april 19, 2020 second sunday of eastersaintstephencommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ·...

Post on 16-Aug-2020






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Website: www.saintstephencommunity.org Church Email: ststephen@ssccohtn.org

Bulletin notices (due by 11am Monday) Email: lramming@ssccohtn.org

Office: 615-758-2424 • Fax: 615-754-0043 Priest’s House: 615-754-4454


Monday-Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

PASTORAL STAFF • EXT./PHONE Pastor, Rev. Pat Kibby .................................................... 112 Assoc. Pastor, Rev. Emmanuel Dirichukwu…………....116 Deacon, Fred Bourland .................................. 615-754-6899 Deacon, Steve Molnar……………………… 615-604-6059 Deacon, Rob Montini ..................................... 615-884-7541 Deacon, Tom Samoray…………………… ... 615-504-6257 Deacon, Paul Taylor…………………………615-754-6963 Deacon, Hans Toecker.................................... 615-482-1895 Administrator/Ministry Coordinator, Theresa Bradley .. 111 Bookkeeper, Sharon Brown………………………..……121 Office Secretary, Linda Ramming ................................... 110 Adult Formation, Sr. Maria Patterson, CDP ................... 118 Life Teen Minister, Angie Bosio ..................................... 113 Youth Formation, Greg Karn ......................................... 115 RCIC and Baptism Prep., Connie Blevins ...................... 114 Music and RCIA, Scott Goudeau .................................... 130 Life Teen Band, Renee Campbell .................. 615-516-2067

RECONCILIATION: Saturdays at 4:00 pm in the Reconciliation Room and by appointment.

INFANT BAPTISM CLASS: For registered members of the parish. Third Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm in the worship

space, unless otherwise noted.

MARRIAGE: Contact one of the following: Deacon Hans Toecker, Deacon Tom Samoray, Deacon Steve Molnar, Deacon Paul Taylor, Rev. Pat Kibby or Rev. Emmanuel Dirichukwu (see

contact numbers above) at time of engagement.

PRAYER CHAIN: For prayer for yourself or for someone else, call Rosetta at 615-889-9495.

SICK LIST: If you are going into the hospital or are homebound, please call the office, 615-758-2424.

24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: If you are feeling lonely, depressed, overwhelmed, a caring voice is just a phone call away

at 615-244-7444, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.



Saturday 7:00pm…………Albert & Dorothy Krueger Sunday 8:30am ............... Ralph Federle 11:00am ............... Wallace Copeskey 5:00pm ............... People of the Community Monday 8:00am ............... Scott Gilmore Tuesday 8:00am ............... Walter Pope Wednesday 8:00am ............... Hugh & Joan McDevitt 6:30pm ............... Philomina Hernandes Thursday 8:00pm ............... Arthur Nyc Friday 8:00pm ............... Marty Graham, Jr. Saturday 8:00am ............... Michael Zikovich 5:00pm ............... Mary Frances Hamblen Sunday 8:30am ............... Natividad Trivino 11:00am .............. Jack Bruewer 5:00pm ............... People of the Community Note: No public Masses. Mass intentions will still be offered since Fr. Pat and Fr. Emmanuel will be saying private Masses each day.

