application server installation guide - argus software

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ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

Application Server Installation Guide ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 3/31/2016 ARGUS Software – An Altus Group Company

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

© 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Application Server Installation ARGUS Enterprise Version 11.0 3/31/2016 Published by: ARGUS Software, Inc. 750 Town and Country Blvd Suite 800 Houston, TX 77024 Telephone (713) 621-4343 Facsimile (713) 621-2787 Information in this document is subject to change without notice and represents no commitment on the part of ARGUS Software, Inc. This document is copyright 2016, ARGUS Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is a confidential and proprietary trade secret of ARGUS Software, made available only under a license agreement and or other agreements containing obligations of confidentiality.

"ARGUS" and “ARGUS Enterprise” are trademarks of ARGUS Software, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective companies.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

© 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Before You Begin ................................................................................................................................................... 1

In Place Updates .................................................................................................................................................... 6 In Place Updates for Service Packs – For 11.0.0 and Forward ................................................................................... 6

Getting Additional Assistance ................................................................................................................................ 7

Overview of ARGUS Application Server ................................................................................................................. 8 Enterprise Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Database Server Components.................................................................................................................................... 8

Installation of Business Services ............................................................................................................................ 9 Enterprise Server Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Single Server Installation ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Multiple Server Installation...................................................................................................................................... 15

Configuration Tool ............................................................................................................................................... 21 System ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 AE 11.0 Database..................................................................................................................................................... 22 Reporting ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Deployment Types ................................................................................................................................................... 35 Process Service ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Application Service ................................................................................................................................................... 44 Data Service ............................................................................................................................................................. 47 Licensing ARGUS Enterprise Server .......................................................................................................................... 48

Manual Configuration of Windows Services ........................................................................................................ 53 General Tab ............................................................................................................................................................. 54 Log On Tab ............................................................................................................................................................... 55 Recovery Tab (Recommended) ................................................................................................................................ 56 Dependencies Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 57

Change, Repair, or Remove Installation ............................................................................................................... 58 Change Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 58 Repair Installation.................................................................................................................................................... 61 Remove Installation ................................................................................................................................................. 63

Appendix: Manual Database Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 66 AE 11.0 Database..................................................................................................................................................... 66 SQL Server Database Options .................................................................................................................................. 68 Generating Database Scripts to perform a manual upgrade .................................................................................. 69 Manually Executing the Database Upgrade Scripts................................................................................................. 72 Attachments Hardening Requirement for ARGUS Enterprise 10.5.3 ....................................................................... 77

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

1 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Introduction Purpose This document is intended to facilitate the deployment of ARGUS Enterprise by providing the following:

• An overview of the Windows component service and other components used by ARGUS Enterprise Application Server

• Step-by-step instructions for installing each of these components, regardless of deployment scale

• Directions for configuring each of the Windows services

Before You Begin Before starting to install ARGUS Enterprise, please take a moment to make sure that you have fulfilled the following prerequisites.

Note: Pay particular attention to the SQL server requirements if you are performing an upgrade to an existing database. Modifications to the database structure will cause the upgrade process to take much longer than normal, especially on large databases.

Desktop Requirements

1. Confirm that your system meets the requirements outlined in the appropriate Small, Medium, or Large Enterprise Planning guide.

2. You need to have administrator rights to proceed with the installation.

Application Server Requirements

1. Confirm that your server meets the requirements outlined in the appropriate Small, Medium, or Large Enterprise Planning guide.

2. Make sure you have fully downloaded the ARGUS Enterprise installation program.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

2 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Services Account Setup for Application and Processing Servers.

The configuration will default to NT Authority\Local Service account on install. This will only work for AE services installed on the same machine as the SQL Server database. For most scenarios other than trial systems, this is not the recommended server setup. See Planning guides for more information.

For most server deployment scenarios the following is recommended.

1. Create a Domain Service Account to run the core ARGUS Enterprise services (Application and Processing Services). It is good practice to set the following:

• Password never expires • User cannot change password

2. For added security, optionally remove the service account from the domain users group by performing the following steps:

• Create a domain group (e.g., AE Service Accounts).

• Assign this group to the primary group of the service account.

• Change the service accounts primary group to the new domain group that you created.

• Remove the service account from domain users. This limits the security footprint of the account by limiting access to other machines in the domain. Thus, if this account becomes compromised, the exposure is limited.

• Add this new group to the users local group of the service machines.

Note: This account will also be used to run the ARGUS Enterprise SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) component and additional permissions may need to be applied. (See the Reporting section.)

In all cases, the selected service account or service accounts group will need to be added to the “AE Users” role in the ARGUS Enterprise database order to limit access rights to just those needed by the service.

Service Account Special Considerations

Set up your service account according to the following recommendations:

1. TCP/IP protocol only:

Note: If you are running windows firewall, ensure that the TCP/IP service ports are opened on the firewall. You may also need to check any virus scanning software you have installed as some of them have firewalls as well.

Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of ARGUS Enterprise, it should be noted that the Service Account is no longer required to be part of the Local Admin Group.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

3 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

2. HTTP/HTTPS protocol:


• For http run “netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8103/ user="Domain\Username"”, or for https run “netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:8103/ user="Domain\Username"” from an administrator command line. Change the parts in red to match your installation port and service account username minus the outside quotes.


• Add the service account to the local administrators. Although this is a simpler solution, consult your security guidelines before implementing this as this increases the security footprint.

3. If the system is required to Import/Export DCF files:


• Add the argus.exe and reAPLEngine32.exe files in the “Shared Components” folder of the installation path into DEP if they are not there already.

• Grant the service account launch for the following two components in “Component Services” : APLW, and 56388E5E-9217-4EB6-808C-6E27579862C6.

• Contact support for help configuring if errors occur.


• Add the service account to the local administrators. Although this is a simpler solution, consult your security guidelines before implementing this as this increases the security footprint

SQL Server Database Upgrade Requirements

Note: The upgrade of a database to ARGUS Enterprise version 10.5 and subsequent versions from a pre-10.5 database will require a significantly longer time to accomplish than previous versions due to some underlying technical changes. Please expect upgrade times that may last up to several hours for very large databases. Ensure that you have a current backup before proceeding with an upgrade.

