hit Die (this harms undead creatures, who may make a Reflex save for half damage). The half-platinum dragon may inhale the latter breath weapon if it chooses, affecting only itself.

- Polychromatic (epic): A half-polychromatic dragon breathes a cone of energy that deals 1d6 points of damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). It may choose the type of energy:acid, cold, electricity, or fire, each time it uses its breath weapon.

- Prismatic (epic): A half-prismatic dragon has a prismatic spray breath weapon. The breath weapon’s cone is of the size indicated by Table D-13:Breath Weapon Size in The Immortal’s Handbook Epic Bestiary Vol. 1, not the normal cone for the spell.

- Starshadow (adamic): A half-starshadow dragon breaths a line of energy that does 1d20 points of damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). The type of energy adapts itself as the most damaging type for each target struck (e.g. a creature with the cold subtype would take fire damage from this breath weapon). If a creature has no particular energy vulnerability, then this is treated as being force damage. Regardless of energy type, this breath weapon ignores any miss chance a target might have for being incorporeal.

- Timber (epic): A half-timber dragon breathes a cone of death energy, dealing 1d8 points of damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon to living creatures (half damage on a successful Fortitude save). This deals d12 points of damage per Hit Dice to creatures of the plant type, or water subtype. It deals no damage to constructs and the undead.

- Titanium (epic): A half-titanium dragon breathes a line of telluric force (which appears as a green lightning) dealing 1d10 points of damage per Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). Targets struck by a consecutive use of the breath weapon take double the normal damage (2d10 per Hit Die of the half-dragon) so long as the next use occurs within 24 hours.

- Void (adamic): A half-void dragon breathes a cone of annihilation, causing living beings who fail a Reflex save to lose 1 level/Hit Die per 4 Hit Dice of the half-dragon (this is treated as though they had failed a Fort save to remove a negative level), those who make their save suffer no damage. Creatures immune to energy drain still take half damage from this effect (no damage on a successful save).

Special Qualities:Superior half-dragons retain all the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following: 

- Adaptation (Ex): Half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons take no damage from any natural environment; they are capable of existing anywhere.

- Immunities (Ex): All superior half-dragons are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and death from massive damage. They also have additional immunities based on type.

~ Cometary (adamic): Half-cometary dragons are immune to cold damage, and are healed instead of harmed by fire damage.

~ Firmament (nehaschimic): Half-firmament dragons are immune to sonic damage, are healed instead of harmed by fire damage, and reflect all cold-based attacks. Further, they cannot be harmed by sub-epic spells.

~ Force (epic): Half-force dragons are immune to all force effects.

~ Nexus (nehaschimic): Half-nexus dragons are immune to cold damage, are healed instead of harmed by electricity damage, and reflect all sonic-based attacks. Further, they cannot be harmed by sub-epic spells.

~ Platinum (epic): Half-platinum dragons are immune to cold damage.

~ Polychromatic (epic): Half-polychromatic dragons are immune to one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) chosen each round on their turn.

~ Prismatic (epic): Half-prismatic dragons cannot be harmed by any light, including Evocation [Light] spells, searing light, and the various prismatic (sphere, spray, wall) spells. In addition, they are immune to any spell or effect that causes blindness.

~ Starshadow (adamic): Half-starshadow dragons are immune to electricity damage, and are healed instead of harmed by sonic damage.

~ Timber (epic): Half-timber dragons are immune to negative energy and necromantic effects.

~ Titanium (epic):Half-titanium dragons are immune to sonic damage.

~ Void (adamic):Half-void dragons are immune to cold damage, and are healed instead of harmed by acid damage.

- Keen Senses (Ex): Superior half-dragons have heightened senses, as follows:half-epic dragons see eight times as well as a human in shadowy illumination, four times as well in normal light, and have 120 ft. darkvision. Half-adamic dragons see twenty times as well in shadowy illumination, ten times as well in normal light, and have 600 ft. darkvision. Half-nehaschimic dragons have sight that extends infinitely, though not to other planes, and see in the dark as well as they do in the light.

- Legendary Wings (Su): While all superior half-dragons have features that are indicative of their draconic parent, all have wings that are completely identical to what their dragon progenitor would have (replacing any wings the base creature would otherwise have). They are able to use these wings to protect themselves, wrapping them around their bodies protectively, granting them a deflection bonus equal to ¼ their Hit Dice (for half-epic dragons), ½ their Hit Dice (for half-adamic dragons) or equal to their Hit Dice (for half-nehaschimic dragons); this does not stack with any deflection bonus the base creature may have. Additionally, each variety of superior half-dragon is able to, as a standard action unless otherwise noted (no AoO), use their wings to gain a different effect (none of which interferes with their ability to fly).

~ Cometary (adamic): A half-cometary dragon’s wings are grey and very translucent, being made of compressed time. By enfolding itself within its wings, a half-cometary dragon may place a safe time (as the epic spell) effect on itself. This lasts for as long as the half-cometary dragon wishes; it is aware of the passage of normal time, though time ceases to pass for it, and it may not take any actions except to move back into normal time on a subsequent round (which is a free action).

~ Firmament (nehaschimic): The wings of a half-firmament dragon seem to be made of light. On its turn it may choose a being within reach to become immune to. Thereafter, that creature is unable to affect the half-firmament dragon at all; its attacks, spells, actions, etc. do no damage to and have no effect on the half-firmament dragon. A half-firmament dragon may change this designation as often as it likes, but it may only ever be immune to a single being (eternals and higher beings are not subject to this power). When using this power, a half-firmament dragon seems to wave its wings through a creature, attuning itself to that creature’s existence totally.

~ Force (epic): A half-force dragon’s wings are completely invisible, through still tangible. On its turn a half-force dragon is able to negate all force effects within 100 ft. of it. This functions like a successful dispel magic used against all force-related spells and magic items (e.g. a wall of force would immediately cease to exist, bracers of armor would be nonfunctional for 1d4 rounds, etc).

~ Nexus (nehaschimic): The wings of a half-nexus dragon are composed of light, though they shine less brightly than those of a half-firmament dragon’s. By using their wings, they may “attack” the laws of physics, denying an effect from happening despite it having the requisite cause. As an immediate action, a half-nexus dragon can cause someone within 100 ft. to lose a standard action from their turn (e.g. the victim may only take a move action this turn, unless they somehow have more actions). Eternals and higher beings are not subject to this power.

~ Platinum (epic): A half-platinum dragon’s wings are a beautiful silvery-white, and are incredibly strong. When fighting defensively, a half-platinum dragon can use one wing as

an extremely potent bastion, gaining damage reduction 25/-. When using a total defense action, it uses both wings, raising the damage reduction to 50/-.

~ Polychromatic (epic): A half-polychromatic dragon is able to change the color of its wings at will (though not the pattern). Since its wings are strongly aligned with elemental energy, on its turn it can duplicate any spell with an energy descriptor of a level equal to 9 + number of automatic metamagic capacity feats (caster level equal to its natural Hit Dice). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells with a Spellcraft DC equal to the half-polychromatic dragon’s spellcraft check +20 and an energy descriptor.

~ Prismatic (epic): The wings of a half-prismatic dragon constantly sparkle and shift colors. A creature hit by a half-prismatic dragon’s wing buffet has the light around it solidified; it is trapped inside a prismatic sphere of a single color (roll 1d8 to determine the color, re-rolling any result of 8) that takes up just that creature’s space.

~ Starshadow (adamic): A half-starshadow dragon’s wings are a black film, with white spots on them that make it seem as though the wings are windows into deep space. Because a half-starshadow dragon’s wings naturally aggregate magic, any opponent it hits with a wing buffet loses all magical ability for 1 round, as though that creature were in an antimagic field that only affects their items and abilities. This ability does not work on sidereals or higher beings.

~ Timber (epic): A half-timber dragon’s wings seem to have their bones made from wood, with the membranes being leaves. As its wings are incarnations of nature, they offer the half-timber dragon great defensive power from unnatural things. While fighting defensively, a half-timber dragon takes the minimum possible damage from manufactured weapons (e.g. a +7 longsword wielded by someone with Str 26 would only do 16 points of damage). Unarmed strikes and natural weapons continue to inflict normal damage.

~ Titanium (epic): The wings of a half-titanium dragon are composed of a dark bluish metal, and seem to almost be manufactured rather than grown. Strongly resistant to magic, a half-titanium dragon that takes a total defense action wraps its wings around itself, and is treated as having unbeatable spell resistance so long as it maintains a total defense. This does not function against sidereals and higher beings.

~ Void (adamic): A half-void dragon’s wings are utterly black, being wing-shaped holes in the fabric of reality. A half-void dragon’s wing buffet attacks are always touch attacks, and ignore all hardness and damage reduction. Moreover, they deal permanent damage. Permanent damage cannot be healed, except by a limited wish (which restores 1 hit point) or wish (which restores 1 hit point per caster level).

- Maven (Ex): Superior half-dragons have maximum ranks in all skills they know.

- Omnicompetent (Ex): Half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons know all skills.

- Spell Resistance (Ex): A superior half-dragon has spell resistance equal to its Hit Dice +10 (half-epic dragons), +15 (half-adamic dragons), or +20 (half-nehaschimic dragons).

Abilities:Superior half-dragons gain ability increases as follows:

~ Half-epic dragons:Str +12, Con +10, Int +10, Cha +10.

~ Half-adamic dragons:Str +30, Con +24, Int +24, Cha +24.

~ Half-nehaschimic dragons:Str +72, Con +50, Int +50, Cha +50.

Challenge Rating:As base creature +20 (half-epic), +36 (half-adamic), or +70 (half-nehaschimic).

Alignment:As base creature or dragon variety.

Level Adjustment:As base creature +30 (half-epic), +54 (half-adamic), or +105 (half-nehaschimic).

Portfolio Errata (Universal)

(Single)Divine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Domain, subdomain, and spell-like abilities. You gain full domain access as well as up to 1 subdomain (w/o Varies. having to sacrifice any of your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (1/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will.(Double)Divine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Subdomain and spell-like abilities. You gain up to +1 subdomain (w/o having to sacrifice any of Varies your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will.

NB:'Your effective cleric level equals your character level, regardless of your actual cleric level, if any.

Portfolio Errata (Specific)



(Single) Darkness Portfolio

Divine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Domain, subdomain, and spell-like abilities. You gain full domain access as well as up to 1 subdomain (w/o Varies. having to sacrifice any of your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (1/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will. See In Darkness You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that Always active created by deeper darkness. Hostile Environment (Sun) Competence penalty (= your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class in sunlight. Positive Energy Vulnerability Suffer +50% damage from positive energy. Always activeProphet Entropic Immunity You're immune to entropic effects (inc. death effects; Always active necromantic effects; and negative energy)Hero-deity Scion of Darkness Competence bonus (= your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class in darkness or shadow.Quasi-deity Superior Summoning Shadow creatures summoned have +50% HD. Always activeDemi-deity Embodiment of Entropy Immunities only 50% effective vs. your entropic effects (inc. Always active death effects; necromantic effects; and negative energy).Greater Deity Darkness (R(FH, if Con 0)) Gain (R(FH, if Con 0)) equal to 1/2 HD/L in darkness Always active or shadow.(Double) Darkness Portfolio Divine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Subdomain and spell-like abilities. You gain up to +1 subdomain (w/o having to sacrifice any of Varies your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will.

Hostile Environment (Sun) Competence penalty (= 2x your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active

damage rolls, and armor class in sunlight. Positive Energy Vulnerability Suffer +100% damage from positive energy. Always activeProphet Cold Immunity You are immune to cold. Always active Hero-deity Greater Scion of Darkness Competence bonus (= 2x your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class in darkness or shadow.Quasi-deity Perfect Summoning Shadow creatures summoned have +200% HD. Always activeDemi-deity Perfect Embodiment of Entropy Immunities ineffective vs. your entropic effects (inc. death Always active effects; necromantic effects; and negative energy).Greater Deity Greater Darkness (R(FH, if Con 0)) Gain (R(FH, if Con 0)) equal to HD/L in darkness or shadow. Always active



(Single) Death PortfolioDivine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Domain, subdomain, and spell-like abilities. You gain full domain access as well as up to 1 subdomain (w/o Varies. having to sacrifice any of your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (1/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will. Positive Energy Vulnerability Suffer +50% damage from positive energy. Always active Sterility You can't produce offspring, even magically/psionically. Always active Undead You gain the Undead type. Always activeProphet Entropic Immunity You're immune to entropic effects (inc. death effects; Always active necromantic effects; and negative energy)Hero-deity Scion of Death Competence bonus (= your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class vs. living opponents.Quasi-deity Superior Summoning Undead creatures summoned have +50% HD. Always active

Demi-deity Embodiment of Entropy Immunities only 50% effective vs. your entropic effects (inc. Always active death effects; necromantic effects; and negative energy).Greater Deity Negative Energy Absorption You're healed (5 hp per HD/L the effect would have drained, Always active if you were vulnerable to energy drain) by negative energy.

