application delivery handbook

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The 2008 Handbook of Application Delivery

A Guide to Decision Making

Guiding InnovationKKubernanubernan

By Dr. Jim Metzler

PlATinuM SPonSorS

A Guide to Decision Making 2

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

IT Innovation Report

Published By Kubernan

Cofounders Jim Metzler

Steven Taylor

Design/Layout Artist Debi Vozikis

Copyright © 2008 Kubernan

For Editorial and Sponsorship Information Contact Jim Metzler or Steven Taylor

Kubernan is an analyst and consulting joint venture of Steven Taylor and Jim Metzler.

Professional Opinions Disclaimer All information presented and opinions expressed in this IT Innovation Report represent the current opinions of the author(s) based on professional judg-ment and best available information at the time of the presentation. Consequently, the information is subject to change, and no liability for advice presented is assumed. Ultimate responsibility for choice of appropriate solutions remains with the reader.

The Handbook of Application Delivery


Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The Applications Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Network and Application Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Managed Service Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

The Changing Network Management Function . . . . . . . . . . 61

Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Interviewees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Appendix - Advertorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

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Executive SummaryWe are just ending the first phase of a fundamental

transformation of the IT organization. At the beginning

of this transformation, virtually all IT organizations were

comprised of myriad stove piped functions; e.g., devices,

networks, servers, storage, databases, security, operating

systems. A major component of the transformation is that

leading edge IT organizations are now creating an envi-

ronment that is characterized by the realization that IT is

comprised of just two functions, application development

and application delivery, and that these functions must

work in an integrated fashion in order for the IT organiza-

tion to ensure acceptable application performance. This

view of IT affects everything – including the organizational

structure, the management metrics, the requisite pro-

cesses, technologies and tools. One of the primary goals

of this handbook is to help IT organizations plan for that


As described in the handbook, the activities that comprise

a successful application delivery function are planning,

optimizing, managing and controlling application perfor-

mance. Each of these activities is challenging today and

will become more challenging over the next few years. As

described in Chapters 2 and 3, part of the increased chal-

lenge will come from the deployment of new application

development paradigms such as SOA (Services Oriented

Architecture), Rich Internet Architecture and Web 2.0. Also

adding to the difficulty of ensuring acceptable application

performance is the increased management complexity

associated with the burgeoning deployment of the virtu-

alization of IT resources (i.e., desktops, servers, storage,

applications), the growing impact of wireless communica-

tions, the need to provide increasing levels of security as

well as emerging trends such as storage optimization.

Chapter 4 of this handbook discusses planning. As that

chapter points out, in most companies the focus of appli-

cation development is on ensuring that applications are

developed on time, on budget, and with few security vul-

nerabilities. That narrow focus combined with the fact that

application development has historically been done over a

high-speed, low-latency LAN, means that the impact of

the WAN on the performance of the application is gener-

ally not known until after the application is fully developed

and deployed. In addition, most IT organizations do not

know the impact that a major change, such as consolidat-

ing data centers, will have until after the initiative is fully

implemented. As a result, IT organizations are left to

react to application and infrastructure issues typically only

after they have impacted the user. Chapter 4 discusses

techniques such as WAN emulation, baselining and pre-

deployment assessments that IT organizations can use

to identify and eliminate issues prior to their impacting

users and identifies criteria that IT organizations can use

to choose appropriate tools.

Chapter 5 discusses two classes of network and appli-

cation optimization solutions. One class focuses on the

negative effect of the WAN on application performance.

This category is referred to alternatively as a WAN optimi-

zation controller (WOC) or a Branch Office Optimization

Solution. Branch Office Optimization Solutions are often

referred to as symmetric solutions because they typically

require an appliance in both the data center as well as the

branch office. Some vendors, however, have implement-

ed solutions that call for an appliance in the data center,

but instead of requiring an appliance in the branch office

only requires software on the user’s computer. This class

of solution is often referred to as a software only solu-

tion and is most appropriate for individual users or small

offices. Chapter 5 contains an extensive set of criteria

that IT organizations can use to choose a Branch Office

Optimization Solution.

The second class of solution discussed in Chapter 5

is often referred to as an Application Front End (AFE) or

Application Device Controller (ADC). This solution is typi-

cally referred to as being an asymmetric solution because

an appliance is only required in the data center and not the

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branch office. The primary role of the AFE is to offload

computationally intensive tasks, such as the processing of

SSL traffic, from a server farm. Chapter 5 also contains

an extensive set of criteria that IT organizations can use to

choose an AFE.

Today most IT organizations that have deployed a net-

work and application optimization solution have done so in

a do-it-yourself (DIY) fashion. Chapter 6 describes another

alternative – the use of a managed service provider (MSP)

for application delivery services. MSPs are not new. For

example, in the early to mid 1990s, many IT organizations

began to acquire managed frame relay services from an

MSP as an alternative to building and managing a frame

relay network themselves. In most cases, the IT organiza-

tion was quite capable of building and managing the frame

relay network, but choose not to do so in order to focus

its attention on other activities or to reduce cost. Part of

the appeal of using an MSP for application delivery is that

in many instances MSPs have expertise across all of the

components of application delivery (planning, optimization,

management and control) that the IT organization does not

possess. As a result, these MSPs can provide functional-

ity that the IT organization on its own could not provide.

As is described in Chapter 6, there are two distinct classes

of application delivery MSPs that differ primarily in terms

of how they approach the optimization component of

application delivery. One class of application delivery MSP

provides site-based services that are similar to the current

DIY approach used by most IT organizations. The other

class of application delivery MSP adds intelligence to the

Internet to allow it to be support production applications.

Chapter 6 contains an extensive set of criteria that IT orga-

nizations can use to determine if one of these services

would add value.

As part of the research that went into the creation of

this handbook, the CIO of a government organization was

interviewed. He stated that in his organization it is com-

mon to have the end user notice application degradation

before the IT function does and that this results in IT look-

ing like “a bunch of bumbling idiots.” Chapter 7 discusses

this issue as well as some of the organizational issues that

impact successful application delivery, including the lack of

effective processes as well as the adversarial relationship

that often exists between the application development

organization and the network organization. Chapter 7 also

discusses the fact that most IT organization are blind to

the growing number of applications that use port 80 and

describes a number of management techniques that IT

organizations can use to avoid the “bumbling idiot syn-

drome”. This includes discovery, end-to-end visibility, net-

work analytics and route analytics. The chapter identifies

criteria that IT organizations can use to choose appropriate

solutions and also includes some specific suggestions for

how IT organizations can manage VoIP.

Chapter 8 examines the attempt on the part of many

Network Operations Centers (NOCs) to improve their

processes, and highlights the shift that most NOCs are

taking from where they focus almost exclusively on the

availability of networks to where they are beginning to also

focus on the performance of networks and applications.

Included in the chapter is a discussion of the factors that

are driving the NOC to change as well as the factors that

are inhibiting the NOC from being able to change. Chapter

8 details how the approach that most IT organizations take

to reducing the mean time to repair has to be modified

now that the NOC is gaining responsibility for application

performance and the chapter also examines the myriad

techniques that IT organizations use to justify an invest-

ment in performance management. Chapter 8 concludes

with the observation that given where NOC personnel

spend their time, that the NOC should be renamed the

Application Operations Center (AOC).

Chapter 9 examines the type of control functionality

that IT organizations should implement in order to ensure

acceptable application performance. This includes route

control as a way to impact the path that traffic takes as it

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transits an IP network. The chapter also describes a pro-

cess for implementing QoS and summarizes the status of

current QoS implementations.

Chapter 9 makes the assertion that firewalls are typi-

cally placed at a point where all WAN access for a given

site coalesces and that this is the logical place for a policy

and security control point for the WAN. Unfortunately

because traditional firewalls cannot provide the neces-

sary security functionality, IT organizations have resorted

to implementing myriad work-arounds. This approach,

however, has serious limitations including the fact that

even after deploying the work-arounds the IT organization

typically does not see all of the traffic and the deployment

of multiple security appliances significantly drives up the

operational costs and complexity. The chapter concludes

by identifying criteria that IT organizations can use to

choose a next generation firewall.


Background and GoalAs recently as a few years ago, few IT organizations were

concerned with application delivery. That has all changed.

Application delivery is now a top of mind topic for virtu-

ally all IT organizations. As is described in this handbook,

there are many factors that complicate the task of ensuring

acceptable application performance. This includes the lack

of visibility into application performance, the centralization

of IT resources, the decentralization of employees and the

complexity associated with the current generation of n-tier


Some of the IT organizations that were interviewed for

this handbook want to believe that the challenges associ-

ated with application delivery are going away. They want

to believe that application developers will soon start to

write more efficient applications and that bandwidth costs

will decrease to the point where they can afford to throw

bandwidth at performance problems.

The complexity associated with application

delivery will increase over the next few years.

That follows in part because as explained in this hand-

book, the deployment of new application development

paradigms1 such as SOA (Services Oriented Architecture),

Rich Internet Architecture and Web 2.0 will dramatically

increase the difficulty of ensuring acceptable application

performance. It also follows because of the increasing

management complexity associated with the burgeoning

deployment of the virtualization of IT resources (i.e., desk-

tops, servers, storage, applications), the growing impact of

wireless communications, the need to provide increasing

levels of security as well as emerging trends such as stor-

age optimization.

Instead of reaching a point where the challenges associ-

ated with application delivery are going away, we are just

ending the first phase of a fundamental transformation of

the IT organization. At the beginning of this transforma-

tion, virtually all IT organizations were comprised of myriad

stove piped functions. By stove piped is meant that these

functions had few common goals, terminology, tools and

processes. A major component of the transformation is

that leading edge IT organizations are now creating an

environment that is characterized by the realization that:

If you work in IT, you either develop applications

or you deliver applications.

Put another way, leading edge companies are creating an

IT organization that is comprised of two functions: applica-

tion development and application delivery. Both of these

functions must work holistically in order to ensure accept-

able application performance.

This view of IT affects everything – including the organi-

zational structure, the management metrics, the requisite

processes, technologies and tools. While the transforma-

1 Kubernan asserts its belief that words such as paradigm and holistically have been out of favor so long that it is now accept-able to use them again.

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tion is indeed fundamental, it will not happen quickly. We

have just spent the last few years coming to understand

the importance and difficulty associated with application

delivery and to deploy a first generation of tools typically

in a stand-alone, tactical fashion. As we enter the next

phase of application delivery, leading edge IT organiza-

tions will develop plans for how they want to evolve from

a stove-piped IT infrastructure function to an integrated

application delivery function.

Senior IT management needs to ensure that

their organization evolves to where it looks at

application delivery holistically and not just as

an increasing number of stove-piped functions

This transformation will not be easy in part because it

crosses myriad organizational boundaries and involves

rapidly changing technologies that have never before been

developed by vendors, nor planned, designed, implement-

ed and managed by IT organizations in a holistic fashion.

Successful application delivery requires the inte-

gration of tools and processes.

One of the goals of this handbook is to help IT organiza-

tions plan for that transformation – hence the subtitle: A

guide to decision making.

Forward to the 2008 EditionThis handbook builds on the 2007 edition of the applica-

tion delivery handbook. This edition of the handbook differs

from the original version in several ways. First, information

that was contained in the original version that is no longer

relevant was deleted from this edition. Second, informa-

tion was added to increase both the breadth and depth

of this edition. For example, a significant amount of new

market research is included. In addition, there are two

new chapters in this edition. One of these new chapters,

chapter 6 discusses the use the various types of managed

service providers as a very viable option that IT organiza-

tions can use to better ensure acceptable application deliv-

ery. As is discussed in chapter 6, one of the advantages of

using a managed service provider is that they often have

the skills and processes that are necessary to bridge the

gap that typically exists within an IT organization between

the application development groups and the rest of the IT


Chapter 8 details the evolving network management

function. The includes a discussion of how the NOC,

which once focused almost exclusively on the availability

of networks, now often has an additional focus on the

performance of networks and applications. Chapter 8 also

examines how the NOC has to change in order to reduce

the meant time to repair that is associated with applica-

tion performance issues and details the myriad ways that

IT organizations justify an investment in performance


Other areas that were either added or expanded upon

include the:

Impact of Web services on security•

Development of a new generation of firewalls•

Use of WAN emulation to develop better applica-•

tions and to plan for change

Impact of Web 2.0 on application performance and •


The criticality of looking deep into the packet for •

more effective management

Status of QoS deployment•

Appropriate metrics for VoIP management •

Development of software-based WAN optimization •


Factors that impact the transparency of WAN opti-•

mization solutions

Issues associated with high-speed data replication •

A Guide to Decision Making 7

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Criteria to evaluate WAN optimization controllers •


Criteria to evaluate application front ends (AFEs)•

Issues associated with port hopping applications •

Unfortunately, this is a lengthy handbook. It does not,

however, require linear, cover-to-cover reading. A reader

may start reading this handbook in the middle and use the

references embedded in the text as forward and back-

wards pointers to related information.

Several techniques were employed to keep the handbook

a reasonable length. For example, the handbook allocates

more space discussing a new topics (such as the impact

of Web 2.0) than it does on topics that are relatively well

understood – such as the impact of consolidating servers

out of branch offices and into centralized data centers.

Also, the handbook does not contain a detailed analysis

of any technology. To compensate for this, the handbook

includes an extensive bibliography. In addition, the body

of the handbook does not discuss any vendor or any prod-

ucts or services. The Appendix to the handbook, however,

contains material supplied by the majority of the leading

application delivery vendors.

To allow IT organizations to compare their situation to

those of other IT organizations, this handbook incorporates

market research data that has been gathered over the last

two years. The handbook also contains input gathered

from interviewing roughly thirty IT professionals. Most IT

professionals cannot be quoted by name or company in a

document like this without their company heavily filtering

their input. To compensate for that limitation, Chapter

12 contains a brief listing of the people who were inter-

viewed, along with the phrase that is used in the handbook

to refer to them. The sponsors of the handbook provided

input into the areas of this handbook that are related to

their company’s products and services. Both the spon-

sors and the IT professionals also provided input into the

relationship between and among the various components

of the application delivery framework.

Given the breadth and extent of the input from

both IT organizations and leading edge vendors

this handbook represents a broad consensus

on a framework that IT organizations can use to

improve application delivery.

ContextOver the last two years, Kubernan has conducted exten-

sive market research into the challenges associated with

application delivery. One of the most significant results

uncovered by that market research is the dramatic lack of

success IT organizations have relative to managing applica-

tion performance. In particular, in Kubernan asked 345 IT

professionals the following question. “If the performance

of one of your company’s key applications is beginning

to degrade, who is the most likely to notice it first – the

IT organization or the end user?” Seventy three percent

of the survey respondents indicated that it was the end


In the vast majority of instances when a key

business application is degrading, the end

user, not the IT organization, first notices the


The fact that end users notice application degradation

prior to it being noticed by the IT organization is an issue

of significant importance to virtually all senior IT manag-

ers. The Government CIO stated that in his organization

the fact that the IT organization does not know when an

application has begun to degrade has lead to the percep-

tion that IT is “a bunch of bumbling idiots.” He further

revealed that this situation has also fostered an environ-

ment in which individual departments have both felt the

need and been allowed to establish their own shadow IT


A Guide to Decision Making 8

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In situations in which the end user is typically

the first to notice application degradation, IT

ends up looking like bumbling idiots.

The current approach to managing application

performance reduces the confidence that the

company has in the IT organization.

In addition to performing market research, Kubernan also

provides consulting services. Jim Metzler was hired by

an IT organization that was hosting an application on the

east coast of the United States that users from all over

the world accessed. Users of this application that were

located in the Pac Rim were complaining about unaccept-

able application performance. The IT organization wanted

Jim to identify what steps it could take to improve the per-

formance of the application. Given that the IT organization

had little information about the semantics of the applica-

tion, the task of determining what it would take to improve

the performance of the application was lengthy and served

to further frustrate the users of the application. (Chapter

7 details what has to be done to reduce the mean time to

repair application performance issues.) This handbook is

being written with that IT organization and others like them

in mind.

A goal of this handbook is to help IT organiza-

tions develop the ability to minimize the occur-

rence of application performance issues and to

both identify and quickly resolve issues when

they do occur.

To achieve that goal, this handbook will develop a frame-

work for application delivery. It is important to note that

most times when the industry uses the phrase application

delivery, this refers to just network and application opti-

mization. Network and application optimization is impor-

tant. However, achieving the goal stated above requires a

broader perspective on the factors that impact the ability

of the IT organization to assure acceptable application


Application delivery is more complex than just

network and application acceleration.

Application delivery needs to have top-

down approach, with a focus on application


With these factors in mind, the framework this handbook

describes is comprised of four primary components.

Successful application delivery requires the

integration of planning, network and application

optimization, management, and control.

Some overlap exists in the model as a number of com-

mon IT processes are part of multiple components. This

includes processes such as discovery (what applications

are running on the network and how are they being used),

baselining, visibility and reporting.

The Applications EnvironmentThis section of the handbook will discuss some of the

primary dynamics of the applications environment that

impact application delivery. It is unlikely any IT organiza-

tion will exhibit all of the dynamics described. It is also

unlikely that an IT organization will not exhibit at least

some of these dynamics.

No product or service in the marketplace provides a

best in class solution for each component of the applica-

tion delivery framework. As a result, companies have to

carefully match their requirements to the functionality the

alternative solutions provide.

Companies that want to be successful with

application delivery must understand their cur-

rent and emerging application environment.

The preceding statement sounds simple. However, less

than one-quarter of IT organizations claim they have that


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The Application Development ProcessIn most situations the focus of application development

is on ensuring that applications are developed on time,

on budget, and with few security vulner-

abilities. That narrow focus combined with

the fact that application development has

historically been done over a high-speed,

low-latency LAN, means that the impact of

the WAN on the performance of the appli-

cation is generally not known until after the

application is fully developed and deployed.

In the majority of cases, there is at most a

moderate emphasis during the design and

development of an application on how well that

application will run over a WAN.

This lack of emphasis on how well an application will run

over the WAN often results in the deployment of chatty

applications as shown in Figure 3.1.

A chatty application requires hundreds of application

turns to complete a transaction. To exemplify the impact of

a chatty protocol assume that a given transaction requires

200 application turns. Further assume that the latency on

the LAN on which the application was developed was 1

millisecond, but that the round trip delay of the WAN on

which the application will be deployed is 100 milliseconds.

For simplicity, the delay associated with the data transfer

will be ignored and only the delay associated with the

application turns will be calculated. In this case, the delay

on the LAN is 200 milliseconds, which is not noticeable.

However, the delay on the WAN is 20 seconds, which is

very noticeable.

The preceding example demonstrates the need to be

cognizant of the impact of the WAN on application per-

formance during the application development lifecycle. In

particular, it is important during application development

to identify and eliminate any factor that could have a nega-

tive impact on application performance. This approach is

far more effective than trying to implement a work-around

after an application has been fully developed and deployed.

This concept will be expanded upon in Chapter 4.

The preceding example also demonstrates the relation-

ship between network delay and application delay.

A relatively small increase in network delay can

result a very significant increase in application


Taxonomy of ApplicationsThe typical enterprise has tens and often hundreds of

applications that transit the WAN. One way that these

applications can be categorized is:

Business Critical 1.

A company typically runs the bulk of its key busi-

ness functions utilizing a handful of applications. A

company can develop these applications internally,

buy them from a vendor such as Oracle or SAP, or

acquire them from a software-as-a-service provider

such as

Communicative and Collaborative 2.

This includes delay sensitive applications such as

Voice over IP and conferencing, as well as applica-

tions that are less delay sensitive such as email.

Other Data Applications 3.

This category contains the bulk of a company’s data

applications. While these applications do not merit

the same attention as the enterprise’s business

critical applications, they are important to the suc-

cessful operation of the enterprise.

Figure 3.1: Chatty Application

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IT Infrastructure-Related Applications 4.

This category contains applications such as DNS

and DHCP that are not visible to the end user,

but which are critical to the operation of the IT


Recreational 5.

This category includes a growing variety of appli-

cations such as Internet radio, YouTube, stream-

ing news and multimedia, as well as music


Malicious 6.

This includes any application intended to harm the

enterprise by introducing worms, viruses, spyware

or other security vulnerabilities.

Since they make different demands on the network,

another way to classify applications is whether the appli-

cation is real time, transactional or data transfer in orien-

tation. For maximum benefit, this information must be

combined with the business criticality of the application.

For example, live Internet radio is real time but in virtually

all cases it is not critical to the organization’s success. It

is also important to realize an application such as Citrix

Presentation Server or SAP is comprised of multiple mod-

ules with varying characteristics. Thus, it is not terribly

meaningful to say that Citrix Presentation Server traffic

is real time, transactional or data transfer in orientation.

What is important is the ability to recognize application

traffic flows for what they are, for example a Citrix printing

flow vs. editing a Word document.

Successful application delivery requires that IT

organizations are able to identify the applica-

tions running on the network and are also able

to ensure the acceptable performance of the

applications relevant to the business while con-

trolling or eliminating applications that are not


Traffic Flow ConsiderationsIn many situations, the traffic flow on the data network

naturally follows a simple hub-and-spoke design. An

example of this is a bank’s ATM network where the traffic

flows from an ATM to a data center and back again. This

type of network is sometimes referred to as a one-to-

many network.

A number of factors, however, cause the traffic flow in

a network to follow more of a mesh pattern. One factor

is the wide spread deployment of Voice over IP (VoIP)2.

VoIP is an example of an application where traffic can

flow between any two sites in the network. This type of

network is often referred as an any-to-any network. An

important relationship exists between VoIP deployment

and MPLS deployment. MPLS is an any-to-any network.

As a result, companies that want to broadly deploy VoIP

are likely to move away from a Frame Relay or an ATM

network and to adopt an MPLS network. Analogously,

companies that have already adopted MPLS will find it

easier to justify deploying VoIP.

Another factor affecting traffic flow is that many organi-

zations require that a remote office have access to mul-

tiple data centers. This type of requirement could exist to

enable effective disaster recovery or because the remote

office needs to access applications that disparate data

centers host. This type of network is often referred as a

some-to-many network

Every component of an application delivery solu-

tion has to be able to support the company’s

traffic patterns, whether they are one-to-many,

many-to-many, or some-to-many.

Webification of ApplicationsThe phrase Webification of Applications refers to the

growing movement to implement Web-based user inter-

faces and to utilize chatty Web-specific protocols such as

2 2005/2006 VoIP State of the Market Report, Steven Taylor,

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HTTP. Similar to the definition of a chatty application, a

protocol is referred to as being chatty if it requires tens if

not hundreds of turns for a single transaction.

In addition, XML is a dense protocol. That means com-

munications based on XML consume more IT resources

than communications that are not based on XML.

The webification of applications introduces chat-

ty protocols into the network. In addition, some

or these protocols (e.g., XML) tend to greatly

increase the amount of data that transits the

network and is processed by the servers.

As will be discussed in Chapter 9, the dense nature of

XML also creates some security vulnerabilities.

Server ConsolidationMany companies either already have, or are in the pro-

cess of consolidating servers out of branch offices and

into centralized data centers. This consolidation typically

reduces cost and enables IT organizations to have better

control over the company’s data.

While server consolidation produces many ben-

efits, it can also produce some significant perfor-

mance issues.

Server consolidation typically results in chatty protocols

such as CIFS (Common Internet File System), Exchange

or NFS (Network File System), which were designed to

run over the LAN, running over the WAN. The way that

CIFS works is that it decomposes all files into smaller

blocks prior to transmitting them. Assume that a client

was attempting to open up a 20 megabyte file on a remote

server. CIFS would decompose that file into hundreds, or

possibly thousands of small data blocks. The server sends

each of these data blocks to the client where it is verified

and an acknowledgement is sent back to the server. The

server must wait for an acknowledgement prior to sending

the next data block. As a result, it can take several sec-

onds for the user to be able to open up the file.

Data Center Consolidation and Single Hosting

In addition to consolidating servers out of branch offices

and into centralized data centers, many companies are

also reducing the number of data centers they support

worldwide. HP, for example, recently announced it was

reducing the number of data centers it supports from

85 down to six3. This increases the distance between

remote users and the applications they need to access.

Many companies are also adopting a single-hosting model

whereby users from all over the globe transit the WAN to

access an application that the company hosts in just one

of its data centers.

One of the effects of data center consolidation

and single hosting is that it results in additional

WAN latency for remote users.

Changing Application Delivery ModelThe 80/20 rule in place until a few years ago stated that

80% of a company’s employees were in a headquarters

facility and accessed an application over a high-speed, low

latency LAN. The new 80/20 rule states that 80% of a

company’s employees access applications over a relatively

low-speed, high latency WAN.

In the vast majority of situations, when people

access an application they are accessing it over

the WAN.

Software as a ServiceAccording to Wikipedia4, software as a service (SaaS)

is a software application delivery model where a soft-

ware vendor develops a web-native software application

and hosts and operates (either independently or through

a third-party) the application for use by its customers

over the Internet. Customers do not pay for owning the

3 Hewlett-Packard picks Austin for two data centers


A Guide to Decision Making 12

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software itself but rather for using it. They use it through

an API accessible over the Web and often written using

Web Services. The term SaaS has become the indus-

try preferred term, generally replacing the earlier terms

Application Service Provider (ASP) and On-Demand.

There are many challenges associated with SaaS. For

example, by definition of SaaS, the user accesses the

application over the Internet and hence incurs all of the

issues associated with the Internet. (See Chapter 6 for

a discussion of the use of managed service providers as

a way to mitigate some of the impact of the Internet.) In

addition, since the company that uses the software does

not own the software, they cannot change the software in

order to make it perform better.

Dynamic IT EnvironmentsThe environment in which application delivery solutions

are implemented is highly dynamic. For example, com-

panies are continually changing their business processes

and IT organizations are continually changing the network

infrastructure. In addition, companies regularly deploy

new applications and updates to existing applications.

To be successful, application delivery solutions

must function in a highly dynamic environment.

This drives the need for both the dynamic set-

ting of parameters and automation.

Fractured IT OrganizationsThe application delivery function consists of myriad sub-

specialties such as devices (e.g., desktops, laptops, point

of sale devices), networks, servers, storage, servers,

security, operating systems, etc. The planning and opera-

tions of these sub-specialties are typically not well coordi-

nated within the application delivery function. In addition,

market research performed in 2006 indicates that typically

little coordination exists between the application delivery

function and the application development function.

Only 14% of IT organizations claim to have

aligned the application delivery function with

the application development function. Eight

percent (8%) of IT organizations state they plan

and holistically fund IT initiatives across all of

the IT disciplines. Twelve percent (12%) of IT

organizations state that troubleshooting an IT

operational issues occurs cooperatively across

all IT disciplines.

The Industrial CIO described the current fractured, often

defensive approach to application delivery. He has five IT

disciplines that report directly to him. He stated that he

is tired of having each of them explain to him that their

component of IT is fine and yet the company struggles to

provide customers an acceptable level of access to their

Web site, book business and ship product. He also said

that he and his peers do not care about the pieces that

comprise IT, they care about the business results.

The CYA approach to application delivery focus-

es on showing that it is not your fault that the

application is performing badly. The goal of the

CIO approach is to rapidly identify and fix the


Application ComplexityCompanies began deploying mainframe computers in

the late 1960s and mainframes became the dominant style

of computing in the 1970s. The applications that were

written for the mainframe computers of that era were

monolithic in nature. Monolithic means that the applica-

tion performed all of the necessary functions, such as

providing the user interface, the application logic, as well

as access to data.

Most companies have moved away from deploying

monolithic applications and towards a form of distributed

computing that is often referred to as n-tier applications.

Since these tiers are implemented on separate systems,

WAN performance impacts n-tier applications more than

A Guide to Decision Making 13

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monolithic applications. For example, the typical 3-tier

application is comprised of a Web browser, an application

server(s) and a database server(s). The information flow in

a 3-tier application is from the Web browser to the appli-

cation server(s) and to the database, and then back again

over the Internet using standard protocols such as HTTP


The movement to a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

based on the use of Web services-based applications

represents the next step in the development of distributed


Just as WAN performance impacts n-tier appli-

cations more than monolithic applications,

WAN performance impacts Web services-based

applications significantly more than WAN perfor-

mance impacts n-tier applications.

To understand why the movement to Web services-

based applications will drastically complicate the task of

ensuring acceptable application performance, consider

the 3-tier application architecture that was previously dis-

cussed. In a 3-tier application the application server(s) and

the database server(s) typically reside in the same data

center. As a result, the impact of the WAN is constrained

to a single traffic flow, that being the flow between the

user’s Web browser and the application server.

In a Web services-based application, the Web services

that comprise the application typically run on servers that

are housed within multiple data centers. As a result, the

WAN impacts multiple traffic flows and hence has a great-

er overall impact on the performance of a Web services-

based application that it does on the performance of an

n-tier application.

Web Services and SecurityThe expanding use of Web services creates some new

security challenges. Part of this challenge stems from the

fact that in most instances, the blueprint for Web services

communication is outlined in Web Services Description

Language (WSDL) documents. These documents are

intended to serve as a guide to an IT organization’s Web

services. Unfortunately, they can also serve to guide secu-

rity attacks against the organization.

Assuming that a hacker has gained access to an organiza-

tion’s WSDL document, the hacker can then begin to look

for vulnerabilities in the system. For example, by seeing

how the system reacts to invalid data that the hacker has

intentionally submitted, the hacker can learn a great deal

about the underlying technology and can use this knowl-

edge to further exploit the system. If the goal of the hacker

is to create a denial of service attack or degrade applica-

tion performance, the hacker could exploit the verbose

nature of both XML and SOAP5. When a Web services

message is received, the first step the system takes is to

read through, or parse, the elements of the message. As

part of parsing the message, parameters are extracted and

content is inserted into databases. The amount of work

required by XML parsing is directly affected by the size

of the SOAP message. Because of this, the hacker could

submit excessively large payloads that would consume an

inordinate amount of system resources and hence degrade

application performance.

Chapter 9 will discuss some of the limitations of the

current generation of firewalls. One of these limitations

is that the current generation of firewalls is not capable of

parsing XML. As such, these firewalls are blind to XML

traffic. As part of providing security for Web services, IT

organizations need to be able to inspect XML and SOAP

messages and make intelligent decisions based on the

content of these messages. For example, IT organizations

need to be able to perform anomaly detection in order to

distinguish valid messages from invalid messages. In addi-

tion, IT organizations need to be able to perform signature

detection to detect the signature of known attacks.

5 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is the Web Services specification used for invoking methods on remote software components, using an XML vocabulary.

A Guide to Decision Making 14

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Web 2.0

Defining Web 2.0As was noted in the preceding section, the movement to

a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on the use

of Web services-based applications is going to drastically

complicate the task of ensuring acceptable application per-

formance. The same is true for the movement to Web 2.0.

In the case of Web 2.0, however, the problem is exacer-

bated because most IT organizations are not aware of the

performance issues associated with Web 2.0.

Many IT professionals view the phrase Web 2.0

as either just marketing hype that is devoid of

any meaning or they associate it exclusively with

social networking sites such as MySpace.

The Mobile Software CEO emphasized his view that

Web 2.0 is “a lot more than just social networking”. He

said that the goal of Web 2.0 is to “allow for greater flex-

ibility for presenting information to the user.” The Mobile

Software CEO added that Web 2.0 started with sites such

as Google and MySpace and is now widely used as a way

to aggregate websites together more naturally. A key

component of Web 2.0 is that the content is “very dynam-

ic and alive and that as a result people keep coming back

to the website.” The concept of an application that is itself

the result of aggregating other applications together has

become so common that a new term, mashup, has been

coined to describe it. According to Wikipedia6 a mashup is

a web application that combines data from more than one

source into a single integrated tool; a typical example is the

use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add loca-

tion information to real-estate data from Craigslist, thereby

creating a new and distinct service that was not originally

envisaged by either source.

The Business Intelligence CTO stated that when he

thinks about Web 2.0 he doesn’t think about marketing

hype. Instead he thinks about the new business oppor-

tunities that are a result of Web 2.0. He said that, “Ten


years ago if somebody was starting a web based business

they would need roughly one million dollars to get their

product to beta. Web 2.0 allows someone today to start

up a business for fifty thousand dollars.” The Business

Intelligence CTO said that this dramatic change is enabled

in part because today businesses can hire programmers

who use application platforms such as ASP.NET7 that rely

on technologies such as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript

and XML). Developers can use ASP.NET to quickly devel-

op applications that run on low cost virtual servers8 and

communicate amongst themselves using Skype.

Another industry movement that is often associated with

Web 2.0 is the deployment of Rich Internet Applications

(RIA). In a traditional Web application all processing is

done on the server, and a new Web page is downloaded

each time the user clicks. In contrast, an RIA can be

viewed as “a cross between Web applications and tra-

ditional desktop applications, transferring some of the

processing to a Web client and keeping (some of) the

processing on the application server.”9 RIAs are created

using technologies such as Macromedia Flash, Flex, AJAX

and Microsoft’s Silverlight.

A recent publication10 quotes market research that indi-

cates that by 2010 at least 60 percent of new application

development projects will include RIA technology and

that at least 25 percent will rely primarily on RIA technol-

ogy. As stated in that publication, “This richer content is

increasingly dynamic in nature, enabling an unprecedented

level of interactivity and personalization. In real time, any

consumer-specific information entered into these applica-

tions is passed back to the Web infrastructure to enable

7 ASP.NET is a web application framework marketed by Microsoft that programmers can use to build dynamic web sites, web applications and XML web services. It is part of Microsoft’s .NET platform and is the successor to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology,

8 Virtual servers will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 99 Wikipedia on Rich Internet Applications: 10 Web 2.0 is Here – Is Your Web Infrastructure Ready?

A Guide to Decision Making 15

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interaction, further personalization, and compelling market-

ing offers. For instance, consumers can be presented with

geographic- and demographic-specific content, content

that is tailored to preferences they indicate, surveys and

contests, and constantly updated content such as stock

quotes, sales promotions, and news feeds, to name a


Kubernan recently presented over 200 IT professionals

with the following question: “Which of the following best

describes your company’s approach to using new applica-

tion architectures such as Services Oriented Architecture

(SOA), Rich Internet Applications (RIA), or Web 2.0 appli-

cations including the use of mashups?” Their responses

are shown in Table 3.1.

Response Percentage of Respondents

Don’t use them 24.4%

Make modest use of them 37.2%

Make significant use of them 11.7%

N/A or Don’t Know 24.4%

Other 2.2%

Table 3.1: Current Use of New Application Architectures

The same group of IT professionals were then asked

to indicate how their company’s use of those application

architectures would change over the next year. Their

responses are shown in Table 3.2.

ResponsePercentage of Respondents

No change is expected 23.3%

We will reduce our use of these architectures 1.7%

We will increase our use of these architectures 46.7%

N/A or Don’t Know 27.8%

Other 0.6%

Table 3.2: Increased Use of New Application Architectures

Emerging application architectures (SOA, RIA,

Web 2.0) have already begun to impact IT orga-

nizations and this impact will increase over the

next year.

Quantifying Application Response TimeAs noted, Web 2.0 has some unique characteristics.

In addition to a services focus, Web 2.0 charac-

teristics include featuring content that is dynam-

ic, rich and in many cases, user created.

A model is helpful to illustrate the potential performance

bottlenecks in any application environment in general, as

well as in a Web 2.0 environment in particular. The follow-

ing model is a variation of the application response time

model created by Sevcik and Wetzel11. Like all models,

the following is only an approximation and as a result it

is not intended to provide results that are accurate to the

millisecond level. The model, however, is intended to

provide insight into the key factors that impact application

response time. As shown below, the application response

time (R) is impacted by amount of data being transmitted

(Payload), the WAN bandwidth, the network round trip

time (RTT), the number of application turns (AppTurns),

the number of simultaneous TCP sessions (concurrent

requests), the server side delay (Cs) and the client side

delay (Cc).

Figure 3.2: Application Response Time Model

The Branch Office Optimization Solutions that are

described in Chapter 5 were designed primarily to deal

with the size of the payload and the number of application

turns. The Application Front Ends that are described in

Chapter 5 were designed primarily to offload communica-

tions processing from servers. They were not designed to

offload any backend processing.

11 Why Centralizing Microsoft Servers Hurts Performance, Peter Sevcik and Rebecca Wetzel,

A Guide to Decision Making 16

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The Web 2.0 Performance IssuesAs noted, the existing network and application optimiza-

tion solutions were designed to mitigate the performance

impacts of large payloads and multiple application turns.

Microprocessor vendors such as Intel and AMD continually

deliver products that increase the computing power that is

available on the desktop. As a result, these products minimize

the delays that are associated with client processing (Cc).

This leaves just one element of the preceding model that has

to be more fully accounted for – server side delay. This is the

critical performance bottleneck that has to be addressed in

order for Web 2.0 applications to perform well.

The existing generation of network and applica-

tion optimization solutions does not deal with

a key requirement of Web 2.0 applications – the

need to massively scale server performance.

The reason this is so critical is that unlike clients, servers

suffer from scalability issues. In particular, servers have

to support multiple users and each concurrent user con-

sumes some amount of server resources: CPU, memory,

I/O. Chris Loosley12 highlighted the scalability issues asso-

ciated with servers Loosley pointed out that activities

such as catalog browsing is a relatively fast and efficient

activity that does not consume a lot of server resources.

He contrasted that to an activity that required the server

to update something, such as clicking a button to add an

item to a shopping cart. His points out that activities such

as updating consumes significant server resources and so

the number of concurrent transactions, server interactions

that update a customer’s stored information, plays a critical

role in determining server performance.

