april 2015 business outlook

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Business Outlook



pril 2


BBuuusssiiiinnnneeeess Outtllooookk


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Business outlook



our members announceINSIDE

grand finaledancing with the joplin starsSee pictures and winners on page 4


The Start of a Reality p. 3

Small Business of the Yearnominees/finalists

Photo courtesy of Steve Russell


Business Outlook


April 2015

B i O tl kB

2015-2016 Executive Committee




James Richards TREASURER


Directors Ex-Offi cio Directors Gina Atteberry Sam Anselm Michael Beatty John Bartosh Brad Beecher Mike Gray Brandon Davis Lindsey Hayes Donovan Edwards Dr. C.J. Huff Jacqueline Hackett Dr. Alan Marble Holly Hukill Dr. Jennifer Methvin Charles Keeter Matt Proctor Kelli Perigo Marilyn Ruestman Gary Pulsipher Michael Seibert

Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Staff ExecutiveRob O’Brian, CEcD PRESIDENTTonya Sprenkle VICE PRESIDENTLisa Kelly EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT





Board of Directors Sponsors

Platinum LevelCity of JoplinDownstream Casino ResortThe Empire District Electric CompanyKOAM-TV/FOX 14 - KFJXStronghold Data LLC

Chairman LevelAMI Radio GroupCommerce BankEaglePicher Technologies, LLCFreeman Health SystemGeneral MillsJoplin Floor DesignsJoplin Globe Publishing CompanyJoplin Regional Business JournalJoplin Supply CompanyKODE-TV/KSNF-TVLamar Outdoor Advertising Lancaster SignsMercy Hospital JoplinMissouri Southern State UniversitySouthwest Missouri BankUS Bank, N.A.

President LevelBKD, LLPCommunity Bank & Trust (CBT)Roper HondaShow Me The Ozarks Magazine

Director LevelArvest BankChoice MarketingLakeland Offi ce Systems, Inc.Motive MattersWeed Whackers, Inc.

Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce 320 East 4th Street, Joplin, MO 64801Phone: 417.624.4150Fax: 417.624.4303www.joplincc.com




Business Outlook



pril 2



It took more than seven years of eff ort, but the vision of a medical school in Joplin became a reality at the end of March with the announcement by Kansas City University that it plans to put a satellite campus in Joplin. KCU (formerly Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscience) is the oldest medical school in the state and produces the second-largest number of doctors annually. The a rac on of this premier in-s tu on to Joplin will be a major game changer for our community, not only in terms of economic impact but also in terms of how we are perceived. KCU announced it will take the interim Mercy hospital facility vacated when Mercy moved into its new complex. This 150,000-square-foot medical facility will be converted from offi ces and pa ent rooms to offi ces, classrooms and auditoriums, although KCU also gets state-of-the-art surgical and emergency treatment areas for training for its students. KCU’s decision to open a satellite campus in Joplin is a tremendous economic development win for the

community and the region. Opening with 150 students in the fall of 2017, the school will grow to 600 students in four years. In the fi h year, more than 100 residents will be in the region, serving our medical facili es and making a wage. The presence of KCU also will bring an es mated 700 addi onal students to Missouri Southern State University and Pi sburg State University. Of course, many will come in an cipa on of going on to KCU and becoming doctors serving the region. However, many others will come to study in other medical fi elds just because of the linkages those two universi es will have with KCU. By that fi h year of opera on, the medi-cal school is es mated to have more than a $100 million economic impact annually. Student spending alone will add $30 million each year to the regional economy. The saga of the medical school is a textbook example of the eff ort and me it takes to bring good things together for a city. It is also a tribute to the vision of one person; a vision that was embraced by many. Dr. Larry McIn re, a well-respected and long- me Joplin physician, had the vision to bring a medical school to our community. It was an idea he considered for awhile, especially knowing Kirksville, a far smaller community than Joplin, was home to a premier medi-cal school. That vision began taking shape when Dr. Bruce Speck became president of Missouri Southern State University in 2008. The two discussed the opportunity to bring a medical school to the MSSU campus to take advantage of the university’s pre-med programs. A few other people, myself included, began ge ng engaged, and along the way KCU emerged as a logical choice. In 2009, the then president of KCU was ac vely engaged in what were termed preliminary discussions with MSSU and Dr. McIn- re, as well as a number of community leaders. Then KCU had internal issues that led to its president leaving and a period of reorgani-

za on that took it off the table. By that point, a number of people were engaged locally and did not want to let the idea drop. A more formal group, led by Dr. McIn re, was put together: the Joplin Regional Medical School Alliance. Two other medical school op ons were iden fi ed, another one in Missouri and one in Virginia, and the local group made presenta ons to both in 2010. Representa ves from the Missouri school came to Joplin and carefully looked at our community. In the mean me, your Chamber worked with Dr. McIn re and our a orney to formalize the Alliance as a not-for-profi t en ty with the view that there would be a need to raise funds for a new school. While the state incorpora on is fairly quick, the applica on for federal charitable organiza on status is more complicated, but the Chamber’s a orney con nued to push for that status. In the mean me, the Chamber became the fi nancial manager for the Alliance. And then came May 2011. With the tornado, the focus was on recovery, but the idea of a medical school for Joplin was more fi rmly entrenched with the public by that point and it became one of several “big” items in a new vision for our community. Dr. McIn re and Alliance members reengaged KCU in 2012, as that school appeared to be back on track. And, in that same year, the needed federal tax status was obtained. There were a number of discussions in 2012 and 2013 with KCU about various op ons for a campus in Joplin. And then, it got serious. KCU placed Dr. Mark Hahn as interim president with a view to making him the permanent head. He, in turn, tasked Dr. John Dougherty with determining if there were enough rota on and resident slots to support a school in Joplin. Having previously worked in Joplin, Dr. Dougherty was well up to the task of making that determina on. KCU became focused on Mercy’s interim facility, AND a need to put several million dollars “on the table” as a good faith gesture for KCU’s board to consider. Thanks to Freeman and several par es that wished to remain unnamed, the ini al funds were pledged. Thanks to Mercy’s lo-cal and board leadership, the building was pledged in mid-March (pending some upstream approvals) and Dr. Hahn, with his board’s backing, was able to announce the commitment to a Joplin campus March 26. That announcement, though, is the start of this reality. What was the vision and passion of Dr. McIn re is now a commitment to a medical school, based on our community and region suppor ng it fi nancially. In the near future, the campaign begins to raise the funds to really make this a reality. I have no doubt it will be successful. And in 2017, KCU-Joplin will welcome its fi rst class of medical students, beginning a new era for our community.

