application no: 16/69216/ful applicant ... - city of salford erie b… · location: land north of...

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APPLICATION No: 16/69216/FULAPPLICANT: Glenbrook SQ LimitedLOCATION: Land north of Erie Basin, Salford Quays PROPOSAL: Proposed residential development comprising 270 no.

apartments with associated car parking, landscaping and public realm improvements, including a new public dockside walkway

WARD: Ordsall

Description of Site and Surrounding Area

The application site (0.25 hectares) is located on the north side of Erie Basin within Salford Quays. The site’s northern boundary is formed by The Quays road which provides access to the site. Beyond this lies the Metrolink line and the rear of the Batleys Cash and Carry site. To the east lies a residential-led mixed use development known as Millennium Point. Millennium Point comprises of a number of elements, with Millennium Tower being a 21 / 22 storey tower comprising residential apartments, Millennium Point being an 11 storey block also comprising residential apartments, and Anchorage House being a two storey element comprising commercial floorspace which is currently occupied by the Reflexion Lounge bar / restaurant at ground floor and by office floorspace at first floor. To the west, the site is bounded by a short cul-de-sac service road which serves the adjacent commercial office block known as The Alexandra. The dock basin forms the site’s southern


boundary. The wider area comprises a mix of uses including commercial, residential, and retail and leisure, associated with the mixed use character of the Salford Quays area within which the site lies.

The site is currently vacant comprising predominantly of hardstanding, and is largely level with a small raised grassed bund along the northern boundary with The Quays road. The site was previously used for surface car parking on an unmarked basis.

The application site is the last remaining undeveloped plot fronting the Erie Basin / Huron Basin / North Bay dock basin.

Description of Proposal

The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of a 16 storey block comprising a total of 270 no. apartments. This would comprise 120 no. one bedroom apartments, 120 no. two bedroom apartments, and 30 no. three bedroom apartments. The application proposal would be developed and managed as a Private Rented Sector (PRS) scheme.

The development would have the form of two blocks sitting on a podium base. The two blocks would be angled to each other, would cantilever out beyond the podium base, and would be connected via a central glazed bridging element. The apex point of the two blocks would be at the northern end facing The Quays road, with the angled interface between the blocks widening out towards the southern extent of the site fronting Erie Basin. The broadly triangular space that would be formed between the two blocks, sitting on top of the podium, would function as an outdoor terrace which would provide shared amenity space for residents of the development. Both blocks would rise to a height of approximately 52m above the surrounding ground level.

The principal entrance to the development would be via the glazed entrance foyer fronting The Quays road. Vehicular access to the building for parking and servicing would be via the existing service road which lies to the west of the site and also serves The Alexandra commercial office block. This would provide access for refuse and service vehicles, together with providing access to the car parking spaces which would be accommodated within the podium at ground floor level. Along the eastern boundary a 3m wide gated access strip would be maintained between the proposed development and the side elevation of Anchorage House (the two storey commercial floorspace element of the Millennium Point development).


Proposed site plan

The ground floor would accommodate an entrance foyer, a resident’s gym and a further communal space for residents (which could operate as a workspace). These three elements would be located on the north elevation providing active frontage to The Quays road. The ground floor would also accommodate concierge facilities for the block, together with a bin store located on the western elevation to facilitate refuse servicing via the service road. The development would be served by three lift shafts, including a large 13 person lift which would have dual access from both the entrance foyer and the car park for bulky deliveries / removals. The remainder of the ground floor would accommodate the car parking area with 30 car parking spaces, three motorcycle parking spaces, and two cycle stores which together would accommodate 76 secure cycle spaces. The cycle stores would be accessible from the ground floor car parking area, and would also have doors to the access strip on the eastern side of the building as an alternative means of access / egress for cyclists. The plans also identify space within the car parking area for up to an additional 60 secure cycle spaces which the applicant has confirmed would be provided should there be additional demand for cycle parking from future residents. Access to the car park would be managed via a vehicle priority system which utilises traffic lights and vehicle detection to control one way access/egress.

There would be a mezzanine level within the central glazed bridging element, which would be accessed via a wide stairway leading up from the entrance lobby, and also via a lift. This mezzanine level would provide access to the outdoor terrace. This would comprise a mixture of hard and soft landscaping with seating, and would provide a shared outdoor amenity space for residents overlooking the dock basin. The outdoor terrace would be set 3m below the level of the first floor apartments in order to minimise any conflict of amenity.

The two blocks would then rise from the podium, each comprising fifteen floors of residential accommodation linked by the central glazed bridging element. Each floor would accommodate 18 no. apartments, with a mix of one, two and three bedroom units on each level.


In terms of materials, the podium would be faced predominantly with lightweight concrete fibre panels. This would be punctuated with glazing in the north elevation fronting The Quays road, and with perforated metal cassettes in the other elevations to provide ventilation to the car parking area. The two blocks accommodating the residential apartments would be faced with a combination of solid, perforated and embossed rain-screen panels. These would be applied in a cranked and folded arrangement to add texture and depth to the building’s east and west elevations, together with its inward facing elevations on either side of the outdoor terrace. The rain-screen panel would be a powder coated aluminium alucobond. For each block, the north elevation to The Quays road and the south elevation to Erie Basin would have the form of a large picture frame, featuring glazed curtain walling set within a polyester powder coated aluminium frame. To prevent overheating the curtain wall would be broken down using a mixture of clear and opaque panels to match the glass finish. In terms of landscaping, to the north of the building fronting The Quays there would be a mix of hard and soft landscaping introduced to integrate the development with the street. To the south of the building, the development would complete the dockside walkway which is currently unmade along this stretch. This has been designed to match the existing treatment of the dockside walkway featuring traditional style block paving, together with new trees, and lighting columns and benches to match the existing dockside walkway treatment which unifies the majority of the public realm across the Salford Quays area.

The following documents have been submitted in support of the application: Design and Access Statement Planning Statement Transport Assessment and Travel Plan Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Phase 1 Ground Conditions Survey Noise Assessment Air Quality Assessment Wind and Microclimate Assessment Daylight and Sunlight Assessment Ecological Survey Report Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Crime Impact Statement Sustainability Statement EIA Screening Opinion Request


Site Notice: Non HH Article 15 Date Displayed: 23 December 2016Reason: Article 13

Press Advert: Manchester Weekly News Salford EditionDate Published: 13 January 2017Reason: Article 15 Standard Press Notice

Pre-application Community Engagement

An exercise to inform the local community of the proposed development was undertaken by the applicant prior to the submission of this application. This included informing local ward members of the proposal, together with a leaflet drop to approximately 300 households within the surrounding area. The leaflet contained a description of the proposed development and provided details of where further information could be viewed on a dedicated consultation website, together with contact details for any enquiries.

Neighbour Notification

Notification letters were sent to a total of 217 neighbouring properties: Millennium Point (all apartments) Millennium Tower (all apartments) Anchorage House (all units) The Alexandra (all units) Batleys Cash and Carry, Ohio Avenue


In addition, four site notices were displayed within the vicinity of the application site, including one on the south side of the dock basin facing the site.


Objections have been received from a total of 12 individual property addresses, and observations have been received from one further property address. All objections have been from owners / occupiers of properties within Millennium Tower and Millennium Point.

A summary of the issues raised within objections is set out below (C), together with a response (R) to each issue. Objections have been grouped according to theme for ease of reference.


C There are too many apartment schemes being developed in Salford, when there is a growing need for larger family housing.

R UDP Policy ST12 promotes high density development within the regional centre and close to key public transport routes and interchanges. This is complemented by Policy HOU1 of the Housing Planning Guidance which identifies that apartments will normally be the most appropriate form of housing provision within the regional centre given the very high level of accessibility, the scale of the existing buildings, and the need to support that area’s development as a vibrant ‘city centre’ location. As such it is considered that apartments are the most appropriate form of housing for the application site, given its regional centre location, its role in contributing towards the creation of vibrant mixed use area within Salford Quays, its accessibility by a range of sustainable transport modes, and its context having regard to the scale of the surrounding buildings.

C The site would be better suited to an office / commercial development. There are currently a large number of apartment schemes under construction across Salford Quays and just one office development under construction for BUPA. An office development would benefit the local area by creating employment opportunities for local residents.

R The local planning authority has to consider the scheme as submitted. The principle of the development in terms of UDP Policy MX1 and the mix of uses within the surrounding area is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C There are insufficient everyday shopping facilities for residents in Salford Quays.

R The application site lies within the regional centre with a wide range of shopping facilities within the surrounding area to meet the needs of future occupiers of this development. Salford’s Draft Local Plan proposes the designation of Salford Quays as a town centre, and the designation of a local centre at Ordsall, which would facilitate the consolidation and enhancement of the existing retail function of these centres.


C The development would be positioned too close to the dock basin and would sit the furthest forward of any of the taller buildings along this stretch of quayside. The development would therefore not be in keeping, and would have a detrimental impact on the appearance of this section of waterfront. The buildings should be set back in line with The Alexandra.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C The scale of the two blocks is overbearing in relation to its surroundings. The structures would visually overpower The Alexandra. The development is being squeezed on to a space that is too tight a fit. The design, configured in a `V` shape, creates a ghetto-like appearance within the narrowing gap between the two towers.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.


C It is not clear where the plant would be located within the building. Should this be on the roof it would be a further eyesore to adjacent buildings.

R The majority of the building’s servicing and plant would be accommodated at ground floor level within the building footprint. As identified on the submitted roof plan, there would be no plant on the roof with the exception of the lift overrun. As such it is not considered that this would result in any detrimental impact in terms of design or amenity. The impact of the development on a private view is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application and therefore cannot be afforded any weight in the determination of this application.

Highways and parking

C There is insufficient car parking provided within the proposed development. There are already issues of non-residents tailgating drivers entering the car parking area for Millennium Point / Millennium Tower to park their vehicles there without authorisation, and the lack of car parking provision within the proposed development will exacerbate this. Whilst people may choose to use public transport for certain journeys, a private car on site is considered a necessity by people for many reasons such as those who need a vehicle to undertake their job, those who work unsocial hours when public transport does not operate, undertaking weekly supermarket shopping, and accessing retail parks which are often not accessible by public transport. There is already a shortage of available long term parking in Salford Quays and Media City. The pressure on available parking spaces will increase hugely once Media City Phase II is completed, with provision within that scheme for 1,871 apartments without onsite parking.

R The level of parking provision within the development is addressed within the appraisal section of the report. The issue of drivers tailgating at the Millennium Point / Millennium Tower car park entrance is an issue for the building’s management company to address, and is not a material consideration in the determination of this application.

C The development will cause increased congestion and there is insufficient highway capacity to accommodate the number of vehicles that would be generated. The Quays road is often gridlocked, especially during football matches at Old Trafford and associated with performances at The Lowry.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C Metrolink is not a realistic alternative option as it is very busy at peak times with no spare capacity.

R All modes of public transport will typically be busy at peak periods, and this is not considered to be a reason to justify refusal of this application.

C The Transport Assessment suggests that residents would be able to do their grocery shopping online. However, this would result in regular drop off deliveries and it is questionable as to whether the proposed drop-off / layby point would provide adequate provision for such frequent deliveries. Taxi pick-ups and drop-offs would also need to use the same space.

R The proposed lay by has been removed at the request of the Council’s Highways Engineer and TfGM. The rationale for this is addressed within the appraisal section of the report. Other large residential developments on this stretch of The Quays road have no provision for lay bys, and taxi pick up / drop off and online grocery delivery to these developments and this approach does not undermine the safe operation of The Quays road in this context.

C The Transport Assessment states that there would be 33 parking spaces plus 3 `accessible spaces`. It is not clear whether these 3 spaces would in fact be included in the plan and, if so, for whose use.

R The ground floor plan has been amended during the course of the application, and the proposed development would now accommodate a total of 30 car parking spaces of which 3 would be disabled accessible spaces. These spaces are identified on the ground floor plan, and would be available to meet


the needs of future occupiers of the development who require a disabled accessible parking space.

C The development will result in the loss of the surface car parking spaces which the site previously accommodated, and these are not proposed to be replaced.

R The site was formerly used on an informal basis for surface car parking and this use did not benefit from planning consent. In any case, there is no policy requirement for the re-provision of parking spaces lost by redevelopment. It is considered that there are a range of alternative options in terms of parking provision across Salford Quays, notably via the multi-storey car parks.