The Mobile Software CEO addressed the issue of scal-

ability when he stated that there is no better application

framework than ASP.NET, but that ASP.NET does make

it very easy to develop applications that do not perform

12 Rich Internet Applications: Design, Measurement and Manage-ment Challenges, Chris Loosley,

well. As The Mobile Software CEO sees it, IT organiza-

tions need to answer the question of “How will we scale

Web 2.0 applications that have a rich amount of informa-

tion from a dynamic database?” He said that a big part

of the issue is that because of the dynamic content that

is associated with Web 2.0 applications, “caching is not

caching – it is different for every single application that you

work with”. As a result, IT organizations need to answer

questions such as: “When can I cache that data?” and

“How do I keep that cache up to date?” He added that

the best way to solve the Web 2.0 performance problems

is to deploy intelligent tools.

The Business Intelligence CTO pointed out that the most

important server side issue associated with traditional

applications was providing page views; while with Web 2.0

applications it is supporting API calls. He emphasized that

“You can not scale a Web site just by throwing servers at

it. That buys you time, but it does not solve the problem.”

His recommendation was that IT organizations should

make relatively modest investments in servers and make

larger investments in tools to accelerate the performance

of applications.


IntroductionThe classic novel Alice in Wonderland by the English

mathematician Lewis Carroll first explained part of the

need for the planning component of the application deliv-

ery framework. In that novel Alice asked the Cheshire cat,

“Which way should I go?” The cat replied, “Where do

you want to get to?” Alice responded, “I don’t know,” to

which the cat said, “Then it doesn’t much matter which

way you go.”

Relative to application performance, most IT organiza-

tions are somewhat vague on where they want to go. In

particular, only 38% of IT organizations have established

A Guide to Decision Making 17

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well-understood performance objectives for their com-

pany’s business-critical applications.

It is extremely difficult to make effective net-

work and application design decisions if the IT

organization does not have targets for applica-

tion performance that are well understood and

adhered to.

One primary factor driving the planning component of

application delivery is the need for risk mitigation. One

manifestation of this factor is the situation in which a com-

pany’s application development function has spent millions

of dollars to either develop or acquire a highly visible, busi-

ness critical application. The application delivery function

must take the proactive steps this section will describe

in order to protect both the company’s investment in the

application as well as the political capital of the application

delivery function.

Hope is not a strategy. Successful application

delivery requires careful planning, coupled with

extensive measurements and effective proactive

and reactive processes.

Planning FunctionalityMany planning functions are critical to the success of

application delivery. They include the ability to:

Profile an application prior to deploying it, including run-

ning it in conjunction with a WAN emulator to replicate the

performance experienced in branch offices.

Baseline the performance of the network.•

Perform a pre-deployment assessment of the IT •


Establish goals for the performance of the network •

and for at least some of the key applications that

transit the network.

Model the impact of deploying a new application.•

Identify the impact of a change to the network, the •

servers, or to an application.

Create a network design that maximizes availability •

and minimizes latency.

Create a data center architecture that maximizes •

the performance of all of the resources in the data


Choose appropriate network technologies and •


Determine what functionality to perform internally •

and what functionality to acquire from a third party.

This topic will be expanded upon in Chapter 6.

WAN EmulationChapter 3 outlined some of the factors that increase the

difficulty of ensuring acceptable application performance.

One of these factors is the fact that in the vast majority of

situations, the application development process does not

take into account how well the application will run over a


One class of tool that can be used to test and profile

application performance throughout the application lifecyle

is a WAN emulator. These tools are used during applica-

tion development and quality assurance (QA) and serve to

mimic the performance characteristics of the WAN; e.g.,

delay, jitter, packet loss. One of the primary benefits of

these tools is that application developers and QA engi-

neers can use them to quantify the impact of the WAN

on the performance of the application under development,

ideally while there is still time to modify the application.

One of the secondary benefits of using WAN emulation

tools is that over time the application development groups

come to understand how to write applications that per-

form well over the WAN.

Table 4.1, for example, depicts the results of a lab test

that was done using a WAN emulator to quantify the affect

A Guide to Decision Making 18

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that WAN latency would have on an inquiry-response

application that has a target response time of 5 seconds.

Similar tests can be run to quantify the affect that jitter and

packet loss have on an application.

Network Latency Measured Response Time

0 ms 2 seconds

25 ms 2 seconds

50 ms 2 seconds

75 ms 2 seconds

100 ms 4 seconds

125 ms 4 seconds

150 ms 12 seconds

Table 4.1: Impact of Latency on Application Performance

As Table 4.1 shows, if there is no WAN latency the appli-

cation has a two-second response time. This two-second

response time is well within the target response time

and most likely represents the time spent in the applica-

tion server or the database server. As network latency is

increased up to 75 ms., it has little impact on the applica-

tion’s response time. If network latency is increased above

75 ms, the response time of the application increases rap-

idly and is quickly well above the target response time.

Over 200 IT professionals were recently asked “Which of

the following describes your company’s interest in a tool

that can be used to test application performance through-

out the application lifecyle – from application design

through ongoing management?” The survey respondents

were allowed to indicate multiple answers. Their respons-

es are depicted in Table 4.2.

ResponsePercentage of Respondents

If the tool worked well it would make a signifi-cant improvement to our ability to manage appli-cation performance


The output of tools like this is generally not that helpful


Tools like this tend to be too difficult to use, par-ticularly during application development


Our applications developers would be resistant to using such a tool


Our operations groups lack the application spe-cific skills to use a tool like this


Table 4.2: Interest in an Application Lifecycle Management Tool

One obvious conclusion that can be drawn from table

4.2 is:

The vast majority of IT organizations see signifi-

cant value from a tool that can be used to test

application performance throughout the applica-

tion lifecyle.

The flawed application development process is just one

of the factors that Chapter 3 identified that increase the

difficulty of ensuring acceptable application performance.

Other factors include the consolidation of IT resources and

the deployment of demanding applications such as VoIP.

IT organizations will not be regarded as suc-

cessful if they do not have the capability to both

develop applications that run well over the WAN

and to also plan for changes such as data center

consolidation and the deployment of VoIP.

This follows because as previously stated, hope is not a

strategy. IT organizations need to be able to first anticipate

the issues that will arise as a result of a major change and

then take steps to mitigate the impact of those issues.

Whenever an IT organization is considering implement-

ing a tool of this type it is important to realize that the

ultimate goal of these tools is to provide insight and not

an undo level of precision. In particular, IT environments

are complex and dynamic. As a result, it can be extremely

difficult and laborious to have the tool accurately represent

every aspect of the IT environment. In addition, even if

the tool could accurately represent every aspect of the IT

environment at some point in time, that environment will

change almost immediately and that representation would

no longer be totally accurate.

Given the complex and dynamic nature of the IT environ-

ment, a valid use of a WAN emulation tool is to provide

insight into what happens if WAN delay increases from

70 ms to 100 ms.. For example, would that increase the

application delay by a second? By two seconds? By five

seconds? It is reasonable to demand that the WAN emula-

A Guide to Decision Making 19

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tion tool provide accurate insight. For example, it is rea-

sonable to demand that if the tool indicates that a 30 ms.

increase in WAN delay results in a 2 second increase in

application delay, that indeed that is correct. It is not rea-

sonable, however, to expect that the tool would be able to

determine whether a 30 ms. increase in WAN delay would

increase application delay by 4.85 seconds vs. increasing

it by 4.90 seconds.

One of the reasons why IT organizations should not

expect a level of undo precision from a WAN emula-

tion tool has already been discussed – the complex and

dynamic nature of the IT environment. Another reason

is the inherent nature of any modeling or simulation tool.

One of the key characteristics of these tools is that they

typically contain a slippery slope of complexity. By that is

meant that when creating a simulation tool, a great deal of

insight can be provided without having the tool be unduly

complex. The 80/20 rule applies here: 80% of the insight

can be provided while only incurring 20% of the complex-

ity. However, in order to add additional insight requires the

tool to become very complex and typically require a level

of granular input that either does not exist or is incredible

time consuming to create.

The data in Table 4.2 indicates that IT professionals are

well aware of the fact that many of these tools are unac-

ceptably complex. In particular, while the survey respon-

dents indicated a strong interest in these tools, thirty

percent of the survey respondents indicated either that

tools like this tend to be difficult or that their operations

group would not have the skills necessary to use a tool

like this.

In the vast majority of cases, a tool that is undu-

ly complex is of no use to an IT organization.

The preceding discussion of using a WAN emulator to

either develop more efficient applications or to quantify

the impact of a change such as a data center initiative is a

proactive use of the tool. In many cases, IT organizations

profile an application in a reactive fashion. That means the

organization profiled the application only after users com-

plained about its performance.

Alternatively, some IT organizations only profile an appli-

cation shortly before they deploy it. The advantages of

this approach are that it helps the IT organization:

Identify minor changes that can be made to the •

application that will improve its performance.

Determine if some form of optimization technology •

will improve the performance of the application.

Identify the sensitivity of the application to param-•

eters such as WAN latency and use this information

to set effective thresholds.

Gather information on the performance of the appli-•

cation that can be used to set the expectations of

the users.

Learn about the factors that influence how well an •

application will run over a WAN.

Since companies perform these tests just before they

put the application into production, this is usually too late

to make any major change.

The application delivery function needs to be

involved early in the applications development


The Automotive Network Engineer provided insight into

the limitations of testing an application just prior to deploy-

ment. He stated that relative to testing applications just

prior to putting them into production, “We are required

to go through a lot of hoops.” He went on to say that

sometimes the testing was helpful, but that if the applica-

tion development organization was under a lot of manage-

ment pressure to get the application into production, that

the application development organization often took the

approach of deploying the application and then dealing

with the performance problems later.

A Guide to Decision Making 20

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The Consulting Architect pointed out that his organiza-

tion is creating an architecture function. A large part of the

motivation for the creation of this function is to remove

the finger pointing that goes on between the network and

the application-development organizations. One goal of

the architecture function is to strike a balance between

application development and application delivery. For

example, there might be good business and technical fac-

tors drive the application development function to develop

an application using chatty protocols. One role of the archi-

tecture group is to identify the effect of that decision on

the application-delivery function and to suggest solutions.

For example, does the decision to use chatty protocols

mean that additional optimization solutions would have to

be deployed in the infrastructure? If so, how well will the

application run if an organization deploys these optimiza-

tion solutions? What additional management and security

issues do these solutions introduce?

A primary way to balance the requirements and

capabilities of the application development and

the application-delivery functions is to create an

effective architecture that integrates those two



IntroductionBaselining provides a reference from which service

quality and application delivery effectiveness can be mea-

sured. It does this by quantifying the key characteristics

(e.g.., response time, utilization, delay) of applications and

various IT resources including servers, WAN links and rout-

ers. Baselining allows an IT organization to understand the

normal behavior of those applications and IT resources.

Baselining is an example of a task that one can regard as

a building block of management functionality. That means

baselining is a component of several key processes, such

as performing a pre-assessment of the network prior to

deploying an application or performing proactive alarming.

The Team Leader stated that his organization does not

baseline the company’s entire global network. They have,

however, widely deployed two tools that assist with base-

lining. One of these tools establishes trends relative to their

traffic. The other tool baselines the end-to-end responsive-

ness of applications. The Team Leader has asked the two

vendors to integrate the two tools so that he will know

how much capacity he has left before the performance of

a given application becomes unacceptable.

The Key StepsFour primary steps comprise baselining. They are:

Identify the Key Resources I.

Most IT organizations do not have the ability to

baseline all of their resources. These organiza-

tion must determine which are the most important

resources and baseline them. One way to deter-

mine which resources are the most important is to

identify the company’s key business applications

and to identify the IT resources that support these


Quantify the Utilization of the Assets over a II.

Sufficient Period of Time

Organizations must compute the baseline over a

normal business cycle. For example, the activity and

responses times for a CRM application might be dif-

ferent at 8:00 a.m. on a Monday than at 8:00 p.m.

on a Friday. In addition, the activity and response

times for that CRM application are likely to differ

greatly during a week in the middle of the quarter

as compared with times during the last week of the


In most cases, baselining focuses on measuring

the utilization of resources, such as WAN links.

However, application performance is only indirectly

tied to the utilization of WAN links. Application per-

formance is tied directly to factors such as WAN

A Guide to Decision Making 21

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delay. Since it is often easier to measure utilization

than delay, many IT organizations set a limit on the

maximum utilization of their WAN links hoping that

this will result in acceptable WAN latency.

IT organizations need to modify their baselining

activities to focus directly on delay.

Determine how the Organization Uses Assets III.

This step involves determining how the assets are

being consumed by answering questions such as:

Which applications are the most heavily used?

Who is using those applications? How has the

usage of those applications changed? In addition

to being a key component of baselining, this step

also positions the application- delivery function to

provide the company’s business and functional

managers insight into how their organizations are

changing based on how their use of key applica-

tions is changing.

Utilize the Information IV.

The information gained from baselining has many

uses. This includes capacity planning, budget plan-

ning and chargeback. Another use for this informa-

tion is to measure the performance of an application

before and after a major change, such as a server

upgrade, a network redesign or the implementation

of a patch. For example, assume that a company is

going to upgrade all of its Web servers. To ensure

they get all of the benefits they expect from that

upgrade, that company should measure key param-

eters both before and after the upgrade. Those

parameters include WAN and server delay as well

as the end-to-end application response time as

experienced by the users.

An IT organization can approach baselining in multiple

ways. Sampling and synthetic approaches to baselining

can leave a number of gaps in the data and have the poten-

tial to miss important behavior that is both infrequent and


Organizations should baseline by measuring

100% of the actual traffic from the real users.

Selection CriteriaThe following is a set of criteria that IT organizations can

use to choose a baselining solution. For simplicity, the cri-

teria are focused on baselining applications and not other

IT resources.

Application MonitoringTo what degree (complete, partial, none) can the solution


Well-known applications; e.g., e-mail, VoIP, Oracle, •


Custom applications.•

Complex applications; e.g., Microsoft Exchange, •

SAP R/3, Citrix Presentation Server.

Web-based applications, including URL-by-URL •


Peer-to-peer applications.•

Unknown applications.•

Application Profiling and Response Time Analysis

Can the solution:

Provide response time metrics based on synthetic •

traffic generation?

Provide response time metrics based on monitoring •

actual traffic?

Relate application response time to network •


Provide application baselines and trending?•

A Guide to Decision Making 22

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Pre-Deployment AssessmentThe goal of performing a pre-deployment assessment of

the current environment is to identify any potential prob-

lems that might affect an IT organization’s ability to deploy

an application. One of the two key questions that an orga-

nization must answer during pre-deployment assessment

is: Can the network provide appropriate levels of security

to protect against attacks? As part of a security assess-

ment, it is important review the network and the attached

devices and to document the existing security functionality

such as IDS (Intrusion Detection System), IPS (Intrusion

Prevention System) and NAC (Network Access Control).

The next step is to analyze the configuration of the net-

work elements to determine if any of them pose a security

risk. It is also necessary to test the network to see how it

responds to potential security threats.

The second key question that an organization must

answer during pre-deployment assessment is: Can the

network provide the necessary levels of availability and

performance? As previously mentioned, it is extremely

difficult to answer questions like this if the IT organization

does not have targets for application performance that

are well understood and adhered to. It is also difficult to

answer this question, because as Chapter 3 described,

the typical application environment is both complex and


Organizations should not look at the process of perform-

ing a pre-deployment network assessment in isolation.

Rather, they should consider it part of an application-

lifecycle management process that includes a compre-

hensive assessment and analysis of the existing network;

the development of a thorough rollout plan including:

the profiling of the application; the identification of the

impact of implementing the application; and the establish-

ment of effective processes for ongoing fact-based data


The Team Leader stated his organization determines

whether to perform a network assessment prior to deploy-

ing a new application on a case-by-case basis. In particular,

he pointed out that it tends to perform an assessment if

it is a large deployment or if it has some concerns about

whether the infrastructure can support the application.

To assist with this function, his organization has recently

acquired tools that can help it with tasks such as assessing

the ability of the infrastructure to support VoIP deployment

as well as evaluating the design of their MPLS network.

The Engineering CIO said that the organization is deploy-

ing VoIP. As part of that deployment, it did an assess-

ment of the ability of the infrastructure to support VoIP.

The assessment was comprised of an analysis using an

excel spreadsheet. The organization identified the network

capacity at each office, the current utilization of that capac-

ity and the added load that would come from deploying

VoIP. Based on this set of information, it determined where

it needed to add capacity.

The key components of a pre-deployment network

assessment are:

Create an inventory of the applications run-

ning on the network

This includes discovering the applications that are

running on the network. Chapter 7 will discuss

this task in greater detail.

In addition to identifying the applications that are

running on the network, it is also important to cat-

egorize those applications using an approach simi-

lar to what Chapter 3 described. Part of the value

of this activity is to identify recreational use of the

network; i.e., on-line gaming and streaming radio

or video. Blocking this recreational use can free up

additional WAN bandwidth. Chapter 7 quantifies

the extent to which corporate networks are carry-

ing recreational traffic.

A Guide to Decision Making 23

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Another part of the value of this activity is to

identify business activities, such as downloads

of server patches or security patches to desk-

tops that are being performed during peak times.

Moving these activities to an off-peak time adds

additional bandwidth.

Evaluate bandwidth to ensure available capacity

for new applications

This activity involves baselining the network as

previously described. The goal is to use the infor-

mation about how the utilization of the relevant

network resources has been trending to identify if

any parts of the network need to be upgraded to

support the new application.

As previously described, baselining typically refers

to measuring the utilization of key IT resources.

The recommendation was made that companies

should modify how they think about baselining

to focus not on utilization, but on delay. In some

instances, however, IT organizations need to mea-

sure more than just delay. If a company is about to

deploy VoIP, for example, then the pre-assessment

baseline must also measure the current levels of

jitter and packet loss, as VoIP quality is highly sen-

sitive to those parameters.

Create response time baselines for key essen-

tial applications

This activity involves measuring the average and

peak application response times for key applica-

tions both before and after the new application is

deployed. This data will allow IT organizations to

determine if deploying the new application causes

an unacceptable impact on the company’s other

key applications.

As part of performing a pre-deployment network assess-

ment, IT organizations can typically rely on having access

to management data from SNMP MIBs (Simple Network

Management Protocol Management Information Bases)

on network devices, such as switches and routers. This

data source provides data link layer visibility across the

entire enterprise network and captures parameters, such

as the number of packets sent and received, the number

of packets that are discarded, as well as the overall link


NetFlow is a Cisco IOS software feature and also the

name of a Cisco protocol for collecting IP traffic informa-

tion. Within NetFlow, a network flow is defined as a uni-

directional sequence of packets between a given source

and destination. The branch office router outputs a flow

record after it determines that the flow is finished. This

record contains information, such as timestamps for the

flow start and finish time, the volume of traffic in the flow,

and its source and destination IP addresses and source

and destination port numbers.

NetFlow represents a more advanced source of man-

agement data than SNMP MIBs. For example, whereas

data from standard SNMP MIB monitoring can be used to

quantify overall link utilization, this class of management

data can be used to identify which network users or appli-

cations are consuming the bandwidth.

The IETF is in the final stages of approving a standard

(RFC 3917) for logging IP packets as they flow through a

router, switch or other networking device and reporting

that information to network management and accounting

systems. This new standard, which is referred to as IPFIX

(IP Flow Information EXport), is based on NetFlow Version


An important consideration for IT organizations is wheth-

er they should deploy vendor-specific, packet inspec-

tion-based dedicated instrumentation. The advantage of

deploying dedicated instrumentation is that it enables a

more detailed view into application performance. The dis-

advantage of this approach is that it increases the cost of

A Guide to Decision Making 24

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the solution. A compromise is to rely on data from SNMP

MIBs and NetFlow in small sites and to augment this with

dedicated instrumentation in larger, more strategic sites.

Another consideration is whether or not IT organiza-

tions should deploy software agents on end systems.

One of the architectural advantages of this approach is

that it monitors performance and events closer to the

user’s actual experience. A potential disadvantage of this

approach is that there can be organizational barriers that

limit the ability of the IT organization to put software on

each end system. In addition, for an agent-based approach

to be successful, it must not introduce any appreciable

management overhead.

Whereas gaining access to management data is relatively

easy, collecting and analyzing details on every application

in the network is challenging. It is difficult, for example, to

identify every IP application, host and conversation on the

network as well as applications that use protocols such

as IPX or DECnet. It is also difficult to quantify applica-

tion response time and to identify the individual sources

of delay; i.e., network, application server, database. One

of the most challenging components of this activity is to

unify this information so the organization can leverage it to

support myriad activities associated with managing appli-

cation delivery.

Network and Application Optimization

IntroductionThe phrase network and application optimization refers

to an extensive set of techniques that organizations have

deployed in an attempt to optimize the performance of

networks and applications as part of assuring acceptable

application performance. The primary role that these tech-

niques play is to:

Reduce the amount of data that is sent over the •


Ensure that the WAN link is never idle if there is •

data to send.

Reduce the number of round trips (a.k.a., transport •

layer or application turns) that are necessary for a

given transaction.

Mitigate the inefficiencies of older protocols.•

Offload computationally intensive tasks from client •

systems and servers

There are two principal categories of network and

application optimization products. One category focuses

on the negative effect of the WAN on application per-

formance. This category is often referred to as a WAN

optimization controller (WOC) but will also be referred to

in this handbook as Branch Office Optimization Solutions.

Branch Office Optimization Solutions are often referred

to as symmetric solutions because they typically require

an appliance in both the data center as well as the branch

office. Some vendors, however, have implemented solu-

tions that call for an appliance in the data center, but do

not require an appliance in the branch office. This class of

solution is often referred to as a software only solution.

The trade-off between a traditional symmetric solution

based on an appliance and a software only solution is

straightforward. Because the traditional symmetric solu-

tion involves an appliance in each branch office, it has the

dedicated hardware that allows it to service a large user

base. However, because of the requirement to have an

appliance in each branch office, a traditional symmetric

solution also tends to be more expensive. As a result, the

software only solution is most appropriate for individual

users or small offices. Note that while a software only

solution can not typically match the performance of a

symmetric solution, that does not mean that a software

only solution is less functional than a symmetric solution.

IT organizations that are looking for a software only solu-

tion should expect that the solution will provide a rich set

of functionality; i.e., Layer 3 and 4 visibility and shaping,

A Guide to Decision Making 25

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Layer 7 visibility and shaping, packet marking based on

DSCP (DiffServ code point), as well as sophisticated analy-

sis and reporting.

The typical software only solution is comprised of:

Agents that sit on each PC and which serve to •

monitor and shape WAN application and user traffic

in accordance with assigned policy.

A PC or server that has two functions. One func-•

tion is to serve as a collector of network statistics.

The other function is to store policies that are

accessed by the agents.

A management console that is used for monitoring, •

policy development and management.

The second category of product that will be discussed

in this Chapter is often referred to as an Application Front

End (AFE) or Application Device Controller (ADC). This

solution is typically referred to as being an asymmetric

solution because an appliance is only required in the data

center and not the branch office. The genesis of this cat-

egory of solution dates back to the IBM mainframe-com-

puting model of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Part of

that computing model was to have a Front End Processor

(FEP) reside in front of the IBM mainframe. The primary

role of the FEP was to free up processing power on the

general purpose mainframe computer by performing com-

munications processing tasks, such as terminating the

9600 baud multi-point private lines, in a device that was

designed just for these tasks. The role of the AFE is some-

what similar to that of the FEP in that the AFE performs

computationally intensive tasks, such as the processing

of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) traffic, and hence frees up

server resources. However, another role of the AFE is to

function as a Server Load Balancer (SLB) and, as the name

implies, balance traffic over multiple servers. While per-

forming these functions accelerates the performance of

Web-based applications, AFEs often do not accelerate the

performance of standard Windows based applications.

Companies deploy Branch Office Optimization Solutions

and AFEs in different ways. The typical company, for

example, has many more branch offices than data centers.

Hence, the question of whether to deploy a solution in

a limited tactical manner vs. a broader strategic manner

applies more to Branch Office Optimization Solutions than

it does to AFEs. Also, AFEs are based on open standards

and as a result a company can deploy AFEs from different

vendors and not be concerned about interoperability. In

contrast, Branch Office Optimization Solutions are based

on proprietary technologies and so a company would tend

to choose a single vendor from which to acquire these


Alice in Wonderland RevisitedChapter 4 began with a reference to Alice in Wonderland

and discussed the need for IT organizations to set a direc-

tion for things such as application performance. That

same reference to Alice in Wonderland applies to the

network and application optimization component of appli-

cation delivery. In particular, no network and application

optimization solution on the market solves all possible

application performance issues.

To deploy the appropriate network and applica-

tion optimization solution, IT organizations need

to understand the problem they are trying to


Chapter 3 of this handbook described some of the

characteristics of a generic application environment and

pointed out that to choose an appropriate solution, IT

organizations need to understand their unique application

environment. In the context of network and application

optimization, if the company either already has or plans to

consolidate servers out of branch offices and into central-

ized data centers, then as described later in this section, a

WAFS (Wide Area File Services) solution might be appro-

priate. If the company is implementing VoIP, then any

Branch Office Optimization Solution that it implements

A Guide to Decision Making 26

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must be able to support traffic that is both real-time and

meshed, and have strong QoS functionality. Analogously,

if the company is making heavy use of SSL, it might make

sense to implement an AFE to relieve the servers of the

burden of processing the SSL traffic.

In addition to high-level factors of the type the preceding

paragraph mentioned, the company’s actual traffic pat-

terns also have a significant impact on how much value a

network and application optimization solution will provide.

To exemplify this, consider the types of advanced com-

pression most solution providers offer. The effectiveness

of advanced compression depends on two factors. One

factor is the quality of the compression techniques that

have been implemented in a solution. Since many com-

pression techniques use the same fundamental and widely

known mathematical and algorithmic foundations, the per-

formance of many of the solutions available in the market

will tend to be somewhat similar.

The second factor that influences the effectiveness

of advanced compression solutions is the amount of

redundancy of the traffic. Applications that transfer data

with a lot of redundancy, such as text and html on web

pages, will benefit significantly from advanced compres-

sion. Applications that transfer data that has already

been compressed, such as the voice streams in VoIP or

jpg-formatted images, will see little improvement in per-

formance from implementing advanced compression and

could possibly see performance degradation.

Because a network and optimization solution will provide

varying degrees of benefit to a company based on the

unique characteristics of its environment, third party tests

of these solutions are helpful, but not conclusive.

In order to understand the performance gains of

any network and application optimization solu-

tion, that solution must be tested in an environ-

ment that closely reflects the environment in

which it will be deployed.

Branch Office Optimization Solutions

BackgroundThe goal of Branch Office Optimization Solutions is to

improve the performance of applications delivered from

the data center to the branch office or directly to the end

user. Myriad techniques comprise branch office optimiza-

tion solutions. Table 5.1 lists some of these techniques

and indicates how organizations can use each of these

techniques to overcome some characteristic of the WAN

that impairs application performance.

WAN Characteristic WAN Optimization Techniques

Insufficient Bandwidth Data Reduction:Data Compression•Differencing (a.k.a., de-duplication)•Caching•

High Latency Protocol Acceleration:TCP•HTTP•CIFS•NFS•MAPI•

Mitigate Round-trip TimeRequest Prediction•Response Spoofing•

Packet Loss Congestion ControlForward Error Correction (FEC)

Network Contention Quality of Service (QoS)

Table 5.1: Techniques to Improve Application Performance

Below is a brief description of some of the principal WAN

optimization techniques.

CachingThis refers to keeping a local copy of information with the

goal of either avoiding or minimizing the number of times

that information must be accessed from a remote site. As

described below, there are multiple forms of caching.

Byte Caching

With byte caching the sender and the receiver

maintain large disk-based caches of byte strings

previous sent and received over the WAN link. As

data is queued for the WAN, it is scanned for byte

A Guide to Decision Making 27

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strings already in the cache. Any strings that result

in cache hits are replaced with a short token that

refers to its cache location, allowing the receiver

to reconstruct the file from its copy of the cache.

With byte caching, the data dictionary can span

numerous TCP applications and information flows

rather than being constrained to a single file or

single application type.

Object Caching

Object caching stores copies of remote application

objects in a local cache server, which is generally

on the same LAN as the requesting system. With

object caching, the cache server acts as a proxy

for a remote application server. For example, in

Web object caching, the client browsers are con-

figured to connect to the proxy server rather than

directly to the remote server. When the request

for a remote object is made, the local cache is que-

ried first. If the cache contains a current version

of the object, the request can be satisfied locally

at LAN speed and with minimal latency. Most of

the latency involved in a cache hit results from

the cache querying the remote source server to

ensure that the cached object is up to date.

If the local proxy does not contain a current version

of the remote object, it must be fetched, cached,

and then forwarded to the requester. Loading the

remote object into the cache can potentially be facil-

itated by either data compression or byte caching.


The role of compression is to reduce the size of

a file prior to transmitting that file over a WAN.

As described below, there are various forms of


Static Data Compression

Static data compression algorithms find redundan-

cy in a data stream and use encoding techniques

to remove the redundancy, creating a smaller

file. A number of familiar lossless compression

tools for binary data are based on Lempel-Ziv (LZ)

compression. This includes zip, PKZIP and gzip


LZ develops a codebook or dictionary as it pro-

cesses the data stream and builds short codes

corresponding to sequences of data. Repeated

occurrences of the sequences of data are then

replaced with the codes. The LZ codebook is opti-

mized for each specific data stream and the decod-

ing program extracts the codebook directly from

the compressed data stream. LZ compression can

often reduce text files by as much as 60-70%.

However, for data with many possible data values

LZ may prove to be quite ineffective because

repeated sequences are fairly uncommon.

Differential Compression; a.k.a., Differencing

or De-duplication

Differencing algorithms are used to update files by

sending only the changes that need to be made to

convert an older version of the file to the current

version. Differencing algorithms partition a file

into two classes of variable length byte strings:

those strings that appear in both the new and old

versions and those that are unique to the new ver-

sion being encoded. The latter strings comprise

a delta file, which is the minimum set of changes

that the receiver needs in order to build the updat-

ed version of the file.

While differential compression is constrained to

those cases where the receiver has stored an ear-

lier version of the file, the degree of compression

is very high. As a result, differential compression

can greatly reduce bandwidth requirements for

functions such as software distribution, replication

of distributed file systems, and file system backup

and restore.

A Guide to Decision Making 28

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Real Time Dictionary Compression

The same basic LZ data compression algorithms

discussed earlier can also be applied to individual

blocks of data rather than entire files. Operating

at the block level results in smaller dynamic dic-

tionaries that can reside in memory rather than

on disk. As a result, the processing required for

compression and decompression introduces only

a small amount of delay, allowing the technique to

be applied to real-time, streaming data.

Congestion Control

The goal of congestion control is to ensure that the

sending device does not transmit more data than the

network can accommodate. To achieve this goal, the TCP

congestion control mechanisms are based on a parameter

referred to as the congestion window. TCP has multiple

mechanisms to determine the congestion window.

Forward Error Correction (FEC)

FEC is typically used at the physical layer (Layer 1) of the

OSI stack. FEC can also be applied at the network layer

(Layer 3) whereby an extra packet is transmitted for every

n packets sent. This extra packet is used to recover from

an error and hence avoid having to retransmit packets.

A subsequent section of the handbook will discuss some

of the technical challenges associated with data replica-

tion and will describe how FEC mitigates some of those


Protocol Acceleration

Protocol acceleration refers to a class of techniques

that improves application performance by circumventing

the shortcomings of various communication protocols.

Protocol acceleration is typically based on per-session

packet processing by appliances at each end of the WAN

link, as shown in Figure 5.1. The appliances at each end

of the link act as a local proxy for the remote system by

providing local termination of the session. Therefore, the

end systems communicate with the appliances using the

native protocol, and the sessions are relayed between the

appliances across the WAN using the accelerated version

of the protocol or using a special protocol designed to

address the WAN performance issues of the native proto-

col. As described below, there are many forms of protocol


TCP Acceleration

TCP can be accelerated between appliances with a

variety of techniques that increase a session’s ability

Figure 5.1: Protocol Acceleration Appliances

A Guide to Decision Making 29

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to more fully utilize link bandwidth. Some of the avail-

able techniques are dynamic scaling of the window size,

packet aggregation, selective acknowledgement, and TCP

Fast Start. Increasing the window size for large transfers

allows more packets to be simultaneously in transit boost-

ing bandwidth utilization. With packet aggregation, a num-

ber of smaller packets are aggregated into a single larger

packet, reducing the overhead associated with numerous

small packets. TCP selective acknowledgment (SACK)

improves performance in the event that multiple packets

are lost from one TCP window of data. With SACK, the

receiver tells the sender which packets in the window

were received, allowing the sender to retransmit only the

missing data segments instead of all segments sent since

the first lost packet. TCP slow start and congestion avoid-

ance lower the data throughput drastically when loss is

detected. TCP Fast Start remedies this by accelerating the

growth of the TCP window size to quickly take advantage

of link bandwidth.

CIFS and NFS Acceleration

As mentioned earlier, CIFS and NFS use numerous

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) for each file sharing

operation. NFS and CIFS suffer from poor performance

over the WAN because each small data block must be

acknowledged before the next one is sent. This results

in an inefficient ping-pong effect that amplifies the effect

of WAN latency. CIFS and NFS file access can be greatly

accelerated by using a WAFS transport protocol between

the acceleration appliances. With the WAFS protocol,

when a remote file is accessed, the entire file can be

moved or pre-fetched from the remote server to the local

appliance’s cache. This technique eliminates numerous

round trips over the WAN. As a result, it can appear to

the user that the file server is local rather than remote. If

a file is being updated, CIF and NFS acceleration can use

differential compression and block level compression to

further increase WAN efficiency.

HTTP Acceleration

Web pages are often composed of many separate objects,

each of which must be requested and retrieved sequentially.

Typically a browser will wait for a requested object to be

returned before requesting the next one. This results in

the familiar ping-pong behavior that amplifies the effects of

latency. HTTP can be accelerated by appliances that use

pipelining to overlap fetches of Web objects rather than

fetching them sequentially. In addition, the appliance can

use object caching to maintain local storage of frequently

accessed web objects. Web accesses can be further accel-

erated if the appliance continually updates objects in the

cache instead of waiting for the object to be requested by a

local browser before checking for updates.

Microsoft Exchange Acceleration

Most of the storage and bandwidth requirements of email

programs, such as Microsoft Exchange, are due to the

attachment of large files to mail messages. Downloading

email attachments from remote Microsoft Exchange

Servers is slow and wasteful of WAN bandwidth because

the same attachment may be downloaded by a large

number of email clients on the same remote site LAN.

Microsoft Exchange acceleration can be accomplished

with a local appliance that caches email attachments as

they are downloaded. This means that all subsequent

downloads of the same attachment can be satisfied from

the local application server. If an attachment is edited

locally and then returned to via the remote mail server, the

appliances can use differential file compression to con-

serve WAN bandwidth.

Request Prediction

By understanding the semantics of specific protocols or

applications, it is often possible to anticipate a request a

user will make in the near future. Making this request in

advance of it being needed eliminates virtually all of the

delay when the user actually makes the request.

A Guide to Decision Making 30

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Many applications or application protocols have a wide

range of request types that reflect different user actions

or use cases. It is important to understand what a vendor

means when it says it has a certain application level opti-

mization. For example, in the CIFS (Windows file sharing)

protocol, the simplest interactions that can be optimized

involve drag and drop. But many other interactions are

more complex. Not all vendors support the entire range of

CIFS optimizations.

Request Spoofing

This refers to situations in which a client makes a

request of a distant server, but the request is responded

to locally.

Tactical vs. Strategic SolutionsTo put the question of tactical vs. strategic in context,

refer again to the IT organization that Chapter 2 of this

handbook referenced. For that company to identity the

problem that it is trying to solve, it must answer questions

such as: Is the problem just the performance of this one

application as used just by employees in the Pac Rim? If

that is the problem statement, then the company is looking

for a very tactical solution. However, the company might

decide that the problem that it wants to solve is how can

it guarantee the performance of all of their critical applica-

tions for all of its employees under as wide a range of cir-

cumstances as possible. In this case, the company needs

a strategic solution.

Historically, Branch Office Optimization Solutions have

been implemented in a tactical fashion. That means that

companies have deployed the least amount of equipment

possible to solve a specific problem. Kubernan recently

asked several hundred IT professionals about the tactical vs.

strategic nature of how they use these techniques. Their

answers, which Figure 5.2 shows, indicate the deployment

of these techniques is becoming a little more strategic.

The Electronics COO who noted that his company’s

initial deployment of network and application optimization

techniques was to solve a particular problem supports that

position. He also stated that his company is “absolutely

becoming more proactive moving forward with deploying

these techniques.”

Similarly, The Motion Picture Architect commented that

his organization has been looking at these technologies for

a number of years, but has only deployed products to solve

some specific problems, such as moving extremely large

files over long distances. He noted that his organization

now wants to deploy products proactively to solve a broad-

er range of issues relative to application performance.

According to The Motion Picture Architect, “Even a well

written application does not run well over long distances.

In order to run well, the application needs to be very thin

and it is very difficult to write a full featured application

that is very thin.”

IT organizations often start with a tactical

deployment of WOCs and expand this deploy-

ment over time.

Current Deployments

Table 5.2 depicts the extent of the deployment of branch

office optimization solutions.

No plans to deploy

Have not deployed,

but plan to deploy

Deployed in test mode

Limited production deployment

Broadly deployed

45% 24% 9% 17% 5%

Table 5.2: Deployment of Branch Office Optimization Solutions

One conclusion that can be drawn from the data in Table

5.2 is:

The deployment of WAN Optimization Controllers

will increase significantly.

The Engineering CIO stated that his organization originally

deployed a WAFS solution to alleviate redundant file copy.

He said he has been pleasantly surprised by the additional

benefits of using the solution. In addition, his organization

plans on doing more backup of files over the network and

A Guide to Decision Making 31

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

he expects the WAFS solution they have already deployed

will assist with this.

