area of study 2 movements of the people 2014

Post on 26-May-2015






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Movements of the people


20th Century History Area of Study 2

Movements of the people.....

What is the definition of a social or cultural


Other Questions: !

1. Does it have to result in direct change, such as laws? !or can it be an ongoing protest against or for something.. 2. How many different movements can you list...?3.What do you think the steps are to facilitate change?

4.What reasons can you think of to explain why the 20th century is particularly full of social movements.

2 aspects to this area of study...

1. Whole Class Study!2. Your own investigations/ project

and oral presentation

Whole Class Studies

Apartheid Africa

Your own investigationsYou are to investigate an area of your choice that fits into

the overall subject of ‘Movements of the People’ from 1945 - 2000.

You are required to: !*Make a presentation that you will present to the class as a oral presentation in week week 9.

Potential Topics: *Civil Rights in America !*Fight for Indigenous Right’s in Australia!*Feminism/Women’s rights!*Gay Liberation !*Anti-war movements !*1960’s/1970’s peace culture !*Environmentalist!*Workers rights!or think of your own..!

By the end of this lesson, I would like you to have chosen !which topic you would like to investigate.

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