C The development would achieve a poor level of amenity and daylight for future residents, particularly for those living within the inward facing apartments created by the ‘V’ configuration. Only above the 12th floor will every apartment have access to one daylight compliant habitable room, and 7% of all apartments will not have access to at least one daylight compliant habitable room.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C The development will impact on privacy by introducing windows directly overlooking apartments in Millennium Tower, resulting in overlooking of living rooms, bedrooms and balconies. The development is in too close proximity to Millennium Tower.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C Millennium Tower currently receives full sunlight from midday to sunset. The development will block daylight and sunlight to the apartments and balconies of Millennium Tower, and will leave a significant part of Millennium Tower in darkness during the afternoon and evenings. The applicant has submitted a Daylight and Sunlight report which confirms there will be a negative impact.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C GIA`s Daylight & Sunlight Report states that 175 of 269 apartment windows (65%) in Millennium Tower would fail to comply with the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) test, that only 76 of 96 rooms (79%) would pass the Average Daylight Factor (ADF) test and that only 65 of 96 rooms (68%) would pass the No Sky Line (NSL) test. They state that 14 of the 20 rooms failing under the ADF test are bedrooms and that 25 of the 31 rooms failing under the NSL test are also bedrooms and are thus dismissive of the significance of these results. However, the Measurement & Criteria for Daylight & Sunlight, as set out in the BRE guidelines states that these criteria are “intended for use for rooms in adjoining dwellings where daylight is required, including living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms. Windows in bathrooms, toilets and garages need not be analysed”. Clearly, the test results for bedrooms should be regarded as being significant.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C The issue of overshadowing of The Alexandra office block is absent from the GIA Daylight & Sunlight report. However due to its proximity, The Alexandra would be vulnerable to a severe loss of daylight.

R A distance of 18.5m would be maintained from the western elevation of the proposed development facing The Alexandra office block. The level of protection afforded to residential amenity in terms of light is not afforded to office development to the same degree. In the context of the separation distance that would be maintained and the commercial office use of The Alexandra, it is not considered that the proposed development would result in an unacceptable impact on the occupiers of this building.

C The development will increase noise levels within the local area significantly.

R The proposed development is for residential development. It is not considered that residential development would result in any significant noise impact. The Council’s Air and Noise Consultant has reviewed the application submission and has confirmed that no objections are raised on noise grounds.


C The developer should minimise disruption to local residents and business during the construction period, particularly in relation to noise.

R A condition is recommended requiring the submission of a Construction Method Statement, which would secure detailed measures to be implemented during the construction phase in order to safeguard the amenity of neighbours.

Consultation and publicity

C No leaflet was received at the pre-application stage as suggested in the submission documents.

R The Council encourages all applicants to engage with local communities prior to the submission of a planning application, however there is no statutory requirement for the applicant to undertake pre-application public consultation. The level of public consultation or when this was undertaken has no bearing on the consideration of the formal planning application. All interested parties have the opportunity to submit comments to the local planning authority on the formal planning application and all comments are given full consideration.

C The period for making comments on this application ran across Christmas and New Year. In light of this, the period for making comments should be extended.

R The 21 day period for making representations is the statutory requirement identified within the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015. There are statutory timescales for local planning authorities to determine planning applications, and no provision is made for the extension of these timescales where these fall over public holidays. Whilst the 21 day period for making representations is the minimum period after which a decision can be made on an application, any representations which are received after this deadline are still taken into account up to the point of a decision being made.

C The neighbour notification letter is only directed to property occupiers. A large number of apartments in Millennium Tower are tenanted and therefore it is likely that many property owners are unaware of the development proposal.

R The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 requires that notification letters are addressed to the owner/occupier. The Order does not require the local planning authority to ascertain whether the property is occupied by the owner or another occupier. The property owner is responsible for any instruction to their tenants regarding onward dispatch of such correspondence.


C The development should not contain buy-to-let apartments as there are already too many rental properties in the area. The apartments should be sold to individual buyers who want to live in the apartments themselves. A marked imbalance in the community is being created. By continuing to provide almost exclusively for property investors and their short term tenants, there is no prospect of establishing a core settled community.

R The tenure mix of a development in terms of owner occupation / private rented sector tenure is not a material planning consideration in the determination of a planning application.

C The development will block the view from my apartment.

R The impact of development on a private view is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application and therefore cannot be afforded any weight in the determination of this application.

C The development will devalue my property.

R The effect of a development on property prices is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application and therefore cannot be afforded any weight in the determination of this application.


C The development will cause a decrease in internet speeds locally.

R The effect of a development on internet speeds is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application and therefore cannot be afforded any weight in the determination of this application.

C The period of time that the dockside walkway is closed should be minimised to prevent disruption for existing residents of the area.

R A condition is recommended requiring the submission of a Construction Method Statement (CMS), which would secure detailed measures to be implemented during the construction phase. The condition has been specifically worded to require the CMS to set out details of arrangements to ensure that the dockside walkway remains passable during the construction phase wherever practicable, and that any period of time where it is necessary for the dockside walkway to be closed is minimised as far as practicable

C The development should make a contribution towards infrastructure improvements, such as schools or highways, in order to mitigate its impact on these.

R This is addressed within the appraisal section of the report.

C The construction phase would be challenging. The development would be sited extremely close to the existing car park of Millennium Point on the eastern boundary and this would make constructing the building extremely difficult. There is no obvious area where welfare facilities / site offices could be located. Site deliveries during construction would reduce The Quays road carriageway to a single lane.

R Ensuring that any consent is capable of implementation in terms of construction is an issue for the developer, and is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application. A condition is recommended requiring the submission of a Construction Method Statement, which would secure detailed measures to be implemented during the construction phase in order to safeguard the amenity of neighbours.

C The submitted plans indicate that the passageway which would lie between the east facing elevation of the proposed development and the side elevation of Anchorage House would be gated. This would prevent access for occupiers of Anchorage House which would breach the leasehold arrangements which provide for this access.

R The arrangement for access along this passageway is a landownership and rights of access issue. This is not a material consideration in the determination of a planning application and cannot therefore be afforded any weight in the determination of this application.

Relevant Site History

10/59717/FUL - Extension of time limit for the implementation of planning permission 07/55683/FUL: Erection of a 10/11 storey building comprising 12,582sqm of B1 office accommodation and undercroft car parking. Approved – 7 February 2012.

07/55683/FUL - Erection of a 10/11 storey building comprising 12,582sqm of B1 office accommodation and undercroft car parking. Approved – 8 February 2008.

05/50444/FUL - Erection of one eight storey block comprising 80 apartments with enclosed car parking on two levels together with A3, A4 or A5 commercial units on ground floor. Approved – 22 December 2005.

04/47617/REM - Details of the siting design and external appearance of two residential blocks comprising of 194 apartments, one office block and a two storey enclosed car park (re-submission of planning application 03/47090/REM). Approved – 4 March 2004.


97/36749/OUT - Outline application for development of land for offices (91,862 sqm), residential (600 units), retail (2,415sqm), leisure (3,716sqm) and hotel (300 beds) together with associated car parking. Approved – 31 October 2000.

It should be noted that the most recent consent for a 10/11 storey office development expired unimplemented on 7 February 2015 and therefore there is no extant consent in relation to this site.


Design For Security –

No objections, subject to the development being designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations contained within section 3.3 of the submitted Crime Impact Statement. Recommend that a condition is attached to reflect the physical security specification identified within sections 4 of the Crime Impact Statement.

Environment Agency –

The application site lies within Flood Zone 2 and it comprises a less vulnerable use given that no residential accommodation is proposed at ground floor level.

No objections in principle to the proposed development. Having reviewed the submitted Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Site Assessment it is noted that there is a site history of potentially contaminative activities associated with former railway activities and former dock sheds. There are controlled water receptors which could be potentially at risk, in terms of the underlying Secondary A aquifer within the drift deposits comprised of alluvium, the Principal aquifer within the sandstone bedrock, and Erie Basin located adjacent to the southern site boundary which discharges into the Manchester Ship Canal.

Having reviewed the assessment report it is noted that further works are required to enable the risks to controlled waters to be fully assessed. Having reviewed the initial conceptual site model it is noted both the principal aquifer and Erie basin have been discounted as potential controlled water receptors at risk and the Secondary A aquifer has not been included. It is also noted that site investigations have been completed c.140m west of the site which recorded the presence of sand layers and it is likely these support a shallow groundwater body within the drift deposits. However, given limited site investigation work that has been completed to date to determine the hydrogeological conditions beneath the site it is unclear whether a shallow groundwater body exists within the drift deposits and whether this is likely to be in hydraulic continuity with the principal aquifer and Erie Basin.

To ensure the risks to controlled water are fully assessed it is recommended the following issues are addressed: Update of initial conceptual site model to include the Secondary A aquifer, principal aquifer and Erie Basin

given that insufficient information has been provided to date to demonstrate these controlled water receptors are not at risk;

Further works to characterise groundwater conditions beneath the site. It is recommended that this includes as a minimum one round of groundwater sampling and groundwater level monitoring to determine groundwater flow conditions;

Inclusion of works to assess / decommission any active / redundant drains which may be acting as preferential pathways for the migration of contaminants of concern.

In conclusion, no objections are raised subject to conditions requiring a site investigation report to address the nature, degree and distribution of land contamination on the site, together with the submission of any proposed remedial works and their subsequent implementation, and the submission of a verification report to validate that all remedial works have been undertaken in accordance with the agreed measures, in order to ensure any unacceptable risks to controlled waters are appropriately assessed and mitigated during the redevelopment of the site.

Greater Manchester Ecology Unit –

No objections. The site is not currently of substantive nature conservation value.


Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service - No comments received to date.

Highways –

The proposed development would have 30 car parking spaces and as such, traffic generated by the development is unlikely to have an impact on the operational capabilities of the adjacent highway network or road safety. The proposed development is unlikely to generate any significant volumes of traffic and future flows would be less than would have been generated by the previous grant of planning consent for office development.

Given the site’s proximity to the Metrolink line the developer will be required to have regard to this during the construction phase in order to ensure safe methods of working and no oversailing of the Metrolink line at any time.

The Highways Engineer and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) confirm that they raise no objection to the proposed development subject to a condition requiring the submission of a full travel plan prior to first occupation of the development.

Manchester Ship Canal Company - No comments received to date.

Senior Engineer Flood Risk Management –

The site lies within Flood Zone 2 and the application is accompanied by a good quality Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) including a narrative drainage strategy. Floor levels have been proposed in accordance with flood levels provided by the Environment Agency and the criteria set out within Salford’s Flood Risk and Development planning guidance. The ground floor will be used for car parking and building facilities, while habitable rooms will be on the first floor and above.

The application site is a brownfield site in the Core Conurbation Critical Drainage Area, where the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment requires a reduction in surface water runoff to 50% of the existing (or to greenfield runoff, whichever is greater). The applicant has provided a narrative drainage strategy in the FRA with outline calculations of existing and proposed discharge rates.

This is a major development for which Sustaniable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are required. The FRA indicates that infiltration SUDS are not possible at this site owing to unsuitable ground conditions. Notwithstanding this, the Drainage Engineer considers that there may be potential for attenuation/water quality SUDS such as green roofs and rain gardens.

The proposal is to discharge unrestricted flows into Erie Basin which would perform as an attenuation tank, from which flows would be pumped into the Manchester Ship Canal. The Drainage Engineer considers that this proposal is acceptable in principle, but in the event that agreement cannot be reached with the owner of the Erie Basin then attenuation will need to be provided on site.

No objections subject to conditions requiring; the development to be of flood resilient construction up to the level predicted for a 1 in 1,000 year flood event; the submission of a strategy of surface water drainage of the site using sustainable drainage methods which details how water quality will be improved and how existing surface water discharge rates be reduced; any discharge from the car park to be via a bypass oil separator and/or equivalent SuDS.

United Utilities –

No objection, subject to conditions regarding foul and surface water drainage, and sustainable drainage. Identify that there are United Utilities assets adjacent to the application site and that the applicant must comply with its standard conditions in this regard.

Urban Vision Environment (Air And Noise) –

Air quality


An Air Quality Assessment has been submitted as part of the application submission. No objections on air quality grounds, subject to conditions requiring the submission of a Construction Method Statement and Dust Management Plan in order to control dust and other environmental issues during the construction phase.


A Noise Assessment has been submitted as part of the application submission. The report provides noise surveys at the proposed development for road traffic noise, tram pass-by, entertainment and commercial noise. The report concludes that the prevailing noise source at the proposed development is road traffic and recommends a defined glazing standard with an alternative means of ventilation for habitable rooms with a line of sight to The Quays road and Metrolink line.

As such, no objections are raised on noise grounds, subject to a condition defining the noise standards to be attained for the proposed residential accommodation.

Urban Vision Environment (Land Contam) –

No objections subject to conditions being attached requiring a site investigation report to address the nature, degree and distribution of land contamination on the site, together with the submission of any proposed remedial works and their subsequent implementation, and the submission of a verification report to validate that all remedial works have been undertaken in accordance with the agreed measures.

