archaeometric investigation of red-figure pottery fragments...

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  • DOI 10.1393/ncc/i2008-10297-1

    IL NUOVO CIMENTO Vol. 31 C, N. 3 Maggio-Giugno 2008

    Archaeometric investigation of red-figure pottery fragments fromGioiosa Guardia (Messina, Sicily) by INAA, FT-IR and TOF-NDtechniques

    D. Barilaro(1), V. Crupi(1), S. Interdonato(1), F. Longo(1), G. Maisano(1),D. Majolino(1)(∗), V. Venuti(1), G. Barone(2), P. Mazzoleni(2), G. Tigano(3),S. Imberti(4) and W. Kockelmann(5)(1) Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Messina and CNISM, UdR Messina - C.da Papardo

    S.ta Sperone 31, 98166 Messina, Italy(2) Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università di Catania - Corso Italia 57

    95129 Catania, Italy(3) Soprintendenza Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Messina, Sezione Archeologica

    Viale Boccetta 38, 98100, Messina, Italy(4) CNR, Istituto Sistemi Complessi: Sezione di Firenze - Via Madonna del Piano 10

    50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy(5) ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Didcot, OX11 0QX, UK

    (ricevuto il 4 Settembre 2008; revisionato il 3 Dicembre 2008; approvato il 3 Dicembre 2008;pubblicato online il 13 Gennaio 2009)

    Summary. — The present work is addressed to the study of some precious ancientpottery fragments, coming from the archaeological site of Gioiosa Guardia, in theTirrenean Coast of Sicily. On the basis of historical and aesthetic considerations, thefindings are dated back to VI-V century b. C. and show a surface entirely decoratedby red-figure technique, typical of Attic production. Many doubts arise about thereal provenance of the artefacts. On one side, they could come directly from Greece,as attested by trading patterns between Greece and Southern Italy, on the otherside, they could be produced in Sicily under the Greek artistic influence. In orderto obtain a detailed characterization of the samples, a microdistructive investiga-tion was performed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), Fouriertransform infrared absorption (FT-IR) and a non-invasive analysis by time-of-flightneutron diffraction (TOF-ND). Starting from the identification of the mineralogicaland geochemical composition, a correct classification of the shards can be achieved.

    PACS 29.30.Hs – Neutron spectroscopy.PACS 33.20.Ea – Infrared spectra.PACS 81.05.Je – Ceramics and refractories (including borides, carbides, hydrides,nitrides, oxides, and silicides).

    (∗) E-mail:

    c© Società Italiana di Fisica 371


    1. – Introduction

    Potteries, present from ancient times and typical product of the culture of every singlepeople, represent the richest of data testimony of the ancient world. In addition, theyassociate to the richness of historical information an interesting physical complexity dueto the coexistence, in the same sample, of amorphous and crystalline phases.

    Scientific examination of pottery is one of the oldest fields in archaeometry. Studieson these findings allowed to get chemical-physical information such as the compositionin terms of element and minerals [1-7], mesoscopic structures [7, 8], up to macroscopicinhomogeneities [9-12]. This information is very precious for the dating of the artefact,for the individuation of its provenance or authenticity and for the characterization of themanufacture technique, and hence, in principle, for the reconstruction of the commercialand cultural exchanges among populations.

    Obviously, the search for non-invasive or, at least, microdestructive techniques is ofparamount importance when dealing with objects of great historic, cultural and artisticvalue, in order to eliminate cutting, coring or drilling of the finding involved in a samplingprocedure or to reduce the amount of extracted material to a minimum.

    The high-penetration capability of neutrons makes neutron methods ideal non-destructive tools for archaeometric investigations [13]. In addition, the exposure of aconsiderable volume portion of the object in the beam allows for an averaged and statis-tically meaningful structural information, representative of the bulk of the entire artefact.

    Neutron beam has been frequently used as a probe for archaeometric research inhigh-sensitivity element specific prompt gamma activation analysis for provenance stud-ies [14], whereas neutron radiography provides a high-resolution inside view of intact andbulky objects [15,16].

