april 28, 2010 anhd inc. reader

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  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    contd on page 2

    Apr 28, 2010 Vme XXXV Nmber 9e READER


    On Thursday May 6 Michael Sweringen, President,microLEADERSHIP Inc with ANHD present ways toaddress Rer Eer Csera Measreswith a focus on the cost benets of the Low HangingFruit and The Crisis of Global Warming.

    Contact: Mike Bucci at 347-306-1745mgbucci@aol.com or

    Moses Gates moses.g@anhd.org


    best practices in asset & property management


    contd on page 3

    Last week, City CouncilSpeaker Christine Quinn,Bron Borough President

    Ruben Diaz, Jr., and CityCouncil Member FernandoCabrera stood with dozens ofBron tenants, attorneys fromLegal Services NYC-BronLS-NYC Bron) and advo-

    cates from the Urban Home-steading Assistance BoardUHAB) and the Northwest

    Bron Community and ClergyCoalition (NWBCCC) to an-nounce a new legal strategyhat could serve as a valuable

    weapon for tenants living in

    distressed apartment build-ngs that are going throughforeclosure.

    A motion led by LS-NYCBron, on behalf of tenantsiving in a portfolio of ten dis-ressed apartment buildings,

    argues that once a foreclo-sure action is initiated, anda court-appointed receiver isn place, the mortgage holdercan be held liable for main-aining building conditions.

    Conditions in the buildings havegone from bad to horrible-- the542 apartments in the Milbank

    portfolio have more than 4,700outstanding code violations.

    Photo: Speaker Quinn with Borough President Diaz, Council Mem-ber Cabrera, LS-NYC Bron Housing Unit Deputy Director JonathanLevy, building tenants and community activists (LS-NYC)

    ASSiStAnt FoRECloSuRECounSEloR wAntEd

    The NEW YORK MORTGAGE CALITION, a nonprot collaborationnancial institutions and commun

    based housing agencies dedicatedcreating affordable homeownershis seeking an Assistant ForeclosuCounselor.

    The Coalition provides nancial woshops, and pre- and post-purchacounseling. Our Foreclosure Prevetion Program provides informatioworkshops and one-on-one counselto help homeowners who are in dangof losing their homes.

    For Job duties and applicant qualictions or visit: www.anhdinc.org/jobs



    Pilot PRogRAM FoRinnovAtivE wEAthERizing


    US Dept. of Energy, Golden Field Ofce is accepting non-prot entities a

    applicants under a $30 million Weaterization Innovation Pilot Program foinnovative weatherization projects.This program intends to promote in-novative ways to weatherize homes low-income customers.

    Details on this grant are availablebelow



    more jobs on page 13

    more resources on pages 9 &1

  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


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  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    3 APRIL 28 , 2010VOLUME xxxV, NUMBER 9

    bx t au Lwu a LdldBy: Vivian Lee | NY1

    About 30 tenants were joined by attorneys from theUrban Justice Center and the Northwest Bron Com-munity and Clergy Coalition to announce a lawsuitagainst the landlord of 2710 Bainbridge Avenue.

    Residents in the Fordham building said the landlordignored numerous requests for major repairs.

    At a protest outside of their building today, the resi-

    dents said that the landlord has refused to x crum-bling walls, moldy tiles, clogged drains and crackedwindows.

    A fth-oor tenant said one of his windows was bro-ken by someone coming down the re escape, andremained unxed a year-and-a-half later. Other ten-ants said they have resorted to replacing the windowswith plywood to keep out the cold.They said the lack ofrepairs has put their lives at risk.

    All of our outlets dont work. You hear rats ghting inthe wall. You can hear them, said tenant Peggy Var-gas. I mean, I run out of the apartment sometimes Im

    so scared. The doors are not locked. I come in lateand I dont know whos going to hit me. I pay $1,150in rent.

    The Department of Housing Preservation and Devel-opment said the landlord has about 200 serious viola-tions led against him, worth about $350,000 in penal-ties.