(Double) Death PortfolioDivine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Subdomain and spell-like abilities. You gain up to +1 subdomain (w/o having to sacrifice any of Varies your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will. Positive Energy Vulnerability Suffer +100% damage from positive energy. Always active Undead You gain the Undead type. Always activeProphet Cold Immunity You are immune to cold. Always active Hero-deity Greater Scion of Death Competence bonus (= 2x your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class vs. living opponents.Quasi-deity Perfect Summoning Undead creatures summoned have +200% HD. Always activeDemi-deity Perfect Embodiment of Entropy Immunities ineffective vs. your entropic effects (inc. death Always active effects; necromantic effects; and negative energy).Greater Deity Greater Negative Energy Absorption You can use any source of negative energy to gain temporary Always active hit points. Temporary hit points don't stack with temporary hit points.


Prerequisites:Any Chaotic alignment.

Domain:Void or Chaos (entropy).

(Single) Entropy PortfolioDivine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty Action

Disciple 'Domain, subdomain, and spell-like abilities. You gain full domain access as well as up to 1 subdomain (w/o Varies. having to sacrifice any of your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (1/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will. Breathless You don't need to breathe, and are immune to effects that Always active require breathing (such as inhaled poison). This doesn't give  immunity  to cloud or gas attacks that do not require breathing. Chronal Vulnerability Chronal effects are +50% effective vs. you. Always active Sloth's Grace You gain a competence penalty to your Dex (= your divine Always active rank. Prophet Entropic Immunity You're immune to entropic effects (inc. death effects; Always active necromantic effects; and negative energy)Hero-deity Scion of the Void Competence bonus (= your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class in a vacuum.Quasi-deity Superior Banishing Enemies summoned are banished (50% chance). Always activeDemi-deity Embodiment of Entropy Immunities only 50% effective vs. your entropic effects (inc. Always active death effects; necromantic effects; and negative energy).Greater Deity Void Soul Gain (R(FH, if Con 0)) equal to 1/2 HD/L in a vacuum. Always active

(Double) Entropy PortfolioDivine Status Ability/weakness gained Benefit/penalty ActionDisciple 'Subdomain and spell-like abilities. You gain up to +1 subdomain (w/o having to sacrifice any of Varies your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will. Chronal Vulnerability Chronal effects are +100% effective vs. you. Always active Sloth's Grace You gain a competence penalty to your Dex (= your divine Always active rank.

Prophet Cold Immunity You are immune to cold. Always activeHero-deity Greater Scion of the Void Competence bonus (= 2x your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always active damage rolls, and armor class in a vacuum.Quasi-deity Perfect Banishing Enemies summoned are banished (100% chance). Always activeDemi-deity Perfect Embodiment of Entropy Immunities ineffective vs. your entropic effects (inc. death Always active effects; necromantic effects; and negative energy).Greater Deity Greater Void Soul Gain (R(FH, if Con 0)) equal to HD/L in a vacuum. Always active


Prerequisites:Any Lawful alignment.

Alternate Class Features

The Monastic Order of the BeastThe Monastic Order of the Beast takes only disciples with demonic blood. Bonus Language:Abyssal (replaces skill bonus).1st-Level Feat:Dark Speech.2nd-Level Feat:Nightmare Fuel.6th-Level Feat:Vile Ki Strike.6th-Level Bonus Ability:Monks of The Monastic Order of the Beast can treat any/all natural attacks (bite, etc.) they are possessed of; by virtue of race, class(s), and/or feat(s) (not spells, etc.); as unarmed strikes for any/all purposes (inc. enhanced damage, etc.), if desired.Prerequisites:Intimidate 1 rank, Linguistics 1 rank.

New Feats 

Aquatic Occultist [General]You know how to cast spells, etc. equally well in or out of water.Prerequisites:Ability to cast spells, manifest powers, and/or use psychic skills.Benefit:Water does not impede your spells, powers, psychic skills, spell-like abilities, and/or psi-like abilities. Creatures partially or completely submerged do not gain cover or total cover when you cast a spell, manifest a power, use a psychic skill, use a spell-like ability, or use a psi-like ability from outside the water. The surface does not block line of effect for any spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability including spells, powers, psychic skills, spell-like abilities, and psi-like abilities with the fire descriptor. You need not make a Spellcraft check to cast, manifest, or use a fire spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability underwater.

Aristeia [General]

You make slaying opponents look no more difficult than breathing.Prerequisite:Str 15, Dex 15, BAB +8, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Great Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack.Benefit:On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to take a –5 penalty on all attack rolls. If any one of your attacks deals damage equal to or greater than twice your target's maximum hit points (after all damage reduction and similar effects are applied), you slay the target without effort, as a free action. If you fail to either hit a target or deal damage equal to twice their maximum hit points, then that attack counts as a regular attack action. You can make a number of free attack actions equal to one per round per point of base attack bonus, but these free attack actions can be spread out over multiple attacks from having a high base attack bonus.For example, an 8th-level fighter with Strength 17 wielding a greatsword makes three free attack actions with a +6 attack bonus before failing to deal twice their opponent's hit points on their fourth attack, which therefore counts as a regular attack action. The fighter can then make the remaining five free attack actions with a +1 attack bonus using their second attack as a full attack action, assuming every such attack deals twice their opponent's maximum hit points.Special:A fighter may select Aristeia as one of their fighter Bonus Feats (see page 38 of the Player's Handbook).

Art of the Gods [Epic]Prerequisites:Int 25, Artist level 20th, Craft (any) 27 ranks.Benefit:Your art can affect even those normally immune to mind-affecting effects. However, they gain a +10 bonus on their Will saves to resist such effects.

Ascendant Power [Metapsionic]You have learned how to emulate mythic powers using non-mythic forces.Benefit(s): You can modify a power to imitate the mythic version of that power. An ascendant power uses the mythic version of the power, but doesn't count as a mythic power for the purposes of effects that interact with the power, unless you are a mythic creature. You can't use the augmented version of the mythic power, or use powers effects that require you to expend uses of mythic power (even if you have uses of mythic power available).Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 10. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Buoyancy Balance [General]Prerequisites:Wis 14, Swim 8 ranks.Benefit:Your racial buoyancy becomes zero, and you no longer have to worry about sinking or floating, unless you're carrying equipment with a buoyancy rating, even while unconscious.

Combat Concentration [General]You are adept at casting spells, etc. when threatened or distracted.Prerequisites:Ability to cast spells, manifest powers, and/or use psychic skills.Benefit:You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to cast a spell, manifest a power, use a psychic skill, use a spell-like ability, and/or use a psi-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.Special:This feat replaces Combat Casting, etc. for all porposes.

Command Undead I [Necromantic] Prerequisite:Necrology 5 ranks.Benefit:You may Channel Energy and Command Undead as an evil cleric of half your character level. No holy symbol or icon is required, as the direct power of negative energy is harnessed instead to force the undead into submission. If you are a Cleric, this replaces your Channel Energy ability. Special:This feat stacks with Unholy Majesty.

Command Undead II [Necromantic] Prerequisite:Necrology 10 ranks.Benefit:You may Channel Energy and Command Undead as an evil cleric of your character level. No holy symbol or icon is required, as the direct power of negative energy is harnessed instead to force the undead into submission. If you are a Cleric, this replaces your Channel Energy ability. Special:This feat stacks with Unholy Majesty.

Corrupt [General] You skillfully bring a good creature into the darkness and show it the wrong and improper path. Prerequisites:Charisma 15, evil alignment, Tempt.Benefit:As Tempt (see The Book of Hallowed Might), but you require only half the number of days listed there to make a check. In addition, the creature type does not modify the Difficulty Class, although conditions can still influence the saving throw. 

Create Creature [Item Creation]You have learned the art of creating new flesh from old. Prerequisite:CL (or ML) 5th.Benefit:You can create any subepic nonconstruct, nonoutsider, nonundead, or nonundying creature creature whose prerequisites you meet. However, the creature created is not necessarily under your control. To begin, you need access to an alchemist’s lab worth at least 500 gp. The process involves subjecting a similar creature or creatures to various spells and grafting techniques. There is a chance that the experiment will be a failure. To create a creature, you must succeed with both Knowledge (arcana (or psionics)) and Knowledge (nature) checks (DC 20 + CR of attempted creature). You gain a +1 circumstance bonus for every attempt at a specific creature that you have previously made, whether successful or not. If both Knowledge skill checks are failed the creature dies a horrible death. If one Knowledge skill check fails and the other succeeds, the resulting creation is horribly deformed in some way and is hostile to you. The base price of a creature is its CR value squared times 1,000 gp (CR x CR x 1,000 gp). Creating a creature takes 1 day/1,000 gp in its base price. To create a creature, you must supply raw materials costing 1/2 its base price. The minimum CL (or ML) for creating a creature is 2 times the CR (2 x CR) of the intended creature until you reach 10th level; thereafter, it’s your level minus 5. The appropriate spells (or powers) must be used to add extraordinary (Ex), spell-like (Sp) (or psi-like (Ps)), and supernatural (Su) abilities to the creature.Special:If a charm monster spell (or psionic charm (augmented, if necessary) power) is cast (or manifested) every day of the creation process, a successfully created creature will be entirely loyal to you, although not under your direct control. If a limited wish (or bend reality) is used in the creation process, a successfully created creature will be loyal

and will follow a life goal you choose for it. If a wish (or reality revision) is used in the creation process, a successfully created creature and all its descendants will follow a single life goal of your choice.

Create Epic Creature [Epic, Item Creation]You have mastered the art of creating new flesh from old. Prerequisite:Craft Creature, Knowledge (arcana (or psionics)) 28 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 28 ranks, Spellcraft 28 ranks.Benefit:You can create any epic nonconstruct, nonoutsider, nonundead, or nonundying creature whose prerequisites you meet. However, the creature created is not necessarily under your control. To begin, you need access to an alchemist’s lab worth at least 500 gp. The process involves subjecting a similar creature or creatures to various spells and grafting techniques. There is a chance that the experiment will be a failure. To create a creature, you must succeed with both Knowledge (arcana (or psionics)) and Knowledge (nature) checks (DC 20 + CR of attempted creature). You gain a +1 circumstance bonus for every attempt at a specific creature that you have previously made, whether successful or not. If both Knowledge skill checks are failed the creature dies a horrible death. If one Knowledge skill check fails and the other succeeds, the resulting creation is horribly deformed in some way and is hostile to you. The base price of a creature is its CR value squared times 1,000 gp (CR x CR x 1,000 gp). Creating a creature takes 1 day/1,000 gp in its base price. To create a creature, you must supply raw materials costing 1/2 its base price. The minimum CL (or ML) for creating a creature is 2 times the CR (2 x CR) of the intended creature until you reach 10th level; thereafter, it’s your level minus 5. The appropriate spells (or powers) must be used to add extraordinary (Ex), spell-like (Sp) (or psi-like (Ps)), and supernatural (Su) abilities to the creature.Special:If a charm monster spell (or psionic charm (augmented, if necessary) power) is cast (or manifested) every day of the creation process, a successfully created creature will be entirely loyal to you, although not under your direct control. If a limited wish (or bend reality) is used in the creation process, a successfully created creature will be loyal and will follow a life goal you choose for it. If a wish (or reality revision) is used in the creation process, a successfully created creature and all its descendants will follow a single life goal of your choice.

Cypher Script [General]Through researching lengthy, ancient, arcane scripts, you have discovered a more efficient method of recording spells. Prerequisite:Knowledge (religion/arcana) 1 rank, Linguistics 1 rank, Spellcraft 1 rank.Benefit:Any spell you scribe in your prayerbook/spellbook costs half as much and takes up only half the room it normally would (round all fractions up). In addition, it only takes you 10 minutes per spell level to scribe a spell into your prayerbook/spellbook (5 minutes for orisons/cantrips).

Defensive Roll [General]You have a special quickness that sometimes allows you to avoid dangerous blows.Prerequisites:Wis 13.Benefit:You gain the Defensive Roll (rogue) special ability.