Rob O’Brian, President

The Start of a Reality

Business Outlook


April 2015



Final Dancing Event Raises Record-Setting $25,000

Cheryle Finley and Gary Stubblefield

Rob O’Brian and Judy Schneider Mike Olmstead and

Kaye Lewis

Michael Bowen and Loretta Bailey

Shelly and Randy Kraft 2015 WINNERS

LaTausha Reed and Ryan Jackson Melody Morgan and

Brian Atnip

Jennifer Jameson and Travis Renfro

Logan Stanley and Catherine Ramoly

Drew Hartley and Carah McCullough

Business Outlook



pril 2


The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry presented a groundbreaking 15-year strategic plan called Missouri 2030: An Agenda to Lead on Feb. 25 during a press conference in Jeff erson City. The plan can be found at: http://mo2030.com/app/uploads/2015/02/Final-Plan-web.pdf. Over the last 12 months, the Missouri Chamber has worked with Gallup and economic strategists to collect the data that is the foundation of Missouri 2030. Gallup surveyed more than 1,000 Missouri CEOs and asked critical questions about how Missouri can better compete. Gallup also gathered insight from site selectors from around the nation and key workforce development professionals. In addition, the Missouri Chamber held regional meetings and spoke with hundreds of Missouri employers, chambers of commerce and local leaders to gather input to include in Missouri 2030. “What we found is that in many key economic measurements, Missouri is slipping,” said Missouri Chamber President and CEO Dan Mehan. “The goal of Missouri 2030 is to turn that around and make Missouri a global leader in job creation, wage growth, economic productivity and output – measurements that matter to the future economy of our state. At a time when other states are taking strategic and intentional actions to address the rapidly changing economic landscape, Missouri needs to do the same if we want to compete.” Missouri’s poor performance among key economic indicators compelled the Missouri Chamber to reach out to Missouri employers and fi nd out if they shared the same concerns and, most importantly, to gather their input on what should be done to turn these disturbing trends around. The resulting Missouri 2030 plan addresses four areas employers believe are critical to Missouri’s economic success:1) Uniting the business community around a long-term economic plan2) Preparing our workforce for the jobs of the future3) Competing for jobs by keeping our business climate strong and fostering entrepreneurs 4) Connecting employers to markets and resources through cutting-edge infrastructure “Turning around the trends in these critical areas will take time,” Mehan said. “It took an incredible amount of time, eff ort and resources to create this plan. But we are just getting started and the clock is already ticking. It’s time to get to work.”

‘Missouri is Slipping in Many Key Economic Measurements’

Business Outlook


April 2015



Presented by

Business Outlook



pril 2


Message to the Network from Chairman Lindsey Hayes YPN members as a whole performed over 1,800 hours of service within the network or in the community on behalf of the network from April 2014 to present. Because this will be the last time you hear from me as the chair of YPN, I thought I would take this opportunity to highlight some of the accomplishments of our network and its members. Recycle Joplin applied for the fi rst YPN grant this past year to get funding for its project, Project Green Bins. The project was developed to help educate local businesses on recycling and to help ease that process by providing recycling bins for Chamber members’ businesses. The educational portion of the project is underway in addition to the continued goal of educating the public about the benefi ts of recycling and how it helps our community. Building Future Leaders, headed by our incoming chair, Nicole Brown, has almost completed its sixth Super Leaders class with more than 60 students participating. In addition, the group launched a mentoring program for the MSSU students so graduates of the program can keep in touch with YPs and other program graduates. Welcome Team was able to implement a group orientation and the fi rst two have been extremely successful. Orientations will now be held quarterly and include an introductory packet, a networking exercise and introductions to Network leadership and staff . The Welcome Team boasts nearly 40 new members who attended the fi rst two of these newly formatted orientations. The newly merged Social Mixers and Special Event workgroup threw a record-breaking Christmas party with 67 young professionals attending, and they are now in the process of planning the Annual Celebration. Gives Back has launched a community garden project in conjunction with The Alliance of Southwest Missouri. This project is in addition to the monthly service projects that connect our YPs to local nonprofi ts. Professional Development merged with Leadership League this past year and launched new monthly EDTalks. With seven talks under our belt, we’ve engaged 71 diff erent young professionals with an average attendance of 26 at each talk. Six of the 15 Under 40 to Watch, honored by the Joplin Regional Business Journal, are members of the Young Professionals Network. Christina Williams, Katrina Richards,and Toby Johnston are all active members in the network, with Christina serving as a member of our executive committee and the chair of Recycle Joplin. I would like to thank all of you for your support of the Young Professionals Network. Without the eff orts of the Chamber staff and its many volunteers, we would not have the platform to engage with so many members of our community in such meaningful ways. Thank you for making YPN’s sixth year a successful one.