    We found ourselves today not able to wait any longer,said Bronx Assemblyman Jose Rivera, who joined the

    tenants at the protest.Weve been working with organizers from the North-west Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition to takeon Frank Palazzolo, who is one of the worst landlordsthat New York City has ever seen, said Urban Jus-tice Centers Garrett Wright. This morning we fled alawsuit in Bronx Housing Court, seeking to have thecourt appoint an independent administrator take overthe property here and start making the repairs that arebadly needed here.

    Rea F Arce: http://www.ny1.com/6-bron-news-con-tent/116209/tenants-in-the-bron-announce-lawsuit-against-landlord

    The case concerns ten distressed apartment build-ings housing more than 500 families. The portfolio hasbeen in a steady state of decline since its owner, a

    private equity rm known as Milbank Real Estate, de-faulted on its $35 million mortgage.

    In March of 2009, the mortgage holder, a $3 billioncommercial mortgage-backed security trust controlledby Wells Fargo and serviced by LNR Partners, Inc.,initiated foreclosure proceedings. The foreclosure

    judge appointed a receiver who is charged with col-lecting rents and managing the properties, but due tothe high number of vacancies in the buildings, alongwith the already severely distressed conditions in mostof the units, the income from rent collection is not ad-equate to properly maintain the portfolio.

    The tenants have endured horrible living conditionssince Milbank over-leveraged their buildings. Waterleaks, hazardous molds, cracked and peeling leadpaint, collapsing ceilings, broken locks on entrancedoors, useless intercoms, rat and roach infestations,busted boilers, and electrical res are commonplacethroughout the portfolio.

    Milbank Real Estate purchased the rent stabilizedproperties in 2007 during the height of the real-estatebubble. Advocates questioned the nancial sustain-

    ability of the $35 million mortgage debt, and placedthe portfolio on their watch list of potentially troubledbuildings.

    These tenants deserve better-- they pay their rentwork hard, and are suffering because of irresponsiblelending practices by Wells Fargo, and irresponsiblemanagement by their previous landlord, said TeresaAnderson, NWBCCC President. Wells Fargo and oth-er irresponsible banks and landlords will soon learnthat when you mess with one tenant in the Bron, youmess with all of us.

    LS-NYC Bron attorneys hope that this legal strategy

    will force Wells Fargo and their agent, LNR PartnersInc., to invest enough of their considerable resourcesinto the portfolio to bring conditions back up to accept-able levels. The Milbank tenants have suffered theconsequences of Wall Streets reckless lending prac-tices for too long, said Jonathan Levy, Deputy Direc-tor of the LS-NYC Bronx Housing Unit. The lendersmust be held accountable for the costs of repairing thedamage.

    contd from cover


  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


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  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


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  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    6 APRIL 28 , 2010VOLUME xxxV, NUMBER 9


    The New York State Division of Housing and Commu-

    nity Renewal (DHCR) today announced that ownersof rent regulated apartments in New York State cannow fulll their Annual Rent Registration requirementcompletely online, avoiding time-consuming errorsand eliminating paperwork and the need to mail formsor disks to DHCR.

    DHCRs new Easy-Rent-Reg is a web-based systemthat allows owners to complete and submit registra-tions on the web, print tenant forms, and certify reg-istrations online. Buildings will be processed quickly,efciently, and mistake-free. Easy-Rent-Reg is secureand simple to use. It streamlines the entry process,automates certication and submission, produces

    printed forms, and allows building and apartment in-formation to be updated as changes occur during theyear, making it easier for future annual lings. Informa-tion is stored on a DHCR server, eliminating the needfor users to perform their own back-ups.

    Brian Lawlor, Commissioner of DHCR and CEO andPresident of nyhomes, said, This new system is awin-win for all involved. It simplies the process for

    building owners, epedites the availability of information to tenants, and protects the environment and cutscosts by dramatically reducing the use of paper. This is

    the latest in a series of steps DHCR has taken to utilizetechnology to improve transparency and improve efciency in order to administer the rent laws in an openfair, and responsible manner.

    DHCR has implemented a variety of enhancementsto its Rent Administration Ofce over the past severayears, including; increasing outreach to tenants, tenant organizations, and landlords; making forms available online; and allowing owners to le Maximum BaseRent forms and Annual Fuel Cost Adjustment reportselectronically on the DHCR website, reducing costsand paperwork.