Planning Policy

Development Plan Policy

Unitary Development Plan ST1 - Sustainable Urban NeighbourhoodsThis policy states that development will be required to contribute towards the creation and maintenance of sustainable urban neighbourhoods.

Unitary Development Plan ST4 - Key Tourism AreasThis policy states that the following areas will be protected and enhanced as tourism destinations and tourism development will be focused primarily within 1. Salford Quays 2. Chapel Street 3. Worsley Village, Barton Swing Aqueduct and the Bridgewater Canal Corridor.

Unitary Development Plan ST5 - Transport NetworksThis policy states that transport networks will be maintained and improved through a combination of measures including the extension of the network of pedestrian and cycling routes; the expansion and improvement of the public transport system and the enhancement of support facilities; the maintenance and improvement of the highway network; the provision of new road infrastructure where this will support the city's economic regeneration; requiring development proposals, highway improvement schemes and traffic management measures to make adequate provision for the needs of the disabled, pedestrians and cyclists, and, wherever appropriate, maximise the use of public transport; and the protection and enhancement of rail and water-based infrastructure to support the movement of freight and passengers.

Unitary Development Plan ST7 - Mixed-use DevelopmentThis policy states that mixed use development schemes that minimise the need to travel will be focused towards specific areas including Chapel Street, Salford Quays, the Ordsall Lane riverside corridor, Lower Broughton, the town centres, neighbourhood centres and other locations well served by public transport.

Unitary Development Plan ST12 - Development DensityThis policy states that development within regional centres, town centre and close to key public transport routes and interchanges will be required to achieve a high density appropriate to the location and context.

Unitary Development Plan ST13 - Natural Environmental AssetsThis policy states that development that would result in an unacceptable impact on any of the city's natural environmental assets will not be permitted.

Unitary Development Plan ST14 - Global Environment


This policy states that development will be required to minimise its impact on the global environment. Major development proposals will be required to demonstrate how they will minimise greenhouse gas emissions.

Unitary Development Plan MX1 - Development in Mixed-use AreasThis policy states that a wide range of uses and activities (housing, offices, tourism, leisure, culture, education, community facilities, retail, infrastructure, knowledge-based employment) are permitted within the identified mixed use areas (Chapel Street East. Chapel Street West, Salford Quays, Ordsall Lane Riverside Corridor).

Unitary Development Plan DES1 - Respecting ContextThis policy states that development will be required to respond to its physical context and respect the positive character of the local area in which it is situated and contribute towards a local identity and distinctiveness.

Unitary Development Plan DES2 - Circulation and MovementThis policy states that the design and layout of new development will be required to be fully accessible to all people, maximise the movement of pedestrians and cyclists through and around the site safely, be well related to public transport and local amenities and minimise potential conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and other road users.

Unitary Development Plan DES3 - Design of Public SpaceThis policy states that development should include the provision of public space; designed to have a clear role and purpose which responds to local needs; reflects and enhances the character and identify of the area; is an integral part of and provide appropriate setting and an appropriate scale for the surrounding development; be attractive and safe; connect to establish pedestrian routes and public spaces and minimise and make provision for maintenance requirements.

Unitary Development Plan DES4 - Relationship of Development to Public SpaceThis policy states that developments that adjoin a public space shall be designed to have a strong and positive relationship with that space by creating clearly defining public and private spaces, promoting natural surveillance and reduce the visual impact of car parking.

Unitary Development Plan DES5 - Tall BuildingsThis policy states that tall buildings will be permitted where: the scale of the development is appropriate; the location is highly accessible; the building would positively relate to adjacent public realm; is of high quality design; makes a positive contribution to the skyline; would not detract from important views; would not cause unacceptable overshadowing or overlooking, detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring occupiers; be no unacceptable impact on the setting of a listed building or value of a conservation area; be no unacceptable impact on microclimate; be no unacceptable impact on telecommunications; and there would be no unacceptable impact on aviation safety.

Unitary Development Plan DES6 - Waterside DevelopmentThis policy states that all new development adjacent to the Manchester Ship Canal will be required to facilitate pedestrian access to, along and, where appropriate, across the waterway. Schemes should incorporate a waterside walkway with pedestrian links between the walkway and other key pedestrian routes and incorporate ground floor uses and public space that generate pedestrian activity. Where it is inappropriate to provide a waterside walkway, an alternative route shall be provided. Development should protect, improve or provide wildlife habitats; conserve and complement any historic features; maintain and enhance waterside safety; and not affect the maintenance or integrity of the waterway or flood defences. All built development will face onto the water, and incorporate entrances onto the waterfront; be of the highest standard of design; be of a scale sufficient to frame the edge of the waterside; and enhance views from, of, across and along the waterway, and provide visual links to the waterside from surrounding areas.

Unitary Development Plan DES7 - Amenity of Users and NeighboursThis policy states that all new development, alterations and extensions to existing buildings will be required to provide potential users with a satisfactory level of amenity in terms of space, sunlight, daylight, privacy, aspect and layout. Development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers or users of other development.

Unitary Development Plan DES9 - Landscaping


This policy states that hard and soft landscaping should be provided where appropriate that is of a high quality and would enhance the design of the development, not detract from the safety and security of the area and would enhance the attractiveness and character of the built environment.

Unitary Development Plan DES10 - Design and CrimeThis policy states that developments must be designed to discourage crime, antisocial behaviour, and the fear of crime. Development should i) be clearly delineated ii) allow natural surveillance iii) avoid places of concealment iv) encourage activity within public areas.

Unitary Development Plan H1 - Provision of New Housing DevelopmentThis policy states that all new housing will contribute toward the provision of a balanced housing mix; be built of an appropriate density; provide a high quality residential environment; make adequate provision for open space; where necessary make a contribution to local infrastructure and facilities required to support the development; and be consistent with other policies of the UDP.

Unitary Development Plan H4 - Affordable HousingThis policy states that in areas that there is a demonstrable lack of affordable to meet local needs developers will be required by negotiation with the city council to provide an element of affordable housing of appropriate types.

Unitary Development Plan H8 - Open Space Provision Associated with New Housing DevelopmentThis policy states that planning permission will only be granted where there is adequate and appropriate provision for formal and informal open space, and its maintenance over a twenty-year period. Standards to be reached will be based upon policy R2 and guidance contai8ned within Supplementary Planning Documents.

Unitary Development Plan A2 - Cyclists, Pedestrians and the DisabledThis policy states that development proposals, road improvement schemes and traffic management measures will be required to make adequate provision for safe and convenient access by the disabled, other people with limited or impaired mobility, pedestrians and cyclists.

Unitary Development Plan A8 - Impact of Development on Highway NetworkThis policy states that development will not be permitted where it would i) have an unacceptable impact upon highway safety ii) cause an unacceptable restriction to the movement of heavy goods vehicles along Abnormal Load Routes.

Unitary Development Plan A10 - Provision of Car, Cycle and Motorcycle Parking in New DevelopmentsThis policy states that there should be adequate provision for disabled drivers, cyclists and motorcyclists, in accordance with the Council’s minimum standards; maximum car parking standards should not be exceeded; and parking facilities should be provided consistent with the provision and maintenance of adequate standards of safety and security.

Unitary Development Plan EN17 - Pollution ControlThis policy states that in areas where existing levels of pollution exceed local or national standards, planning permission will only be granted where the development incorporates adequate measures to ensure that there is no unacceptable risk or nuisance to occupiers, and that they are provided with an appropriate and satisfactory level of amenity.

Unitary Development Plan EN18 - Protection of Water ResourcesThis policy states that development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on surface or ground water.

Unitary Development Plan EN19 - Flood Risk and Surface WaterThis policy states that any application for development that it is considered likely to be at risk of flooding or increase the risk of flooding elsewhere will need to be accompanied by a formal flood risk assessment. It should identify mitigation or other measures to be incorporated into the development or undertaking on other land, which are designed to reduce that risk of flooding to an acceptable level.

Unitary Development Plan EN22 - Resource ConservationThis policy states that development proposals for more than 5,000 square metres of floorspace will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that the impact on the conservation of non-renewable resources and on


the local and global environments, has been minimised as far as practicable; and full consideration has been given to the use of realistic renewable energy options, and such measures have been incorporated into the development where practicable.

Unitary Development Plan R4 - Key Recreation AreasThis policy states that development within, adjoining or directly affecting a key recreation area will only be permitted if consistent with the following: the i) protection and enhancement of the existing and potential recreational use of the area; ii) protection and improvement of amenity of the area; iii) the protection of existing trees, woodlands and other landscape features; iv) the provision, improvement and maintenance of new areas of woodland planting; v) the provision, improvement and maintenance of public access; vi) the provision, improvement and maintenance of accessible, open land recreation uses; and vii) the provision, improvement and maintenance of the quality and diversity of wildlife habitats.

Unitary Development Plan DEV5 - Planning Conditions and ObligationsThis policy states that development that would have an adverse impact on any interests of acknowledged importance, or would result in a material increase in the need or demand for infrastructure, services, facilities and/or maintenance, will only be granted planning permission subject to planning conditions or planning obligations that would ensure adequate mitigation measures are put in place.

Other Material Planning Considerations

National Planning Policy

National Planning Policy Framework

Local Planning Policy

Supplementary Planning Document - Sustainable Design and ConstructionThis policy document expands on policies in Salford’s Unitary Development Plan to provide additional guidance for planners and developers on the integration of sustainable design and construction measures in new and existing developments.

Supplementary Planning Document - DesignThis document reflects the need to design in a way that allows the city to support its population socially and economically, working with and inviting those affected into an inclusive decision making process. Equally, development must contribute to the creation of an environmentally sustainable city supporting the natural environment minimising the effects of, and being more adaptable to, the potential impact of climate change.

Supplementary Planning Document - Design and CrimeThis policy document contains a number policies used to assess and determine planning applications and is intended as a guide in designing out crime.

Supplementary Planning Document - Planning ObligationsThis policy document expands on the policies in Salford’s Unitary Development Plan to provide additional guidance on the use of planning obligations within the city. It explains the city council’s overall approach to the use of planning obligations, and sets out detailed advice on the use of obligations in ensuring that developments make an appropriate contribution to: affordable housing, open space, education, transport, public realm, and other infrastructure and services where appropriate.

Planning Guidance - MediaCity UK and Quays PointThis guidance relates to the intention to establish mediacity uk on approximately 220 ha of land in and around Salford Quays and Trafford Wharfside, with the 14.8 ha Quays Point site at its core. The Vision is to create a globally significant new media city. The intention is to create a modern digital city for the UK, where creative talent is drawn by the quality and excitement of the environment and the range and mix of people.

Planning Guidance - HousingThe purpose of the guidance is to ensure that the residential development coming forward in Salford contributes to establishing and maintaining sustainable communities, tackles the specific housing and related issues that face Salford, and helps to deliver the vision and strategy of the UDP, the Housing Strategy and the Community Plan.


Planning Guidance - Flood Risk and DevelopmentThe overarching aim of the planning guidance is to ensure that new development in areas at risk of flooding in the city, is adequately protected from flooding and that the risks of flooding are not increased elsewhere as a result of new development.

Planning Guidance - Irwell City ParkThis guidance relates to the intention to establish the Irwell City Park as an exciting and unique waterfront location within the regional centre.

It is not considered that there are any local finance considerations that are material to the application.


The key issues for consideration in the determination of this application are: Principle of the development Design Public realm and landscape Amenity Highways, accessibility and parking Heritage Land contamination and water pollution Flood risk and drainage Biodiversity Sustainability credentials Planning obligations

Principle of the development

The application site lies within the Salford Quays mixed use area as identified under UDP Policy MX1/3. This policy supports the development of vibrant mixed use areas with a broad range of uses and activities and identifies housing as being an appropriate use. The policy sets out a series of criteria to which regard will be had in determining the appropriate mix of uses on individual sites: the impact the development on regeneration of the wider area; the use of adjoining sites; the extent to which the development would support the objective of maintaining a mix and balance of uses

throughout the area; the contribution the development would make towards securing activity throughout the day; the prominence of the location in relation to pedestrian and transport routes; and the size of the site.

The reasoned justification to this policy confirms that the Salford Quays area will continue to develop as an internationally important visitor destination, and one of the region’s primary office locations. It identifies that these functions will be complemented by residential, retail and leisure uses to produce a distinctive mixed use area.

Complementing UDP Policy MX1, the MediaCity and Quays Point Planning Guidance provides a framework for the development of MediaCity on approximately 220ha of land in and around Salford Quays and Trafford Wharfside. The planning guidance identifies a series of key principles and strategic objectives to inform the development of the wider MediaCity area within which the application site lies. These include the creation of a cohesive and vibrant mixed use area with a distinctive sense of place and character, and the delivery of a high quality built environment to enhance the profile and environment of MediaCity and create a thriving economic and leisure location.

