are you ready - function...

Post on 22-May-2018






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Are you feeling frustrated with your current results? Time to take the guess work out and

discover how to get in the best shape of your life with a long-term solution.

Our 8 Week Challenge has helped thousands of real people just like you achieve extraordi-

nary health and physique enhancement. This system works for men and women of all ages,

fitness levels and sizes. The challenge works because we incorporate the right balance of training, nutrition and supplements in order to encourage the production of

hormones that increase muscle and in turn burn fat like crazy.

The 8 Week Challenge leaves no stone unturned. This isn’t another standard gym 8 or

12-week challenge that shares the “eat less, move more” philosophy. Our challenge is scientif-

ically-based and provides you with information to individualise the System to your body type

and hormonal profile. Even if you have tried in the past to get rid of your excess body fat and failed… This

program will work for you too! We’ve been in this industry for over a decade now, and we’ve

rarely seen someone make a dramatic visual change by not training hard and taking a slow,

steady approach. What we have seen, however, is that people from all walks of life and train-

ing experience make the decision that from right NOW it all changes. They are determined

and consistent with their training and nutrition intake to achieve their goals.

Committing To This Challenge Could Be A Major Turning Point In Your Life…. There’s one thing

we know and that is, when you are healthy and fit it has a ripple effect to improve every other aspect of your life. Achieving health and fitness gives you an incredible feeling of being pow-

erful and in control of your life, where you spring out of bed in the morning with energy to

attack the day with confidence. It’s proven to work whether you’ve struggled with fat loss in the past, or you just want to get in the best shape of your life!

Over the course of the weekend we will be covering the key components that form the

foundation of the Ultimate Body Program to achieve your Ultimate Body and Wellness.

The format of the UB Program allows you to individualise the program by addressing all

the factors beyond the workout with a full nutrition and lifestyle plan to support balance and provide a long term solution.

Weekend Health Retreat & Ultimate Body Program Overview






Make your room as dark as possible, in particular make sure there is no electrical light

e.g alarm clock light on your bedside table.

Minimize Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields i.e mobile phones, ipads and even wifi. EMF have been shown to mess with your sleep, and decrease brain function.A recent study performed on rats found that exposure to a mobile phone decreased hormone melatonin

Ahmed, H. Modulatory Effects of Vitamin E., Acetyl-L-Carnitine and A-Lipoic acid on New Potential Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease in Rat Model. Experimental

and Toxicological Pathology. December 2010. 23.


TAKE UBER MAG BEFORE BEDUber Mag is a ‘Yin’ supplement meaning it should be taken in the evening to help wind down, Magnesium

and sufficient sleep are vital for brain function.

Magnesium is great for brain function and sleep as it regulates serotonin release (helps you sleep) and to

produce enzymes within brain cells that control cellular and memory functions. Magnesium also calms the sympathetic nervous system and is particularly good for treating insomnia. If you are struggling with getting

to sleep grab some Uber Mag from reception



If you find you have to hit the snooze button 2 or 3 times in the morning and suffer poor energy throughout the day it may pay to see one of our Naturopaths to test your hormones and adrenals. They will then look to

put you on a protocol to help regenerate the pituitary glands. When you regenerate your pituitary gland, you

improve the bodies ability to make more growth hormone. GH is a fat blasting, lean muscle gaining hormone.

It is unlikely you’ll get lean if you are not producing enough GH.



When people embark on a quest to improve their health and drop body fat the first two components addressed are nutrition and exercise, which of course are obvious areas that need to be addressed. However one crucial process often ignored is our

sleep quality and quantity, improving sleep is with out doubt the most under utilised protocol to improve body composition and


If you are sleep deprived you are going to struggle for motivation to exercise and eat well, your brain function will be compro-

mised due to the offset of your neurotransmitters.

When we talk about improving sleep quality and quantity we’re referring to 8-9 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep, interruption

can impact production of hormones like serotonin, dopamine (your happy hormones) and melatonin (hormone which helps you

sleep and relax)

BENEFITS OF NAPPINGIf your schedule permits taking an afternoon 20minute nap can do wonders for your health and body composition.A great book on this is by Dr. Mednick who is an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, and co-author of Take a Nap! Change Your

Life(Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 2006). Her research suggests taking naps:

Improves skin and tissue regenerationImproves sex drive and sexual functionIncreases growth hormone productionDecreases cravings for high-fat, high-sugar foods Reduces the risk of relying on stimulants Reduces the risk of fatigue-related accidentsElevates mood Increases creativityImproves memory Decreases stressReduces the risk of diabetes Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke

References: Charles Poliquin’s blog (10/21/2010). Retrieved from


Do you need them? Yes. Supplementation is important to achieve the best results for the challenge but also for maintenance post-challenge. Supplements simply fill in the voids of your busy life and the way most of our food is processed these days.If we lived in a secluded location, free from pollution and grew all our own food in this secluded location, then maybe supplements

wouldn’t be necessary. Unfortunately pollution, modern farming, packaging, processing, toxins, additives, chemicals and transpor-

tation depletes and damages our foods nutritional value and so supplements are required for optimal health.

