arcidiacono strategic maneuver

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver


    Strategic Maneuver.Analisi argomentativa in contesti


    Francesco Arcidiacono

    Universit di Neuchtel (Svizzera)

    Sapienza Universit di Roma, Scuola di Dottorato , 11 ottobre 2012

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    Key terms e qualche info Argomentazione: Universit di Neuchtel

    Co-responsabile progetto The development of argumentation in childrens interactionwithin ad hoc experimental and classroom contexts(+ didattica)

    Interazione sociale: Universit di Losanna

    Professore invitato Psychosociologie clinique I: questions gnrales

    Contesto/contesti: Universit per la Formazione degli insegnanti HEP-BEJUNE, Bienne

    Professore responsabile di progetti di ricerca

    Coordinatore UR Eterogeneit, integrazione scolastica e relaz. pedagogica

    Analisi qualitativa: Universit di Neuchtel e Mosca (MGPPU)

    Co-responsabile del progetto Doing research in education through qualitative analyses of

    social interaction2

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    Due premesse Interazioni sociali

    (Baucal, Arcidiacono & Budjevac, 2011)

    Explanatory perspective

    Social interaction is studied for

    instrumental reasons. It is not an

    object of study per se, it is ratherStudied in order to explain something

    that is outside of interaction

    (e.g. cognitive ability,

    self related characteristics)

    Analytic perspective

    Social interaction is the main object

    of research interest and it is analyzed

    in details in order to describe its diverse patterns and dynamics3

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    Perch largomentazione?

    Scambio ragionevole, co-costruzione di


    Qualitdei processi di socializzazione

    Conoscenza e capacit di interazione sociale


  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver


    Haute Ecole Pdagogique - BEJUNE5


    Activit rationnelle, verbale et sociale dont lobjectif est deconvaincre un esprit critique raisonnable de lacceptabilit dunpoint de vue en avanant une constellation de propositions

    justifiant ou rfutant la proposition exprime par le point de vue

    (van Eemeren & Grootendorst, 2004)

    Argumentation is considered as a mode of discourse in which theinvolved interlocutors are committed to reasonableness(Rigotti & Greco Morasso, 2009)

    Largomentazione: pluralit di definizioni.

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  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver

    7/27Haute Ecole Pdagogique - BEJUNE

    Argomentazione e ragione


    Ragione= perch come giustificazione

    perch pensiamo che une cose dovrebbe essereaffermata?

    Ragione= fondamento: la ragione per la quale una tesi sostenuta

    Ragione= perch consideriamo giusto il fatto di sostenere una certa

    opinione (giudizio, tesi,...)

    Il ragionamentonellargomentazione rappresenta una componentefondamentale dellimpegno (engagement) critico per:

    compendere, spiegare, chiarire un dubbiodecidere, prendere posizione, deliberare, consigliareaccrescere la conoscenza, fondare unopinionepersuadere

    valutare una proposta, una decisione, un comportamento

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    8/27Haute Ecole Pdagogique - BEJUNE


    Prospettiva psicosociale dellargomentazione


    Argomentazione = pratica discorsiva

    - Situazioni in cui il senso ambiguo (incerto)

    - Decisione da prendere, soluzione da trovare

    Argomentare per apprendere

    Apprendere a argomentare

    1) Dal punto di vista comunicativoDiscorso argomentativo forma (marcatori linguistici)

    = dimensione comunicativa particolare(prendere posizione su qcosa)

    2) Dal punto di vista cognitivoAbilit e competenze, capacit di decentrarsi

    3) Dal punto di vista educativoCo-elaborazione di nuove conoscenze

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    Prospettiva socio-culturale:- interazioni sociali

    - mediazioni simboliche (linguaggio, tecnologie, etc.)

