are you a minister? · 2019-08-27 ·...

Post on 26-May-2020






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September 1, 2015 Volume 48 Issue 36

Here To Serve You: Pulpit/Outreach Minister


Mountain View Christian Camp Manager/ Youth Minister

Bruce Daughtry

PrimeTimers Visitation Minister Mike Veilleux

Education Minister/Counselor

Brian McGonagill

Worship Leader Mark Schinnerer


Eleanor Nelson

Secretary Tammy Frintz


Glen Moore

Children’s Ministry Coordinator Jill Crandall


Travis Crandall Johny Harris

Larry Mitchell Mike Owens Virgil Smith

Glenn Wells


Barry McDowell

Jimmy Neatherlin

J. R. Stroble

Our Door is Open Anyone wanting to meet

with our Shepherds is encour-aged to contact any of the

elders to set up a time. Are You A Minister?

Yes - if you are a follower of Jesus Christ then you are a disciple and a minister.

The term "minister" is Latin for "servant". And, disciples serving people are minis-

tering to those people. For many, the minister is the person we typically see deliv-

ering a message at our worship services and is sometimes known as the "pulpit

minister". We look to the pulpit minister to equip all of our ministers (you and I)

with the tools and inspiration necessary to "minister" to those in our community

seeking to know Jesus Christ. And, the tools are all available to us in God's in-

spired word of the Bible. The pulpit minister teaches us from the Bible and in-

spires us to go and make disciples as Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore go

and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Fa-

ther and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

An example of a teacher of ministers in the Bible is when Paul said, in his message

to the Gentiles: “I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you

yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to

instruct one another.” Romans 15:14 NIV

God made Paul a minister of Christ Jesus to teach and inspire the Gentiles so they

would be equipped to be ministers among their people. And, the greatest teacher,

Jesus, provided the most inspirational sermon in the Bible, known as the Sermon

on the Mount. This sermon is an example of the teacher, when seeing the crowds

of people who were curious to see what he was up to, drew in his disciples to teach

and inspire them: “Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a moun-

tainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach

them…” Matthew 5:1 (NIV)

When Jesus was done teaching, Matthew captured the moment: “When Jesus

had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teach-

ing.” Matthew 7:28 (NIV)

God created the church, built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. And, the church is

not a place, but is made up of people who follow Jesus (disciples). God gives us

teachers (ministers) to help us gain the knowledge of God's word and to inspire us

to go make disciples. The church (people), called by God to worship him and to

minister (serve) all people (God's creation) by following Jesus (disciple) and by lov-

ing one another (all people). And if we live our lives like Jesus did, people will be

attracted to those spiritual characteristics and will want to learn about Jesus. Je-

sus is the Bridge to God and we are called to build on that bridge. So, be a minis-

ter everywhere you go. Be a loving and gentle teacher. Be a Bridge Builder!

Your Servant in Christ,

J. R. Stroble

Page 2

Saturday, September 12th is our annual Singing In The Clouds at Queens. Bring your ATV’s, campers, and hiking shoes and join us for the day or the whole weekend. We will be at the campground next to the Queen Store. Bill Phillips has graciously agreed to cook the meat for us so please bring a side dish. Dinner will be around 6:00 pm with the singing afterwards. Everyone is invited to attend from our newborn babies to our PrimeTimers. Hope to see everyone there!

Brian’s Corner Brian McGonagill is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor and confidential appoint-

ments are available. Call 575-499-3492.

Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Class will begin on September 9th at 10:00 AM. We will be con-tinuing our study of Acts, starting with the 8th chapter. Please add this weekly event to your calendar. Also we plan to resume the Ladies Class on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm. Teachers

will be Tricia Banister, Pat Veilleux, and Mary Hughes. Bring your Bibles, as this will be a class to "prop" you up in the mid-dle of the week, and, hopefully, give you tools to bless your week and bring glory to God. Both classes are for ladies of all ages so join us for a special time together of studying God’s word and growing closer to each other.

Sunday, September 13th is Mission

Sunday. Tim Brumfield will be teach-

ing all of the adult classes on his recent

trip to Africa. Paul Dowell will be bring-

ing us the sermon that morning. Please

plan to be here for that Sunday and learn what our

missionaries are doing to reach the lost.

Sow Generously to Reap Generously

“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and

whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each

of you should give what you have decided in your heart

to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God

loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abun-

dantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that

you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Corin-

thians 9:6-8 NIV)

When it comes to your giving, there are two principles

you need to remember, and they’re based on 2 Corinthi-

ans 9:6-8: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap spar-

ingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap gener-

ously. Each of you should give what you have decided in

your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,

for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless

you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having

all that you need, you will abound in every good

work” (NIV).