Policy MC:UK2 of the Planning Guidance sets out the range of uses that will be promoted across the wider MediaCity area. This identifies that some further residential development will be appropriate in the waterfront parts of Salford Quays.


It is noted that, in accordance with paragraph 47 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) the Council has a five year housing land supply. When assessing proposals for new housing developments, this is a material consideration with reasonable weight attached to it.

The application site occupies a prominent waterfront site, and is the last remaining undeveloped plot fronting the Erie Basin / Huron Basin / North Bay dock basin. There are a range of uses within the immediate surrounding area. This includes a significant number of commercial offices uses, with the three plots to the west of the site being occupied by commercial office developments in terms of The Alexandra, The Victoria, and The Regent (currently under construction). In addition, The Anchorage development which lies at the head of Erie Basin to the east of the application site comprises large scale commercial office floorspace. There are a series of residential developments in close proximity to the site, with the Millennium Point development adjoining the site to the east, the NV Buildings and City Lofts beyond the three commercial blocks to the west, and the X1 MediaCity development which is currently under construction. Lower rise residential development lies on the south side of Erie Basin, facing the application site. The Millennium Point development also incorporates commercial and leisure floorspace within its podium, which is currently occupied by the Reflexion Lounge bar / restaurant with commercial offices above within the building known as Anchorage House. As such, a residential development on the application site would contribute to the balanced mix of uses across the area and it is not considered that it would not result in any overconcentration of residential uses to the detriment of the vibrancy of Salford Quays as a mixed use area.

As an undeveloped vacant plot that was most recently used for unmarked surface car parking, the site does not positively contribute to the vibrant mix of uses that Policy MX1 seeks to secure for Salford Quays. The application proposal would result in a high quality new development to complete this gap site, which would bring additional vibrancy to the area through increasing its residential population and the associated demand for retail and leisure facilities locally. The development has been designed to introduce an active frontage to The Quays road (addressed in more detail under the Design section of the report) where the existing vacant plot with its temporary surfacing treatment represents a gap site that fails to contribute positively to the area. The site also occupies a highly sustainable location, being situated in close proximity to Harbour City Metrolink Station, MediaCity and the wider commercial, retail and leisure facilities at Salford Quays.

Having regard to the criteria set out in UDP Policy MX1/3 and the MediaCity and Quays Point Planning Guidance it is therefore considered that the redevelopment of the site for residential use would have a positive impact on the continued regeneration of the Salford Quays area and would support the objective of maintaining a mix and balance of uses throughout the area.

Development density

UDP Policy ST12 promotes high density development in regional and town centres and close to key public transport routes and interchanges. The site is located within the regional centre and close to a key public transport routes. It is therefore considered that the site is suitable for high density development and complies with Policy ST12. UDP Policy H1 states that development within designated ‘mixed use areas’ should have a development density of no less than 50 dwellings per hectare. The density of the development would comply with this policy.

Dwelling mix and tenure

UDP Policy H1 seeks to ensure that new housing developments contribute towards the provision of a balanced mix of dwellings in terms of size, type, tenure and affordability. Policy HOU1 of the Council’s Housing Planning Guidance (2006) identifies that apartments will normally be the most appropriate form of housing provision within the regional centre given the very high level of accessibility, the scale of the existing buildings, and the need to support that area’s development as a vibrant ‘city centre’ location. Paragraph 4.7 of the reasoned justification to the policy does however recognise the need to ensure that developments within the regional centre provide a broad mix of dwelling types to support more mixed and sustainable communities. This will include the provision of larger dwellings that are more adaptable to a variety of needs and that have their own outdoor space such as roof terraces or gardens.

Policy HOU2 of the Housing Planning Guidance seeks to ensure that where apartments are considered appropriate they should provide a broad mix of dwelling sizes, both in terms of number of bedrooms and the net residential floorpsace. Studios and one bed apartments should not predominate and a significant proportion of three bedroom apartments should be provided where practicable. Paragraph 4.31 of the reasoned justification


to this policy clarifies that the majority of apartments should have two or three bedrooms, with a floorspace typically of 57 square metres (sqm) or above. It also confirms that a significant proportion of three bedroom apartments should be provided unless it can be demonstrated that this is impracticable, and these should be in a mix of locations within the development rather than simply being in the form of penthouses.

The application proposal would comprise 120 no. one bedroom apartments, 120 no. two bedroom apartments, and 30 no. three bedroom apartments. The one bedroom apartments would range in size between 45.2sqm and 47.7sqm, the two bedroom apartments between 63.8sqm and 74.9sqm, and the three bedroom apartments between 86.7sqm and 89.7sqm. As such, 56% of the total number of units would have two or more bedrooms and a floorspace in excess of 57sqm, in accordance with the requirements of Policy HOU2 of the Housing Planning Guidance. 11% of the total number of units would have three bedrooms, and these would be evenly distributed throughout the development with 2 no. three bedroom apartments per floor of residential accommodation, which would again be in full compliance with the requirements of Policy HOU2. It is therefore considered that the development would accord with the requirements of UDP Policy H1 and the Housing Planning Guidance, providing a good mix of dwellings in terms of the number of bedrooms and the floorspace of the proposed apartments.


UDP Policy DES1 states that development will be required to respond to its physical context, respect the positive character of the local area in which it is situated, and contribute towards local identity and distinctiveness. The policy advises that in assessing the extent to which any development complies with this policy, regard will be had to a number of factors, including the relationship to existing buildings and landscape, the character, scale and pattern of streets and building plots, and the quality and appropriateness of proposed materials. The NPPF identifies that planning should always seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings (paragraph 17).

The Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) ‘Shaping Salford’ seeks to ensure that new development within the City is both distinctive and fits in. The SPD advises that design of new development should honor Salford’s past and reflect its ambitions for the future. The SPD identifies the local character of Salford Quays as being “based on its large public spaces, expanses of waterside and exciting modern architecture with these elements combining to provide the backdrop for new developments in the area.” The SPD advises that the “area will take on a dense and compact city block character, generally eight to ten storeys, punctuated by appropriate landmark buildings and open spaces. Buildings must not be set in isolation but must be well connected with their neighbours. Building edges will, where possible, form the boundary between public and private space.”

Site layout

UDP Policy DES1 states that regard should be given to the character, scale and pattern of streets and building plots, including plot size; the relationship to existing buildings and other features that contribute to townscape quality and the impact on, and quality of, views and vistas. UDP Policy DES2 states that the design and layout of new development should enable pedestrians to orientate themselves, and navigate their way through an area by providing appropriate views, vistas and visual links.

The proposed development has been designed to address the site’s two frontages, to The Quays road to the north, and to the dockside walkway fronting Erie Basin to the south. The development would maximise the potential of its plot in this context, with the building forming a strong perimeter block which uses the building itself to define the public realm spaces around it. In doing so, the development would create a strong frontage to The Quays that effectively integrates with the street. The building’s glazed entrance foyer would be located fronting The Quays representing a legible form. The frontage to The Quays at ground floor would incorporate windows serving the building’s residents gym and the communal workspace for residents. In locating the glazed entrance foyer, gym and communal workspace area on this frontage, the development would ensure positive interaction with the street through pedestrian movement, overlooking and surveillance.

The ground floor frontage to Erie Basin would be formed by a combination of solid and perforated panels which allow ventilation to the ground floor car parking area. In terms of providing interest to this frontage, the applicant has confirmed that the detailed design of the podium element fronting Erie Basin would be designed to interpret and reflect the history of Salford Quays. A condition is recommended in this regard in terms of securing the detailed design treatment of this element.


The ground floor car park would be accessed via the existing access / servicing road which lies to the west of the site and also serves The Alexandra. This route would continue to provide a route by which pedestrians and cyclists can move between The Quays road and the dockside walkway, thereby maintaining permeability around the site. A 3m wide access strip would be maintained along the development’s eastern boundary with Millennium Point / Anchorage House, and given its blank frontages on both sides this route would be gated in order to limit access to occupiers, recognising that this would provide an external access point to the two proposed cycle stores located along this eastern elevation.

The arrangement of the two blocks on top of the podium base would form a broadly triangular shaped space lying between the blocks, which would provide an outdoor terrace as shared amenity space for residents of the development. Sitting on top of the podium at first floor level, this space would afford overlooking of the dock basin and provide an element of surveillance to the dockside walkway.

A number of objections have highlighted that the proposed development would sit forward of the existing building line in relation to other developments on the north side of the dock basin. The podium element would be set back from the dock wall by approximately 9m for the majority of its length, with this distance increasing to approximately 13m at the south eastern corner of the site. This would provide for a dockside walkway of at least 9m in width along the full length of the site’s frontage. The two blocks which sit on top of the podium would partially cantilever out over the waterfront route. The eastern block would cantilever out by approximately 3.3m and the western block would cantilever out by approximately 1.8m.

Millennium Point / Anchorage House which adjoins the site to the east is set back approximately 11m from the dock wall, however there is an outdoor decking / seating area for the Reflexion Lounge which reduces the width of the dockside walkway at this point to below 11m. Within the Millennium Point development, Millennium Tower is set back within the site towards The Quays, whilst the Millennium Point block sits further forward with its graded cantilever facing out towards Erie Basin. Adjoining the site to the west, the main building of The Alexandra is set back from the dock wall by approximately 15m, however there is a two storey lodge building associated with The Victoria which sits well forward of this being built off the dock wall. Moving westwards along the dock basin beyond The Alexandra, the NV Buildings and part of the City Lofts development are set back further from the dock wall, but these are set within areas of surface car parking with their site boundaries to the dockside walkway being defined by railings.

The proposed development would therefore sit further forward than the majority of existing developments fronting Erie Basin. However, there is no consistent building line along the north side of Erie Basin, with significant variation in the degrees of set back from the dock wall. The proposed development would maintain a minimum of 9m width along its frontage to Erie Basin in order to facilitate the completion of the dockside walkway along this stretch. The degree to which the proposed development would cantilever out over the waterfront route would be limited (3.3m at its maximum extent) and it is not considered that this would result in an overbearing impact on the dockside walkway or its value as a pedestrian route.

It is therefore considered that the development would comply with UDP Policies DES1 and DES2 in respect of site layout.

Height and scale

The area surrounding the application site is characterised by a variety of buildings heights. Millennium Tower which adjoins the site to the east comprises 20 storeys of residential accommodation set on top of a two storey podium. The Millennium Point block comprises 11 storeys. To the west, the Alexandra rises to 5 storeys and The Victoria to a maximum of 11 storeys. The NV Buildings and City Lofts beyond this rise to 18 and 20 storeys respectively. The developments fronting the Erie Basin / Huron Basin / North Bay dock basin are collectively known as ‘the mantelpiece’ which reflects that each building is of an individual character and design, and that each building has a strong vertical rhythm in terms of how it sits within its plot. Whilst each development is singular and has its own strong design context, collectively they form a composition along the dock basin, like a series of ornaments or trophies on a mantelpiece.


The proposed development in the context of ‘the mantelpiece’

UDP Policy DES1 states that when assessing new development, regard should be had to the scale of the proposed development in relationship to its surroundings and the relationship to existing buildings and other features that contribute to townscape quality. UDP Policy DES5 seeks to ensure that proposals for tall buildings are of high design quality and construction and make a positive contribution to the skyline.

The proposed development would comprise 15 storeys of residential accommodation within two blocks sitting on top of a podium base, resulting in a 16 storey form rising to a height of 52m above the surrounding ground level. In the context of the discrete form of each of the existing buildings along ‘the mantelpiece’ and their variation in height and scale, it is considered that the proposed development would sit comfortably within this context. It would represent a step down in height in relation to Millennium Tower to the east, and a step up in height from The Alexandra to the west. A distance of approximately 22m would be maintained between the proposed development and Millennium Tower, and a distance of approximately 18m would be maintained to The Alexandra. This intervening distance would be sufficient to ensure the proposed building was read as a singular form, and that its neighbours would also continue to be read in their context as singular buildings within ‘the mantelpiece’ composition. As such, it is considered that the height and scale of the proposed development is appropriate in accordance with UDP Policies DES1 and DES5.

Wind impact

A wind assessment has been submitted alongside the planning application, which assesses the wind conditions likely to arise from the proposed development. The assessment identifies that the proposed development is exposed to prevailing winds from the south and has the potential to channel these winds between the development and the neighbouring buildings. It also identifies that the development would be exposed at upper levels to the stronger west-south-westerly winds with the potential for downdraughts to reach pedestrian level between the development and The Alexandra.