    Easy-Rent-Reg can be used to register propertiesfrom 2008 to the present. Owners may input currentyear data into the online system starting immediatelyRegistrations prior to 2008 must be completed manually.

    Visit the DHCR website at http://nysdhcr.gov/AppsRentReg/ for details on using Easy-Rent-Reg.

    DHcr au nw ol r r

    You can now register online for the Supportive Hous-ing Network of New Yorks 10th Annual New YorkState Supportive Housing Conference on Thursday,June 10th at the New York Marriott Marquis. By reg-istering online you will automatically enter a rafe forgreat prizes from Network sponsors.

    The conference will feature workshops on new federalfunding opportunities; innovative nancing models;cost-effective ways to green your buildings; support-ive housing for young adults, high-risk families, peopleeiting prison and veterans; and best-practices target-ed to management, frontline and development staff.

    The networking lunch and post-conference receptioare times to catch up with colleagues. And a selecgroup of ehibitors will be on hand all day with informa

    tion about their products and services.

    The New York State Supportive Housing Conferencis the one time of the year when supportive housingleaders can catch up with each other and hear everything going on in the worlds of supportive housing anserving people with special needs. Dont miss this opportunity to see, hear and share the latest innovationin the eld.

    If you would prefer to register via fa, just downloathe fa registration form here: http://www.shnny.orgFaRegistrationForm.pdf.

    10h aul nw yk s

    suv Hu cf

    Last week CDP and the Urban Justice Center will beServed! Campaign announced a lawsuit on behalf oftwo former employees of Guang Zhou Restaurant inQueens, seeking unpaid wages, back pay, reinstate-ment, and damages from the workers former employ-er. The suit alleges that the workers were paid as littleas $1.68 an hour, were never paid overtime despite

    frequent 55-hour weeks, and were retaliated againsfor complaining about their rights. Guang Zhou is alsobeing investigated by the National Labor RelationsBoard, which led charges against the restaurant inMarch 2010 for violating labor law by preventing employees from organizing.

    Read coverage in the NY Timeshttp://www.urbanjustice.org/pdf/press/nytimes_14apr10.pdf

    su Fld bhlf f Qu

    ru Wk


  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader



    nonPRoFit CAPACity Building PRogRAM dEAdlinE: MAy 18

    The Corporation for National and Community Service (the Corporation) will grant approimately $1 million for a two-yearcooperative agreement to fund organizations to increase the capacity of a small number of intermediary grantees to work

    with small and midsize nonprots in communities facing resource hardship challenges to develop and implement perfor-mance management systems.

    Grantees will provide recipients with organizational development assistance to establish procedures for measuringprogress and improving performance towards intended outcomes leading to community impact. This assistance will beawarded and administered under the Uniform Administrative Requirements and OMBs Cost Principles applicable to theentity that receives the award.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://www.nationalservice.gov/for_organizations/funding/nofa_detail.asp?tbl_nofa_id=81

    nEw yoRk City BuSinESS SolutionS CEntER ii dEAdlinE: MAy 18

    The Department of Small Business Services (DSBS) is seeking appropriately qualied vendors to provide outcome-focused services and assistance to small businesses and entrepreneurs at NYC Business Solutions Centers (BSCs orCenters), including, but not limited to: business courses, legal services (through partner attorneys providing pro-bono as-sistance), nancing, business launch, recruitment services, training funds, and M/WBE Certication. The Centers operatein each borough from Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with each Center offering varying evening hours, dependingon workshop and seminar schedules.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/vendorsearch/asp/Postings.asp?req_id=20100322020

    or http://www.nyc.gov/html/sbs/html/about/rfp_801-SBS100002.shtml

    RESEARCh on FoRECloSuRES And CRiME dEAdlinE: junE 1

    National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks to fund research proposals that eplore and eplain the links between place and

    crime in the specic context of the recent wave of residential property foreclosures. In this context, proposals may addresseither short-term or long-term patterns linking place and crime. Applications proposing research should eplain how theproposed project will ll a critical gap in the elds knowledge and practice as well as identifying policy implications relatedto criminal justice.