    Some years ago, systematic archaeometric studies for the characterization of archaeo-logical findings by neutron diffraction started and grew up very rapidly [17-21]. Quantita-tive information on mineral and metal phases composition, crystal structure parametersof each phase, grain sizes and orientations can be obtained. Texture analysis can beperformed, in order to go deep into the thermal treatment of the sample, gaining detailsof its production steps [22-26].

    In this framework, we present here the results of the joint employment of microde-sctructive techniques such as Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) andFourier transform infrared absorption (FT-IR), and non-destructive such as time-of-flightneutron diffraction (TOF-ND), for the characterization of some precious ancient potteryshards coming from Gioiosa Guardia (Sicily, Southern Italy).

    The archaeological site of Gioiosa Guardia, in the Tirrenean Coast of Sicily betweenCapo Calavà and Capo d’Orlando (see fig. 1), discovered in 80s and only partially ex-plored, revealed a habitative continuity from prehistoric to classical age [27, 28]. Theexcavations brought to light a wide part of the Greek built-up area lying on the rests oftwo previous settlements dated back to the ancient Bronze and Iron Ages. In the site, abig variety of artefacts can be recognized, mainly belonging to the most recent habitativeperiod (VI–V century b. C.). The findings coming from this archeological site have notbeen studied up to now from the archaeometric point of view and, in addition, no histor-ical fonts exist concerning the period these potteries belong to. We focused our attentionon four red-figure pottery fragments that exhibit similar macroscopic characteristics.

    The main task of the study is, first of all, to verify if samples are also comparablefrom the microscopic point of view and, starting from their microscopic structure, toidentify the production areas and to get information on the firing temperatures. The


    Fig. 1. – Map of Gioiosa Guardia (Province of Messina, Sicily, Southern Italy).

    extracted information will be very useful in order to reconstruct the economical andcultural exchange patterns between this “anonymous” centre and the other Greek centresof the Coast, and to hypothesize the technological level of this specific community.

    2. – Experimental

    2.1. Samples. – The investigated samples, labelled GI-27, GI-28, GI-29 and GI-30,were red-figure pottery fragments, belonging to a set of shards excavated from the afore-mentioned Gioiosa Guardia site, dated back to VI-V century b. C. As an example, thephotos of the fragments GI-27 and GI-28 are shown in fig. 2 (a) and (b), respectively.

    The Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Messina (the Local Gov-ernment in Charge for Cultural Heritage) requested, within an established collaboration,the characterization and authentication of the fragments as a prerequisite for their cat-aloguing.

    The macroscopic investigation allowed us to point out the most important featuresrelevant to the “granulometry”, the presence or not of inclusions in the ceramic bodyand the colour, described according to MUNSELL Soil Colour Chart. The results arereported in table I.

    2.2. INAA measurements. – Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis [29] is a mi-crodestructive trace element technique, capable of measuring up to 35 elements at theppb to percent level in most materials. INAA is dependent on measuring primary gammaradiation which is emitted by the radioactive isotopes produced by irradiating samplesin a nuclear reactor. Each element which is activated will emit a “fingerprint” of gammaradiation which can be measured and quantified.


    Fig. 2. – Pictures of sample GI-27 (a) and GI-28 (b).

    As it requires no chemistry, there is little worry of contamination or whether theelements in question are in solution. The additional worry of whether there are abnormalamounts of a particular element which will cause chemical or instrumental interferencesis also generally avoided with INAA. INAA is exceptionally sensitive to a number oftrace elements (gold, arsenic, antimony, tantalum, uranium, thorium, etc.), many ofthem very difficult and expensive to determine by conventional chemical procedures.The INAA technique does not require the expensive and slow ashing procedure of otherchemical methods. This lack of ashing prevents potential loss of certain elements andimproves the reliability of data due to lesser sample handling and potential human error.

    INAA measurements have been performed by a contract analytical service furnishedby the Actlabs (Activation Laboratories Ltd.) Group of Companies in Ancaster, Ontario.

    The 4A-Research-INAA code was used, whose detailed description is reported in web site.