Before executing the database upgrade through the configuration utility or by manually running the upgrade scripts (See Appendix), ensure that the following steps are taken to prepare and secure the database from unintended access during the upgrade process.

• Ensure that a database backup has been taken so that the log file is truncated as the log file can grow very large during the database upgrade. Also, in the unlikely event that a problem is encountered with the upgrade that cannot be rectified without starting over, the original database can be restored and the process repeated.

• In order to reduce the size the log file can grow to and potentially fail the upgrade due to disk space issues, it is recommended you switch the database recovery model from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged as per the advice in the Configuration Utility Database Upgrade Wizard.

• For an upgrade of a pre-10.5 database, it is recommended you pre-grow the database and log files prior to the upgrade as the database can grow by as much as 60% due to the need to move data when making structural changes to the Results Tables necessary in order to enhance performance. Pre-sizing the files will ensure that there is sufficient disk space and also will be less time consuming

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

4 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

than repeated auto grow extensions of the database. Leave Auto Grow enabled in case the estimated growth is insufficient.

Pre-10.5 Database SQL Server Database Interface/Report Customization Requirements

By far the biggest change a to pre-10.5 database was the addition of the ScenarioId column as part of the primary key for all results tables. This change was carried out to improve the performance of scenario/portfolio level reporting within ARGUS Enterprise.

• CalculatedKPIs • FinancialLineItems • FinancialLineItemValues • KPIItems • KPIItemValues • ModeledEntities • ModeledEntityDetails • ModeledEntityReportData • OtherItems • OtherItemValues • UKTVAcquisitionCost • UKTVCapitalExtras • UKTVGroundLease • UKTVGroundLeaseRentSlice • UKTVOperatingExtra • UKTVProperty • UKTVPropertyCapitalCosts • UKTVPropertyRunningYields • UKTVRevExes • UKTVTenant • UKTVTenantRentSlice

IMPORTANT NOTE: It should be noted that this may have an adverse effect on the performance of any Custom Reporting or data extract that relies on the primary key indexes that were present prior to 10.5 as these indexes will no longer be present. Those queries are now liable to cause table scans which will perform poorly on large databases where results records can run into the tens of millions.

It is recommended that custom reports and data extracts be modified to include the Scenario Id as part of the filter criteria of queries to these tables. If this is not immediately possible, ARGUS Support can provide an optional script that will create indexes to replicate the old indexes and give similar read performance to that prior to 10.5, with two significant warnings: This may degrade write performance and will have a big impact on the space taken up by the database, increasing the size of the data files by as much as 20%.

For these reasons, it is recommended that queries be modified to include ScenarioId rather than apply this script. If it proves necessary to apply the indexes as an interim fix to the system, ARGUS Support can also provide a script to remove the indexes once all custom modifications have been made.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

5 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

SQL Server Requirements

1. Confirm that your server meets the requirements in the Small, Medium, or Large Enterprise Planning guides.

2. Confirm that SQL Server is installed and functional.

3. Associate the service account created for the application service with the AE User role in order to limit access rights to just those needed by the service. This can be done after the ARGUS Enterprise database has been created.

SQL Server Reporting Services configuration

1. Utilize the AE Service Account for accessing SSRS Report content via the Connection String.

2. Define an AD group containing each user, who will be accessing the content defined in SSRS, as a BROWSER role.

Network Connectivity Requirements

1. Note that the Application Server Endpoint makes use of the Net TCP, or HTTP protocols. By default, our application uses the Net TCP port number 8102.

2. Add port number 8102 to any firewall exceptions.

3. Add default SQL Server port to any firewall exceptions.

4. Make sure that SQL Server services are running.

5. Enable TCP/IP connection.

Note: If your enterprise will be exporting and importing models to and from ARGUS Valuation DCF, additional security might need to be granted to the APLW com object in the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Config section of Component Services. If the service account used as the login for the Application and Process services is not a local administrator on the server, then that account needs to be granted Launch and Activation permissions and Access permissions.

Note: When importing a .sf file on a machine that contains the Application Service and/or the Process Service and the database, the service(s) will need to logon using a local machine account or a domain account (recommended.) Be aware that the use of NT Authority\Local Service will not work in this scenario.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

6 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

In Place Updates In Place Updates for Service Packs – For 11.0.0 and Forward Starting with 11.0.2, you can use In Place Updates to install service packs for the same major/minor version without having to check in your license or uninstall the previous version. In Place Updates for Service Packs cannot be used for install versions prior to 11.0.0 or to upgrade to minor/major release versions. For example, you can use In Place Updates to install AE 11.0.2 over a previously installed 11.0.1, but you cannot use In Place Updates to upgrade from 10.6.0 to 11.0.0.

Expired Licenses

If your license is expired, the Installer allows you to use In Place Updates to install a new service pack; however, ARGUS Enterprise will not allow you access until you renew your license subscription with a new expiration date.

Installation Instructions

Use this procedure to install a new service pack using In Place Updates:

1. Download the ARGUS Enterprise Service Pack from:

2. Click Save at the prompt to save the Setup file. Note: Write down the file location for future reference.

3. Go to the file location, right click on setup.exe, and select Run As Administrator. Result: The Installer Pop-Up appears.

4. Click Next. Result: The Welcome Pop-Up appears. Note: Next is disabled until you close all dependent applications. Example: AE 11.0.0.

5. Read and accept the license agreement. Click Next. Result: The Install Pop-Up appears.

6. Click Install. Result: The Installer updates features previously installed.

7. Click Finish. Result: The Database Configuration Wizard Pop-Up appears.

Note: Refer to the Upgrading a Database section for procedures on Upgrading an Existing Database.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

7 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Getting Additional Assistance The ARGUS Support Team is available for questions throughout the day. If you have questions regarding these instructions, please contact Technical Support:


Visit our support page at

By Telephone

Support Hours of Operation


7:30am to 6:30pm GMT-6 Monday to Thursday

7:30am to 6:00pm GMT-6 Friday excluding USA public holidays


9:00am to 5:30pm GMT Monday to Friday excluding UK public holidays

Middle East/Africa:

9:00am to 5:30pm GMT +8 Monday to Friday excluding public holidays


9:00am to 5:30pm GMT+8 Monday to Friday excluding Singapore public holidays

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

8 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Overview of ARGUS Application Server Enterprise Services The ARGUS Server component consists principally of the three Windows services described below. A Windows service is a long-running executable that performs specific functions and does not require user intervention. Windows services can be configured to start when the operating system is booted and to run in the background as long as Windows is running.