If your digestion system is compromised the vitamins and minerals from our foods do not get absorbed as effectively. This can lead to your immune system being run down , bad digestion increasing; heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation, fatigue, skin irritations,

poor liver function just to name a few. More specifically to our goal over the 8 weeks fat loss and muscle development are compromised.

I don't know about you but stress is something I experience and is an epidemic in our society today. Extreme stress uses up vital nutrients, stresses organs, fattens us, eats away at muscle, ages us and ultimately leads to illness and fatigue. We don’t

recommend any ‘miracle pills’ the supplements recommended in the program are supplements you should be taking to support

your body for optimal health and performance.



One of the most valuable investments you can make is a

food allergy test. Allergy testing is useful for almost

anyone who is looking to optimise health, often people

are not aware of the extent certain foods are affecting them until eliminated. There are many forms of food

allergy testing, we only recommend blood test that looks at the IgG and IgE antibodies. This test can be done here at function well with our onsite Naturopath.

If budget is an issue use an elimination diet.

You can do this through your MYZONE. Keeping a food diary is the first step to implementing an elimination and reintroduction diet, which is an

excellent way to determining allergies – it takes

time, discipline and being in tune with your body.





Cortisol is a low grade adrenaline produced in the adrenal glands and is part of our “fight or flight” response. For example if you were being chased by a lion your body would respond with a hormonal flood of adrenalin and cortisol to help you tap into your energy reserves.

Cortisol should be released in a cyclic manner with levels being highest in the mornings and tapering off throughout the day. The problem with today’s society is we are continuously in a low-grade ‘fight or flight’ response due to different stressors in our lives. Unfortunately most 21st century stressors don’t require the same life threatening energy demands that our caveman ancestors

faced but the body still responds the same, with a rise in your blood sugar and fat. High stress not followed by physical activity

increases cortisol followed by insulin – this constant release of cortisol and insulin is a one, two punch combo for body fat storage

particularly in the mid section. The natural cortisol curve is to have high levels in the morning and low levels at night, the problem is

today’s society often has us continuously in a low grade fight or flight response without the physical activity.

Cortisol will eat away at muscle and increase fat storage along with affecting your cognitive ability – so if you’ve been suffering from brain fog, impaired memory and a spare tyre around your stomach, it may be time to start looking at what you can do to reduce

cortisol. If you don’t excess prolonged cortisol levels can lead to numerous serious health issues:

Impaired cognitive function

Increased abdominal fat, which is an indication for increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, the development of metabolic

syndrome, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL),

Blood sugar imbalances

Decreased bone density

Decrease in muscle tissue

Higher blood pressure


Poor immunity

Over the course of the wellness and fitness camp and in your UB Manual you will learn effective strategies to manage cortisol and restore your health.  

There are 2 ways you can go about establishing food intolerances:

High storage of the belly area usually indicates the long-term high levels of cortisol

(stress hormone) in your body. In most cases it is chronic stress and/or diet.

Eating too much refined carbohydrate and having long gaps between meals or a low calorie diet can contribute to this. It can also be an indication of food intolerances you

are not aware of. It’s common these days for many people to suffer from some form of digestive distress, commonly due to food allergies. Continuing to consume foods

that you have an allergy to creates excess cortisol production and can affect your overall health.

Some of the possible symptoms include: irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, fatigue, eczema, ear infections, sinusitis, arthritis, skin irritations and attention deficit disorder

We believe nutrition is the foundation of any good fitness program, and the gateway to optimal health. And we think your nutritional habits play such an important role in achieving your health and performance goals.

Eat Real Food. Our belief is that a good nutritional program should be centred around eating real food. We know that fad diets, crash diets, miracle pills and “meal replacements” are not part of a balanced, sustainable path towards improved health and

fitness. Just eat good food, put your meals together in a way that is simple, balanced and (most importantly) sustainable, and experience all of the tangible benefits that come from a nutritional plan designed to help you create a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food.