    Between 1970 and 2000, the home foreclosure rate in the United States did not rise above 1.1 percent. Between 2001and 2006, the foreclosure rate increased to as high as 20 percent. This abrupt shift in the 30-year pattern of foreclosuresled researchers and policymakers alike to question the effects of this issue on urban problems, including crime. This solici-tation seeks research proposals to eamine the links between foreclosures, vacant properties, and crime.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://www.ncjrs.gov/pdfles1/nij/sl000894.pdf

    ECon. dEvEloPMEnt ASSiStAnCE PRogRAM Funding dEAdlinE: SEPtEMBER 30The Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration is soliciting applications for public works, planning,local technical assistance, and economic adjustment assistance to address pressing economic recovery issues, particu-larly in economically distressed regions. The planning program helps support planning organizations in the development,implementation, revision or replacement of comprehensive economic development strategies to create and retain higher-skill, higher-wage jobs, particularly for the unemployed and underemployed.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://www07.grants.gov/search/search.do?&mode=VIEW&ag2006=false&oppId=48106

    8 APRIL 28 , 2010VOLUME xxxV, NUMBER 9

    contd on page 10

  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    ChARREttE gRAntS oPEn

    Enterprise Green Communities offers grant opportunities to help cover the costs of planning and implementing green componeof affordable housing developments, as well as tracking their costs and benets. They offer up to $75,000 in planning and construction grants, up to $5,000 to coordinate green design charrettes, and up to $5,000 for post-construction sustainability train

    Before submitting an application, applicants are advised to review information posted on the website and to request the GreenCommunities Criteria and technical manual, which incorporate design criteria for locating on smart sites, conserving naturalesources and promoting healthy living environments. These Green Communities Criteria dene the minimum requirements fo

    Green Communities projects and can be used as a guide for the Green Communities charrette process.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://www.greencommunitiesonline.org/tools/funding/grants/charrette.asp#charrette1

    MAidEn lAnE And PiER 15 CoMMERCiAl PAvilionS DEADLINE: JUNE 11

    NYC Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking proposals from qualied individuals or companies to lease, opand maintain two enclosed pavilion spaces (the Pavilions) and adjacent accessory outdoor spaces along the East River Waten Lower Manhattan. Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), NYCEDC aims to identify tenants with innovative program

    concepts that will create a vital node of activity on the waterfront and will attract local residents and visitors to the waters ePotential uses for the Pavilions may include a food and beverage service, recreation space or market space; however NYCEDopen to and interested in receiving additional use concepts and/or a combination of use concepts from respondents.

    The two Pavilions included in this RFP are an approimately 3,500 square foot pavilion located at the intersection of South Sand Maiden Lane directly beneath the elevated Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive (the Maiden Lane Pavilion) and an approxim,000 square foot pavilion located on the newly-constructed Pier 15 (the Pier 15 Commercial Pavilion). Respondents to this

    may choose to submit proposals that contemplate programming for either one of the Pavilions individually or both of the Paviogether.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://www.nycedc.com/ProjectsOpportunities/RFPsRFQsRFEIs/Pages/Opportunity109_PC.asp

    wEAthERizAtion innovAtion Pilot PRogRAM DEADLINE: JUNE 02

    US Dept. of Energy, Golden Field Ofce is accepting applicants under a $30 million Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program fcompetitively selected innovative weatherization projects. This program intends to promote innovative ways to weatherize homof low-income customers.

    Non-prot entities such as community development organizations; for-prot entities; institutions of higher education; Indian tribeconomic development entities; and, consortia of these entities. Eamples of potential recipients include, but are not limited tocurrent WAP local weatherization service providers, utility companies, private contractors, industry groups, non-prot organizaons, labor unions, community groups, and foundations.

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://www07.grants.gov/search/search.do?&mode=VIEW&oppId=53958

    ConSultAnt SERviCES, wAgE Study DEADLINE: MAY 14

    New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) is seeking a consultant or consultant team to provide researchanalysis consulting services (the Services) for a study of various wage requirements on jobs at certain City locations for workwithin certain industries (the Study).

