april showers - drews park · how much is my house worth? simon evans deliberates on drews park...

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The newsletter of Drews Park Village ssociation spring 2016 Issue 35



Well here we are in early spring with

daffodils and snowdrops around us and

it’s time to give you an update on some

items since our last issue in the autumn.

We are still in constant contact with

Aster Communities to try and progress

outstanding items and the Committee

met them at their offices in November

and recently again in March. Some

items mentioned in the last issue in

maintenance work such as subsidence in

Thomas Wyatt Road, repairs to paths,

gutter cleaning, some lighting repairs,

have been carried out. However

improvements to signage and the TV

system, subsidence in lawn areas,

further repairs to paths, bin stores and roof down-pipes, and completion of

brushing to stone walls are still awaited. Following some complaints from

residents on the quality of lawn maintenance last year we attended a meeting at

Aster to discuss the tenders and a new contract is in the course of being

agreed subject to completion of the formal Consultation, with a specification

that we submitted.

We continue to liaise with Aster on items of interest to all owners related to

service charges and audits, repair expenditure and building insurance and are

currently monitoring progress with the external painting work to be carried out

later this year. Most importantly we have been in discussion with them on a

condition survey recently carried out to determine the appropriate level of our

sinking fund contributions, and Aster will be sharing the results of this survey

with us at a public meeting to be held in late April.

DPVA also continues to represent the residents of Drews Park with the

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust who own the old cricket pitch and orchard; I met them

with Drews Pond Wood Project in early March to hear their plans for these

areas. We are also discussing parking issues with them and Aster arising from



increased future use due to work to the orchard and completion of the new

housing at Drews Meadow later this year.

As a voluntary organisation we exist solely to represent our members in

protecting the unique heritage of Drews Park. You should have received a letter

from Robin Mitchell about this earlier this year, and

to complement that please also read the piece on page 9. Finally, as always, many

thanks to Lisa Penington for

all her hard work as editor of

Drews News.

Best regards

Peter Benns

Chair DPVA


You will have received a Section 20 Consultation letter in December. The

Association made some suggestions for contractors and possibly some other

owners may have done so too. Aster took note of the Association’s specification

– regarding the number of cuts, the ‘striped’ effect we prefer, the use of small

hand mowers on grass near to houses etc., and results have been circulated to


Aster and the DPVA have interviewed one of the companies formerly unknown to

us and in the near future the Consultation will be completed by Aster and you

will see the tenders under consideration.

It is always a step into the unknown when we take on a new contractor for our

lovely gardens but we hope the company selected will be keen to work to our


* * * * *



Simon Evans deliberates on Drews Park house values…

Anyone who owns their own property always has this question somewhere at the

back of their mind. Very often it is associated with another

question: has it kept its value? By that we often mean that if

we sell our present place and move on, will we be able to buy

the same sort of place or better.

Ideally we want the value of our house to rise and everyone else’s to stay the

same. This has happened to Londoners in recent years, as prices in the capital

have accelerated at a rate unseen elsewhere in the country. Half the people

buying property in Wiltshire now come from outside the county, and many of

those outsiders are Londoners. To them houses that to us seem expensive look

very cheap.

Houses in Drews Park are lovely properties, why aren’t they worth more? Houses

are, of course, worth exactly what people are prepared to pay for them. Drews

Park presents drawbacks for some people; these restrict the number of

potential buyers, and the price they are willing to pay.

The first drawback is that the properties are leasehold, even though 999 years

is virtually a Freehold. Many potential buyers see the word ‘leasehold’ and

promptly look elsewhere. Other drawbacks are that ground rent and service

charges are payable, there are no private gardens and there are strict rules

about pets. These all inhibit some buyers, although they may encourage others.

How can I find out what my house is worth? There are several websites

offering this sort of service. The easiest to use is Zoopla, but it tends to

overestimate values, so treat its numbers with caution. Recently Zoopla showed

the least expensive house at Drews Park as worth £124,000 and the highest

£475,000. The average value was £175,000 and the median £168,000.

Will things get better? The increasing development of Devizes will make Drews

Park look more attractive. It is a spacious and elegant building with acres of

lawns, and little possibility of additional development nearby. It has more

accessible public open space near it than almost anywhere else in Devizes. The

future for your house price may be rosier than you think.



We frequently see old mattresses put out to the bin stores. These are NOT

collected by the vans who only collect household rubbish and

certain articles of recycling –

limited to glass, tins, paper and plastic/cardboard. Take

them to Hopton Court!

TVs and old fridges should also be taken to Hopton Court recycling Centre, Devizes. If you

leave them at the bin stores, Drews Park leaseholders (charge

payers) have to pay for them to be removed when it is YOUR

responsibility to dispose of them.