In assessing the impacts, the report concludes that the proposed development is not expected to result in any significant impact on pedestrian level wind conditions in terms of pedestrian safety. Conditions within and around the site are expected to rate as safe for all users. In terms of pedestrian comfort with respect to wind force, the report concludes that thoroughfares within and alongside the site are expected to be suitable for pedestrian access to and around the proposed development. The main entrance would be recessed within the north facing elevation of the building and as such would be sheltered, with suitable conditions for pedestrian ingress / egress. The report identifies that whilst the outdoor terrace would be suitable for general recreational activities, it does have the potential to be slightly windy for long periods of outdoor sitting, particularly towards its south west corner overlooking the dock basin. Whilst there is the potential for this to be mitigated by tree / shrub planting to afford screening to the outdoor terrace, this would undermine the open aspect of the terrace providing views across the dock basin and thereby detract from a number of other design related objectives for this space, including natural surveillance of the dockside walkway.

The report concludes that the proposed development is not expected to have any significant impact on the suitability of pedestrian level wind conditions for existing activities within the surrounding area. Having regard to criteria (ix) of UDP Policy DES5, it is therefore considered that the proposed development would not result in any unacceptable impact on microclimate in terms of wind impact.

Detailed design and appearance


UDP Policy DES1 states that regard will be had to the quality and durability of proposed materials and their appropriateness to both the location and the type of development. Policy DES5, seeks to ensure that proposals for tall buildings are of high design quality and construction and make a positive contribution to the skyline.

The design concept for the development is of two individual blocks sitting on top of a podium. This effect is emphasised by the blocks cantilevering out over the podium and is further emphasised through the approach to materials. The podium would be faced predominantly with lightweight concrete fibre panels in order to give this element a solid visual form which acts as the ‘shoulders’ that support the weight of the elementsabove. The panels would be laid vertically to give height to the podium base. The solid panels would be punctuated with glazing in the north elevation fronting The Quays road, and with perforated metal cassettes in the other elevations to provide ventilation to the car parking area. As set out above, the applicant has confirmed that the detailed design of the podium elevation fronting Erie Basin would be designed to interpret and reflect the history of Salford Quays. A condition is recommended in this regard in terms of securing the detailed design treatment of this element. Where the podium and the two blocks meet, the cantilever would serve to reinforce the distinction between the podium and the elements above, and this form would be further emphasised through a ‘shadow gap’ detail at their point of intersection.

The two blocks would be faced with a combination of solid, perforated and embossed rain-screen panels. These would be applied in a cranked and folded arrangement to add texture and depth to the building’s east and west elevations, together with its inward facing elevations on either side of the outdoor terrace. This cranked and folded arrangement would reflect the use of angled window bays on the inward facing elevations and ensure a consistent aesthetic across the blocks as a whole. The folded arrangement would be broken horizontally at every three floors through the staggering of each group of panels, in order to provide a horizontal balance to the strong vertical rhythms of the building’s composition. These horizontal breaks would be formed with a shadow gap detail using a different coloured aluminium panel strip.

The arrangement would give the building a dynamic appearance, with each panel reacting differently to light and reflection, adding texture and depth to the elevations. The rain-screen panel would be a powder coated aluminium alucobond. For each block, the north elevation to The Quays road and the south elevation to Erie Basin would have the form of a large picture frame, featuring glazed curtain walling set within a polyester powder coated aluminium frame. To prevent overheating the curtain wall would be broken down using a mixture of clear and opaque panels to match the glass finish.

The design of the building elevations and the material palette proposed is considered to represent a high quality treatment that is appropriate for the development and the wider area, noting that existing buildings within Salford Quays comprise a variety of different materials and architectural styles. The development therefore complies with UDP Policies DES1 and DES5 in respect of its detailed design and appearance.

As such, it is considered that the application proposal would respond to its physical context and positively contribute to the character of the local area in accordance with UDP Policies DES1, DES2, DES4, DES5, and DES6.

Design and crime

UDP Policy DES10 states that development will not be permitted unless it is designed to discourage crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. This approach is fully in accordance with NPPF paragraphs 58 and 69 which indicate that planning decisions should aim to ensure that developments “create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion.” Further policy guidance is outlined in the council’s Design and Crime Supplementary Planning Document.

A Crime Impact Statement has been submitted as part of the planning application, prepared by Design for Security which is part of Greater Manchester Police. The Crime Impact Statement concludes that the proposed development will increase activity, surveillance and animation to this part of Salford Quays, and it will support the continued development of this area into a vibrant, mixed use neighbourhood. It identifies a series of positive aspects of the proposed development from a design and crime perspective, including; the staffed concierge facility within the entrance lobby which will prevent unauthorised access to the building and provide an element of passive surveillance to the street via the glazed entrance; the positioning of the gym and communal workspace with windows overlooking The Quays road which will complement this level of natural surveillance of the street; the positioning of apartment windows on all aspects of the building which will provide natural


surveillance of the public realm from the upper floors; and the elevated position of the apartments and outdoor terrace, which sit on top of the podium and thereby afford a clear separation between the public realm and private space.

The report does identify a number of potential changes which could further improve the security of the proposed development and its surroundings. These include; the detailed specification for access controls to the main entrance with provision to facilitate secure access for authorised visitors; the installation of access controls on internal doors (such as the residential corridors and the gym); the installation of 2.1m high gates to secure access to the access strip which lies to the east of the proposed building; and confirmation of the arrangements for mail delivery within a secure lobby space. Section 4 of the Crime Impact Statement identifies a series of detailed physical security specifications that should be adopted as part of the development, and Section 5 recommends that a maintenance plan be drawn up to address repairs to communal areas of the development. These points of detailed design are considered to be beyond the scope of planning control and therefore it is not appropriate to require the implementation of these measures via condition. The applicant is however strongly encouraged to have regard to these recommendations in the detailed design management of the proposed development.

The report does also recommend that the cycle stores should only be accessible via the car park rather than via external doors. In terms of encouraging cycle use by future occupiers it is considered that the external access doors from the cycle stores to the access strip along the building’s eastern elevation provide a useful alternative means of access. Subject to these doors being subject to appropriate access control with self-locking facility, it is not considered that they would present a significant risk in terms of unauthorised entry to the building. Should this prove to be an issue in future, there is potential for the building management company to block up these two external access points, such that the cycle stores would only be accessible via the main car park entrance as per the recommendations of the Crime Impact Statement.

As such it is considered that the physical design of the proposed development has been designed to discourage crime and anti-social behavior and the fear of crime in accordance with the requirements of UDP Policy DES10 and the Design and Crime SPD.

Public realm and landscape

UDP Policy DES9 seeks to ensure that developments incorporate appropriate hard and soft landscaping, with a design and palette of materials that reflects and enhances the character of the area and is appropriate to the design of the development.

The development would create new areas of public realm around the building. The most significant element of this would be the completion of the dockside walkway fronting Erie Basin, as this is currently the only stretch fronting the Erie Basin / Huron Basin / North Bay dock basin which has no public realm treatment. Where there is a consistent treatment in terms of the public realm across the majority of the Salford Quays area with a dockside walkway to waterfront sites, the application site represents a gap site formed of hardstanding with no public realm treatment. To either side of the application site the dockside walkway comprises brick paving and associated public realm furniture in terms of benches, lighting columns and trees, but this treatment terminates at the application site boundary. The application proposal would involve the completion of this stretch of public realm fronting the dock basin. This would be designed to replicate the existing public realm treatment fronting Erie Basin in terms of the use of brick paving, trees set within grilles, and lighting columns and benches to match the existing features in the traditional cast iron style. As set out above in relation to ‘Site layout’, the development would maintain a 9m wide dockside walkway along its frontage to Erie Basin, with this widening to a maximum of approximately 13m at its eastern extent where the site adjoins Millennium Point / Anchorage House.

On the northern elevation fronting the Quays the public realm would be finished in brick paving to match the existing pavement treatment along this stretch, and the approach to the building’s entrance would be finished in large format paving to match the colour of the brick paving, together with an element of composite decking. In addition, limited areas of soft landscaping would be provided abutting the building in order to soften its interaction with the streetscene. This approach would be replicated on the western elevation fronting the service / access road. The 3m wide access strip that lies between the building’s eastern elevation and the side of Anchorage House would be finished in large format concrete paving, recognising that this would not form part of the public realm with access to this passageway to be restricted to occupiers via gates at both ends. The proposed site landscape plan is set out below.


The outdoor terrace which would provide shared amenity space for residents of the development would comprise a mix of hard and soft landscaping, together with outdoor seating in order to provide a space for residents to relax outdoors, and affording views out across Erie Basin to the south. The outdoor terrace has been designed at the mezzanine level and would sit 3m below the level of the first floor of residential apartments, thereby ensuring appropriate levels of privacy for occupiers of these units.

Proposed site landscaping – public realm Proposed site landscaping – outdoor terrace

The delivery of the dockside walkway would represent the completion of this waterfront route fronting the Erie Basin / Huron Basin / North Bay dock basin. The landscaping scheme has been designed to ensure a consistent public realm treatment in terms of the traditional style of brick paving and cast iron street furniture which unifies the majority of the Salford Quays area. As such it is considered that the proposed development would accord with the requirements of UDP Policy DES3 in terms of the design of the public realm.



UDP Policy DES7 states that development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of the occupiers or users of other developments. In addition, UDP Policy EN17 seeks to ensure that development does not have a detrimental impact on environmentally sensitive uses such as housing by way of an increase in pollution to the air (including dust pollution), water or soil, or by reason of noise, odour, artificial light or vibration.

Impact on neighbouring dwellings

The nearest neighbouring residential properties to the proposed development are the residential apartments within Millennium Tower. The proposed development would maintain a distance of approximately 22m between its eastern elevation and Millennium Tower. There are habitable room windows and balconies within the western elevation of Millennium Tower which would directly face the proposed development. A distance of approximately 18.5m would be maintained from the western elevation of the proposed development facing The Alexandra office block. To the north, the proposed development would maintain a distance of at least 25m to the Batleys Cash and Carry Site, across the Quays Road and the Metrolink line.

The applicant has submitted a daylight and sunlight study undertaken in accordance with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) guidance – Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight (2009). The criteria identified within the BRE guidance have been used to assess the existing levels of light to apartments within both Millennium Tower and Millennium Point, and to compare this to the levels of light that would be achieved subsequent to the development of the application proposal.

The study has assessed both the existing baseline position (i.e. the undeveloped site) and has also assessed the previous planning consent for a 10/11 storey office building on the site which expired unimplemented in February 2015 (10/59717/FUL - Extension of time limit for the implementation of planning permission 07/55683/FUL: Erection of a 10/11 storey building comprising 12,582sqm of B1 office accommodation and undercroft car parking). The study has assessed the impact of the proposed development in terms of daylight and sunlight on those apartment windows within the east facing elevations of Millennium Tower and Millennium Point.

For Millennium Tower, the technical analysis demonstrates that using the existing baseline position, the development would result in 57% (153/269) of windows relevant for assessment showing full compliance to the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) methodology within the BRE guidance. Using the previous planning consent as the baseline, the development would result in 65% (175/269) of windows relevant for assessment showing full compliance in this regard. The BRE guidance provides a series of progressive tests, and it is only necessary to progress to the next test, if the window/room does not pass the test being applied to it. Where a window does not meet the VSC criteria, then the BRE guidance suggests that further daylight tests of the room behind those windows that do not meet the VSC criteria should be undertaken. The Average Daylight Factor (ADF) considers interior daylighting to a room and therefore is a more accurate indication of available light in a given room. The BRE guidance provides the ADF measure as a tool to understand daylight within proposed dwellings, and not to assess impact on existing dwellings. However where room layouts are known in existing dwellings it can provide a useful supplementary measure of daylight. Using the existing baseline, the development would result in 58% (56/96) of rooms passing the ADF daylight targets. Using the previous planning consent as the baseline, the development would result in 79% (76/96) of rooms passing the ADF daylight targets. The study therefore identifies that a number of habitable rooms within Millennium Tower, particularly those within the lower floors, would receive lower levels of daylight than the standards identified within the BRE guidance.

For Millennium Point, the technical analysis demonstrates that using the existing baseline, the development would result in 84% (168/199) of windows relevant for assessment showing full compliance to the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) methodology within the BRE guidance. Using the previous planning consent as the baseline, the development would result in 96% (191/199) of windows relevant for assessment showing full compliance in this regard. In terms of the Average Daylight Factor (ADF), using the existing baseline, the development would result in 87% (96/110) of rooms passing the ADF daylight targets. Using the previous planning consent as the baseline, the development would result in 98% (108/110) of rooms passing the ADF daylight targets. The study therefore identifies that only a limited number of habitable rooms within the lower floors of Millennium Point would receive lower levels of daylight than the standards identified within the BRE guidance.