The points The Engineering CIO raised go back to the

previous discussion of a tactical vs. a strategic solution. In

particular, most IT organizations that deploy a network and

application optimization solution do so tactically and later

expand the use of that solution to be more strategic.

When choosing a network and application optimization

solution it is important to ensure that the solution can scale to

provide additional functionality over what is initially required.

Selection CriteriaThe recommended criteria for evaluating WAN Optimization

Controllers are listed in Table 5.3. This list is intended as a

fairly complete compilation of all possible criteria, so a given

organization may apply only a subset of these criteria for a

given purchase decision. In addition, individual organizations

are expected to ascribe different weights to each of the

criteria because of differences in WAN architecture, branch

office network design, and application mix. As shown in the

table, assigning weights to the criteria and relative scores for

each solution provides a simple methodology for comparing

competing solutions.

There are many techniques that IT organizations can use

to complete Table 5.3 and then use its contents to com-

pare solutions. For example, the weights can range from

10 points to 50 points, with 10 points

meaning not important, 30 points

meaning average importance, and

50 points meaning critically impor-

tant. The score for each criteria can

range from 1 to 5, with a 1 mean-

ing fails to meet minimum needs, 3

meaning acceptable, and 5 meaning

significantly exceeds requirements.

For the sake of example, consider

solution A. For this solution, the

weighted score for each criterion

(WiAi) is found by multiplying the

weight (Wi) of each criteria, by the score of each crite-

ria (Ai). The weighted score for each criterion are then

summed (Σ WiAi) to get the total score for the solution.

This process can then be repeated for additional solutions

and the total scores of the solutions can be compared.



Score for Solution


Score for Solution




Solution Architecture

OSI Layer

Capability to Perform Application Monitoring



Application Sub-classification

Module vs. Application Optimization

Disk vs. RAM-based Compression

Protocol Support


Ease of Deployment and Management

Change Management

Support for Meshed Traffic

Support for Real Time Traffic

Total Score ʛWiAi ʛWiBi

Table 5.3: Criteria for WAN Optimization Solutions











Rich Set of Techniques, ProactivelyDeployed

Some Techniques, ProactivelyDeployed

Driven by Particular Initiatives

Figure 5.2: Approach to Network and Application Optimization

A Guide to Decision Making 32

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Each of the criteria is explained below.


Third party tests of a solution can be helpful. It is criti-

cal, however, to quantify the kind of performance gains

that the solution will provide in the particular environment

where it will be installed. For example, if the IT organiza-

tion either already has, or is in the process of consolidating

servers out of branch offices and into centralized data cen-

ters, then it needs to test how well the WAN optimization

solution supports CIFS.

As part of this quantification, it is important to identify

if the performance degrades as either additional function-

ality within the solution is activated, or if the solution is

deployed more broadly across the organization.


The first rule of networking is to not implement anything

that causes the network to break. As a result, an important

criterion when choosing a WOC is that it should be pos-

sible to deploy the solution without breaking things such

as routing, security, or QoS. The solution should also be

transparent relative to both the existing server configura-

tions and the existing Authentication, Authorization and

Accounting (AAA) systems, and should not make trouble-

shooting any more difficult.

The transparency of these solutions has been a sub-

ject of much discussion recently. Because of that, the

next section will elaborate on what to look for relative to


Solution Architecture

If the organization intends the solution to be able to

support additional optimization functionality over time, it

is important to determine if the hardware and software

architecture can support new functionality without an

unacceptable loss of performance.

OSI Layer

Organizations can apply many of the optimization tech-

niques discussed in this handbook at various layers of the

OSI model. They can apply compression, for example, at

the packet layer. The advantage of applying compression

at this layer is that it supports all transport protocols and

all applications. The disadvantage is that it cannot directly

address any issues that occur higher in the stack.

Alternatively, having an understanding of the semantics

of the application means that compression can also be

applied to the application; e.g., SAP or Oracle. Applying

compression, or other techniques such as request predic-

tion, in this manner has the potential to be more effective,

but is by definition application specific.

Capability to Perform Application Monitoring

Many network performance tools rely on network-based

traffic statistics gathered from network infrastructure ele-

ments at specific points in the network to perform their

reporting. By design, all WAN optimization devices apply

various optimization techniques on the application packets

and hence affect these network-based traffic statistics to

varying degrees. One of the important factors that deter-

mine the degree of these effects is based on the amount

of the original TCP/IP header information retained in the

optimized packets. This topic will be expanded in the sub-

sequent section on transparency.


One aspect of scalability is the size of the WAN link that

can be terminated on the appliance. More important is

how much throughput the box can actually support with

the relevant and desired optimization functionality turned

on. Other aspects of scalability include how many simul-

taneous TCP connections the appliance can support, as

well as how many branches or users a vendor’s complete

solution can support.

A Guide to Decision Making 33

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Downward scalability is also important. Downward

scalability refers to the ability of the vendor to offer cost-

effective products for small branches or even individual


Cost Effectiveness

This criterion is related to scalability. In particular, it is

important to understand what the initial solution costs. It

is also important to understand how the cost of the solu-

tion changes as the scope and scale of the deployment


Application Sub-classification

An application such as Citrix Presentation Server or SAP

is comprised of multiple modules with varying characteris-

tics. Some Branch Office Optimization solutions can clas-

sify at the individual module level, while others can only

classify at the application level.

Module vs. Application Optimization

In line with the previous criterion, some Branch Office

Optimization Solutions treat each module of an application

in the same fashion. Other solutions treat modules based

both on the criticality and characteristics of that module.

For example, some solutions apply the same optimization

techniques to all of SAP, while other solutions would apply

different techniques to the individual SAP modules based

on factors such as their business importance and latency


Disk vs. RAM

Advanced compression solutions can be either disk

or RAM-based. Disk-based systems typically can store

as much as 1,000 times the volume of patterns in their

dictionaries as compared with RAM-based systems, and

those dictionaries can persist across power failures. The

data, however, is slower to access than it would be with

the typical RAM-based implementations, although the per-

formance gains of a disk-based system are likely to more

than compensate for this extra delay. While disks are more

cost-effective than a RAM-based solution on a per byte

basis, given the size of these systems they do add to the

overall cost and introduce additional points of failure to a

solution. Standard techniques such as RAID can mitigate

the risk associated with these points of failure.

Protocol support

Some solutions are specifically designed to support

a given protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, HTTP, Microsoft Print

Services, CIFS, MAPI) while other solutions support that

protocol generically. In either case, the critical issue is

how much of an improvement in the performance of that

protocol the solution can cause in the type of environment

in which the solution will be deployed.

It is also important to understand if the solution makes

any modifications to the protocol that could cause unwant-

ed side effects.


The solution must be compatible with the current secu-

rity environment. It must not, for instance, break firewall

Access Control Lists (ACLs) by hiding TCP header infor-

mation. In addition, the solution itself must not create any

additional security vulnerabilities.

Easy of Deployment and Management

As part of deploying a WAN optimization solution, an

appliance needs to be deployed in branch offices that will

most likely not have any IT staff. As such, it is important

that unskilled personnel can install the solution. In addi-

tion, the greater the number of appliances deployed, the

more important it is that they are easy to configure and


It’s also important to consider what other systems will

have to be modified in order to implement the WAN

optimization solution. Some solutions, especially cache-

A Guide to Decision Making 34

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

based or WAFS solutions, require that every file server be

accessed during implementation.

Change Management

Since most networks experience periodic changes such

as the addition of new sites or new applications, it is

important that the WAN optimization solution can adapt

to these changes easily. It is preferable that the WAN

optimization solution be able to adjust to these changes


Support of Meshed Traffic

A number of factors are causing a shift in the flow of

WAN traffic away from a simple hub-and-spoke pattern to

more of a meshed flow. If a company is making this tran-

sition, it is important that the WAN optimization solution

that they deploy can support meshed traffic flows and can

support a range of features such as asymmetric routing.

Support for Real Time Traffic

Many companies have deployed real-time applications.

For these companies it is important that the WAN optimi-

zation solution can support real time traffic.

Traffic such as VOIP and live video typically can’t be

accelerated because it is real time and already highly com-

pressed. Header compression might be helpful for VoIP

traffic, and most real time traffic will benefit from QoS.

The Data Replication Bottleneck While packet loss and out of order packets are a nuisance

for a network that supports typical data applications13 like

file transfer and email, it is a very serious problem when

performing data replication and backup across the WAN.

The former involves thousands of short-lived sessions

made up of a small number of packets typically sent over

13 The phrase typical data application refers to applications that involve inquiries and responses where moderate amounts of information are transferred for brief periods of time. Examples include file transfer, email, web and VoIP. This is in contrast to a data replication application that transfers large amounts of information for a continuous period of time.

low bandwidth connections. The latter involves continu-

ous sessions with many packets sent over high capacity

WAN links. Data applications can typically recover from

lost or out of order packets by retransmitting the lost data.

Performance might suffer, but the results are not cata-

strophic. Data replication applications, however, do not

have the same luxury. If packets are lost, throughput can

be decreased so significantly that the replication process

cannot be completed in a reasonable timeframe - if at all.

Key WAN Characteristics: Loss and Out of Order


As noted in Chapter 3, many IT organizations are mov-

ing away from a hub and spoke network and are adopting

WAN services such as MPLS and IP VPNs. While there

are significant advantages to MPLS and IP VPN services,

there are drawbacks, one of which being high levels of

packet loss and out of order packets. This is due to rout-

ers being oversubscribed in a shared network, resulting in

dropped or delayed packet delivery.

The Manager stated that the packet loss on a good

MPLS network typically ranges from 0.05% to 0.1%, but

that it can reach 5% on some MPLS networks. He added

that he sees packet loss of 0.5% on the typical IPSec VPN.

The Consultant said that packet loss on an MPLS network

is usually low, but that in 10% of the situations that he has

been involved in, packet loss reached upwards of 1% on a

continuous basis.

Both The Manger and The Consultant agreed that out of

order packets are a major issue for data replication, particu-

larly on MPLS networks. In particular, if too many packets

(i.e. typically more than 3) are received out of order, TCP

or other higher level protocols will cause a re-transmission

of packets. The Consultant stated that since out of order

packets cause re-transmissions, it has the same affect on

A Guide to Decision Making 35

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

goodput14 as does packet loss. He added that he often

sees high levels of out of order packets in part because

some service providers have implemented queuing algo-

rithms that give priority to small packets and hence cause

packets to be received out of order.

The Impact of Loss and Out of Order Packets

The affect of packet loss on TCP has been widely ana-

lyzed15. Mathis,, provide a simple formula that pro-

vides insight into the maximum TCP throughput on a single

session when there is packet loss. That formula is:


MSS: maximum segment size

RTT: round trip time

p: packet loss rate.

The preceding equation shows that throughput decreas-

es as either RTT or p increases. To exemplify the impact

of packet loss, assume that MSS is 1,420 bytes, RTT

is 100 ms., and p is 0.01%. Based on the formula, the

maximum throughput is 1,420 Kbytes/second. If how-

ever, the loss were to increase to 0.1%, the maximum

throughput drops to 449 Kbytes/second. Figure 5.3

depicts the impact that packet loss has on the through-

put of a single TCP stream with a maximum segment

size of 1,420 bytes and varying values of RTT.

One conclusion that can be drawn from Figure 5.3 is:

Small amounts of packet loss can significantly

reduce the maximum throughput of a single

TCP session.14 Goodput refers to the amount of data that is successfully

transmitted. For example, if a thousand bit packet is transmit-ted ten times in a second before it is successfully received, the throughput is 10,000 bits/second and the goodput is 1,000 bits/second.

15 The macroscopic behavior of the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm by Mathis, Semke, Mahdavi & Ott in Computer Com-munication Review, 27(3), July 1997

More specifically:

With a 1% packet loss and a round trip time of

50 ms or greater, the maximum throughput is

roughly 3 megabits per second no matter how

large the WAN link is.

The Consultant stated that he thought Figure 5.3 over-

stated the TCP throughput and that in his experience if you

have a WAN link with an RTT of 100 ms and packet loss of

1% “the throughput would be nil”.

Techniques for Coping with Loss and Out of Order


The data in Figure 5.3 shows that while packet loss

affects throughput for any TCP stream, it particularly

























Packet Loss Probability











Figure 5.3: Impact of Packet Loss on Throughput

A Guide to Decision Making 36

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

affects throughput for high-speed streams, such as those

associated with multi-media and data replication. As

a result, numerous techniques, such as Forward Error

Correction (FEC)16, have been developed to mitigate the

impact of packet loss.

FEC has long been used at the physical level to ensure

error free transmission with a minimum of re-transmissions.

Recently many enterprises have begun to use FEC at the

network layer to improve the performance of applications

such as data replication. The basic premise of FEC is that

an additional error recovery packet is transmitted for every

‘n’ packets that are sent. The additional packet enables

the network equipment at the receiving end to reconstitute

one of the ‘n’ lost packets and hence negates the actual

packet loss. The ability of the equipment at the receiving

end to reconstitute the lost packets depends on how many

packets were lost and how many extra packets were trans-

mitted. In the case in which one extra packet is carried for

every ten normal packets (1:10 FEC), a 1% packet loss can

be reduced to less than 0.09%. If one extra packet is car-

ried for every five normal packets (1:5 FEC), a 1% packet

loss can be reduced to less than 0.04%. To exemplify the

impact of FEC, assume that the MSS is 1,420, RTT is 100

ms, and the packet loss is 0.1%. Transmitting a 10 Mbyte

file without FEC would take a minimum of 22.3 seconds.

Using a 1:10 FEC algo-

rithm would reduce

this to 2.1 seconds

and a 1:5 FEC algo-

rithm would reduce

this to 1.4 seconds.

The example dem-

onstrates the value of

FEC in a TCP envi-

ronment, although

the technique applies

equally well to any

16 RFC 2354, Options for Repair of Streaming Media,

application regardless of transport protocol. FEC, however,

introduces overhead which itself can reduce throughput.

What is needed is a FEC algorithm that adapts to packet

loss. For example, if a WAN link is not experiencing packet

loss, no extra packets should be transmitted. When loss is

detected, the algorithm should begin to carry extra packets

and should increase the amount of extra packets as the

amount of loss increases.

TransparencyVendors and IT organizations often cite transparency

as a key attribute of application accelerators. In the most

general sense of the term, a completely transparent appli-

cation accelerator solution is one that can be added to the

existing network without requiring reconfiguration of any

existing network elements or end systems and without

disrupting any services that are provided within the net-

work between the pair of accelerators.

For example, an in-line accelerator deployment such as

shown in Figure 5.4 is more generally transparent than

an out-of-line deployment, where “optimizable” traffic is

directed to the accelerator by configuring WCCP (The Web

Cache Coordination Protocol) or PBR (policy-based rout-

ing) on the WAN router.


WAN Router

Central SiteRemote Site


WAN Router



Intervening Network


Figure 5.4: In-Line Deployment of Application Accelerators

A Guide to Decision Making 37

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In most production networks, complete transparency

is not achievable. As a result, the question comes down

to which application accelerator solution has the higher

degree of transparency and therefore requires fewer

workarounds and reconfiguration tasks. The key point here

is that the degree of transparency depends on several


Deployment topology (in-line vs. out-of-line)•

Transparency–related attributes of the accelerator •


Nature of the intervening network•

Types of network monitoring and security devices•

Type of applications being optimized •

Assuming that the deployment topology, intervening

network, security functionality and range of applications

are determined by other considerations, the degree of

transparency of an application accelerator solution will be

determined primarily by the IP packet header content used

in the traffic between the two appliances and how this

interacts with the network elements, security components

and configured services of the intervening network.

There are three approaches for addressing IP traffic

between accelerator appliances that are being employed

by various vendors:


A tunnel encapsulates the original packets in an addi-

tional IP header using the IP addresses of the accelerators

in the enveloping packet. With tunnels, an overlay network

consisting of static paths between pairs of accelerators

must be configured.

Transparent Addressing

Here, the two appliances are spoofing any intermediate

network components into thinking that they are the original

source and destination end systems. This is accomplished

by having the accelerators adopt the source/destination/

port addressing of the conversation end points for each

flow. This means that the optimized packet addressing is

identical to the addressing used if no optimization were

being performed. Therefore, the intervening network com-

ponents continue to see the network addresses of the

conversation end points.

Actual Addressing

In this case, the accelerators have their own distinct

network addresses, which means that the IP addresses of

the originating conversation partners are replaced by the

actual appliance addresses for the appliance-to-appliance

hop. Therefore, the intervening network components see

the actual addresses of the acceleration appliances rather

than endpoint addresses.

In order to compare transparent addressing vs. actual

addressing appliances based on degree of transparency

they offer, a network manager needs to consider the spe-

cific characteristics of his/her intervening network and

how they would be affected by the differences in address-

ing. In general, if there is lack of transparency in the inter-

vening network, the workaround is to move the interacting

functionality to be upstream of the accelerator rather than


The following is a list of some of the intervening net-

work elements and services that may be affected by the

addressing difference:

Quality of Service (QoS) Classification

If packet classification takes place downstream of the

accelerator (either in the WAN edge router or somewhere

else in the intervening network) and the assigned traffic

class depends at least partially on source and destination

addresses, then actual addressing will require QoS recon-

figuration while transparent addressing would not in most

cases. Even with transparent addressing. reconfiguration

would be required if the classification depends partially on

A Guide to Decision Making 38

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application payload data (deep packet inspection or DPI)

and the optimization process for applications has altered

the payload (e.g., via compression).

If transparent addressing is used, the compressed traffic

cannot be distinguished from the uncompressed bypass

traffic. This can have an impact if the IT organization

wants to give a different QoS priority level to traffic that is

compressed and accelerated by the accelerator, compared

to traffic that bypasses the accelerator.

Traffic Monitoring

If the probes monitoring WAN traffic are downstream

of the accelerator, then actual addressing obscures the

identity of the flow’s end points because the probe sees all

optimized traffic as originating and terminating at the accel-

erators. Therefore. visibility of the end system address

(e.g., for identification of “top talkers”) is obscured unless

the probe is moved upstream or data is garnered from the

accelerator. With a transparent addressing accelerator,

the traffic monitoring tools will continue to show network

usage based on the originating end systems.

Access Control Lists (ACLs) and PBR

If ACLs have been deployed within intervening network

devices to block certain traffic flows based on IP address

information, they will continue to block the flows between

accelerators regardless of the addressing scheme. This

is true because the initial setup of the network session

based is always based on originating system addresses

would be blocked regardless of the addressing scheme for

optimized traffic. For ACLs or PBR that enable or redirect

traffic based on the IP addressing, some reconfiguration

or workarounds will be necessary for actual addressing,

but not for transparent addressing. If the PBR decision is

partially based on DPI, then this may not continue to work

correctly even with transparent addressing if the applica-

tion optimization has altered the payload sufficiently.

Security Devices

If firewalls, IPS, or IDS systems are present within the

intervening network, their policies based on the IP address

5-tuple (source and destination addresses, source and

destination ports numbers, and protocol) may need to be

reconfigured to pass traffic between accelerators using

actual addressing. If any of these security devices use

policies based on DPI to examine payloads for malicious

signatures, reconfiguration may be required for both actual

and transparent addressing.

Asymmetric Routing

Asymmetric routing occurs when the packets flowing

between end systems A and B use one path for traffic

from A to B and another path for traffic from B to A. With

asymmetric routing there are some conditions where a

transparently addressed optimized packet would arrive at

the destination end system instead of at the accelerator

using the same address. If this problem occurs, resolution

may require configuring WCCP on the WAN edge router.

Because there is no duplication of addresses, accelerators

using actual addressing are transparent to asymmetric


From this analysis it is quite clear that the degree of

transparency of a WAN optimization solution depends

largely on the characteristics and services of the exist-

ing network between co-operating pairs of accelerators.

For example, if most network services are performed at

the edge of the network and the WAN core network is

comparatively “dumb”, adding accelerators of either type

(actual or transparent addressing) will be likely to have

network-wide transparency.

Application Front Ends (AFEs)Background

As previously mentioned, an historical precedent exists

to the current generation of AFEs (a.k.a., ADCs). That prec-

edent is the Front End Processor (FEP) that was introduced

A Guide to Decision Making 39

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

in the late 1960s and was developed and deployed in order

to support mainframe computing. From a more contempo-

rary perspective, the current generation of AFEs evolved

from the earlier generations of Server Load Balancers

(SLBs) that were deployed in front of server farms.

While an AFE still functions as a SLB, the AFE has

assumed, and will most likely continue to assume, a wider

range of more sophisticated roles that enhance server

efficiency and provide asymmetrical functionality to accel-

erate the delivery of applications from the data center to

individual remote users.

An AFE provides more sophisticated functional-

ity than a SLB does.

Among the functions that users can expect from a mod-

ern AFE are the following:

Traditional SLB•

AFEs can provide traditional load balancing across

local servers or among geographically dispersed

data centers based on Layer 4 through Layer

7 intelligence. SLB functionality maximizes the

efficiency and availability of servers through intelli-

gent allocation of application requests to the most

appropriate server.

SSL Offload•

One of the primary new roles played by an AFE

is to offload CPU-intensive tasks from data center

servers. A prime example of this is SSL offload,

where the AFE terminates the SSL session by

assuming the role of an SSL Proxy for the servers.

As previously mentioned, SSL offload can provide

a significant increase in the performance of secure

intranet or Internet Web sites. SSL offload frees

up server resources, allowing existing servers to

process more requests for content and handle

more transactions.

XML Offload•

Another function that can be provided by the

AFE (as well as standalone devices) is to offload

XML processing from the servers by serving as

an XML gateway. As was described in Chapter

3, Web services and Web 2.0 applications are

XML based, and XML is a verbose protocol that

is CPU-intensive. Hence, one of the roles of an

XML gateway is to offload XML processing from

the general-purpose servers and to perform this

processing on hardware that was purpose-built for

this task. Another role of an XML gateway is to

provide additional security functionality to protect

against the kinds of attacks that were described in

Chapter 3.

Application Firewalls•

AFEs may also provide an additional layer of secu-

rity for Web applications by incorporating applica-

tion firewall functionality. Application Firewalls are

focused on blocking application-level attacks that

are becoming increasingly prevalent. As described

in the section of the handbook that deals with

Next Generation firewalls, application firewalls

are typically based on Deep Packet Inspection

(DPI), coupled with session awareness and behav-

ioral models of normal application interchange. For

example, an application firewall would be able to

detect and block Web sessions that violate rules

defining the normal behavior of HTTP applications

and HTML programming. Therefore, Application

Firewalls complement traditional perimeter fire-

walls that are based on recognition of known

network-level attack signatures and patterns.

Application Firewalls also have the advantage of

providing a measure of protection against zero day

exploits by blocking the sessions of clients whose

behaviors are outside the bounds of admissibility.

A Guide to Decision Making 40

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Asymmetrical Application Acceleration•

AFEs can accelerate the performance of applica-

tions delivered over the WAN by implementing

optimization techniques, such as reverse caching,

asymmetrical TCP optimization, and compression.

With reverse caching, new user requests for static

or dynamic Web objects can often be delivered

from the cache rather than having to be regener-

ated by the servers. Reverse caching therefore

improves user response time and minimizes load-

ing on Web servers, application servers, and data-

base servers.

Asymmetrical TCP optimization is based on the

AFE serving as a proxy for TCP processing, mini-

mizing the server overhead for fine-grained TCP

session management. TCP proxy functionality

is designed to deal with the complexity associ-

ated with the fact that each object on a Web

page requires its own short-lived TCP connection.

Processing all of these connections can consume

an inordinate about of the server’s CPU resources,

Acting as a proxy, the AFE terminates the client-

side TCP sessions and multiplexes numerous

short-lived network sessions initiated as client-

side object requests into a single longer-lived ses-

sion between the AFE and the Web servers.

The AFE can also offload Web servers by per-

forming compute-intensive HTTP compression

operations. HTTP compression is a capability built

into both Web servers and Web browsers. Moving

HTTP compression from the Web server to the

AFE is transparent to the client and so requires no

client modifications. HTTP compression is asym-

metrical in the sense that there is no requirement

for additional client-side appliances or technology.

Response Time Monitoring•

The application and session intelligence of the

AFE also presents an opportunity to provide

real-time and historical monitoring and reporting

of the response time experienced by end users

accessing Web applications. The AFE can provide

the granularity to track performance for individual

Web pages and to decompose overall response

time into client-side delay, network delay, AFE

delay, and server-side delay. The resulting data

can be used to support SLAs for guaranteed user

response times, guide remedial action, and plan

additional capacity to maintain service levels.

Selection CriterionThe AFE evaluation criteria are listed in Table 5.4. As

was the case with Branch Office Optimization Solutions,

this list is intended as a fairly complete compilation of pos-

sible criteria. As a result, a given organization or enterprise

might apply only a subset of these criteria for a given pur-

chase decision.



Score for Solution “A”


Score for Solution “B”





Transparency and Integration

Solution Architecture

Functional Integration



Application Availability


Ease of Deployment and Management

Business Intelligence

Total Score ʛWiAi ʛWiBi

Table 5.4: Criteria for Evaluating AFEs

Each of the criteria is described below.


AFEs support a wide range of functionality including TCP

optimization, HTTP multiplexing, caching, Web compres-

sion, image compression as well as bandwidth manage-

ment and traffic shaping.

A Guide to Decision Making 41

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008


Performance is an important criterion for any piece of

networking equipment, but it is critical for a device such as

an AFE, because data centers are central points of aggre-

gation. As such, the AFE needs to be able to support the

extremely high volumes of traffic transmitted to and from

servers in data centers.

A simple definition of performance is how many bits per

second the device can support. While this is extremely

important, in the case of AFEs other key measures of

performance include how many Layer 4 connections can

be supported as well as how many Layer 4 setups and

teardowns can be supported.

Third party tests of a solution can be helpful. It is critical,

however, to quantify the kind of performance gains that

the solution will provide in the particular application envi-

ronment where it will be installed. As part of this quantifi-

cation, it is important to identify if the performance of the

solution degrades as either additional functionality within

the solution is activated or if there are changes made to

the application mix within the data center.

Transparency and Integration

Transparency is an important criterion for any piece of

networking equipment. However, unlike branch office opti-

mization solutions that are proprietary, AFEs are standards

based. As such, AFEs will tend to be somewhat more

transparent than other classes of networking equipment.

It is very important to be able to deploy an AFE solution

and not break anything such as routing, security, or QoS.

The solution should also be as transparent as possible

relative to both the existing server configurations and the

existing security domains, and should not make trouble-

shooting any more difficult.

The AFE also has to be able to easily integrate with other

components of the data center, such as the firewalls, and

other appliances that may be deployed to provide applica-

tion services. In some data centers, it may be important to

integrate the Layer 2 and Layer 3 access switches with the

AFE and firewalls so that all that application intelligence,

application acceleration, application security, and server

offloading are applied at a single point in the data center



Scalability of an AFE solution implies the availability of

a range of products that span the performance and cost

requirements of a variety of data center environments.

Performance requirements for accessing data center appli-

cations and data resources are usually characterized in

terms of both the aggregate throughput of the AFE and the

number of simultaneous application sessions that can be

supported. A related consideration is how device perfor-

mance is affected as additional functionality is enabled.

Solution Architecture

Taken together, scalability and solution architecture

identify the ability of the solution to support a range of

implementations and to extend to support additional func-

tionality. In particular, if the organization intends the AFE

to be able to support additional optimization functionality

over time, it is important to determine if the hardware

and software architecture can support new functionality

without an unacceptable loss of performance and without

unacceptable downtime.

Functional Integration

In many data center environments there are programs

in progress to reduce overall complexity by consolidat-

ing both the servers and the network infrastructure.

An AFE solution can contribute significantly to network

consolidation by supporting a wide range of application-

aware functions that transcend basic server load balancing

and content switching. Extensive functional integration

reduces the complexity of the network by minimizing the

A Guide to Decision Making 42

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

number of separate boxes and user interfaces that must

be navigated by data center managers and administrators.

Reduced complexity generally translates to lower TCO and

higher availability.


As is discussed in Chapter 9, virtualization is becoming

a key technology for achieving data center consolidation

and the related benefits. For example, server virtualization

supports data center consolidation by allowing a number

of applications running on separate virtual machines to

share a single physical server. Prior to virtualization, a com-

mon practice was to run only one application per server

to maximize operating system stability. Not only was the

extra hardware this approach required expensive, but it

also necessitated additional real estate and power, further

increasing the cost.

AFEs can also be virtualized by partitioning a single

physical AFE into a number of logical AFEs or AFE con-

texts. Each logical AFE can be configured individually to

meet the server-load balancing, acceleration, and security

requirements of a single application or a cluster of appli-

cations. Therefore, each virtualized AFE can consolidate

the functionality of a number of physical AFEs dedicated

to the support of single applications. Virtualization adds

significantly to the flexibility of the data center by allowing

applications to be easily moved from one physical server to

another. For example, with a virtual AFE mapped to a vir-

tual machine, the AFE would not need to be reconfigured

when an application is moved or automatically fails-over to

a new physical machine. Benefits of virtualization include

lowering TCO through consolidation of AFE physical devic-

es, higher availability when faced with a failover, plus the

associated savings in management costs and power and

cooling costs.


The solution must be compatible with the current security

environment, while also allowing the configuration of appli-

cation-specific security features that complement general

purpose security measures, such as firewalls as well as

IDS and IPS appliances. In addition, the solution itself must

not create any additional security vulnerabilities.

Security functionality that IT organizations should look

for in an AFE includes protection against denial of service

attacks, integrated intrusion protection, protection against

SSL attacks and sophisticated reporting.

Application Availability

The availability of enterprise applications is typically

a very high priority. Since the AFE is in-line with the

Web servers and other application servers, a traditional

approach to defining application availability is to make

sure that the AFE is capable of supporting redundant, high

availability configurations that feature automated fail-over

among the redundant devices. While this clearly is impor-

tant, there are other dimensions to what is meant by appli-

cation availability. For example, as previously mentioned,

an architecture that enables scalability through the use of

software license upgrades tends to minimize the applica-

tion downtime that is associated with hardware-centric

capacity upgrades.

Cost Effectiveness

This criterion is related to scalability. In particular, it is

important to understand what the initial solution costs. It

is also important to understand how the cost of the solu-

tion changes as the scope and scale of the deployment


Ease of Deployment and Management

As with any component of the network or the data cen-

ter, an AFE solution should be relatively easy to deploy

and manage. It should also be relatively easy to deploy

and manage new applications and so ease of configura-

tion management is a particularly important consideration

where a wide diversity of applications is supported by the

data center.

A Guide to Decision Making 43

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Business Intelligence

In addition to traditional network functionality, some

AFEs also provide data that can be used to provide busi-

ness level functionality. In particular, data gathered by an

AFE can feed security information and event monitoring,

fraud management, business intelligence, business pro-

cess management and Web analytics.

Managed Service Providers

IntroductionAs previously noted, virtually all organizations are under

increasing pressure to ensure acceptable performance

for networked applications. Many IT organizations are

responding to this challenge by enhancing their under-

standing of application performance issues and then imple-

menting their own application delivery solutions based on

the products discussed in the preceding chapter. Other IT

organizations prefer to outsource all or part of application

delivery to a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

There is a wide range of potential benefits that may be

gained from outsourcing to an Application Delivery MSP

(ADMSP), including:

Reduce Capital Expenditure

In cases where the ADMSP provides the equipment as

CPE bundled with the service, the need for capital expen-

diture to deploy application optimization solutions can be


Lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

In addition to reducing capital expenditure, managed

application delivery services can also reduce operational

expense (OPEX) related to technical training of existing

employees in application optimization or hiring of addi-

tional personnel with this expertise. In terms of OPEX,

the customer of managed services can also benefit from

the lower cost structure of ADMSP operations, which can

leverage economies of scale by supplying the same type

of service to numerous customers.

Leverage the MSP’s Management Processes

The ADMSP should also be able to leverage sophisticat-

ed processes in all phases of application delivery, including

application assessment, planning, optimization, manage-

ment, and control. In particular, the ADMSP’s scale of

operations justifies their investment in highly automated

management tools and more sophisticated management

processes that can greatly enhance the productivity of

operational staff. The efficiency of all these processes can

further reduce the OPEX cost component underlying the


The ability to leverage the MSP’s management pro-

cesses is a factor that could cause an IT organization to

use an MSP for a variety of services, including the provi-

sion of basic transport services. This criterion, however,

is particularly important in the case of application delivery

because as will be shown in the next Chapter, ineffective

processes is one of the most significant impediments to

successful application delivery.

Leverage the MSP’s Expertise

In most cases, ADMSPs will have broader and deeper

application-oriented technical expertise than an enterprise

IT organization can afford to accumulate. This higher level

of expertise can result in full exploitation of all available

technologies and optimal service implementations and

configurations that can increase performance, improve reli-

ability, and further reduce TCO.

Similar to the discussion in the preceding paragraph, the

ability to be able to leverage the MSP’s expertise is a fac-

tor that could cause an IT organization to use an MSP for a

variety of services. This criterion, however, is particularly

important in the case of application delivery because the

typical IT organization does not have personnel who have

A Guide to Decision Making 44

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

a thorough understanding of both applications and net-

works, as well as the interaction between them.

Leverage the MSP’s Technology

Because of economies of scale, ADMSP facilities can

take full advantage of the most advanced technologies

in building their facilities to support service delivery. This

allows the customer of managed application delivery ser-

vices to gain the benefits of technologies and facilities that

are beyond the reach of the typical IT budget.

Timely Deployment of Technology

Incorporating a complex application delivery solution

in the enterprise network can be quite time consuming,

especially where a significant amount of training or hiring is

required. In contrast, with a managed service, the learning

curve is essentially eliminated, allowing the solution to be

deployed in a much more timely fashion.

Better Strategic Focus

The availability of managed application delivery services

can free up enterprise IT staff facilitating the strategic

alignment of in-house IT resources with the enterprise

business objectives. For example, in-house IT can focus

on a smaller set of technologies and in-house services

that are deemed to be of greater strategic value to the


Enhanced Flexibility

Managed application delivery services also provide a

degree of flexibility that allows the enterprise to adapt rap-

idly to changes in the business environment resulting from

competition or mergers/acquisitions. In addition, with an

ADMSP, the enterprise may be able to avoid being locked

in to a particular equipment vendor due to large sunk costs

in expertise and equipment.

Interest in Managed ServicesKubernan asked 200 IT professionals about their prefer-

ence in a DIY approach vs. using a managed service pro-

vider for a number of tasks related to application delivery.

Table 6.1 contains their responses.

FunctionPerform it


Performed by 3rd Party

No Preference

Profiling an application prior to deploying it

79.5% 11.4% 9.1%

Baselining the perfor-mance of the network

79.6% 15.5% 5.0%

Baselining the perfor-mance of key applica-tions

75.6% 13.9% 10.6%

Assessing the infra-structure prior to deploying a key new application such as VoIP

76.0% 16.8% 7.3%

Table 6.1: Preference for Performing Planning Functions

Once conclusion that can be drawn from Table 6.1 is that

between 75 and 80 percent of IT organizations prefer to

perform the indicated planning functionality themselves.

Conversely, another conclusion that can be drawn is that

between 20 and 25 percent of IT organizations either pre-

fer to have the indicated functionality performed by a third

party or are receptive to that concept.

Different Types of Managed Application Delivery Services

Currently, there are two primary categories of managed

application delivery service environments:

Site-based services comprised of managed WAN 1.

Optimization Controllers (WOCs) installed at partici-

pating enterprise sites

Internet-based services that deal with accelera-2.

tion of applications (e.g, web access and SSL VPN

access) that traverse the Internet

A Guide to Decision Making 45

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Site-based Services

These services are based on the deployment of managed

WOC CPE at the central data center and at each remote

site participating in the application optimization project, as

illustrated in Figure 6.1. The WAN depicted in the figure is

typically a private leased line network or a VPN based on

Frame Relay, ATM or MPLS. The application optimization

service may be offered as an optional add-on to a WAN

service or as a standalone service that can run over WAN

services provided by a third party. Where the application

delivery service is bundled with a managed router and

WAN service, both the WOC and the WAN router would

be deployed and managed by the same MSP. The AFE

shown in the figure is performing firewall, load balancing,

and similar functions that may or may not be included in

the MSP offering. Site-based services are generally based

on MSP deployment of WOCs that are commercially avail-

able from the vendors that are addressing the enterprise

market for application acceleration/optimization.

Internet-based Services

As noted in Chapter 3, many IT organizations are mov-

ing away from a hub and spoke network based on frame

relay and ATM and are adopting WAN services such as

MPLS. Like any WAN service, MPLS has advantages and

disadvantages. One of the advantages of MPLS is that it

is widely deployed. One of the disadvantages of MPLS is

that similar to Frame Relay and ATM, MPLS services tend

to be expensive and there tends to be a long lead-time

associated with deploying new MPLS services.

An area where the use of MPLS is inappropriate is the

support of home and nomadic workers. It is not possible

to use MPLS to support nomadic workers who need con-

nectivity from virtually anywhere, such as a hotel room, a

coffee shop, or an airport. And, while it is possible to use

MPLS to support home workers, it is typically prohibitively


Since the Internet also supports meshed traffic flows,

it also is being used by many enterprises as an alterna-

tive to legacy WAN services such as frame relay and

ATM. A major weakness of the Internet is that it

cannot provide low, predictable delay. Some MSPs,

however, have deployed services built on top of the

Internet that are intended to mitigate this weakness.

These services are focused on optimizing the delivery

of applications over the Internet in part to allow the

Internet to be exploited as a lower cost WAN alterna-

tive. Internet-based services are based primarily on

proprietary application acceleration and WAN opti-

mization servers located at MSP points of presence

(PoPs) distributed across the Internet and do not require

that remote sites accessing the services have any special

hardware or software installed.