Washing machines and other electronics – most suppliers will take

your broken down one away at a moderate cost when buying a new

one. Otherwise they should be taken to Hopton Court. If you have no

transport the local Authority will remove large articles at a cost –

they will tell you the cost if you phone them. It may be economic to

get together with another resident to dispose of articles as

several articles can be removed by Wiltshire

County Council at a fixed cost.

But none of us has the right to incur cost for other residents by leaving things by the

bin stores that will NOT be taken away by the Council. Last year owners paid over

£1,000 for removal of articles that didn’t belong to them!

* * * * *



Dick Powney has discovered a good game...

Some of us may have found the ideal game for Drews Park! It suits all ages from

six years upwards, is ideal for our lawns and paths, will not damage cars or

houses and does not involve ball throwing, hitting or kicking.

The game is called Mölkky, a Finnish skittle

game, popular nowadays from France to

Japan, and even has a World Championship.

It requires a simple set of twelve,

numbered, skittles (or "pins") a few inches

high. An extra throwing pin for knocking

over numbered pins is light and easy to toss

(always underhand). A pitch is about ten

paces (a small area of lawn, and a path edge

as a fixed throwing point). The numbered

pins are grouped together on the grass.

The basic aim is to score exactly fifty

points to win. Players score their points by

using the throwing pin to knock over as many pins as they can, scoring simply 2

for 2, 3 for 3 (completely knocked over) and so on. However, if only one is

knocked down, the thrower takes the score written on that pin.

This is a game of chance and cunning, since it requires EXACTLY FIFTY to win.

Any score exceeding that number is automatically reduced down to 25. Hence

there is always a fair chance for persons of no great strength or sports ability.

Mind you, three failures to knock over any pins at all results in elimination.

If you look up Mölkky on the Internet (YouTube), you will get plenty of simple

information. When we have our first sets we intend playing publicly. So come

and watch or even join in - it can be played by any number of people, from two to

twenty six.



2016 is the year the exterior of the Drews Park houses will be re-decorated…

The work is due to be carried out between May and September, all being well. At the time

of writing we believe the Consultation has not been completed so we are unable to confirm

who the contractors will be.

At the appropriate time you will be hearing from Kim Kettley, the manager at Aster who will

be in charge of the contract. The information we

have so far is that the works office, WCs etc., will

be placed on the lower Wyatt Court car park as

before, on visitors’ spaces nearest the road.

There were some problems last time when residents

were out, at work, on holiday – it happens! None of

us would like our doors and windows painted closed

so it is important that we all communicate with Mr

Kettley so that arrangements can be made. Perhaps you

can leave a key with a trusted neighbour, who can keep an

eye on your house while a door is drying – or maybe we can

arrange for some Saturday painting. If you have any

concerns you can contact either Aster or the DPVA and we

will try to sort things out.

A paint specialist visited Drews Park recently to try to

identify the reason for problems we had last time.

Apparently black paint, which is the paint stipulated by conservation for our doors, is the

worst colour for peeling off as it holds the warmth of the sun. But Conservation stipulated

black – so black it is!

As part of the contract the bin stores will be repainted and repaired where necessary and

gutters and downpipes will be checked.

You will appreciate how important it is to liaise with Aster so that the best result may be

obtained. This work will cost leaseholders many thousands of £££s, paid from the Sinking

Fund so we expect the best outcome for this large expenditure.

* * * * *



Robin Mitchell and his wife Geneviève moved into Drews Park a couple of

years ago…

I left my home in Lancashire at sixteen to join the RAF. After a three year

engineering apprenticeship and three years at Cranwell I was commissioned into

the Supply Branch. Following sixteen years worldwide service I retired

in 1978 and joined British Aerospace in Saudi Arabia, designing and selling

storage and handling systems for the

Royal Saudi Air Force.

Although Saudi is a strict and sometime

brutal society, the British expat

community still manages to entertain itself

through music and ‘amdram’ and

I became part of that. I also made the

odd appearance on Saudi television – an

experience not to be missed! It was an

exciting, tiring and sometimes scary


We bought a house in France during this

period and settled there on our return to

Europe in 1997. We spent sixteen

enjoyable years developing the property,

then running it as a B&B and antique

business. Over the years I have maintained an interest in sport, particularly

cricket, in classic cars and in folk music and would love to hear from anyone in

Drews Park who may share similar interests.

Robin is a new committee member for Drews Park Residents’ Association and

has become involved in membership and communications – see page 9.




Hannah Enderby – Senior Housing Officer (1st point of contact) 01380 735578

Leanna Weller returns in January and will be another contact point.

Beth Jerrard, Home Ownership Manager (2nd point of contact) 01380 829016

If all are unavailable - call 0333 400 8222 or Main Aster number 01380 726001


If you would like to join us call Norma on 724950 or Lisa on 739588 to check availability.

Otherwise perhaps you will enjoy some of the books we are reading.