Deify [Mythic]

You can turn your cult of personality into a full-blown religion.Prerequisite: 3rd Mythic Tier, Divine Source Mythic Path Ability.Benefit: In addition to the domains and sub-domains selected with the Divine Source Mythic Path Ability, choose one additional domain and three sub-domains. These domains and sub-domains apply to your collection of spell-like abilities from the Divine Source Mythic Path Ability as well as normal selections available to your followers. No domain chosen may have more than two related sub-domains, regardless of whether they are gained though this feat or taking the Divine Source Mythic Path Ability multiple times. Your followers are no longer restricted by your mythic tier for the level of spells that you grant through through their worship. You also choose one weapon that you are proficient to be the favored weapon of your religion. This favored weapon applies to any divine casters that venerate you as their deity as normal.Special: In order to qualify for this feat, you must not worship any other deity, faith, church or cult. You must also have a clearly defined philosophy and your choices of domains and sub-domains must be in align with this philosophy.

Dream [Epic] (Su)You can turn yourself incorporeal. Prerequisites: Dex 40, Wis 40, Ether Goer, Ghostwalk, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body, Balance 47 Ranks.Benefit: You can become incorporeal at will. Activating/deactivating this ability requires a standard action.

Eidetic Spellbook [General] You are so familiar with your prayerbooks/spellbooks that you have them completely memorized. Prerequisite:Spell Mastery. Benefit:You may apply the benefits of the Spell Mastery feat to all of the spells in your prayerbooks and/or spellbooks. Special:When you discover a new spell, you must still write it into one of your prayerbooks/spellbooks as normal before this feat applies to it. 

Epic Anticipate Power [Epic, Psionic] You can anticipate any number of powers each round. Prerequisites:Combat Reflexes, Improved Anticipate Power, Improved Initiative, Quicken Power, Reactive Anticipate Power, Psicraft 27 ranks. Benefit:Any number of times per round, you can anticipate an opponents power even if you have not readied an action to do so. Such an anticipation doesn't count against your later actions for the round. You can use this feat even when flat-footed. Normal:Without this feat, a character must ready an action in each round that he wishes to anticipate a power. A character with the Reactive Anticipate Power can anticipate an opponent's power if he hasn't readied an action, but only once per turn and not when flat-footed. 

Epic Combat Concentration [Epic]You can cast spells, manifest powers, and/or use psionic skills without opening yourself to attack.Prerequisite:Combat Concentration, Concentration 22 ranks.

Benefit:You don't incur attacks of opportunity for casting spells, manifesting powers, using psychic skills, using spell-like abilities, and/or using psi-like abilities when threatened.Special:This feat replaces Improved Combat Casting, etc. for all purposes.

Epic Combat Reflexes [Epic]Prerequisites:Dex 21, Combat Reflexes.Benefit:There is no limit to the number of attacks of opportunity the character can make in one round. (The character still can’t make more than one attack of opportunity for a given opportunity.)

Epic Occult Opportunist [Epic]Prerequisites:Occult Opportunist.Benefit:You may make an attack of opportunity against an opponent you threaten who dismisses a spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; directs or redirects an active spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; manifests a quickened or swift spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; or attempts to expend their psionic focus defensively. You get a +4 bonus on this attack roll.If your attack is successful, your opponent must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt) or lose the action that provoked the attack of opportunity.

Epic Palm [Epic] Prerequisites:Quivering Palm class feature. Benefit:You can make one quivering palm attack per round. Normal:You can only make one quivering palm attack per day.

Epic Rapid Blitz [Epic] When using the Spring Attack feat, you receive your normal complement of iterative attacks. Prerequisites:Dex 13, BAB +24, Bounding Assault, Dodge, Mobility, Rapid Blitz, Spring Attack. Benefit:When using the Spring Attack feat, you receive your normal complement of iterative attacks. You can designate as many targets as you currently threaten, although, you are still limited to you normal complement of iterative attacks.

Etheric Vision [Epic] (Su)Your vision extends into the ethereal plane.Prerequisites: Spot 25 Ranks, Wis 25.Benefit: You can see ethereal creatures and affect/attack ethereal and incorporeal creatures normally.

Extra Ki Power [General]Through constant practice, you have learned an additional ki power.Prerequisite: Ki Power class feature.Benefit:You gain one additional ki power. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this ki power.Special:You can gain Extra Ki Power multiple times.

Extra Moving Art [General] You select an additional emotion to inspire.

Prerequisites:Artist level 5th plus see text, Moving Art. Benefit:You add 1 (-0 save DC; min level 5th), 2 (-5 save DC; min level 10th), 3 (-10 save DC; min level 14th), or 4 (-15 save DC; min level 19th) new emotion(s) to your list of emotions. Alternatively, you can increase the save DC of a group of emotions (2 (-5 save DC), 3 (-10 save DC), or 4 (-15 save DC)) by 5 (max of -0 save DC).Special:You can gain this feat multiple times. It's effects stack.

Extra Ninja Trick [General]Through constant practice, you have learned how to perform a special trick.Prerequisite: Ninja trick class feature.Benefit:You gain one additional ninja trick. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this ninja trick.Special:You can gain Extra Ninja Trick multiple times.

Flash Step [General]You can move so fast you're invisible.Prerequisites: Dex 15, Evasion, Run.Benefit: You can move up to 2x your speed as a swift action, 12x your speed as a move action, 24x your speed as a double move action, or 48x your speed as a full round action. When you flash step, you are effectively invisible (during your movement only) and your movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. You can flash step more than once per round. You cannot flash step in armor or while carrying a medium or heavy load. Your remaining actions, if any, occur before, between, and/or after your flash step(s).Each flash step consumes 1 Ki point per 6x (round up) of your speed you move. If you have no Ki pool, you gain a Ki pool equal to your Wisdom modifier. Special:If you're a monk, you can use Ki to increase your base speed normally.

Flash Step Dervish [General]You've learned to better use your speed in combat.Prerequisites:Dex 17, BAB +6, Evasion, Flash Step, Run.Benefit:You can divide your flash step(s) into multiple shorter (5 ft. minimum) flash steps. These flash steps collectively consume the same action(s) (swift, move, etc.) and 2x the ki point(s) of your normal flash step(s). Your remaining actions, if any, occur before, between, and/or after your flash step(s).Special:If you're a monk, you can use Ki to increase your base speed normally.

Flash Step Maneuvers [General]You've learned to better use your speed in combat.Prerequisites:Dex 19, BAB +9, Evasion, Flash Step, Flash Step Dervish, Run.Benefit:When using the Flash Step Dervish feat, you gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip an opponent.

Flash Step Savant [General]You've learned to better use your speed in combat.Prerequisites:Dex 19, BAB +9, Evasion, Flash Step, Flash Step Dervish, Run.Benefit:When using the Flash Step Dervish feat, you can provide flanking from all squares you attack from. Flanking starts from the moment you make an attack until the start of your next turn. You can effectivelyflank with yourself and multiple allies.

Flash Strike [General]You've learned to combine your speed w/your melee attacks for superior damage.Prerequisites:Dex 17, BAB +6, Evasion, Flash Step, Run.Benefit:When you use the attack action, you can make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack 2x (+1x per additional 6x of speed) (see Flash Step) and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total. Special:Flash Strike is a special charge attack and can neither be combined w/a standard charge attack, nor benefit from feats, etc. that specifically alter standard charge attacks.

Ghostwalk [Epic] (Su)You can manifest on the Material Plane while ethereal.Prerequisites: Dex 40, Wis 40, Ether Goer, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body, Balance 42 Ranks.Benefit: You gain the manifestation power of ghost while on The Ethereal Plane. Activating/devactivating this ability requires a standard action.

Greater Flash Strike [General]You've learned to better use your flash strike in combat.Prerequisites:Dex 19, BAB +9, Evasion, Flash Step, Flash Step Dervish, Run.Benefit:When you use the attack action, you can make one melee attack per flash step at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack 2x (+1x per additional 6x of speed) (see Flash Step) and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total. Special:Greater Flash Strike is a special charge attack and can neither be combined w/a standard charge attack, nor benefit from feats, etc. that specifically alter standard charge attacks.

Impaling Strike [Epic] Your strikes can impale a target to any adjacent terrain. Prerequisites:Str 25, Dex 25, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack.Benefit:Any target struck by your strike must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your base attack bonus + your Strength modifier) or be impaled by your weapon. Such strikes are deep and your weapon must be pulled from your target. You (or your target) can remove your weapon quickly, as a free action, causing an additional amount of damage equal to the base damage dice of your weapon.Special:Your weapon must be longer than your target is deep. A typical Medium creature's nonreach weapon can impale a Medium size target, but not a Large target.

Improved Multiweapon Fighting [General]You are skilled at fighting with multiple weapons.Prerequisites: Dex 17, BAB +6, Multiweapon Fighting.Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with each off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with each off-hand weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Normal: Without this feat, you can only get a single extra attack with each off-hand weapon.

Inner Depths of the Soul [General]You have tapped an inner reserve of power that allows you to reduce magic-related XP costs.Prerequisite:Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13Benefit:Any time you cast a spell with an XP cost, manifest a power with an XP cost or create a magic item, the XP cost is reduced by 10%. Fractional XP costs are rounded up to the nearest whole number.Special:A character may gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat beyond the first, the ability score requirements each increase by 2 and the XP cost discount is increased by 5%, to a maximum of a 95% reduction.

Epic Inner Depths of the Soul [Epic]You have honed your inner reserve of power that allows you to reduce XP costs further.Prerequisite:Int 49, Wis 49, Cha 49, Inner Depths Of The Soul (x18).Benefit:Any time you cast a spell with an XP cost, manifest a power with an XP cost or create a magic or psionic item, the XP cost is reduced by 4%. Fractional XP costs are rounded down to the nearest whole number (minimum 1 XP).Special:This XP cost discount stacks with the XP cost discount from Inner Depths Of The Soul, resulting in a 99% reduction of XP costs. This feat may be taken an additional time increasing the requirements by 10 (to 60) and the percentage by 1% (to 100%) and thereby negating all further XP costs.

Greater Multiweapon Fighting [General]You are incredibly skilled at fighting with multiple weapons at the same time.Prerequisites: Dex 19, BAB +11, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting.Benefit: You get a third attack with each off-hand weapon, albeit at a –10 penalty.

Perfect Multiweapon Fighting [General]You are insanely skilled at fighting with multiple weapons at the same time.Prerequisites: Dex 21, BAB +16, Greater Multiweapon Mastery, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting.Benefit: You get a fourth attack with each off-hand weapon, albeit at a –15 penalty.

Multislice [General]Your off-hand weapons strike with greater power.Prerequisite: Dex 15, Multiweapon Fighting.Benefit: Add your Strength bonus to off-hand weapon damage rolls.Normal:Add half your Strength bonus.

Multiweapon Mastery [Epic]You have mastered the multiweapon fighting style.Prerequisites: Dex 25, BAB +25, Greater Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting, Perfect Multiweapon Fighting.Benefit: You suffer no attack penalty for multiweapon fighting. Special:Your iterative multiweapon attacks remain penalized (i.e. -5, -10, -15 perspectively) normally.

Piercing Strike [Epic]

You can strike through opponents. Prerequisites:Str 27, Dex 27, Cleave, Great Cleave, Impaling Strike, Power Attack.Benefit:Your melee attacks are so powerful that they can pierce a target and carry on through, dealing damage to other targets directly behind it. The strike loses reach equal to each pierced target’s space. You have a chance to hit those directly behind the initial target, using the same attack roll. But each time you pierce a target the strike loses 5 points of strength modifier (so reduce the attack roll and damage by 5 each time it pierces a target). Treat large targets as two targets, huge targets as four, etc.

Improved Anticipate Power [Psionic] You can anticipate powers without displays and freely manifested powers can be anticipated. Prerequisites:Anticipate Power. Benefit:You can anticipate powers without displays and freely manifested powers can be anticipated. Normal:Without this feat, powers without displays and freely manifested powers cannot be anticipated. 

Improved Undead Command [General]You can command more undead than normal.Prerequisite:Command Undead.Benefit:You can command a number of undead with total Hit Dice equal to 2 per level. This also increases the number of undead that you can animate and control with the animate dead spell to 6 Hit Dice per caster level, although you can't create more Hit Dice of undead with a single casting of animate dead greater than triple your caster level.Normal:You can normally command a total number of undead with Hit Dice equal to your level (or control a total number of undead animated through use of the animate dead spell equal to 4 Hit Dice per caster level, with a single casting producing up to double your caster level in Hit Dice of undead).Special:This feat can be taken multiple times, and stacks with itself. Each time it is taken, you add +1 Hit Dice/level to your limit when controlling undead through your command undead ability and +2 Hit Dice/level to the limit of the animate dead spell and +1 Hit Dice/level to the limit of a single casting of the animate dead spell.