2015-2016 Executive Committee

Nicole Brown, Chairman

Brent Baker, Co-Chairman

Lindsey Hayes, Past Chairman

Kyle Birkinsha

Shawn Daniel

Jake Heisten

Jennifer Little

Ryan Melton

Stephanie Onstot

Greg Sutton

Megan Tyler

Christina Williams

YPN New Members

Zachary Billings, AO Employment Service

Taylor Cunningham, City of Joplin

Kyle Emrick, AAA Auto Club of Missouri

Emily Frankoski, Connect 2 Culture

Tristan Freeman, Community Bank & Trust

Grisel Hoff mann, AAA Auto Club of Missouri

Cameron Mabe, Pearson-Kelly Offi ce Products

Kelsey Milholland, Joplin Area Habitat

for Humanity

Jared Roseberry, WorldVentures Marketing

Kimberly Roy, Charlotte’s Angels Home Care

Brooke Schroeder, Pinnacle Bank

THE BRAVE ONES Leadercast 2015

Friday, May 8 College Heights Christian Church

Speaker Lineup:Andy Stanley, Leadership Author and CommunicatorPeyton Manning, Super Bowl-Winning Quarterback &

5-Time NFL MVPMalala Yousafzai, “Bravest Girl in the World” - CNN

Ed Catmull, President, Pixar/Disney Animation StudiosSeth Godin, Innovative Thinker & Best-Selling Author

Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York CityAja Brown, Mayor, City of Compton, California

CMDR Rourke Denver, Navy SEAL Commander & Author

Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP AGBill & Giuliana Rancic, Award-Winning Personalities &

Co-Hosts of Leadercast

Group discount price of $55/person for Chamber members! Reserve your spot at www.joplincc.com.

Business Outlook


April 2015



98th Annual Banquet

Thursday, April 23, 2015 Centerpiece Sponsorship

CONTEST! We will have prizes for best use of theme and best use of company theme. Winners will be announced during banquet.

NEW!!! Please make your centerpiece something that can be given away. We will put a sticker at one place setting at each table. The person with the sticker will get to take home the centerpiece. Whatever you put in your centerpiece, make it something that you won’t want back because you won’t be keeping it.

Please refer to the following guidelines when planning your centerpiece. Must comply to be eligible to win:

Size to be NO larger than 18” square and 15” tall. The seated guests must be able to see over the centerpiece.

You may incorporate flowers, greenery, products, literature, etc.—whatever tells your company story, or incorporates the banquet theme, “Experience the Magic.” We are encouraging all to wear masquerade masks.

Giveaway items are encouraged but not required. We will need 10 items to go around your centerpiece and they should be small.

Centerpieces must be brought to the Leggett and Platt Athletic Center at MSSU between 8 a.m. and no later than 2:30 p.m. on April 23. Centerpieces not set and ready by 2:30 pm will not be eligible for the contest. The Chamber staff will guide you to the designated table for you to set up your centerpiece and giveaways.

Please contact Stephanie McGrew, member events producer, at 417.624.4150 or stephanie@joplincc.com to be a centerpiece sponsor or if you have questions.

Business Outlook



pril 2


2015 Small Business of the Year Nominees and Finalists

Congratulations to the following companies nominated for the 2015 Small Business of the Year Awards, presented by BKD, LLP. Winners will be announced at the 98th Annual Chamber Banquet April 23.

Anderson GlassAtlas Risk Management, LLC--Finalist!Binky Guy Custom T’sBlood Tax ServiceCell Phone MedicsCity Pointe Beauty AcademyCreative Car Audio, Inc.DataGraphics Printing--Finalist!Farmers Insurance-Andy Queen AgencyHackett Hot Wings, LLC

Heartland Bank MortgageHome Instead Senior CareJoplin 3D4D Imaging Center, LLCJoplin Floor DesignsKM Guru, LLCMEs Place, LLCMJ Surveying, LLCOzark Gateway Association of RealtorsSmallcakes: A CupcakeryTabitha Smith Accounting & Tax ServicesTropical Tan--Finalist!Young Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, LLC

1-10 Employee Category

11-50 Employee Category

Atlas Safe Rooms--Finalist!Boyd Metals of Joplin--Finalist!Carlson Chiropractic CenterChick-fi l-AFarrell Construction, Inc.Four State Homes, LLCHome Pro

Homewood Suites by Hilton-JoplinJackson Brothers "of the South"Lakeland Offi ce SystemsPediatric Associates of Southwest MissouriRamsey MediaWorks, L.L.C.Reeves Tire & Automotive--Finalist!Vatterott College

Not-for-Profi t Category

Aspire of Southwest MissouriDowntown Joplin AllianceHistoric Murphysburg Preservation, Inc.Hope 4 You Breast Cancer FoundationJoplin Area Habitat for Humanity--Finalist!

Joplin NALA--FinalistRapha House International, Inc.Saint Paul's United Methodist ChurchThe Salvation ArmyWildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon Center--Finalist!Workforce Investment Board of SW Missouri

Our Members Announce by

April showers would be even be er with the ChromaSteam and AromaSteam Systems, which explore the seven major chakra energy centers of your body through the use of light. The Chakra Oil system goes a step further by adding essen al oils; recognized for providing healing eff ects for your mind and body. Visit the Joplin Supply Company Galleria at 4th and Michigan or go to www.thegalleriashowroom.com.

