april newsletter

Post on 04-Mar-2016






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4. How do you 'Prevent' the signs of ageing?

To reduce the 'attack on your skin cells' we need to:-. Ÿ Reduce the number of free radicals

produced in the body by reducing environmental factors such as UVA and UVB radiation (sun worship and sun beds – try spray tan and cosmeceutical protection), smoking, pollution, stress and infection (don't inflict unnecessary stress to the body), increase exercise to keep the body fit.

Ÿ Increase Anti-oxidants (the body's defences) through Diet, supplements (Vitamins A, B, C and E and minerals Selenium and Q10 are proven to help increase anti-oxidants) and Topical Skin Diet.

Unfortunately, over the counter products only treat the dead skin layer within the epidermis, not penetrating into the dermis and not giving the living tissue the nutrients it needs. A professional cosmeceutical range does feed the dermis and has a 4 step programme to Cleanse, Treat, Moisturise and Protect. These are skincare products which lie between cosmetics and medicine. These products have been scientifically validated as playing a role in slowing down premature ageing. The objective of these products is to improve skin and balance deficiencies and not just make it feel better.

5. How do you 'RESTORE' the youth and balance back into your skin?

The Epidermis needs RESURFACING- to combat the age signs (pigmentation, texture, broken veins and specific issues.)RESURFACING the upper layer of skin leaves the skin soft, smooth, flawless and glowing and comes in forms of microdermabrasion, prescriptive and thermal facials.

The Dermis needs STIMULATION- of collagen, elastin and lipids, which the skin has in abundance when youthful. Ageing skin is however, thinner due to lack

of these. If you damage the skin, the body will enter a healing process thereby creating collagen, elastin and more skin cells (amongst other things) to heal the wound. In other words the damage to the skin STIMULATES the production of collagen and elastin. We have learnt that if we trick the body to believing the skin has been damaged we can kick start the STIMULATION process and thereby produce more collagen and elastin in areas that need it. Treatments that kick-start this process are: laser, IPL, dermal roller, radio frequency and prescriptive facials.

Muscles need REGULAR EXERCISEAs we age the facial muscles shrink by lack of use, and sink through years due to the effect of gravity. This creates reduced muscle tone, sagging jowels, drooping eyelids and the dreaded inverted V look.REGULAR EXERCISING these facial muscles through micro-current and roller - vacuum suction have the effect of toning and lifting the face, thereby bringing back the V shape of youth.

Nurse Injectables – should I, shouldn't?Well, botox and dermal fillers are an excellent way of reducing wrinkles or increasing volume but they aren't for everyone. Check out next month's newsletter for an article on injectables to get your questions answered.

My thoughts on SurgeryIf the signs of ageing are too pronounced and the 'non-surgical' natural methods aren't sufficient you may wish to consider surgery.In my mind there are two levels of anti-ageing surgery:-I have seen people who have had minor surgery treatments with amazing effects. Specifically:- Ÿ The ageing look of drooping eyelids

and bags can easily be removed w i t h a n u p p e r a n d l o w e r blephoplasty which to you or I are having a slice of skin removed from

the eye lid or eye-bag. The scar is hidden within a skin crease and the effects are fabulous.

Ÿ Secondly, another big effect for little pain is lipo-suction on a chicken-neck or jowels, again a very small operation with a massive benefit.

If you wish to up the ante then a full facelift may be for you, the varying forms of which would need to be discussed at a consultation with the surgeon.

For those that wish to stay within the realms of non-surgical natural treatments, then the Beauto logy RESTORE programme is for you – Resurface, Stimulate and Regular Exercise are the key ingredients to initially reversing and ultimately slowing down the ageing process, unique to Beautology.

6. How do I find out about ME and MY skin?

The key to finding out how the RESTORE PROGRAMME can help you is to come in for a FREE consultation, where a professional aesthetician will look at your skin, give you advice as to diet, lifestyle and exercise and then prescribe for you a programme of treatments specifically for your skin and budget for you to consider.

So, there it is, a comprehensive look into the world of 'ageing later', where it is possible (with a little help from your friends) to reverse and delay the signs of ageing. There is no doubt that if you mistreat your body and skin you can age 10+ years before your time (Keith Richards), or if you make a decision to look after your skin with professional help, you can age 10 years later (Meryl Streep). By my reckoning, this is a twenty year swing in results, which, in my experience can make a huge difference to your confidence, relationships and outlook on life – massive benefits. You only live once, so give us a call and change your life today.