14544 Lebanon RD. • Old Hickory, TN 37138


A person was going through a very dark time, questioning the mean-ing of life, not feeling very purposeful or worthwhile, and feeling disconnected and unappreciated. Suddenly, they gazed up at the night sky, found themselves in awe of all the stars and constellations, and exclaimed, “I am here on purpose and I am loved!” Having been brought by God to this moment of intense con-nection and awareness, his life changed from that moment on. If we are always preoccupied with the challenges, obligations, and stuff of daily life, we can easily miss the wonderful opportunities when the resurrected Christ is knocking at our door. If we open ourselves to the fullness of experience, we will find ourselves listening and embracing all that is around us, being caught up in the magnificence of creation’s grandeur and knowing in our heart and soul that God is and I am. While that sounds like a simple, tell-me-something-I don’t-know kind of revelation, it is life changing when it takes root in the depth of a per-son’s soul. Stumbling upon this awesome truth and internalizing it doesn’t require an assent of the mind. It beckons for a claim on our soul. We find our-selves knowing something profound that cannot be explained or reasoned, but purely is. When we are caught up in an experience and encounter the truth, it doesn’t matter how all of the pieces got put together. Truth is simply truth. The “my Lord and my God” responses we utter are not evoked because all of the pieces of faith and life make reasonable sense. The “my Lord and my God” affirmations come when we are lifted up out of our preoccupations and silliness and are in the presence of mystery and mercy. God is mystery, one who is beyond our grasp but at the same time within our reach, knowable yet unknowable. And when in the presence of mys-tery, there comes an intense experience of mercy. We know deep within the essence of ourselves — and in the very life of creation — this beating, uncondi-tionally accepting, life-sustaining, profound, mysterious yet familiar presence of love. We have found our peace. “Peace be with you.” Breathe in and breathe out. Peace. Liturgical Publications, Inc.

Registration in the Parish: Forms are available in the office during office hours, in the literature racks in the narthex of the church, or on our website (www.saintstephen community.org) and can be filled

out and returned electronically.

Sunday Adult Education meets from 9:45-10:45 am. Monday Group meets at 9am. Both groups meet in the Multipurpose Room of the Church.

LIFE TEEN All high school age youth of the parish are invited to attend the LIFE TEEN Mass held every Sunday at 5pm followed by LIFE Night in the Multipurpose Room of the Church.

PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) Classes for youth, age 3 through grade 8, are held on Sundays during the school year.

The Nursery is open during Sunday Masses for all children 12 months (and walking) through 3 years, located in the Holy Family Center.

Adult Choir & Children's Choir practices vary according to Mass times. Everyone is invited. Contact: Scott Goudeau.

Christian Initiation (RCIA) and (RCIC) All non-Catholic adults interested in learning about or becoming members of the Catholic Church contact Scott Goudeau. Meets every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Multipurpose Room of the Church. Youth, age 7 or older, contact Connie Blevins.

Catholics Returning Home. “Welcome home!” If you have been away from the Church for awhile and are wondering how to transition back, help is available. Contact Jerry Marcec (630-362-7150 or marcecjj@yahoo.com).

Parent’s Day Out. Located at 108 Brookhollow. Call Nancy Otting at 615-754-8432 or email nancy otting@gmail.com for information and availability.

Buddy Break: Respite program for families with children of special needs. 3rd Friday of each month. Email Jill Tzompanakis for more details at tntzom@gmail.com.

AA every Wednesday morning at 10:30am in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center.

Al-Anon meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 noon in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center. We can help, you are not alone.

Funeral & Bereavement Ministry. Information to share on ways to save on the cost. Pre-planning allows us to establish a personal relationship ahead of time. After the death of a loved one we all need to journey with our grief in order for closure to take place. For questions about Catholic funerals or to pre-plan, call Theresa Bradley at 615-758-2424, Ext. 111.

Adult Faith Formation classes meet on Sunday and Monday. The Sunday group has been cancelled. We will resume our

Sunday group sessions on May 3. The Monday group has been cancelled. We will resume our Monday group sessions on May 4. *The Sunday group meets at 9:45am in the Multipurpose Room of the Church. *The Monday group meets at 9am in the Multipurpose Room of the Church.

Catholic Basics Wednesday mornings at 8:30am. Join us in Room 100 as we look at the literary forms within the Bible in the book And God Said What. Catholic Basics has been cancelled until further notice.

Wednesday Morning Scripture Group from 10am-11:15am in Room 105. We are studying Scripture by looking at the readings used at Mass for the upcoming Sunday. This helps prepare us for the Sunday liturgy in a thoughtful way. Scripture Group has been cancelled until further notice.