Application Services

Application services represent the principal business logic layer for the ARGUS Enterprise Solution. Requests from the ARGUS Enterprise client application and Excel Add-in component are handled by the application service. Typically, a single application service is deployed, but the solution can be scaled by deploying multiple application services behind a load balancer. The subject of load balancing is outside the scope of this document.

Process Service

The ARGUS Enterprise Process Service operates as the bulk data management and manipulation component of the application. The process service manages communication between the business logic layer and the database. The solution can be scaled by deploying multiple process services, each requiring its own server.

Data Service (Optional)

The Data Service provides specialized data integration facilities. It is an optional part of ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 and should only be installed and configured if data integration is required.

Database Server Components The ARGUS Database Server comprises two components: the ARGUS Data Warehouse (ADW) and the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) for Repertoire Reporting. These components store all data for the entire ARGUS Enterprise Application Suite and provide report generation services via a separate, secure server.

The ARGUS Database Server may follow two paths for installation: Standalone or Cluster. The appropriate path for your installation varies based on your organization’s needs and the scale of your deployment. See the three documents for Large, Medium, and Small Enterprise Planning for more information on how to select the most appropriate installation path for your deployment of ARGUS Enterprise.

System Requirements

Before installing the ARGUS Enterprise core business services, the installation of the ARGUS Enterprise Database Server should be completed and verified. Please refer to the ARGUS Enterprise Server System Requirements to determine the hardware and software requirements that match the scale of your deployment.

Installed Components

Upon successful completion of the tasks described in this document, the following components will be installed:

• ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 database • SSRS for Repertoire Reporting • Application Service • Process Services • (Optional) Data Service

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

9 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Installation of Business Services Enterprise Server Installation ARGUS Enterprise core and optional business services are installed by a standard SETUP.EXE executable program. All services can be installed on a single server (i.e., single-server installation). However, it is recommended that each service be individually installed on different servers for medium or large deployments (i.e., multiple-server installation, see below). In either case, it is recommended that SQL Server be installed on a separate server.

Single Server Installation The single server installation process will:

• Install the business service software. • Create Windows Services. • Create uninstall information.

1. Begin by downloading the installation program from the ARGUS support download site at

2. When prompted, Run or Save the installation program, Setup.exe.

• Run: Choose Run to run the installation program if it is located on a local network.

• Save: Choose Save if the installation program is being downloaded from the ARGUS support site. Remember to note the file location for future reference.

3. Navigate to the location of the installation program and double click the file to launch the installer. Click Run. The installer launches automatically.

4. Click Next to launch the Setup Wizard.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

10 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

5. The system displays which components need to be installed and which ones (if any) are already installed. The installation program automatically detects whether your computer has Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0 installed. If it is not found, the installation program launches the Microsoft .NET installation. Click Accept to install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0 and follow the instructions on-screen.

Click Next to launch the Setup Wizard.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

11 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

6. Read and accept the End-User License Agreement. Click Next to continue.

7. Select which type of ARGUS Enterprise Installation will be performed. When you click the icon, the setup

automatically continues. For a single server installation, select the Server Installation option to automatically install all three services (application services, process services, and data integration services).

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

12 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

8. To change the default installation folder, enter the name of the new folder, or click Change to browse for another folder. Click Next to proceed.

9. Click Install to install the software or click Back to review or change settings.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

13 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

10. The Setup Wizard displays a status bar to indicate progress installing the program. If prompted by Windows User Account Control (UAC), click Yes to allow the program to make changes to this computer.

11. Click Finish.

Note: If upgrading from an earlier release of ARGUS Enterprise, the system displays the database selection screen. Select the database server with your prior version ADW database.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

14 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

12. This screen does not appear if you are installing to a server that has never had any version of ARGUS Enterprise. Click OK.

13. The ARGUS Enterprise Configuration Utility runs automatically to configure Services and the ARGUS Data

Warehouse database.

14. For each machine on which you have installed a service, set the connection strings for any installed service by clicking AE 11.0 Database. For example, if the services are installed on only one machine, click AE 11.0 Database and runs the Database Wizard once. If the services are installed on three machines, you will need to repeat this process once for each machine. If this is the first service you are configuring, AE 11.0 Database installs or upgrades your existing prior version database. Refer to the Configuration Utility>AE 11.0 section.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

15 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Multiple Server Installation Each service can be individually installed on different servers. In larger implementations, the Process Service can be installed on multiple servers to provide scalability of batch processing services. Consult the appropriate Medium or Large Enterprise Planning guide. The installation process:

• Installs the selected business service software. • Creates Windows Service(s). • Creates uninstall information.

1. Begin by downloading the installation program from the ARGUS support download site at .

2. When prompted, Run or Save the installation program, Setup.exe.

• Run: Choose Run to run the installation program if it is located on a local network. If you select this option, continue with Step 2.

• Save: Choose Save if the installation program is being downloaded from the ARGUS support site. Remember to note the file location for future reference.

3. Navigate to the location of the installation program and double click the file to launch the installer. Click Run. The installer launches automatically. Click Next to launch the Setup Wizard.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

16 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

4. The installation program automatically detects whether your computer has Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0 installed. If it is not found, the installation program launches the Microsoft .NET installation. Click Accept to install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0 and then follow the instructions on-screen.

5. Click Next.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

17 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

6. Read and accept the license agreement. Click Next.

7. Select Custom Installation to install the server components. When you click the item, the setup

automatically continues to the next step.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

18 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

8. The Custom Setup window allows you to choose specific software components and a location for installation. Select only the ARGUS Enterprise server you wish to install (e.g.., the application service, the process service, the data integration service). Click Browse to change the installation path or to install one or more of the services on a different drive. To remove a component from installation, de-select the component. Click Next.

Note: Some Administrators also install clients (e.g., Excel4ADW, Enterprise Client) if they want to test directly on this same server. This is recommended.