    2.3. FT-IR measurements. – FT-IR analysis was carried out by using a BOMEM DA8FTIR spectrometer. The experimental set-up was equipped with a Globar lamp source,a KBr beamsplitter and a DTGS/MIR detector, that spanned a spectral range from 450to 4000 cm−1. In such a configuration it was possible to use a resolution of 4 cm−1. Theinvestigated samples were prepared in pellets, about 0.5 mm thick, using small quantities


    Table I. – Macroscopic description of all the analysed fragments.

    Sample Granulometry

    Colour Inclusions Voids

    Surface(MUNSELL (frequency, (frequency ThicknessSoil Colour colour and and (cm)

    Chart) dimension) dimension)

    GI-27 fine2.5YR 7/6

    absentvery rare

    smooth 0.6(light red) Ø < 1 mm

    GI-28 fine

    Varying from

    absent smooth 0.6

    2.5YR 8/2(pinkish

    very rarewhite) to

    Ø < 1 mm2.5YR 7/3

    (light reddishbrown)

    GI-29 fine2.5YR 8/3

    absentvery rare

    smooth 0.7(pink) Ø < 1 mm

    GI-30 fine

    2.5YR 8/4

    absent smooth 0.3(pink) with very rareedge 2.5YR Ø < 1 mm5/6 (red)

    (∼ 2 mg) of bulk sample dispersed in ∼ 200 mg of powdered CsI, that is transparent inthe investigated frequency range. The measurements were performed in dry atmosphereto avoid dirty contributions. 32 repetitive scans were automatically added to obtain agood signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and a spectra reproducibility of high quality as well.The experimental IR spectra were compared with Sadtler database [30] (“Mineral andClays”) in order to interpret the spectral features. We remark that, even if a samplingis necessary, the quantity of powdered sample required for the measurement is just 2 mg,so the requirement of micro-destructivity is fulfilled.

    2.4. TOF-ND measurements. – From a general point of view, in a powder diffractionexperiment the resulting pattern of diffraction peaks is a fingerprint characteristic forthe whole assembly of crystalline phases in the sample, in the form of scattered intensityvs. diffraction angle (angle-dispersive mode) or scattered intensity vs. diffraction energy(energy-dispersive mode) [31].

    In both cases, the interaction is formalized by Bragg’s law:

    (1) λ = 2dhkl sin θ,

    where the incident neutron wavelength λ is comparable with the lattice plane spacingdhkl of a mineral.

    Measuring in the angle-dispersive mode, the wavelength λ is maintained constant us-ing monochromatic radiation, and diffraction peaks are obtained at varying scatteringangles 2θ, depending on the distribution of the distances dhkl between the crystallo-graphic planes. On the other side, in the energy-dispersive mode, that we used in ourmeasurements, the incident neutron energy is varied and discriminated by measuring the


    Table II. – Instrumental parameters of INES diffractometer.

    Wavelength 0.17–3.24 Å

    Incident flight path 22.804 m

    Scattered flight path 1 m

    Angular range 11.6◦–170.6◦

    Q range 0.4–60 Å−1

    d range 0.1–16 Å

    Beam size 40 × 40 mm2

    neutron flight time t = TOF on a distance L from source to detector. The scatteredintensity, measured at a fixed angle 2θ, will exhibit diffraction peaks as a function ofneutron energy or wavelength. Using the de Broglie relationship it is easy to connect tto the dhkl-spacing:

    (2) t = 505.56Ldhkl sin θ.

    We carried out the neutron diffraction (ND) measurements on samples GI-27, GI-29 and GI-30 by the time-of-flight (TOF) diffractometer INES installed at the neutronspallation source ISIS (Rutherfored Appleton Laboratory, UK) having one of the mainapplications in the field of archaeometry, for a highly reliable determination of compo-sition of ceramics. Its wide sample tank (diameter = 80 cm) allows the measurementof bulky archaeological artefacts without any prior preparation, so in a non-destructiveway. The layout of this instrument is reported in table II.

    Static measurement configurations and relatively long acquisition times (6-7 h) wereused for phase analysis. The refinement of the phase weight fractions and/or structureparameters from the acquired d-spacing spectra were achieved using the public-domainprogram suite GSAS [32], by following the well-established quantitative multi-bank Ri-etveld analysis [33].