A Time to Seek—chapter-a-day readings: Genesis 50; Gal. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

This Week: Life Teen this Sunday. All high school students are

invited to join Life Teen for a Global Life Night Series continuing this Sunday, Apr. 19, at 4pm. Links and info will be emailed to parents. Email Angie at abosio @ssccohtn.org with your name, students’ names and grades if you currently don’t receive weekly Life Teen emails from Angie and would like to be added to the list.

LIFE TEEN Recycles: LIFE TEEN is collecting cellular phones and inkjet printer cartridges for recycling as a fund raiser for our trip to Covecrest, the Life Teen summer camp. LIFE TEEN receives up to $3 for each phone and ink cartridge received. Deposit inkjet cartridges and cell phones in the marked box in the Donation Room off the Social Hall. No chargers or other accessories please, only phones and batteries. Contact: Angie at 615-758-2424 x 113.

Parents Meetings:

• Parents Meeting for Students Preparing to Receive the Sacrament of Eucharist: Information about

rescheduling this meeting will be sent to you by email.


• First Eucharist Students Retreat:. Information about rescheduling this

retreat will be sent to you by email.

Celebration of Sacraments:

• First Eucharist will be celebrated on a date to be determined at the 5pm Mass.

• The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred at the Catholic Pastoral Center on a date to be determined. St. Stephen will celebrate the Sacrament with Our Lady of the Lake, St. Paul, St. Mark, St. Patrick (McEwen), St. Francis Cabrini, and Church of the Nativity. Bishop Spalding will preside.

• Important: We must have a copy of the Baptism Certificate for all students preparing for the Sacraments.

• Save the Date: St. Stephen’s Vacation Bible School is June 22-26. We accept donations of low strength reading glasses (+1.0) and sunglasses and donations for glasses throughout the year for the Haiti Medical Mission.

• Note: Communications regarding our PREP program are handled by emails, phone app, website updates, bulletin announcements, postcards, and handouts. If you are not currenting receiving emails, please contact Greg Karn by email at gkarn@ssccohtn.org. Most email issues are a matter of an incorrect email address, and this is helpful in capturing accurate information.

“Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” (John 20:19) Are you good at making people feel

welcome? When you meet someone new, like a new neighbor, a new work colleague or a new parishioner, do you make them feel at home? Many of us can probably do a much better job at this. When we make people feel welcome, we make them feel like they are included instead of being excluded. We are made for relationships – with God and each other. A simple “hello” and a smile goes a long way.


Financial Report—-4-12-2020

Regular Collection ........................... $31,278

Capital Improvements Debt ................ $3,537

Monthly Loan Payment…………….$18,675

Debt Owed……………………...$3,268,997

Income YTD (starting 7/1/19) .. ...$1,384,221Income Last Year ............................$1,363,050 Regular Collection (4/5/2020)……...…$39,369 Capital Improvements Debt (4/5/2020)...$3,108


bus, we can also do that online. Just give me a call or text me at 615-594-4737 to discuss. Roch Wegenka, Grand Knight Council 9282

From the Pro-Life Committee of the La-dies Auxiliary: The pope invited prayers for all nurses and midwives, “Let us pray for all of them, that they may do their pre-cious work in the best possible way. He said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stum-ble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

ing on those affected from St. Stephen, St. Frances Cabrini, and St. Vincent de Paul. If you have been affected by the re-cent tornado, they can help. A help line has been established for persons needing assis-tance; 615-362-2415. If you call, you need to leave your contact information; you must agree to participate in the disaster inter-view/assessment process. The messages will be picked up daily and assigned to a volunteer to conduct the needs assessment interview by phone.

Bishops Annual Appeal for Ministries: Bishop Spalding is grateful for the prayers and support of the faithful of our Diocese and for those who have made a gift or pledge to the 2020 Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries. As of Apr. 14, St. Stephen Catholic Community has reached 54% of our dollar goal and 79% of our partic-ipation goal! Please consider making a donation in support of the ministries that serve our Catholic Community and beyond throughout Middle Tennessee. Go to www.appeal.dioceseofnashville.com to make an online donation.