In terms of both the existing baseline and the previous planning consent, all of the rooms relevant for assessment within both Millennium Tower and Millennium Point show full compliance to the BRE guidance in terms of the sunlight criterion and are therefore acceptable in this regard.

It is important to recognise that the levels identified in the BRE guidance are not mandatory requirements. The BRE guidance document identifies that in certain circumstances it may be appropriate to use different target values, and that “in an area with modern high rise buildings, a higher degree of obstruction may be unavoidable if new developments are to match the height and proportions of existing buildings".

In this context, it must be recognised that the application site is the last remaining undeveloped plot fronting the Erie Basin / Huron Basin / North Bay dock basin. There have been a series of previous planning consents for development on this site, the most recent of which was for a 10/11 storey office building which would have occupied broadly the same form and footprint as the application proposal. As a gap site with no landscaping treatment, it is clear there has always been an expectation that the site would be developed, as is also reflected in the series of previous planning consents for the site. It is recognised that the previous consent lapsed unimplemented in February 2015 and therefore does not represent a fallback position given that it is not capable of being implemented. However, it does establish the scale of development that has previously been considered acceptable on this site.

Having regard to the context of the surrounding area, the area is characterised by a series of high rise developments comprising of both residential and office uses. In this context, the application of the BRE standards needs to have regard to this context. UDP Policy DES7 states that development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of the occupiers of other developments. Whilst the proposed development would result in an impact in terms of a reduction in daylight and sunlight to apartments located in Millennium Tower (focused predominantly on the lower floors) and a limited number of apartments in Millennium Point, it is not considered that this would result in an unacceptable impact in terms of amenity in accordance with Policy DES7. Given that these apartments overlook a gap site for which a series of previous consents have been granted, there is necessarily an expectation that the application site would be developed with a scale of development that reflects the surrounding context, and that this would impact on some of those apartments facing the application site in terms of daylight and sunlight. The impact must therefore be considered in this context, recognising that any realistic development scheme on this site would result in an impact on these facing apartments in terms of some loss of daylight and sunlight.

Given that the proposed development lies 25m from the boundary of the Batleys site to the north, it is not considered that it would compromise the potential for this site to be developed in future having regard to appropriate separation distances to ensure suitable levels of residential amenity.

Level of amenity within the proposed development

The relationship between the two blocks arranged in a V-shaped formation would result in intervening distances between the inward facing elevations of the block that range from a minimum of 7.3m at the apex and increase to 14.6m at the widest point. In order to ensure a satisfactory level of outlook and privacy for apartments with windows on these inward facing elevations, the building has been designed so that the majority of windows in these elevations are set within angled bays in order to direct their outlook towards the open and south facing aspect across Erie Basin. This arrangement has been carefully designed in order to prevent any direct overlooking in terms of facing habitable room windows between the two blocks. It would also serve to maximise outlook and light to those windows set within angled bays. The window arrangement is shown in the diagram below.


Diagram showing detailed window arrangement on internal facing elevations As part of the submitted daylight and sunlight study undertaken in accordance with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) guidance, an assessment has been undertaken of the quality of light to apartments within the proposed development. Technical analysis has been undertaken in accordance with the Average Daylight Factor methodology set out within the within the BRE guidance.

The result of the assessment demonstrates that 86% of all rooms (621 out of 720) within the proposed development would pass the Average Daylight Factor test. The three images below illustrate a sample of the daylight results. The green rooms pass the target, the red rooms do not meet the target and the orange rooms are within 80% of the target value. 93% (251/270) of the apartments within the proposed development would have access to at least one habitable room which meets the daylight criteria.

Diagram showing levels of compliance with the Average Daylight Factor test

As set out above, it is important to recognise that the levels identified in the BRE guidance are not mandatory requirements. The BRE guidance document identifies that in certain circumstances it may be appropriate to use different target values, and that “in an area with modern high rise buildings, a higher degree of obstruction may be unavoidable if new developments are to match the height and proportions of existing buildings". Whilst the results demonstrate that there would not be full compliance with the BRE guidance in terms of daylight, 93% of the apartments would have access to at least one habitable room which meets the daylight criteria. Having regard to the context of the surrounding area in terms of the scale and density of development, it is considered that the proposed development would provide future occupiers of the


development with a satisfactory level of amenity in terms of daylight, privacy and outlook in accordance with the requirements of UDP Policy DES7.

Air quality

The application site is outside the Council’s Air Quality Management Area. However, due to the scale of the proposed development an Air Quality Assessment has been submitted as part of the application submission. The report assesses existing and future air quality, both with and without the development, in order to assess the impact for the operational phase of the development. It also considers the air quality impacts from the development’s construction phase. The report finds that future air pollutant levels will be below the relevant air quality standards and that no specific mitigation measures are required. The report concludes that upon completion and occupation of the development, the impact of vehicle exhaust emissions arising from the development are predicted to be insignificant at any of the sensitive locations within the vicinity. In terms of the construction phase, the report recommends the use of good practice control measures and the implementation of a dust management plan which would provide suitable mitigation for a development of this size and reduce potential impacts to an acceptable level.

The submitted documents have been reviewed by the Council’s Air and Noise Consultant who raises no objections to the proposed development on air quality grounds, subject to conditions requiring the submission of a Construction Method Statement and Dust Management Plan in order to control dust and other environmental issues during the construction phase. Conditions are recommended in this regard.


The application site lies within Salford Quays where there are number of prevailing noise sources including road traffic on The Quays road, noise associated with the Metrolink line which runs adjacent to The Quays road, together with noise from entertainment and commercial premises within the vicinity of the site. A Noise Assessment has been submitted as part of the application submission. The report concludes that the prevailing noise source at the proposed development is road traffic and recommends a defined glazing standard of 6mm/12mm/6mm glazing with an alternative means of ventilation for all habitable rooms with a line of sight to The Quays road and Metrolink line.

The submitted documents have been reviewed by the Council’s Air and Noise Consultant who raises no objections to the proposed development on noise grounds, subject to a condition defining the noise standards to be attained for the proposed residential accommodation. A condition is recommended in this regard.

Highways, accessibility and parking

The NPPF (paragraph 35) identifies that development should be located and designed where practical to accommodate the efficient delivery of goods and supplies; give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements, and have access to high quality public transport facilities; create safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians, avoiding

street clutter and where appropriate establishing home zones; incorporate facilities for charging plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles; and consider the needs of people with disabilities by all modes of transport.

It also confirms that planning decisions should take account of whether the opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up, that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all people, and whether improvements can be undertaken within the transport network that cost effectively limit the significant impacts of the development. It confirms that development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe (paragraph 32).

A Transport Statement and Travel Plan have been submitted as part of the application submission.

Sustainable access

The application site is located within a highly sustainable location, being within the regional centre with a wide range of local services and facilities available within the immediate Salford Quays area. In terms of sustainable transport access, the Harbour City Metrolink Station lies approximately 250m to the west of the site along The


Quays access road with regular services in terms of service D (MediaCityUK to Piccadilly) and E (Eccles to Ashton-under-Lyne), in addition to providing links to other Metrolink lines by changing at Cornbrook. In terms of bus services, the nearest bus stops to the site lie approximately 60m to the west along The Quays Road with a range of services (nos. 24, 50, 53, 70 and 79 routes) serving a range of destinations including the city centre, Pendleton, Swinton, Eccles, Stretford, Rusholme, Gorton, Cheetham Hill, Disdsbury, and Stockport. Additional bus services to Salford Royal Hospital, Walkden and Farnworth can be accessed by a bus stop located approximately 700m walking distance from the site on Broadway. In addition, there are good pedestrian and cycle routes within and around Salford Quays providing access to local facilities, and facilitating sustainable access to wider destinations by cycle.

Highway impact

The Transport Assessment has undertaken an assessment of the proposed traffic generation of the development and its impact on the local highway network. There would be a total of 30 car parking spaces provided within the proposed development. On this basis, the Transport Assessment concludes that the overall traffic generation associated with the proposed development would be modest and as such the traffic impact at any single junction or link will not be significant and there is no requirement for off-site junction modelling. In addition, the assessment highlights that up until late 2016, the site was used for surface car parking and could accommodate approximately 120 car parking spaces on an unmarked basis. As such, in the context of the significantly reduced number of car parking spaces to be provided as part of the proposed development, this previous use would have generated a higher number of vehicular movements over a typical day compared with the proposed use.

Car and cycle parking provision

The application proposal would involve the provision of 30 car parking spaces at ground floor level within the podium, of which 3 spaces would be accessible spaces for disabled persons. Access to the car park would be via the existing access road which lies to the west of the site and entry / egress would be managed via a vehicle priority system which utilises traffic lights and vehicle detection to control one way access. In addition, three motorcycle parking spaces would be provided within the ground floor car park, and a total of 76 secure cycle parking spaces would be provided within two cycle stores. The cycle stores would be accessible from the ground floor car parking area, and would also have doors to the access strip on the eastern side of the building as an alternative means of access / egress for cyclists. The submitted plans also identify space within the car parking area for up to an additional 60 secure cycle spaces which the applicant has confirmed would be provided should there be additional demand for cycle parking from future residents. A condition is recommended in this regard to ensure this level of proposed and future provision.

UDP Policy A10 confirms that car parking provision in residential developments will be assessed on a case by case basis, having regard to the type and accommodation of the properties, their location, the availability of and proximity to public transport, and the availability of shared parking facilities. Given the site’s highly sustainable location it is considered that the proposed level of car parking provision is appropriate and will encourage the use sustainable means of travel. Future occupiers of the development will have the opportunity to lease one of the 30 car parking spaces at an additional charge, and will be aware of the level of parking provision available within the surrounding area for themselves and visitors in the context of local parking restrictions, with options for short term paid parking within the multi-storey car parks within Salford Quays.

In relation to disabled car parking provision, the three accessible spaces represent 10% of all car parking provision and this exceeds the minimum requirement identified in Appendix B of the UDP (i.e. that 5% of car parking spaces provided should be compliant). In relation to motorcycle parking provision, there is no defined minimum standard with Appendix B of the UDP identifying that this is a matter for individual consideration. In terms of cycle parking provision, the minimum standard is one secure locker per five apartments, (i.e. 54 secure lockers for a scheme of the proposed scale). The provision of 76 secure spaces would exceed this requirement, and the submitted plans identify that up to an additional 60 secure spaces would be provided should there be additional demand. A condition is recommended in this regard


The submission documents have been reviewed by the Council’s Highways Engineer and by Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM). The Council’s Highways Engineer identifies that given the proposed development would have 30 car parking spaces, traffic generated by the development is unlikely to have an impact on the


operational capabilities of the adjacent highway network or road safety. The Highways Engineer concludes that the proposed residential development is unlikely to generate any significant volumes of traffic and that future flows would be less than would have been generated by the previous grant of planning consent for office development.

The initial submitted plans identified the provision of a vehicle lay by on The Quays road in front of the main entrance to the building. Following concerns raised by the Highways Engineer and TfGM regarding the potential misuse of the lay by (i.e. unauthorised parking within the lay by and risk of vehicles mounting / overrunning on to the pavement) and this not being conducive to the pedestrian environment, this element has been removed from the proposal such that the footway would now be continuous.

The Highways Engineer and TfGM have highlighted the site’s proximity to the Metrolink line and the need for the developer to have regard to this during the construction phase in order to ensure safe methods of working adjacent to the Metrolink Hazard Zone. The recommendations of the Highways Engineer and TfGM in this regard have been reflected as a specific requirement within the recommended condition requiring submission of a Construction Method Statement and the subsequent implementation of the construction phase in accordance with the agreed statement.

On this basis, the Highways Engineer and TfGM confirm that they raise no objection to the proposed development subject to a condition requiring the submission of a full travel plan prior to first occupation of the development. A condition is recommended in this regard.


There are no designated heritage assets within the vicinity of the application site, with the nearest designated asset being the Grade II listed Dock Office which lies approximately 400m to the south east of the application site.

Section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states that when considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting ‘special regard’ will be given to the ‘desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses’.

Paragraph 132 of the NPPF states that when considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation. It then continues to say that significance can be harmed or lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development within its setting and that as heritage assets are irreplaceable any harm or loss ‘should require clear and convincing justification’.

Given the intervening distance between the Grade II listed Dock Office and the series of existing tall buildings within Salford Quays (including the 21/22 storey Millennium Tower which lies adjacent to the application site) which necessarily frame the setting of the Dock Office and limit intervisibility between the sites, it is not considered that the proposed development would result in any impact on the setting of the Dock Office.