    MoRE dEtAilS on thiS gRAnt ARE AvAilABlE BElowhttp://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/vendorsearch/asp/Postings.asp?req_id=20100412043


    ru9 APRIL 28 , 2010VOLUME xxxV, NUMBER 9

  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    Citi Global Consumer Group Community Relations would like to invite you to participate in theNeighborWork Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling training Credit Counseling.


    Monday, May 17, 2010H0260 - Counseling Borrowers to Purchase Real Estate Owned (REO) Properties

    In todays real estate market borrowers who are interested in purchasing a home will likelyconsider the growing inventory of Real Estate Owned (REO) property. These propertiesmay offer attractive pricing, but also present hidden challenges and pitfalls to potential buy-ers. Homeownership counselors, providing comprehensive individual counseling, can equipclients with timely information to make informed decisions and protect their future asset.Participants attending this course will learn:Who is selling these properties (from nonprots, municipalities, banks, etc.); How to assistyour client through careful analysis of the sales contract; How to engage home inspectorsand avoid the pitfalls of purchasing as is properties; How to determine if special nancingmay be available for clients purchasing REO properties.; What are the counseling program

    details of HUDs Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), and how to determine if thisprogram can help meet the needs of your clients.

    Tuesday, May 28, 2010H0104 - Understanding Credit ScoringMost lenders utilize credit scoring as a tool to help evaluate the credit risk of borrowers. Thisis certainly the case with many mortgage lenders. Credit scores aid lenders in predicting howcreditworthy a borrower is or how likely they are to repay the debt. Many lenders also incor-porate risk based pricing into their credit decisions based upon the credit score. With thisknowledge, homeownership educators and counselors are better prepared to help clientsimprove their credit scores and positively impact their nancial status.

    Wednesday Friday, May 19 21, 2010H0108 Loan Servicing and CollectionsThis course will review the policies, procedures and accounting systems that nonprot lend-ers and servicers must use to maintain their mortgage loan portfolios and prevent losses.You will eamine effective documentation systems and learn practical techniques for con-trolling risks and avoiding default and foreclosure. Conventional and FHA default and lossmitigation processes will be eamined and discussed. Case studies are utilized throughinteractive eercises as a learning tool. Recommended for staff, management and boardmembers concerned with improving servicing and collections operations.

    dae: Ma 17-21, 2010 tme: 8:30 - 5:30 (rsp es a 12:00 pm)

    lca: hspac Feera 55 Excae Pace Se 501 ne yr, ny 10005Cs: ne Cac: sa.bas@c.cmtra: H0260 - Counseling Borrowers to Purchase Real Estate Owned (REO) Properties

    H0104 - Understanding Credit ScoringH0108 - Loan Servicing and Collections

  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    Winter/spring 2010 coUrses & WorKsHops

    in HoUsing proDUction anD preserVationMANAGING & MAINTAINING YOUR HOUSING PORTFOLIO: Asset & PropertyManagement and Maintenance of Affordable Multi-Family Housing Best Practices.

    This beefed-up series of nine (9) trainings is specically geared for building managers and back ofce staff,superintendents & maintenance staff of nonprot housing agencies that develop, manage and maintain af-fordable housing. The course will be presented by affordable housing eperts, contractors and professionalproperty managers.

    dAtES: 9 consecutive Thursdays until Thursday, May 20, 2010. TIME: 1:00 PM. - 4:30 PM. LOCATION:ANHD ofces, unless otherwise indicated. COST: $180 per agency for ANHD members ($270 Non-mem-bers). For single sessions: $30/ANHD members & $40/non-members.

    ANHD member agencies who sign up for the entire series, may send any two staff people they want fromtheir organization for each presentation.

    APRil 29. MAINTAINING & OPERATING HEATING PLANTS:Heating & Hot Water Systems with Henry Gifford, Heating Con-tractor.


    VERSING GLOBAL WARMING: Retrotting Energy ConservationMeasures with a focus on the cost benets of the Low HangingFruit and The Crisis of Global Warming - What To Do About It withMichael Sweringen, President, microLEADERSHIP Inc.

    MAy 13. FIELD TRIP TO CONSTRUCTION SITE: Understandingup-close the major building systems (envelope, mechanical, elec-trical, heat, cooling and plumbing) with Aaron Lewit.