9. Click Install to begin the installation of the software, or click Back to review or change your settings.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

19 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

10. The installation automatically begins.

11. If upgrading from an earlier release of ARGUS Enterprise, the system displays the database selection

screen. Select the database server with your prior version ADW database. Click OK. This screen does not appear if you are installing to a server that has never had any version of ARGUS Enterprise.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

20 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

12. Once the installation is complete, the system displays the above screen. Click Finish.

13. The system displays the ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration screen. For each machine on which you

have installed a service, set the connection strings for any installed service by clicking Database Wizard in the AE 11.0 Database page selector.

Note: If this is the first service you are configuring, Update or Change Database installs or upgrades your existing prior version database. Refer to the Configuration Utility>AE 11.0 section.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

21 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Configuration Tool System The System option enables you to create and save a Diagnostics system report that contains the configuration of ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 along with basic information about your operating system (no persona information is included).

This report may help ARGUS Software support to assist you with any issue you encounter.


Click Diagnostics Report and select an option from the pick list. You may choose from the following options:

• Copy to Clipboard • Save to File

System Health

Read any error or warning messages in this section. On the right side of the window, you can click on any of the Click here to fix hypertext links to launch the Data Service for each issue. Click Refresh to refresh the window.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

22 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

AE 11.0 Database The AE 11.0 Database option enables you to manually launch the Database Wizard. The SQL Server Instance options can be updated or changed as often as necessary by clicking Database Wizard.

Read any error or warning messages in the Status section. You can also click on any of the Click here to fix hypertext links to launch the Database Wizard window.

Click Refresh at the bottom to refresh the window.

Upgrading an Existing Database

There are two ways to upgrade your existing database:

• The configuration tool: Recommended • Generate scripts and execute them manually: Go to the Appendix: Manual Database Upgrade now for


1. Click Database Wizard on the right side of the screen to launch the Database Wizard.

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23 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Important Note: The upgrade of a database to AE version 10.5 and subsequent versions from a pre-11.0 database will require a significantly longer time to accomplish than previous versions due to some underlying technical changes. Please expect upgrade times that may last up to several hours for very large databases. Ensure that you have a current backup before proceeding with an upgrade.

2. Click Next to start preparing your database.

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SQL Server Database Options

The SQL Server Installation window offers two options:

• Use Existing Local SQL Server Express LocalDB • Use an Existing SQL Server Instance: Choose this option for the Application Server setup.

3. Select Use an Existing SQL Server Instance.

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25 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

4. If you know your server and database names, enter them in the appropriate fields. Otherwise, you can search for them in the pick lists. If installed on a cluster, the name of the SQL Server on which the ADW database is to be installed is the shared Instance Name. Click Next to continue.

• Server: If you know your server and database names, enter them in the appropriate fields. Otherwise, you can search for them in the pick lists. If installed on a cluster, the name of the SQL Server on which the ADW database is to be installed is the shared Instance Name.

• Authentication: The user credentials required to connect to the SQL Server.

o Windows Authentication: If this option is selected, the User ID and Password do not have to be entered.

o SQL Server Authentication: If this option is selected, the appropriate User ID and Password must be entered.

Note: You should select the Windows Authentication option in most cases. You should only select the SQL Server Authentication option if you are a database administrator or a person who will be responsible for making regular user changes and monitoring user access to the ARGUS Enterprise database.

• User ID/Password: Enter the User ID and Password if needed.

• Database: The name of the ADW Database to be installed on the SQL Server.

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26 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

5. Upgrading an existing database, the wizard displays both the current and the upgraded database versions. Click Next to continue.

6. Select Run the database scripts now, and click Next to continue running the scripts. If you wish to inspect

the scripts before applying them to the database, you can select the option Save the scripts so that I can run them later.

• Run the database scripts now: If this option is selected, the wizard connects to the MS SQL Server using the user credentials supplied earlier and creates the database immediately.

• Save the scripts so that I can run them later: Refer to the Appendix: Manual Database Upgrade.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

27 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Warning: If you have never performed a SQL backup on your database, you will see the following screen. You may need to perform a SQL backup before proceeding with the database upgrade.

7. After you have backed up your database, select the box next to the message By checking this box you are agreeing… Click Next to proceed with the database upgrade.

Note: If you choose Run the database scripts now, we recommend performing a transaction log backup before clicking Next.

If you select Run the database scripts now, you may see the following screen. If you don’t see the following screen, continue to Step 8. Choose to alter the recovery model automatically to bulk – logged (recommended) or to ignore the recovery model. Click Next to continue.

Note: If you select bulk-logged recovery mode the wizard will switch back to full recovery on completion of the upgrade. It is highly recommended that you choose bulk logged mode to reduce the log file size increase during the upgrade process.

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28 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Wait while the system executes the database scripts.

8. The wizard confirms the creation of the new database. Click Finish to close the installer and return to the Configuration Utility. The ARGUS Enterprise Configuration utility runs automatically to configure Services and the ARGUS Data Warehouse database. For details on database configuration, see the Configuration Utility>AE 11.0 section.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

29 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

Creating a New Database

If you are creating a brand new database, follow the instructions in this section.

1. Click Database Wizard on the right side of the screen to launch the Database Wizard.

2. Click Next to start preparing your database.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

30 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

3. Select Use an Existing SQL Server Instance.

4. Enter the names of the existing SQL server and new database. Click Next.

If you know your server and database names, enter them in the appropriate fields. Otherwise, you can search for them in the pick lists.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

31 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

5. Click Next to create the new database.

6. Select Run the database scripts now, and click Next to continue running the scripts. If you wish to inspect

the scripts before applying them to the database, you can select the option Save the scripts so that I can run them later.

• Run the database scripts now (recommended): If this option is selected, the wizard connects to the MS SQL Server using the user credentials supplied earlier and creates the database immediately.

• Save the scripts so that I can run them later: Refer to the Appendix: Manual Database Upgrade.

Note: If you choose Run the database scripts now, we recommend performing a transaction log backup before clicking Next.

7. Click Next.

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32 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

8. If you select Run the database scripts now, you may see the following screen. If you don’t see the following screen, continue to Step 9.