This is the principle of harvest: What you sow, you’re

going to reap — for good or for bad. Whatever you plant,

that’s what you’re going to get back. That’s true about

money, but it’s true about everything else. If you sow

criticism, people are going to criticize you. If you sow

gossip, guess what? Others are going to gossip about

you. If you plant resentment, people are going to resent


Whatever you need more of, give it away, and you’ll get

more back. Do you need more energy? Then you have to

exercise. Do you need more affirmation in your life? Give

it away. Start affirming other people.

If you take a kernel of corn and plant it in the ground, do

you get one kernel back? No! I’ve actually planted corn

in my yard before. When you plant one kernel in the

ground, you don’t get one kernel back. You get a stalk

with a bunch of ears and thousands of kernels. When

you plant an avocado pit, it grows a tree. Do you get one

avocado back? No. You get hundreds back. You always

get back more than you put in.

The second principle is that there’s always a delay be-

tween planting and harvest. When you plant a seed in

the ground, do you get an ear of corn the next day? Of

course not. You plant in one season, and you harvest in

another. The same is true in giving. You give to other

people. You give to God. You give your life away, but do

you reap the results the next day? No. There is a season

of waiting before God gives you the harvest. Why? He’s

testing your faith to see if you’ll trust him while there’s a

delay between planting and harvesting.

While you’re waiting and planting, you can trust that

God will provide grace so that “having all that you need,

you will abound in every good work.”

The Funeral Meal Ministry needs your help. If you could help prepare a dish when loved ones pass away please sign up in the foyer. If you are already on the list please sign up again because

the list is being revised. This is a great ministry to get in-volved in! If you have any questions please call Carolyn Lam-berth (887-6233) or Darlene Phillips (236-6378).

On Saturday, September 19th from 5:00

pm to 7:00 pm we will be hosting the Re-

joice Youth Rally. Best Friends from

Lubbock Christian University will be per-

forming! Bruce has invited all area youth

groups so if you can help in any way please contact him.

(706-8354) This promises to be full of fun, food, and fel-

lowship. Kids, don’t forget to invite all of your friends!

Just a reminder that the office will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day!

Page 3

Prayer Requests

We want to say "thank you!" to all the people who have minis-

tered to the Tidwell family.

Love Keith, Sherry, & Eileen

Your generous hearts made our time of sorrow easier to bear. Thank you for the prayers, food, words of comfort, and the love you so generously displayed to us during our time of sorrow. Ernestine Bryan, Ed Harris,

Johny Harris, Shirley Crabb, Gaytha & Delton Cravery Families

Amber Groves received a good report from her Doctor at MD Anderson.

Danny Huber, Cynthia Huber’s son, starts chemo and radia-tion on September 3rd.

Melvin Morrow has been moved to Lakeview. (Room 29)

Katie Peterson is in the local hospital. (1911 W Pierce St #216)

Terry Stuart, Beth Becker’s brother-in-law, has prostate cancer. (2702 Topley, Las Cruces, NM 88005)

Terry Wilson is home from the hospital. (1904 Solana)

Continue to remember the following in your prayers as they heal: Audrey Fisher, Linda Harris, Emma Harrington, Lorie Mitchell, Lavonne Neatherlin, and Dub Williams.

The following people have cancer and need prayers for healing: Penny Burns, Linda Bissett, Rosie Borunda, Abigail Denton, Karla Ellis, Amber Groves, Cassie Hilburn, Gil & Becky Sanchez, Steve Stafford, Jan Tidwell, Joncie Thomp-son, Mary Walterscheid, Angie Voliya, Lorraine White, and Dee Witherspoon.

Our shut-ins: Grace Autry, Daphna Brown, Bob & Velma Brown, Walter Carlson, Pauline Crisman, Jonell Darling, Louise Dodson, Jo Hyden.

Prayer Connection Cards: Alex Andazola, Dave Baker, Tom Beeson, Rodney Halford, Armando & Cindy Herrera, Spen-sor Family.

New Classes Start Sunday!

I hope you all enjoyed Promotion Sunday as much as I did. Seeing all of our kids up front together was a great encouragement to me, and that sight reminded me that God has our future in His


I am excited to get started on a new quarter and a new year of Bible learning as our kids move up into their new classes. If you have a child moving into the “tunnel,” we will be painting

handprints on the wall this week, so try to be there if possible!