The winners of Passion, the Joplin Regional Ar st Coali on’s fi rst show of 2015, were Best of Show: Michael Gory; fi rst place in 2D: Linda Teeter; second place in 2D: Chris na Lorenzen; third place in 2D: Margie Moss; fi rst place in 3D: Jim Bray; second place in 3D: Cindy Head; and third place in 3D: Sandra Conrad. For more informa on, call 417.592.1673.

Steam Way Restora ons welcomes Shane Doherty to its team. Shane will serve as a project manager in the Joplin offi ce. For more informa on, call 620.330.2819.

Player registra on is open for Miracle League baseball. The season kicks off April 25 and runs for six weeks. Any child with disabili es, ages 5-20 years, is eligible to play Miracle League baseball. Player registra on is $25; scholarships are available. Register a player or register to volunteer at www.JoplinMiracleLeague.org.

At Coca-Cola Refreshments, career opportuni es await you, along with a comprehensive benefi ts package including medical, dental, vision, prescrip on drug plans, 401K with a company match, pension plan, paid vaca on and company paid holidays. They are looking for a driver merchandiser, responsible for driving and delivery of pre-ordered product to assigned accounts and for rota ng and stocking product. Must have Class A CDL and be at least 21 years old. Apply at www.enjoycareers.com.

Fortune magazine named U.S. Bancorp (U.S. Bank) the most admired super-regional bank for the fi h consecu ve year. Fortune’s ranking is determined by a survey of execu ves, directors and analysts ra ng companies inside and outside their industry. For more informa on, go to www.usbank.com.

Wildcat Glades Conserva on & Audubon Center has extended their hours for the season. The new hours are Tuesday-Saturday 9 am-5 pm and Sunday 1-5 pm. For more informa on, go to www.wildcatglades.audubon.org.

Allgeier, Mar n and Associates, Inc., recently announced Vice President Randall J. Adair, P.E., was appointed to the Board of Directors for the fi rm. For more informa on, call 417.680.7200.

Fourteen Southwest Missouri photographers, a record number, were among 61 na onwide whose work was selected for PhotoSpiva 2015, the na onal compe on and exhibit hosted by George A. Spiva Center for the Arts, 222 West Third Street. The exhibit runs through May 3. For more informa on, call 417.623.0183.

Higdon Florist is ready for spring with colorful, gorgeous fresh spring fl owers ar s cally arranged for you to pick up or have delivered. Planning a wedding? Set up an appointment with Debbie or Kara! Homemade soup and sandwiches are available at the Hot Spot. Open Monday-Friday 8 am-5:30 pm and Saturday 9 am-3 pm. When you have something to say, send a Higdon bouquet! Check out www.higdonfl orist.com or call 417.624.7171.

Pro Musica presents the American Brass Quintet (ABQ) April 16 at 7 pm in Corley Auditorium, Webster Hall, Missouri Southern State University. ABQ is interna onally recognized as one of the premier chamber music ensembles of our me. The concert is open to the public at no charge; dona ons appreciated. For more informa on, visit www.promusicajoplin.org or call 417.625.1822.

Stronghold Data welcomes Jason Rincker as the newest member of their staff . Jason was previously the director of sales for Revdel. He brings with him a solid understanding of enterprise-level technology. His goal is to grow and develop rela onships with current and new customers with an emphasis on enterprise-level products and services in the region. For more informa on, call 417.627.9878.

A en on art lovers! The Irving Bright Futures Council is hos ng its Second Annual Art Fair May 11, 5:30-7:30 pm, featuring student artwork for sale and silent auc on with artwork donated by local ar sts. The event will be held at Joplin Schools—Irving Elementary School. Concessions available. All proceeds go toward Opera on College Bound for Irving Elementary students. For more informa on, call 417.625.5350.

The Joplin Blasters will host open tryouts for the upcoming American Associa on season. Tryouts will take place at 9 am April 25 at Wendell Redden Stadium, 3310 West 1st Street. This is an opportunity for aspiring professional athletes to be seen by professional evaluators. Interested players must send an email to info@joplinblasters.com to receive their registra on form.

H&R Block partnered with the Joplin Family Y to donate $20 to the Y’s annual campaign for each tax return completed through its Nonprofi t Referral Program. Simply men on the Y’s non-profi t ID, 40010001080959, when you have your taxes prepared at H&R Block. For more informa on, call 417.781.YMCA.

With water safety ps, swim lessons and a special visit from Mermaid Kaitey, the Joplin Family Y’s April Pools Day is an event you won’t want to miss! April Pools Day is April 1 from 5:30-7:30 pm at the South branch. Includes a family-friendly dinner. For more informa on, call 417.781.YMCA.

Innova ve Objects named Julie Damer director of public rela ons, where she will work to develop and execute public rela ons ini a ves as well as community outreach programs and community awareness incen ves. For more informa on, go to www.innova veobjects.com.

Business Outlook


April 2015



The Chamber is interested in your business. If you won an award, opened another offi ce or are planning an event, let us know. We want to share your accomplishments and events with your fellow members! For our next issue, submit your announcement to wendy@joplincc.com by April 10. Please include “Our Members Announce” in the email subject line. Find all our members in our online Membership Directory.