K of C Council 9282 Corner: The Knights want to thank all who donated to the 40 Cans for Lent. We collected close to 5,000 lbs. of food before the collections stopped and $600, so far, in cash for the Mount Juliet Help Center. Due to the ongoing need for food with so many people out of work during the Pandemic, the Knights will continue to ask for donations to the Mount Juliet Help Center in April and May. You can donate at our website, KofC9282.org. Simply hit the donation button and follow the instructions. All of the money collected goes to the Mount Juliet Help Center. Al-so, the Council held its April Council Members Meeting via an online video meeting on Monday Apr. 6. If you are in-terested in joining the Knights of Colum-

The church office is closed until the ban is lifted. We will be checking email and voicemail messages periodically. If you need a priest, call the church office and voicemail will direct you to an emergen-cy number.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Fr. Pat and Fr. Emmanuel will take appointments by email if you need to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You can email them at: pkibby@ssccohtn.org or edirichukwu@ ssccohtn.org.

On-Line Giving Opportunity. Father Pat posted on Facebook: “I’d ask you to con-sider making use of opportunities presented by Online Giving: https://www.osvonline giving.com/1339. Although our physical contact is limited our fiscal reality is not touched by Covid-19.” For your conven-ience, the link is at the bottom of our web-site page.

Prison Ministry Rosary: Due to the Coronavirus, we are asking you to pray the Wednesday 6pm Rosary for the incar-cerated from home. Currently, the plan is to meet again beginning May 6.

Baptism Class Cancelled: Due to the church being closed because of the “Stay at Home” order, the Baptism class for April has been cancelled. Next class will be held on May 19.

You can access our bulletin on the parish website or go to ParishesOnline.com and key in St. Stephen Catholic Community, Old Hickory, TN.

Rice Bowls: If you have been contributing to Catholic Relief Services by using the Rice Bowls, please keep them until the ban has been lifted and Sunday Masses resume.

Tornado Relief Assistance. The St. Vin-cent de Paul Society (local councils and a national representative) has established a Tornado Relief Assistance program focus-


Altar Flower Donation

In Memory of our Deceased Loved Ones and Friends

To donate flowers for the altar in memory of a loved one or to remember a special occasion,

contact Connie Blevins (615-397-9255).

Churches are closed through April 30. From Fr. Pat: “On Sunday you can join with us on Facebook for Mass. Once it’s up, it’s up, so join us at your convenience. I’d encourage you not to do so in isolation but to watch at a time when everyone in your household can pray together, sing together and make your responses during the Mass together.” ALL events, including small faith meetings, have been cancelled at St. Stephen through April 30. Visit the Church’s Facebook page and website (www.saintstephencommunity.org) for the latest parish news, photos and lots of other great resources we’ll be providing for our fami-lies during this period. Events cancelled include: Monday & Wednesday Evening Rosary Thursday Lunch Knights of Columbus Activities Kids Day Baptism Class


Sunday, April 19—2nd Sunday of Easter

• Streaming Mass at 10am

• All Masses, classes, and other parish activities cancelled until further notice

Monday, April 20

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Tuesday, April 21

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further


Wednesday, April 22

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Thursday, April 23

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Friday, April 24

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Saturday, April 25

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further


Sunday, April 26—3rd Sunday of Easter

• Streaming Mass 10am

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Monday, April 27

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further


Tuesday, April 28

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Wednesday, April 29

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Thursday, April 30

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further notice

Friday, May 1

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further


Saturday, May 2

• All classes and parish activities cancelled until further


Watch the church website and Facebook page for updates to our church schedule of events.


Mt. Juliet Help Center: Most needed items at the center are: Crackers, shampoo, chili beans, pork and beans, spaghetti sauce, jelly.