Have you ever woke up on Sunday morning and thought that you were just too tired to get up and get moving for Bible class? I know I have. Mike Veilleux taught many of us as teenagers that if you make a decision ahead of time, you don’t ever have to make that decision again. Decide now that you will be in Bible class every Sunday morn-ing, and you will never have to wake up on Sunday asking yourself if you are going to go today. I pray that we will all join together to wor-ship and learn this week and many more. Here is a list of reasons to

attend Sunday School that I wanted to share with you.

While sleeping late can be nice, have you considered the benefits of Sunday School attendance for your child. Here are 10 reasons to

make it a priority in your family.

1. Age Targeted Teaching: Where else can your kids get Biblical

instruction that's focused toward their developmental abilities?

2. Friends: In Sunday School, your child will build positive friendships

with their peers by discovering God's Word together.

3. It's Fun: Sunday School is not Disneyland, but our teachers do

work hard to teach the Bible in ways that are relevant and fun for kids.

4. Spiritual Mentors: A dedicated teacher can be a Christian role

model who supports you and helps inspire the faith of your child.

5. Systematic Bible Learning: Our curriculum is designed to give a broad foundation, so children will understand how all the parts of

Scripture point to Christ.

6. Praying Teachers: Our teachers consistently pray for your child's faith to grow. Coming to Sunday School gives another occasion for

God to answer those requests.

7. Big Reward For a Small Investment: If you're already coming to church, just come a little earlier. That one change will equal over 800

hours of additional Christian teaching before your child graduates.

8. Send the Right Message: Making Sunday School a priority shows

your kids that God's Word really does matter more than pillow-time.

9. Adult Bible Fellowship: While the children enjoy their class, you

can fellowship with other adults in your own Bible study group.

10. You'll Be On Time: Families who come to Sunday School always

get to worship on time. It's the easiest way to avoid being late.

Children’s Corner

By Jill Crandall

On Wednesday, August 19th we rejoiced with the angels when Shiloh Wyatt was bap-tized by his dad, Kane. Let’s welcome our new brother in Christ! (1215 Bryan Circle)

Chuck Shelton placed membership on Sunday,

August 23rd. Let’s make sure to give him a warm

Sunset welcome. His address is 2228 N Canal St

and his phone number is 575-200-1676.

Congratulations to Steven and Mandy Morgan for completing their Masters of Science Degree in Education. (612 N Oak)

1308 W Blodgett

Carlsbad, NM 88220

Phone: 575-887-1278

Fax: 575-887-8078

Contribution Detail For August 30, 2015

Sunset Bulletin Sunset Church of Christ 1308 W. Blodgett St. Carlsbad, NM 88220

PERIODICAL RATE Sunset Bulletin (USPS 913-140) Published weekly, except the last two weeks in December, by the Sunset Church of Christ meeting at 1308 West Blodgett Street, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220. Periodicals postage


Sunday, September 6, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. Speaker:

Paul Dowell

Worship Leader:

Mark Schinnerer


Mike Veilleux

Communion Service:

Alan Wood

Scripture Reading:

Orlando Ortiz

Wednesday Summer

Series Speaker

Men To Serve Communion:

Eugene Santo

Michael Sims

Dr. Michael Sims

Robert Stade

Dalton Stroble

J.R. Stroble

Cas Tabor

John Tigert


Blue Team

Welcome Desk:

Patti Johnson

Thank you for serving! If unable to serve during

worship, please call: Kelly Henry at 628-0091.

Sunset Church of Christ

Benevolence Ministry

Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter

Carlsbad Community Kitchen

Carlsbad Transitional Housing

Lakeview Chaplain

New Mexico Christian Children’s Home in Portales

Checks: $13,081.80 Bills: $228.00

Change: $7.95 Online: $595.00 Total: $13,912.75 Average: $9,455.65

Weekly Budget: $10,504.00 Weekly + or (-) (1,048.35)

Attendance Sunday AM Bible Class 124 Sunday AM 162 Sunday PM n/c

Small Group n/c

Ladies Bible Class n/c Wednesday n/c

Sunday Services

Sunday Bible Class 9:00 am

Morning Worship 10:00 am

Evening Worship 5:00 pm

Wednesday Fellowship

Ladies Bible Class 10:00 am

Bible Class 6:00 pm







Communion Service:

09-13-15 Larry Mitchell

09-20-15 Cody Layton

09-27-15 Barry McDowell

10-04-15 Mike Veilleux



















Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 24th for a Free

Sale. More details coming soon!

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