If you do see the following screen choose Alter the recovery model automatically to bulk – logged or Ignore the recovery model. Click Next to continue.

Wait while the system executes the database scripts.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

33 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

9. The wizard confirms the creation of the new database. Click Finish to close the installer and return to the configuration utility. The ARGUS Enterprise Configuration utility runs automatically to configure Services and the ARGUS Data Warehouse database. For details on database configuration, see the Configuration Utility>AE 11.0 section.

Reporting The Reporting option allows you to deploy your reports according to the parameters set in the Report Mode and Report Location fields.

Deploy to SSRS

You can choose to deploy your reports to an existing Microsoft SSRS instance.

SQL Server Setup ARGUS Enterprise uses Microsoft SSRS to generate reports within the ARGUS Enterprise Client. The presentation of these SSRS reports in the ARGUS Enterprise solution is referred to as Repertoire Reporting.

It is assumed that SSRS 2008 (required) or SSRS 2008 R2 (recommended) installation has been completed and verified.

To best support Repertoire Reporting, SSRS security should be configured in the following manner:

• Use the ARGUS Enterprise Service Account for accessing SSRS Report content via the Connection String.

• Define an AD group containing all users that will be accessing the content defined in SSRS as a BROWSER role.


• Before beginning the installation, ensure MS SQL Server 2008 R2 has been installed. • If the database server is shared with other applications, database backups should be performed prior

to installing. • If SSRS is installed on the same cluster as ADW, the SSRS Reports for Repertoire Reporting installation

must be run on each node of the cluster even though SSRS is not cluster-aware. • If SSRS is running on a remote-hosted instance of SQL Server (different from the instance where ADW

is installed) the SSRS Reports for Repertoire Reporting should be installed on the server hosting SSRS.

ARGUS Enterprise Application Server Installation Guide

34 © 2016 ARGUS Software, Inc.

1. Select Reporting in the left navigation pane. Click Deploy Reports.

Result: The ARGUS Enterprise Report Deployment Wizard opens.

2. Click Next to continue.

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Deployment Types The Report Deployment Wizard offers two Deployment Types. You can choose to deploy your reports to either:

• SSRS, an existing Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services instance • A folder on your machine or on a network

Deploy to SSRS

You can choose to deploy your reports to a network.

1. Choose the Deploy to SSRS option. Click Next to continue.

2. Enter the URL of your SQL Server Reporting Services web service and base folder in the Report Server URL

and Base Folder fields. Click Next to continue.

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3. Choose an authentication type:

• Windows Authentication • SQL Server Authentication

4. Enter your user name and password in the User Name and Password fields.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Click Next to continue.

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7. Wait while the Report Deployment Wizard deploys your reports.

8. The Report Deployment Wizard has finished deploying your reports. Click Finish to complete this process. The ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration Tool window automatically opens.

9. Click Reporting in the left navigation pane to view your report mode and location.

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Deploy to Folder

You can choose to deploy your reports to a folder on your local machine or network.

Prerequisites Before deploying the reports to a folder, the following prerequisites must be met:

• Reports must be deployed to a network share where users have access and full permissions. • ARGUS Enterprise users must have direct access to the SQL Server. • ARGUS Enterprise users must have read and write permissions to the ARGUS Enterprise database.

1. In the Configuration tool, click Reporting in the left navigation pane.

2. Click Deploy Reports. The ARGUS Enterprise Report Deployment Wizard starts.

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3. Click Next to continue.

4. Choose the Deploy to Folder option. Click Next to continue.

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5. The program prompts you to use the pre-selected folder. Click to select a different folder. Click Next to continue. The Report Deployment Wizard is now ready to deploy your reports.

6. Click Next to continue.

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7. The Report Deployment Wizard has finished deploying your reports. Click Finish to complete this process.

8. The ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration Tool window automatically opens.

9. Click Reporting in the left navigation pane to view your report mode and location.

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Process Service The Process Service option allows you access to the ARGUS Enterprise Process Service, which operates as the bulk data management and manipulation component between the core business services and the database.

You may need to manually configure your services if the account you are using to run them has never been used for services before.

The Process Services may be installed in one of three ways:

• Installed on the same server as the other ARGUS Enterprise services • Installed on a single dedicated server • Installed on multiple dedicated servers

The configuration steps are the same for each method.

If the Process Services have been installed on multiple servers, configuration needs to be run on each server.

1. Select ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration from the ARGUS Software\ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 folder in the Start>All Programs menu or run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Choose Process Service in the left navigation pane.

3. The service account used by the Process Service defaults to LocalSystem. To change the service account,

first click to stop the service. Then click .

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4. If the Process Service is currently stopped, choose the hyperlink Click here to fix.

5. Select an account type for the Service Account:

• Account (only use if the database on same machine)

• Specific Account (see “before you start” section)

6. Enter the account name and password in the marked fields. Click OK to finish.

Note: The service account will need to be associated with the AE User role in the ARGUS Enterprise database in order to limit access rights to just those needed by the service.

7. Click to start the Process Service. The Service Status changes to Running. You can also click to stop the Process Service

8. Update Simultaneous Tasks on the server dedicated to the Process Service to the number of server

processor cores multiplied by 1.5.

Note: The Performance Settings for Busy Wait Time and Empty Queue Wait Time should only be adjusted on the advice of the ARGUS Support Team.

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Application Service The Application Service option allows you access to the ARGUS Application Service, which is the principal business logic layer for handling requests from the Enterprise Client.

You may need to manually configure your services if the account you are using to run them has never been used for services before. If you have difficulty getting the services to start, consult the Manual Configuration of Windows Services section.

Note: The Configuration Utility does not have to be run immediately after installation; however, the system will need to be configured prior to using ARGUS Enterprise.

1. Select ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration from the ARGUS Software\ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 folder in the Start > All Programs menu or run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer to display the ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration screen.

2. Click the Application Service option in the left navigation pane.

3. The Service Account defaults to Local Service. To change the Service Account, first click to stop the application service.

Click next to the Service Account field.

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4. Select an account type for the Service Account. You may choose from the following options:

• Use Default Account: The Account Name and Password are auto populated.

• Use Specific Account: You must enter an Account Name and Password.