Accelerating Web Applications

Figure 6.2 shows how an Internet-based service focused

on the acceleration of Web applications is typically deliv-

ered. The remote site connects to a nearby ADMSP

PoP typically using a broadband connection. As noted

above, there is no requirement for any remote site CPE or

additional client software beyond the conventional Web

browser. The servers deployed across the MSP geographi-

cally dispersed PoPs form an intelligent distributed pro-

cessing infrastructure and perform a variety of AFE/WOC

functions to accelerate the web traffic and optimize traffic

flows through the Internet. The techniques that are avail-


WAN Router

Central Data Center Site Remote Site


WAN Router




Figure 6.1: Site-Based Application Delivery Services

A Guide to Decision Making 46

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

able to accelerate web

traffic include:

Dynamic mapping •

of the remote site

to the optimum

local PoP based on

PoP server utiliza-

tion and real-time

data on Internet

traffic loading.

Caching Web con-•

tent at the local

PoP with intelligent pre-fetch of data from the cen-

tral or origin web servers. Local caching is much

more effective than reverse caching at a central

site because multiple Internet roundtrip delays are

avoided for every local cache hit.

Compression of Web content transferred between •

the ingress and egress PoPs

Dynamic Route Optimization to minimize latency •

and packet loss. The determination of the best route

through the Internet requires that the servers at

each PoP gather dynamic information on the perfor-

mance characteristics of alternate paths through the

Internet, including the delay and packet loss char-

acteristics of every PoP-to-PoP route. This allows

an optimum end-to-end route to be constructed

from the highest performing PoP-to-PoP intermedi-

ary route segments. In comparison, default Internet

routes determined by BGP do not take into account

either delay or packet loss and are therefore likely to

yield significantly lower performance.

TCP transport optimization among PoPs, mitigat-•

ing the inefficiencies stemming from the slow

start algorithm and the retransmission behavior of

TCP. The beneficial impact of TCP optimization is

greatly magnified when the delay and packet loss

of the Internet are minimized with Dynamic Route


Accelerating any IP-based Application

Another category of Internet-based service provides

acceleration of any application that runs over the Internet

Protocol (IP). As shown in Figure 6.3, these services typi-

cally require the installation of managed CPE Application

Acceleration servers at the central site that interoperate

with the Application Acceleration servers in the MSP

PoPs. As is the case with the Internet-based web services,

there is typically no requirement for remote site CPE or

special client software.

The application acceleration servers deployed for IP

Application Delivery services can potentially exploit all of the

acceleration techniques described above for acceleration of

web-based applications, but can also support a broad range

of additional application-specific WOC functions because

of the presence of the central site Application Acceleration

servers. For application specific functions, the Application

Delivery servers in the local PoPs and Application Delivery

servers at the central site CPE form pairs of cooperating

WOCs analogous to the pair of enterprise WOCs depicted

in Figure 6.1. The central site CPE servers can also be

used to extend the Dynamic Route Optimization and

Transport Optimization functions to include the central site

as well as the MSP PoPs. This can be especially benefi-

WAN Router

Central Data Center SiteRemote Site


WAN Router








Figure 6.2: Internet-Based Web Application Delivery Services

A Guide to Decision Making 47

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

cial where the central

site maintains diverse

connectivity to one or

more ISPs. The cen-

tral site Application

Acceleration serv-

ers can also perform

AFE functions such

as SSL processing

to support secure

access to enterprise


Selection Criterion

The beginning of this Chapter listed a number of ben-

efits that an IT organization may gain from using an MSP

for application delivery. These benefits are criteria that

IT organizations can use as part of their evaluation of

ADMSPs. For example, IT organizations should evaluate

the degree to which using a particular ADMSP would allow

them to lower their total cost of ownership or leverage that

ADMSP’s management processes.

The choice between a site-based application delivery

service and an Internet-based application delivery service

is in part an architecture decision. As noted, site-based

application delivery services require CPE at all of the cus-

tomer sites. Internet-based application delivery services

do not require CPE at the remote sites and may or may

not require CPE at the central site. Instead, Internet-based

application delivery services implement optimization func-

tionality within the network. The choice between a site-

based application delivery service and an Internet-based

application delivery service is also impacted by the ability

of the Internet-based application delivery service to pro-

vide acceptable performance.

Independent of whether an IT organization is evaluating

a site-based service or an Internet-based service, they

should consider the following criteria:

Is the MSP offering a turnkey solution with simple •


Does the MSP provide network and application per-•

formance monitoring?

Does the MSP provide a simple to understand man-•

agement dashboard?

What functionality does the MSP have to trouble-•

shoot problems in both a proactive and a reactive


What professional services (i.e., assessment, design •

and planning, performance analysis and optimiza-

tion, implementation) are available?

What technologies are included as part of the •


What is the impact of these technologies on net-•

work and application performance?

Does the MSP offer application level SLAs?•

WAN Router

Central Data Center Site

Mobile User


SOHO Router











Figure 6.3: Internet-Based IP Application Delivery Services

A Guide to Decision Making 48

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

What is the scope of the service? Does it include •

application management? Server management?

Is it possible to deploy a site-based application deliv-•

ery service and not deploy WAN services from the

same supplier?


IntroductionThe primary management tasks associated with appli-

cation delivery are to:

Discover the applications running over the network •

and identify how they are being used.

Gather the appropriate management data on the •

performance of the applications and the infrastruc-

ture that supports them.

Provide end-to-end visibility into the ongoing perfor-•

mance of the applications and the infrastructure.

Identify the sources of delay in the performance of •

the applications and the infrastructure.

Automatically identify performance issues and •

resolve them.

Gain visibility into the operational architecture and •

dynamic behavior of the network.

As Chapter 2 mentioned, Kubernan asked more than

300 IT professionals: “If the performance of one of your

company’s key applications is beginning to degrade who

notices it first? The end user or the IT organization?”

Three-quarters of the survey respondents indicated that it

was the end user.

IT organizations will not be considered success-

ful with application delivery as long as the end

user, and not the IT organization, first notices

application degradation.

The Consulting Architect commented that, within his

company, the end user and not the IT organization usually

first finds application-performance issues. He stated that

once a problem has been reported that identifying the root

cause of the problem bounces around within the IT orga-

nization and that “It’s always assumed to be the network.

Most of my job is defending the network.”

As part of that survey, Kubernan also asked the survey

respondents to indicate what component of IT was the

biggest cause of application degradation. Figure 7.1 sum-

marizes their answers. In Figure 7.1, the answer shared

equally means that multiple components of IT are equally

likely to cause application degradation.

Figure 7.1: Causes of Application Degradation

The data in Figure 7.1 speaks to the technical complexity

associated with managing application performance.

When an application experiences degrada-

tion, virtually any component of IT could be the

source of the problem.

The Organizational DynamicTo understand how IT organizations respond to applica-

tion degradation, Kubernan asked several hundred IT pro-

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0%


Middlew are



Netw ork

Shared Equally

A Guide to Decision Making 49

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

fessionals to identify which organization or organizations

has responsibility for the ongoing performance of applica-

tions once they are in production. Table 7.1 contains their


Group Percentage of Respondents

Network Group – including the NOC 64.6%

Application development group 48.5%

Server group 45.1%

Storage group 20.9%

Application performance-manage-ment group


Other 12.1%

No group 6.3%

Table 7.1: Organization Responsible for Application Performance

Kubernan recently asked over 200 IT professionals “How

would you characterize the current relationship between

your company’s application development organization and

the network organization? “ Their responses are

depicted in Table 7.2.

Response Percentage of Respondents

Highly adversarial 0.0%

Moderately adversarial 7.9%

Slightly adversarial 17.2%

Neutral 33.0%

Slightly cooperative 13.3%

Moderately cooperative 24.6%

Highly cooperative 3.9%

Table 7.2: The Relationship between IT Groups

In roughly twenty-five percent of companies

there is an adversarial relationship between the

applications development groups and the net-

work organization.

The data in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 speaks to the organiza-

tional dynamic that is associated with managing applica-

tion performance. Taken together with the data in Figure

7.1, managing application performance clearly is complex,

both technically and organizationally.

The ASP Architect provided insight into the challenges

of determining the source of an application-performance

issue. He stated, “We used to have a real problem with

identifying performance problems. We would have to run

around with sniffers and other less friendly tools to trouble

shoot problems. The finger pointing was often pretty

bad.” He went on to say tha to do a better job of identify-

ing performance problems the IT organization developed

some of their own tools. The traditional IT infrastructure

groups as well as by some of the application teams are

using the tools that his organization developed. He went

on to say that the reports generated by those tools helped

to develop credibility for the networking organization with

the applications-development organization.

To be successful with application delivery, IT

organizations need tools and processes that

can identify the root cause of application deg-

radation and which are accepted as valid by the

entire IT organization.

In order to put the technical and organizational complex-

ity that is associated with application delivery into context,

Kubernan asked 200 IT professionals “When an application

is degrading, how difficult is it for you to identify the root

cause of the degradation? An answer of neutral means

that identifying the root cause of application degradation is

as difficult as identifying the root cause of a network out-

age.” Their responses are contained in Table 7.3.

Identifying the root cause of application degra-

dation is significantly more difficult than identi-

fying the root cause of a network outage.

The good news is that most IT organizations recognize

the importance of managing application performance. In

particular, research conducted by Kubernan indicates that

in only 2% of IT organizations is managing application per-

formance losing importance. In slightly over half of the IT

organizations, it is gaining in importance and keeping about

the same importance in the rest of the IT organizations.

A Guide to Decision Making 50

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

The Process BarriersKubernan asked hundreds of IT professionals if

their companies have a formalized set of processes

for identifying and resolving application degrada-

tion. Table 7.4 contains their answers. The data

in Table 7.4 clearly indicate that the majority of IT

organizations either currently have processes, or soon will,

to identify and resolve application degradation.

ResponsePercentage of Respondents

Yes, and we have had these process-es for a while


Yes, and we have recently developed these processes


No, but we are in the process of developing these processes


No 26.2%

Other 7.1%

Table 7.4: Existence of Formalized Processes

Kubernan gave the same set of IT professionals a set of

possible answers and asked them to choose the two most

significant impediments to effective application delivery.

Table 7.5 shows the answers that received the highest

percentage of responses.

Answer Percentage of Companies

Our processes are inadequate 39.6%

The difficulty in explaining the causes of application degradation and getting any real buy-in


Our tools are inadequate 31.5%

The application development group and the rest of IT have adversarial relations.


Table 7.5: Impediments to Effective Application Delivery

The data in Table 7.5 indicates that three out of the top

four impediments to effective application delivery have

little to do with technology. The data in this table also

provides additional insight to the data in Table 7.4. In par-

ticular, the data in Table 7.4 indicates that the vast major-

ity of IT organization either have formalized processes for

identifying and resolving application degradation, or are

developing these processes. The data in Table 7.5, howev-

er, indicate that, in many cases, these processes are inad-

equate. The next Chapter will discuss the interest on the

part of IT organizations to leverage ITIL (IT Infrastructure

Library) to develop more effective IT processes.

Organizational discord and ineffective processes

are at least as much of an impediment to the

successful management of application perfor-

mance as are technology and tools.

The ASP Architect stated that the infrastructure compo-

nent of the IT organization has worked hard to improve their

processes in general, and improving its communications

with the business units in particular. He pointed out that

the infrastructure is now ISO certified and it is adopting

an ITIL model for problem tracking. These improvements

have greatly enhanced the reputation of the infrastructure

organization, both within IT and between the infrastruc-

ture organization and the company’s business units. It

has reached the point that the applications-development

groups have seen the benefits and are working, with the

help of the infrastructure organization, to also become ISO


DiscoveryChapter 4 of this handbook commented on the impor-

tance of identifying which applications are running on the

network as part of performing a pre-deployment assess-

ment. Due to the dynamic nature of IT, it is also important

to identify which applications are running on the network

on an ongoing basis.

Chapter 3 mentioned one reason why identifying which

applications are running on the network on an ongoing

basis is important: successful application delivery requires

Extremely Easy: 1 2 3

Neutral: 4 5 6

Extremely Difficult:


1.6% 6.0% 12.0% 23.4% 23.9% 25.0% 8.2%

Table 7.3: The Difficulty of Identifying the Cause of Application Degradation

A Guide to Decision Making 51

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

that IT organizations are able to eliminate the applications

that are running on the network and have no business


To put this in context, Figure 7.2 shows a variety of

recreational applications along with how prevalent they

are. In a recent survey of IT professionals, 51 percent

said they had seen unauthorized use of their company’s

network for applications such as Doom or online poker.

Since IT professionals probably don’t see all the instances

of recreational traffic on their networks, the occurrence of

recreational applications is likely higher than what Figure

7.2 reflects.

Figure 7.2: Occurrence of Recreational Applications

These recreational applications are typically not related

to the ongoing operation of the enterprise and, in many

cases, these applications consume a significant amount

of bandwidth.

The Port 80 Black HoleAs noted, identifying the applications that are running on

a network is a critical part of managing application perfor-

mance. Unfortunately, there are many applications whose

behavior makes this a difficult task; in particular, those that

use port hopping to avoid detection.

In IP networks, TCP and UDP ports are endpoints to logi-

cal connections and provide the multiplexing mechanism

to allow multiple applications to share a single connection

to the IP network. Port numbers range from 0 to 65535.

As described in the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers

Authority) Port Number document (

ments/port-numbers), the ports that are numbered from 0

to 1023 are reserved for privileged system-level services

and are designated as well-known ports. A well-known

port serves as a contact point for a client to access a

particular service over the network. For Example, port 80

is the well-known port for HTTP data exchange and port

443 is the well-known port for secure HTTP exchanges

via HTTPS.

Since servers listen to port 80 expecting to receive data

from Web clients a firewall can’t block port 80 without

eliminating much of the traffic a business may depend

on. Taking advantage of this fact, many applications will

port-hop to port 80 when their normally assigned ports

are blocked by a firewall. This behavior creates what will

be referred to as the port 80 black hole.

Lack of visibility into the traffic that transits port 80

is a major vulnerability for IT organizations.

The port 80 black hole can have four primary effects on

an IT organizations and the business it serves:

Increased vulnerability to security breaches•

Increased difficulty in complying with government •

and industry regulations

Increased vulnerability to charges of copyright •


Increased difficulty in managing the performance of •

key business-critical, time-sensitive applications

Port Hopping Two applications that often use port hopping are instant

messaging (IM) and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications such

as Skype.

Instant Messaging

A good example of this is AOL’s Instant Messenger

(AIM). AOL has been assigned ports 5190 through 5193

for its Internet traffic, and AIM is typically configured to

use these ports. If these ports are blocked, however, AIM

will use port 80. As a result, network managers might well

A Guide to Decision Making 52

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

think that by blocking ports 5190 – 5193 they are blocking

the use of AIM when in reality they are not.

The point of discussing AIM is not to state whether or

not a company should block AIM traffic. That is a policy

decision that needs to be made by the management of

the company. Some of the reasons why a company might

choose to block AIM include security and compliance.

AIM can present a security risk because it is an increas-

ingly popular vector for virus and worm transmission. As

for compliance, a good example is the requirement by

the Securities and Exchange Commission that all stock

brokers keep complete records of all communications

with clients. This requires that phone calls be recorded,

and both email and IM archived. However, if AIM traffic

is flowing through port 80 along with lots of other traffic,

most network organizations will not even be aware of its


Peer-to-Peer Networks and Skype

A peer-to-peer computer network leverages the connec-

tivity between the participants in a network. Unlike a typi-

cal client-server network where communication is typically

to and from a central server along fixed connections, P2P

nodes are generally connected via largely ad hoc connec-

tions. Such networks are useful for many purposes, includ-

ing file sharing and IP telephony.

Skype is a peer-to-peer based IP telephony and IP

video service developed by Skype Technologies SA. The

founders of Skype Technologies SA are the same people

who developed the file sharing application Kazaa. Many

IT organizations attempt to block peer-to-peer networks

because they have been associated with distributing con-

tent in violation of copyright laws.

Many security experts have warned about the dangers

associated with peer-to-peer networks. For example,

Antonio Nucci17 wrote “In order to avoid detection, many

peer-to-peer applications, including Skype, change the

17 Skype: The Future of Traffic Detection and Classification

port that they use each time they start. Consequently,

there is no standard ‘Skype port’ like there is a ‘SIP port’

or ‘SMTP port’. In addition, Skype is particularly adept at

port-hopping with the aim of traversing enterprise firewalls.

Entering via UDP, TCP, or even TCP on port 80, Skype is

usually very successful at passing typical firewalls. Once

inside, it then intentionally connects to other Skype clients

and remains connected, maintaining a ‘virtual circuit’. If one

of those clients happens to be infected, then the machines

that connect to it can be infected with no protection from

the firewall. Moreover, because Skype has the ability to

port-hop, it is much harder to detect anomalous behavior

or configure network security devices to block the spread

of the infection.”

FIX-Based Applications

Another component of the port 80 black hole is the

existence of applications that are designed to use port

80 but which require more careful management that the

typical port 80 traffic. A good example of this is virtually

any application that is based on the Financial Information

eXchange (‘FIX’) protocol. The FIX protocol is a series of

messaging specifications for the electronic communica-

tion of trade-related messages. Since its inception in 1992

as a bilateral communications framework for equity trad-

ing between Fidelity Investments and Salomon Brothers,

FIX has become the de-facto messaging standard for

pre-trade and trade communications globally within equity

markets, and is now experiencing rapid expansion into the

post-trade space, supporting Straight-Through-Processing

(STP) from Indication-of-Interest (IOI) to Allocations and

Confirmations. The use of the protocol is gathering

increased momentum as it begins to be used across the

Foreign Exchange, Fixed Income, and Derivative markets.

In our industry we often overuse the phrase business-

critical. However, the claim can easily be made that the

applications that support the business functions described

above are indeed business-critical. Analogously, there

is often a lot of subjectivity relative to whether or not an

application is time-sensitive. Again, that is not the case

A Guide to Decision Making 53

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for the applications that support the business functions

described above. For example, if a stock broker is plac-

ing an order for millions of dollars in stocks, a small delay

in placing the order can significantly drive up the cost of

the stock. That is a textbook definition of a time-sensitive


End-to-End VisibilityOur industry uses the phrase end-to-end visibility in vari-

ous ways. Given that one of this handbook’s major themes

is that IT organizations need to implement an application-

delivery function that focuses directly on applications and

not on the individual components of the IT infrastructure,

this handbook will use the following definition of end-to-

end visibility.

End-to-end visibility refers to the ability of the IT

organization to examine every component of IT

that impacts the communications once users hit

ENTER or click the mouse to when they receive a

response from an application.

End-to-end visibility is one of the cornerstones of assur-

ing acceptable application performance. End-to-end vis-

ibility is important because it:

Provides the information that allows IT organiza-•

tions to notice application performance degradation

before the end user does.

Identifies the correct symptoms of the degradation •

and as a result enables the IT organization to reduce

the amount of time it takes to remove the sources

of the application degradation.

Facilitates making intelligent decisions and getting •

buy-in from other impacted groups. For example,

end-to-end visibility provides the hard data that

enables an IT organization to know that it has to add

bandwidth or redesign some of the components

of the infrastructure because the volume of traffic

associated with the company’s sales order tracking

application has increased dramatically. It also posi-

tions the IT organization to curb recreational use of

the network.

Allows the IT organization to measure the perfor-•

mance of critical applications before, during and

after it makes changes. These changes could be

infrastructure upgrades, configuration changes or

the deployment of a new application. As a result,

the IT organization is in a position both to determine

if the change has had a negative impact and to iso-

late the source of the problem it can fix the problem


Enables better cross-functional collaboration. As •

section 7.2 discussed, having all members of the IT

organization have access to the same set of tools

that are detailed and accurate enough to identify

the sources of application degradation facilitates


The type of cross-functional collaboration the preceding

bullet mentioned is difficult to achieve if each group within

IT has a different view of the factors causing application


To enable cross-functional collaboration, it must

be possible to view all relevant management

data from one place.

Providing detailed end-to-end visibility is difficult due to

the complexity and heterogeneity of the typical enterprise

network. The typical enterprise network, for example, is

comprised of switches and routers, firewalls, application

front ends, optimization appliances, intrusion detection

and intrusion prevention appliances as well as a virtualized

network. An end-to-end monitoring solution must profile

traffic in a manner that reflects not only the physical net-

work but also the logical flows of applications, and must be

able to do this regardless of the vendors who supply the

components or the physical topology of the network.

As Chapter 4 discussed, IT organizations typically have

easy access to management data from both SNMP MIBs

A Guide to Decision Making 54

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

and from NetFlow. IT organizations also have the option

of deploying either dedicated instrumentation or software

agents to gain a more detailed view into the types of appli-

cations listed below.

An end-to-end visibility solution should be able to


Well known applications; e.g.. FTP, Telnet, Oracle, •


Complex applications; e.g., SAP and Citrix •

Presentation Server.

Applications that are not based on IP; e.g., applica-•

tions based on IPX or DECnet.

Custom or homegrown applications.•

Web-based applications.•

Multimedia applications.•

Other selection criteria include the ability to:

Scale as the size of the network and the number of •

applications grows.

Provide visibility into virtual networks such as ATM •

PVCs and Frame Relay DLCIs.

Add minimum management traffic overhead.•

Support granular data collection.•

Capture performance data as well as events such as •

a fault.

Support a wide range of topologies both in the •

access, distribution and core components of the

network as well as in the storage area networks.

Provide visibility into encrypted networks.•

Support real-time and historical analysis.•

Integrate with other management systems.•

Support flexible aggregation of collected •


Provide visibility into complex network configura-•

tions such as load-balanced or fault-tolerant, multi-

channel links.

Support the monitoring of real traffic.•

Generate and monitor synthetic transactions.•

Network and Application AlarmingStatic Alarms

Historically, one of the ways that IT organizations

attempted to manage performance was by setting static

threshold performance-based alarms. In a recent sur-

vey, for example, roughly three-quarters (72.8%) of the

respondents said they set such alarms. The survey

respondents were then asked to indicate the network and

application parameters against which they set the alarms.

Table 7.6 contains their answers to that question. Survey

Respondents were instructed to indicate as many param-

eters as applied to their situation.

Parameter Percentage

WAN Traffic Utilization 81.5%

Network Response Time (Ping, TCP Connect)


LAN Traffic Utilization 47.8%

Application-Response Time (Synthetic Transaction Based)


Application Utilization 12.2%

Other 5.9%

Table 7.6: Percentage of Companies that Set Specific Thresholds

As Table 7.6 shows, the vast majority of IT organizations

set thresholds against WAN traffic utilization or some

other network parameter. Less than one-third of IT organi-

zations set parameters against application-response time.

Many companies that set thresholds against WAN uti-

lization use a rule of thumb that says network utilization

should not exceed 70 or 80 percent. Companies that use

A Guide to Decision Making 55

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this approach to managing network and application perfor-

mance implicitly make two assumptions:

If the network is heavily utilized, the applications are 1.

performing poorly.

If the network is lightly utilized, the applications are 2.

performing well.

The first assumption is often true, but not always. For

example, if the company is primarily supporting email or

bulk file transfer applications, heavy network utilization is

unlikely to cause unacceptable application performance.

The second assumption is often false. It is quite possible

to have the network operating at relatively low utilization

levels and still have the application perform poorly. An

example of this is any application that uses a chatty proto-

col over the WAN. In this case, the application can perform

badly because of the large number of application turns,

even though the network is exhibiting low levels of delay,

jitter and packet loss.

Application management should focus directly

on the application and not just on factors that

have the potential to influence application


The Survey Respondents were also asked to indicate the

approach that their companies take to setting performance

thresholds. Table 7.7 contains their answers.


of Companies

We set the thresholds at a high-water mark so that we only see severe problems.


We set the thresholds low because we want to know every single abnormality that occurs.


Other (Please specify). 17.4%

Table 7.7: Approach to Setting Thresholds

Of the Survey Respondents that indicated other, their

most common responses were that their companies set

the thresholds at what they consider to be an average


One conclusion that can be drawn from Table 7.5 is that

the vast majority of IT organizations set the thresholds

high to minimize the number of alarms that they receive.

While this approach makes sense from operationally, it

leads to an obvious conclusion.

Most IT organizations ignore the majority of the

performance alarms.

Proactive AlarmsAs noted, most IT organizations implement static per-

formance alarms by setting thresholds at the high water

mark. This means that the use of static performance

alarms is reactive. The problems static performance

alarms identify are only identified once they have reached

the point where they most likely impact users.

The use of static performance alarms has two other limi-

tations. One is that the use of these alarms can result in a

lot of administrative overhead due to the effort required to

initially configure the alarms, as well as the effort needed

to keep up with tuning the settings in order to accommo-

date the constantly changing environment. Another limita-

tion of the use of these alarms is accuracy. In particular,

in many cases the use of static performance alarms can

result in an unacceptable number of false positives and/or

false negatives.

Proactive alarming is sometimes referred to as network

analytics. The goal of proactive alarming is to automatically

identify and report on possible problems in real time so that

organizations can eliminate them before they impact users.

One key concept of proactive alarming is that it takes the

concepts of baselining, which Chapter 4 describes, and

applies these concepts to real-time operations.

A proactive alarming solution needs to be able to baseline

the network to identify normal patterns and then identify in

real time a variety of types of changes in network traffic.

For example, the solution must be able to identify a spike

in traffic, where a spike is characterized by a change that is

A Guide to Decision Making 56

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both brief and distinct. A proactive alarming solution must

also be able to identify a significant shift in traffic as well

as the longer-term drift.

Some criteria organizations can use to select a proactive

alarming solution include that the solution should:

Operate off real-time feeds of performance metrics.•

Not require any threshold definitions.•

Integrate with any event console or enterprise-man-•

agement platform.

Self-learn normal behavior patterns, including hourly •

and daily variations based on the normal course of

user community activities.

Recognize spike, shift and drift conditions.•

Discriminate between individual applications and •


Discriminate between physical and virtual network •


Collect and present supporting diagnostic data along •

with alarm.

Eliminate both false positive and false negative •


Route AnalyticsAs Chapter 3 mentions, many organizations have moved

away from a simple hub-and-spoke network topology and

have adopted either a some-to-many or a many-to-many

topology. By the nature of networks that are large and

which have complex network topologies, it is not uncom-

mon for the underlying network infrastructure to change,

experience instabilities, and to become mis-configured. In

addition, the network itself is likely designed in a sub-opti-

mum fashion. Any or all of these factors have a negative

impact on application performance. As a result, an orga-

nization that has a large complex network needs visibility

into the operational architecture and dynamic behavior of

the network.

One of the many strengths of the Internet Protocol (IP) is

its distributed intelligence. For example, routers exchange

reachability information with each other via a routing pro-

tocol such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First). Based on

this information, each router makes its own decision about

how to forward a packet. While this distributed intelligence

is a strength of IP, it is also a weakness. In particular, while

each router makes its own forwarding decision, there is no

single repository of routing information in the network.

The lack of a single repository of routing information is

an issue because routing tables are automatically updated

and the path that traffic takes to go from point A to point

B may change on a regular basis. These changes may be

precipitated by a manual process such as adding a router

to the network, the mis-configuration of a router or by an

automated process such as automatically routing around

a failure. In this latter case, the rate of change might be

particularly difficult to diagnose if there is an intermit-

tent problem causing a flurry of routing changes typically

referred to as route flapping. Among the many problems

created by route flapping is that it consumes a lot of the

processing power of the routers and hence degrades their


The variability of how the network delivers application

traffic across its multiple paths over time can undermine

the fundamental assumptions that organizations count on

to support many other aspects of application delivery. For

example, routing instabilities can cause packet loss, laten-

cy, and jitter on otherwise properly configured networks.

In addition, alternative paths might not be properly config-

ured for QoS. As a result, applications perform poorly after

a failure. Most importantly, configuration errors that occur

during routine network changes can cause a wide range of

problems that impact application delivery. These configu-

ration errors can be detected if planned network changes

can be simulated against the production network.

A Guide to Decision Making 57

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Factors such as route flapping can be classified as logi-

cal as compared to a device specific factor such as a link

outage. However, both logical and device-specific factors

impact application performance. To quantify how often a

logical factor vs. a device specific factor causes an appli-

cation delivery issue, 200 IT professionals were given the

following survey question:

“Some of the factors that impact application

performance and availability are logical in nature.

Examples of logical factors include sub-optimal

routing, intermittent instability or slowdowns, and

unanticipated network behavior. In contrast, some

of the factors that impact application performance

and availability are device specific. Examples of

device specific factors include device or interface

failures, device out of memory condition or a failed

link. In your organization, what percentage of the

time that an application is either unavailable or is

exhibiting degraded performance is the cause logi-

cal? Is the cause device specific?

The responses to that question are contained in the

middle column of the following table.

Percentage of


Percentage of Respondents -

Removing “ don’t know”

Less than 10% logical vs. 90% device specific

19.5% 26.8%

Up to 30% logical vs. 70% device specific

22.1% 30.4%

50% logical, 50% device specific

10.5% 14.5%

70% logical, 30% device specific

11.6% 15.9%

90% logical, 10% device specific

8.9% 12.3%

Don’t know 27.4%

Table 7.8: Impact of Logical vs. Device Specific Factors

As Table 7.8 shows, a high percentage of survey respon-

dents answered don’t know. To compensate for this, the

far right column of Table 7.8 reflects the responses of

those survey respondents who provided an answer other

than don’t know.

Logical factors are almost as frequent a source

of application performance and availability

issues as are device-specific factors.

SNMP-based management systems can discover and

display the individual network elements and their physi-

cal or Layer 2 topology, however they cannot identify the

actual routes packets take as they transit the network. As

such, SNMP-based systems cannot easily identify prob-

lems such as route flaps or mis-configurations.

The preceding section used the phrase network analytics

as part of the discussion of proactive alarming. Network

analytics and route analytics have some similarities. For

example, each of these techniques relies on continuous,

real-time monitoring. Whereas the goal of network analyt-

ics is to overcome the limitation of setting static perfor-

mance thresholds, the goal of route analytics is to provide

visibility, analysis and diagnosis of the issues that occur at

the routing layer. A route analytics solution achieves this

goal by providing an understanding of precisely how IP net-

works deliver application traffic. This requires the creation

and maintenance of a map of network-wide routes and of

all of the IP traffic flows that traverse these routes. This in

turn means that a route analytics solution must be able to

record every change in the traffic paths as controlled and

notified by IP routing protocols.

By integrating the information about the network routes

and the traffic that flows over those routes, a route ana-

lytics solution can provide information about the volume,

application composition and class of service (CoS) of traf-

fic on all routes and all individual links. This network-wide,

routing and traffic intelligence serves as the basis for:

Real-time monitoring of the network’s Layer 3 oper-•

ations from the network’s point of view.

A Guide to Decision Making 58

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Historical analysis of routing and traffic behavior as •

well as for performing a root causes analysis.

Modeling of routing and traffic changes and simulat-•

ing post-change behavior.

The key functional components in a route analytics solu-

tion are:

Listening to and participating in the routing protocol •

exchanges between routers as they communicate

with each other.

Computing a real-time, network-wide routing map. •

This is similar in concept to the task performed by

individual routers to create their forwarding tables.

However, in this case it is computed for all routers.

Mapping Netflow traffic data, including application •

composition, across all paths and links in the map.

Monitoring and displaying routing topology and traf-•

fic flow changes as they happen.

Detecting and alerting on routing events or failures •

as routers announce them, and reporting on corre-

lated traffic impact.

Correlating routing events with other information, •

such as performance data, to identify underlying

cause and effect.

Recording, analyzing and reporting on historical rout-•

ing and traffic events and trends.

Simulating the impact of routing or traffic changes •

on the production network.

One instance in which a route analytics solution has the

potential to provide benefits to IT organizations occurs

when the IT organization runs a complex private network.

In this case, it might be of benefit to the IT organization to

take what is likely to be a highly manual process of moni-

toring and managing routing and to replace it with a highly

automated process. Another instance in which a route

analytics solution has the potential to provide benefits to

IT organizations is when those IT organizations use MPLS

services provided by a carrier who uses a route analytics

solution. One reason that a route analytics solution can

provide value to MPLS networks is that based on the

scale of a carrier’s MPLS network, these networks tend to

be very complex and hence difficult to monitor and man-

age. The complexity of these networks increases when

the carrier uses BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) as BGP

is itself a complex protocol. For example, a mis-configu-

ration in BGP can result in poor service quality and reach-

ability problems as the routing information is transferred

between the users’ CE (Customer Edge) routers to the

service provider’s PE (Provider Edge) routers.

Route analytics can also be useful in simulating and

analyzing the network-wide routing and traffic impact of

various failure scenarios as well as the impact of planned

network changes such as consolidating servers out of

branch offices, or implementing new WAN links or router

hardware. The purpose of this simulation is to ensure that

the planned and unplanned changes will not have a nega-

tive effect on the network.

Two hundred IT professionals were given the following

question: “Sometimes logical problems such as routing

issues are the source of application degradation and appli-

cation outages. Which of the following describes how you

resolve those types of logical issues?” Their answers are

shown in Table 7.9.

ApproachPercentage of Respondents

Lots of hard work – typically by digging deeply into each device


Employee specific tools such as route analytics


N/A or don’t know 19.9%

Waiting for it to happen again and trying to capture it in real time


Other 3.3%

Table 7.9: Resolving Logical Issues

A Guide to Decision Making 59

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As table 7.9 shows, many IT organizations still rely on

laborious manual processes, or simply hope to be able to

catch recurrences of issues for which there are no obvious

physical/device explanations. This indicates that most net-

work management toolsets lack the ability to address the

logical issues that route analytics tools are useful for. In

particular, the ability of route analytics to rewind the entire

recorded history of network-wide routing and traffic helps

network engineers to be able to look into logical issues as

if they were seeing them currently. This level of automa-

tion can greatly speed problem localization and root cause

analysis. Since many logical problems exhibit symptoms

only intermittently, getting to the root of these problems

rather than hoping to solve them in the future also can

help increase the overall stability of application delivery

and performance.

One criterion that an IT organization should look at when

selecting a route analytics solution is the breadth of rout-

ing protocol coverage. For example, based on the envi-

ronment, the IT organization might need the solution to

support of protocols such as OSPF, IS-IS, EIGRP, BGP and

MPLS VPNs. Another criterion is that the solution should

be able to collect data and correlate integrated routing and

Netflow traffic flow data. Ideally, this data is collected and

reported on in a continuous real-time fashion and is also

stored in such a way that it is possible to generate mean-

ingful reports that provide an historical perspective on the

performance of the network. The solution should also be

aware of both application and CoS issues, and be able to

integrate with other network management components.

In particular, a route analytics solution should be capable

of being integrated with network-agnostic application

performance management tools that look at the endpoint

computers that are clients of the network, as well as with

traditional network management solutions that provide

insight into specific points in the network; i.e., devices,

interfaces, and links.

Measuring Application Performan ceEvaluating application performance has been used in tra-

ditional voice communications for decades. In particular,

evaluating the quality of voice communications by using a

Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is somewhat common.

The Mean Opinion Score is defined in “Methods for

Subjective Determination of Voice Quality (ITU-T P.800).”

As that title suggests, a Mean Opinion Score is a result

of subjective testing in which people listen to voice com-

munications and place the call into one of five categories.

Table 7.10 depicts those categories, and the numerical rat-

ing associated with each.

MOS Speech Quality

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Fair

2 Poor

1 Bad

Table 7.10: Mean Opinion Scores and Speech Quality

A call with a MOS of 4.0 or higher is deemed to be of

toll quality.

To increase objectivity, the ITU has developed another

model of voice quality. Recommendation G.107 defines

this model, referred to as the E-Model. The E-Model is

intended to predict how an average user would rate the

quality of a voice call. The E-Model calculates the trans-

mission-rating factor R, based on transmission parameters

such as delay and packet loss.

Table 7.1118 depicts the relationship between R-Values

and Mean Opinion Scores.

R-Value Characterization MOS

90 - 100 Very Satisfied 4.3+

80 – 90 Satisfied 4.0 – 4.3

70 - 80 Some Users Dissatisfied 3.6 – 4.0

60 – 70 Many Users Dissatisfied 3.1 – 3.6

50 – 60 Nearly All Users Dissatisfied 2.6 – 3.1

0 – 60 Not Recommended 1.0 – 2.6

Table 7.11: Comparison of R-Values and Mean Opinion Scores

18 Overcoming Barriers to High-Quality Voice over IP Deploy-ments, Intel

A Guide to Decision Making 60

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A number of vendors have begun to develop applica-

tion-performance metrics based on a somewhat similar

approach to the ITU E-Model. For example, the Apdex

Alliance19 is a group of companies collaborating to pro-

mote an application-performance metric called Apdex

(Application Performance Index) which the alliance states

is an open standard that defines a standardized method to

report, benchmark and track application performance.

Managing VoIPThe preceding section discussed the use of MOS to

measure the quality of VoIP. This section will expand upon

that discussion and describe what it takes to successfully

manage VoIP.

VoIP CharacteristicsVoIP poses particular challenges to the network for two

primary reasons. Those reasons are the new and different

protocols that VoIP requires as well as its stringent avail-

ability and performance requirements. For instance, there

are many different coding algorithms (codecs) available to

handle the task of converting a conversation from analog

to digital and back to analog again. Both sides of the call

must use the same codec. The negotiation to ensure this

is handled by another set of protocols involved with call

setup, such as H.323, the Media Gateway Control Protocol

(MGCP), Cisco’s Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP),

and increasingly, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

A critical concern is that because of its real-time nature,

VoIP almost universally relies on UDP rather than TCP. This

poses particular problems for voice management, because

unlike TCP, UDP does not offer any feedback information

about whether or not packets that have been sent have

been received. In addition, UDP does not have any flow

control mechanisms to limit transmissions in the presence

of congestion.