The Alliance of Southwest Missouri Community HOPE Conference is a yearly conference to increase awareness and educa on about family violence and child abuse preven on. The 2015 Conference is April 10, 8 am-5 pm, at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 2423 West 26th Street. Cost for students is $10, professional and community members pay $20, and professionals seeking CEU credits: $60. For more informa on, go to www.theallianceofswmo.org or call 417.782.9899.

Creature Comforts implemented a new system for reserving their pet si ng services. Customers can go to the Online Request Reserva on page at www.creaturecomfortsjoplin.com or email petsi er85@gmail.com with your reserva on. For more informa on, call 417.529.6750.

April 28 is Joplin’s Premier Foodie Challenge. The Culinary Quiz Bowl 2015, benefi ng Ronald McDonald House of the Four States, will be held at JB’s Downtown Joplin, 112 South Main Street. This fundraiser is a compe on based on teams’ collec ve understanding of culinary skills, terminology and knowledge. Call 417.624.2273 to learn more and register your team for only $100.

Have you heard rumors about how beau ful the Girl Scouts’ Camp Mintahama is? Now is your chance to fi nd out for yourself! Learn more about the facili es at an open house April 25 from 1-4 pm. Camp Mintahama is located at 7013 Eland Road, south of Joplin. For details, email campmintahama@gmail.com.

Looking for summer camp op ons? The Girl Scouts’ Magic at Mintahama is a Harry Po er-inspired resident camp for girls in grades 4-12 from July 26-31. In addi on to Camp Quidditch, Po ons, Herbology 101 and other magical ac vi es, campers will refl ect on what they want most in life and how to turn dreams into goals. For details and registra on forms, visit www.facebook.com/CampMintahama.

Tabitha Smith Accoun ng & Tax Services reminds you to get your taxes in as soon as possible! The sooner you get them in, the be er the chance they can get done in me. If you have ques ons, call 417.208.2858 or email tabithasmithpk@gmail.com.

Sorop mist Interna onal Joplin is hos ng Night at the Derby May 2 from 4:30-10 pm to raise funds for grants, scholarships and programs to improve the lives of women and girls through educa on and empowerment. Tickets are $40 and include a cocktail hour, silent auc on, live auc on and dinner at The Ramsay. Contact Courtney Barnard at 417.825.0196 for ckets.

Learn about and discuss the poten al that business has in resolving poverty when Watered Gardens Gospel Rescue Mission presents Rudy Carrasco with Poverty Cure and Partner’s Worldwide April 18 from 8:30 am-12 pm at the Seth Wilson Library on the Ozark Chris an College campus. Find out more at www.truecharity.us/enterprising-solu ons-to-poverty/. RSVP by April 1 to receive a copy of “My Business My Mission, Figh ng Poverty through Partnerships.”

Joplin Regional Business Journal announces the new and improved JRBJ.biz! Whether checking the region’s news from your

smartphone, tablet or desktop, JRBJ.biz is your go-to des na on for all your regional business news! From archived news ar cles to event and ribbon cu ng photo galleries, JRBJ.biz has you covered! Prefer to read your subscrip on online? JRBJ.biz allows you to log in and read your favorite business publica on wherever you are! Check it out at www.JRBJ.biz!

Experience the vast amount of interna onally inspired entertainment Branson has to off er at the See The World In Branson Music Fest April 22 and 23. You’ll get a sampling of 10-12 diff erent entertainers each day, enjoy 40-plus booths and see the celebrity chefs ba le it out on the Iron Chef-themed Savor the Flavor stage where area entertainers go head-to-head in a friendly food showdown for the Golden Spatula Award! Call Branson Ticket & Travel for ckets: 800.432.4202 or email toyea@branson cket.com.

April is Na onal Child Abuse Preven on Month. Children’s Haven of Southwest Missouri and Children’s Trust Fund encourage everyone to play a role in making the area a be er place for children and families. By ensuring that parents have the knowledge, skills and resources they need to care for their children, Children’s Haven can help promote children’s social and emo onal well-being and prevent child maltreatment. For more informa on, call 417.782.4453.

Brave leaders disrupt industries through innova on, stand fi rm in the face of opposi on and embrace risk. Join a community inspired by those who demonstrate bravery and leave equipped to take on your next leadership challenge. Leadercast is May 8 at College Heights Chris an Church. For more informa on, go to www.chjoplin.org.

Debra Miller, Cindy Reed and Laura Wood, employees of Silver Creek and The Arbors at Silver Creek, a ended Americare’s annual Caregiver Conference in St. Louis. Over 300 of Americare’s top frontline staff from the company’s 100 communi es a ended the two-day conference. For more informa on, call 417.626.8100.

Sign up at www.star1043joplin.com for a chance to receive Star 104.3’s Workday Payoff ! Each week, they will randomly draw from the entries and go to the person’s place of business to see if he or she is listening to Star 104.3 and have their “I Listen to Star 104.3” Star easily visible. If so, they win $104.30! The contest from AMI Radio Group runs from March 30-June 18.

Downtown Joplin Alliance recently hired Callie Hudson as its new execu ve director and Zach Bozeman as the events coordinator. Callie has served various nonprofi ts in diff erent roles. Zach formerly worked for Rebuild Joplin. For more informa on, go to www.downtownjoplin.com.