    3. – Results and discussion

    3.1. INAA data. – In table III we report the INAA data obtained for the analysedpottery fragments.

    Samples GI-27 and GI-30 show similar contents of Cr, Ni, As, Ce, Co, La, Na, Sband Th. Furthermore, they differ from samples GI-28 and GI-29 for the higher contentsof Ni, Cr, As, Co and Sb, and lower contents of La, Ce, Na e Th.

    As can be seen, the most significant result is represented by the tenors in Cr andNi that turn out to be definitively higher for GI-27 and GI-30 findings with respect toGI-28 and GI-29. This occurrence allowed us to get important information concerningthe provenance area of the samples under study. As is shown in the Cr vs. Ni variationplot (fig. 3), the concentrations of these two elements for GI-27 and GI-30 belong to thecompositional field of the ceramics of Greek production [34], whereas GI-28 and GI-29,exhibiting notably lower tenors indicating a Western production [34] with amounts similarto those of some ceramics of the Strait area.


    Table III. – INAA results for all the analysed fragments (the data are all expressed in ppm,with the exception of Ca and Fe that are expressed in %).

    Element GI-27 GI-28 GI-29 GI-30 Det. Lim.

    Cr 544 275 165 595 0.50

    As 70 54 18 93 1.00

    Ba 540 600 580 730 50.0

    Ca 3.3 3.9 6.6 3 0.20

    Ce 71 95 100 80 1.00

    Co 42 25 28 44 0.50

    Cs 4.1 3.6 3.5 5.5 0.50

    Eu < 0.05 2 1.6 1.8 0.05

    Fe 6.21 5.59 6.46 6.66 0.01

    Hf 3 5 3 4 0.20

    La 35.6 48.6 50 39.8 0.10

    Lu 0.44 0.52 0.46 0.5 0.01

    Na 4000 8690 7580 4600 50.0

    Nd 92 91 120 77 3.00

    Ni 380 < 50 < 50 390 50.0

    Rb 70 80 90 80 10.0

    Sb 1.9 1.1 0.7 2 0.10

    Sc 22.2 22.1 21.9 25.8 0.01

    Sm 6.92 8.6 7.99 7.77 0.01

    Th 13 17 18 13 0.20

    Yb 3.2 3.7 3.2 3.4 0.05

    Zn 320 320 390 280 20.0

    3.2. FT-IR data. – All the four samples were investigated by FT-IR absorbance spec-troscopy. The recorded spectra were deconvoluted by a best-fit procedure in order toachieve, by a comparison with standard data, a reliable assignment of each band tothe corresponding compound and then to obtain the identification of the mineralogicalphases in the pottery. The findings were investigated both in the inner bulk (sampleslabelled as GI-27 int, GI-28 int, GI-29 int, GI-30 int) and on the surface layer (sampleslabelled as GI-27 ext, GI-28 ext, GI-29 ext, GI-30 ext). In particular, the external layerwas analysed in order to tentatively identify the colouring agents used for the artisticdecorations. Figure 4 shows a typical example of FT-IR spectrum as obtained, in all theinvestigated range, for the inner bulk and the external layer of GI-29 sample.

    Figures 5 and 6 report for the inner and external part of GI-27 and GI-28 samplesrespectively, as examples, the results of the best fit performed on the experimental FT-IR


    Fig. 3. – Ni vs. Cr variation plot for all the analysed fragments (squares: GI-28 and GI-29,diamonds: GI-27 and GI-30), as obtained by INAA measurements, together with the areasin which the reference data are confined (blue area: Western production, pink area: Greekproduction).

    500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

    IR a



    e (a

    rb. u



    Wavenumber (cm-1)


    Fig. 4. – FT-IR spectra in the 450–3800 cm−1 range for the inner bulk (solid line) and theexternal layer (dotted line) of GI-29 sample.