Master of Necromancy [Epic] You gain mastery over the forces of death.Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least 2 7th-, 2 8th-, and 1 9th-level Necromancy spells.Benefits: All undead you create with necromancy spells are automatically under your control (counting towards your normal maximum) and your necromancy spells bypass any immunities granted by the undead type or by death ward effects. Once per encounter, you can reanimate any number of dead creatures within 100 feet of yourself as skeletons or zombies (depending on the state of the bodies) with a total HD of up to your caster level. These undead only lasts until the end of the encounter before falling apart.

Medusic Gaze [Fiend] Your gaze petrifies creatures and leaves them as statues. Prerequisite:Character level 9th or greater.Benefit:Once per round, as a free action, you can choose one creature within 30 ft of you and turn

said creature to stone permanently (see flesh to stone), if they meet your gaze before your next turn (Fortitude negates). The save DC is Charisma-based. This is a Su ability.

Monk Weapon Mastery [Special]Through dedication, training and hard work, a monk can master any weapon.Prerequisite:BAB +6, Proficient With Chosen Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon).Benefit:Choose any single weapon that meets the above requirements. The monk can now use that weapon with their flurry of blows (or flailing strike) ability.

Nightmare Fuel [General]You are the stuff that nightmares are made of.Prerequisites: Intimidate 1 rank.Benefit: Creatures who are immune to fear effects are no longer immune to your Intimidate checks. Instead, they gain a +4 bonus to their opposed rolls against your Intimidate check. This even affects creatures that are mindless, but they gain a +8 bonus to their roll instead of the normal +4.

Occult Denial [General]You harden your will against the occult power.Prerequisites:Iron Will, Knowledge (arcana, psionics, and religion) 6 ranks.Benefit:Whenever you are the target of a spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws to resist it. If it does not allow a saving throw, you can make a Will save against it’s DC as if it allowed a save. If you succeed, you negate it's effect.

Occult Opportunist [General]Prerequisites:Combat Reflexes, Knowledge (arcana, psionics, and religion) 2 ranks.Benefit:You may make an attack of opportunity against an opponent you threaten who dismisses a spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; directs or redirects an active spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; manifests a quickened or swift spell, power, psychic skill, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; or attempts to expend their psionic focus. If your attack is successful, your opponent must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt) or lose the action that provoked the attack of opportunity. 

Perfect Combat Reflexes [General] You react to any drop in your opponents' guard with blinding speed. Prerequisite:Dex 17, BAB +17, Combat Reflexes, Greater Combat Reflexes, Improved Combat Reflexes. Benefit:For any given opportunity in melee combat, you can make four attacks of opportunity. The second attack is at a -5 penalty, just like your second normal attack in any given round. The third attack is at a -10 penalty, just like your third normal attack in any given round. The fourth attack is at a -15 penalty, just like your fourth normal attack in any given round. You still cannot exceed your normal maximum number of attacks of opportunity in a round. 

Perfect Vital Strike [Combat]Prerequisites: BAB +21, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Vital Strike.Benefit:When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack

five times and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

Preconscious Spell [Metamagic]You can cast spells against foes even when indisposed.Prerequisites:Caster level 5th, Subconscious Spell.Benefit:The magical complexus of your mind is aware, even when you are not. You can cast a spell on your action even if you are unconscious. Unlike with Subconscious Spell, your Preconscious Spell allows you to target foes even if you would not normally sense them. For example, if you are at –3 hit points and unconscious, you could use fireball against an enemy even as you lie sprawled out and apparently senseless. You can't use preconscious spells if in stasis, suspended animation, brain locked, or in similar straits.Using this feat increases the spell level of the spell by 4. 

Quick Sheath [General]Prerequisite:Dex 15, Quick Draw.Benefit:You can sheath a weapon as part of the same action used to attack with the weapon. You also gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks. (This initiative bonus does not stack with the initiative bonus granted by Improved Initiative.)

Reactive Anticipate Power [Psionic] You can react quickly to counter powers manifested by opponents. Prerequisites:Anticipate Power, Improved Anticipate Power, Improved Initiative. Benefit:Once per round, you can anticipate an opponent's power even if you have not readied an action to do so. This anticipation takes the place of your next turn. You can't use this feat if you are flat-footed. Normal:Without this feat, you must ready an action each round that you wish to anticipate a power. 

Sculpt Talent [Metapsychic]You can alter the shape of a power's area.Prerequisite: Any other metapsychic feat.Benefit: You can modify an area psychic skill by changing the area's shape. The new area must be chosen from the following list:cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet high), 40-foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, or a ball (20-foot-radius spread). The sculpted psychic skill works normally in all respects except for its shape. Using this feat doubles the normal amount of strain (or +1, if the cost is 0).

Shorthand Script [General] You discovered a shorthand method for recording spells in a prayerbook/spellbook.Benefit:You scribe spells in a prayerbook/spellbook using a shorthand that lets you transcribe faster and to occupy less space than normal. This shorthand cuts in half the time required to write a spell in a prayerbook/spellbook. Such spells also take up half as many pages and require half as much of the special materials normally used. The Spellcraft DC to learn or prepare a spell from a borrowed prayerbook/spellbook written in shorthand equals 25 + spell level. 

Special:A prayerbook/spellbook written with this method holds more spells and is thus worth more than a normal prayerbook/spellbook of the same number of pages. A spellcaster that prepares spells from a prayerbook/spellbook may take this as a class Bonus Feat. 

Silken Aristeia [General]Your weapon is as beautiful, elegant, and inescapable as a snow flurry.Prerequisite:Str 15, Dex 17, BAB +12, Aristeia, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Great Cleave, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind Attack.Benefit:You only need to deal your opponent's maximum hit points if you are wielding a finessable weapon with the Aristeia feat.Normal:A character without this feat must deal twice their opponent's maximum hit points in order to slay an opponent as a free action with the Aristeia feat.Special:A fighter may select Silken Aristeia as one of their fighter Bonus Feats (see page 38 of the Player's Handbook).

Spell Mastery [General] Prerequisite:Able to prepare spells from a prayerbook/spellbook. Benefit:Each time you take this feat, choose a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier that you already know. From that point on, you can prepare these spells without referring to a prayerbook/spellbook. Normal:Without this feat, you must use a prayerbook/spellbook to prepare all your spells, except read magic. 

Spirit Sense [General]You can see and communicate with the souls of the recently departed. Prerequisites:Wisdom 12, must have had a near-death experience (that is, must have fallen below 0 hit points). Benefit:You can see the spirits of creatures who have died within a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom bonus. For instance, if your Wisdom is 17 (+3 bonus), you can see the spirits of creatures that have died within the past 3 minutes. You can speak with these spirits, but you gain no special ability to command them or to communicate with them if you do not share a language. In addition, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Listen or Spot checks made to detect incorporeal creatures. Special:You cannot see or communicate with spirits that have crossed over entirely. 

Supernatural Resistance [General] You can resist Su abilities. Benefit:Your S/PR are effective vs. Su abilities. They must defeat your S/PR or are negated.

Thanatopic Power [Metapsionic]Your powers can pierce wards against negative energy and even affect undead targets.Prerequisites: Endowed Mind, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks.Benefit:A thanatopic power pierces defenses and immunities that protect against death effects, negative levels, and energy drain, affecting the target as if the protective barrier did not exist.For example, you could manifest a thanatopic power on a target under the effects of death ward, and the target would suffer the normal effect of the power. Saving throws and S/PR (if any) still apply. Undead are susceptible to powers augmented by this feat, as it retunes the negative energy to be harmful to them.

A thanatopic power that would kill a living creature (such as by giving it negative levels equal to it's Hit Dice) destroys an undead (though undead such as ghosts, liches, and vampires may reform as normal). Undead affected by thanatopic powers that give negative levels automatically make their saving throws to remove negative levels after 24 hours.Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Thanatopic Talent [Metapsychic]Your psychic skills can pierce wards against negative energy and even affect undead targets.Prerequisites: Psychic Focus (Psychometabolism), Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks.Benefit:A thanatopic psychic skill pierces defenses and immunities that protect against death effects, negative levels, and energy drain, affecting the target as if the protective barrier did not exist.For example, you could manifest a thanatopic psychic skill on a target under the effects of death ward, and the target would suffer the normal effect of the psychic skill. Saving throws and S/PR (if any) still apply. Undead are susceptible to psychic skills augmented by this feat, as it retunes the negative energy to be harmful to them. A thanatopic psychic skill that would kill a living creature (such as by giving it negative levels equal to it's Hit Dice) destroys an undead (though undead such as ghosts, liches, and vampires may reform as normal). Undead affected by thanatopic psychic skill that give negative levels automatically make their saving throws to remove negative levels after 24 hours.Using this feat doubles the normal amount of strain (or +1, if the cost is 0).

Threnodic Power [Metapsionic]You can convert mind-affecting psionic power to necromantic power capable of controlling undead.Prerequisites:Endowed Mind, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks.Benefit:This feat only works on mind-affecting powers. A threnodic power affects undead creatures (even mindless undead) as if they weren't immune to mind-affecting effects, but has no effect on living creatures.Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Threnodic Talent [Metapsychic]You can convert mind-affecting psychic power to necromantic power capable of controlling undead.Prerequisites:Psychic Focus (Telepathy), Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks.Benefit:This feat only works on mind-affecting psychic skills. A threnodic psychic skill affects undead creatures (even mindless undead) as if they weren't immune to mind-affecting effects, but has no effect on living creatures.Using this feat doubles the normal amount of strain (or +1, if the cost is 0).

Transdimensional Talent [Metapsionic]You can use psionic skills that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the psychic skill's area. Benefit:A transdimensional psionic skill has it's full normal effect on incorporeal creatures, creatures on the Ethereal Plane or the Plane of Shadow, and creatures within an extradimensional space in the power's area. This includes ethereal creatures,

creatures that are blinking or shadow walking, manifested ghosts, and creatures within the extradimensional space of a rope trick, portable hole, or other portable extradimensional space. You must be able to perceive a creature to target it with a transdimensional skill, but you do not need to perceive a creature to catch it in the area of a burst, cone, emanation, or spread. Using this feat doubles the normal amount of strain (or +1, if the cost is 0).

Turn Immunity [Epic] You're immune to Channel Energy, etc.Prerequisite:Cha 25, Channel Resistance +4, S/PR 30.Benefit:You're immune to Channel Energy and Turn/Command effects (inc. control undead, etc.). Special:You can still be "banished", unless immune.

Uncanny Forethought [General] You cunningly prepare your spells for any exigency. Prerequisites:Int 17; Perfect Preparation mythic ability or Spell Mastery. Benefit:When preparing your daily allotment of spells, you can reserve a number of spell slots equal to your Intelligence modifier. As a standard action, you can use one of these slots to cast any spell you know, if you have the Perfect Preparation mythic ability, or a spell that you selected for the Spell Mastery feat. The level of the slot used must be equal to or greater than the level of the spell you intend to cast. Alternatively, as a full-round action, you can use a reserved slot to cast any spell that you know. The spell is resolved as normal, but for the purpose of the spell, your caster level is reduced by two. The level of the slot used must be equal to or greater than the level of the spell you intend to cast. 

Undead Horde [General]You may control a small army of lesser undead.Prerequisite:Cha 13, Ability to cast animate dead, Improved Undead Control.Benefit:Mindless corporeal undead with hit dice equal to or less than your Charisma modifier do not count against your normal command undead limit. For creatures with Turning Resistance, include their Turning Resistance in their effective HD for this feat.

Undead Vessel [General] Your extra true vessel(s) is(are) undead.Prerequisite:Undead type, Angel or fiend, base Fortitude save +4, Extra True Vessel.Benefit:Your extra true vessel(s) is(are) undead. It(They) can be of any undead (original type must be of the Animal, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, or Vermin type) variety (i.e. ghost, lich, etc.) you are capable of crafting, creating, and/or spawning.NB:While undead angels and fiends can create and use living true vessels, their undead nature corrupts (see Heroes of Horror, Pg. 62-80) and eventually kills their living true vessels.Special:Tainted characters can gain this as one of their bonus Tainted feats.If you possess the Death portfolio, you gain this feat (for free) in lieu of your ability to create living true vessels. NB:You can still use (and corrupt, etc.) living true vessels acquired or already possessed (see previous).