5. Enter the Account Name and Password in the appropriate fields. Click OK to finish.

6. In the Network Configuration section, click next to the TCP Endpoint field.

7. Enter the port number in the Port Number field. You may also increment/decrement the number using

the arrows to the right. Click Set Default Port to set your selected port number as the default.

8. Make sure the Enabled option remains selected, so your changes take effect. Click OK when you are finished.

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Note: The service account will need to be associated with the AE User role in the ARGUS Enterprise database in order to limit access rights to just those needed by the service.

9. Click to start the Application Service. The Service Status changes to Running.

10. Repeat Step 3-8 for the HTTP Endpoint and HTTPS Endpoint fields.

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Data Service The Data Service option provides specialized data integration facilities. It is an optional part of ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 and should only be installed and configured if data integration is required.

You may need to manually configure your services if the account you are using to run them has never been used for services before. If you have difficulty getting the services to start, consult the Manual Configuration of Windows Services section.

1. Select ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration from the ARGUS Software\ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 folder in the Start > All Programs menu or run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Click Data Service in the left navigation pane.

3. Run Steps 3-9 in the Application Service section above.

Note: The service account will need to be associated with the AEUser role in the ARGUS Enterprise database in order to limit access rights to just those needed by the service.

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Licensing ARGUS Enterprise Server


Administrators do not need a separate license for any of the functional modules in ARGUS Enterprise (such as ValCash) in order to manage users and security settings.

Adding a New License

Adding a new license allows you to use the license and product key on the current computer. To add a new license, you need an Internet connection.

1. Navigate to Start>All Programs>ARGUS Software>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration. Alternatively, you can run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Select Licensing in the left navigation pane.

3. Click Add New License.

4. Select your Product from the pick list.

5. Enter Email Address, Company Name, and License Keys.

6. Select an area from Where are you?

7. Click Next to continue.

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Checking Out a License Checking out a license allows you to use the license and product key on the current computer. You need an Internet connection to check out a license.

1. Navigate to Start>All Programs>ARGUS Software>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration. Alternatively, you can run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Select Licensing in the left navigation pane.

3. Select the license from the right navigation pane.

4. Click Check Out Selected Licenses.

Result: Launches the Check Out ARGUS Software License pop-up.

5. Select your Product from the pick list.

6. Enter Email Address, Company Name, and License Keys.

7. Select an area from Where are you?

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8. Click Next to continue.

Result: Launches Software License Agreement window

9. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement after you review the Software License Agreement.

10. Click Print to print a copy of the agreement. Access this agreement any time.

11. Click Next to continue.

12. Select your preferred method for check out:

• Check out my license over the Internet.

• Check out my license by telephone – use this option if you do not have an Internet connection.

13. Click Finish to complete this process.

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Refreshing a License

Refreshing your license allows you to retrieve license information from the IBL server and update the license information saved in the local store. To refresh your license, you need an Internet connection.

1. Navigate to Start>All Programs>ARGUS Software>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration. Alternatively, you can run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Select Licensing in the left navigation pane.

3. Select the license from the right navigation pane.

4. Click Refresh Selected Licenses.

Checking In a License

Checking in your license allows you to reuse the license and product key for a version upgrade or reinstall or to use them on a different computer. To check in your license, you need an Internet connection.

Internet Check In

1. Navigate to Start>All Programs>ARGUS Software>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration. Alternatively, you can run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Select Licensing in the left navigation pane.

3. Select the license from the right navigation pane.

4. Click Check In Selected Licenses.

5. Select Check in my licenses over the Internet.

6. Click Next to continue

7. Click Finish to complete this process.

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Phone Check In

1. Select Licensing in the left navigation pane.

2. Select the license you want to check in from the right navigation pane.

3. Click Check In Selected License.

4. Select Check in my licenses by telephone.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Select your region from Please tell us where you are located.

7. Click Next to continue.

8. Call the number displayed on the Telephone Check In window.

9. Give the ARGUS representative your license key and site code. (These fields are automatically populated). Enter the authorization code the representative gives you.

10. Click Next to continue.

Removing a License

Removing a license will prevent the license and product key from being used on the current computer. To remove a license, you need an Internet connection.

1. Navigate to Start>All Programs>ARGUS Software>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0>ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration. Alternatively, you can run the application file ARGUS.ConfigurationUtility.UI.exe in the database folder from Windows Explorer.

2. Select Licensing in the left navigation pane.

3. Select the license in the right navigation pane.

4. Click Remove Selected Licenses.

Result: License is removed.

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Manual Configuration of Windows Services Basic configuration options for the Windows services, including starting the services, are provided by the ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Configuration Utility. Advanced options are available from the Windows Services console.

To access the Windows Service console, click Start>Control Panel>System and Security>Administrative Tools>Services. Then right click the server name (e.g., AE 11.0 Application Service), and select Properties.

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General Tab Click General for display information about your service properties. In the AE 11.0 Application Service Properties (Local Computer) window, the Startup type field is set to Automatic by default. This is the recommended setting and ensures the ARGUS Enterprise Services come back online whenever the machine is rebooted.

You can click the hypertext link Help me configure service start up options to open the Microsoft Management Console window for additional information.

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Log On Tab Click Log On to access the account information. You can change the Log on as option by selecting either Local System account or This account and entering an account and password for the service account.

You can click the hypertext link Help me configure user account log on options to open the Microsoft Management Console window for additional information.

Note: A domain account with privileges to both the local application server and the ARGUS Enterprise Database Server is required to run the ARGUS Enterprise Core Services.

Click Browse to enter object types, locations, and check names.

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Recovery Tab (Recommended) 1. To change the recovery process for when a service fails, click Recovery.

2. You can click the hypertext link Help me set up recovery actions to open the Microsoft Management Console window for additional information.

3. Select actions for First failure, Second failure, Subsequent failures:

• Take No Action • Restart the Service • Run a Program • Restart the Computer

4. Set the number of days for Reset fail count after.

5. Set the number of minutes for Restart Service after.

6. Select Enable actions for stops with errors to enable restart computer options.

7. Choose Browse to select the appropriate program to run.

8. Enter parameters in Command line parameters.

9. Choose whether to Append fail count to end of command line.

10. Click Apply when all service properties are configured.

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Dependencies Tab 1. Click Dependencies to review any system component dependencies that may be associated with the

ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 Application Service.