    500 600 700 800

    1500 1600 1700 1800

    1500 1600 1700 1800

    500 600 700 800

    GI-27 (int)

    IR a



    e (a

    rb. u



    Wavenumber (cm-1)

    GI-28 (int)

    IR a



    e (a

    rb. u



    Wavenumber (cm-1)

    Fig. 5. – FT-IR spectra in the 450–850 cm−1 range for the inner bulk of GI-27 (top) and GI-28 (bottom) samples, together with the theoretical fit (continuous line) and the deconvolutioncomponents (dashed lines). In the inset of each figure, the best-fit results for the 1450–1850 cm−1

    range are shown.

    spectra in the most significant frequency ranges from 450 to 850 cm−1 and from 1450 to2000 cm−1. Indeed, in the range from 850 to 1450 cm−1 in order to avoid an overinter-pretation of the data, the large band has been not fitted.

    The wave-numbers of the single components, obtained as best-fit parameters, were as-signed by a comparison with the typical wave-numbers of the contributions to the FT-IRspectra of minerals given in the Sadtler database “Mineral and Clays” [30], and allowedus to distinguish, as main components of the pottery findings, quartz, feldspar, plagio-clase, diopside, wollastonite, clay and iron oxides. They are reported in tables IV and Vfor the inner bulk and the external layer of all the investigated samples, respectively.In addition, minerals within the same class exhibit a similar spectrum but with somedifferences in the frequencies of their characteristic peaks, so a further distinction hasbeen achieved. The feldspar minerals present in the ceramic paste were revealed to beorthoclase and microcline. As far as plagioclases are concerned, they seem to be mainlyof bytownitic nature.


    500 600 700 800

    500 600 700 800

    1500 1600 1700 1800

    1500 1600 1700 1800

    GI-27 (ext)

    IR a



    e (a

    rb. u



    GI-28 (ext)

    IR a



    e (a

    rb. u



    Wavenumber (cm-1)

    Fig. 6. – FT-IR spectra in the 450–850 cm−1 range for the external layer of GI-27 (top) and GI-28 (bottom) samples, together with the theoretical fit (continuous line) and the deconvolutioncomponents (dashed lines). In the inset of each figure, the best-fit results for the 1450–1850 cm−1

    range are shown.

    Again, diopside and/or wollastonite are detected in all the analysed samples. Theidentification of these two neo-formation minerals attests a firing temperature higher than900 ◦C because, as is well known [35,36], they originate from chemical reactions betweenquartz and carbonates occurring at 900 ◦C. Then, this evidence is strictly related to thefiring process of the ceramics and gives information about the manufacture technologyof the pottery. As far as the clay materials are concerned, the presence of both illite andmontmorillonite can be assumed. Montmorillonite usually fades away for temperatureshigher than 200 ◦C, but the hypothesis of such a low firing temperature contrasts withthe wide and attested documentation about the pottery manufacture. Montmorillonitecould derive from hydrolysis processes occurring during the burial period of the findings.

    Even if the mineralogical composition of the samples appears rather uniform, thecharacterization obtained by FT-IR data allowed us to get similarities in the obtainedwave-numbers between GI-27 and GI-30 (for both the inner bulk and the external layer)and between GI-28 and GI-29 shards. Then, in agreement with INAA results, two sub-

  • AR

























    Table IV. – Band components FT-IR wave-number revealed for the inner bulk of all the analysed samples by the curve fitting procedure andtheir assignment (for each wave-number, we indicated in brackets other contributions the peak is convoluted with: quartz = Qz, orthoclase = Or,Microcline = Mi, bytownite = Bw, diopside = Di, wollastonite = Wo, illite = Il, montmorillonite = Mont, iron oxides = Ir Ox).

    Assignment GI-27 int GI-28 int GI-29 int GI-30 int


    458.7 (Or) 461.0 (Or) 460.7 (Or) 457.9 (Or)506.5 (Di) 506.4 (Di) 506.5 (Di) 505.8 (Di)695.2 695.9 695.3 695.0778.4 778.8 778.4 778.1797.8 797.8 797.6 797.9



    458.7 (Qz) 461.0 (Qz) 460.7 (Qz) 457.9 (Qz)528.9 (Mi) 532.4 (Mi) - 529.4 (Mi)579.3 (Bw) 581.0 (Bw) 581.1 (Bw) 578.3 (Bw)639.4 (Mi, Wo) 638.3 (Mi, Wo) 636.9 (Mi, Wo) 637.6 (Mi, Wo)722.6 (Mi) 718.8 (Mi) 727.7 (Mi) 725.9 (Mi)