Business Outlook



pril 2


Business Outlook


April 2015



Professional Urgent CareFamily Walk-in Clinic6031 North Main Street Road, Suite 395Webb City, MO 64870417.206.0900www.professionalurgentcare.netSkip Hale, AdministratorSponsor: Cynthia Marlow, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce

AirMedCare – Eagle Med LLCAmbulance Service1102 West 32nd StreetJoplin, MO 64804479.409.6612www.airmedcarenetwork.comKristi Davis, Membership Sales ManagerSponsor: Cynthia Marlow, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce

Christ in YouthYouth Services/Non-Profi t Organization2201 North Main StreetP.O. Box BJoplin, MO 64802www.ciy.comGlenna Watkins, Marketing DirectorChris Roberts, StorytellerSponsor: Ginger LaMar, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce

UV SanitizedHealth ServicesP.O. Box 381Carthage, MO 64836-0381844.422.5588www.uvsanitized.comTodd Rominger, Owner/Director of OperationsCody Smith, Owner/Director of SalesSponsor: Ken Surbrugg, Small Business & Technology Development Center at MSSU

The Chamber’s Board of Directors and staff are pleased to welcome our newest Chamber members. Please keep these and all members in mind when looking for goods and services.

Invite your clients or vendors to join the Chamber. Contact Cynthia Marlow at 417.624.4150 or cynthia@joplincc.com.

Welcome New Memberswww.edwardjones.com

Logan E Stanley, AAMS®Financial Advisor.

3111 S ArizonaJoplin, MO 64804417-659-9994

Member SIPC

Which collegesavings plan isright for you?

Business Outlook



pril 2


Ribbon Cuttings Presented by R





by C



e in th

e City

Gryphon BuildingDr. Michael Joseph

1027 South Main Street100-Year Anniversary

Hometown Pediatrics of JoplinShari Smith, D.O.

2302 East 32nd StreetNew Membership, Grand Opening

Allstate - Loretta Bailey AgencyLoretta Bailey, Owner2318 East 20th Street

Grand Opening of New Offi ce, 10-Year Anniversary

Freeman Health SystemPaula Baker, CEO

1102 West 32nd StreetOpening of Dialysis Unit

April 17 amLeadership Joplin Jefferson City Trip9 amLeads Group ThreeChamber Offi ce

April 3Offi ce ClosedGood Friday Holiday

April 79 amLeads Group OneForged Waterjet

April 89 amLeads Group TwoChamber Offi ce

Calendar of Events for April 2015April 94:15 pmCommunity Pride Starts Inside Awards AssemblyNorth Middle School6 pmTomorrow’s Leaders Today Graduation CeremonyMSSU Billingsly Student Center Connor Ballroom7 pmJoplin Makers MeetingNewman Innovation Center

April 107:30 amFirst (Second) Friday CoffeeCommunity Bank & Trust, 32nd Street

April 159 amLeads Group ThreeChamber Offi ce

April 1511:30 amCultural Affairs Committee Meeting Chamber Offi ce

April 168:30 amLeadership Joplin Education SessionTBD

April 1710:15 amEggs & Issues Legislative BrunchContinental Banquet & Catering

April 185:30 pmYPN Annual CelebrationContinental Banquet Center

April 219 amLeads Group OneCrowder College Webb City

April 211:30 pmMedicaid Expansion in MOChamber Offi ce5:30 pmBusiness After HoursMercy Clinic

April 229 amLeads Group TwoChamber Offi ce

April 235:30 pm Annual Chamber BanquetLeggett & Platt Athletic Center—MSSU

April 241:30 pmBacteria Testing in Food Manufacturing Using qPCRChamber Offi ce

Business Outlook


April 2015



Serve on a City of Joplin Board or Commission

Whatever your interest, the City probably has a place for you to serve. Boards and

commissions range from the City Tree Board and Conventions & Visitors Advisory

Board to Historic Preservation and Traffi c Commission. You must be a registered

Missouri voter to apply. Find the complete list of boards and commissions, and the

online application form, at www.joplinmo.org under the “Government” tab.

Wow! We sure had a packed house at Rustic Ridge Villas for March’s First Friday Coff ee! I know it seems like we couldn’t have squeezed another person through the door, but who do you know who wasn’t there because they haven’t yet discovered the great value of JACC membership? Recommending Chamber membership and participation is one of the very best things

you can do for a fellow business person who isn’t a member. Inviting them to attend a First Friday Coff ee or Business After Hours with you is one of the easiest ways to do it.

Maybe you always think about attending these events to network with other Chamber members who also attend, but we invite you to bring a guest with you: a fellow business person, a client or a potential customer who is not a member yet. Also, when you bring a guest to a JACC function, you increase the value of the event for the sponsor(s).Every program and event we provide as a benefi t to our members is only made possible through sponsorships. We depend on our sponsors for their support, and recognition is an important part of the benefi ts they receive in return. If you plan to bring a guest to an upcoming event, or you would like to learn more about available sponsorships for your organization, please call Cynthia Marlow at 417.624.4150.

Member Referrals Help Sponsorsby Cynthia Marlow

Christ In Youth2201 North Main StreetJoplin, MO 64802417.781.2273www.ciy.com

Christ In Youth is a nonprofi t organization headquartered in Joplin for more than 47 years. What started as a single summer conference for a few hundred high school students has grown to include more than 100 events and trips for nearly 100,000 students worldwide. From its preteen-specifi c weekend program, SuperStart!, to the 30 summer week-long conferences for senior high students, and into places all over the world through its short-term mission trips, CIY continues to amplify the call of Christ on students’ lives to be Kingdom workers.