Unstoppable Power [Metapsionic]An unstoppable power cannot be anticipated and is less hindered by power resistance and effects which might cause you to lose your concentration.Benefit:An unstoppable power cannot be anticipated by another manifester even if they successfully identify the power and create a psionic interference pattern. A manifester who attempts to counter this power by creating a psionic interference pattern simply loses those power points. In addition, with an unstoppable power, you gain a +2 bonus to level checks made to beat your targets' power resistance, as well as all Concentration checks made to keep from losing the power points. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Unstoppable Power [Epic, Metapsionic]Your prowess with psionics is unrivaled.Prerequisites:Any other 6 metapsionic feats, Spellcraft 45 ranks.Benefit:Powers affected by this feat no longer observe any resistance to their effects, bypassing immunities, protections (i.e. mind blank, etc.), and resistances.Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 20. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Unstoppable Talent [Metapsychic]An unstoppable psychic skill cannot be shielded against and is less hindered by power resistance and effects which might cause you to lose your concentration.Benefit:An unstoppable psychic skill cannot be shielded against by another psychic, even if they create a psychic shield. A psychic who attempts to counter this psychic skill by creating a psychic shield simply suffers those strain points. In addition, with an unstoppable psychic skill, you gain a +2 bonus to level checks made to beat your targets' power resistance, as well as all Concentration checks made to keep from losing the effect. Using this feat doubles the normal amount of strain (or +1, if the cost is 0).

Unstoppable Talent [Epic, Metapsychic]Your prowess with psychic skills is unrivaled.Prerequisites:Any other 6 metapsychic feats, Spellcraft 45 ranks.Benefit:Psychic skills affected by this feat no longer observe any resistance to their effects, bypassing immunities, protections (i.e. mind blank, etc.), and resistances.Using this feat sextuples the normal amount of strain (or +6, if the cost is 0).

Vile Entity [Epic, Vile] Your very essence is filled with dark power.Prerequisites: Five or more vile featsBenefits: All damage that you deal is treated as vile damage.NB:Creatures w/Apostasy are immune to the "vile" aspect of vile damage.However, they are not immune to the damage itself.

Warforged [General] Your body can be enhanced.Prerequisite:Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit:For enhancement purposes, you are considered a manufactured, masterwork suit of armor and a manufactured, masterwork weapon. Any/all enhancements (bonuses, etc.) are added normally (costing exp., etc.) and can be suppressed, but not permanently dispelled.Any/all weapon enhancements modify any/all unarmed attacks (unarmed strike, etc.). Special:You retain your normal qualities (natural, etc.).

Weapon Adeptery [Epic] You are adept with all weapons. Prerequisites:BAB +25, Weapon Focus.Benefit:Bonuses from (and feats, etc. dependent on) Weapon Focus (including Greater, etc. extensions) apply to one weapon category (i.e. bludgeoning, missile, piercing, or slashing). Special:You can take this feat four times. Each time it applies to a different weapon category. 

Weapon Mastery [Epic] You are adept with all weapons. Prerequisites:BAB +25, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization. Benefit:Bonuses from (and feats, etc. dependent on) Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization (including Greater, etc. extensions) apply to one weapon category (i.e. bludgeoning, missile, piercing, or slashing). Special:You can take this feat four times. Each time it applies to a different weapon category. 

New Divine Abilities

Abnormality [Extra Eye] (Ex)Your manifestation grows an extra eye.Prequisites:Wis 40.Benefit:Your manifestation grows an extra eye. This eye enables you to use any ray ability (such as from an [effect] ability), power, spell, psi-like, or spell-like ability as a free action once per round. Furthermore, you gain a +1 racial bonus on Perception checks per 2 extraneous eyes (round down).You choose where on your body your extraneous eye manifests. This choice, once made, is permanent, unless you possess ooze traits. Your extraneous eye can be concealed by merely closing it. You the benefits of this ability with your extraneous eye concealed. Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack. If you gain this ability multiple times your extraneous eyes can be collectively and/or individually concealed by merely closing them. You lose a portion of the benefits of this ability commensurate with the number of extraneous eyes concealed. 

Abnormality [Extra Eyes] (Ex) You gain extraneous eyes. Prerequisites:Wis 40. Benefit:You gain extraneous eyes equal in number to 6 x your divine rank (6 minimum). You gain a +1 racial bonus on Perception

and checks per 2 extraneous eyes (round down). You can’t be flanked. You choose where on your body your extraneous eyes manifest. This choice, once made, is permanent, unless you possess ooze traits. Your extraneous eyes can be collectively and/or individually concealed by merely closing them. You lose a portion of the benefits of this ability commensurate with the number of extraneous eyes concealed. Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack. 

Abnormality [Extra Psyche] (Ex, Su)Your mind begins to divide.Prerequisites:Wis 40.Benefit:You can perform an additional standard action each round. You also gain Telepathy 100 ft. (NB:This stacks with your existing Telepathy, if any.)Your psyches are, otherwise, functionally one psyche (albeit, a hivemind) and still of one soul/spirit for all other purposes (advancement, etc.).i.e. anything affecting one affects them all.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack.

Adamant Concentration (Ex) Your concentration is unbreakable. Prerequisites:Combat Concentration, Con 40 (or Cha 40, if no Con score). Benefit:Your concentration cannot be broken when casting a spell, manifesting a power, or using a psychic, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability.

Alien (Ex)Your alien form is your true form.Prerequisites:Pseudonatural tenplate.Benefit:Your alien (alternate/pseudonatural) form is your true form. What was previously your true form is the lie. (i.e., if forced into your true form, you are forced into your alien (alternate/pseudonatural) form, etc.) You can assume your nonalien (alternate/nonpseudonatural) form, as a standard action, at will.

[Aligned] Body (Ex) Prerequisites:Any [Aligned] alignment, Wis 40. Benefit:You can add your divine rank as an [Aligned] bonus to your Armor Class. 

[Aligned] Mind (Ex) Prerequisites:Any [Aligned] alignment, Wis 40. Benefit:You can add your Wisdom modifier as an [Aligned] bonus to attack rolls. 

[Aligned] Soul (Ex) Prerequisites:Any [Aligned] alignment, Wis 40. Benefit:You can add your Wisdom modifier as an [Aligned] bonus to your saving throws. 

[Aligned] Spirit (Ex) Prerequisites:Any [Aligned] alignment, Wis 40. Benefit:You can add your divine rank as an [Aligned] bonus to the save DCs of any saving throws you force others to make. This could be from abilities, spells, spell-like abilities, etc. 

Armor Debasement (Ex) Your knowledge of armor diminishes it's effectiveness vs. you.Prerequisites:Str 29, Heavy Armor Mastery, Light Armor Mastery, Medium Armor Mastery, Shield Mastery.Benefit:You can ignore any/all armor/shield (not enhancement) bonuses.

Armor Depreciation (Su) Your knowledge of magical armor diminishes it's effectiveness vs. you.Prerequisites:Str 29, Int 25, Armor Debasement, Heavy Armor Mastery, Light Armor Mastery, Medium Armor Mastery, Shield Mastery.Benefit:You can ignore any/all armor/shield enhancement bonuses.

Armor Deficiency (Su) Your knowledge of magical armor diminishes it's effectiveness vs. you.Prerequisites:Str 29, Int 25, Armor Debasement, Armor Depreciation, Heavy Armor Mastery, Light Armor Mastery, Medium Armor Mastery, Shield Mastery.Benefit:You can ignore any/all armor/shield special properties.

[Condition] [Effect] (Su)You can create a condition based effects.Benefit:You can choose one condition (blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, or unconscious); or one lesser/partial (self-explanatory) condition, if desired. Any/all potentially affected creatures must make a Will save or suffer the condition for 1 round per divine rank (1 round min.). The save DC = 10 + 1/2 your HD/L + your Charisma modifier + your divine rank.Special:This effect can be taken multiple times and its effects stack. Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect (see pages 116-117), or it applies to the same effect as follows: Taken twice = Greater [Condition] [Effect], original effect doubled.Taken three times = Superior [Condition] [Effect], original effect tripled. Taken four times = Perfect [Condition] [Effect], original effect quadrupled. Taken five times = [Condition] Mastery, use any type of [Condition] effect.Taken six times = Uncanny [Condition] Mastery, shape area effects to only target enemies.

Crystal Keeper (Su)Prerequisites:Wis 40, Knowledge (The Planes) R37.Benefit:You can freely and safely collect, store, and use spell crystals (the planar end of conjuration and divination spells, etc.) as if they were single use magic items. You never accidentally/unintentionally break, drop, or trigger any spell crystal.You can expend spell (or power, if the crystal is psionic in origin) points (or spell levels, if using the vancian system) equal to 2x the spell crystal's level (metmagic, etc. used by the original caster (or manifester) modifies this normally), rather than the spell crystal's single use, to trigger the spell crystal. This enables the spell crystal to be used repeatedly.

If desired, you can set loose any/all spell crystals you collect causing them to float around you (adjacent squares) and follow you closely (fly 220 ft. (Perfect)). If you collect enough spell crystals and set them loose in this manner, they eventually form an effective defense, becoming spell crystal swarms (NB:Spell Crystal Swarm = Animated Object (spell crystal) + Creature Swarm template.). You can control spell crystal swarms. This functions similarly to Command Undead, except, it effects spell crystal swarms.Finally, you know all details concerning any spell crystal you collect as if you're manifesting object reading.NB:Spell crystals make for comical and potentially hazardous missile weapons.

Current [Effect] (Su) You can create a current based effect; in one element (air, etc.), energy (acid, etc.), state of matter (gas, etc.), or substance (blood, etc.) of your choice; to batter your opponents.Benefit:The effect knocks the target back 10 ft. per HD of the deity. Standing targets will take 1d6 damage per 10 ft. they are knocked back and the total damage is doubled if they strike a solid object, such as a wall or building. For every size category above medium reduce the damage by half (so a Huge creature would only take a quarter the damage of a Medium sized creature). For every size category smaller than Medium double the damage. Creatures burrowing, flying, or swimming only take one quarter damage if knocked backwards unless they strike something solid in which case they take normal damage. Special:This effect can be taken multiple times and its effects stack. Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect (see Immortal's Handbook:Ascension, Pg.116), or the same effect as follows:Taken twice = Greater Current [Effect], original effect doubled. Taken three times = Superior Current [Effect], original effect tripled. Taken four times = Perfect Current [Effect], original effect quadrupled. Taken five times = Current Mastery, use any type of current effect. Taken six times = Uncanny Current Mastery, shape area effects to only target enemies.

Dimensional Folding (Su)Prerequisites:Con 40 (or Cha 40, if Con - ).Benefit:You gain the Swallow Whole ability (inc. the Digest ability (see I.H.:E.B., Digest, Pg. 6-8 for your Digest (bludgeoning + acid (= bludgeoning)) damage)) and can swallow and digest any creature or object of any size, even one larger than yourself. Unless you have the Innerverse (stomach or equivalent)) ability, you remain limited to one creature or object of a size larger than you can contain (i.e. 1 size smaller than your size).Regardless of it's contents (if any), your stomach (or equivalent) is never bloated, etc.Special:If you have the Innerverse (stomach (or equivalent)) ability, you lose your Digest ability (gaining an endless, ever-increasing, insatiable hunger, if you're a living creature or undead that must feed (i.e. ghoul, etc.)), gain the Innerverse Encounters table (see below), and can regurgitate selectively.

Table A-1:Innerverse Encounters d20 roll Encounters

1. Acid Flood (10d6 damage per round) 2-3. Acid Fog (2d6 damage per round) 4-6. Acid Rain (1d3 damage per round)7-20. Random encounter (if possessed of any innerverse (creature(s)/object(s))).NB:Acid elementals, black dragons, etc. are drawn to such locations.

[Current] Breath (or a frog-like tongue), etc. enhance this ability (self-explanatory).

Distasteful (Su)Prerequisites:Con 40 (or Cha 40, if Con - ).Benefit:Any creature that bites or eats any part of you must make a successful Fortitude save or be forced to regurgitate you/any portion thereof in the subsequent round, during which it can take no other actions. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Divine Palm [Divine] (Su) You have mastered the quivering palm technique. Prerequisites:Wis 40, Quivering Palm class feature, Epic Palm. Benefit:You can make every unarmed strike a quivering palm attack.Normal:You can only make one quivering palm attack per day.