    476.9 479.3 479.1 477.2484.3 484.8 484.9 484.6528.9 (Or) 532.4 (Or) - -- 573.0 573.6 529.4 (Or)639.4 (Or, Wo) 638.3 (Or, Wo) 636.9 (Or, Wo) 637.6 (Or, Wo)722.6 (Or) 718.8 (Or) 727.7 (Or) 725.9 (Or)766.2 765.6 764.3 768.1

    Plagioclase Bytownite

    541.2 - 543.2 540.5579.3 (Or) 581.0 (Or) 581.1 (Or) 578.3 (Or)624.7 (Di) 624.6 (Di) 625.8 (Di) 625.1 (Di)- 736.4 736.0 -

    Diopside506.5 (Qz) 506.4 (Qz) 506.5 (Qz) 505.8 (Qz)624.7 (Bw) 624.6 (Bw) 625.8 (Bw) 625.1 (Bw)- 664.7 664.6 -

    Wollastonite564.4 566.1 560.2 564.4639.4 (Or, Mi) 638.3 (Or, Mi) 636.9 (Or, Mi) 637.6 (Or, Mi)678.8 673.9 673.8 677.9


    Illite1629.5 1634.8 1634.8 1643.83200–3600 range (Mont) 3200–3600 range (Mont) 3200–3600 range (Mont) 3200–3600 range (Mont)


    467.6 (Ir Ox) 467.7 467.7 (Ir Ox) 469.1 (Ir Ox)520.6 515.4 518.8 520.2610.9 611.4 611.6 611.43200–3600 range (Il) 3200–3600 range (Il) 3200–3600 range (Il) 3200–3600 range (Il)

    Iron Oxides467.6 (Mont) 467.7 (Mont) 467.7 (Mont) 469.1 (Mont)553.8 557.5 550.3 553.3

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    .Table V. – The same as table IV but for the external layer.

    Assignment GI-27 ext GI-28 ext GI-29 ext GI-30 ext


    458.9 (Or) 459.6 (Or) 459.8 (Or) 460.8 (Or)506.4 (Di) 508.1 (Di) 506.3 (Di) 505.8 (Di)693.9 695.1 693.8 694.7778.2 779.4 780.0 777.8798.2 797.4 797.3 798.1



    458.9 (Qz) 459.6 (Qz) 459.8 (Qz) 460.8 (Qz)531.0 (M) 532.1 (Mi) - 533.0 (Mi)580.5 (Bw) 579.7 (Bw) 586.0 (Bw) 579.4 (Bw)641.1 (Mi, Wo) 638.1 (Mi, Wo) 635.2 (Mi, Wo) 640.7 (Mi, Wo)725.7 (Mi) 726.8 (Mi) 728.6 (Mi) 726.3 (Mi)


    477.1 477.6 - 477.1- 484.5 484.6 -531.0 (Or) 532.1 (Or) - 533.0 (Or)573.8 - 573.8 575.7641.1 (Or, Wo) 638.1 (Or, Wo) 635.2 (Or, Wo) 640.7 (Or, Wo)725.7 (Or) 726.8 (Or) 728.6 (Or) 726.3 (Or)764.1 770.3 768.7 765.5

    Plagioclase Bytownite542.9 541.2 543.4

    579.4 (Or)580.5 (Or) 579.7 (Or) 586.0 (Or)

    624.7 (Di)625.9 (Di) 622.8 (Di) 623.0 (Di)

    Diopside506.4 (Qz) 508.1 (Qz) 506.3 (Qz) 505.8 (Qz)625.9 (Bw) 622.8 (Bw) 623.0 (Bw) 624.7 (Bw)669.6 - - 668.0

    Wollastonite- 564.9 563.1 -641.1 (Or, Mi) 638.1 (Or, Mi) 635.2 (Or, Mi) 640.7 (Or, Mi)681.8 676.8 674.6 682.4


