arguments for nuclear fusion

Post on 06-Oct-2015






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Argument for the investment in Nuclear Fusion


Fusion for the Future

What is Nuclear Fusion?

Nuclear Fusion is the second type of nuclear reaction. Atoms with fewer protons are forced together to create a heavier nucleus. Stars are natural fusion reactors. Fusion reactors use Tritium/Deuterium as opposed to highly radioactive uranium used in Fission reactors.

Advantages Over Fission Power

Fusion Power offers a great deal that Fission Power lacks. The by-products remain radioactive for a much shorter period of time. Catastrophic accidents impossible. Fusion reactors emit a negligible amount of green house gases. The energy output is much greater, and fuel reserves could last billions of years.

Disadvantages/Criticisms of Fusion

Fusion energy wont be able to be commercially viable until at least 2030 Large amount of speculation concerning best method to utilize. Skeptics believe that fusion energy is an unlikely source of energy. There is a fear that fusion energy is far too dangerous to utilize.

Why Go for Fusion?

Commercial Nuclear Fusion would alter civilization drastically. Overabundance of energy Creation of highly specialized jobs in order to develop and maintain

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