are you better off? here are the numbers

Post on 26-Dec-2014






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Are Americans better or worse off than they had been when Obama took office? Overall, the economic data paint a decidedly mixed picture.


After plunging sharply during the recession, real gross domestic product has rebounded but remains anemic:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

Inflation, including volatile food and energy prices, remains tame, though it’s higher than the recessionary levels it was at in 2009:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

Real (inflation-adjusted) personal income has climbed above where it was when Obama took office. Surprise! But median household incomes have fallen since the end of the recession in June 2009, according to Sentier Research. "Based on our data, almost every group is worse off now than it was three years ago, with the exception of households with householders 65 years old and over," Sentier's Gordon Green said in a statement released last month.

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

And household debt levels have come down significantly:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

Housing prices have stabilized, but remain well below their bubble-era highs:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

While mortgage rates have fallen to historic lows:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

And the stock market has soared:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

But, the unemployment rate, which hit 10 percent in October 2009, stands at 8.3 percent, still above the 7.8 percent of January 2009:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

And a more comprehensive reading of the labor picture including the underemployed is also significantly higher than it had been:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

The labor force participation rate remains near a 30-year low:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

And long-term unemployment remains high:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

As does the median length of unemployment:

Click here to read the article: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

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