application packagingq%26a

Post on 07-Mar-2015






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1. Introduce yourself2. How many years of experience in installshield3. What version of installshield are you using

Admin Studio v8.5, Install shield 2010

4. What are the common ICE errors that we used to solve . Explain the errors?

ICE 43 - Component has non-advertised shortcuts. It should use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file Component table.

ICE64 - The directory is in the user profile but is not listed in the RemoveFile table

ICE38 - Component installs to user profile. It must use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file

ICE03 -Invalid filename, Not a valid foreign key, Invalid format string

ICE 57 -validates that individual components do not mix per-machine and per- user data. Mixing per-user and per-machine data in the same component

ICE27 - Unknown action of InstallExecuteSequnence table. Not a standard action and not found in CustomAction or Dialog tables.

5. Explain ALLUSERS property.

ALLUSERS =0, 1, 2

ALLUSERS property value of 0 specifies the per-user installation

ALLUSERS property value of 1 specifies the per-machine installation

ALLUSERS -2 ,It enables the system to define the values of ALLUSERS, and in turn the installation context, dependent upon the user’s privileges and the version of Windows

6. Explain Upgrade logic. In which sequence upgrade takes place How it will be executed .how it automatically uninstall the previous version and install the new version. What all code need to be changed in an upgrade,

Upgrade removes a previous version of an application and installs a new version. The Windows Installer service will check the machine for the previous package upgrade GUID, see that it exists, and automatically uninstall it. the standard

RemoveExistingProducts action reads the product codes stored in the Upgrade table action property, and in effect performs silent nested-uninstallation actions on those products. At run time, the standard MSI action FindRelatedProducts reads the records in theUpgrade table, and, if a related product is found, the product code for that product isadded to the action property. FindRelatedProducts is by default placed early in both theUser Interface and Execute sequences.

By placing the RemoveExistingProducts action between InstallValidate and InstallInitialise, your MSI will first uninstall the previous version before your new package gets installed.

we should create an entry in the upgrade table with the following fields.


VersionMin VersionMax Language




VersionMin must be a valid product version as described for the ProductVersion property. Lower boundary of the range of product versions

VersionMax Upper boundary of the range of product versions

Version of your latest package in the VersionMax, leave the VersionMin blank and all lower versions will be upgraded

Each row in the Upgrade table must have a unique ActionProperty value

For Upgrade we will change the product code and package code

7. What is Secure custom properties

These properties are included with the default list of restricted public properties that the installer can pass to the server side when doing a managed installation with elevated privileges.

8. Have you used admin studio tools. Which tool . What is it for

Conflict Solver- The ConflictSolver is used to identify, report and, solve conflicts

between Windows Installer applications. The ConflictSolver Wizard allows you to run conflict checks against external MSI packages and packages imported into the ConflictSolver Application Catalog Database.

9. What all ACE errors u used to solve

ACE07 , ACE10

10. What is the extension of install shield file? Or what is process of creating an msi file in installshield.

Capture an application using re-packager to create an .irp file. Build the irp file to create an .ism file. Release the .ism fle to create msi file

11. How to give permission to folder/file ? Best method to give permission.

Lock permission table, Security template, VB Script, Using third part tool like cacls

The best method to give permission is by using Security template.

Open the MMC. Go to File -> and click on Add / Remove Snap in. The Add / Remove Snap in window opens. Add standalone Snap in console opens up. Choose Security Template from the list of Snap in. You can see the File System,. Right click and click on Add File, browse and select the required directory to give permission to. Similarly you can give permission to registry too. Click on OK and save this template as .inf. Now we have to include this file in the package. Add this file to

%Windir%\security\templates folder. Use the following Custom Action in your package to implement Secedit..The location of the Custom action should be just before install finalize. The Condition for

launch of Custom Action should be "NOT REMOVE" .The Custom action can be run in deferred mode in system context

12. What are the tables related to services. Explain.

Service Install and Service control table

The ServiceInstall table is used to install a service

The ServiceControl table is used to control installed or uninstalled services.

13. How ini files are installed.

Ini files are installed through inifile table. Contains sections for settings and preferences (delimited by a string in square brackets) with each section containing one or more name and value parameters.

If the inifile in proper format it will be installed through inifile table other wise it will be installed through file table.

If there is already an inifile present and when we install through inifile table content of file will append and when install through file table content will over writen.

14. What is the logical structure of a package?

Product –> Feature - >Component –> Files, registries, shortcut , odbc, inifiles etc

15. What all custom action have you used in the package? What is the condition used for deleting the installdir. In which sequence the custom action is being executed.

Used custom action for deleting folder, shortcut ,registry, starting and stopping services,Killing process, copying files to mapped drive, delete/modify registry ,giving permission

Condition to remove folder during un-installation is REMOVE~=”ALL” and is being executed after publish product

16. For a custom action if the condition is wrong will the installation roll back?

Throws an error while installing and installation will rollback

17. What are the other tables Component table associated with .

File table, Inifile Table, Feature component table, Shortcut table , Registry table

18. Advertised shortcut when viewed thru shortcut table, what will be mentioned in target, feature or directory.


19. Why some component showing as red.

There are some Rules of Organizing Applications into ComponentsFollowing the componet rules guarantees that all resources that define a component are removed with no orphaned resources left behind. These rules are listed below:

No one file can be included in more than one component (NOTE: this can happen only if file is going to different locations). Change the file name if the information must go into another component.

Every component must have only one KeyPath – either a file or registry key or the folder in which the component resides

Every .EXE, .DLL, .OCX, .HLP and .CHM file should be in its own component and these files should be the keypath for the component. Component has more that one executable. (.EXE,.DLL,.OCX)

There can be only one file that is a target for a Start Menu or desktop shortcut in each component. This means that every file that serves as the target of a shortcut has to be in it’s own component

User and machine data should not be in same component

Component has an empty key path but contains files, registry entries, or ODBC data sources.

A shortcut is assigned to the component, but the key path for the shortcut is not a file.

20. Have u worked on any add-in application

21. Toughest application u did. What was the problem .what was the challenges

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