In addition to these protocol challenges, VoIP is extreme-

ly sensitive to a number of network parameters that

have much less affect on transactional applications. For

example users expect 100% availability and immediate

dial tone. In addition, fairly low levels of packet loss can

severely impact voice quality. End-to-end delay is also

critical. At about 150 ms, voice quality will likely begin

to degrade, and beyond 250 ms it will almost certainly

be unusable. These are levels of latency that are barely

noticeable on most transactional applications. Jitter, which

is the variation in arrival time from packet to packet, can

also negatively impact voice quality. Most network man-

agement solutions don’t measure jitter because while this

is a key parameter for VoIP, it has virtually no impact on the

typical data application.

Managing VoIP EffectivelyThe combination of the user expectation of 100% uptime

in voice, its sensitivity to network conditions, and its cross-

domain organizational demands mandate an integrated

approach to network management, both organizationally

and technically. IT organizations should avoid the all-too-

common fragmented approach to network management,

which generally results from the incremental adoption of

point solutions to address new problems on an ad hoc


Instead, IT organizations should look for an integrated

solution that relates voice-specific metrics such as MOS

values to the underlying network behavior that influences

them, and vice-versa. To deliver this integration, a voice

management solution must, at a minimum, deliver infor-

mation from three sources: call signaling, NetFlow, and

SNMP, and, even more important, relate them one to


Call signaling (or call setup), is handled by one of a num-

ber of different protocols: either one of those standards

noted above (H.323, MGCP, SCCP, or SIP), or a proprietary

protocol. The ability of a solution to monitor call setup is

A Guide to Decision Making 61

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

critical. During call setup, the two ends of the conversation

negotiate a common codec, establish the channels that

will be used for transmitting and receiving, and generate

a number of status codes. This information can be used

to derive important measurements like delay to dial tone.

Without this data, IT organizations won’t know what went

wrong if users, for example, start complaining that they

can’t get a dial tone.

Being able to monitor call signaling also implies being

able to receive and integrate data from an IP PBX. This is

particularly important for monitoring voice-specific metrics

such as MOS. In order to relate this VoIP-specific data

to network conditions requires network-specific data.

Both NetFlow and RMON-2 data can give IT organizations

insight into the protocol and class-of-service composition

of the traffic. And, given the increasingly meshed nature of

VoIP systems, the ability of NetFlow or RMON-2 to deliver

data from many points in the network can be critical in

managing VoIP.

SNMP is also a requirement. Not only does it deliver data

on the health of the devices, but it can also be used to

access data from other sources. For example, in a Cisco-

based network, SNMP can give information from both the

Cisco IP SLA and the Cisco Class-Based QoS (CBQOS)

MIB. Cisco IP SLA generates synthetic transactions that

can be used to emulate voice traffic across important links

and derive metrics critical to understanding voice quality.

The CBQOS MIB provides information about the class-

based queuing mechanism in a Cisco router, enabling IT

organizations to ensure that their critical traffic is being

treated appropriately when bandwidth is in short supply.

However, in order for IT organizations to get real time

scores for calls in progress, advanced monitoring tools that

measure the delay, jitter, loss and MOS for actual voice

calls is required.

Once all of this data has been collected IT organizations

must have a way of integrating it all into a useful overview

of voice and network performance. From the management

console to the reports the solution generates, what is

required is a holistic overview that can relate voice quality

to network performance, and vice-versa. For example,

the IT organization should be able to detect that MOS

values are dropping on the link between HQ and the Los

Angeles office and bring up management data from the

appropriate devices to check the traffic composition on the

link. The IT organization should be able to use this data

to answer questions such as: Is the link being flooded by

packets from a scheduled backup, or rogue traffic from an

illicit application? What other critical applications are being

affected? It is worth pointing out that NetFlow data may

not be sufficient to answer those questions. That follows

because of the port 80 black hole that was discussed pre-

viously in this chapter. In particular, since NetFlow is port

based many of the NetFlow records will list port 80 as the

application. As previously described, a growing number of

applications use port 80.

The Changing Network Management Function

IntroductionThe preceding chapter discussed the organizational com-

plexity and the process barriers associated with ensuring

acceptable application performance. This chapter will

describe the changing role of one of the key players in the

application delivery function – the Network Operations

Center (NOC). As part of that description this chapter

will examine the current and emerging role of the NOC,

the attempt on the part of many NOCs to improve their

processes, and will highlight the shift that most NOCs are

taking from where they focus almost exclusively on the

availability of networks to where they are beginning to also

focus on the performance of networks and applications.

As mentioned, this chapter will describe how it is now

somewhat common to have the NOC heavily involved in

managing the performance of applications. As a result,

this chapter will also examine how the NOC has to change

A Guide to Decision Making 62

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

in order to reduce the meant time to repair that is associ-

ated with application performance issues and will detail

the ways that IT organizations justify an investment in

performance management.

Today’s NOC

Perceptions of the NOCThe survey respondents were asked if they thought that

working in the NOC is considered to be prestigious. The

NOC-associated respondents20 were evenly split on this

issue. That was not the case for the Non-NOC respon-

dents21. By roughly a 2 to 1 margin, these respondents

indicated that they do not think that working in the NOC

is prestigious.

The survey respondents were asked a series of ques-

tions regarding senior IT management’s attitude towards

the NOC. The results are shown in Table 8.1.

Our senior IT management believes that…

Agree/Tend To Agree

Disagree/Tend to


...the NOC provides value to our organization. 90.7% 9.3%

...the NOC is a strategic function of IT. 87.9% 12.1%

...the NOC is capable of resolving problems in an effective manner.

82.4% 17.6%

...the NOC will be able to meet the organiza-tion’s requirements 12 months from now.

81.4% 18.6%

...the NOC works efficiently. 80.6% 19.4%

...the NOC meets the organization’s current needs.

71.9% 28.1%

Table 8.1: IT Management’s Perception of the NOC

Overall the data in Table 8.1 is positive. There are, how-

ever, some notable exceptions to that statement.

20 NOC-associated respondents will refer to survey respondent who work in the NOC

21 Non-NOC respondents will refer to survey respondents who do not work in the NOC

In over a quarter of organizations, the NOC does

not meet the organization’s current needs.

The Function of the NOCThe set of functions that NOCs perform varies widely

amongst IT organizations. For example, The Management

Systems Manager pointed out that the NOC in which she

works supports the company’s WAN and some LANs.

They do not support LANs in those sites where the people

in the sites believe that they can support the LAN more

cost effectively themselves.

When it comes to how the NOC functions, one of the

most disappointing finding is that:

In the majority of cases, the NOC tends to work

on a reactive basis identifying a problem only

after it impacts end users.

The survey also asked the respondents about the most

common type of event that causes NOC personnel to take

action. The replies of the NOC-associated respondents

who provided a response other than “don’t know” are

depicted in Figure 8.1. The data in Figure 8.1 indicates

that roughly half the time either someone in the NOC or

an automated alert causes the NOC to take action. This

data, however, does not address the issue of whether or

not this occurs before the user is impacted.

Figure 8.1: Events that Cause the NOC to Take Action

A Guide to Decision Making 63

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As was discussed in Chapter 2, the IT organization’s inabil-

ity to identify application degradation before it impacts the

user makes the IT organization look like bumbling idiots.

The Medical Supplies CIO elaborated on that and stated

that the biggest question he gets from the user is, “Why

don’t you know that my system is down? Why do I have

to tell you?” He said that the fact that end users tend to

notice a problem before IT does has the affect of eroding

the users’ confidence in IT in general.

The conventional wisdom in our industry is that NOC

efficiency is reduced because of the silos that exist within

the NOC. In this context, silos means that the work-

groups have few common goals, language, processes and

tools. The survey respondents validated that conventional


Just under half of NOCs are organized around

functional silos.

A majority of NOCs use many management tools

that are not well integrated.

The Manufacturing Analyst said that having management

tools that are not well integrated “is a fact of life”. He

added that his organization has a variety of point products

and does not currently have a unified framework for these


Where Does the NOC Spend Most of Its Time?

To identify the areas in which NOC personnel spend

most of their time, the survey contained three questions:

During the past 12 months, our NOC personnel •

have spent the greatest amount of time addressing

issues with…

During the past 12 months, our NOC personnel have •

spent the second greatest amount of time address-

ing issues with…

During the past 12 months, our NOC personnel have •

seen the greatest increase in time spent addressing

issues with…

where each question contained a number of possible


Table 8.2 shows the answers of the NOC-associated


Greatest Amount of


Second Greatest

Amount of Time

Greatest Increase in Time

Applications 39.1% 16.9% 45.0%

Servers 14.1% 21.5% 21.7%

LAN 10.9% 15.4% 5.0%

WAN 23.4% 30.8% 11.7%

Security 9.4% 6.2% 10.0%

Storage 3.1% 9.2% 6.7%

Table 8.2: Where the NOC Spends the Most Time

There are many conclusions that can be drawn from the

data in Table 8.2, including:

NOC personnel spend the greatest amount of

time on applications and that is a relatively new


NOC personnel spend an appreciable amount

of their time supporting a broad range of IT


The Medical Supplies CIO said that the percentage of

time his organization spends monitoring and troubleshoot-

ing network problems varies from month to month, but is

probably in the range of ten to twenty percent.

What Do NOC Personnel Monitor?The Survey Respondents were asked four questions

about what NOC personnel in their organization monitor;

the results from NOC-associated respondents are shown

in Figure 8.2.

A Guide to Decision Making 64

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Figure 8.2: What the NOC Monitors

The Manufacturing Analyst said that his organization

focuses on the availability of networks. He added, how-

ever, that there is a project underway to change how the

NOC functions. The goal of the project is to create a NOC

that is more proactive and which focuses both on perfor-

mance and availability.

One of the conclusions that can be drawn from the data

in Figure 8.2 is:

The NOC is almost as likely to monitor perfor-

mance, as it is to monitor availability.

In addition, while there is still more of a focus in the NOC on

networks, there is a significant emphasis on applications.

What Else Does the NOC Do?We also asked the Survey Respondents about other tasks

or responsibilities that NOC personnel are involved in.

Figure 8.3 shows the responses for both NOC-associated

and non-NOC personnel.

The most obvious conclusion that can be drawn from

Figure 8.3 is that NOC personnel are involved in myriad

tasks beyond simple monitoring. As shown, NOC person-

nel are typically involved in traditional network activities

such as configuration changes, selection of new network

technologies and the selection of network service provid-

ers. The NOC is less likely to be involved in application

rollout and the selection of security functionality.

The responsibilities that are highlighted in Figure 8.3

are where NOC-associated and non-NOC respondents

differed most in their responses. Interestingly, the areas

where there were the greatest differences are all tradi-

tional networking activities.

The Use of ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)There has been significant discussion over the last few

years about using a framework such as ITIL to improve

network management practices. To probe the use of ITIL,

the survey respondents were asked if their organization

either now has an IT service management process such as

ITIL in place, or intended to adopt such a process within

the next 12 months. The majority of respondents (62%)

indicated that their organization did have such a process

in place. Of those respondents who did not, a similar per-

centage (63%) believed that their organization would put

such a process in place within the next 12 months. The

fact that 86% of respondents stated that their organization

either had or would have within 12 months a service man-

agement process in place indicates the emphasis being

placed within the NOC to improve their processes.

While the survey data made it look like there was very

strong interest in ITIL, the interviewees were not as enthu-

siastic. For example, The Medical Supplies CIO said that

Figure 8.3: Tasks that the NOC is Involved In

A Guide to Decision Making 65

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they tried to get involved using ITIL to improve some of

their processes. However, while he does not disagree

with the benefits promised by ITIL he finds that it seems

too theoretical and he lacks the resources to get deeply

involved with it.

The Manufacturing Analyst stated that his organization

has begun to use ITIL but that they “do not live by the

[ITIL] book.” He added his belief that ITIL will make a dif-

ference, but probably not that big of a difference.

The Management Systems Manager stated that their

company has done a lot of ITIL training and that there is

some interest in moving more in the direction of setting up a

CMDB (Configuration Management Data Base). However,

their ability to improve their processes is limited by their

organizational structure. For example, the central IT group

has set up a change management process that calls for

them to get together once a week to review changes that

cut across organizational silos. However, some sites control

their own LANs. If one of these sites makes a change to

their LAN, it does not go through the change management

process set up by the central IT group.

There is a lot of interest in ITIL, but it is too soon

to determine how impactful

the use of ITIL will be.

Routing TroublesThe vast majority of organizations

have at least a simple escalation pro-

cess in place for problem response.

In particular, over 90% of Survey

Respondents indicated that their orga-

nization has a help desk that assists

end users, and over 80% agree that

the help desk does a good job of

routing issues that it cannot resolve

to whatever group can best handle

them. It should be noted that of the

latter group of respondents (those

agreeing), better than three-quarters

stated that the help desk typically routes issues that it can-

not resolve to the NOC. One of the reasons that the help

desk routes so many calls to the NOC is the following.

In the vast majority of instances, the assumption

is that the network is the source of application


The Manufacturing Analyst stated that in his company

if there is an IT problem the tendency of the user is to

contact the NOC because “We have always had the tools

to identify the cause of the problems”. He added that

the approach of sending most troubles directly to the

NOC tends to increase the amount of time that it takes

to resolve problems because of the added time it takes to

show that the network is not at fault.

The Management and Security Manager stated that as

recently as a year ago his organization had a very defen-

sive approach to operations with a focus on showing that

the network was not the source of a trouble. His motto is

“I don’t care what the problem is, we are all going to get

involved in fixing it.” When asked if his motto was widely

accepted within the organization he replied “Some of the

mentality is changing, but this is still not the norm.”

The Survey Respondents were

asked to indicate their degree of

agreement with the statement:

“Our NOC personnel not only

identify problems, but are also

involved in problem resolution.”

Their responses are depicted in

Figure 8.4.

The data in Figure 8.4 is further

evidence of the fact that NOC

personnel do a lot more than just

monitor networks.

In the majority of instances,

the NOC gets involved in prob-

lem resolution.Figure 8.4: Role of the NOC in Problem resolution

A Guide to Decision Making 66

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Change in the NOC

Factors Driving ChangeAs shown in Table 8.1, over a quarter of the total base

of survey respondents indicated that the NOC does not

meet the organization’s current needs. This level of dis-

satisfaction with the NOC is in line with the fact that as

shown in Figure 8.5, almost two thirds of the respondents

indicated that their organization would attempt to make

any significant changes in their NOC processes within the

next 12 months.

Figure 8.5: Interest in Changing NOC Processes

The survey respondents were asked to indi-

cate which factors would drive their NOC

to change within the next 12 months. Their

responses are shown in Figure 8.6.

One clear conclusion that can be drawn from

the data in Figure 8.6 is that a wide range

of factors are driving change in the NOC.

Given that NOC personnel spend the greatest

amount of time on applications, it is not at all

surprising that:

The top driver of change in the NOC is the

requirement to place greater emphasis on ensur-

ing acceptable performance for key applications.

And a related driver, the need for better visibility into

applications, is almost as strong a factor causing change

in the NOC.

As shown in Table 8.2, NOC personnel do not spend a lot

of their time today on security. However, that may change

in the next year as roughly half of the Survey Respondents

indicated that combining network and security operations

would impact their NOC over the next 12 months. In addi-

tion, two thirds of the Survey Respondents also indicated

that a growing emphasis on security would impact their

NOC over the next 12 months.

The Medical Supplies CIO stated that in order to place

greater emphasis on ensuring acceptable performance

Figure 8.6: Factors Driving Change in the NOC

A Guide to Decision Making 67

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for their key applications, they have formed an application

delivery organization. He added that roughly a year ago

they first began to use some monitoring tools and that

these tools “Opened our eyes to a lot of things that can

degrade and not cause any of the traditional green lights to

turn yellor or red.” He stated that on a going forward basis

he wants to place more emphasis on security although

he said that he thought it would be difficult to combine

security and network operations into a single group. His

rationale for that statement was that security operations

involves so much more than just networks.

Factors Inhibiting ChangeParticularly within large organizations, change is difficult.

To better understand the resistance to change, we asked

the Survey Respondents to indicate what factors would

inhibit their organization from improving their NOC. Their

responses are shown in Figure 8.7.

Figure 8.7: Factors Inhibiting Change in the NOC

It was not surprising that the two biggest factors inhibit-

ing change are the lack of personnel resources and the lack

of funding. This is in line with the general trend whereby

IT budgets are increasing on average by only single digit

amounts and headcount is often being held flat. It is also

not surprising that internal processes are listed as a major

factor inhibiting change. The siloed NOC, the interest in ITIL

and the need to make significant changes to NOC process-

es have been constant themes throughout this chapter.

The lack of management vision and the NOC’s

existing processes are almost as big a barrier to

change as are the lack of personnel resources

and funding.

The Management Systems Manager stated that her

organization monitors network availability but does not

monitor network performance. She added that her orga-

nization would like to monitor performance but that “It is

a resource issue. The only way we can monitor perfor-

mance is if we get more people.” On a related issue,

The Management Systems Manager said that due to

relatively constant turnover in personnel, “Management

vision changes every couple of years. Some managers

have been open to monitoring performance while others

have not believed in the importance of managing network


The Next-Generation NOCGiven the diversity of how IT organizations currently

deploy a NOC it is highly unlikely that there is a single

description of a next generation NOC that would apply to

all organizations. While it is not possible to completely

characterize the next generation NOC, there are some

clear trends in terms of how NOCs are evolving. One of

these trends is the shift away from having NOC personnel

sitting at screens all day waiting for green lights to turn

yellow or red. In particular, over a quarter of the NOC-

associated respondents indicated that their company had

“eliminated or reduced the size of our NOC because we

have automated monitoring, problem detection and notifi-

cation.” It is important to note that in all likelihood a nota-

bly higher percentage of organizations had implemented

automated monitoring but had not eliminated or reduced

the size of their NOC.

Another clear trend is the focus on the performance of

both networks and applications. In many cases, this is

A Guide to Decision Making 68

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an example of how tasks that used to be performed by

tier 2 and 3 personnel are now being performed by NOC


Given where NOC personnel spend their time,

the NOC should be renamed the Application

Operations Center (AOC).

Other trends are less clear. For example, there is wide

admission that current NOC processes are often ineffec-

tive. There is also wide spread interest in using ITIL to

develop more effective processes. However, it is unlikely

that the typical NOC will significantly improve its NOC

processes in the next 12 to 18 months. Another some-

what fuzzy trend is the integration of network and security

operations. There is no doubt that there will be growing

interaction between these groups. However, within the

next two years only a minority of IT organizations will fully

integrate these two groups.

Rethinking MTTR For Application Delivery

The Changing Concept of MTTRMean Time To Repair (MTTR)—the mean or average

time that it takes the IT organization to repair a problem—

is a critical metric for measuring performance. The under-

standing of MTTR, however, is changing because as

explained in the preceding section, the responsibility of

the network organization is expanding to include the on-

going management of application performance. This sec-

tion describes those changes and their impact on network


The basic, three-step process for troubleshooting is not


Problem Identification•

Problem Diagnosis•

Solution Selection and Repair•

As will be explained in this section, how these steps

apply to a traditional network management task, such as

fault management, is significantly different from how they

apply to managing application performance.

The IT professional whose interviews are used in this

section of the handbook described a range of approaches

to MTTR.

The Manufacturing Specialist:• The organization

does not officially measure MTTR, but only esti-

mates it.

The Telecommunications Manager: • The organi-

zation pays a lot of attention to MTTR, but that it

applies only to the availability, not performance, of

the infrastructure and the applications.

The Education Director:• The organization does

measure MTTR, but that they do it only for fault

management and not for application performance.

He also stated that currently the MTTR is around 3

or 4 hours, but that his management is getting more

demanding and wants him to reduce the MTTR.

The Financial Engineer: • The organization mea-

sures MTTR for both availability and application

performance, and they compute separate MTTR

metrics for different priorities of problems. For

example, the highest priority is a problem that

causes a large number of users to not be able to

access the information or applications that they

need to do their jobs. The next highest priority is

a problem that results in a large number of users

being able to access the information and applica-

tions they need, but in a degraded fashion.

There is a very wide range of approaches relative

to how IT organizations approach MTTR.

A Guide to Decision Making 69

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MTTR and Application Performance Management

The Manufacturing Specialist commented that within

his organization, managing application performance is a

shared responsibility. He noted, however, that because

of the success they have had with the management tools

that they have deployed, that other organizations call them

seeking help with resolving a problem. The Manufacturing

Specialist also pointed out that while adding the capability

of managing application performance is important, that

“you cannot lose track of existing issues.” He added that

fault management is still important and that they “are still

tracking IOS bugs.”

The Telecommunications Manager stated that they have

begun to measure application degradation. He added that

application degradation is taken more seriously inside of

his company if he can quantify how much revenue was lost

as a result of the degradation. The Telecommunications

Manager also stated that his organization has begun to

become ISO9001 certified. He expects that their level of

certification will increase as the demands for better appli-

cation performance increases.

The Manufacturing Specialist reinforced the importance

of effective processes. He stated that in order to get better

at managing the performance of applications, that his orga-

nization has implemented ITIL-based processes. He stated

that these processes are “a huge part of our success” and

that the processes force you to “understand what you are

doing and why you are doing it.”

Improving processes (including training and the

development of cross-domain responsibility)

is an important part of improving the MTTR of

application performance.

Problem IdentificationLike every component of network management, applica-

tion performance management can either be done proac-

tively or reactively. In a proactive approach, the network

management organization attempts to identify and resolve

problems before they impact end users. In a reactive

approach, network management organizations respond to

the fault once end users have been impacted.

With fault management, it’s relatively easy to identify that

a fault exists, since they often lead to a readily-noticeable

outage. As well, it is fairly easy to set alarms indicating the

failure of a component. By contrast, identifying application

degradation is much more difficult. For example, as previ-

ously noted most IT organizations do not have objectives

for the performance of even their key, business-critical

applications, and few monitor the end-to-end performance

of their applications. As a result, the issue of whether or

not an application has degraded is often highly subjective.

The Financial Engineer stated that when a user calls in

and complains about the performance of an application

that a trouble ticket is opened. He also stated that, “The

[MTTR] clock starts ticking when the ticket is opened and

keeps ticking until the problem is resolved.” In his organi-

zations there are a couple of meanings of the phrase “the

problem is resolved.” One of them is that the user is no

longer affected. Another meaning is that the source of

the problem has been determined to be an issue with the

application. In these cases, the trouble ticket is closed and

they open what they refer to as a bug ticket.

The Financial Engineer added that in some cases, “The

MTTR can get pretty large.” He added that roughly 60%

of application performance issues take more than a day

to resolve. In those cases where the MTTR is getting

large, his organization forms a group that they refer to as a

Critical Action Team (CAT). The CAT is comprised of tech-

nical leads from multiple disciplines that come together to

resolve the difficult technical problems.

Problem DiagnosisIn the case of fault management, the focus of diagnosis

is to determine which component of the infrastructure is

not working. Part of the difficulty of diagnosing the cause

A Guide to Decision Making 70

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of an outage is that a single fault can cause a firestorm of

alarms. Although one should not understate the difficulty

of filtering out extraneous alarms to find the defective

component, it is easier to identify the component of the

infrastructure that is not functioning than it is to identify

the factor that is causing an application to perform badly.

One of the reasons that it is so difficult to diagnose the

cause of application degradation is that as discussed in

Chapter 7, each and every component of IT could cause

the application to perform badly. This includes the net-

work, the servers, the database and the application itself.

This means that unlike fault management, which tends to

focus on one technology and on one organization, diagnos-

ing the cause of application degradation crosses multiple

technology and organizational boundaries. In general, most

IT organizations find it difficult to solve problems that cross

multiple technology and organizational boundaries.

The Financial Engineer stated that in his last company,

90% of issues were originally identified as being network

issues even though the reality was that only 10% of issues

actually were network-related. He pointed out that incor-

rectly assuming that the majority of issues are network

related has the affect of increasing the amount of time

it takes to accurately diagnose the problem. He recom-

mended that when a problem is called into the help desk

that the person calling in should be encouraged to describe

the symptoms of the problem in detail, and not just what

they think the source of the problem is.

The network is usually not the source of appli-

cation performance degradation, although that

is still the default assumption within many IT


Reducing the Time to DiagnoseGiven that it can take a long time to diagnose an applica-

tion performance problem, we asked the survey respon-

dents to indicate what was the average length of time it

took to diagnose performance problems before and after

purchasing their chosen application performance manage-

ment solution. Their responses are shown in Table 8.3.

The results displayed in table 8.3 are dramatic. For

example, before deploying the solution it was rare that

a performance problem was diagnosed in less than 1

hour. After deploying the solution, almost a third of all

performance problems are diagnosed in less than 1 hour.

Analogously, before deploying the solution, almost a third

of all performance problems took more than 8 hours to

diagnose. After deploying the solution, only five percent

take that long.

The Manufacturing Specialist noted that 10% of issues

can take longer than a day to resolve and that some of

them can go unresolved for months. He said that one

problem they had recently involved the MAPI (Messaging

Application Programming Interface) protocol. As it turns

out, every 32 milliseconds the protocol would retransmit

volumes of information. This took a long time to identify.

He added that, “When something is fundamentally wrong,

it can take a long time to identify and fix.”

Less than 1 hour

More than 1 hour, but less than 3 hours

More than 3 hours, but let

than 5

More than 5 hours, but less

than 8

More than 8 hours, but less

than 24More than 24


Before Solution

2.8% 24.3% 20.8% 19.4% 14.6% 18.1%

After Solution

32.8% 44.3% 12.6% 5.2% 1.1% 4.0%

Table 8.3: Length of time to Diagnose Problem

A Guide to Decision Making 71

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Choosing and implementing the proper appli-

cation performance management solution can

greatly reduce MTTR and improve cooperation

between different IT teams.

Solution Selection and RepairIn the case of fault management, there typically is no

solution selection step. In particular, once it has been

determined which component has failed, the solution is

obvious: fix that component.

The situation is entirely different with managing applica-

tion performance because the component of IT that is caus-

ing the application to degrade may not be the component

that gets fixed or replaced. For example, as was previously

described sometimes the way the application was written

will cause the application to perform badly. However, re-

writing the application may not be an option, particularly if

the application was acquired from a 3rd party. In that case,

the IT organization will have to implement a work-around to

compensate for how the application was written.

In an analogous fashion the repair component of fault

management differs somewhat from the repair compo-

nent of application management. In the case of fault man-

agement, once you replace the defective part you fully

expect the problem to be fixed. In the case of managing

application performance, once you implement the chosen

solution, you are less sure that the problem will go away.

As a result, in some instances the IT organization has to

repeat the problem diagnosis as well as the solution selec-

tion and repair processes.

Reducing MTTR requires both credible tools

and an awareness of and attention to technical

and non-technical factors. In many instances it

can be as much a political process as a techno-

logical one.

Demonstrating the Value of Performance Management

Kubernan research indicates that 75% of IT organiza-

tions need to cost-justify an investment in performance

management. There is also some anecdotal evidence that

the way that IT organizations perform this cost justifica-

tion is changing. For example, The IT Services Director

commented that at one time his organization could justify

an investment in management tools just based on their

intuition that the tool would pay for itself. That is no longer

the case. In fact, his organization now has a very formal

process for evaluating return on investment (ROI). The IT

Director added that the depth of the analysis management

expects depends in part on the cost and scope of the

project. He pointed out that as part of the analysis they

typically have to answer questions such as, “If you buy

this tool, what tool or tools well be retired?” “What is the

decommissioning cost?” “What staff costs and produc-

tivity enhancements can be anticipated?” “What are the

related maintenance and training costs?”

The vast majority of IT organizations must

cost-justify an investment in performance


Over a third of the IT organizations that are required to

cost-justify an investment in performance must perform

the cost-justification both before and after implementing

the solution. The IT Services Director commented that his

organization has to cost-justify a solution prior to purchas-

ing it and then go back after implementation and quantify

the actual impact of the solution. He stated that this pro-

cess has the affect of increasing the credibility of the IT


Cost-justifying an investment in performance manage-

ment can be a complex task. In a recent survey, the

respondents were asked to indicate which techniques they

had used to justify an investment in performance manage-

ment. Their responses are shown in Figure 8.8.

A Guide to Decision Making 72

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

As shown in Figure 8.8, there are myriad techniques are

used to cost-justify an investment in performance man-

agement. Some of these techniques focus on hard sav-

ings while other focus on somewhat softer savings.

No one approach to cost-justifying performance

management works in all environments nor all

the time in a single environment.

ROI Based on Hard SavingsIn most cases hard savings—a reduction in the money

that will leave the company as a result of an investment—

is the easiest way to get management approval for any

IT investment. The typical ROI analysis involves an IT

investment that will result in a monthly savings, in which

case the usual financial metric is the payback period: the

amount of time before the initial investment is recovered.

For example, if a one hundred thousand dollar investment

in IT results in a monthly savings of ten thousand dollars,

the payback period is ten months.

Another common metric is the classic rate of return on

the investment22. For example, assume that an IT organi-

zation invests $120,000 in a new performance manage-

ment solution and that this results in a monthly savings of

$10,000 for a period of two years. The investment has a

payback period of one year, and after two years there is

a total savings of $240,000, which is equivalent to a 42%

rate of return.

The Cost of DowntimeAnother way to demonstrate the value of performance

management involves the cost of downtime. For instance,

the author used to work for Digital Equipment Corporation

(DEC). When he was at DEC, if communications with one

of DEC’s just-in-time manufacturing plants was lost, it was

widely accepted that the cost to DEC was roughly one

million dollars an hour of revenue. As a result, it was often

possible to justify making IT investments in order to mini-

22 Computing the RoI of an IT Investment, Jim Metzler,

Figure 8.8: Techniques to Cost-Justify Performance Management

A Guide to Decision Making 73

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

mize the probability of losing communications with any of

those plants. In contrast, while losing communications to

one of DEC’s administrative building was considered a

major inconvenience, it was not seen as a situation that

resulted in the company losing revenue. As a result, it was

much more difficult to justify an IT investment to minimize

the probability of losing communications with any of DEC’s

administrative buildings.

The discussion of DEC highlights the fact that in order

to use the cost of downtime to cost-justify acquiring a

performance management solution, there has to be a

widely-accepted cost of downtime for at least some com-

ponent of the IT infrastructure. One company that has a

widely-accepted cost of downtime is a US based casino

that can not be mentioned by name in this handbook. Not

too long ago, the casino had an intermittent LAN problem

that would take parts of their slot machine floor off line to

repair. Before they implemented a performance manage-

ment solution, it took four hours to find the source of the

problem, but after the solution was implemented it took

only one hour. According to the then network manager at

the casino, “Reducing a four-hour down time to one-hour

is worth a minimum of $400K to us.”

The cost of downtime varies widely between

companies and can also vary widely within a

given company.

Another way to demonstrate the value of performance

management is by showing that reducing downtime not

only protects a company’s revenue stream, it also protects

the productivity of employees. For example, assume that

the one thousand employees in the customer service

organization at a hypothetical company have an average

loaded salary of $50/ hour. If the jobs of these employ-

ees required that they constantly access applications, it

could be argued that an hour’s outage costs the company

$50,000 in lost productivity each time there is an outage.

The success of this argument depends in large part on

how much of a productivity loss senior managers actually

ascribe to a one hour outage.

In the preceding examples, the term downtime literally

meant the application was not available. It is also pos-

sible to demonstrate the value of performance manage-

ment based on the degradation of an application. For

example, consider a company that uses the SD (Sales and

Distribution) component of SAP for sales order entry. If the

SD component runs slowly, the company will see an impact

on both productivity and in lost revenues. Productivity

declines because the company’s sales organization has to

wait for the SD component to respond. Revenues decline

when customers get irritated enough to take their busi-

ness elsewhere. A performance management solution that

can quickly identify the cause of such problems should be

relatively easy for that company to cost-justify.


IntroductionTo effectively control both how applications perform, as

well as who has access to which applications, IT organiza-

tions must be able to:

Affect the routing of traffic through the network.•

Enforce company policy relative to what devices can •

access the network.

Classify traffic based on myriad criteria.•

Prioritize traffic that is business critical and delay •


Perform traffic management and dynamically allo-•

cate network resources.

Identify and control the traffic that enters the IT •

environment over the WAN.

Provide virtualized instances of key IT resources.•

A Guide to Decision Making 74

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Route ControlOne challenge facing IT organizations that run business-

critical applications on IP networks is the variability in

the performance of those networks. In particular, during

the course of a day, both private and public IP networks

exhibit a wide range of delay, packet loss and availabil-

ity23. Another challenge is the way that routing protocols

choose a path through a network. In particular, routing

protocols choose the least-cost path through a network.

The least-cost path through a network is often computed

to be the path with the least number of hops between the

transmitting and receiving devices. Some sophisticated

routing protocols, such as OSPF, allow network adminis-

trators to assign cost metrics so that some paths through

the network are given preference over others. However it

is computed, the least-cost path through a network does

not necessarily correspond to the path that enables the

optimum performance of the company’s applications.

A few years ago, organizations began to deploy function-

ality referred to as route control. The goal of route control

is to make more intelligent decisions relative to how traffic

is routed through an IP network. Route control achieves

this goal by implementing a four-step process. Those

steps are:


Measure the performance (i.e., availability, delay,

packet loss, and jitter) of each path through the


Analysis and Decision Making2.

Use the performance measurements to determine

the best path. This analysis has to occur in real


Automatic Route Updates3.

Once the decision has been made to change paths,

update the routers to reflect the change.

23 Assessment of VoIP Quality over Internet Backbones, IEEE INFOCOM, 2002


Report on the performance of each path as well as

the overall route optimization process.

SSL VPN GatewaysThe SSL protocol24 is becoming increasingly popular

as a means of providing secure Web-based communi-

cations to a variety of users including an organization’s

mobile employees. Unlike IPSec which functions at the

network layer, SSL functions at the application layer and

uses encryption and authentication as a means of enabling

secure communications between two devices, which

typically are a web browser on the user’s PC or laptop

and an SSL VPN gateway that is deployed in a data center


SSL provides flexibility in allowing enterprises to define the

level of security that best meets their needs. Configuration

choices include:

Encryption: 40-bit or 128-bit RC4 encryption•

Authentication: Username and password (such •

as RADIUS), username and token + pin (such as

RSA SecurID), or X.509 digital certificates (such as

Entrust or VeriSign)

All common browsers such as Internet Explorer include

SSL support by default, but not all applications do. This

necessitates either upgrading existing systems to support

SSL or deploying an SSL VPN gateway in the data center.

One of the purposes of an SSL VPN gateway is to com-

municate directly with both the user’s browser and the

target applications and enable communications between

the two. Another purpose of the SSL VPN gateway is to

control both access and actions based on the user and the

endpoint device.

24 IPSec vs. SSL: Why Choose?,

A Guide to Decision Making 75

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Some of the criteria that IT organizations should use

when choosing an SSL VPN gateway include that the

gateway should be:

Easy to deploy, administer and use•

Low cost over the lifecycle of the product•


Capable of supporting non-traditional devices; e.g., •

smartphones and PDAs

Able to check the client’s security configuration•

Able to provide access to both data and the appro-•

priate applications

Highly scalable•

Capable of supporting granular authorization policies•

Able to support performance enhancing functionality •

such as caching and compression

Capable of providing sophisticated reporting•

VirtualizationUntil recently, data centers were designed in such a way

that they provided isolated silos of resources. That means

that computing and storage resources were available only

to the application that they were deployed to support.

While this design was easy to support from the perspec-

tive of being able to control the IT resources, it lead to sig-

nificant under-utilization of the resources. In particular, in

a legacy data center, server utilization is typically between

10 and 30 percent and storage utilization is often less than

20 percent.

Increasing the utilization of computing and storage

resources can dramatically reduce the TCO associated with

a data center. To achieve this goal, many IT organizations

are adopting a data center design that is based on provid-

ing virtual server and storage resources that are available

to all applications. This design, however, creates some

significant control challenges for the network operations

group. For example, network operations groups are now

challenged to ensure that the virtual resources are utilized

enough that the TCO is significantly reduced. However,

the network operations groups need to be able to control

the virtual resources to ensure that these resources are

not utilized so much that performance is impacted.

Another form of virtualization that is used to control IT

resources is application virtualization – both client side and

server side. Client-side application virtualization enables

applications to managed in a centralized application hub,

but streamed to the user’s machine and run in a controlled,

isolated environment. As a result, applications become an

on-demand service. Technology such as caching is often

employed to increase the availability of the application.

In a server-side application virtualization environment, the

user interface (logical layer) is abstracted from the applica-

tion processing (physical layer) that occurs on a centralized,

secured server. This technology is often used for deliver-

ing client/server applications because it mitigates some

of the complexities of deploying, managing, updating and

securing client software on each individual user’s access

device. Instead, a single instance of the client application

is installed on one or more servers within the data center.

The application executes entirely on the server while its

interface is displayed on the users device.

Recently there has been a similar movement to virtualize

the desktop. As defined in Wikipedia25, desktop virtual-

ization involves separating the physical location where the

PC desktop resides from where the user is accessing the

PC. A remotely accessed PC is typically either located at

home, at the office or in a data center. The user is located

elsewhere, perhaps traveling, in a hotel room, at an airport

or in a different city. The desktop virtualization approach

can be contrasted with a traditional local PC desktop,

where the user directly accesses the desktop operating


A Guide to Decision Making 76

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system and all of its peripherals physically using the local

keyboard, mouse and video monitor hardware directly.