We do not follow an “eat less, move more philosophy”. We look at nutrition and the impact certain foods have hormonally on our

bodies - promoting the hormones that assist fat loss and improved health & manage the hormones that lead to fat accumulation

and poor health.

Sure, you can do your own research and create a plan to vastly improve your health by following a few universal guidelines.  Limit your intake of sodas, juices, and alcohol.  Avoid genetically modified and packaged foods.  Do not consume hydrogenated oils.  Do not eat processed sugar.  Eat more vegetables.  Opt for organic, free-range, wild, and grass fed.  Get 7-8 hours of sleep, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and walk more. These general guidelines can move you dramatically closer to your goals, depending on where you are starting from.  However, in order to truly unlock your optimum health, you will need a more specific plan that identifies your needs.

As a part of your UB 8 Week Challenge Manual there is a Nutrition Protocol Handbook. Your

handbook includes all the tools you’ll need to succeed, including:

A list of food groups that detract from your health and fitness, and those groups that make you healthier

A detailed Shopping Guide, including helpful hints for making high quality food choices

The meal planning template, outlining portion sizes, meal frequency and pre- and post-workout nutrition

Delicious recipes that follow our meal planning template.

A multi-category FAQ to help you hit the ground running

A number of helpful resources – additional recipe sites, references, books and movies

At the Wellness & Fitness Camp all your meals and foundational supplements will be provided along with a cooking demonstration so you can hit the ground running when you return home.








Wind back the clock to the caveman days. Our ancestors had to haul heavy mammoths home for their dinner, cut down trees to build shelter to stay warm at night and perform various other strength-based activities. Whilst our survival these days is much less dependent upon our physical prowess, our physiology remains similar to the caveman. We are built to move not to be stuck hunched over a desk for 8+ hours a day.

Millions of years of evolution with a strong dependence on daily physical activity is in our DNA - We are designed to move, we can’t escape that. We MUST move in the way we were designed to move and that is with functional movement patterns.

Our basic physiology remains the same. Without the stimulus of strength movement (aka exercise) we are not the same, we are not healthy. Our body does not function as it should in the absence of exercise. Physical activity is not something we should do, it’s something we all MUST do. Without it, all sorts of physical, mental health and disease problems become present.

Over the course of the Weekend Wellness and Fitness Camp we will be going through the theory and of course a lot of practical application in:

Understanding the different energy systems to maximise your results

Structural Balance assessment to prevent injury and maximise results

Mobility and remedial drills to improve and restore joint mobility and function

Optimal Lifting Mechanics in the fundamental movement patterns

Gymnastics/Bodyweight movements relative to your current fitness level

Weightlifting relative to your current level (beginner to advanced workshop)


The Yin Yang/ High Low method

Training relative to YOUR hormonal profile


Are you frustrated with your results for the effort you are putting in? If you have been on a long tedious journey trialling all sorts of diet plans, training methods and google

searches to try and find a solution for certain health conditions; low energy, digestive issues, skin prob-

lems, fat gain etc. then it could be time to take the guess work out and engage in some Functional Diag-

nostic Testing, and discover what is causing the negative impact on your health and/or body composi-


Functional laboratory/diagnostic tests can identify many underlying issues taking you further away from good health and your goals. If you are exercising consistently, eating healthy but have undiagnosed

food sensitivities, digestive dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, poor immunity, liver toxicity or bacterial

infections will have an impact on your well being.

Once the relative FDT have been completed relative to reviewing your training, lifestyle, diet, environ-

ment, stress and health history our Naturopaths and coaches can put a customized protocol together to get you on your way to achieving your goals and improved health.

For example if cortisol was established to be an issue for you there is certain nutritional, supplementation and training protocols that will be best. For the purposes of this info kit we will just look at the training protocol as an example for cortisol.

It is well documented that long aerobic activity (i.e a marathon) is not beneficial for anyone suffering from cortisol issues and possible adrenal fatigue. It is important to note all exercise releases cortisol, the difference is certain forms of training like strength training also produces anabolic hormones like Testosterone and Growth Hormone

which offsets the negative impacts of cortisol. Without T and GH excess cortisol causes fat gain, chronic inflammation and has a catabolic effect.

With anyone presenting a high stress state and cortisol issues the best training protocol will be  something along the lines of Yoga and 100% CP/ATP (which means our initial energy system) with predominantly strength training. It is important to minimise cortisol release during and in between workouts for anyone presenting with cortisol/

adrenal burnout. High intensity huffy, puffy sessions is not going to be best for this person long term they will just end up broken with more body fat.



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