Pathways to Possibilities: Pathways to Possibil-ities presented by Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding, Bishop of Nashville, and the Dio-cese of Nashville is the annual fundraiser for Catholic Charities of Tennessee. This year, Pathways will be a virtual event – mostly via email and social media – the week of April 20, instead of in-person as originally planned. Over four days, you will hear from Bishop J. Mark Spalding and Catholic Chari-ties of Tennessee Executive Judy K. Orr about the many acts of love, kindness, and healing that Catholic Charities is performing in the Nashville community. Make sure you receive Pathways updates by subscribing to the Catholic Charities email list (https://www.cctenn.org). Catholic Charities pro-vides much-needed assistance for tornado survivors, laid off workers in need of finan-cial assistance, meals, counseling, and much more. The demand for Catholic Charities ser-vices has never been more urgent. Link to Pathways to Possibilities donation page: https://www.cctenn.org/donationsdetails. cfm?id=d8

The Spring Speaker Series: The diocesan Of-fice of Faith Formation has postponed the last two installments of its Lenten Speaker Series until further notice. New dates for the talks, whose theme is “Lent with the Church Fa-thers,” will be announced in the future.

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts: Earn Catholic Scout Religious Emblems. There are religious emblems for Catholic Scouts of all ages. Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout emblems. Adult Counse-lors are needed to help Scouts earn their emblems, and can be nominated for adult emblems. It takes several months to complete the requirements. Now is the time to get started. If you earn the emblem this year, Bishop Mark Spalding will present them at a special Mass on Sunday, Oct. 25. For more infor-mation and to obtain requirement booklets, go to: www.scout stuff.org or www.praypub.org. At the site, type in or click on religious emblems. Local Catholic contacts are: Bill Schlueter, Chair of the Nashville Diocese Religious Emblems Committee 615-972-3791 or mtn.catholic.emblems@gmail. com; Jim Guschke, Chair of the Nashville Diocese National Catholic Committee on Scouting, 615-476-8909 or backpackergus@gmail.com.

Save the Date: The Eleventh Annual Seminarian Education Dinner & Auction will be held at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Hendersonville on Tuesday, May 19 from 6pm to 9pm. Come and meet the future priests of the Diocese of Nashville. For more information, call Ashley Linville at 615-645-9768. Sponsored by the Knight of Columbus, Serra Club of Williamson County and Serra Club of Nashville.

Catholic Women of Faith Conference Come Be Blessed at St. Phillip Church in Franklin has been moved to June 27. Register online at: catholic womenoffaithconference.com.

WBOU, Nashville Catholic Radio can be heard on 100.5 FM. To feed your spiritual needs, we bring you the following prayer services: Daily at 12 noon, a 60 second examination of conscience fol-lowed by Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm daily. Daily Rosary at 7pm. Sunday Mass with the Most Reverend Bishop Spalding at 11:05am. Sunday Mass in Spanish at 8pm. You can also go to our website at www.wbou.org.

St. Bernard Academy Summer Play Days: Looking for the perfect blend of fun, excite-ment, and enrichment this summer? Then Summer Play Days is the place for you! Open Monday-Friday from 8am-6pm for ages 4-12, Summer Play Days is conveniently located at St. Bernard Academy near Vanderbilt and Belmont. Students from all schools are wel-come! Join us for a variety of camps, water days, special visitors, and more! Visit our website at www.stbernardacademy.org/academics/summer-program for more info!

Father Ryan High School: Summer Camp time at Father Ryan! Registration is now open for Fa-ther Ryan's array of outstanding summer camps. Camps open the week of May 26. For infor-mation on the camp schedule, coaches and to regis-ter, visit fatherryan.org/camps.

Pope John Paul II High School News: Camp JPII Registrations are open. For kids 4-18 from June 1-26, Monday thru Friday in two sessions, 9am to 12pm and 12:30pm to 3:30pm. Before care is available. With 46 camp offerings, there is something for every age, every interest, and every skill. To reg-ister or for more information, go to https://jp2hs camp.campbrainregistration.com. Questions? Email camp@jp2hs.org.