    Illite1634.3 1620.3 1614.5 1637.03200–3600 range (Mont) 3200–3600 range (Mont) 3200–3600 range (Mont) 3200–3600 range (Mont)


    469.3 (Ir Ox) 466.8 (Ir Ox) 466.6 (Ir Ox) 467.8 (Ir Ox)521.6 523.2 519.6 520.4612.9 611.8 610.2 610.43200–3600 range (Il) 3200–3600 range (Il) 3200–3600 range (Il) 3200–3600 range (Il)

    Iron Oxides469.3 (Mont) 466.8 (Mont) 466.6 (Mont) 467.8 (Mont)554.2 555.2 554.4 551.2


    groups can be recognized, suggesting, for each of them, different regions of the originalmaterials.

    The presence of iron oxides is indicative for the deep red colour of the ceramic bodyand the red figures decoration. In particular, the presence of a higher amount of ironoxides on the surface layer of our samples could indicate that the colouring raw materialcould be a ferruginous clay that, during the three stages the firing process consists ofoxidizing, reducing and final re-oxidation, gives to the artefact the typical red and blackcolour.

    This result validates, for all the analyzed samples, the application of the typical Greekred-figures decoration process. Nevertheless, it is not sufficient to attribute the shards toan original Greek production. In fact, being Sicily a flourishing Magna Graecia region,and the Tyrrhenian-Ionic coast particularly, a deep Hellenic influence in local artisticmanufacture is highly presumable.

    3.3. TOF-ND data. – The measured diffraction patterns of the selected samples GI-29and GI-30 are reported in figs. 7 and 8, along with the calculated fitting profile (solidline) as obtained with the Rietveld analysis, and residuals (bottom curves). As example,we show three diffraction patterns among the forward and backscattering directions ofthe nine groups of detectors installed on INES facility. The detector group 3 (figs. 7(a)and 8(a)) is centred at about 2ϑ = 134.6◦ (dmin = 0.11 Å and dmax = 1.76 Å), thedetector group 5 (figs. 7(b) and 8(b)) is centred at about 2ϑ = 98.6◦ (dmin = 0.13 Åand dmax = 2.14 Å), and, finally, the detector group 7 (figs. 7(c) and 8(c)) is centredat about 2ϑ = 62.6◦ (dmin = 0.19 Å and dmax = 3.13 Å). Starting from the qualitativephase analysis obtained by FT-IR measurements, initial modelling of the observed NDdata during the refinement process was based on the presence of quartz (Qz), orthoclase(Or), bytownite (Bw), haematite (Hm), spinel (Sp), diopside (Di), as mineral phases.Then, calcite (Cc), gehlenite (Gh) and illite/muscovite (Il/Mu) were also added. Eachsample was firstly individually fitted with a number of phases. Afterwards, a group ofphases common to all samples was identified, due to the high homogeneity of the set offindings, and the samples were fitted with this common set of phases. Free parameterswere phase fractions, d-spacing zero shift, Debye-Waller factor except for muscovite forwhich it was fixed at the high value of 0.8 Å2. The structural parameters of the startingphases were taken from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database [37]. Unfortunately, thelack of a reliable structure model for illite/muscovite prevents the weight fraction of thismineral to be estimated, although its presence is clearly indicated by the appearanceof its characteristic Bragg peaks. As the Rietveld refinement is based on a relativedetermination of the phases amounts, that consequently is strongly related to the numberof the minerals included in the fit procedure, we choose to keep out illite/muscovite fromthe weight fractions computation. All the other mineral weight fractions have beenrenormalized to one. Table VI contains the obtained refined weight fractions as well asthe goodness-of-fit parameter Rwp that denotes the Rietveld profile R value (in percent).For a more direct visualization, they are also reported in fig. 9. Realistic estimates of theuncertainties on the weight fraction values are about 0.5% for all investigated samples.This means that all those mineral phases whose weight fraction is below this value haveto be considered as not present in the pottery. In the figures, the bar codes representthe theoretical peak positions of the mineral phases included in the fitting procedure(from Qz to Gh going from bottom to top). We remark that the Rietveld analysis hasbeen performed on the nine simultaneously collected data sets from the nine independentdetector groups with phase fractions as free parameters.