Divine Trickster (Ex)You are divinely tricksy.Prerequisites:Mythic Path:Trickster, Mythic Tier:10, Cha 40.Benefit:You gain 6 of any combination of Trickster path abilities, Universal path abilities, and/or Mythic feats (see Mythic Adventures). Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack.

Divine Wisdom (Ex)You are wiser than most divinities.Benefit:Your Wisdom score increases by 12 points.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack.

Epic Metamagic Capacity (Su)Prerequisites:Casting Ability Score 40, Automatic Metamagic Capacity, Epic Spellcasting, Spellcraft 37 ranks.Benefit:You may apply your free levels of metamagic to Epic spells, affecting them just as if they were normal spells.

Epic Metapsionic Capacity (Su)Prerequisites:Manifesting Ability Score 40, Automatic Metapsionic Capacity, Epic Manifesting, Spellcraft 37 ranks.Benefit:You may apply your free levels of metapsionic to Epic powers, affecting them just as if they were normal powers.

[Exotic Energy] Absorption (Su)You are healed by an exotic type of energy.Prerequisites:[Energy] Immunity, [Exotic Energy] Immunity.Benefit:You are healed by one exotic of energy (divine, force, etc.) of your choice.This exotic energy must be one to which you are normally completely immune.If you choose permanent damage, you gain only 1/6th absorption each time you gain this ability. If you gain this ability 6 times, your Absorption of permanent damage is

complete. NB:Absorption of permanent damage does not enable you to absorbvile, etc. damage types that are situationally permanent.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack.

[Exotic Energy] Immunity (Ex)You are immune to an exotic type of energy.Prerequisites:[Energy] Immunity.Benefit:You gain immunity to one exotic of energy (divine, force, etc.) of your choice.If you choose permanent damage, you gain only 1/6th immunity each time you gain this ability. If you gain this ability 6 times, your immunity to permanent damage iscomplete. NB:Immunity to permanent damage does not make you immune to vile, etc. damage types that are situationally permanent.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack.

Familiarity (Su)You can be a familiar.Prerequisites:Cha 40.Benefit:If you have their consent, you can be another creature's familiar, even if they already have a familiar or are incapable of having one (or having a familiar of your Type, etc.). For being their familiar, you gain standard familiar abilities in addition to your abilities. In any instances whereyour own abilities are greater, your own abilities overlap (rather than stack with) your familiar abilities. For having you as their familiar, your "master" gains the normal benefits of having a familiar (unless you decide otherwise).You choose the special ability (save bonus, etc.) they gain from you. If they are otherwise incapable of having a familiar (i.e. not a wizard, etc.), you use their HD/L to determine your familiar abilities.

Fearsome Strength (Ex)Your strength is terrifying.Prerequisites:Str 40, (S./D.) Fear P.(s).Benefit:You retain your Fear P.(s) even if your Strengthscore exceeds any of your other ability scores.

Force Field (Su) You generate a personal force field. Benefit:You generate a personal force field (similar to a wall of force) that can absorb a number of points of damage (magical, etc.) equal to 1/6th your current hit points. Thereafter, it is nullified until it regenerates to 1 point of protection. Your force field can't nullify a special attack that accompanies an attack unless the entire amount of damage of the attack is absorbed. Your force field regenerates 1/12 your Hit Dice in points of protection/round. Your force field does not nullify your abilities, nor extend beyond yourself, and is not immobile. Your force field does protect any equipment on your person. Your force field otherwise functions as a wall of force. 

Special:You can gain this ability 6 times. It's effects stack. Each time you gain this ability, your force field can absorb a number of points of damage equal to 1/6th your current hit points and regenerate +1/12 your Hit Dice in points of protection/round. Furthermore, your force field improves as follows each additional time you gain this ability:- F.F. (x2):Your force field is no longer subject to annihilation (as per a sphere of annihilation), cancellation (as per a rod of cancellation), disintegration, or mage's disjunction. - F.F. (x4):Your force field is no longer subject to automatic destruction or penetration by divine damage. However, your force field can still be damaged normally by divine damage. - F.F. (x6):Your force field is no longer subject to damage and effects you are not subject to. 

Godslayer (Su) You can gain the abilities of immortals you slay. Prerequisites:Cha 40. Benefit:You can gain abilities (divine (count as one), cosmic (count as six), etc.) from immortals you slay. The number of abilities you gain cannot exceed your divine rank.If said immortals are revived and you are slain, any abilities you gained w/Godslayer are lost.Special:You cannot gain the Divine Champion ability, nor can "divine champions" gain this ability.

Goetic Necrosis (Su) Summoned undead spring from your wounds. Benefit:Each time you are injured summoned undead grow from your wounds. The severity of the wound determines the power of the undead summoned. Every ten points of damage (rounded down) equates to one spell level of the summon undead spell. Injuries of less than 10 hit points damage do not summon any undead. Injuries greater than 59 damage transcend summon undead V. In such cases you can summon an undead with a Challenge Rating equal to the spell level x1.33. 

Greater Realm (Ex)Your godly realm is vast.Prerequisites:Cha 40, Godly Realm (or Cosmic Firmament (template) ability, if sidereal or higher).Benefit:Your Godly Realm's size is calculated as if your divine status is 2 tiers higher. If you are an Intermediate Deity, you are the embodiment of and your Godly Realm is a minor celestial body (planet, etc.), demiplane, or planar layer; if you are a Greater Deity, you are the embodiment of and your Godly Realm is a moderate celestial body (galaxy, etc.) or plane.

Inner Realm (Ex) Your inner self secrets your Godly Realm. Prerequisites:Con 40 (or Cha 40 if Con - ), Immortal, Innerverse. Benefit:Your innerverse is your Godly Realm and your manifestion can enter it normally. If your manifestation is destroyed or enters your innerverse, your innerverse's location becomes fixed. 

If your manifestation rejuvenates or leaves your innerverse, your innerverse resumes it's normal state. If your manifestation cannot rejuvenate, your innerverse collapses, it's contents lost forever. 

Innerverse (Ex)Your inner self secrets an innerverse.Prerequisites:Con 40 (or Cha 40 if Con - ), Immortal. Benefit:Your inner self (organ/s or psyche/s) secrets an innerverse. This innerverse is a demiplane, etc. equal in size to your Godly Realm.Creatures with the ability to gate or planeshift can escape. All others are trapped,'til rescued.While creatures can use teleport spells, etc. normally, they cannot teleport in or out. If your manifestation is destroyed, this innerverse collapses, it's contents lost forever. Special:Your manifestation cannot enter this innerverse.

Insane Wisdom (Ex)There is wisdom in madness.Prerequisites:Wis 40, (S./D.) Madness P.(s).Benefit:You retain your Madness P.(s) even if your Wisdom score exceeds any of your other ability scores.

Ki Effect (Su)Prerequisites:Wis 40.Benefit:You can add your Wisdom modifier to your HD/L for the purpose of determining your [Effect]s.

Ki Occultist (Su)Prerequisites:Wis 40, Spellcraft 37 ranks.Benefit:You can add your Wisdom modifier to your HD/L for the purpose of determining your caster/manifester/channeler level.

Learned Occult Immunity (Su) You can adapt to an opponent's powers, etc.Prerequisites:Int 40. Benefit:If you are affected by an opponent's spell, power, psychic effect, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability; you foreverafter become immune to their spell, power, psychic effect, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability.You can lower this defense, if you so choose.

Lord of Byss (Ex, Sp)You deepen your connection to Byss.Prerequisites:Darkness, Death, or Entropy portfolio.Benefit:You gain full Void domain access as well as up to 1 subdomain (w/o having to sacrifice any of your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (1/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will.Special:You can gain this ability a second time. If you gain this ability a second time, you gain up to +1 subdomain

(w/o having to sacrifice any of your domain's abilities, etc.) and you can use any (2/round) of your domain or subdomain spells as spell-like abilities at will.

Lord of Flesh (Ex) Become a mummy. Benefit:You gain the mummified creature template. Special:The mummified creature template can be found within Libris Mortis. 

Mortal Ancestry/Ancestor (Ex) You descend from/spawned a lineage of mortals. Benefit:You gain the appearance and traits of one mortal (non-construct, non-fey, non-outsider, non-undead) race. The selected race cannot have a Challenge Rating exceeding your Divine Rank. Special:Your manifestation retains any desirable traits. Example:A marilith taking this ability may elect to retain it's extra arms and/or serpentine lower body. 

Obscurity (Ex/Su)You are unknown and unknowable.Prerequisites:Wis 40, Divination Immunity, Trackless Step (or Scorned By Nature).Benefit:You are immune to Bardic Knowledge, Lore, Mathesis (epic), Phrenology (epic), Psychometry (cosmic), skill checks (info-based (ex. Knowledge, etc.)) and similar nondivinatory info gathering abilities, etc. Any/all info about you fades (no save), fails to be obtained (no save), or is forgotten (no save). However; miracle, reality revision, or wish; or (creatures only) immunity to mind-affecting effects can prevent info about you from fading or being forgotten, but cannot prevent it from failing to be obtained (NBI:Even Psychometry (cosmic) fails.; NBII:If such info exists, it can be obtained. Although, any/all skill check DCs increase by +50. However, directly seeking (often in and of itself a quest) the info source (which can't be the obscured, unless the obscured desires otherwise) itself negates this penalty.).Special:Portfolio Trumping can overcome the aforementioned defenses vs. your Obscurity ability. However, it can also overcome your Obscurity ability.

Occult Abatement (Su) Prerequisites:S/PR 40, Spellcraft 37 ranks. Benefit:If you are subjected to an opponent's spell(s), power(s), psychic effect(s), spell-like abilit(-y/-ies) or psi-like abilit(-y/-ies); you ignore the first spell, power, psychic effect, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability each round (as if you had infinite S/PR against that spell, power, psychic effect, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability).You can lower this defense, if you so choose.

Occult Power (Su) Your power seems inexhaustible.Prerequisites:Spellcraft 37 Ranks. Benefit:You gain +1x your spells (or spell points) and/or power points (inc. epic spells and/or epic powers) per day.

(i.e. the number of spells/powers you can cast/manifest per day is doubled.)Special:If you're an Erudite, you gain +1x your Unique Powers per day.

Occult Spirit (Su) You transcend the normal limitations of the occult (i.e. magic/psionics).Prerequisites:Spellcraft 37 Ranks. Benefit:You transcend the normal limitations of the occult (i.e magic/psionics) and can learn the occult (i.e. spells/powers) from any source, be it arcane, divine, or psionic. This is similar to Convert Spell to Power (see The Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four), except, any spell (arcane or divine) or power; can be converted to a spell (arcane or divine) or power and success is automatic. (i.e. no skill check(s) required.)Special:If you're an Erudite, you're unaffected by "Exception".

Paradox (Ex)Prerequisites:Wis 40, Chaotic alignment.Benefit:You can gain the Time portfolio (or even gain it twice), in spite of your chaotic alignment.

Perfect Spring Attack (Ex)Your top is made out of rubber and your legs are made out of springs.Prerequisites: Dex 25, Dire Charge, Dodge, Epic Speed, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Run, Spring Attack.Benefit: When making the full attack action, you may move up to half your speed before, after, and between any attacks you make. The total distance you move during this action may not exceed twice your speed, and you must move at least five feet each time you have the opportunity to move. You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity while spring attacking (stacking with the benefit from Mobility).

Possess Realm (Su)You can possess your Godly Realm.Prerequisites: Cha 40; Possession ability, Possess Location, and/or Possess Object.Benefit: When you use your*Possession (see F.C.I:H.o.t.A., Pg. 21-26) ability or Possession (C.o.T.:I.S., Pg. 57-63) feat(s), you can possess your entire Godly Realm, or the locale you're the embodiment of. When in the role of Controller, you can animate and control any object (or quantity of substance) or group of objects (or different quantities of substance) with a combined CR no greater than your own. When using Minor (7 PP) or Major (13 PP) Animation, only a portion (or portions) of the object you possess need be animated (or included among the items to be animated). Creatures with the Possession ability and Possession feats can freely combine them for greater effect. Special:If you're incorporeal (prior to any use of possession) and Possession ability; you retain all your extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities regardless of locale (planar or otherwise) or possession (form or use thereof).NB:Certain abilities are useless while you're possessing your Godly Realm, or the locale you're the embodiment of.*If you're Undead, you also function as a Haunting Presence (see Heroes of Horror, Pg. 69-70) and your Godly Realm, or the locale you're the embodiment of, a Haunted Site (see Heroes of Horror, Pg. 70-72). If you have Inner Realm (see previous), your Godly Realm, or the

locale you're the embodiment of, is treated as possessed by you, even if it isn't, enabling you to affect it, as if you were.