Call the office to add your/ family member name to the prayer list. Names will be kept on the list until the end of the month. Let us know if we should keep someone on longer. Please inform the office of a loved one’s death so they may be added to the deceased prayer list.

Prayers requested for the following: Jeff Thompson (son of Margaret Thompson), Kari Beckman (friend of Chip Harris), Mary Kaplan, Karen Brackman (friend of Donna Wagner), Victoria Diaz (mother of Car-los Calderon), Karen Paris (sister of Leigh Ann Kersey), Joan Celli, Amanda Jacobs, John Nolan (brother of Nancy Reuther), Gary Webb (friend of the Castner’s, Gray’s, & Scarborough’s), Lyndsey Myers (friend of Chip Harris), Donna Hess (friend of Wen Marcec), Bonnie Skaggs (sister of Judy Crowe), Lauren Lathan (grand- daughter of Sarah Wiggins), Dan Dammann, Ursula Norvell (mother of Doug Norvell), Tracey Dill (daughter of Janice Fox), Katherine Weinstein (sister of Teri Bosio and aunt of Angie Bosio), Ann Sullivan, Al Steinmetz, Janice Gentry, Hugh Harmon (uncle of Regina Norvell), Pete Harper, Susan James (friend of Janice Fox), Bill Walsh, Choyce McBride (sister of Ron Fleitz), Jake Jakubowski, Pat Porter, George Wiemar, Jack Klinefelter, Steve Molnar, Robert Porcella, Troy Versluis (friend of Linda Johnson), Linda Stanley (cousin of Valerie & Ron Fleitz), Ann Donelson (mother of Sue Donelson), Fran Branch (friend of Monohan family), Marilyn Parham (sister of Jo Ann Summers), Jan Cason (cousin of Peggy & Charles Waterston), Bill Laurie, Joe Fiato, Marie Chabot (former parishioner), Randle Webber (daughter of Gerald Webber & granddaughter of Judy Webber Crowe), Marie Sullivan (mother of Sharon Brown), Kathy Siggins & Liillian Bosquez (sisters of Della Thompson), Bob Dwyer, Bill Pauly (brother of Burton Pauly), Rosie Robinson (friend of Maddy Bennett), Maureen Copeskey, Joan Gunter, Jan-Blaise MacEachern (grandson of Jessica & Kevin Poe), Jim Dooley (brother of Jerry Dooley), Billie Langnau (friend of Carol Dalglish), Tony Groce (friend of Mark Bailey), James Diehl (grandson of Gary & Joanne Rabideau), Pat Reisdorf (friend of Wen & Jerry Marcec), Greg Triplett (father of Andrew Triplett), Charles Louwerse (brother of Suzanne Valimont), Victoria Burk (niece of Debbie Short), Ted, and Max Journigan, Derrick Bailey, Ruth Holzwarth, and Margaret Turner (relatives of Renate Plasencia), Angela Young (daughter of Bob Young), Don Farwick (brother of Jan Marks), Ashley Vickers, George Mainville (brother of Betty Micol), Diane Kudrez, Beth Bojanski (niece of Suzanne Valimont), Bishop Mikaelian.

Please remember those who have died, especially: Bonnie Sturgess (mother of Trey Stur-gess and Tonita Fulks and grandmother of Mark Fulks).

The following merchant has offered to donate 10% of your total purchase (excluding alco-hol and sales tax) to St. Ste-phen Life Teen and EDGE on the day listed below to help with funding for Life Teen Summer Camp. Please present the bulle-tin or flyer at time of purchase. El OK Corral—First Sunday of the month. Place a floral order for $25 or more with Brown’s Florist and mention “St. Stephen Capital Improvements” and $5 will be donated to the St. Stephen Capi-tal Improvements Fund. Valid on walk-in or phone orders. Please contact Rip Beazley, Brown’s Florist, 269 W. Main St., Hendersonville, TN. Phone: 615-824-0857 or 615-720-6504 (cell). www.brownsflorist.net.

10% Donations

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