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Consultation, 30% OFF

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Booking In and NOT

Showing Up...Unfortunately, we've got quite an issue which has developed within Beautology in recent months which I have been forced to tackle.

On one day in March, 18% of clients booked an appointment and failed to attend, whilst 22 people were turned away due to being full. Now a service business always has a small percentage of no-shows, an emergency crops up which someone cannot avoid, but repeated no shows makes it particularly galling as some people must be offered a slot which isn't their preferred time. Everyone who is booked in receives a reminder text (if we have your mobile number) asking them to let us know if they were unable to attend. Despite this, we heard nothing from them or they cancelled without giving us sufficient time to fill the space.

As a result, in an attempt to give all clients their preferred choice of appointment time, we are introducing a £15 cancellation fee if someone does not attend their booking without giving 48 hours notice.

I am communicating this message to all our clients on email and have placed it on the website. This is not a money making exercise, in a nutshell we're making people think a bit more deeply before they book an appointment, which, in turn is likely to significantly increase availability to our clients. What we are doing is preserving the future of our customer service goals for all our valued clients.

Here are some tips to help you achieve the Perfect Streak-FreeTan!


· The night BEFORE you will want to exfoliate completely. This is very important as you will want to remove all those dead skin cells . If you do not do this, the tan will attach to these dead cells and leave your tan blotchy. You can do this simply by using a loofah in your shower. Pay extra attention to the knees, elbows, wrists and ankles as these areas have a larger amounts to shed.

· For best results, any shaving needs to be done the night before.

· AVOID all deodorants, perfumes and moisturisers on the day of the spray tan to prevent streakiness.

· You should wear your hair up during your tan and for a few hours after.


· Wear loosely fitted clothing and footwear. This is very important as the fresh tan could be smudged creating an uneven

· The tan requires 8 HOURS to develop, therefore, we suggest no showers within this time.

· When you shower, you should keep it as short as possible. This will help you to keep the tan on your body longer.

· You will also want to apply a moisturiser at least twice a day as the tan dehydrates your skin.

· You will also want to make sure to pat yourself dry rather than rubbing your body.

With the Summer fast approaching, it will soon be time to get our legs out! However, having had such a cold winter it’s no wonder why people are turning to fake tan products for a Pre-Sun Kissed Glow- I sure am!

Darkest Tan Possible Please!


One of my team told me she once did a treatment with a long term client who said: “I've just found out that my best friend is coming to Beautology, “

She frowned and said seriously “I hope you don't tell her what treatment I'm having done.”

My therapist said, “Of course not, we have a t h i n g c a l l e d ' c l i e n t confidentiality'.”

“Well that's all right then.” The lady paused in thought and then said, “Anyway, what's she having done?”

My therapist couldn't help smiling, “Well, we've got a t h i n g c a l l e d c l i e n t confidentiality.”

“Oh yes, ” she sa id disappointedly.

The funny thing is, both ladies are having the same treatment!!

Throughout my experience at Beautology, I've seen a number of clients who have undergone Laser Hair Removal to remove hair which has haunted them since their teens. Many say to me they wish they could have had it during their teens, however as you may already know, Laser if for 18+ only.With this in mind, I thought I’d inform you of all the hair removal treatments we can offer your teen to boost their confidence this summer.

Teen Tips

For smaller areas such as the lip, I would recommend Electrolysis. This treatment is available for all ages, however, for those under the age of 18 parental permission is required. This treatment works by inserting a tiny surgical probe into the area being treated, an electrical pulse of energy is transmitted into the follicle causing a chemical reaction which will destroy the hair.Electrolysis can require a number of treatments for it to be completely successful. It is much more effective than shaving your face as this may cause a rash, inflammation and thicker hair growth.

For larger areas such as arms and legs, I would recommend Waxing. Although waxing sounds a little daunting, It is the quickest and most effective method and unlike shaving, it prevents the re-growth stage for 4-6 weeks.

At Beautology we also offer Hot Wax, which is a gentle alternative to ordinary waxing.

Hot Wax is designed to treat more sensitive and smaller sections such as the underarms and facial areas.

The reason why hot waxing is more gentle, is due to the wax itself being thicker, which enables the strip to be removed more effectively. After the treatment, the redness goes down much quicker by keeping the area cool and avoiding all sun exposure, as this will further aggravate the area. Waxing will result in the hair becoming finer and lighter - unlike shaving, which will cause the hair to b e c o m e d a r k e r a n d m o r e noticeable.

Which ever method you decide to go for, it will be so much better than sticking to the razor blade, not only are they dangerous, it encourages hair growth.


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