The organization also produces its own resources including small group curriculum for churches and youth groups, and high-quality fi lm and videos used through its events and distributed to adult leaders all over the world. CIY produces a documentary fi lm each year with topics focusing on social justice issues such as fatherlessness, the water crisis and the globally persecuted Christian church. These documentaries have gone on to win fi lm festival awards and to be shown to U.S. government offi cials and other world leaders.

For more information about CIY, visit www.ciy.com.






Business Outlook



pril 2


Allstate - Loretta Bailey Agency ............................... 2005

Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Missouri Chapter

............................................................................................. 1998

Anderson Engineering, Inc. ...................................... 1997

AO Employment Services .......................................... 1998

Arnold Plumbing ........................................................... 2008

Associated Redi-Mix, Inc. ........................................... 1995

Associates in Oral Surgery & Dental Implants .... 2010

AT&T Mobility ................................................................. 2007

BioLife Plasma Services .............................................. 2014

C&H Heating and Air ................................................... 2013

Candlewood Suites/Elliott Lodging ........................ 2006

Coleman Vision Improvement Center .................. 2003

Cooper’s 66 ..................................................................... 2013

The Fireplace & More Store by Schnelle Sheet Metal

............................................................................................. 2013

First Financial Wealth Management ....................... 2013

Four State Homes, LLC ................................................ 2000

Gunlock Heating & Air, Inc. ....................................... 2007

Heartland Technology Solutions ............................ 1986

Hedman Chiropractic, LLC ........................................ 2011

The Herrod Financial Group ..................................... 1985

The Hive Business Acceleration Center................ 2013

Holiday Inn Convention Center Hotel and Spa . 1979

Insurance Benefi ts Consultants, LLC ..................... 2011

Jasper County Elected Offi cials ............................... 1995


Joplin Globe Publishing Company......................... 1946

Joplin Health and Rehabilitation Center .............. 2013

Joplin Regional Business Journal ........................... 2006

Keller Williams Realty of Southwest Missouri ..... 2006

Kriz-Davis Co. ................................................................. 1951

Lancaster Signs .............................................................. 2000

Lazer Force Lazer Tag Zone ...................................... 2013

LegalShield, The Mark Williams Agency ............... 2013

M&M Bistro ...................................................................... 2013

The Medicine Shoppe ................................................. 1993

Mitchell Mill Systems USA, Inc. ................................ 2011

MOCAP A Division of Premier Home Mortgage 2014

Orthopaedic Specialists of the Four States, LLC 2006

Ozark Adworks .............................................................. 1997

Peterbilt of Joplin ......................................................... 2005

Republic Services DBA Allied Waste ....................... 2014

RSVPaint, LLC ................................................................. 2014

Salon 529 ......................................................................... 2006

Service Solutions, Inc. ................................................. 2014

Superior Rents ............................................................... 2011

Thomas Jeff erson Independent Day School ...... 1993

Traci Thomas Agency, Inc. ........................................ 2013

Tint ‘N More, Inc. ........................................................... 1995

Top Seal Packaging ...................................................... 2010

Windstream Communications ................................ 2010

Business Outlook


April 2015




MSA is comprised of Jasper and Newton counties. Information is drawn from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

At Freeman Health System,every delivery is a special delivery.

That’s why we’ve taken care to provide our community with the most experienced NICU team in the area. With over 21 years of experience, we routinely take care of the most high-risk pregnancies.

As we celebrate 90 years of innovation in healthcare, we have you and your precious little ones in mind.

#FreemanTurns90 freemanhealth.com/NICU

Joplin, MO Metropolitan Statistical Area during 2014

Month Labor Force Employment Unemployment Rate January 86,826 82,142 4,684 5.4% February 86,802 81,965 4,837 5.6%

March 86,856 81,821 5,035 5.8% April 81,598 81,592 4,992 6.1% May 86,365 81,514 4,851 5.6% June 86,356 81,607 4,749 5.5% July 86,352 81,732 4,620 5.4%

August 86,555 82,103 4,452 5.1% September 86,866 82,365 4,501 5.2%

October 87,088 82,819 4,269 4.9% November 87,079 82,909 4,170 4.8% December 87,167 83,084 4,083 4.7%

Business Outlook



pril 2


No one uses the Yellow Pages for advertising anymore. Even small businesses know that most consumers conduct their searches for goods and services on the Internet. Accordingly most small businesses have a presence on the web. However, many have opted for do-it-yourself websites and do not understand that small business website design can reward them handsomely.

Five Elements of Professional Web Site Design That Enhance Your ROI1. Content2. Credibility3. Web 2.0 Optimization4. Readability5. Local Search Results Although keywords are important to website design, recent changes in Google and other search engine protocols penalize websites that key word stuff . The major search engines rightly understand that key word stuffi ng leads to nonsensical, or at best, diffi cult-to-read content. Content is more important than key words. Well-written content gives you and your business a strong sense of credibility. Relevant and current content gives the feeling you’re an expert in your fi eld. Content should be 80 percent information and 20 percent advertising. Give your readers good content and two things happen:

5 Factors to Ensure High ROI from Your WebsiteBy Eric Spellmann

They come back. They send others with an interest in your goods and services a link. The web today has changed. Some call it Web 2.0. The change is primarily in how users interact with the Internet. Before, they would just search for a topic. Today, web users interact. Social media sites are great examples of this interaction. Users post things they like, comment on things they dislike and are impatient. That is why content should be concise and use bullet points and lots of white space. Today’s users of the Web are skimmers. They have to be drawn quickly in by a bold statement or graphic to stay on

your page. This is why small business website design done by professionals is so important. Companies as varied as Wal-Mart and Proctor & Gamble have announced they are increasing their web investment. Small business needs professional website design to compete. By optimizing your site for Web 2.0, the readability issue for your site is pretty much settled. Modern sites use bold fonts, intriguing headlines and white space along with graphics such as infographics. Lastly, small business website design helps insure your company ranks high in local search engine returns. If you would like to learn more from Eric Spellmann, a nationally recognized speaker, check out the “Customer Retention via Social Media” and the “How to Rank Well on Google” programs off ered at Missouri Southern in April by accessing www.mssutraining.com. (Source: www.ericspellmann.com)

