archive: gerard santinelli’s position statement on healthcare in the 2008 election

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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The US is on the cutting edge in medical innovation and education, and yet our world rank in healthcare is 39th, according to the World Health Organization. Why? Gerard Santinelli believes it is because our medical industry operates for profit, and compassion for our sick doesn’t gel well with profit. To ensure that Americans who get sick aren’t left with the bleak choices of going without care or mortgaging their children’s future, Gerard Santinelli believes it’s necessary to have everyone chip in to help.


Archive: Gerard Santinelli’s Position Statement On Healthcare

In The 2008 Election

Gerard Santinelli

Healthcare In The 2008 Election

Archive: Gerard Santinelli’s Position Statement On Healthcare

In The 2008 Election

The US is on the cutting edge in medical innovation and education, and yet our world rank in healthcare is 39th, according to the World Health Organization. Why? Gerard Santinelli believes it is because our medical industry operates for profit, and compassion for our sick doesn’t gel well with profit. To ensure that Americans who get sick aren’t left with the bleak choices of going without care or mortgaging their children’s future, Gerard Santinelli believes it’s necessary to have everyone chip in to help.

Archive: Gerard Santinelli’s Position Statement On Healthcare

In The 2008 Election

Mr. Santinelli believes this is what Ralph Nader wants to do. His plan calls for providing universal healthcare and paying for it with a flat tax for everyone. We know, we know — the stigmatized s- word. Before running off to Canada, Gerard Santinelli and Ralph Nader ask you to consider the benefits a socialized healthcare plan would provide.

In addition to fulfilling the moral obligation to care for our sick and poor, Nader’s plan would help the economy. Some US companies are struggling to compete in the global marketplace because they, unlike companies in countries where government covers healthcare, have to shoulder the healthcare costs of their employees.

As CEO of Santinelli International, Gerard Santinelli relates to this issue with his company. The burden on taxpayers from a socialized plan might look large, and would certainly cost those fortunate enough to stay healthy more than they’re paying now.

Archive: Gerard Santinelli’s Position Statement On Healthcare

In The 2008 Election

But Mr. Santinelli asks you to consider that under Nader’s plan employees would be earning a higher base pay because employers wouldn’t have to take healthcare costs out of wages.

In Gerard Santinelli’s view, Obama wants to ensure the poor receive care, but he has been less than explicit about where the money for this will come from, offering that ‘inefficiencies will need to be cut.’ Speaking of inefficiencies, Obama’s plan stops short of reaping the economy of scale efficiencies Nader’s plan provides.

Mr. Santinelli’s view on John McCain: McCain wants to essentially end employer care, deregulate the market, and let families shop around in all 50 states for their insurance company with a $5000 tax break. While opening up the market would likely drive prices down, Gerard Santinelli believes the elderly would be left out to dry: McCain’s plan would cut over $800 billion in medicare at a time when the baby boomers are retiring and relying on that help.

Archive: Gerard Santinelli’s Position Statement On Healthcare

In The 2008 Election

Gerard Santinelli

Thanks!Thanks!- Gerard Santinelli

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