When a desktop is virtualized, its keyboard, mouse and

video display (among other things) are typically redirected

across a network via a desktop protocol such as RDP, ICA,

VNC, etc. The network connection carrying this virtualized

desktop information is known as a “desktop access ses-

sion.” One of the more common ways to virtualize desk-

tops is through a model that is typically referred to as the

shared desktop model. In this model, a multi-user server

PC environment is used to host many users who all share

a common PC desktop environment together on a server


Traffic Management and QoSTraffic Management refers to the ability of the network

to provide preferential treatment to certain classes of traf-

fic. It is required in those situations in which bandwidth

is scarce, and there are one or more delay-sensitive,

business-critical applications. Two examples of this type

of application that have been discussed previously in this

handbook are VoIP and the Sales and Distribution (SD)

module of SAP.

The focus of the organization’s traffic manage-

ment processes must be the company’s applica-

tions, and not solely the megabytes of traffic

traversing the network.

To ensure that an application receives the required

amount of bandwidth, or alternatively does not receive too

much bandwidth, the traffic management solution must

have application awareness. This often means detailed

Layer 7 knowledge of the application, because as dis-

cussed in Chapter 7 many applications share the same

port, or even hop between ports.

Another important factor in traffic management is the

ability to effectively control inbound and outbound traffic.

Queuing mechanisms, which form the basis of traditional

Quality of Service (QoS) functionality, control bandwidth

leaving the network, but do not address traffic coming

into the network, where the bottleneck usually occurs.

Technologies like TCP Rate Control tell the remote servers

how fast they can send content providing true bi-direction-

al management.

Some of the key steps in a traffic management process


Discovering the Application

Application discovery must occur at Layer 7. In

particular, information gathered at Layer 4 or lower

allows a network manager to assign a lower prior-

ity to their Web traffic than to other WAN traffic.

Without information gathered at Layer 7, however,

network managers are not able manage the com-

pany’s application to the degree that allows them

to assign a higher priority to some Web traffic than

to other Web traffic.

Profiling the Application

Once the application has been discovered, it is

necessary to determine the key characteristics of

that application.

Quantifying the Impact of the Application

Since many applications share the same WAN

physical or virtual circuit, these applications will

tend to interfere with each other. In this step of

the process, the degree to which a given applica-

tion interferes with other applications is identified.

Assigning Appropriate Bandwidth

Once the organization has determined the band-

width requirements and identifies the degree to

which a given application interferes with other

applications, it may now assign bandwidth to an

application. In some cases, it will do this to ensure

that the application performs well. In other cases,

A Guide to Decision Making 77

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

it will do this primarily to ensure that the applica-

tion does not interfere with the performance of

other applications. Due to the dynamic nature

of the network and application environment, it is

highly desirous to have the bandwidth assignment

be performed dynamically in real time as opposed

to using pre-assigned static metrics. In some solu-

tions, it is possible to assign bandwidth relative to

a specific application such as SAP. For example,

the IT organization might decide to allocate 256

Kbps for SAP traffic. In some other solutions, it is

possible to assign bandwidth to a given session.

For example, the IT organization could decide to

allocate 50 Kbps to each SAP session. The advan-

tage of the later approach is that it frees the IT

organization from having to know how many simul-

taneous sessions will take place.

Many IT organizations implement QoS via queuing

functionality found in their routers. Implementing QoS

based on aggregate queues and class of service is often

sufficient to prioritize applications. However, when those

queues get oversubscribed (e.g. voice), degradation can

occur across all connections. As a result, an “access con-

trol’ or “per call” QOS is sometimes required to establish

acceptable quality.

Other IT organizations implement QoS by deploying

MPLS based services. The use of MPLS services is one

more factor driving the need for IT organizations to under-

stand the applications that transit the network. This is the

case because virtually all carriers have a pricing structure

for MPLS services that includes a cost for the access

circuit and the port speed. Most carriers also charge for

a variety of advanced services, including network based

firewalls and IP multicast.

In addition, carriers often charge for the CoS (class of

service) profile. While most carriers offer between five

and eight service classes, for simplicity assume that a car-

rier only offers two service classes. One of the service

classes is referred to as real time and is intended for appli-

cations such as voice and video. The other is called best

effort and is intended for any traffic that is not placed in the

real-time service class.

The CoS profile refers to how the capacity of the service

is distributed over these two service classes. In most

cases, if all of the traffic were assigned to the real-time

traffic class that would cost more than a 50-50 split in

which half the traffic were assigned to real time and half

to best effort. Analogously, a 50-50 split would cost more

than if all of the traffic was assigned to best effort. Hence,

assigning more capacity to the real-time class than is

necessary will increase the cost of the service. However,

since most carriers drop any traffic that exceeds what the

real-time traffic class was configured to support, assigning

less capacity to this class than is needed will likely result

in poor voice quality. Some solutions provide QoS mecha-

nisms to independently prioritize packets based on traffic

class and latency sensitivity, thereby avoiding the problem

of over-provisioning WAN bandwidth in an effort to ensure

high performance.

Status of Quality of Service Implementation

This section of the Handbook identifies the current and

planned deployment of QoS, the decision-making process

involved, and the issues that must be considered in the

implementation and ongoing auditing and managing of

QoS functionality.

Motivation for Deploying QoSSurvey Respondents were asked to indicate whether or

not they have implemented a QoS policy to prioritize traf-

fic. Their responses are contained in Table 9.1.

Response Percentage

Yes, we’ve implemented QoS 61.9%

No, but we’re planning to within the next 12 months 21.2%

No, and have no plans to implement it at this time 14.4%

Don’t know 2.5%

Table 9.1: QoS Deployment

A Guide to Decision Making 78

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

The percentage of IT organizations that either have imple-

mented QoS or plan to do so within 12 months is just over

83%. It is, of course, unlikely, that all of those planning

to implement actually will within the indicated timeframe,

due to anything from a budget or headcount freeze to a

change in priorities. Nonetheless, it would seem likely that

somewhere on the order of 70% of IT organizations will

have deployed some form of QoS within the next year.

The majority of IT organizations have already

deployed QoS, and at least 70% will have done

so within the next 12 months.

Survey Respondents were also asked to indicate the

primary reason why they had implemented QoS. Their

responses are contained in Table 9.2.

Reason Percentage

To support VoIP 35.8%

To support latency sensitive applications other than VoIP


As part of a WAN services offering; e.g., MPLS 14.0%

To support VoIP/other latency sensitive applica-tions on an MPLS WAN


In response to performance issues we were experiencing


Don’t know 0.9%

Other 2.3%

Table 9.2: Reasons for Implementing QoS

The Medical Manager stated that his organization had

deployed QoS on all of their WAN routers and he pointed

out that since they have not implemented VoIP, they have

not deployed QoS on their LAN routers. The Medical

Manager added that they deployed QoS primarily to support

Citrix-based applications running over an MPLS network.

The Pharmaceutical Consultant stated that to date his

organization has deployed QoS on all of their roughly 250

WAN routers. He stated that initially their deployment of

QoS was driven by the need to support a variety of Citrix

Presentation Server-based applications as well as their use

of video over IP. He added, however, that they now also

use QoS on a tactical basis, that is, they include the possi-

bility of using QoS as part of their problem-solving portfo-

lio when confronting an issue such as a poorly-performing

application or a congested link. They are also starting to

use QoS to support their ongoing deployment of VoIP.

Because of that, they are in the process of extending QoS

functionality to their LAN routers.

While VoIP is a major driver of QoS deployment, so

are other latency-sensitive applications such as Citrix

Presentation Server.

The Mechanics of QoS DeploymentsEstablishing Priorities

Survey Respondents were asked to indicate how they

either did or will decide which applications are given prior-

ity. Their responses are contained in Table 9.3.

Decision Process Percentage

Network team made the decision 67.4%

Discussed with the application group 47.5%

Discussed with business managers 43.9%

Recommendation from third party 14.9%

Don’t know 4.1%

Other 6.8%

Table 9.3: Decision Process for Prioritization

Although the primary responsibility for setting QoS

priorities rests with the network groups, in most IT orga-

nizations, the decision is discussed with other affected


The Survey Respondents were also asked to indicate the

degree of granularity of their QoS policy. Their responses,

which are depicted in Figure 9.1, show the percentage of

respondents who have implemented the indicated number

of QoS categories.

The Medical Manager stated that they decided which

applications were given priority after discussions with the

application group and business managers. His organiza-

tion implemented four classes of service, and placed Citrix

Presentation Server, SQL and some network management

A Guide to Decision Making 79

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

traffic in the highest service class. They placed internal

email in the next highest service class, followed by Web

traffic in the next service class, and finally external email

in the best effort service class.

The Pharmaceutical Consultant indicated that in addition

to discussing application prioritization with the application

group, his organization also used recommendations from a

third party as part of their deployment of QoS. In particu-

lar, he stated that they followed the Cisco guidelines for

QoS deployment. Those guidelines specify eight classes

of service and indicate which traffic types are assigned

to each class. Some of the recommended traffic types

are fairly obvious, such as voice, video and traffic that

is both mission-critical and transactional. Some of the

traffic types, however, are somewhat less obvious. This

includes network management traffic, as well as routing


Most organizations use four or fewer classes of


Planning and On-Going ManagementOne of the key tasks that many IT organizations perform

prior to implementing QoS is to baseline the network

to determine the traffic characteristics.

They use this information in order to

intelligently assign QoS categories.

Both The Medical Manager and The

Pharmaceutical Consultant stated that

they baselined their network prior

to implementing QoS. The Medical

Manager stated that this provided his

organization with information that they

used in the discussions they had with

the application group and business man-

agers relative to identifying which types

of traffic should have priority. The

Pharmaceutical Consultant stated that

the fact that they baselined their net-

work prior to implementing QoS enabled

them to tweak their initial plans and have a more success-

ful deployment.

While important, few IT organizations establish response

time objectives for priority applications prior to deploy-

ment. The Medical Manager stated that his organization

did not do this and The Pharmaceutical Consultant stated

that his organization did, but just for video.

Both The Medical Manager and The Pharmaceutical

Consultant stated that their organization performs ongo-

ing monitoring of their QoS implementation. The Medical

Manager stated that they regularly check router reports to

make sure that their QoS policy is being enforced properly

and that the Citrix Presentation Server traffic is receiving

the network resources that it needs. The Pharmaceutical

Consultant said that for selected applications they pro-

vide ongoing monitoring of the application’s response

time. They do this in part to monitor their QoS deploy-

ment. They also do this to identify other issues, such as

a poorly performing server, that can impact application


0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0%







8 or more




Percentage of Respondents

Figure 9.1: Granularity of QoS Implementations

A Guide to Decision Making 80

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Baselining of pre-QoS performance, and ongoing

monitoring of QoS implementations, are impor-

tant tools for guaranteeing success.

Next Generation WAN Firewall

Current Generation FirewallsThe first generation of firewalls was referred to as packet

filters. These devices functioned by inspecting packets to

see if the packet matched the packet filter’s set of rules.

Packet filters acted on each individual packet (i.e., 5-tuple

consisting of the source and destination addresses, the

protocol and the port numbers) and did not pay any atten-

tion to whether or not a packet was part of an existing

stream or flow of traffic.

Today most firewalls are based on stateful inspection.

According to Wikipedia26, “A stateful firewall is able to

hold in memory significant attributes of each connection,

from start to finish. These attributes, which are collectively

known as the state of the connection, may include such

details as the IP addresses and ports involved in the connec-

tion and the sequence numbers of the packets traversing

the connection. The most CPU intensive checking is per-

formed at the time of setup of the connection. All packets

after that (for that session) are processed rapidly because

it is simple and fast to determine whether it belongs to

an existing, pre-screened session. Once the session has

ended, its entry in the state-table is discarded.”

One reason that traditional firewalls focus on the packet

header is that firewall platforms generally have limited

processing capacity due to architectures that are based on

software that runs on an industry standard CPU. A recent

enhancement of the current generation firewall has been

the addition of some limited forms of application level attack

protection. For example, some current generation firewalls

have been augmented with IPS/IDS functionality that uses

deep packet inspection to screen suspicious-looking traffic

for attack signatures or viruses. However, limitations in pro-


cessing power of current generation firewalls prevents deep

packet inspection from being applied to more than a small

minority of the packets traversing the device.

The Use of Well-Known Ports, Registered Ports, and Dynamic Ports

Chapter 7 pointed out that the ports that are numbered

from 0 to 1023 are reserved for privileged system-level

services and are designated as well-known ports. As a

reminder, a well-known port serves as a contact point for

a client to access a particular service over the network.

For example, port 80 is the well-known port for HTTP data

exchange and port 443 is the well-known port for secure

HTTP exchanges via HTTPS.

Port numbers in the range 1024 to 49151 are reserved for

Registered Ports that are statically assigned to user-level

applications and processes. For example, SIP uses ports

5059-5061. A number of applications do not use static

port assignments, but select a port dynamically as part

of the session initiation process. Port numbers between

49152 and 65535 are reserved for Dynamic Ports, which

are sometimes referred to as Private Ports. One of the

primary reasons that stateful inspection was added to

traditional firewalls was to track the sessions of whitelist

applications that use dynamic ports. The firewall observes

the dynamically selected port number, opens the required

port at the beginning of the session, and then closes the

port at the end of the session.

Most current generation firewalls make two fundamental

assumptions, both of which are flawed. The first assump-

tion is that the information contained in the first packet in

a connection is sufficient to identify the application and

the functions being performed by the application. In many

cases, it takes a number of packets to make this identifi-

cation because the application end points can negotiate

a change in port number or perform a range of functions

over a single connection.

A Guide to Decision Making 81

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

The second assumption is that the TCP and UDP well-

known and registered port numbers are always used as

specified by IANA. Unfortunately, while that may well

have been the case twenty years ago that is often not the

case today. As pointed out in Chapter 7, some applica-

tions have been designed with the ability to hop between

ports. In a recent survey, 82% of the survey respondents

indicated that they were concerned about the fact that

traditional firewalls focus on well known ports and hence

are not able to distinguish the various types of traffic that

transit port 80.

Another blind spot of current generation firewalls is for

HTTP traffic that is secured with SSL (HTTPS). HTTPS

is normally assigned to well-known TCP port 443. Since

the payload of these packets is encrypted with SSL, the

traditional firewall cannot use deep packet inspection to

determine if the traffic either poses a threat or violates

enterprise policies for network usage. These two blind

spots are growing in importance because they are being

exploited with increasing frequency by application-based

intrusions and policy violations.

Enterprise RequirementsThe Global Architect stated that they found themselves

in the situation where they had a security policy and no

ability to enforce it as they could not be sure of what

applications were being used. In particular, they house

their Web servers inside their DMZ so they can control the

applications that run on those servers. As such, they were

not concerned about managing the inbound connection to

their Web servers. In contrast, they do not know what

applications are running on their other servers and so they

do not know what outbound traffic is being generated.

Part of the concern of The Global Architect is that if they

were running programs such as BitTorrent they were vul-

nerable to being charged with breaking copyright laws. In

addition, if they were supporting recreational applications

such as Internet Radio, they were wasting a lot of WAN

bandwidth. He summed up his feelings by saying, “You

think that you are in a secure environment. However, at

the end of the day a lot of applications that were declared

as outlaws are still running on your network.”

Asked about the limitation of traditional firewalls, The

Senior Director said that traditional firewalls do not provide

any application layer filtering so if you are attacked above

Layer 3 “you are toast”. The Global Architect said that in

theory an IT organization could mitigate the limitations of

a traditional firewall by implementing a traditional firewall

combined with other security related functionality such as

an IPS. However, he stressed that this is only a theory

because the IT organization would never have enough

knowledge of the applications to make this work. This

point was picked up on by The Senior Director who stated

that his organization had been looking at adding other

security functionality such as IDS, IPS and NAC. What he

wanted, however, was to avoid the complexity of having a

large number of security appliances. He preferred to have

a “firewall on steroids” provide all this functionality.

A Next Generation FirewallThe comments of The Global Architect and The Senior

Director serve to underscore some of the unnatural net-

working that has occurred over the last decade. In par-

ticular, firewalls are typically placed at a point where all

WAN access for a given site coalesces. This is the logical

place for a policy and security control point for the WAN.

Unfortunately due to the lack of a ‘firewall on steroids’ that

could provide the necessary security functionality, IT orga-

nizations have resorted to implementing myriad firewall


It is understandable that IT organizations have deployed

work-arounds to attempt to make up for the limitations of

traditional firewalls. This approach, however, has serious

limitations including the fact that the firewall helpers often

do not see all of the traffic and the deployment of multiple

27 Now Might Be a Good Time to Fire Your Firewall,

A Guide to Decision Making 82

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

security appliances significantly drives up the operational

costs and complexity.

In order for the firewall to avoid these limitations and

reestablish itself as the logical policy and security control

point for the WAN, what is needed is a next generation

firewall with the following attributes:

Application IdentificationThe firewall must be able use deep packet inspection

to look beyond the IP header 5-tuple into the payload of

the packet to find application identifiers. Since there is no

standard way of identifying applications, there needs to

be an extensive library of application signatures developed

that includes identifiers for all commonly used enterprise

applications, recreational applications, and Internet applica-

tions. The library needs to be easily extensible to include

signatures of new applications and custom applications.

Application identification will eliminate the port 80 blind

spot and allow the tracking of port-hopping applications.

Extended Stateful InspectionBy tracking application sessions beyond the point where

dynamic ports are selected, the firewall will have the ability

to support the detection of application-level anomalies that

signify intrusions or policy violations.

SSL Decryption/Re-encryptionThe firewall will need the ability to decrypt SSL-encrypted

payloads to look for application identifiers/signatures. Once

this inspection is performed and policies applied, allowed

traffic would be re-encrypted before being forwarded to its

destination. SSL proxy functionality, together with applica-

tion identification, will eliminate the port 443 blind spot.

ControlTraditional firewalls work on a simple deny/allow model.

In this model, everyone can access an application that is

deemed to be good. Analogously, nobody can access

an application that is deemed to be bad. This model had

more validity at a time when applications were monolithic

in design and before the Internet made a wide variety of

applications available. Today’s reality is that an application

that might be bad for one organization might well be good

for another. On an even more granular level, an applica-

tion that might be bad for one part of an organization might

be good for other parts of the organization. Also, given

today’s complex applications, a component of an applica-

tion might be bad for one part of an organization but that

same component might well be good for other parts of the


What is needed then is not a simple deny/allow model,

but a model that allows IT organizations to set granular lev-

els of control to allow the good aspects of an application to

be accessed by the appropriate employees while blocking

all access to the bad aspects of an application.

Multi-gigabit Throughput

In order to be deployed in-line as an internal firewall on

the LAN or as an Internet firewall for high speed access

lines, the next generation firewall will need to perform

the above functions at multi-gigabit speeds. These high

speeds will be needed to prevent early obsolescence

as the LAN migrates to 10 GbE aggregation and core

bandwidths, and as Internet access rates move to 1 Gbps

and beyond via Metro Ethernet. Application Identification

and SSL processing at these speeds requires a firewall

architecture that is based on special-purpose program-

mable hardware rather on than industry standard general-

purpose processors. Firewall programmability continues to

grow in importance with the number of new vulnerabilities

cataloged by CERT hovering in the vicinity of 8,000/year.

When asked about the attributes that he expects in a

next generation firewall, The Global Architect said that the

ability to learn about applications on the fly was a require-

ment as was the need to run a multi-gigabit speed. Critical

to The Global Architect is the ability to tie an event to a

user. To exemplify that he said, “If somebody is commu-

A Guide to Decision Making 83

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

nicating using BitTorrent, my ability to tie that application

to a user is critical. I can do that with a traditional firewall,

but it is a management nightmare.”

The Senior Director agreed on the importance of applica-

tion level visibility and high performance. He also stressed

the importance of reporting and alerting when he said, “I

need the ability to push security-related information from

engineering to the help desk. The next generation firewall

must not be so complicated that the average help desk

analyst cannot input a rule set. It must also be simple

enough for the people at the help desk to be able to use it

to analyze what is going on.”

ConclusionFor the foreseeable future, the importance of applica-

tion delivery is much more likely to increase than it is

to decrease. Analogously, for the foreseeable future the

impact of the factors that make application delivery dif-

ficult, many of which sections 4 and 7 discussed, is much

more likely to increase than it is to decrease. To deal with

these two forces, IT organizations need to develop a sys-

tematic approach to applications delivery. Given the com-

plexity associated with application delivery, this approach

cannot focus on just one component of the task such as

network and application optimization. To be successful, IT

organizations must implement an approach to application

delivery that integrates the key components of planning,

network and application optimization, management and


This handbook identified a number of conclusions that IT

organizations can use when formulating their approaches

to ensuring acceptable application delivery. Those conclu-

sions are:

The complexity associated with application delivery •

will increase over the next few years.

If you work in IT, you either develop applications or •

you deliver applications.

Senior IT management needs to ensure that their •

organization evolves to where it looks at application

delivery holistically and not just as an increasing

number of stove-piped functions

Successful application delivery requires the integra-•

tion of tools and processes.

Given the breadth and extent of the input from •

both IT organizations and leading edge vendors

this handbook represents a broad consensus on a

framework that IT organizations can use to improve

application delivery.

In the vast majority of instances when a key busi-•

ness application is degrading, the end user, not the

IT organization, first notices the degradation.

In situations in which the end user is typically the •

first to notice application degradation, IT ends up

looking like bumbling idiots.

The current approach to managing application per-•

formance reduces the confidence that the company

has in the IT organization.

A goal of this handbook is to help IT organizations •

develop the ability to minimize the occurrence of

application performance issues and to both identify

and quickly resolve issues when they occur.

Application delivery is more complex than just net-•

work and application acceleration.

Application delivery needs to have top-down •

approach, with a focus on application performance.

Successful application delivery requires the integra-•

tion of planning, network and application optimiza-

tion, management and control.

Companies that want to be successful with appli-•

cation delivery must understand their current and

emerging application environments.

A Guide to Decision Making 84

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

In the majority of cases, there is at most a moder-•

ate emphasis during the design and development of

an application on how well that application will run

over a WAN.

A relatively small increase in network delay can •

result a very significant increase in application delay.

Successful application delivery requires IT organiza-•

tions identify the applications running on the net-

work and ensure the acceptable performance of the

applications that are relevant to the business while

controlling or eliminating irrelevant applications.

Every component of an application-delivery solution •

has to be able to support the company’s traffic pat-

terns, whether they are one-to-many, many-to-many

or some-to-many.

The webification of application introduces chatty •

protocols into the network. In addition, some or

these protocols (i.e., XML) tend greatly increase the

amount of data that transits the network and is pro-

cessed by the servers.

While server consolidation produces many benefits, •

it can also produce some significant performance


One effect of data-center consolidation and single •

hosting is additional WAN latency for remote users.

In the vast majority of situations, when people •

accesses an application they are accessing it over

the WAN.

To be successful, application delivery solutions must •

function in a highly dynamic environment. This

drives the need for both the dynamic setting of

parameters and automation.

Only 14% of IT organizations claim to have aligned •

the application delivery with application develop-

ment. Eight percent (8%) of IT organizations state

they plan and holistically fund IT initiatives across

all of the IT disciplines. Twelve percent (12%) of IT

organizations state that troubleshooting IT opera-

tional issues occurs cooperatively across all IT


People use the CYA approach to application delivery •

to show it is not their fault that the application is

performing badly. In contrast, the goal of the CIO

approach is to identify and then fix the problem.

Just as WAN performance impacts n-tier applica-•

tions more than monolithic applications, WAN per-

formance impacts Web services-based applications

significantly more than WAN performance impacts

n-tier applications.

Many IT professionals view the phrase Web 2.0 •

as either just marketing hype that is devoid of any

meaning or they associate it exclusively with social

networking sites such as MySpace.

Emerging application architectures (SOA, RIA, Web •

2.0) have already begun to impact IT organizations

and this impact will increase over the next year.

In addition to a services focus, Web 2.0 character-•

istics include featuring content that is dynamic, rich

and in many cases, user created.

The existing generation of network and application •

optimization solutions does not deal with a key

requirement of Web 2.0 applications – the need to

massively scale server performance.

It is extremely difficult to make effective network •

and application-design decisions if the IT organiza-

tion does not have well-understood and adhered-to

targets for application performance.

Hope is not a strategy. Successful application deliv-•

ery requires careful planning coupled with extensive

A Guide to Decision Making 85

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

measurements and effective proactive and reactive


The vast majority of IT organizations see significant •

value from a tool that can be used to test applica-

tion performance throughout the application lifecyle.

IT organizations will not be regarded as successful if •

they do no have the capability to both develop appli-

cations that run well over the WAN and to also plan

for changes such as data center consolidation and

the deployment of VoIP.

In the vast majority of cases, a tool that is unduly •

complex is of no use to an IT organization.

The application-delivery function needs to be •

involved early in the applications development cycle.

A primary way to balance the requirements and •

capabilities of the application development and the

application-delivery functions is to create an effec-

tive architecture that integrates those two functions.

IT organizations need to modify their baselining •

activities to focus directly on delay.

Organizations should baseline their network by mea-•

suring 100% of the actual traffic from real users.

To deploy the appropriate network and applica-•

tion optimization solution, IT organizations need to

understand the problem they are trying to solve.

In order to understand the performance gains of any •

network and application-optimization solution, orga-

nizations must test that solution in an environment

that closely reflects the environment in which it will

be deployed.

IT organizations often start with a tactical deployment •

of WOCs and expand this deployment over time.

The deployment of WAN Optimization Controllers •

will increase significantly.

When choosing a network and application optimiza-•

tion solution it is important to ensure that the solu-

tion can scale to provide additional functionality over

what is initially required.

Small amounts of packet loss can significantly •

reduce the maximum throughput of a single TCP


With a 1% packet loss and a round trip time of 50 •

ms. or greater, the maximum throughput is roughly

3 megabits per second no matter how large the

WAN link is.

The deployment of WAN Optimization Controllers •

will increase significantly.

When choosing a network and application optimiza-•

tion solution, organizations must ensure the solution

can scale to provide additional functionality over

what they initially require.

An AFE provides more sophisticated functionality •

than a SLB does.

IT organizations will not be successful with applica-•

tion delivery as long as long as the end user, and

not the IT organization, first notices application


When an application experiences degradation, virtu-•

ally any component of IT could be the source of the


To be successful with application delivery, IT organi-•

zations need tools and processes that can identify

the root cause of application degradation and which

are accepted as valid by the entire IT organization.

Identifying the root cause of application degradation •

is significantly more difficult than identifying the

root cause of a network outage.

A Guide to Decision Making 86

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Organizational discord and ineffective processes are •

at least as much of an impediment to the success-

ful management of application performance as are

technology and tools.

Lack of visibility into the traffic that transits port 80 •

is a major vulnerability for IT organizations.

End-to-end visibility refers to the ability of the IT •

organization to examine every component of IT that

impacts the communications once users hit ENTER

or click the mouse to when they receive responses

from an application.

To enable cross-functional collaboration, it must be •

possible to view all relevant management data from

one place.

Application management should focus directly on •

the application and not just on factors that have the

potential to influence application performance.

Most IT organizations ignore the majority of the per-•

formance alarms.

Logical factors are almost as frequent a source of •

application performance and availability issues as

are device-specific factors.

In over a quarter of organizations, the NOC does not •

meet the organization’s current needs.

In the majority of cases, the NOC tends to work on •

a reactive basis identifying a problem only after it

impacts end users.

Just under half of NOCs are organized around func-•

tional silos.

A majority of NOCs use many management tools •

that are not well integrated.

NOC personnel spend the greatest amount of •

time on applications, and that is a relatively new


NOC personnel spend an appreciable amount •

of their time supporting a broad range of IT


The NOC is almost as likely to monitor performance •

as it is to monitor availability.

There is a lot of interest in ITIL, but it is too soon to •

determine how impactful the use of ITIL will be.

In the vast majority of instances, the assumption •

is that the network is the source of application


In the majority of instances, the NOC gets involved •

in problem resolution.

The top driver of change in the NOC is the require-•

ment to place greater emphasis on ensuring accept-

able performance for key applications.

The lack of management vision and the NOC’s •

existing processes are almost as bit of a barrier to

change as are the lack of personnel resources and


Given where NOC personnel spend their time, •

the NOC should be renamed the Applications

Operations Center.

There is a wide range of approaches relative to how •

IT organizations approach MTTR.

Improving processes (including training and the •

development of cross-domain responsibility) is an

important part of improving the MTTR of application


The network is usually not the source of application •

performance degradation, although that is still the

default assumption within most IT organizations.

Choosing and implementing the proper application •

performance management solution can greatly

A Guide to Decision Making 87

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

reduce MTTR and improve cooperation between

different IT teams.

Reducing MTTR requires both credible tools and an •

awareness of and attention to technical and non-

technical factors. In many instances it can be as

much a political process as a technological one.

The vast majority of IT organizations must cost-justi-•

fy an investment in performance management.

No one approach to cost-justifying performance •

management works in all environments nor all the

time in a single environment.

The cost of downtime varies widely between com-•

panies and can also vary widely within a given


The focus of the organization’s traffic management •

processes must be the company’s applications, and

not merely the megabytes of traffic traversing the


The majority of IT organizations have already •

deployed QOS and at least 70% will have done so

within the next 12 months.

While VoIP is a major driver of QoS deployments, •

so are other latency-sensitive applications such as

Citrix Presentation Server.

Although the primary responsibility for setting QoS •

priorities rests with the network groups, in most

IT organizations the decision is discussed with the

other affected groups.

Most organizations use four or fewer classes of •


Baselining of pre-QoS performance and ongoing •

monitoring of QoS implementations, are important

tools for guaranteeing success.


Articles by Jim Metzler

Newsletters written for Network World

The impact that small amounts of packet loss has on suc-cessful transmission

Breaking the data replication bottleneck

MPLS vs. WAN optimization, Part 2

MPLS vs. WAN optimization, Part 1

Relationship between the network and apps development teams not bad but not great

The AHA’s IT group benefits from working collaboratively

How one network exec persuaded coworkers that the net-work is not always to blame

How do you scan for what’s on port 80?

Would combining network and security operations reduce the negative impact of silos?

The addition of new technologies means IT becomes increasingly siloed

Ignore the port 80 black hole at your peril

The schism between the applications team and the rest of IT

How the network team can show business value to the company

A real-life example of something gone wrong in senior management

Cisco, NetQoS move a step closer to integrated network optimization, management

A Guide to Decision Making 88

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

How optimizing the business network could help you opti-mize your career

Senior management: Don’t manage each IT component in isolation

How to fix application performance issues: Organize an IT pow-wow

When apps are slow, net managers are wrong until proven right

Don’t assume application performance problems are always network-related

What makes application management so hard to do?

NOCs now in charge of application management

Zero chance of interoperability between optimization technologies

Are you in a state of denial over the need for network, application optimization?

The benefits of managed service for applications performance

Microsoft SharePoint could be a challenge for WAN optimization

Juniper’s take on network optimization

The three components of application delivery according to Cisco

How does your company handle recreational use of Internet resources?

Which is most important to organizations - service delivery or service support?

Using ITIL for better WAN management

What’s the goal of route analytics in the WAN?

Logical sources of performance and availability issues

The WAN and the wiki generation, Part 3

The WAN and the wiki generation, Part 2

The WAN and the wiki generation, Part 1

Survey: Organizations’ application delivery processes are ineffective

Users formalizing processes to manage application performance

Successful application delivery

Benchmarking for WAN-vicious apps, Part 2

Benchmarking for WAN-vicious apps, Part 1

When YouTube presents true business value

Cisco analyst conference mulls super fast pipes vs. highly functional nets

Does your WAN benefit your business’ business?

Morphing tactical solutions to becoming strategic ones

The benefits of thinking strategic when deploying network optimization

Identify and then test

WAN optimization tips

A Guide to Decision Making 89

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Insight from the road

What is termed network misuse in one company may not be so in another

Naïve users who hog (or bring down) the network

Network managers reveal extent of network misuse on their nets

Network managers plugged into the importance of applica-tion delivery

Cisco vs. Microsoft: The battle over the branch office, uni-fied communications, and collaboration

Cisco gets serious about application delivery

Application Acceleration that Focuses on the Application, Part 1

Application Acceleration that Focuses on the Application, Part 2

CIOs don’t take enough notice of application delivery issues

WAN-vicious apps are a net manager’s worst nightmare

Who in your company first notices when apps performance starts to degrade?

When applications perform badly, is the CYA approach good enough?

Making sure the apps your senior managers care about work well over the WAN

Where best to implement network and application accelera-tion, Part 1

Where best to implement network and application accelera-tion, Part 2

A new convergence form brings together security and application acceleration

What makes for a next-generation application performance product?

The limitations of today’s app acceleration products

What slows down app performance over WANs?

Automating application acceleration

Advancing the move to WAN management automation

Application benchmarking helps you to determine how apps will perform

How do you feel about one-box solutions?

Users don’t want WAN optimization tools that are complex to manage

QoS, visibility and reporting are hot optimization tech-niques, users say

Survey finds users are becoming proactive with WAN mgmt.

Microsoft attempts to address CIFS’ limitations in R2

WAFS could answer CIFS’ limitations

Disgruntled users and the centralized data center

WAFS attempts to soothe the problems of running popular apps over WANs

WAN optimization helps speed up data replication for global benefits firm

Application accelerators take on various problems

A Guide to Decision Making 90

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

The gap between networks and applications lingers

Is Cisco AON the new-age message broker?

Controlling TCP congestion

How TCP ensures smooth end-to-end performance

Mechanisms that directly influence network throughput

Increase bandwidth by controlling network misuse

Cisco’s FineGround buy signals big change in the WAN optimization sector

The thorny problem of supporting delay-sensitive Web services

Uncovering the sources of WAN connectivity delays

Why adding bandwidth does nothing to improve application performance

Organizations are deploying MPLS and queuing for QoS, survey finds

The trick of assigning network priority to application suites

TCP acceleration and spoofing acknowledgements

How TCP acceleration could be used for WAN optimization

Antidote for ‘chatty’ protocols: WAFS

How are you optimizing your branch-office WAN?

What the next generation Web services mean to your WAN

Bandwidth vs. management: A careful balancing act

Morphing tactical solutions to becoming strategic ones

The benefits of thinking strategic when deploying network optimization

Identify and then test

WAN optimization tips

Insight from the road

What is termed network misuse in one company may not be so in another

Naïve users who hog (or bring down) the network

Network managers reveal extent of network misuse on their nets

Network managers plugged into the importance of applica-tion delivery

Cisco vs. Microsoft: The battle over the branch office, uni-fied communications, and collaboration

Cisco gets serious about application delivery

Application Acceleration that Focuses on the Application, Part 1

Application Acceleration that Focuses on the Application, Part 2

CIOs don’t take enough notice of application delivery issues

WAN-vicious apps are a net manager’s worst nightmare

Who in your company first notices when apps performance starts to degrade?

When applications perform badly, is the CYA approach good enough?

Making sure the apps your senior managers care about work well over the WAN

A Guide to Decision Making 91

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Where best to implement network and application accelera-tion, Part 1

Where best to implement network and application accelera-tion, Part 2

A new convergence form brings together security and application acceleration

What makes for a next-generation application performance product?

The limitations of today’s app acceleration products

What slows down app performance over WANs?

Automating application acceleration

Advancing the move to WAN management automation

Application benchmarking helps you to determine how apps will perform

How do you feel about one-box solutions?

Users don’t want WAN optimization tools that are complex to manage

QoS, visibility and reporting are hot optimization tech-niques, users say

Survey finds users are becoming proactive with WAN mgmt.

Microsoft attempts to address CIFS’ limitations in R2

WAFS could answer CIFS’ limitations

Disgruntled users and the centralized data center

WAFS attempts to soothe the problems of running popular apps over WANs

WAN optimization helps speed up data replication for global benefits firm

Application accelerators take on various problems

The gap between networks and applications lingers

Is Cisco AON the new-age message broker?

Controlling TCP congestion

How TCP ensures smooth end-to-end performance

Mechanisms that directly influence network throughput

Increase bandwidth by controlling network misuse

Cisco’s FineGround buy signals big change in the WAN optimization sector

The thorny problem of supporting delay-sensitive Web services

Uncovering the sources of WAN connectivity delays

Why adding bandwidth does nothing to improve application performance

Organizations are deploying MPLS and queuing for QoS, survey finds

The trick of assigning network priority to application suites

TCP acceleration and spoofing acknowledgements

How TCP acceleration could be used for WAN optimization

Antidote for ‘chatty’ protocols: WAFS

How are you optimizing your branch-office WAN?

A Guide to Decision Making 92

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

What the next generation Web services mean to your WAN

Bandwidth vs. management: A careful balancing act

Kubernan Briefs

The Data Replication Bottleneck: Overcoming Out of Order and Lost Packets across the WAN

The Business Value of Effective Infrastructure Management

Route Analytics: Poised to Cross the Chasm

The Integration of Management, Planning and Network Optimization

The Performance Management Mandate

The Logical Causes of Application Degradation

Eliminating The Roadblocks to Effectively Managing Application Performance

Closing the WAN Intelligence Gap

Taking Control of Secure Application Delivery

Supporting Server Consolidation Takes More than WAFS

Proactive WAN Application Optimization – A Reality Check

IT Impact Briefs

The Value of Performance Management

Demonstrating the Value of Performance Management

The Port 80 Black Hole

The Hows and the Whys of Quality of Service

Does IT Provide Business Value?

Rethinking MTTR

Showing The Value of Network Management

Management and Application Delivery

The Road to Successful Application Delivery

WAN Vicious Applications

The Movement to Implement ITIL

Business Process Redesign

Network Misuse Revisited

Moving Past Static Performance Alarms

Analyzing the Conventional Wisdom of Network Management Industry Trends

The Cost and Management Challenges of MPLS Services

The Movement to Deploy MPLS

Managing VoIP Deployments

A Guide to Decision Making 93

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

Network and Application Performance Alarms: What’s Really Going On?