[School] Immunity (Ex)Benefit:You are immune to one school of magic as well as psionic, psychic, spell-like, psi-like, spell-like, and supernatural equivalents. Your own function normally. If you choose Divination Immunity, you're also immune to Malifiecus (epic) and similar divinatory abilities, etc. You are not, however, immune to Bardic Knowledge, Lore, Mathesis (epic), Phrenology (epic), Psychometry (cosmic), or similar nondivinatory abilities, etc.

Spell [Effect] (Su)You create effects that mimic spells.Benefit: Choose a spell (spell level can = DR x Y x [Effect] modifier (see I.H.:Ascension, Pg. 116); Y = # of times you gain this ability) you wish to mimic. Then choose an [Effect]. Your Spell [Effect] mimics your chosen spell (save DC (if the spell permits a save) = 10 + 1/2 your HD/L + your Cha modifier + your DR), affecting any/all applicable targets subject to your chosen [Effect]. Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack.

Synergy (Su)Prerequisites:Spellcraft 37 ranks.Benefit:You add your divine, fortuity, etc. bonuses (i.e. bonuses that improve all your die rolls) to your HD/L for the purpose of determining [Effects].; NB:Deities already do this for caster/manifester/channeling level.

Warp (Su)Warp space to better attack/affect target (creature, etc.).Prerequisites:Dex 40.Benefit:You can use all your attacks, etc. against one target (creature, etc.) of any size each round.NB:This ability is primarily for multilimbed creatures, esp. vs. smaller targets (creatures, etc.).

Wellspring of the Soul (Su)You can tap the deepest depths of your soul.Prerequisites:Variable (see Inner Depths of the Soul (NBoF)).Benefit:You gain Inner Depths of the Soul (x6) (NBoF).Special:You can gain this ability 3 times. It's effects stack.

Whispersoul (Su) Prerequisites:Move Silently 37 Ranks, Sonic Immunity. Benefit:You can perform any action silently, as if affected by a personal silence spell. This functions continuously and selectively, never hindering you, should you desire to create or hear/sense sound. Furthermore, it extends to the immediate effects of your actions as well. (i.e. If you use fireball, your opponents don't sizzle. They just scream.)

X-Ray Vision (Ex) Your vision can penetrate matter. 

Prerequisites:Perception 37 Ranks. Benefit:When you concentrate, your vision can penetrate matter and functions as if you were in normal light, even if there is no illumination. For each round of concentration, your vision can penetrate 3ft. of earth, 1 ft. of stone, or 1 in. of metal; or similarly dense substances. Thinner substances are easier to penetrate. Thicker substances, or a thin sheet of lead, block your vision. 

New Cosmic Abilities 

Aegis (Ex)Prerequisites:Con 70 (Cha 70, if Con - ).Benefit:You defend as if you're +2 divine status higher vs. Portfolio Trumping (see Ascension - Portfolio Trumping, Pg. 47 for further information). This ability stacks w/Portfolio defense vs. Portfolio Trumping and enhances any defense reliant upon divine status (hero-deity, etc.) for effectiveness vs. Portfolio Trumping (self-explanatory).Special:This ability confers no protection vs. alternative means of bypassing, negating, etc. defenses.i.e. [Creature] Messiah, etc. are bypassed normally by those of sufficient divine status (which is considered before Portfolio Trumping comes into play).e.g. a Lesser Deity w/[Creature] Messiah can still be harmed by those [Creature]s of Lesser Deity or higher status, etc.

Alter Reality (Su)You can alter reality.Prerequisites: Cha 70, Ability to (cast/manifest) 9th level (spells/powers).Benefit: You can (cast/manifest) any 0-9th level (spell/power), as a swift action, at will. You can also combine said (spell/power) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results. Alternatively, you can use Alter Reality to give yourself a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls equal to 9 + the number of Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity feats you possess. If you've chosen to gain a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls, you lose your circumstance bonus any round you use Alter Reality for any other purpose. Your (Caster/Manifester) Level = your HD/L + your divine rank. The save DC's, if any, are Charisma-based.Special:If you have Epic (Spellcasting/Manifesting), you can (cast/manifest) any 0-9th level (spell/power) or Epic level (spell/power; of a Spellcraft skill check DC up to your Spellcraft skill check modifier +20), as a swift action, at will. You can also combine any 0-9th level (spell/power) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results. Alternatively, you can use Alter Reality to give yourself a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls equal to 10 + the number of Automatic Meta (magic/psionic) Capacity feats you possess. If you've chosen to gain a circumstance bonus on all di(e/ce) rolls, you lose your circumstance bonus any round you use Alter Reality for any other purpose.

If you have Epic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, you can combine Epic (spells/powers) w/Automatic Meta(magic/psionic) Capacity, Meta(magic/psionic) Freedom, and meta(magic/psionic) feats (as appropriate) for greater results.

Art of the Spheres (Su) Your art can affect everyone in it's celestial or planar locale.Prerequisites:Int 70, Artist level 20th, Craft (any) 67 ranks.Benefit:If your art is present in the celestial or planar locale (i.e. minor celestial body (planet, etc.), demiplane, or planar layer) it is of (or pertains to), your art can effect any/all creature(s), location(s), and/or object(s) in said celestial or planar locale. Special:If your art is of (or pertains to) your Godly Realm, you can affect any/all creature(s), location(s), and/or object(s) in your Godly Realm, even if it's size exceeds the normal limitations of this ability.NB:While the Exemplary Art ability can alter reality beyond the confines of your art, the Real Art ability cannot alter reality beyond the confines of your art/your art's created innerverse(s).

Assimilate (Su) Absorb aspects of opponents you consume. Prerequisites:Con 70 (or Cha 70, if Con - ). Benefit:You gain one aspect of each opponent you defeat and consume. This can include HD, an ability (no greater than esoteric), or an ability score. e.g. If you defeat an opponent... ...with more HD, your HD increase to equal it's HD. ...with more Str, your Str increases to equal it's Str. You can choose any aspect you are aware of, randomly, or no aspect.

Cosmic Font (Ex)Your power comes from within.Perquisites:Cha 70.Benefit:Your spells, powers, psychic skills, and/or spell-like, psi-like, and/or supernatural abilities, function normally in/regardless of antimagic, antipsionic, dead magic, and/or null psionic areas, effects, fields, and/or zones. NB:This ability counters Dead Zone, Numinous, etc.

[Creature] Messiah (Su)Prerequisites:Race, Type, or subtype; Cha 70.Bemefit:Choose one race, Type, or subtype you possess.Creatures of your chosen race, Type, or subtype cannot harm you (willingly or otherwise), unless of a divine status equal to or higher than yours. "Harm", for these purposes, does not include emotional or psychological harm, nor self-harm, caused by social interaction.Mixed-race characters can choose their mixed race (i.e. a half-elf can choose half-elves, etc.), etc.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Once per race, Type, or subtype you possess.NB:This ability replaces [Aligned] Messiah. Creatures w/Apostasy are immune to Chaotic, Evil, etc. Messiah.

Extra Mind (Ex)

Prerequisites:Wis 70 or Abnormality [Extra Face/Head or Extra Psyche].Benefit:You can perform an additional round's worth of actions each round. Furthermore, when concentrating, you can concentrate on an additional ability, etc. requiring concentration.e.g. If you gain this ability once, you can perform 2 round's worth of actions and maintain concentration on 2 abilities, etc. requiring concentration.Your minds are, otherwise, functionally one mind (albeit, a hivemind) and still of one soul/spirit for all other purposes (advancement, etc.).i.e. anything affecting one affects them all.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. It's effects stack. If you have a Wisdom score of less than 70, you must have one additional instance of Abnormality [Extra Face/Head or Extra Psyche] each time you gain this ability.This ability replaces the extra standard action gained from Abnormality [Extra Face/Head or Extra Psyche].This ability stacks with Time Dilation. Each instance of Time Dilation enables you to perform an additional round's worth of actions, etc.NB:The difference between Extra Mind and Time Dilation? Extra Mind is biological, psychological, and spiritual. Time Dilation is chronal.

Gestalt (Ex) You gain gestalt class levels. Benefit:You gain gestalt class levels (integrated and otherwise) equal to your initial (i.e. the number of class levels (integrated and otherwise) you possess before gaining this ability) class levels (integrated and otherwise). Special:You can gain this ability twice. Each time gaining gestalt class levels (integrated and otherwise) equal to your initial (i.e. the number of class levels (integrated and otherwise) you possess before gaining this ability) class levels (integrated and otherwise). This ability stacks with Greater Integration.NB:If your character is already a gestalt character, your character is considered to already possess one instance of this ability.

Great Forgery (Su) You can create constructs. Prerequisites:Craft portfolio or Int 70.Benefit:You can create construct creatures who can themselves create construct creatures.The creation of any construct mimics the creation of outsiders, see Immortal's Handbook:Ascension, Pg. 17, Table 1-17.However, remember that the transfer of quintessence is only 10% effective thus to create a 21 Hit Dice being will cost 10,000 QP, not merely 1,000 QP. Special:If you possess the Craft portfolio, you can gain this ability (for free) in lieu of your ability to create outsiders.

Great Necrosis (Su) You can create undead. Prerequisites:Death portfolio or Wis 70. Benefit:You can create undead creatures who can themselves create undead creatures.The creation of any undead mimics the creation of outsiders, see Immortal's Handbook:Ascension, Pg. 17, Table 1-17.

However, remember that the transfer of quintessence is only 10% effective thus to create a 21 Hit Dice being will cost 10,000 QP, not merely 1,000 QP. Special:If you possess the Death portfolio, you gain this ability (for free) in lieu of your ability to create outsiders.

Greater Integration (Ex) Your integrated class levels equal your racial Hit Dice. Benefit:Your integrated class levels equal your racial Hit Dice. 

Greater Mutable A./D. (Su) Prerequisites:Mutable A./D.Benefit:Choose one of your chosen descriptors.Your damage functions as 100% (chosen descriptor) damage. If the exotic damage descriptor "permanent damage" is chosen, your damage functions as 1/3rd permanent damage, rather than 100% permanent damage.Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Each time an additional descriptor is improved.

Mutable A./D. (Su) Benefit:Choose 1 of following:[Aligned (any one; anarchic, etc.)], [Bane (any one; aberration, etc.)], [Energy (any one; acid, etc.)], [Exotic (any one; divine, etc.)], or [W.T. (any one; bludgeoning)]. Your damage functions as 50% (chosen descriptor) damage. This applies to all attacks/defenses, physical or otherwise. You can change your descriptor from round to round. (i.e. [Aligned (anarchic)] during round 1, etc.) If the exotic damage descriptor "permanent damage" is chosen, your damage functions as 1/6th permanent damage, rather than 50% permanent damage. Unless desired, any/all attack('s/s')/defense('s/s') previous descriptors remain. (i.e. fireball either retains the [Fire] descriptor and gains your chosen descriptor or fireball loses the [Fire] descriptor and gains your chosen descriptor.) This does not count as an action. Special:You can gain this ability multiple times. Each time an additional descriptor can be added to your attack damage.

Panversal (Su)Bend space to attack/affect distant targets (creatures, etc.). Prerequisites:Dex 70. Benefit:Your reach (ranged attacks, etc.) equals (add) the range of your senses vs. one target (creature, etc.).

Sacrosanct (Su)You are invulnerable until you commit an act of aggression. Prerequisites:Cha 70. Benefit:Creatures cannot harm you (willingly or otherwise), unless of a divine status equal to or higher than yours, until you willfully harm them. "Harm", for these purposes, does not include emotional or psychological harm, nor self-harm, caused by social interaction. Special:This ability replaces Innocence.

Slayer (Ex)

Prerequisites:Int 70.Benefit:You attack as if you're +2 divine status higher for purposes of Portfolio Trumping (see Ascension - Portfolio Trumping, Pg. 47 for further information). This ability stacks w/Portfolio Trumping and enhances any attack reliant upon divine status (hero-deity, etc.) for PortfolioTrumping effectiveness (self-explanatory).