2. Navigate back to the General tab, and click Start to start the service if it is not already started.

3. Click OK to close the Service Properties window.

4. Repeat these steps for each installed Server:

• AE 11.0 Process Service • AE 11.0 Data Service (if installed)

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Change, Repair, or Remove Installation Change Installation You can change installed features in the current installation.

1. Navigate to the location of the installation program, and double click the file to launch the installer.

2. Click Next to launch the Setup Wizard.

3. Select Change to alter the way that features are installed.

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4. The Custom Setup window allows you to choose specific software components and a location for installation. Select only the ARGUS Enterprise server you wish to install (e.g., the application service, the process service, or the data integration service). Click Browse to change the installation path or to install one or more of the services on a different drive. To remove a component from installation, deselect the component. Click Next to continue.

Note: Some administrators also install clients (e.g., Excel 4 ADW, Enterprise Client) if they want to test directly on this same server.

5. Click Install to make your changes.

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6. Wait as the Setup Wizard repairs ARGUS Enterprise 11.0

7. Click Finish to complete this process.

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Repair Installation You can fix missing or corrupt files from the current installation.

1. Navigate to the location of the installation program and double click the file to launch the installer.

2. Click Next to launch the Setup Wizard.

3. Select Repair to alter the way that features are installed. You can also click Back to return to the previous

window or Cancel to stop this process.

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4. Wait while the Setup Wizard repairs ARGUS Enterprise 11.0. You can also click Cancel to stop this process.

5. Click Finish to complete this process.

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Remove Installation You can remove the current installation.

1. Navigate to the location of the installation program and double click the file to launch the installer.

2. Click Next to launch the Setup Wizard.

3. Select Remove to remove ARGUS Enterprise from your computer. You can also click Back to return to the

previous window or Cancel to stop this process.

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4. Click Remove to completely remove ARGUS Enterprise 11.0 from your computer. You can also click Back to return to the previous window or Cancel to stop this process.

5. Wait while the Setup Wizard removes ARGUS Enterprise 11.0.

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6. Click Finish to complete this process.

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Appendix: Manual Database Upgrade The ARGUS enterprise Configuration Tool provides the ability to perform a manual database upgrade. Manual execution of the database upgrade scripts is only recommended if you have encountered problems running the upgrade through the Configuration Utility and ARGUS Support have a need to be involved in your upgrade process as part of resolving upgrade issues. For Upgrades to ARGUS Enterprise 11.0, timeouts can occur on large databases that have many millions of results records and this is the most typical need to follow this process.

AE 11.0 Database The AE 11.0 Database option enables you to manually launch the Database Wizard. The SQL Server Instance options can be updated or changed as often as necessary by clicking Database Wizard.

Before you begin: Read any error or warning messages in the Status section. You can also click on any of the Click here to fix hypertext links to launch the Database Wizard window.

Click Refresh at the bottom to refresh the window.

Important note: The upgrade of a database to ARGUS Enterprise version 10.5 and subsequent versions from a pre-10.5 database will require a significantly longer time to accomplish than previous versions due to some underlying technical changes. Expect upgrade times that may last up to several hours for very large databases. Ensure that you have a current backup before proceeding with an upgrade.

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Upgrading an Existing Database

1. Click Database Wizard on the right side of the screen to launch the Database Wizard.

2. Click Next to start preparing your database.

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SQL Server Database Options 3. At the SQL Server Installation window choose Use an Existing SQL Server Instance… for the Application

Server setup.

4. Complete the SQL Server instance fields:

• Server: If you know your server and database names, enter them in the appropriate fields. Otherwise, you can search for them in the pick lists. If installed on a cluster, the name of the SQL Server on which the ADW database is to be installed is the shared Instance Name.

• Authentication: The user credentials required to connect to the SQL Server.

o Windows Authentication: You do not have to enter a User ID and Password.

o SQL Server Authentication: Enter the appropriate User ID and Password.

Note: Only select the SQL Server Authentication option if you are a database administrator or a person who will be responsible for making regular user changes and monitoring user access to the ARGUS Enterprise database. Otherwise, select the Windows Authentication option.

• User ID/Password: Enter the User ID and Password if needed.

• Database: The name of the ADW Database to be installed on the SQL Server.

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5. Click Next to continue.

Generating Database Scripts to perform a manual upgrade For upgrading an existing database, the wizard displays both the current and the upgraded database versions.

6. Click Next to continue.

7. Select Save the scripts so that I can run them later.

8. Click Next to generate the scripts.

Warning: If you have never performed a SQL backup on your database, you will see the following screen. You may need to perform a SQL backup before proceeding with the database upgrade.

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9. After you have backed up your database, select the box next to the message By checking this box you are agreeing…

10. Click Next to generate the scripts.

Note: We recommend performing a transaction log backup before clicking Next whether you choose Run the database scripts now or Save the scripts so that I can run them later.

11. When you select Save the scripts so that I can run them later… you can save the scripts to a series of files

and run them later using SQL Server management tools. Click Next.

12. Select a directory.

Click OK.

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13. Once the directory is selected, the script files are generated and stored in the selected directory.

Result: The wizard confirms the creation of the database Scripts.

Note: Multiple files are created, one for each version of AE from your current version to the version of AE you are upgrading to. It is essential that the scripts are run in order of the prefix shown by the script naming convention. A batch file is provided to ensure that you run the scripts in the correct order or you can manually run each script in order.

14. Click Finish to close the installer and return to the configuration utility.

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Manually Executing the Database Upgrade Scripts Manual execution of the database upgrade scripts is only recommended if you have encountered problems running the upgrade through the Configuration Utility and ARGUS Support has a need to be involved in your upgrade process as part of resolving upgrade issues. For Upgrades to ARGUS Enterprise 10.5, timeouts can occur on large databases and this is the most typical need to follow this process.