Business Outlook


April 2015



The Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce is “this close” to reaching the Bronze level of recognition in the Show-Me Heroes Chamber Challenge program. Currently, 7.6 percent of our member businesses have pledged to actively hire veterans and service members. To reach the Bronze level, at least 10 percent

of Chamber businesses must pledge to hire veterans and service members. By taking the Show-Me Heroes Pledge, you are telling Missouri’s military community and your peers that your business values the experience and skills current and former members of our armed Forces can bring to the workplace. Businesses are not required to have current job vacancies to participate in Show-Me Heroes.But, if and when positions do become available,

Show-Me Heroes employers can use all Show-Me Heroes resources to connect with and recruit great military candidates. Governor Nixon is calling on all Missouri employers to Take the Pledge and consider the benefi ts that hiring a veteran or service member can bring to your organization! Become a hero by hiring a hero! Take the pledge at showmeheroes.mo.gov, and help us go for the gold!

Help Us Bring Home the Gold with the Show-Me Heroes Chamber Challenge

Leggett and Platt Athletic Center

Missouri Southern State University

Thursday, April 23, 20155:30 pm Social

6:15 pm Dinner$55 per person

Please RSVP by April 13, 2015





Parking Lot


Arty Award

Chairman Passing of the Gavel

Chamber Highlights & Achievements

Golden Apple Awards

Milestone Member Recognition

Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award

Small Business of the Year Awards

Small & Large Industry of the Year Awards

Young Professional of the Year Award

Gold Sponsor:Presenting Sponsor: Venue Sponsor:

2015 Joplin High School Project Graduation Golf Tournament APRIL 18

Schifferdecker Golf Course8 am shotgun start (registration begins at 7 am)

• 4-Person Scramble• $300 per team ($75 per player)• Entry fee includes cart, green fees, goodie

bag and lunch availability.• Men’s and Women’s Closest to the Pin• Men’s and Women’s Longest Drive• Other hole contest prizes

All proceeds benefit the 2015 JHS Project Graduation

More information: Max Hill 417-540-3272, Ron Darby 417-825-5081or email jhsgolf@mail.com

Business Outlook



pril 2


Stand out from the crowd!

To list your openings, email mandrews@jrbj.biz

or visit us online!

Teeter Insurance Agency Since 1979

Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas



1321 S. Illinois Avenue, Joplin, MO 64801 wk. (417) 781 4820 • fax: (417) 781 7187

Linda S. Teeter, LUTCF

Business Outlook


April 2015



Small Business & Technology Development CenterMissouri Southern State University

The Robert W. Plaster School of Business3950 Newman Road, Joplin, MO 64801-1512 Phone: 417.625.3128 Fax: 417.625.9782

MICROSOFT EXCEL LEVEL 3April 7 (Tuesday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. and April 9 (Thursday), 1:30-4:30 p.m.Location: Plaster Hall, Room 320, MSSUCost: $119

INTRODUCTION TO QUICKBOOKSApril 28 (Tuesday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. and April 30 (Thursday), 1:30-4:30 p.m.Location: Plaster Hall, Room 320, MSSUCost: $119

STARTING A SMALL BUSINESS: THE FIRST STEPS April 10 (Friday), 1:30-4:30 p.m.Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSUCost: $29

HOW TO WRITE A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PLAN April 27 (Monday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSUCost: $39

PREDICTING CASH NEEDSApril 29 (Wednesday), 1:30-4:30 p.m.Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSUCost: $69

CUSTOMER RETENTION VIA SOCIAL MEDIA April 22 (Wednesday), 2-4:30 p.m.Guest Speaker: Eric Spellmann, Marketing GuruLocation: Robert W. Plaster School of Business in Cornell Auditorium, MSSUCost: $49

HOW TO RANK WELL ON GOOGLEApril 22 (Wednesday), 5:30-8 p.m.Guest Speaker: Eric Spellmann, Marketing GuruLocation: Robert W. Plaster School of Business in Cornell Auditorium, MSSUCost: $49

Find the full schedule of workshops at www.mssutraining.com.

Business Outlook



pril 2


First (Second) Friday Coffee

Friday, April 107:30-8:30 a.m.

Sponsored by and located at Community Bank & Trust

414 East 32nd Street

RSVP by April 8 at www.joplincc.com or 417.624.1996.

Business After Hours

Presenting Sponsor

Tuesday, April 215:30-7 pm

Sponsored by and located at Mercy Clinic

100 Mercy Way

RSVP by April 17 at www.joplincc.com or 417.624.1996.


US Bank, N.A., Chairman Sponsor, for helping us communicate with our members!

Good Morning Joplin

Tuesday, May 12

7:15-9 a.m.

Located at Mercy Hospital Joplin

100 Mercy Way

Presented by Sponsored by

7:15 a.m. - Breakfast |7:30 a.m. - Program |

$12 at the door or if invoiced$10 if prepaid online only

RSVP by May 8at www.joplincc.com or 417.624.1996

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