The applicant has submitted an archaeological desk based assessment as part of the application which concludes that the potential for any archaeological remains to survive on the site is low.

Land contamination and water pollution

NPPF paragraph 121 states that planning decisions should ensure that the proposed site is suitable for its new use taking account of ground conditions, including pollution arising from previous uses and any proposals for mitigation including land remediation or impacts on the natural environment arising from that remediation.

A Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Site Assessment has been submitted with the application which comprises a review of historical mapping, geology and available environmental data for the site. The assessment identifies the potential for contamination from the made ground across the site, historic industrial land uses and demolition and the underlying alluvium. In order to investigate the potential pollutant linkages further, an intrusive site investigation will be required.


The Council’s Land Contamination Consultant has reviewed the submitted documents and concurs with the recommendations of the Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Site Assessment and the requirement for an intrusive site investigation in light of its findings. As such, the Council’s Land Contamination Consultant raises no objection to the proposed development, subject to conditions being attached requiring a Site Investigation report to address the nature, degree and distribution of land contamination on the site, together with the submission of any proposed remedial works and their subsequent implementation, and the submission of a verification report to validate that all remedial works have been undertaken in accordance with the agreed measures.

The Environment Agency has also reviewed the submitted information and concurs with the requirement for an intrusive site investigation in order to ensure any unacceptable risks to controlled waters are appropriately assessed and mitigated during the redevelopment of the site. As such they raise no objections subject to conditions requiring a site investigation report, together with the submission of any proposed remedial works and their subsequent implementation, and the submission of a verification report to validate that all remedial works have been undertaken in accordance with the agreed measures. Conditions are recommended in this regard.

Flood risk and drainage

NPPF paragraph 103 indicates that local planning authorities, when determining planning applications, should ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere and only consider development appropriate in areas at risk of flooding where it can be demonstrated that the most vulnerable development is located in areas of lowest flood risk, and where development is appropriately flood resilient and resistant. In addition, UDP Policy EN18 seeks to ensure that development would not have an unacceptable impact on surface or ground water. Salford’s Flood Risk and Development planning guidance expands further on these policies.

The site lies within Flood Zone 2 (Medium Probability) and the application is accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) including a narrative drainage strategy. Floor levels have been proposed in accordance with flood levels provided by the Environment Agency and the criteria set out within Salford’s Flood Risk and Development planning guidance. The ground floor will be used for car parking and building facilities, while habitable rooms will be on the first floor and above.

The application site is a brownfield site in the Core Conurbation Critical Drainage Area, where the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment requires a reduction in surface water runoff to 50% of the existing (or to greenfield runoff, whichever is greater). The applicant has provided a narrative drainage strategy in the FRA with outline calculations of existing and proposed discharge rates.

The submitted documents have been reviewed by the Council’s Flood Risk and Drainage Engineer who considers that the FRA and narrative drainage strategy are of a high standard and agrees with its recommendations.

The Flood Risk and Drainage Engineer confirms that this is a major development for which Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are required. The FRA indicates that infiltration SUDS are not possible at this site owing to unsuitable ground conditions. The site is underlain by Type 4 soils which are unlikely to support infiltration as a means of discharge, and due to low level contamination present within the ground, the use of infiltration in to the made ground is not recommended. In addition, the applicant has highlighted that an infiltration based system could over time create a perched water table and generate a load behind the dock wall which could threaten its structural integrity.

The proposal is to discharge unrestricted flows into Erie Basin which would perform as an attenuation tank, from which flows would be pumped into the Manchester Ship Canal. The Drainage Engineer considers that this proposal is acceptable in principle, but in the event that agreement cannot be reached with the owner of the Erie Basin then attenuation will need to be provided on site. The Drainage Engineer also considers that there may be potential for attenuation/water quality SuDS within the scheme such as green roofs and rain gardens.

On this basis, the Council’s Flood Risk and Drainage Engineer raises no objections to the proposed development subject to conditions requiring; the development to be of flood resilient construction up to the level predicted for a 1 in 1,000 year flood event; the submission of a strategy of surface water drainage of the site using sustainable drainage methods which details how water quality will be improved and how existing surface water discharge rates be reduced; any discharge from the car park to be via a bypass oil separator and/or equivalent SuDS. Conditions are recommended in this regard.


The Environment Agency has also reviewed the submitted information. They confirm that as the application site lies within Flood Zone 2 and comprises a less vulnerable use given that no residential accommodation is proposed at ground floor level, it raises no objections in principle to the proposed development in terms of flood risk.

It is therefore considered that the proposed development would comply with UDP Policies EN18 and EN19 and the relevant parts of the NPPF.


NPPF paragraph 109 identifies that the planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by protecting and enhancing valued landscapes and minimising impacts on biodiversity and providing net gains in biodiversity where possible, contributing to the Government’s commitment to halt the overall decline in biodiversity.

The applicant has submitted an Ecological Survey Report in support of the application. This concludes that there are no sites, habitats, flora or fauna of any value present on application site or within close proximity, and that there would be no adverse ecological impacts as a consequence of the proposed development. The report identifies that the proposed landscaping (around the building and on the outdoor terrace) is likely to represent a net gain in vegetative habitat and to provide greater opportunities for wildlife than is currently present, and as such would represent a small net gain in the site’s ecological value.

The submission documents have been reviewed by Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU). GMEU has confirmed that the site is not currently of substantive nature conservation value, and therefore there are no objections to the proposed development on ecological grounds.

As such, it is considered that the application is in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF in this regard.

Sustainability credentials

The Sustainable Design and Construction SPD seeks to ensure that sustainable design and construction measures are integrated into new developments. The application is accompanied by a Sustainability Statement which details the sustainability credentials of the development. This details a series of sustainability measures that will be incorporated within the proposed development, including: Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems will be specified in each apartment to maintain a

healthy living environment and further reduce the heat losses and the energy demand of the apartments. The proposed MVHR system can recover up to 94% of heat from the extracted stale air from the dwelling by using a counter flow heat exchanger which ‘pre-heats’ cool incoming, fresh air.

A fully electric heating system will be utilised which generates a reduced overheating potential, recognising that electric space heating delivers virtually instantaneous heating at the location it is required.

Low energy and LED lighting will be specified throughout the development in order to maximise operational efficiencies and lifespan of the fittings.

The residential towers will exceed the current Building Regulation Part L1A (2013) criteria in terms of dwelling emission rate and fabric energy efficiency.

The proposed landscaping will represent a net gain in vegetative habitat and provide greater opportunities for wildlife than is currently present, representing a small net gain in the site’s ecological value post-construction.

Building materials will be responsibly sourced, via utilising materials with low environmental impact and prioritising the use of local suppliers in order to minimise and conserve energy associated with transportation and waste generation.

The introduction of landscaped areas and trees will serve to increase the short term water storage within the site itself and attenuate the rate and volume of surface water movements off site.

A site waste management plan (SWMP) will be produced by the developer to limit the on and off site environmental impacts of construction, with a target of 90% of waste to be diverted away from landfill for the construction phase of the development.

It is considered that the development would meet the Council's aspirations in terms of sustainability and the requirements of the SPD and is therefore considered to be acceptable in this regard.


Planning obligations

The application proposes the redevelopment of the site to provide 270 apartments. Given the scale of the development, an assessment of its impact on nearby transport infrastructure, public realm, open space and education provision is required in accordance with UDP Policy DEV5 and the Planning Obligations SPD. If considered necessary, planning obligations will be sought to mitigate the impact of the development.

It is noted that, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 204) and the statutory tests set out within Regulation 122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations, planning obligations should only be sought where they are necessary to make a development acceptable in planning terms, directly related to the development, and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.

The application site lies within the High Value Area as defined within the Planning Obligations SPD. The SPD confirms that no affordable housing requirement applies for high density apartment schemes (six or more storeys) in this value area, which is on the basis of viability evidence that informed the preparation of the document. As such, no affordable housing requirement applies for the application proposal which comprises 270 apartments within a 16 storey block. In addition, the Planning Obligations SPD confirms that the education contribution does not apply to apartments.

The development is likely to result in the increased use of open space and public realm within the vicinity of the site, as a result of the increase in residents. Planning obligations have therefore been sought to mitigate against these impacts.

The applicant, whilst in agreement to provide a financial contribution, has advised that for reasons of scheme viability the development cannot support the level of contribution considered by the Council as appropriate to mitigate its impacts. The Planning Obligations SPD confirms that where a developer considers that there are site-specific issues which mean that the cumulative effect of policy requirements and planning obligations would compromise development viability in relation to a particular scheme, the Council will enter into negotiations with a developer to agree a reduced contribution where appropriate. The applicant has submitted viability evidence to demonstrate that the scheme is unable to support the level of contributions that is required.

The Council’s consultant surveyors have undertaken a review of the applicant’s submitted viability evidence and consider that the scheme would be unable to support the full level of contributions required and remain viable. On this basis, the applicant and the Council have agreed that the scheme could support a maximum contribution of £500,000. As set out above, the applicant will be delivering public realm works in terms of the completion of this stretch of the dockside walkway fronting Erie Basin. This represents a significant benefit in terms of completing the dockside walkway on this site which is the last unmade stretch fronting Erie Basin. The delivery of the dockside walkway would be secured via condition, and its ongoing maintenance and full public access in perpetuity would be secured via means of legal agreement. The cost of the public realm works that the applicant will be delivering in this context is £184,000. Given that the completion of the dockside walkway is a significant benefit and that this is where any financial contribution towards public realm would be directed in the event that this was not being implemented by the applicant, it is considered appropriate to offset the cost of these works against the total value of the financial contribution. As such, in addition to delivering the dockside walkway, the applicant has agreed to make a financial contribution of £316,000 towards off site works towards open space and/or public realm. This contribution would be secured via legal agreement and would be directed towards the following:

i. Works to provide enhanced green infrastructure within the area bound by the Quays Loop Road, Broadway and Trafford Road, including Howard Street. These works may include street trees, sustainable drainage systems and works to ameliorate storm waters and associated urban diffuse pollution.

ii. Works to enhance pedestrian connectivity from the development to, and along King William Street.

The Planning Obligations SPD identifies that where the Council accepts an applicant’s case for a reduced contribution, it will typically require the applicant to enter into a legal agreement which would require the developer to make a greater financial contribution up to the total value of the contribution required, in the event that the viability of a scheme improves subsequent to the undertaking of the initial viability appraisal. The applicant has confirmed that the development will commence within three months of any grant of consent. Recognising that there is a strong desire to see this gap site developed and the completion of this stretch of


dockside walkway, and given that an imminent start on site means that the viability position is unlikely to substantially change within this short period, in this particular case it is considered appropriate to apply the requirement for clawback only where the commencement of development has not occurred within three months of the grant of any consent. In the event that development does not commence within three months of the grant of consent, the legal agreement would include a clawback provision to secure a further contribution from the applicant, up to the maximum contribution identified, should the viability of the development increase. It is recommended that any clawback monies be directed towards either of the two projects identified above, or to affordable housing.


Planning permission be granted subject to the following planning conditions and that:

1) The Strategic Director of Environment and Community Safety be authorised to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following heads of terms:

a financial contribution of £316,000 towards:i. Works to provide enhanced green infrastructure within the area bound by the Quays Loop Road,

Broadway and Trafford Road, including Howard Street. These works may include street trees, sustainable drainage systems and works to ameliorate storm waters and associated urban diffuse pollution.

ii. Works to enhance pedestrian connectivity from the development to, and along King William Street.

where development does not commence within three months of the grant of any consent, a clawback mechanism to secure an increase in the level of contribution up to the maximum level required by the Planning Obligations SPD should the viability of the development increase in the future as the scheme is delivered. Clawback monies to be directed towards either of the two projects identified above, or to affordable housing.

that full public access be maintained to the dockside walkway at all times, and its ongoing maintenance be secured in perpetuity.

2) That the applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions stated below, on completion of such a legal agreement;

3) The authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application be issued (subject to the conditions and reasons stated below) on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement.

1 The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:Site Location Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-00-800Proposed Site Elevations – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-801Proposed Block Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-00-802 REV AProposed Site Sections – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-803Ground Floor Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-804 REV AMezzanine Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-805First Floor Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-806Typical Upper Floor Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-807Roof Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-808Landscape Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-809 REV AElevation North – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-810Elevation East – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-811Elevation South – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-812Elevation West – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-813


Section A-A – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-815Section B-B – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-816Section C-C – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-817Bay Study 1 – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-820Bay Study 2 – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-821Erie Basin Ground Floor Visuals – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-826

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3 Notwithstanding any information submitted with the application, no development shall take place until an investigation and risk assessment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment shall investigate the nature and extent of any contamination on the site (whether or not it originates on the site). The assessment shall be undertaken by competent persons and a written report of the findings submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any development takes place. The submitted report shall include:

i) a survey of the extent, scale and nature of contamination

ii) an assessment of the potential risks to:

* human health, * property (existing or proposed) including buildings, crops, livestock, pets, woodland, and service lines and pipes,* adjoining land,* groundwaters and surface waters,* ecological systems, * archaeological sites and ancient monuments;

iii) where unacceptable risks are identified, an appraisal of remedial options and proposal of the preferred option(s) to form a remediation strategy for the site.