    MAy (Dates TBD) OTHER POSSIBLE TRAININGS:o INSURANCE BASICS: Organizational, Property, Liability & Construction-related insurance issues.o APARTMENT MANAGEMENT CHECKLIST: Maintaining Best Practices.o FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Budgeting, Record Keeping, Reporting & Financial Software.

    To Register for MANAGING & MAINTAINING YOUR HOUSING PORTFOLIO (above): Please mail the ap-plication form (page 3) with payment to ANHD, 50 Broad St., Suite 1125, NY, NY 10004, Attn: Rita Mazza,or fa to 212-747-1114. (Make checks payable to ANHD) Contact Mike Bucci 347-306-1745/mgbucci@aol.com or Moses Gates moses.g@anhd.org with questions about this training. Advance registration required.Seating is limited with priority given to ANHD members.

    11 APRIL 28 , 2010VOLUME xxxV, NUMBER 9

    APRil 29. MAINTAINING & OPERATING HEATING PLANTS: Heating& Hot Water Systems with Henry Gifford, Heating Contractor.

    MAy 6. MAKING BUILDINGS PERFORM MORE EFFICIENTLY, RE-DUCING MAINTENANCE & OPERATING COSTS & REVERSINGGLOBAL WARMING: Retrotting Energy Conservation Measures witha focus on the cost benets of the Low Hanging Fruit and The Crisis ofGlobal Warming - What To Do About It with Michael Sweringen, Presi-dent, microLEADERSHIP Inc.

    MAy 13. FIELD TRIP TO CONSTRUCTION SITE: Understanding up-close the major building systems (envelope, mechanical, electrical,heat, cooling and plumbing) with Aaron Lewit.

  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


    13 APRIL 28 , 2010VOLUME xxxV, NUMBER 9

  • 8/9/2019 April 28, 2010 ANHD Inc. Reader


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    anHD al-m cldpl u v h ld f Free. el u v : dvd.k@hd.


    cREDit whERE cREDit is DuE

    PACC is hosting a FREE Financial Personal Finance Workshop!Sessions begin tesa, Ma 4 and continue eer tesa Ma from6:30pm - 8:30pm in PACCs Community Room at 226 Lefferts Place and FranklinAve. in Brooklyn

    Crse hs:Personal Financial Plan * Free Credit Report * Free IndividualCounseling * Free Savings Account at a Credit Union * Personal Finance CourseDiploma Fr Mre if: 718-783-3549 Carrsse Sm Ex. 15

    pacc@prattarea.org www.prattarea.org

    oRgANizED RAllyNEDAP will organize a rally against Chasebank during its annual shareholders meetingon Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 9am at the banksheadquarters on 1 Chase Plaza, New York, NY.Along with NEDAP, California ReinvestmentCoalition, Community Reinvestment Associa-tion of North Carolina, and Woodstock Institute,assert that Chase is spending millions to ghtneeded Financial Reform.

    Contact James Lewis,NEDAP (212) 680-5100x210

    Su M T W TH F Sa


    On Thursday May 6 Michael Sweringen,President, microLEADERSHIP Inc withANHD present ways to address RerEer Csera Measres with a focus on the cost benets of the Low HangiFruit and The Crisis of Global Warming.

    Contact: Mike Bucci at 347-306-1745mgbucci@aol.com or

    Moses Gates moses.g@anhd.org


    EvERy tuESdAy At 2PM FREE help is available to homeowners be-hind or just concerned about their mortgage. RSVP for more info call718.469.4679. Sponsored by Flatbush Development Corp., NeighborhoodHousing Services of East Flatbush and the Center for New York City Neigh-borhoods, not-for-prot organizations. www.nhsnyc.org.

    cRA & NoN-PRoFit oPPoRtuNitiEsOn Wednesday, May 19, 2010 (8am-12:30pm) The New York Federal Reserve Bank, in response to a request by ANHD, is planningconference to give community-based housing groups the opportunito learn more about the CRA eamination process and communidevelopment opportunities in todays economic environment.Hear from Federal Reserve Bank CRA Eaminers and a panel bank CRA representatives on topics including:

    There is no charge for the conference.Registration is now open! To register, please visit:


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