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    Qualche modello di analisi

    Critical Discussion

    (van Eemeren & Grootendorst, 2004)

    Argumentum Model of Topic

    (Rigotti & Greco Morasso, 2009)


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    a) The Model of Critical Discussion

    it helps to identify argumentative moves (heuristic function), to

    evaluate their contribution to the resolution of the difference ofopinion (critical function), and to reconstruct the analytical

    overview in terms of a critical discussion (analytic function)

    4 ideal stages:

    - confrontation stage: the protagonist advances his standpointand meets with the antagonists doubts

    - opening stage: parties have to agree on some starting

    point (common ground)

    - argumentation stage: arguments are put forth for supporting

    or destroying the standpoint- concluding stage: it is possible for parties to reasonably

    resolve the differences of opinions

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    Different types of confrontation

    - single dispute: only one proposition is at issue

    - multiple dispute: two or more propositions are questioned- non-mixed dispute: only one standpoint with respect to aproposition is questioned

    - mixed dispute: two opposite standpoints regarding the sameproposition are questioned

    van Eemeren & Houtlosser (1999), van Eemeren (2010)

    notion of strategic maneuvering:

    allows to account for the arguers personal desire to win the

    cause (rhetorical aim) and for its dialectical counterpart (dialecticalaim), which is identified with the interlocutors commitment to

    maintain a standard of reasonableness

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    b) The Argumentum Model of Topics

    The AMT aims at systematically reconstructing the inferential configuration ofarguments, underlying the connection between a standpoint and the argument(s)

    in its support.The general principle underlying the reconstruction of the inferential

    configuration of an argumentative move is that of finding those implicit premises

    that are necessary in order for the argumentative move to be valid

    Two components- Topical: inferential connection activated by the argument, corresponding to theabstract reasoning that justifies the passage from the premises (arguments) to

    the conclusion (standpoint). The inferential connection underlying the argument

    is named with the traditional term maxim. Maxims are inferential connectionsgenerated by a certain semantic ontological domain named locus

    - Endoxical: implicit or explicit material premises shared by the discussants that,combined with the topical component, ground the standpoint. These premisesinclude endoxa, i.e. general principles, values, and assumptions that typicallybelong to the specific context, and data, basically coinciding with punctualinformation and facts regarding the specific situation at hand and usually

    representing the part of the argument that is made explicit in the text

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    Prmisse Mineure



    Prmisse Mineure


    Conclusion finale

    Premire conclus ion

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    La struttura degli argomenti

    Ce beurre est naturel.

    Il est fait avec le lait frais des Alpes.


    Il est fait avec le lait frais des Alpes

    ce beurre est naturel

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    Si la qualit du produit est

    bonne, le produit est bon

    Le lait frais des Alpes est


    Le lait frais des Alpes est la

    cause matrielle de ce beurre

    La cause matrielle de ce

    beurre est naturelle

    Ce beurre est naturel

    Prmisse Mineure


    Prmisse Mineure


    Conclusion finale

    Premire conclusion

  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver


    Esempi empirici

    Contesti diversi, attivit diverse:

    - Interazioni tra bambini (situazione quasi-sperimentale)

    - Interazioni in famiglia (cene)


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    18/27Haute Ecole Pdagogique - BEJUNE18


    Rivisitazione delle

    prove di conservazione

    dei liquidi

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    Argumentative Model of Topic

    Bigger the container,

    bigger the amount of


    The shape of a

    container indicates itsvolume

    Container A is bigger

    than container C

    Dimensions of container A are

    bigger than dimensions of

    container C

    Minor premise



    Minor premise


    Final conclusion

    First conclusion

    Container A cancontain

    more liquid than C

    Esempio: risposta di non conservazione

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    Conservation des quantits de liquide

    (Perret-Clermont, 1979)

    (Post-test, sujet non-conservant)

    Fa: galise les niveaux en A et A

    Exp: verse A en C et maintenant?

    Fa: cest pas la mme chose parce que ce verre (C) est plus large

    Exp: alors il y a plus ou moins?

    Fa: moins dans celui-ci (C)

    Exp: quest-ce que tu crois?