Netflow – Gaining Application Awareness

Management Issues in a Web Services Environment

The Movement to Deploy Web Services

The Rapidly Evolving Data Center

What’s Driving IT?

The Lack of Alignment in IT

It’s the Application, Stupid

Identifying Network Misuse

Why Performance Management Matters

Crafting SLAs for Private IP Services

White Papers

Innovation in MPLS-Based

The Mandate to Implement Unified Performance

The Three Components of Optimizing WAN

Branch Office Networking

The Successful Deployment of VoIP

The Challenges of Managing in a Web Services Environment

Buyers Guide: Application Delivery Solutions

Best Security Practices for a Converged Environment

Articles Contributed by the Sponsors


Overview of Cisco Application Delivery Network

Solutions Portals for Cisco Application Delivery

Cisco Data Center Assurance Program (DCAP) for


Network Performance Management Buyers Guide

Guide for VoIP Performance Management in Converged Networks

Cutting through complexity of monitoring MPLS Networks

Streamlining Network Troubleshooting - Monitoring and Continous Packet Capture Provides Top-Down Approach to Lower MTTR

A Guide to Decision Making 94

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

A Unique Approach for Reducing MTTR and Network Troubleshooting Time


Network Performance Management News and Analysis

VoIP Quality of Experience

Seven Ways to Improve Network Troubleshooting

Best Practices for Monitoring Business Transactions

Network Diagnostics Provide Requisite Visibility for Managing Network Performance

Managing the Performance of Converged VoIP and Data Applications

Performance-First: Performance-Based Network Management Keeps Organizations Functioning at Optimum Levels

6 Reasons to Allocate Network Costs Based on Usage

Best Practices for NetFlow/IPFIX Analysis and Reporting

MPLS Network Performance Assurance: Validating Your Carrier’s Service Level Claims

It’s not the Network! Oh yeah? Prove IT!

Improve Networked Application Performance Through SLAs

Solving Application Response Time Problems - Metrics that Matter


Gaining Visibility into Application and Network Behavior

Controlling WAN Bandwidth and Application Traffic (QOS Technologies):

Acceleration Technologies Overview

Intelligent LifeCycle for Delivering High Performance Networked Applications Over the WAN


Akamai Web Application Accelerator

IP Application Accelerator

Application Acceleration: Merits of Managed Services

Application Delivery – An Enhanced Internet Based Solution


Testing Secure Enterprise SOA Applications across the WAN without Leaving the Lab

Predicting the Impact of Data Center Moves on Application Performance

How to Optimize Application QoE Before Rollout

The Virtual Enterprise: Eliminating the Risk of Delivering Distributed IT Services


WAN Control for Microsoft Windows

End Point QoS Protection for Citrix

End Point QoS for Cisco WAAS

A Guide to Decision Making 95

APPlicATion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008


ASP.NET Performance resources, including Optimizing ASP.NET applications for Performance and Scalability whitepaper and The Coming Web 2.0 train wreck – Jim Metzler

AS1000 Appliance Datasheet -

Network World Optimization - Specialist works to accelerate ASP.Net apps


IDC applies their ROI methodology to our WDS solution in “Adding Business Value with Wide-Area Data Services.”

What are the key benefits of deploying a mobile WAN optimization solution? Find out in this new Forrester study “Optimizing Users and Applications in a Mobile World.”

Network World Names Riverbed Customer as Enterprise All-Star Award Winner

After 6-months of headaches with Cisco’s WAAS solu-tion, 360 Architecture turns to Riverbed for a successful deployment.

Why Riverbed?


What is Business acceleration?

The Guoman and Thistle hotel group - Orange Business Service case study.

Ensuring your communications infrastructure becomes effi-cient and effective

Business Acceleration provides insights and tools to enhance your applications’

A suite of services to improve visibility, management and performance of applications

Palo Alto Networks

PA-4000 Series Firewalls

App-ID Classification Technology

Panaorama Centralized Management

Packet Design

IP Route Analytics: A New Foundation for ModernNetwork Operations:

Network-Wide IP Routing and Traffic Analysis: AnIntroduction to Traffic Explorer

Easing Data Center Migration with Traffic Explorer

Regaining MPLS VPN WAN Visibility with Route Analytics

Route Analysis for Converged Networks: Filling theLayer 3 Gap in VoIP Management


Maximizing Application Performance

Acceleration: Bottlenecks, pitfalls and tips

A Guide to Decision Making 96

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The need for application SLAs

Register to attend our free WEBCAST with GARTNER: “WAN Optimization: from a tactical to a strategic approach”.


How Citrix’s NetScaler accelerates enterprise applications



IntervieweesIn order to gain additional insight application delivery from the perspective of IT organizations, a number of IT profession-

als were interviewed. The following table depicts the title of each of the interviewees, the type of industry that they work

in, as well as how they are referred to in this report.

Job Title Industry Reference

COO Electronic Records Management Company The Electronics COO

Chief Architect Entertainment The Motion Picture Architect

CIO Diverse Industrial The Industrial CIO

Network Engineer Automotive The Automotive Network Engineer

Global Network Architect Consulting The Consulting Architect

Enterprise Architect Application Service Provider (ASP) The ASP Architect

Team Leader, Network Architecture, Strategy and Performance

Energy The Team Leader

CIO Engineering The Engineering CIO

CEO Mobile Software The Mobile Software CEO

CTO Business Intelligence The Business Intelligence CTO

Director of IT Services Insurance The IT Services Director

CIO Government The Government CIO

Manager Telecommunications The Telecommunications Manager

Network Engineer Financial The Financial Engineer

Senior MIS Specialist Manufacturing The Manufacturing Specialist

Network Architect Global Semiconductor Company The Global Architect

Senior Director of IT Medical The Senior Director

Network Management Systems Manager Conglomerate The Management Systems Manager

CIO Medical Supplies The Medical Supplies CIO

Network Analyst Manufacturing The Manufacturing Analyst

Manager of Network Management and Security

Non-Profit The Management and Security Manager

Director of Common Services Education The Education Director

Business Consultant Storage The Consultant

Manager of Network Services Hosting The Manager

Senior Consultant Pharmaceutical The Pharmaceutical Consultant

Manager of Network Administration Medical The Medical Manager

Appendix - Advertorials

A Guide to Decision Making 97

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OverviewThe Application Networking Services (ANS) product

portfolio, which consists of the Wide Area Application Services (WAAS), Application Control Engine (ACE) and ACE XML Gateway, is designed for enterprise, mid-market and service provider IT organizations who need to optimize and deliver business applications, such as ERP, CRM, web-sites / portals, and web services across the organization. The Cisco ANS portfolio, in conjunction with the applica-tion-fluency embedded in Cisco’s switching and routing foundation products, creates a true end-to-end Applica-tion Delivery Network, which are a set of Network-wide, integrated solutions that provide the availability, security, acceleration and visibility needed to ensure applications are successfully delivered.

Application delivery networks from Cisco help IT depart-ments accomplish the following objectives:

Deliver business and web applications to any user, •anywhere with high performance

Centralize branch server and storage resources with-•out compromising performance

Better utilize existing resources, including WAN •bandwidth and server processing cycles

Rapidly deploy new applications over an integrated •infrastructure.

Attributes of Cisco Application Delivery Networks

Cisco has built and implemented the ANS portfolio to be deployed as part of the data center and branch infrastruc-ture. This allows Cisco the unique capability to deliver on the following attributes, which are critical to an application delivery network’s success:

AdaptabilityCisco has integrated application delivery functionality

directly into the core switching and routing infrastructure, allowing customers to rapidly adapt to changing applica-tion types, traffic patterns and volume across the network. While taking advantage of the foundation elements and integration benefits, the Cisco ANS solution incrementally delivers:

Virtualization• – an often used, but misunderstood term, Cisco has created secure, virtual partitions in both the switching, routing, and application deliv-ery controller products. In the Application Control Engine (ACE) for example, an IT manager can very rapidly partition off a new application on the same device which remains completely separate (on the data, control and management plane) and, more importantly, secure from other partitions.

License-based performance• – many Cisco ANS products can grow in performance simply by pur-chasing a software license that can easily and rapidly be installed to support additional demand, without the need to upgrade or deploy new devices

Scalable solutions• – for the highest possible scal-ability, the ANS products support multi-device test-ed and documented solutions. Examples include the possibility to add up to 4 active ACE Modules within the same Catalyst chassis, or the possibility to scale a WAAS design due to the integration with ACE.

Transparent solutions• – network services can be added (or subtracted) without major overhauls or reconfigurations to the current network, such as security. This is crucially important as services such as voice are added to the existing data network.


Application Delivery Networks Using Cisco’s Application Networking Services (ANS) and Application Fluent Foundation Networks to better optimize and enhance business applications

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ExtensibilityThe network system underlying the application must be

designed to easily allow additions of new capabilities into the overall system. Tying application delivery functional-ity into various places in the network ensures the most optimal application delivery and the best user experience. Let’s take an example.

Application recognition• – the first step towards optimizing the delivery of the application is to rec-ognize it. Using both IP and application recognition mechanisms integrated into the Catalyst 6500 or the Cisco routers, the network can classify, then optimize or re-priorize the application throughout the network

Server Scaling• – in order to better scale the ability of the application to delivery email, the Application Control Engine can be used not only to provide server load balancing, but “last-line-of-defense” security. Client sessions can now be scaled across multiple servers. Additionally, by offloading func-tions such as SSL, URL filtering and parsing and TCP into the network, the server can be better uti-lized, ensuring rapid content delivery of email traffic

WAN Optimization• – The user at the branch office will be limited by the amount of bandwidth avail-able on the WAN. Using the Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) solution, the network can opti-mize the delivery of that traffic over the WAN using innovative TCP optimization, compression and data redundancy elimination. This provides a solution for a complete range of TCP-based applications with the simple addition of policies.

These demonstrate how broad the solution needs to be, but what about how “deep”? Cisco’s solutions contain customizable elements that allow the network to respond to new threats, functionalities and capabilities as they become available. The Cisco ACE XML Gateway, for example, supports programmable plug-ins, so that new functionality can be developed and integrated into the network. For example, Cisco offers plug-ins to exchange authentication messages with Identity Management sys-tems or detect dangerous packets through the RegX capa-bilities in ACE.

IntegrationThese capabilities are all critical to the delivery of applica-

tions from the data center to users; however, the mecha-nism by how they’re delivered is important as well. The creation of an overlay network – for server load balancing or WAN optimization, for instance – adds complexity, increases management burdens, and adds to the already-overcrowded data center. Additionally, an overlay network does not provide any hooks into the existing network infra-structure that can make application delivery more effec-tive. These include:

Integration of application intelligence into the foun-•dation, such as with Network Based Application Recognition in the Catalyst 6500 Supervisor 32 engine,

Integration of application switching and firewalling •into the Catalyst 6500 though the Application Con-trol Engine (ACE) and Firewall Services Module (FWSM)

Integration of the WAAS solution, while it can be •purchased in an appliance form factor, is integrated into the Cisco Integrated Services Routers (ISR) as well as into Cisco IOS software.

Using ACE virtualization, in conjunction with virtual •LANs (VLANs) on the Catalyst 6500, a secure, vir-tually partitioned network can be created for a new application on a common platform, without having to purchase a new device.

The Catalyst 6500 can detect local physical con-•nectivity failure and can inform the ACE module to perform a failover to a secondary device

ACE can map a virtual partition to a virtual route •forwarding (VRF) engine, extending a “private” net-work through to the data center

WAAS can be inserted transparently into the exist-•ing network, meaning that no changes to quality-of-service or security access control lists are needed.

The WAAS transparency elements allow the net-•work to deliver valuable statistics through NetFlow to network management and monitoring tools.

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How Cisco’s ANS Portfolio Enables the Application Delivery Network

By integrating into the Cisco data center, branch and cam-pus foundation, the Cisco ANS portfolio delivers against the key challenges for application owners, IT management and end users. These challenges include security, avail-ability, acceleration and visibility.

SecurityCisco delivers the strongest end-to-end security in order

to protect hosts, applications and network elements. The Cisco network can adapt to all attack types, from network-level Layer 2 to application level, including XML, attacks. Cisco delivers integrated security, including embedded firewall and intrusion protection services on the Cisco ISR routers as well as a high-speed firewall in the Catalyst 6500. Security features in the ACE module provide the last line of defense prior to reaching the physical server itself, as well as application-level security both for client-to-application access and for server-to-server communica-tion in multi-tier designs. Finally, the ACE XML Gateway (AXG) can be leveraged to protect XML-based applications from newer attacks.

AvailabilityAvailability is table-stakes in application delivery net-

working. Cisco has designed its application delivery solution to adapt to all types of failures, recovering and/or working around the failure, whether it’s a networking, server or application component failure. For example, the ACE Global Site Selector ensures users can be re-routed to a secondary data center should the primary become congested or fail. Within the data center, the ACE module works with the Catalyst 6500 to ensure route health in the network and reroute around failures, while also supporting active-active stateful resiliency between ACE modules to ensure application sessions remain intact.

AccelerationCisco delivers the most complete set of application

acceleration features in order to provide performance improvements for all clients and applications. The network adapts to all types of applications, such as generic TCP-based applications, with ACE for load balancing and server

offload, and WAAS for WAN acceleration, which can yield up to 100x end user performance improvements. In con-junction with specific application optimization engines for protocols like CIFS, WAAS can add additional benefits spe-cific for each application. Conversely, Cisco can optimize specific HTTP-based sessions with ACE web acceleration features. Additionally, Cisco is working with application vendors, such as Microsoft, to better optimize specific applications, such as Exchange, over the WAN and data center networks.

VisibilityVisibility is an often-overlooked element in the deploy-

ment of an application delivery network, yet it is often the most critical as it is how network and application managers monitor performance and end user productivity. Through integration of application delivery functions into the network, Cisco can provide the most complete vis-ibility solution today. Starting with application recognition in the Catalyst 6500 and ISR routers, network managers can understand (and limit) the traffic coming into the net-work. NetFlow statistics can be reported and monitored at all places in the network. Transparency throughout the network assures a uniform measurement, including across the WAN (where many WAN optimization solutions change IP header information). Finally, through partners such as NetQoS, Cisco can deliver end-to-end performance vis-ibility to truly gauge how applications are operating over the application delivery network, and what end users are experiencing.

ConclusionThe network has played, and will continue to play, an

ever-increasing role in delivering IT services to users, enabling a business to increase efficiency and deliver results. By combining the application-fluent network foundation – Cisco’s industry-leading switches and rout-ers – and the Application Networking Services capabilities, Cisco provides the most complete, most manageable, and most integrated application delivery network solution avail-able today.

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IT organizations have spent billions of dollars implement-ing fault management tools and processes to maximize network availability. While availability management is criti-cal, infrastructure reliability has improved to a point where 99.9% availability is not uncommon. At the same time, application performance issues are growing dramatically due to trends such as data center consolidation, the rise of voice and multimedia traffic, and growing numbers of remote users. Relying solely on infrastructure availability and utilization is no longer enough to address these chal-lenges, especially as network professionals are becoming increasingly responsible for application delivery across the network infrastructure.

According to Aberdeen Group’s 2007 research report, The Real Value of Network Visibility, “Network performance projects are no longer cost centers; they are becoming the major components of enterprise strategies for better cus-tomer service, profitability, and revenue growth.”

The Performance-first ImperativeNetwork engineers and managers must take the lead on

application delivery with a performance-first approach to managing their complex networks. By shifting the focus from fault management—which is largely under control—to performance-based management, network profession-als can concentrate on how the network is affecting service delivery and make themselves more relevant to the business units they serve.

“Performance is the thousand shades of gray between those red and green lights indicating whether devices are up or down. IT professionals must switch from an up/down model of network management to a performance-first model to quantify end user experience,” said Joel Trammell, CEO of Austin, Texas-based NetQoS, Inc., a provider of network performance management software and services to Global 4000 companies, service providers and government organizations.

The performance-first paradigm inverts the traditional device monitoring approach and begins with top-down visibility into application performance. This is driven by the fundamental purpose of the network—to transport data from one end of the system to the other as rapidly as possible. The more efficiently data flows at the trans-port layer the better the application performance. Application response time response time is the best measurement to use when deciding how to optimize the network, plan new infrastructure rollouts and upgrades, and identify the severity and pervasiveness of problems.

A performance-first approach starts with measuring end-to-end response times to get an overall view, and expands other key performance metrics as needed, including VoIP quality of experience, traffic flow analysis, device perfor-mance, and long-term packet capture.

take the lead on

WAN Application Delivery by Putting Performance First

Performance-first management starts with measuring application response times and drilling into other metrics as needed, including VoIP quality, traffic flow analysis, device performance, and long-term packet capture.

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Application Response Time Monitoring: Understanding application response time baselines is

the essential starting point for making strategic decisions about network performance and application delivery. The deconstruction of total end-user transaction time allows network professionals to tie end-user performance back to the IT infrastructure and analyze the behavior of net-works, servers, and applications. For instance, application response time monitoring enables network professionals to decide where WAN optimization and application accel-eration technologies are most needed and to measure the before and after impact.

VoIP Quality of Experience:With the introduction of VoIP applications on enterprise

networks, a performance-first approach must include mon-itoring call quality and the impact of convergence across all application performance. Network-based call setup and call quality monitoring enable the network team to track the user quality of experience and isolate performance issues to speed troubleshooting.

Network Traffic Analysis: With end-to-end performance metrics captured and the

source of latency isolated, further analysis is much more focused. Traffic analysis enables network engineers to understand the composition of traffic on specific links where latency is higher than normal or expected. This yields the information needed to redirect or reprioritize application traffic and do capacity planning. In addition, visibility into new or anomalous traffic patterns pinpoints performance problems and identifies security risks.

Device Performance Management: Managing network infrastructure, devices, and ser-

vices is also a critical component of the performance-first approach, for both short-term troubleshooting and long-term planning. For instance, if end-to-end performance monitoring shows the source of latency is isolated to an infrastructure component—a busy router or a server mem-ory leak, for example—network professionals need device performance management capabilities to poll the device in question and find the root cause so that corrective action can be taken.

Long-term Packet Capture and Analysis: When problems do occur, engineers need to view and

analyze detailed packet-level information before, during, and after the problem. Once the packets are stored, the data can be analyzed for actionable information to solve problems quickly, without having to recreate the problem.

The Dashboard for Performance-first Management

Recognizing the absence of tools to support the perfor-mance-first management paradigm, NetQoS set out to fill the void. With top-down performance analysis spanning enterprise views of the end-user experience down to deep-packet inspection, the NetQoS Performance Center provides global visibility into the core metrics needed to sustain and optimize application delivery. The NetQoS Per-formance center offers best-in-class modules that scale to support the world’s largest and most complex networks and leverage industry standard instrumentation without the use of desktop or server agents.

Advantages of Performance-first Management

Survey results from Aberdeen indicate that organi-zations taking a performance-centric approach achieve superior application and network performance and more cost-efficient operations than their peers. In fact, those organizations reported a 92 percent success rate in resolv-ing issues with application performance before end users are impacted, compared to a 40 percent success rate for all the others.

Other important benefits of performance-first network management include:

Deliver consistent application performance and measure it: Without real-time visibility into end user response times, traffic flows, and infrastructure health, it’s impossible to manage application performance proactively. Too often IT managers have no way of knowing how well their organization or service provider is meeting its perfor-mance targets.

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This was the case for NetQoS customer Network Instru-ments, a leading provider of computer-based measure-ment, automation and embedded applications. National Instruments delivers applications to more than 4,500 employees in 40 countries via two main data centers and its global MPLS network. Prior to implementing NetQoS products, National Instruments had followed the traditional network management approach of focusing on availability of network devices.

“Without NetQoS, we were flying blind,” said Sohail Bhamani, senior network engineer at National Instruments. “When we would deploy a new application or make some sweeping change to the network, we would have no idea what impact it had except for availability.”

Faced with implementing a major Oracle upgrade world-wide, the network team knew that successful application delivery depended on their ability to measure network and application performance, not just availability. With NetQoS, Bhamini states “NetQoS Performance Center gives us the insight we need into application performance across our network and combines end-to-end response time and traf-fic flow reports that are easy to create and use.”

Make more informed infrastructure investments: When infrastructure managers make uninformed upgrade decisions, the cost can be high. Often the anticipated results don’t materialize, ROI is poor, and performance problems persist.

London-based ICI Group, one of the world’s largest producers of specialty products and paints, deployed the NetQoS Performance Center to gain visibility into network traffic from 320 locations in 46 countries. “NetQoS Per-formance Center management reports give us centralized visibility into traffic patterns across our global locations,” said Hitesh Parmer, ICI Group’s global network technol-ogy manager. “This data enables us to justify bandwidth upgrades, reduce network costs by identifying under-utilized sites, troubleshoot issues faster, and analyze the impact of new application rollouts to prioritize traffic appropriately.”

Work collaboratively and more effectively to reduce MTTR: Network managers need tools that give them real-time global visibility and historical information to optimize the network infrastructure for application performance and work with peer groups to plan for changes. Also, knowing the source of problems means the right technicians may be assigned immediately to address problems quickly.

“The correlation of the end-to-end response time and traffic analysis data in a consolidated dashboard via the NetQoS Performance Center allows us to more effectively monitor issues and quickly resolve them,” said Philip Pot-loff, Executive Director of Infrastructure Operations for, the premier online resource for automotive information based in Santa Monica, CA. “We are building custom dashboards for each of our IT groups, including network engineering, application operations, systems administration, and database administrators, to have their own views into the NetQoS Performance Center data.”

Columbus, Ohio based Belron US, a multi-faceted auto-motive glass and claims management service organization, deployed NetQoS to deliver optimal network and applica-tion performance to more than 7000 employees and more than two million customers across 50 states. “We saw immediate value when we deployed NetQoS products about two years ago, especially in identifying the source of problems for faster and more accurate troubleshooting,” said Gary Lewis, Belron’s manager of data networking and security. “We continue to rely on the products to give us the data we need for troubleshooting, capacity planning, and maintaining application service levels.”

ConclusionIT organizations can no longer manage networks in isola-

tion from the applications they support, requiring a shift from a device-centric to a performance-centric focus. By measuring how networked applications perform under normal circumstances, understanding how performance is impacted by infrastructure and application changes, and isolating the sources of above-normal latency, IT organiza-tions can ensure problems are resolved quickly, mitigate risk, and take measured steps to optimize application performance.

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NetQoS is the only company that delivers a comprehen-sive network performance management suite for applying the performance-first approach. NetQoS products are used to manage large enterprise, service provider and government networks, including a majority of the world’s 100 largest companies. Representative customers include: AIG; Avnet; Barclays Global Investors; Bed, Bath, & Beyond; Chevron; Deutsche Telekom; NASA, Schlum-berger; Turner Broadcasting Systems; and Verizon.

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IntroductionThe increasing size and scope of today’s mission-critical

enterprise networks means that users are more dependent on uptime and availability. When they operate at less-than-peak performance, it costs enterprises a fortune in lost productivity. The size and complexity of these networked applications makes identifying and resolving performance issues that much more difficult. IT organizations need both best practices processes and comprehensive network and application performance management solutions to quickly find and fix problems.

Discovering problems earlier helps reduce MTTR

Network and application problems experience a rather predictable lifecycle where the problem originates and is minimally invasive to users and business processes. However, in many cases, the problem continues to grow

into more damaging stages where it impacts end users and customers. Traditionally, once users call their help desks and report the problem, the IT organization initiates processes to identify the root cause, implement corrective actions, and verifies its effectiveness.

Ideally, identifying problems and diagnosing the cause in this earliest stage will reduce MTTR and minimize business interruption. NetScout’s Sniffer and nGenius solutions are designed to aid in early detection and rapid diagnosis of problems impacting networked applications, thus improv-ing IT productivity and application delivery to users.

Problem Lifecycle EvolutionStaying ahead of such problems means developing an

aggressive strategy to identify, pinpoint root cause, and remediate user-affecting issues.

Since problems that degrade the performance of net-worked application follow a typical lifecycle troubleshooting them can also follow a standardized four stage process:

Detect – Identify a problem as soon as possible

Diagnose –Evaluate the problem and determine its’ likely causes. This evaluation is the basis for

Reduce MTTR with a problem lifecycle Management plan

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formulating and evaluating a course of corrective actions to resolve the problem.

Verify –Assess network and application perfor-mance to validate that the actions taken have resolved the initial problem.

Monitor – Ongoing performance management gains long-term visibility into networked applica-tion traffic, providing the proactive detection of new problems.

The Best Practices Approach to Problem Lifecycle Management

The steps to an effective lifecycle management process can be address in much more detail for detecting, diagnos-ing, and verifying corrective actions to resolve problems:

Step 1: Detection

Answers the question, “Is there a problem in our network?”

Often, small problems that go unnoticed or unchecked gain in size and impact over time until multiple users are affected, business is impacted, revenue is lost and custom-ers vanish. The addition of latency-intolerant applications, e.g. VoIP, IP video, and other time-sensitive applications e.g. multi-cast updates for stock prices, makes it essen-tial that network and application problems are discovered in the earliest stages.

Who Finds Performance Problems

Discovering a prob-lem emerging with networked applica-tions has often been first identified by end users experiencing the problem and then call-

ing their help desk or IT staff to report it. In fact, Ashton, Metzler & Associates and NetScout Systems surveyed more than 230 networking professionals in the spring of 2007 and more than 75% of the respondents indicated it was their end users complaints that alerted them to new problems in their network.

However, ideally, many IT organizations desire a more proactive means of identifying emerging troubles. Continu-ous monitoring of networked application traffic flows for trending, alarming and analytical evidence will produce key performance indicators such as:

Immediate notification of link or application utilization •increases to pinpoint a growing congestion problem before it impacts the other traffic or end users

Identification of new applications added to the net-•work to further evaluate if the capacity in key parts of the network can handle the additional load with-out degrading other business applications or con-verged services such as VoIP

Metrics, also known as Key Performance Indicators •(KPIs), related to quality of user experience such as abnormal increases in average application response times or changes in VoIP quality indicators like unac-

Note: Respondents may have chosen more than one answer Source - Ashton, Metzler & Associates with NetScout Systems – Spring 2007 Survey of 232 networking professionals

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ceptable jitter, packet loss or MOS scores help IT organizations to quickly realize an emerging problem and rapidly locate the source of network degrada-tions before users notice quality issues.

Having the actual packet flow data from your network available in real-time, as well as, trended in historical reports, helps to quickly ascertain if a problem is emerg-ing. It also directly enables all appropriate personnel to collaborate on the next phases – diagnosis and alternative corrective actions.

Step 2: Diagnosis

Answers the question, “What is the root cause of the problem?”

IT organizations will start their diagnostic analysis by ask-ing “What are the symptoms of the network or application problem?” Following a top-down approach to troubleshoot-ing the issue, leveraging the best packet-flow data available to solve the most complex problems, IT staff can begin by using early warning alerts, analyze the applications in use contributing to the alerts, the conversations between clients and data center application servers, the volume and utilization of these applications and conversations, as well as other resources vying for the same bandwidth.

As the complexity of converged networks and virtualized application services makes troubleshooting an order of magnitude more challenging, contextual drill downs to the actual packets at the center of the problem is essential. Using playback analysis to reconstruct the problem and the network conditions at the time of the problem with expert analysis makes diagnosing even the most elusive of problems a more successful proposition.

Analysis in real-time or over time should reveal:

The networked applications traversing the enterprise •network to uncover dangerous or unapproved traf-fic, e.g.: viruses or streaming internet radio that might degrade performance of business critical applications

All applications, both inbound and outbound, within •assigned QoS classes to discover possible mis-con-figurations that might be causing delivery issues

Upward or downward trends in traffic flows, which •will allow the IT team to “right-size” bandwidth more accurately and timely

Sophisticated bounce charts, decode filters, and •playback analysis based on a continuous stream of recorded packets to troubleshoot the most persistent, complex problems affecting business applications.

Asking IT to run a converged network without this infor-mation is like trying to navigate a foreign city without a GPS system–there will be many guesses and wrong turns. Valuable time is lost going down the wrong path guess-ing at the problem and possible actions to rectify it. One enterprise feared their mission-critical application server backups using multicast were impacting voice quality and turned off these backups for a period of time only to dis-cover that the problem did not disappear. Proper diagnosis will depend on rich application and conversation flow vis-ibility and when necessary, the actual packet evidence for in-depth forensics analysis.

Step 3: Verification

To determine “Have we resolved the issue?”Based on the proper diagnosis, a corrective action

plan needs to be determined. This step may take some time, first to determine the corrective action and then to implement and verify it. Alternatives may include adding bandwidth, correcting mis-configurations, or working with a third-party application developer to improve the architec-ture of a poorly written, chatty application.

The performance management system will confirm if the actions taken have satisfactorily restored service levels, such as:

Returned response times for key business applica-•tions to acceptable levels.

Improved VoIP quality of experience by analyzing •metrics such as jitter, packet loss and MOS scores

Restored application and conversation levels to with-•in previous baselines.

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What should be accomplished in this phase is confirma-tion that the problem is in fact corrected and the applica-tion services are not suffering any further issues.

Step 4: Ongoing Management

By analyzing “How is our network growing and changing over time?”

The correction of a problem, as well as a widespread launch and subsequent rollout of any new initiative, such as consolidating data centers, upgrading business applications, migrating to a MPLS WAN, or introducing VoIP services to remote offices, marks the start of ongoing management. Ongoing management continues the detection and diagnos-tic activities already discussed to maintain a positive per-formance and user quality of experience across the overall projects and associated networked services.

Broad elements of ongoing management include:

Proactive alarms and warnings of potential problems •before they have the chance to have a noticeable effect on user experience

Access to real-time data for troubleshooting detect-•ed issues as they emerge

Analysis in historical reports of trended data for •planning and traffic engineering

Many IT organizations will find themselves serving as a sort of “referee” between business use and recreational use of the network, or between bandwidth hungry servic-es like video teleconferencing and time sensitive, existing business applications. However, with in-depth application visibility from packet flow analysis, they will be able to recognize degradations early, rectify bandwidth conten-tion issues quickly, and initiate traffic engineering changes or schedule disruptive traffic to traverse the network off hours. Reducing user-affecting problems, or at least improving mean time to resolve problems that do occur, is the bottom line with ongoing management.

Having a real effect on reducing MTTR

Companies who have already implemented strong per-formance management solutions are already realizing

Source: March 2007 Ashton, Metzler and Assoc. Survey 138 participants

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significant time savings in reducing mean time to restore quality application delivery. When some manufacturing organizations report one hour of downtime represents $12 million in lost production, or a stock exchange processing hundreds of thousands of transactions per hour, it is easy to accept the need to reduce the time it takes to resolve network and application degradations.

By following the process outlined in this discussion and leveraging the most in-depth, packet flow analysis and evi-dence from their network, other organizations have already had demonstrable improvement in their troubleshooting time. A recent survey shows dramatic reduction in MTTR.

SummaryGood network and application performance depends

on a structured approach to performance management throughout a problem’s lifecycle. Using NetScout’s nGe-nius and Sniffer network and application performance management solutions that leverage analysis of rich packet flow data you too can detect, diagnose, verify, and manage the projects and problems that may arise in the future. And this is an essential step in reducing MTTR and helping to maintain high quality service delivery through-out your enterprise community.

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Enterprises continue to invest heavily in IT systems,

networks and application software – hundreds of billions

every year. Yet despite these investments, the assurance

of application performance continues to elude IT manag-

ers. When you look at your organization – how are your

infrastructure investments fairing? Are they delivering the

assurance your business requires?

Even as IT performance challenges persist, emerging

trends promise to open up new worlds of opportunity and


Unified Communications enable the seamless inte-•

gration of presence, voice, communications, and

data integration.

Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) create a more •

flexible framework for leveraging and distributing

information between systems and people.

Virtualization promises to free logic and resources •

from physical constraints.

Wireless technologies melt away the barriers of •


Yet as these emerging architectures are embraced by

business, they create additional strain on infrastructure

and open up new requirements for effective management.

Are you ready for these new opportunities? Can you effec-

tively utilize and manage them while assuring the delivery

of services your business demands?

It is no trivial task. If we look at recent examples like

branch office server consolidation, we can see how

good intentions quickly turn into performance nightmares.

When a global 100 company consolidated branch office

servers into data centers to get better control over data,

cut costs and simplify system management, they found

that users accessing files over WAN links experienced

severe degradation in response – not only for file access,

but for ERP applications that shared the same link.

The Challenge: How to Align Business Objectives with the Entire Infrastructure

Too often, decisions optimize for a narrow view. In the

example above, a decision to optimize servers cost the

whole organization. Whether it is an underpowered server

farm, a network out of capacity, a poorly written application

– when ERP doesn’t work, it’s the business that suffers.

Application performance can slow the business. •

When applications slow down, the business slows

down. Value creation is lost and IT is forced to

react simply to restore normal operations. From

voice to video conferencing, ERP to financial trans-

actions, the applications – and potential for issues

– are diverse.

Silos within the IT organization diffuse respon-•

sibility. Applications require systems, networks

Delivering the Network That Thinks

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and application logic to work together, but many IT

organizations aren’t built that way. Communication

barriers, narrow views and self-interest plague our

ability to resolve problems and plan effectively.

Fragmented tool base mirrors the organization •

and creates islands of optimization. Too often

we deploy point tools to solve one issue, unaware

of related challenges that need to be managed in

other areas. Why deploy network probes to diag-

nose a specific issue before considering a more

complete solution, which integrates better visibility

AND the ability to resolve issues as a complete

solution the entire organization benefits from?

An application-centric and network-delivered •

world. 90% of workers reside outside of HQ

and the data center. As you deliver business

globally, performance issues almost always involve

the distributed network – but it’s the applications

that run the business. The challenge is to bridge

the gap between the network and applications to

assure the effective delivery of services.

Intelligent Service Assurance – Delivering The Network That Thinks

Packeteer delivers the network that thinks about appli-

cations, systems, users…, and the business objectives

you’re trying to achieve. Our integrated system provides

unique intelligence to identify issues, the technologies to

assure performance, and the ability to communicate and

integrate across the organization.

An application fluent perspective of the net-•

work. Automatically discover every application,

measure utilization and provide 100+ statistics to

deliver the information needed to intelligently find,

fix and proactively manage issues.

A unified view of end user performance. • Provide

a real-time, end-to-end view of key applications

across the entire system. For example, track the

total delay of specific application transactions, such

as an SAP Order Entry operation…and isolate net-

work and server issues that emerge; or monitor the

Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of your IP Telephony –

across your entire system, in real-time.

Adaptive response & optimization for changing •

conditions. Beyond the brute basics of accelera-

tion, caching, and compression, we automatically

respond at the application level, dynamically allocat-

ing resources to the most critical needs – like auto-

matically constricting recreational traffic to assure

your next voice call receives the service level it

requires – to achieve your business outcomes.

Centralized, intelligent system to assure perfor-•

mance. Delivering the Network That Thinks means

providing a powerful, centralized view into your

network via IntelligenceCenter. With role based

portals, you can create custom views for your voice

group, NOC group, or ERP applications group. Our

extensible framework interconnects with leading

framework vendors to feed our real time application

view into a heterogeneous environment.

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The Solution; Start with Intelligence

Today, Packeteer unifies all the tools

required to find, optimize and assure the

performance of all applications in the

network as the foundation for Intelligent

Service Assurance.

Whether your infrastructure challenges

are immediate to support high quality

voice, video, file, ERP, CRM, transactions

and other key business applications, or

you are planning ahead for virtualization,

consolidation, unified communications

and SOA strategies, Packeteer’s vision

for Intelligent Service Assurance means

we will continue to provide the strategic

solution to deliver your desired business


A Best Practices Approach to Performance Issues

Helping you sort through hundreds of applications, focus

on the key issues, and determine what tools to employ

to fix problems requires a strategic partner for your suc-

cess. Packeteer’s Intelligent LifeCycle exemplifies our

commitment by providing a guide to help you navigate

the complexity of application delivery and sustain the

level of service performance your business demands. The

approach is a simple series of four steps that begins with

intelligence and leads to high performance application


Assess: Identify what applications are running on the

network, what approaches to take to resolve issues, and

continuously monitor performance.

Provision: Create policies to align network resources

with the business – protect key applications, contain

problematic traffic.

Accelerate: Overcome latency & protocol issues to

enhance performance and capacity.

Extend: Create an intelligent overlay that adapts current

infrastructure to new and emerging issues and integrates

into key service management frameworks.

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The Results: Applying Packeteer Technologies to Achieve Performance Results

Packeteer delivers a full spectrum of integrated solutions to optimize application performance, rather than a narrow set of

point performance tools. Whether facing strategic changes in your infrastructure or looking to immediately resolve a pain

point, these examples attest to the gains you can achieve with Packeteer solutions:*

Application Results Primary Technologies Employed

IP Telephony & Video

Monitor MOS scores in real time•Reduce jitter by 60%• 1

Reduce video conference session setup •by 70%2

IPT/VoIP Quality Monitoring•Application classification•Per call Application QoS•

ERP/CRM & Line of Business Applications

Track end user response times•Accelerate performance by 75-95%• 1

Reduce WAN bandwidth by 70-98%•

Response time monitoring•Application QoS•Compression•TCP acceleration for higher latency links•

File Access (CIFS) Accelerate file access by 98%•Reduce bandwidth by up to 97%•Reduce storage by 2 TB• 3

Wide Area File Services (WAFS)•CIFS Acceleration•Document caching •

SharePoint & SMS Traffic

Accelerate SharePoint access times by •90%Reduce bandwidth by 50-95%+•

Protocol acceleration•Bulk caching •Local SMS delivery•

Server Consolidation Services

Reduce WAN bandwidth by 80-100%• Local delivery of services: print, SMS, DNS/DHCP •

Recreational Traffic Contain to 2-10% during peak usage•Allow usage as excess bandwidth •available

Traffic AutoDiscovery & Application Classification•Application QoS•

Malicious Traffic Identify infected hosts •Contain propagation traffic•Maintain WAN availability•

Application classification•Connection diagnostics•Application QoS•

1 Inergy Automotive Case Study

2 Logitech Case Study

3 Nortel Case Study

* Performance results may differ based on a mix of variables such as applications, users, usage patterns and WAN link speeds.