Warning: Each Script file will have been generated to apply updates to the database specified during the script generation process. It is important that the scripts only be applied to the originally selected Database, must only be run once against that database and only if the database is still at the same version as when the scripts were generated.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ARGUS Database Update Script --------------------------------------------------------------------- SET NOEXEC OFF; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Setting the database to single user mode before starting modifications. -- SCRIPT FILE: C:\Program Files (x86)\ARGUS Software\ARGUS Enterprise 11.0\Configuration Utility\Scripts\ADW_BeforeUpdate.sql ---------------------------------------------------------------------


NOTE: Substitute the name of your database for [YOURDATABASENAME].

Warning: The Scripts are designed to fail in such a way that an upgrade can continue on from the point of failure once the reason for the failure has been diagnosed and the problem corrected. The Configuration Utility is designed to continue from the point of failure. HOWEVER, the upgrade scripts generated for manual execution will not continue on from the point of failure. Should you encounter an error during the upgrade process, contact ARGUS support to obtain an explanation of the problem and a plan for continuing the upgrade. Once the problem is resolved, you will need to re-run the Database Upgrade Wizard inside the Configuration Utility to generate a new set of scripts that will continue the upgrade from the current point of failure.


Before executing the scripts manually using the provided batch file, ensure the following steps are taken to prepare and secure the database from unintended access during the upgrade process.

• Ensure that no ARGUS Enterprise Application Services, Data Services or Process Services are running. • Ensure that any SYMPHONY servers are shutdown. • Disable the SSRS server access to the ARGUS Enterprise database. • Disable any access to the database from custom interfaces, reporting etc… • Ensure that a database backup has been taken so that the log file is truncated as the log file can grow

very large during the database upgrade. Also, in the unlikely event that a problem is encountered with the upgrade that cannot be rectified without starting over, the original database can be restored and the process repeated.

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• In order to reduce the size the log file can grow to and potentially fail the upgrade due to disk space issues, switch the database recovery model from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged. For example: USE [master] GO ALTER DATABASE [YOURDATABASENAME] SET RECOVERY BULK_LOGGED WITH NO_WAIT GO

• It is recommended you pre-grow the database and log files prior to the upgrade as the database can grow by as much as 60% due to the need to move data when making structural changes to the Results Tables necessary in order to enhance performance. Pre-sizing the files will ensure that there is sufficient disk space and also will be less time consuming than repeated auto grow extensions of the database. Leave Auto Grow enabled in case the estimated growth is insufficient.

Executing the Scripts from the Batch File

1. Navigate to the Directory where you stored the scripts in the file system and run the batch file runscripts.bat.

The output will be written to a log file which provides a record of the changes made and can be used to diagnose any problems that maybe encountered during the upgrade process.

Warning: The Upgrade process may take several hours to complete. If no error messages are encountered within the log file and the log file is continuing to grow, the upgrade process is proceeding even though there will be no outward indication of progress. DO NOT interrupt the batch file execution. See below for a way to check progress.

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2. If necessary, you can check the progress of the upgrade from SQL Server Management Studio by running

the following Query against the DbVersion table.

SELECT TOP 1 [Id] ,[VersionMajor] ,[VersionMinor] ,[VersionRevision] ,[VersionIteration] ,[DateAdded] ,[Comments] ,[ComputedVersion] FROM [YOURDATABASENAME].[dbo].[DbVersion] ORDER BY Id DESC

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The final database Version will have a computed version of 100500042.

NOTE: During the current ARGUS Enterprise 10.5 Version upgrade, most of the time will be spent performing the 100200042 and 100200043 script upgrades, so don’t be surprised if the above query shows the version to be 100200041 or 100200042 for a considerable amount of time (possible hours if the results tables contain many millions of records).

When the upgrade batch file has successfully completed, the command window should display the message All scripts have now completed successfully and the log file should show the message ***** RUNNING 08-END-DBUpgrade.sql *****

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3. Run this query to establish that the final database Version has a computed version of 100500042.

Upgrade failures

In the event of an upgrade failure, the following process should be observed:

Warning: The Scripts are designed to fail in such a way that an upgrade can continue on from the point of failure once the reason for the failure has been diagnosed and the problem corrected. The Configuration Utility is designed to continue from the point of failure. HOWEVER, the upgrade scripts generated for manual execution will not continue on from the point of failure. Should you encounter an error during the upgrade process, Contact ARGUS support to obtain an explanation of the problem and a plan for continuing the upgrade. Once the problem is resolved, you will need to re-run the Database Upgrade Wizard inside the Configuration Utility to generate a new set of scripts that will continue the upgrade from the current point of failure.

Post upgrade steps

1. Perform a database backup to truncate the database log file.

2. If the recovery model was previously Full, this model should be restored now that the upgrade process is complete

USE [master]




3. Proceed with the rest of the ARGUS Enterprise by installing the 11.0 ARGUS Enterprise Services and Clients.

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Attachments Hardening Requirement for ARGUS Enterprise 10.5.3 This procedure is recommended to increase security around the file attachment functionality in ARGUS Enterprise and prevent the execution of any files that reside in the file attachment directory. Use this procedure to set your ARGUS Enterprise attachment directory to no execution privileges to protect your server attachment location.

Before you begin

Open a window in Windows Explorer and launch ARGUS Enterprise.

1. In ARGUS Enterprise left navigation select Control Panel>System.

Result: The System Settings popup appears.

Note: In System settings you can set the Attachment Directory where attachments will be saved on the server.

2. Make a note of your Attachment Directory.

3. Navigate to your Attachment Directory in Windows Explorer.

4. Right click your Attachment Directory for a popup menu.

5. Select Properties.

Result: The Attachment Properties popup appears.

6. Select Security Tab.

7. Click Advanced.

Result: The Advanced Security Settings for Attachments popup appears.

8. Click Change Permissions.

Result: The Advanced Security Settings for Attachments popup appears with Add and Edit options.

9. Click Add.

• Name: Type a user or group.

• Full Control: Allow

• Traverse folder / execute folder: Deny

Click OK.

Result: The Advanced Security Settings for Attachments popup appears with Add and Edit options.

10. Check Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.

Click OK.

Click Apply.

11. Click Yes through the next two popups.

Result: Your directory is set to no execution privileges as a security measure.

Note: Have your virus scanner automatically scan incoming files to the attachment directory.

top related