The development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the duly approved remediation strategy.

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment and to ensure the safe development of the site in the interests of the amenity of future occupiers in accordance with Policy EN17 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

4 Persuant to condition 4 and prior to first use or occupation of the development hereby permitted a verification report, which validates that all remedial works undertaken on site were completed in accordance with those agreed with the Local Planning Authority, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment and to ensure the safe development of the site in the interests of the amenity of future occupiers in accordance with Policy EN17 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

5 Piling or any other foundation designs using penetrative methods shall not be permitted other than with the express written consent of the local planning authority, which may be given for those parts of the site where it has been demonstrated that there is no resultant unacceptable risk to groundwater. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment and to ensure the safe development of the site in the interests of the amenity of future occupiers in accordance with Policy EN17 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

6 No development shall take place, including any works of excavation, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Statement shall include:


(i) the times of construction activities on site which, unless agreed otherwise as part of the approved Statement, shall be limited to between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 9am-2pm Saturday only (no working on Sundays or Bank Holidays). Quieter activities which are carried out inside buildings such as electrical works, plumbing and plastering may take place outside of agreed working times so long as they do not result in significant disturbance to neighbouring occupiers;(ii) the spaces for and management of the parking of site operatives and visitors vehicles;(iii) the storage and management of plant and materials (including loading and unloading activities); (iv) the erection and maintenance of security hoardings including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate; (v) measures to prevent the deposition of dirt on the public highway;(vi) a Dust Management Plan to control the emission of dust and dirt during demolition/construction, which shall be prepared in accordance with the recommendation set out within the submitted Air Quality Assessment (REC, ref: AQ102679R2 (December 2016)); (vii) a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition/construction works; (viii) measures to minimise disturbance to any neighbouring occupiers from noise and vibration, including from any piling activity;(ix) measures to prevent the pollution of watercourses;(x) a community engagement strategy which explains how local neighbours will be kept updated on the construction process, key milestones, and how they can report to the site manager or other appropriate representative of the developer, instances of unneighbourly behaviour from construction operatives. The statement shall also detail the steps that will be taken when unneighbourly behaviour has been reported. A log of all reported instances shall be kept on record and made available for inspection by the local a planning authority upon request;(xi) details of safe methods of working and use of cranes adjacent to the Metrolink Hazard Zone to comply with all the necessary system clearances and meet the safety requirements of working above and adjacent to the Metrolink system (to be confirmed in liaison with Transport for Greater Manchester); and(xii) details of arrangements to ensure that the dockside walkway remains passable during the construction phase wherever practicable, and that any period of time where it is necessary for the dockside walkway to be closed is minimised as far as practicable in order to minimise disruption to members of the public who utilise this route.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of neighbours in accordance with policies DES7 and EN17 of the Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework, and the safe operation of the Metrolink system.

7 No development shall take place until a strategy for the disposal of foul and surface water within the site and a scheme for surface water drainage for the site using sustainable drainage methods, which includes details of how water quality will be improved, and how existing surface water discharge rates reduced, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Surface water discharge rate shall be restricted to 50% of the existing discharge rate as per Salford City Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The approved strategy shall be implemented prior to first occupation or use of the development hereby approved unless alternative timescales have been agreed in writing as part of the strategy.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory method of surface water disposal to reduce the risk of flooding elsewhere in accordance with Policy EN19 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and seeks to provide betterment in terms of water quality and surface water discharge rates and meets requirements set out in the following documents; NPPF, Water Framework Directive and the NW River Basin Management Plan The national Planning Practice Guidance and the Non-Statutory Technical Standards for

Sustainable Drainage Systems (March 2015) Manchester, Salford, Trafford Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (2011) and associated

technical guidance Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines (now withdrawn) Flood Risk Assessment/SuDS Requirements for new developments (Salford's SuDS Checklist)


8 Notwithstanding any description of materials in the application no above ground construction works shall take place until samples or full details of materials to be used externally on the building(s) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include the type, colour and texture of the materials. Only the materials so approved shall be used, in accordance with any terms of such approval.

Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory appearance in the interests of visual amenity in accordance with Policy DES1 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework.

9 No above ground construction works shall take place until a scheme for the detailed design of the podium elevation fronting Erie Basin that interprets and reflects the history of Salford Quays shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the development has a positive relationship with the adjoining waterfront public space in accordance with Policy DES4 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan.

10 a) Notwithstanding the details shown on the approved plans, the development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until full details of both hard and soft landscaping works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include all hard surfaced areas and materials, boundary treatments, external lighting, planting plans, specifications and schedules (including planting size, species and numbers/densities), existing plants / trees to be retained and a scheme for the timing / phasing of implementation works.

(b) The landscaping works including the provision of the dockside walkway shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme prior to first occupation of the development hereby permitted.

(c) Any trees or shrubs planted or retained in accordance with this condition which are removed, uprooted, destroyed, die or become severely damaged or become seriously diseased within 5 years of planting shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees or shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its consent in writing to any variation.

Reason: To ensure that the site is satisfactorily landscaped having regard to its location and the nature of the proposed development and in accordance with Policies DES1 and DES9 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

11 Prior to first occupation of the development hereby permitted, the car parking provision, disabled car parking provision, motorcycle parking provision and secure cycle parking provision identified on Ground Floor Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-804 REV A (or such other variation of this plan approved by the Local Planning Authority) shall be provided and made available for use in accordance with the approved details and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To ensure that satisfactory car parking, disabled parking and cycle parking is provided for the development in accordance with Policy A10 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework.

12 Within six months of the first occupation of the development hereby permitted an updated Travel Plan for the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed Travel Plan shall be implemented and reviewed in accordance with the timetable set out within the Travel Plan.

Reason: To ensure that the travel arrangements to the development are appropriate and to limit the effects of the increase in travel movements in accordance with Policy A8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

13 Where the demand for secure cycle parking spaces by occupiers of the development exceeds the total provision within the two defined cycle stores, the zone for future cycle storage as identified on Ground


Floor Plan – Drawing Number 5651 PLANNING SRA X X X PL-20-804 REV A shall be provided and made available for use for secure cycle storage and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To ensure that satisfactory cycle parking is provided for the development in accordance with Policy A10 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework.

14 The following noise standards shall be attained with respect to the proposed residential accommodation as stipulated in BS8233:2014 - Guidance on Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings:(i) internal noise levels of less than 30 dB LAeq,8 hour within bedrooms between 23.00 hours and 07.00 hours(ii) internal noise levels of less than 35 dB LAeq,16hour within living areas between 07.00 and 23.00 hours(iii) typical individual noise events from road vehicles and tram pass-bys should not be in excess of 45 dB LAmax in bedrooms between 23.00 and 07.00 hours.

The use of ventilation measures which removes the need for future residents to open windows for general ventilation shall be identified and submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The ventilation measures identified shall ensure the above standards are not compromised.

Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory level amenity for future occupiers in accordance with Policy DES7 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

15 The development shall be constructed to be of flood resilient construction up to the 1 in 1,000 year modeled flood level.

Reason: To ensure the development is constructed to reduce the risk of flooding and to safeguard the amenity of residents if a flood event occurs in accordance with Policy EN19 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

16 Any drainage from the car parking area shall be through a Class 2 bypass oil separator and/or equivalent Sustainable Drainage Systems.

To ensure a satisfactory method of surface water disposal and reduce the risk of environmental pollution in accordance with Policies EN17, EN18 and EN19 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

17 The site shall be drained on a separate system, with only foul drainage connected into the foul sewer unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory method of surface water disposal and reduce the risk of flooding in accordance with policies EN18 and EN19 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Notes to Applicant

1. If, during any works on site, contamination is suspected or found, or contamination is caused, the LPA shall be notified immediately. Where required, a suitable risk assessment shall be carried out and/or any remedial action shall be carried out in accordance to an agreed process and within agreed timescales in agreement with the LPA.

2. Several water mains border the site. United Utilities require access for operating and maintaining them, and will not permit development in close proximity to the mains. The applicant must comply with United Utilities’ standard conditions for work carried out on, or when crossing aqueducts and easements (see ‘Standard Condition for Works Adjacent to Pipelines’ Document Ref 90048, Issue 3.1 (July 2015)). This should be taken into account in the final site layout, or a diversion will be necessary, which will be at the applicant's expense.


Any necessary disconnection or diversion required as a result of any development will be carried out at the developer's expense. Under the Water Industry Act 1991, Sections 158 & 159, United Utilities have the right to inspect, maintain, adjust, repair or alter its mains. This includes carrying out any works incidental to any of those purposes. Service pipes are not the property of United Utilities and it has no record of them.

The applicant must undertake a complete soil survey, as and when land proposals have progressed to a scheme design, and results submitted along with an application for water. This will aid United Utilities in its design of future pipework and materials to eliminate the risk of contamination to the local water supply.

The applicant should contact United Utilities’ water fittings section at Warrington North WwTW, Gatewarth Industrial Estate, off Liverpool Road, Sankey Bridges, Warrington, WA5 2DS. The water mains will need extending to serve any development on this site. The applicant may be required to pay a capital contribution, and will need to sign an Agreement under Sections 41, 42 & 43 of the Water Industry Act 1991. The level of cover to the water mains and sewers must not be compromised either during or after construction.

A separate metered supply to each unit will be required at the applicant's expense and all internal pipe work must comply with current Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. The applicant should contact United Utilities on 03456 723 723 regarding connection to the water mains or public sewers.

It is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate the exact relationship between any United Utilities' assets and the proposed development. United Utilities offers a fully supported mapping service and recommend the applicant contacts its Property Searches Team on 03707 510101 to obtain maps of the site.

Due to the public sewer transfer, not all sewers are currently shown on the statutory sewer records, if a sewer is discovered during construction; please contact a Building Control Body to discuss the matter further.

3. The CLAIRE Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice (version 2) provides operators with a framework for determining whether or not excavated material arising from site during remediation and/or land development works are waste or have ceased to be waste. Under the Code of Practice:

excavated materials that are recovered via a treatment operation can be re-used on-site providing they are treated to a standard such that they fit for purpose and unlikely to cause pollution

treated materials can be transferred between sites as part of a hub and cluster project some naturally occurring clean material can be transferred directly between sites.

The applicant should ensure that all contaminated materials are adequately characterised both chemically and physically, and that the permitting status of any proposed on site operations are clear. If in doubt, the Environment Agency should be contacted for advice at an early stage to avoid any delays.

The applicant should refer to: the Position statement on the Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice and; The Environmental regulations page on GOV.UK.

4. Contaminated soil that is, or must be disposed of, is waste. Therefore, its handling, transport, treatment and disposal is subject to waste management legislation, which includes: Duty of Care Regulations 1991 Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005 Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2017 The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011

The applicant should ensure that all contaminated materials are adequately characterised both chemically and physically in line with relevant guidance and that the permitting status of any proposed treatment or disposal activity is clear.

5. Requests for general information regarding the adopted highway network shall be directed to the Local Highway Authority. Applications for all forms of highway permits/licenses i.e. hoarding permits, Section 50


(new driveway facilities, drainage works etc) must be requested one week in advance. No boundary fencing shall be erected or positioned on any part of the adopted highway with first seeking the relevant permits/licenses from the Local Highway Authority. A formal legal agreement will be required should any part of the building / structure oversail the highway (i.e. the footway or carriageway) – for further details please contact John Horrocks (Highway Permitting and Licensing Officer) T: 0161 603 4046 / E:

6. The applicant should contact the Local Highway Authority to arrange a full dilapidation of Salford Quays Loop, prior to works commencing on site. All footways, footpaths, dropped crossings and associated tactile pavings should be reviewed on all routes within 1000m of the proposed development. Remedial action is to be undertaken where necessary – for further details please contact John Horrocks (Highway Permitting and Licensing Officer) T: 0161 603 4046 / E:

7. Where the hard landscaped areas surrounding the building are to be constructed using the same block paving as the adopted highway then stainless steel studs will be required to delineate the boundary of the adopted highway.

8. The applicant should be aware that Metrolink does not allow oversailing of its operational line at any time. Further details can be found via the Metrolink Website at:

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