    Fig. 7. – TOF backscattering (a, b) and forward (c) neutron diffraction patterns for GI-29sample.

    The composition of the samples appears to be similar, except for the absence of calcitein fragment GI-30. Even if this is not a surprising result, since all the considered mineralsare typical components of pottery, the great advantage offered by neutron diffraction isto allow a complete and accurate identification of all the mineral phases in a totallynon-destructive way. The complete identification of the mineral phases allows to godeeper inside the manufacture technique. In particular, gehlenite detection can providefurther information about the firing temperature. In fact, since gehlenite disappears ata temperature around 900 ◦C, when diopside forms, the contemporary presence of thesetwo minerals could suggest a firing temperature ranging from ∼ 900 ◦C to ∼ 950 ◦C.

    From a deep inspection of the ND data, we observe that the quantities of quartz,bytownite, haematite and spinel are comparable for GI-27 and GI-30, in contrast with


    Fig. 8. – TOF backscattering (a, b) and forward (c) neutron diffraction patterns for GI-30sample.

    Table VI. – Refined weight fractions, as obtained from Rietveld analysis, together with goodness-of-fit parameters χ2 and Rwp.

    Sample Qz Or Bw Hm Sp Di Cc Gh χ2 Rwp

    GI-27 0.436 0.146 0.208 0.043 0.027 0.091 0.014 0.035 3.462 3.06

    GI-29 0.152 0.172 0.396 0.088 0.061 0.083 0.026 0.022 6.587 4.84

    GI- 30 0.455 0.148 0.252 0.023 0.035 0.062 n.d. 0.025 3.152 3.26

    n.d. = not detected.




















    ght f



    Mineral phases


    Fig. 9. – Histogram plot of phase fractions for the analysed samples: Qz, quartz, Bw, bytownite,Or, orthoclase; Hm, haematite; Sp, spinel; Di, diopside; Cc, calcite; Gh, gehlenite.

    GI-29, that exhibits a different behaviour. In particular, GI-29 reveals, if comparedto GI-27 and GI-30, a very low quartz percentage and higher amounts of bytownite,haematite and spinel.

    Again, as already attested by INAA and FT-IR absorbance, since any correlationwith the firing process can be inferred, these quantitative variations should be attributedto raw minerals extracted from different quarries.

    4. – Conclusions

    In the present work, a set of four ancient pottery shards was investigated. Thesamples, finely decorated with red figures, come from the archaeological site of GioiosaGuardia (Sicily) and are dated back to VI-V century b. C. The complementary applica-tion of several experimental microdestructive, such as INAA and FT-IR absorbance, andnon-destructive, such as TOF-ND, techniques allowed for a detailed characterization ofthe findings.

    Despite the low statistics due to the small number of the analysed fragments, thetrace element analysis, performed by INAA, allowed us to classify the findings into two


    sub-groups: on one side, GI-27 and GI-30 show Cr and Ni contents typical of the Greekproductions, whereas, on the other side, GI-28 and GI-29 exhibit values representativefor Western productions. Of course, this classification has to be considered only as a kindof example that could be more meaningfully applied when a larger number of samplesare available.

    FT-IR absorbance and TOF-ND techniques allowed, respectively, the qualitative andquantitative determination of the main phases in this type of pottery, revealing themineralogical compositions of the samples.

    The differences revealed in the mineralogical composition confirmed the grouping ofthe shards hypothesized by INAA, suggesting differences concerning the origin of thepotteries of each sub-group.

    For all the analysed samples, the firing temperature was estimated to be in the range of900–950 ◦C. In addition, FT-IR results revealed a higher amount of clay and iron oxideson the samples surface with respect to the inner bulk, thus validating the application ofthe typical Greek red-figures decoration process.

    Starting from the obtained information, a classification and cataloguing of the ancientfindings can be achieved. In addition, when used in combination with results fromother archaeometric methods, the present data can be very useful in order to formulatehypotheses concerning the provenance of the pottery.

    ∗ ∗ ∗

    This research has been financially supported by the PRIN2007.


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