    Fa: avant, dans A, ctait la mme chose, mais maintenant cest plus

    large Exp: alors?

    Fa: ici (C) cest plus petit, l (A) cest plus grand

    Exp: il y a la mme chose ou plus dans un verre?

    Fa: avant ctait gal. Maintenant il y en a moins dans celui-ci (C) .

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    Si un rcipient a des dimensions

    majeures, il peutcontenir un

    contenu majeur

    La forme physique dun

    rcipient indique le volume

    (selon sa largueur,


    Le verre A est plus

    grand (plus haut) duverre C

    Ce verre (A) a des dimensions

    majeures du verre C

    Prmisse mineure



    Prmisse mineure


    Conclusion finale



    Ce rcipient peutcontenir

    plus de sirop du verre C

  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver



    Cf. Bova & Arcidiacono (2012)

    Excerpt: Family LUG, dinner 3; participants: MOM (mother, age: 32); DAD (father,

    age: 34); MAT (child 1, Matteo, age: 9); LEO (child 2, Leonardo, age: 5)

    1 *LEO: mamma:: guarda! *LEO: guarda cosa sto facendo con il limone

    *LEO: sto cancellando

    *LEO: sto cancellando questo colore

    %sit: MAM prende dei limoni e si china di fronte a LEO di modo che il suo

    viso risulti all'altezza di quello di LEO

    %sit: MAM posa alcuni limoni sul tavolo2 *LEO: dai dammelo

    3 *MOM: eh?

    4 *LEO: posso avere questo limone?

    5 *MOM: no:: no:: no:: no::

    6 *LEO: perch no?

    7 *MOM: perch no? perchLeonardo, mamma ha bisogno

    dei limoni

    8 *LEO: perch mamma?

    9 *MOM: perch, Leonardo, tuo pap vuole mangiare una

    buona insalataoggi [: con un tono di voce basso e dolce]

    10 *LEO: ah:: va bene mamma

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    Coarguers: Mother and Leonardo

    Issue: Can the child have the lemons?

    Type of difference of opinion: Single Mixed

    Mothers Standpoint (a): You cant have the lemons

    Childs Standpoint (b): I want the lemons

    Mothers Argument (a1): Mom needs the lemons

    Mothers Argument (a2): Dad wants to eat a good salad today

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  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver


    Piste, spunti, usi analitici

    Epistemology Analytic view on social exchanges

    Talk-in-interaction = way to study complexity and diversity of social interactions

    Development / Education

    Complexity of settings Different meanings, goals, emotions,

    Social nature of acgumentative activities

    Research Implications = social interactions as powerful modes of

    thinking Fruitful combination of conversational and discursive methods, argumentative

    models and typologies in order to implement learning designs


  • 7/26/2019 Arcidiacono Strategic Maneuver




    Baucal, A., Arcidiacono, F., & Budjevac, N. (Eds.) (2011) Studying interaction in difefrent

    contexts: A qualitative view. Belgrade: Institute of Psychology.

    Bova, A., Arcidiacono, F. (2012). Invoking the authority of feelings as a strategic maneuver in

    family mealtime conversations.Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.

    Eemeren van, F.H. (2010). Strategic Maneuvering in Argumentative Discourse.

    Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

    Eemeren van, F.H., & Grootendorst, R. (2004).A Systematic Theory of Argumentation: ThePragma-dialectical Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Eemeren van, F.H., & Houtlosser, P. (1999). Strategic manoeuvring in argumentative discourse.

    Discourse Studies, 1(4), 479-497.

    Perret-Clermont, A.-N. (1979). La construction de l'intelligence dans l'interaction sociale.Berne:

    Peter Lang.

    Rigotti, E., & Greco Morasso, S. (2009). Argumentation as an object of interest and as a

    social and cultural resource. In N. Muller Mirza & A.-N. Perret-Clermont (Eds.),

    Argumentation and Education. Theoretical Foundations and Practices(pp. 9-66). New York:


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