application of human relations and communications to leadership and management

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Let’s have a Recap and Definition of Terms…

HUMAN RELATIONS-interaction between people-Being together with other people and interacting with them -A connection, interaction and

relationship between two or more people, groups of people, organizations and countries.

COMMUNICATION-is the effective sharing or transmission of facts opinions or emotions by two or more people. Understand each other



LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENTare like pedals on a bicycle

They work in tandem to create momentum



Because the absence of

one, will affect the other one

We don’t want this to

happen…Or like this

LEADERSHIP-being a leader or the ability to be a leader in an organization.-stated as the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.

-Leadership is working on the System.

MANAGEMENT-Management is working in the system

-Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.





No worries, I know How it feels.

How can we apply Human Relations and communications to

Leadership and Management?

These are the ways…

Human Relations to Leadership and


1. Lead by ExampleThis means behaving as you want to your employees to behave, working in a way that can present you as a role model to your team/organization. Set multiple acceptable standards for the team and create an ‘Above the line” Mentality, where each individual- including you- must work above this standard.

2. Improve Weakness and Build on StrengthsKnow your organization’s strengths and assign responsibilities based on these. Rewarding your employees for things they do well and understanding their skills is one of the best ways to get positive results and win their respect.

3. Respect Can Be More Important Than Friendship

Remember, Respect begets respect. As a leader and a manager, it is your job to make tough decisions, taking them away from your organization and this is where having your organization’s respect can be worth far more than simply having their friendship. Works towards developing a relationship with those you are leading where you can be approached as a friend, but maintaining a level of focus and seriousness in the workplace that will ensure their trust in your leadership.

4. Invest In Your PeopleAs a Leader and a manager, you should recognize that those you are leading and managing will be motivated by more than simply getting the job done. One of the best ways to win the respect of your people is to gain an understanding of what motivates them, this way you can set targets that your team actually want to achieve.

5. Your Success as a Leader/Manager Depends on the Success Of OthersThe best leaders and managers recognize that their success ultimately depends on the success of those they are leading. For this reason it is vital that a leader is mindful of every member of their team and they are always kept up to date on what is happening within the organization

6. Be Emotionally intelligent - Be wise!

7. Learn to overlook trivial matters and

issues or wrongs done to you

8. Grow up, don’t be petty - learn to forgive,

tolerate, endure in a right situation...

9. Practice your faith (godly virtues) through actions and not by mere words only, in order words, show and act in godly love and peaceful conduct always, remember, God is Love and we as His ambassadors must live up to our calling. 

Communication to Leadership and Management

1. Know What You Are Talking About“It’s not what you say, but how you say

it.” While there is some truth to that, what you say does matter to your organization. Yes, you may be in a position of power, but that does not mean you have all of the answer. Some successful people have little interest in specific topics, but try to force their two-cents into the conversation just to hear themselves speak. While it is great to get involved, not adding anything of value does not put you in a better position. Instead, for situations like this, make sure you know what you are talking about. The more value you can add, the better. Remember, the underlying goal of a strong and effective line of communication is to educate and inform. Do not allow your ego to jump ahead. This can only lead to a negative attachment to your overall image.

2. Be PersonalSome of the most passionate conversations and speeches are those that connect with their audience, and rightfully so. The more personal and engaging your conversations can be, the better. Many business leaders and managers are able to leverage this style of empathetic communication. Communicating on that deeper level will help display a strong level of authenticity and transparency that can help establish a sense of trust between you and the prospective party.

3. Be SpecificSome of the biggest flaws for many managers and business leaders within the office are that they are a bit too ambiguous with what they are saying. Make sure you are as specific as possible. Learning to communicate with that type of clarity and conciseness will help nullify any type of confusions or misunderstandings in the future. On a side note, try to keep things as short as possible. As much as you want to be specific, you also want to avoid the opportunity of overstating things on a granular level.

4. Listen and Stay Open-mindedTo be a strong and effective communicator, it is

imperative that you create a safe and secure space for open dialog. When another person is talking to you, make sure you are listening. This type of engagement between parties is something that can help challenge and develop new ideas for the betterment of your school. In addition, this type of open forum communication can establish a meaningful trust and respect between you and your workers, which can inevitably benefit you later on in the future.


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