Apr Valley of Bones by Richard Powell

May Churchill by Boris Johnson

June Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

July. The city of falling Angels by John Berendt

August. A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson

Sept. By Grand Central Station by Elizabeth Smart


Recently committee member Robin Mitchell circulated residents asking if they would supply

their email addresses, or phone numbers if they aren’t on line. Urgent messages could then be

sent to them from time to time – for example, when we know the gardeners will be working so

that you can remove any obstructions from the lawn outside your houses – which is your

responsibility. There was some response from new owners/tenants but not as many as we

hoped. We have most of the absent owners details but we feel people actually residing here

have a right to any information that might be helpful.

If you would like to be kept informed, you can simply go to the website www.drewspark.co.uk

where our Webmaster has posted a ‘Sign me Up’ notice as you log in. he will then pass on any

important news.

Notes of the latest Aster/DPVA meeting held on March 14th are now on the website



Dick Powney has an imaginary ‘walk-around’ with Thomas Wyatt...

"You mean you would put a statue of me in Wyatt Court? That's kind", said Tom.

"And I like the idea of a statue of Dr Thurnham in his courtyard facing the

clock. Coade Stone is a nice idea too: it lasts for

centuries, like my buildings".

"But what about my other idea of a few Coade

Stone tazza planters?" I replied.

"Well, I reckon about ten in total, in inner grass

areas, mind you. They would create centres of

attention, rather than all those cars and black,

front doors. But then, I like anything

architectural, as you know. Still, you seem to

envisage exotic plants. Nobody here would like

those, surely!"

"In any case," he continued, "if you made all

your improvements with Coade Stone from

Wilton House they would cost an absolute

bomb; and always remember, as Bill Bryson said

long ago, Brits aren't really interested in

things architectural or aesthetic. So maybe if

you could win the lottery and then buy

everything yourself, and promise to set up a

maintenance and operation fund, a few people

might consider it....."

As usual, I shrugged in resignation, and walked

on with Tom, dreaming as I went.

* * * * *



Each Court has a representative. It’s not particularly onerous; just look out for

new residents and put a Welcome Pack through their door. Phone any

committee member to sign on!

(May also lead to 10% contents insurance reduction)

Peter Benns is our Neighbourhood Watch coordinator


Bowes 18 Peter Benns 739419

Burnham 6 Sue Chick 724774

Chapel Representative wanted for Chapel Clock Tower Representative required for Clock Tower

Cooke 4 Mathew Bevan 727370

Elliot 11 Edward Lockwood 730709

Speer 3 Simon Evans 730615

Thurnham (1-22) 17 Dick Powney 739153

Thurnham (23-41) 17 Dick Powney “ Wyatt 6 Lisa Penington 739588


Have you been kept awake some windy nights by a flapping noise outside?

We have heard that some residents have, but Aster is not going to come and

survey the whole site to deal with the problem. They will come to deal with

each house when requested. We have also asked that the decorators will

check for this problem when they are at high level doing the painting work this

summer. But if it is urgent, take a look at the contact details on page 9 and

give them a ring if you have a problem.


Aster has told us that towards the end of April they hope to have an addition

to their website. This will be directed at leaseholders and you will be able to

register and get a password to protect your privacy. It is expected that you

will be able to check your service charge details, find out what works are due

to be done on the site and the likely dates – watch this space!

* * * * *


Theatre News Waiting for Godot

Friday 29th April – Saturday 7th May at

7pm By Samuel Beckett, Directed by Lewis

Cowen and Peter Wallis. Samuel Beckett’s

Waiting for Godot remains one of the greatest –

and most popular – plays of the 20th

century. The Wharf Theatre is proud to present

this production directed by two stalwarts of the

theatre, Lewis Cowen and Peter Wallis.

Stepping Out - The Musical. 3rd June – 11th June at 7.30pm

Book by Richard Harris, Lyrics by Mary Stewart-David, Music by Denis King

Based on the original play by Richard Harris, Directed by Kim Pearce.

ANNIE Jr - A Wharf Youth Theatre Production 13th July - 16th July at

7.30pm; Matinee Saturday 16th July at 2.30pm

Members Contact details

Peter Benns Chair 18 Bowes Court

739419 peter@drewspark.co.uk

Simon Evans Vice-Chair 3 Speer Court

730615 simon@drewspark.co.uk

Lisa Penington Secretary 6 Wyatt Court

739588 lisa@drewspark.co.uk

Norma Humphreys Treasurer 12 Wyatt Court

724950 norma@drewspark.co.uk

Adrian Wood Member 12 Clock Tower

01308 897087 adrian@drewspark.co.uk

Dick Powney Member 17 Thurnham Court

739153 dick@drewspark.co.uk

Nicky Wilson Member 11 Wyatt Court

07789 914456 nicky@drewspark.co.uk Robin Mitchell Member 9 Wyatt Court

699164 robin@drewspark.co.uk

Co-opted members

Christine Fitzmaurice

caf2009@hotmail.co.uk Member

Mathew Bevan Webmaster 4 Cooke Court

727370 mathew@drewspark.co.uk


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