Talismanic Occultist (Su) Channel spells and powers through items of power. Prerequisites: Use Magic Device 70 Ranks. Benefit: You can channel spells, powers, psychic effects, spell-like abilities, and/or psi-like abilities, inc. those cast/manifested using Su abilities such as Alter Reality, etc., through magic/psionic/psychic items and add the item's enhancement bonus to your HD/L, for the purpose of determining your caster/manifester/channeler level.

Yin-yang (Ex)You can master contradictory/opposed forces/philosophies.Prerequisites:Wis 70.Benefit:You can gain a pair of opposed portfolios (or even gain them twice). You do not suffer the penalties of either portfolio.Special:You must still meet all remaining prerequisites.You can gain this ability multiple times. Each time it applies to a different pair of opposed portfolios.

New Transcendental Abilities

Everpresent (Su)You are everywhere in your current cosmic locale at once.Prerequisites:Cha 130, Divine Aura, Greater Aura, Perfect Aura, Superior Aura. Benefit:Your aura(s) (divine or otherwise) extend(s) from one edge of your current cosmic locale (moderate celestial body (galaxy, etc.) or plane (inc. planar layers)) to the other.; NB:This ability is not a prerequisite for the Omnipresent ability. Special:If you have the Cosmic Consciousness ability, it's effectiveness isenhanced (i.e. your senses extend into your current planar locale'sconstituent planar layers, if any).

New Weapon

Spiked Chain-whip [Exotic]Statistics:2d4; x2; 15 lb.; B, P, and S.Benefit:It deals lethal damage, even to creatures with armor bonuses. If you are proficient with whips, you can use a spiked chain-whip as a whip.Weapon Feature (s): Performance (plus disarm, reach, and trip, if you are proficient with whip).

Bloodrazor [Exotic]

Statistics:2d8; 18-20/x2; 126.5 lb.; P or S or B, P, and S; deadly.Benefit:By activating a special mechanism on the weapon, you can switch between a heavy (+2 damage categories), reinforced (x2 hardness), Medium (6 ft. (4 ft. 4 in. blade (x2 width and x2 thickness); 1 ft. 8 in. handle (x1.5 width and x1.5 thickness))) katana and a heavy (+2 damage categories), reinforced (x2 hardness), Medium (15 ft.) spiked chain-whip [whip] form as a move action. Bloodrazors are a variety of whipsword. If you are proficient in katana [bastard sword] or spiked chain-whip [whip], you can use the bloodrazor proficiently when it is in the appropriate form and take Whipsword Shift w/o proficiency in longsword. Regardless of what form the weapon is in, it deals damage as a heavy (+2 damage categories), reinforced (x2 hardness), Medium (6 ft.(4 ft. 4 in. blade; 1 ft. 8 in. handle)) katana.By activating a series of special mechanisms on the weapon, you can replicate Whirlwind Attack (15 ft. r.; affects all in range (creatures (friend(s), foe(s), etc.) and objects (unattended only)).), Storm of Throws (16-30 ft. r.; affects all in range (creatures (friend(s), foe(s), etc.) and objects (unattended only); up to 18 targets).), Piercing Shot (31-70 ft. (8 sq.); affects all in range (creatures (friend(s), foe(s), etc.) and objects (unattended only)).), and Impaling Shot (31-75 ft.; final 1-18 targets only.) as a full round action. This disassembles the bloodrazor. A Perception check (DC 10) is required to find each component of the weapon and a Craft (weaponsmithing) check (DC 20) is required for reassembly.NB:As a bloodrazor possesses 18 blades, bloodrazor wielders are loath to use this feature w/o the "returning" weapon special quality.Special:< 17 Str can wield 2-handed w/-4 penalty, 17 Str can wield 2-handed w/-2 penalty, 23 Str can wield w/o penalty.Lighten Weapon reduces the penalty by -2 and Improved Lighten Weapon eliminates the penalty. Powerful Build reduces the penalty by -2. The combination of all 3 eliminates the penalty and renders a bloodrazor a light weapon.Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana [bastard sword]) to wield 1-handed.

New Special Materials

Nullium [Material]Description:Nullium is a jet-black, metal alloy comprised of neutronium and pure entropy. Properties:Treat as neutronium, except, nullifies all powers, spells, psychic skills, psi-like abilities, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of creatures/objects in physical (or spiritual, if incorporeal) contact (treat as null magic zone, rather than antimagic or dead magic zone; renders Cosmic Font (cosmic) useless); massless (weapons still inflict improved damage and armor or shields still bestow improved armor and shield bonus due to nullium's entropic properties); and self-repairing (treat as FH:1000/R).Special:Nullium can only be created (by slaying a void dragon in the molten heart of a neutron star), found, or stolen. It can't be enhanced or purchased (NB:Myzari (a race of deicidal, psionic (nonmagical), spacefaring (PL10), LE drow) use nullium nanotech to imprison esp. powerful deities they can't kill. Myzari have metallic gold eyes, hair, and nails. Myzari (all Telepaths) of less than 20th level are never encountered (weaker myzari remain on one of their many colonized worlds), nor are they ever

encountered w/o their life-like, metallic gold, powered armor (treat each encountered myzari as a Myzari/Orichalcum Guardian fusion). High ranking myzari carry psionically enhanced, metallic gold, orichalcum spears.).

S'k'sx's Skeletal Extraction Necromancy [Evil] Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes 

As finger of death, except, if the target creature is slain, it's skeleton is animated (skeleton creature (BoVD))and forcibly tears itself from the target creature's flesh as a free action. 

Material Component: You must swallow a black onyx gem worth at least 25 gp per Hit Die of the target creature. The magic of the spell turns this gem into a worthless burned out shell

New Weapon Special Abilities

Everdread:A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all creature types. Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms and Armor, summon monster IX; Price +25 bonus. 

Everfull:A weapon with this ability replenishes/replicates it's own ammunition (enchanted or otherwise). This consists of the most recent ammunition (enchanted or otherwise) utilized. Ammunition is replenished/replicated after missing or striking it's target (or targets). Ammunition disintegrates after missing or striking it's target (or targets). CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wish; Price:+4 bonus. 

Lashing:This property triples the reach of a melee weapon. CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, limited wish; Price:+3 bonus.

Lesser Dark Nexus:This weapon is a minor gateway to the Negative Energy Plane. It deal an additional 25d6 negative energy damage to any creature struck by one of their blows, even if the creature is normally unharmed by negative energy (e.g. constructs, undead, etc). Creatures normally vulnerable to negative energy (e.g. living creatures, deathless, etc.) suffer double this amount of damage.Overwhelming conjuration and universal; CL 54th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, gate, wish; Price:+18 bonus.


Divine:+6 Weapon, +8 ArmorCosmic:+22 Weapon, +30 ArmorTranscendental:+64 Weapon, +90 Armor

New Metamagic Feats, etc.

Annihilating Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]Your magic obliterates those it strikes.Prerequisites: 6 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 43 ranksBenefit: Any damage dealt by the spell is considered Permanent Damage.Special: A spell modified by Annihilating Spell occupies a slot 6 levels higher.

Cataclysmic Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]Your magic strikes with all elemental fury.Prerequisites: Spellcraft 38 ranks, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire)Benefit: Any spell that deals elemental damage deals damage of all four elements instead. i.e. a Cataclysmic Fireball would deal 10d6 points of Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire damage.Special: A spell modified by Cataclysmic Spell occupies a slot 5 levels higher.

Dire Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]Your spells are terribly powerful.Prerequisites: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Spellcraft 28 ranksBenefit: Any variable numeric components of the spell have their die-size increased by two categories to a maximum of d12s.Special: A Dire Spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher.

Theurgic Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]Your magic is infused with divine power.Prerequisites: 6 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 43 ranksBenefit: Any damage dealt by the spell is considered Divine Damage.Special: A spell modified by Theurgic Spell occupies a slot 6 levels higher.

Unbound Spell [Epic] [Metamagic]Your magic surpasses its own limits.Prerequisites: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Widen Spell Spellcraft 33 ranksBenefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are doubled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +8 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +10 to Natural Armor, a +10 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 2 rounds/Caster Level.Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 3 levels higher. 

Dolorous Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]Your spells are grievously powerful.Prerequisites: Dire Spell, Spellcraft 63 ranks

Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d20s.Special: A Dolorous Spell takes up a slot 6 levels higher.

Quintessential Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]Your spells are especially effective against Immortals.Prerequisites: Theurgic Spell, Spellcraft 78 ranksBenefit: For every 4 points of Divine Bonus possessed by the spell’s target, the all numeric components of the spell double. i.e. a Quintessential Fireball cast at a Greater Deity would deal 40d6 damage.Special: A Quintessential Spell takes up a slot 5 levels higher than normal.

Resonating Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]Your magic resounds through all that you perceive.Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 73 ranksBenefit: The spell effects every creature within the caster’s Divine Aura. Special: A spell modified by Resonating Spell occupies a slot 7 levels higher.Special: If the caster does not possess a Divine Aura, the spell effects everything within 100 ft. + 10 ft. per Caster Level.

Supreme Metamagic [Divine] [Metamagic]Your mastery of your art is unequalled.Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 68 ranksBenefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is doubled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 20d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment. Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.

Telluric Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]Your magic intensifies with each use.Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 83 ranksBenefit: The spell’s effect is doubled each time it is cast against the same target.Special: A spell modified by Telluric Spell occupies a slot 8 levels higher.Special: This feat uses Double-Double=Quadruple rather than Double-Double=Triple multiplication.Special: The same spell must be cast at the same target for the feat to take effect. i.e. if a Telluric Fireball is cast three times at the same target, it would deal 40d6 damage on the third casting, whereas if the caster instead cast a Telluric Fireball, a Telluric Lightning Bolt, and a Telluric Polar Ray, each spell would only have its normal effect. 

Transient Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]Your magic warps space and time.Prerequisites: 12 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 83 ranksBenefit: The spell strikes three times simultaneously, once in the present, once in the immediate past, and once in the immediate future. Special: A spell modified by Transient Spell occupies a slot 9 levels higher.

Unfettered Spell [Divine] [Metamagic]Your magic defies all limits.

Prerequisites: Unbound Spell, Spellcraft 73 ranksBenefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are quadrupled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +16 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +20 to Natural Armor, a +20 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 4 rounds/Caster Level.Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 6 levels higher. 

Devastating Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]Your spells are catastrophically powerful.Prerequisites: Dolorous Spell, Spellcraft 123 ranksBenefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d100s.Special: A Devastating Spell takes up a slot 12 levels higher

Immediate Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]Your spell is cast faster than thought.Prerequisites: Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 148 ranksBenefit: The spell is cast as an Immediate Action, allowing it to be used on another character’s turn.Special: An Immediate Spell takes up a slot 10 levels higher.

Ultimate Metamagic [Cosmic] [Metamagic]Your mastery of your art is beyond teckoning.Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 143 ranksBenefit: Choose a specific Metamagic feat that you possess that modifies a spell’s numerical component in some way. Its effect is quadrupled. i.e. an Empowered Fireball cast by a wizard with this ability would deal 30d6 instead of 15d6 for a +2 spell-level adjustment. Special: This ability may be taken multiple times, each for a different Metamagic feat. It does not stack with itself.

Ultima Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]Your magic knows no limits.Prerequisites: 24 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 183 ranksBenefit: The spell recasts itself for a number of rounds equal to the caster’s Caster Level. Special: A spell modified by Ultima Spell occupies a slot 18 levels higher. 

Untrammeled Spell [Cosmic] [Metamagic]Your magic is unsurpassable.Prerequisites: Unfettered Spell, Spellcraft 133 ranksBenefit: Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are octupled. i.e. A Tenser’s Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +32 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +40 to Natural Armor, a +40 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 8 rounds/Caster Level.Special: An Unbound Spell takes up a slot 12 levels higher. 

Doomsday Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]Your spells are impossibly powerful.Prerequisites: Devastating Spell, Spellcraft 243 ranks

Benefit: Any variable numeric component of the spell is increased from its original die-size to d1000s.Special: A Doomsday Spell takes up a slot 24 levels higher

Omega Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]Your magic is absolute.Prerequisites: 48 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 263 ranksBenefit: The effects of the spell are permanent and cannot be undone by any means. i.e. a target slain by an Omega Finger of Death cannot be returned to life by any means. Special: A spell modified by Omega Spell occupies a slot 32 levels higher.

Unreal Spell [Transcendental] [Metamagic]Your magic is irresistible.Prerequisites: 64 Metamagic Feats, Spellcraft 343 ranksBenefit: The spell allows no Spell Resistance, no Saving Throw, and ignores any resistance or immunity. Special: An Unreal Spell takes up a slot 48 levels higher.

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