For more information, contact us at: Email: Web: Phone: 800-440-5035 (North America) 408-873-4400 (International)

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Ensuring application performance supports your business goals.

As organizations expand globally, they need to make a variety of business-critical applications – including extranet portals, sales order processing, supply chain manage-ment, product lifecycle management, customer relation-ship management, VPNs, and voice over IP – available to employees, business partners and customers throughout the world. These organizations must also be sensitive to the economic pressures driving IT consolidation and cen-tralization initiatives.

Though global delivery of enterprise applications pro-vides remote users with essential business capabilities, poor application performance can quickly turn the user experience into a costly, productivity-sapping exercise. Business applications must perform quickly, securely, and reliably every time. If they don’t, application use and adoption will suffer, threatening not just the benefits linked to the applications, but the overall success of the business, itself.

Key Challenges in Delivering Applications

When delivering applications via the Internet to their global user communities, businesses face significant chal-lenges, such as poor performance due to high latency, spotty application availability caused by high packet loss, and inadequate application scalability to deal with growing user bases and spiky peak usage. Each of these problems severely undermines the application’s effectiveness and the company’s return on investment.

The performance issues associated with the Inter-net are not new. They are, however, having more of an

impact because of business trends, such as globalization. Because of its lower cost, quick time to deploy, and expan-sive reach, IT organizations are increasingly turning to the Internet to support their globalization efforts. At the same time, chatty protocols like HTTP and XML, are introducing additional performance issues.

Akamai’s Application Performance Solutions

Today, more than 2,500 businesses trust Akamai to distribute and accelerate their content, applications, and business processes. Akamai’s Application Performance Solutions (APS) are a portfolio of fully managed services that are designed to accelerate performance and improve reliability of any application delivered over the Internet – with no significant IT infrastructure investment.

Akamai leverages a highly distributed global footprint of 28,000 servers, ensuring that users are always in close proximity to the Akamai network. Application perfor-mance improvements are gained through several Akamai technologies, including SureRoute route optimization, which ensures that traffic is always sent over the fastest path; the Akamai Protocol, a high performance transport protocol that reduces the number of round trips over the optimized path; caching and compression techniques; and packet loss reduction to maintain high reliability and availability.

APS comprises two solutions – Web Application Accel-erator and IP Application Accelerator. Web Application Accelerator accelerates dynamic, highly-interactive Web applications securely, resulting in greater adoption through improved performance, higher availability, and an enhanced user experience. It ensures consistent application perfor-

transforming the internet into a business-ready

Application Delivery Platform

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mance, regardless of where users are located, and delivers capacity on demand, where and when it’s needed.

IP Application Accelerator, like Web Application Accelera-tor, is built on an optimized architecture for delivering all classes of applications to the extended enterprise, ensur-ing increased application performance and availability for remote wireline and wireless users. Applications delivered by any protocol running over IP, such as SSL, IPSec, UDP and Citrix ICA will benefit from IP Application Accelerator.

Examples of applications delivered by APS include Web-based enterprise applications, Software as a Service (SaaS), Web services, client/server or virtualized versions of enterprise business processes, Voice over Internet Pro-tocol, live chat, productivity, and administration functions, such as secure file transfers. Akamai APS also addresses performance problems associated with the delivery of applications to wireless handheld devices, such as PDAs and smart phones.

Customer BenefitsAkamai’s Application Performance Solutions offer a num-

ber of performance and business benefits:

Superior Application Performance -• Akamai provides unsurpassed application performance by accelerating cacheable and dynamic content.

Superior Application Availability - • Akamai’s provides unique protections to ensure that Inter-net unreliability never gets in the way of end user access to your application. Users are dynamically mapped to edge servers, in real-time, based on considerations including Internet conditions, server proximity, content availability and server load, to ensure that the user are served successfully and with minimal latency.

Rigorous Application Security – • Akamai adheres to stringent security requirements for network, soft-ware, and procedures.

Akamai’s distributed EdgePlatform for application delivery

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Complete Visibility and Flexible Control - •Akamai’s EdgeControl Management Center pro-vides clear and effective tools that allow IT to manage and optimize their extended application infrastructure. In addition to sophisticated histori-cal reporting and real-time monitoring functionality, Akamai also provides alert capabilities that notify IT when origin site problems are detected or user performance may have degraded. In addition, a sophisticated secure Network Operations Com-mand Center continually monitors Akamai’s global distributed network.

About AkamaiAkamai is the leading global service provider for acceler-

ating content and business processes online. Thousands of organizations have formed trusted relationships with Akamai, improving their revenue and reducing costs by maximizing the performance of their online businesses. Leveraging the Akamai EdgePlatform, these organizations gain business advantage today, and have the foundation for the emerging Internet solutions of tomorrow.

Akamai’s EdgeControl Management Center provides real-time reporting

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The ubiquity of the Web simplifies many aspects of deliv-ering application services. However, inherent performance and security inefficiencies of networking protocols nega-tively impact the user experience. Application users need quick response times, improved availability, and applica-tion-layer security for the mission-critical Web applications used today. Web application delivery appliances provide advanced application-level acceleration, availability and security functionality to address these issues while lower-ing the cost of delivering these applications. To deliver true business value, an application delivery appliance must:

make the applications perform faster•

enhance the applications’ security•

improve the applications’ availability •

An application delivery appliance needs to understand the behavior of the applications themselves. Bridging the gap between the business’s applications and the underly-ing network/infrastructure – in essence directing network behavior based upon an application’s behavior – is at the core of an application delivery appliance’s responsibility. This is, of course, impossible if the application’s behavior is opaque to the application delivery appliance. The pro-liferation of new, advanced web application development techniques and associated new protocols and formats (e.g. Web 2.0, Ajax, XML, RSS, wikis. etc.) make understanding applications even more important. Next generation appli-cation delivery appliances need to be application aware.

Comprehensive Application Delivery Functionality

Citrix Systems, the global leader in application delivery infrastructure, provides application delivery appliances that combine application intelligence with a high degree of networking savvy. Citrix NetScaler’s success is based on its ability to integrate multiple acceleration, availability and security functions – at both the networking and the

application layers – into a single, integrated appliance. Only Citrix NetScaler provides all of the following into a single, integrated appliance:

Accelerated Application PerformanceCitrix NetScaler can increase application performance by

5X or more. Citrix® AppCompress™ improves end-user performance and reduces bandwidth consumption by com-pressing Web application data, regardless of whether it is encrypted or unencrypted. Citrix® AppCache® speeds content delivery to users by providing fast, in-memory caching of both static and dynamically generated HTTP application content. In addition, Citrix NetScaler delivers multiple TCP optimizations to improve the performance of the network and server infrastructure.

Intelligent Load Balancing and Content Switching

NetScaler delivers fine-grained direction of client requests to ensure optimal distribution of traffic. In addition to layer 4 information (protocol and port number), traffic manage-ment policies for TCP applications can be based upon any application-layer content. Administrators can granularly segment application traffic based upon information con-tained within an HTTP request body or TCP payload, as well as L4-7 header information such as URL, application data type or cookie. Numerous load balancing algorithms and extensive server health checks provide greater appli-cation availability by ensuring client requests are directed only to correctly behaving servers.

Comprehensive Application SecurityCitrix NetScaler appliances integrate comprehensive

Web application firewall inspections that protect Web applications from application-layer attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, forceful browsing and cookie poisoning. By inspecting both requests and responses at the application layer, Citrix NetScaler blocks attacks that

next Generation

Web Application Delivery Accelerating, securing and ensuring the availability of critical business applications

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are not even detected by traditional network security prod-ucts. Application-layer security prevents theft and leakage of valuable corporate and customer data, and aids in com-plying with regulatory mandates such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).

In addition, Citrix NetScaler appliances include high-performance, built-in defenses against denial of service (DoS) attacks. Content inspection capabilities enable Citrix NetScaler to identify and block application-based attacks such as GET floods and site-scraping attacks. However, not all increases in traffic are DoS attacks. Legitimate surg-es in application traffic that would otherwise overwhelm application servers are automatically handled with configu-rable Surge Protection and Priority Queuing features.

End-user Experience VisibilityCitrix NetScaler integrates Citrix EdgeSight™ for NetScal-

er end-user experience monitoring, providing page-level visibility of Web application performance. EdgeSight for NetScaler transparently instruments HTML pages, moni-toring Web page response time from the application users’ perspective. Response time measurements are combined with detailed statistics on the trip durations of requests and responses across the Web site infrastructure, provid-ing granular visibility into how Web applications are behav-ing from the end user’s perspective.

SSL AccelerationNetScaler integrates hardware-based SSL acceleration to

offload the compute-intensive processes of SSL connec-tion set-up and bulk encryption from Web servers. SSL acceleration reduces CPU utilization on servers, freeing server resources for other tasks. Citrix NetScaler is also available in a FIPS-compliant model that provides secure key generation and storage.

Reduced Deployment and Operating Costs

Citrix NetScaler cuts application delivery costs by reducing the number of required servers and by optimizing usage of available network bandwidth. The intuitive AppExpert Visual Policy Builder enables application delivery policies to be created without the need for coding complex programs or scripts. In addition, NetScaler reduces ongoing operational

expenses by consolidating multiple capabilities such as content compression, content caching, application security and SSL offload into a single integrated solution. For manag-ing multiple NetScaler appliances, the separately available Citrix Command Center provides centralized administration of multiple NetScaler Appliances enabling more efficient system configuration, event management, performance management and SSL certificate administration.

Application TestedCitrix NetScaler has demonstrated improvements that

not only address traditional server availability concerns, but also accelerate application performance. Testing done in conjunction with Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, ESRI and oth-ers have shown tangible benefits. For example, Micro-soft® SharePoint™ experienced up to an 82% reduction in latency for various workflows. SAP’s CRM software suite showed a response time improvement of roughly 80% with CPU utilization dropping nearly 60%. Hyperion demonstrated the performance, interoperability, and ease of deployment of their enterprise applications with Citrix NetScaler appliances; application acceleration of up to 30X has been achieved. ESRI lab test results further dem-onstrate the performance advantages of Citrix NetScaler, with improved throughput of 67% and a 40% reduction in application response times.

SummaryCitrix NetScaler appliances enable the network to bring

direct business value to the business’s application portfo-lio. Citrix NetScaler appliances are purpose-built to speed Web application performance by up to 5 times or more. NetScaler tightly integrates proven protection for Web applications against today’s most dangerous security threats, protecting against the theft and leakage of valu-able corporate and customer information and aiding in compliance with security regulations such as PCI-DSS. NetScaler enables IT organizations to improve resource efficiencies and simplify management while consolidat-ing data center infrastructure. The Citrix NetScaler family of Web application delivery systems is a comprehensive approach to optimizing the delivery of business resources in a fully integrated solution.

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Executive SummaryThe WAN is critical to the business of modern enter-

prises. Despite technological progress such as MPLS and xDSL, WAN bandwidth is a constrained resource and network delay is bound by physical constraints. The need for WAN Optimization Controllers (WOCs) has emerged over the past few years as a way to address application performance hurdles in selected sections of the network. Enterprises today tactically deploy WAN Optimization for networked business applications in sites that show poor end-user experience. Such an opportunistic approach has great advantages, as in a significant number of cases it permits the end-user to gain immediate benefits in sites where the technology is deployed.

But not all networks are compatible with such a tactical approach to application performance. Most Enterprises, especially large ones require WAN Optimization benefits to be delivered globally to consistently serve the quality of experience requirements of their whole distributed work-force. But very few large Enterprises have generalized the deployment of WOCs in their network. There are four key reasons for that:

Scalability - • Many vendors today are able to enhance application performance on 10 or 20 sites. A select few are able to scale WOC benefits to hun-dreds or thousands of sites.

Management costs - • WOCs are high-tech devices that need to be individually configured. Each device needs to be configured with each other and yet, all must reflect local requirements.

Efficiency - • Putting WOCs in selected sites in a large network often does not improve performance. Modern networks have meshed topologies that cannot be properly handled by traditional WOCs.

Investment costs -• Even if the technology tends to be more affordable, WOCs still cost many times more than the cost of a branch router.

The Ipanema Business Network Optimization solution has been specifically designed for strategic deployments of WAN Optimization.

The Ipanema Business Network Optimization solution is scalable.

Ipanema customers typically deploy the solution to cover the need of tens, hundreds and thousands sites.

The Ipanema Business Network Optimization solution shows dramatically low management costs.

Ipanema’s objective based approach that automates con-figuration of devices and leads to management costs that are nearly independent from the number of deployed devices!

WAN Optimization: from a tactical to a strategic approach

All Ipanema’s customers are globally deploying WAN Optimization!!


Tele-managed site (unequipped)

Physical device

Real-time cooperation

One to Any

Branch Offices

Single Data Center

Some to Any

Branch Offices

Multiple Data Centers

Any to Any

Branch Offices w/ inter-site traffic

Multiple Data Centers

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The Ipanema Business Network Optimization solution is efficient on the most complex networks.

The Ipanema solution’s devices communicate together to synchronize the actions taken on WAN traffic. This leads to total control of network performance. All traffic flows are managed to handle both competition at a site, like in a hub and spoke topology, and also between sites, like in modern any-to-any MPLS networks.

The Ipanema Business Network Optimization solution enables innovative and cost effective deployment options.

The Ipanema solution supports progressive deployments of devices and features. For example, companies can obtain visibility and guarantee flow performance over their whole network by only putting devices in datacenters. A first level of acceleration can even be obtained using our patented asymmetrical TCP acceleration, which does not require any device at the branch.

Ipanema Technologies provides a Business Network Optimization solution that automatically manages and maximizes WAN application performance through the combined use of Visibility, Optimization, Acceleration and Network Application Governance features.

The Ipanema Business Network Optimization solution bridges the gap between the enterprise’s business priori-ties and the WAN infrastructure. It is the only automated and scalable solution that adapts to any network condition to deliver the 3 key components of WAN application per-formance management: the ability to control network and application behavior, to guarantee the performance of criti-cal applications under all circumstances and to accelerate business applications everywhere.

The Ipanema solution integrates all these features to address application performance over the entire network.

1. VisibilityThe Ipanema solution’s Visibility features enable full con-

trol over application behavior on the network.

Visibility features allow the end-user to: Automatically discover applications over the entire •network using Layer 3 to 7 Classification,

Accurately measure the performance of all applica-•tion flows in real-time,

Report on usage and performance throughout the •organization,

Combine proactive and reactive helpdesk functions •via bird’s-eye-views of performance (Maps), alarm-ing and drill down.

2. OptimizationThe Optimization features allow the performance guaran-

tee of critical applications under all circumstances.

Optimization features allow the end-user to: Define Application Performance Objectives per •user and enforce them globally over the WAN,

Guarantee the performance of critical applications •under the toughest conditions,

Globally manage meshed flows with Cooperative •Tele-Optimization,

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Dynamically protect interactive applications and •enable voice/video/data convergence with Smart Packet Forwarding,

Automatically select the best access link with •Objective-Based Routing.

3. AccelerationAcceleration features reduce the response time of appli-

cations over the WAN.

Acceleration features allow the end-user to: Accelerate while protecting critical application per-•formance,

Implement both a strategic and tactical approach to •Acceleration,

Unleash TCP acceleration without branch devices •using Tele-Acceleration,

Locally cache and compress data using Multi-Level •Redundancy Elimination,

Transparently Accelerate legacy applications using •Intelligent Protocol Transformation.

4. Network Application GovernanceNetwork Application Governance functions are unique to

Ipanema. Because of its design, Ipanema’s solution allows network managers to concentrate for the first time on high-level activities that make it easy to deliver on the network’s perennial promise to be a strategic business asset.

Network Application Governance features allow the end-user to:

Enable the shift to Application Service Level Agree-•ments,

Rightsize the bandwidth according to the desired •service levels,

Simplify change management, accelerate opera-•tions and minimize TCO,

Allocate responsibilities between the WAN and IT •domains,

Encourage good practices through cost allocation •based on usage and delivered performance.

About Ipanema TechnologiesIpanema Technologies is a provider of advanced appli-

cation traffic management solutions that align the network with business goals.

Network integrators market Ipanema’s Business Net-work Optimization solutions to enterprises, while telecom service providers and network managed service providers offer those as a service.

The Business Network Optimization solution is simple, automated and scalable and allows enterprises to easily control, guarantee and accelerate the performance of their critical applications regardless of network conditions.

It relies on Ipanema’s Autonomic Networking System to provide full Visibility of application flows over the network, global and dynamic Optimization of network resources, transparent application Acceleration, Net-work Application Governance functions and Scalable Service Delivery capabilities. Ipanema’s Business Net-work Optimization solutions are deployed in more than 75 countries.

For more information, visit



s C




Citrix (CRM)



Citrix (MS Office)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sites


Before Optimization

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sites

After Optimization



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sites

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sites

After Optimization



Critical app. users satisfaction

Overall users satisfaction



Link delay < 50 ms during 99% of the time

Link loss < 1% during 99% of the time

AQS > 9 during 99% of the time

MOS > 4 during 99% of the time

Application quality indicators

Exhaustive, per flow measurement of real traffic

Application flow quality metrics


Application performance SLAs

Link quality metrics

Active, per link testing (PING, SAA …)

Link performance SLAs

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The problem of congestion on wide area networks (WAN) that service users in remote and branch offic-es is a growing one with ever more bandwidth hungry applications, for example voice and video, competing for the available bandwidth resource.

Until now, the problem of identifying and managing the causes of congestion has been tackled using specialized network appliances, also known as “WAN traffic optimiza-tion” (WTO) appliances. The issue with these is that they are not economical or easily manageable to suit the major-ity of small remote office and branch office locations.

NetPriva has developed a totally new software based solution approach to the problem of WAN con-gestion which involves no appliance equipment, and is economical for even the smallest of offices.

The NetPriva solution suits enterprises for their enter-prise WAN, network service providers for their customers, and Internet portals that service business (MSPs) and other users that depend on network responsiveness.

Competition for bandwidthApplications that business depends on such as SAP, Cit-

rix, PeopleSoftand others are time sensitive in that they must be delivered to users with consistent response times for them to use and rely upon them. Other time sensitive examples include voice or video traffic where even a slight disruption results in an unacceptable user experience, and defeats the purpose of using the wide area network to streamline operations or reduce costs.

Non time sensitive business application examples include Emails, file transfers or downloads or synchronization.

Without rules both time and non time sensitive traffic compete for the available bandwidth on a “first come, first served” basis and the experience is that users of time

sensitive applications lose productivity, complain of poor response, and add to help desk queues.

Current solution approachesTypical network performance “degradation” type solu-

tion approaches have focused on network appliances, also known as WAN traffic optimization (WTO) appliances, including:

Appliances that monitor and report network traffic •statistics. This is a reactive solution approach.

Appliances that provide real time network traffic •monitoring and Quality of Service (QoS) manage-ment installed at points in the network where major traffic congestion occurs.This is a proac-tive approach but not economical for smaller remote and branch offices.

Appliances that accelerate particular type(s) of traffic. •While these can be said to be proactive, they only work for some types of traffic. They may not assist interactive business transaction traffic (there is little if any data to compress and little if any duplication in such data). Furthermore, at times of congestion if there is no effective QoS control in place, the target type(s) of data may not be accel-erated in actual practice.

The expense of these appliances also means they tend to be limited to use at data centre locations or on high speed links. Users in smaller remote offices miss out.

Multi function appliances. •Vendors are developing appliances also known as the “branch office box” (BOB) that provide a range of functions some of which may be surplus and it is still an appliance with cost issues

Software at the endpoint -

When Every Second Counts.. Guaranteeing application performance… through visibility and control at the end point…

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Software “clients” for user PCs to reduce the data •on slow network links. This is aimed at individual users “on the road”. These are limited “point solutions” for some wide area network users. These solutions are again not effective at times of network congestion.

New Software Solution PlatformNetPriva has developed new generation software plat-

form for cost effective wide area network performance management for all size branch offices in an enterprise.

It provides monitoring/visibility and proactive policy •based network traffic control (QoS).

It automatically classifies all types of traffic, includ-•ing custom applications and even encrypted data.

It has been designed to be extensible to integrate •with or complement traffic acceleration methods.

An appliance is not required as the software utilizes •an existing MS Routing, ICS or VPN server.

For additional ease of use and visibility, the software •can also use the capacity of user PCs in remote or branch office locations.

Full visibility, management and QoS control can be had by simply installing NetPriva software on an existing “gateway” device such as a Microsoft ICS server or a VPN server.

and managed through a web browser or PC based Console. It can be remotely installed and managed as part of a standard operating environment (SOE) on user PCs anywhere 24x7.

Multiple locations, users, and traffic policies are man-aged via the web portal. Policy design and deployment is quick and easy, making for a cost effective solution for even the smallest remote or branch offices.

The NetPriva software platform provides a comprehen-sive range of filtering, monitoring, and shaping capabilities thatprovide visibility and control to match or exceed that of many of the WAN traffic optimization appliances.

NetPriva’s software solution achieves its highest level of visibility and control through unique peer-to-peer network management, and also eliminates the “man-in the middle” issues that appliances typically suffer from through not being able to positively or eco-nomically identify compressed or encrypted traffic.

NetPriva software functionality

Network layer 3 and 4 visibility and shapingWhen deployed at the edge of the network, where the

LAN links to the WAN, the NetPriva software filters and provides monitoring and shaping control by IP address, Port number, Protocol, URL, and Citrix ICA tag.

Network layer 7++ visibility and shapingWhen deployed at network end points (servers or user

PCs) the NetPriva software provides filtering to monitor and shape traffic at the application layer, i.e. Layer 7 in addition to Layers 3 and 4 as described above.

NetPriva terms this capability Layer 7++ on the basis of the additional facility to monitor and shape by application executable name, and user login as well as the capability to classify any traffic including custom applications and encrypted traffic.

The basis of NetPriva’s Layer 7++ functionality lies in the fact that the NetPriva software does its work at the very end point of the network where network traffic originates and terminates, that is inside the user’s PC. There, the Net-Priva software can absolutely determine the identity of any application and user without the limitations and resource usage issues of interpreting matching data patterns as is the case with deep packet inspection techniques.

In addition, NetPriva’s Layer 7++ functionality includes the identification of encrypted traffic which is a growth area in traffic. And its ability to identify any traffic includes the grow-ing amount and variety of peer to peer traffic much of which may be unsanctioned from a business point of view. Peer to peer traffic, like any traffic, can be identified even if it is masquerading as some form of legitimate traffic.

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DSCP Packet marking / colouringThe NetPriva agent based software is able to mark or

colour traffic by DiffServ code point according to the policy for each application. This can be used to “groom” par-ticular traffic from the user’s desktop for routing purposes such as for MPLS Class of Service. This has the potential to extend the MPLS Class of Service model right to the end points of the network.

Analysis and reportingNetPriva holds granular network statistics at the level of per

second application flow details in an SQL data base format. Data may be retained on line according to resource limitations or retention policies. Data schema details are provided for SQL queries and data base extracts and reporting.


End Point Direct (“EPDirect”):Client side software for true endpoint control.

Edge Virtual Gateway (“EdgeVG”): Branch office server software for full visibility, manage-

ment and control (QoS) through a branch office “gateway” server.

Product / Characteristic EdgeVG Application Software (Windows) EP Direct End Point (Windows)Typical location(s) Smaller office network edge points Smaller office network end points

ConfigurationShared server / “gateway” PC, such as Windows ICS/RAS, VPN connected to LAN/WAN

End Point User Windows PCs on LAN

Network type device Layer 3 routing host (Windows RAS or ICS) End Point User Windows PCs on LANConnectivity Ethernet Ethernet Key functions:

Traffic monitoring / shapingReal time visibility and

trouble shootingStatistics retention,analysis, capacity planningWAN Optimization






TCP Flow Optimization V4.4b

Components:QOS EngineCollectorManagement Console

Local “always on” PC or server Local “always on” PC or server(or remote server) Local or remote PC/Server

On each end point PC – user PC Local “always on” PC or server (or remote server) Local or remote PC/Server

Policy settings:PriorityMin. Max. BandwidthLayer 3, 4Layer 7++ automationCitrix ICA Packet marking(Diffserv)Drop packet conditionsShape or monitor onlyStatistics retention


With EPDirect ClientsYYYYY


Application / user identification

Layers 3 and 4 (IP address, port), URL or URL substring via DPI, Citrix ICA priory tag

Layers 3 and 4 (IP address, port), URL or URL substring,user, automatic Layer 7++ traffic identification for all applications

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To enhance the efficiency levels required for multination-al enterprises to successfully face competitive challenges, Orange Business Services offers Business Acceleration - a full suite of services that brings focus, control and greater speed to those applications that are central to consistent delivery of quality services, wherever your business oper-ates around the globe. You gain world-class management of your end-to-end communications and application envi-ronment along with a service level agreement that ensures the performance of your business.

we can get your business movingBusiness Acceleration provides insights and tools to

enhance your applications’ visibility, management and performance. Our approach aligns your business and IT so everything is working optimally. We help you:

analyze:• gain visibility into your communications infra-structure and business-criti-cal applications

manage:• ensure the efficient and consistent operation of your infrastructure and appli-cation environment

optimize: • get the most of your infrastructure and improve the performance of your business

analyzeBusiness Acceleration begins by helping you gain end-to-

end visibility into your communications infrastructure and business-critical applications. First, we show you what’s

running on your network. We conduct assessments of your underlying infrastructure, applications and processes. Then our consultants help you understand the impact of your usage patterns on the performance levels of your applications.

our Business Acceleration methodology

We understand information communications and tech-nology. We know what drives change in IT organizations: mergers and divestments, new product releases, a variety of end-user profiles, cost-reduction initiatives, changing application requirements, new technologies and evolving business strategies. Working with you, we define a busi-ness case, quick wins and a transition plan to meet your service assurance expectations, network optimization, application performance and strategic business objectives. Our recommendations and guidance promote a better end-user experience as well as a measurable return on investment.

be competitive we help you perform at peak performance

analyzebenchmark and align IT transactions to business •priorities

model your end-to-end environment in order to •study various change scenarios

validate application and infrastructure perfor-•mance individually and holistically

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manageWith Business Acceleration your infrastructure and appli-

cation environment runs efficiently and harmoniously. You gain control when you have the ability to proactively man-age performance and network resources.

We allocate bandwidth according to your business pri-orities and implement policies governing your applications globally. Ongoing monitoring and alerts ensure quality of service is maintained by our three major service centers to ensure that end-user expectations are met or exceeded.

consistent qualityOur service management improves the operational effi-

ciency of your application environment through specialized personal support and delivers global operational monitor-ing, detailed analysis and monthly reporting. To guarantee the best possible service, we create an application-based service level agreement so you get the performance you need. Covering all critical applications, the service level agreement directly addresses your performance require-ments on response times and availability.

optimizeThe third phase of Business Acceleration approaches

optimization from two angles – application and infrastruc-ture. Leveraging techniques such as caching, compression and acceleration, we make your applications perform as efficiently as possible. This means lower response times and increased availability so your business can operate at full speed. Through consolidation, we simplify your infrastructure to reduce your operational costs and ease ongoing management. You gain more control of your environment while achieving consistently high service lev-els. We also protect your infrastructure from attacks and threats to ensure resiliency and availability. With server, storage and application management services, you can

leave the day-to-day administration to us and focus your resources on growing your business.

IT infrastructure optimization

the resultBusiness Acceleration gives you an overall improvement

in application experience backed by an application-level ser-vice level agreement. It maximizes your existing investment in applications and infrastructure, ensuring that employees are more productive and business goals are met.

why Orange Business Services?As a global integrated operator, we can bring your busi-

ness to a new level of performance. We can improve the visibility, management and performance of your applica-tions with single-source convenience, no matter where your business takes you.

managedashboards for ongoing performance improve-•ments through QoS and web traffic prioritization

service level management including monitoring, •reporting and real-time fault management for improved control application SLAs

optimizecompression to maximize bandwidth use and •throughput

caching at appropriate regional locations to mini-•mize application latency

consolidation of servers, applications and net-•work equipment

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Packet Design Solutions:Packet Design’s IP routing and traffic analysis solu-

tions empower network management best practices in the world’s largest and most critical enterprise, Service Provider and Government OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, EIGRP and RFC2547bis MPLS VPN networks, enabling network man-agers to maximize network assets, streamline network operations, and increase application and service up-time.

Route Explorer: Industry-Leading Route Analytics Solution

Optimize IP Networks with Route Explorer

Gain visibility into the root cause of a signification •percentage of application performance problems.

Prevent costly misconfigurations•

Ensure network resiliency•

Increase IT’s accuracy, confidence and responsiveness•

Speed troubleshooting of the hardest IP problems•

Empower routing operations best practices•

Complement change control processes with real-•time validation of routing behavior

Deployed in the world’s largest IP networks

250+ of the world’s largest enterprises, service provid-ers, government and military agencies and educational institutions use Packet Design’s route analytics technology to optimize their IP networks

Overview of Route ExplorerRoute Explorer works by passively monitoring the rout-

ing protocol exchanges (e.g. OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS, BGP, RFC2547bis MPLS VPNs) between routers on the net-work, then computing a real-time, network wide topology that can be visualized, analyzed and serve as the basis for actionable alerts and reports. This approach provides the most accurate, real-time view of how the network is directing traffic. Unstable routes and other anomalies – undetectable by SNMP-based management tools because they are not device-specific problems – are immediately visible. As the network-wide topology is monitored and updated, Route Explorer records every routing event in a local data store. An animated historical playback feature lets the operator diagnose inconsistent and hard-to-detect problems by “rewinding” the network to a previous point in time. Histograms displaying past routing activity allow the network engineer to quickly go back to the time when a specific problem occurred, while letting them step through individual routing events to discover the root cause of the problem. Engineers can model failure scenarios and rout-ing metric changes on the as-running network topology. Traps and alerts allow integration with existing network management solutions. Route Explorer appears to the network simply as another router, though it forwards no traffic and is neither a bottleneck or failure point. Since it works by monitoring the routing control plane, it does not poll any devices and adds no overhead to the network. A single appliance can support any size IP network, no mat-ter how large or highly subdivided into separate areas.


Routing and Traffic Analysis

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Traffic Explorer: Network-Wide, Integrated Traffic and Route Analysis and Modeling Solution

Optimize IP Networks with Traffic Explorer

Monitor critical traffic dynamics across all IP •network links

Operational planning and modeling based on real-•time, network-wide routing and traffic intelligence

IGP and BGP-aware peering and transit analysis•

Visualize impact of routing failures/changes on traffic•

Departmental traffic usage and accounting•

Network-wide capacity planning•

Enhance change control processes with real-time •validation of routing and traffic behavior

Traffic Explorer Architecture: Traffic Explorer consists of three components:

• Flow Recorders: Collect Netflow information gath-ered from key traffic source points and summarize traffic flows based on routable network addresses received from Route Explorer

• Flow Analyzer: Aggregates summarized flow information from Flow Recorders, and calculates traffic distribution and link utilization across all routes and links on the network. Stores replayable traffic history

• Modeling Engine: Provides a full suite of monitor-ing, alerting, analysis, and modeling capabilities

Traffic Explorer ApplicationsData Center Migration Simulation and Analysis: Traffic Explorer ensures application performance by increasing the accuracy of network planning when moving server clusters between data cen-

Route Reflector




AS 3 (OSPF) AS 2 (IS-IS)



Route Explorer User IGP Routing Adjacencies

BGP Routing Adjacencies


Route Explorer passively listens to routing protocol exchanges to provide visibility into network-wide routing across Autonomous Systems, areas, and protocols.

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ters by simulating and analyzing precisely how traf-fic patterns will change across the entire network and identifying resulting congestion hot spots.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Traffic Explorer increase can simulate link failure scenarios and analyze continuity of secondary routes and utiliza-tion of secondary and network-wide links

Forensic Troubleshooting: Traffic Explorer increases application performance by speeding troubleshooting with a complete routing and traffic forensic history.

Overview of Traffic ExplorerTraffic Explorer is the first solution to combine real-time,

integrated routing and traffic monitoring and analysis, with “what-if” modeliing capabilities. Unlike previous traffic analysis tools that only provide localized, link by link traffic visibility, Traffic Explorer’s knowledge of IP routing enables visibility into network-wide routing and traffic behavior. Powerful “what-if” modeling capabilities empower net-

work managers with new options for optimizing network service delivery.

Traffic Explorer delivers the industry’s only integrated analysis of network-wide routing and traffic dynamics. Standard reports and threshold-based alerts help engi-neers track significant routing and utilization changes in the network. An interactive topology map and deep, drill-down tabular views allow engineers to quickly per-form root cause analysis of important network changes, including the routed path for any flow, network-wide traffic impact of any routing changes or failures, and the number of flows and hops affected. This information helps opera-tors prioritize their response to those situations with the greatest impact on services.

Traffic Explorer provides extensive “what-if” planning features to enhance ongoing network operations best practices. Traffic Explorer lets engineers model changes on the “as running” network, using the actual routed topology and traffic loads. Engineers can simulate a broad range of changes, such as adding or failing routers, interfaces and peerings; moving or changing prefixes; and

adjusting IGP metrics, BGP poli-cy configurations, link capacities or traffic loads. Simulating the affect of these changes on the actual network results in faster, more accurate network opera-tions and optimal use of existing assets, leading to reduced cap-ital and operational costs and enhance service delivery. Email:

Traffic Explorer User


Data Center

Netflow Data

Netflow Data

Flow 1 Src Dest . . . . . .

Flow 1 Src Dest . . . Flow 2 Src Dest . . .

Collects Netflow data exported from routers at key traffic sources (e.g. data center(s), internet •gateways, WAN links)

Computes traffic flows across network topology using routing data from Route Explorer •

Displays, reports and enables modeling based on actual network-wide routing and traffic data •

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IntroductionIT administrators today are faced with an application

landscape that has evolved in a dramatic fashion. End-user applications that are being installed on the network have been designed specifically to act evasively, avoiding network detection and associated security. Even well-meaning corporate applications utilize similar tactics to accelerate deployment, facilitate wide spread access and minimize disruption.

IT administrators know that there are applications on their network that their network security infrastructure cannot identify, and that without application visibility it is not possible to effectively control traffic on the network. The ramifications resulting from this inability to identify and control the applications traversing the network range from benign to serious. End-user productivity, bandwidth consumption, PC performance degradation due to non-work related processing are just a few of the relatively benign ramifications that administrators face. The more threatening ramifications include regulatory compliance, information leakage, and hackers looking for financial gain through the theft of personal information, passwords and corporate information.

IT administrators are managing as best they can with a patchwork of existing technologies. What’s needed is a fresh approach to the firewall, one that takes an applica-tion-centric approach to traffic classification and is capable of bringing policy-based application control back to the network security team.

A Fresh Approach to Network Security

In order to keep pace with the evolving application land-scape, administrators are coming to the stark realization that only a fresh approach will enable them to accurately identify and therefore control all application traffic flowing

in and out of the network. Palo Alto Networks is taking a new approach to build a solution for today’s network security needs:

The solution starts with network traffic classifica-•tion that identifies the actual application irrespective of port, protocol, or evasive tactic. All traffic on all ports is classified in this way, providing application identification as a comprehensive visibility founda-tion for all security functions to leverage.

Policy-based decryption, identification and control of •SSL traffic provides visibility into one of the largest blind spots on the network today. The policy con-trols enable gradual introduction of SSL decryption as well as granular enforcement of corporate policy.

Graphical visualization and policy control of applica-•tion usage. Simple and intuitive visualization tools provide visibility into the traffic currently on the network, helping to set appropriate application use policy. Application policy control includes allowing, blocking, controlling file transfers, marking for QoS, and inspecting traffic for viruses, spyware, and vul-nerability exploits.

Real-time protection from threats embedded in •applications allows network-based threat prevention without impact to user experience. Rather than using multiple threat prevention devices that often proxy file transfers to look for viruses and spyware, Palo Alto Networks utilizes a single, hardware accel-erated prevention engine supported by a common signature format to detect a wide range of malware and threats.

Rounding out this fresh approach is a purpose-built •high speed platform that makes it possible to pro-vide visibility and control for all applications on all ports. The platform utilizes different processing technologies, applied to specific functions, comple-

Next Generation Firewalls providing visibility and control of users and applications

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mented by large amounts of RAM to maintain multi-gigabit throughput and low latency even under load with all functions turned on.

Palo Alto Networks PA-4000 Series Palo Alto Networks is taking a fresh approach to deliver a

next-generation firewall that classifies traffic from an appli-cation-centric perspective, thereby enabling organizations to accurately identify and control applications flowing in and out of the network. The Palo Alto Networks PA-4000 Series brings new levels of application visibility, control and protection to the enterprise firewall market. Based upon a new traffic classification technology called App-ID™, the PA-4000 Series can accurately identify which applications are flowing across the network, irrespective of protocol, port, SSL encryption or evasive tactic employed. Armed with this in-depth knowledge, security administrators can regain control of their networks at the gateway to achieve the following business benefits:

Mitigate risk through policy-based application usage •control and threat detection

Enable growth by embracing web-based applica-•tions in a controlled and secure manner

Facilitate efficiency by minimizing the amount of •manpower associated with monitoring desktops and removing unwanted applications

The PA-4000 Series is a purpose-built, high performance platform with dedicated processing for management, traffic classification and threat mitigation, allowing it to meet the performance demands of protecting a high speed network. The result is a solution that can help mitigate today’s emerging secu-rity risks through tighter control of the applica-tion traffic traversing the network.

Application IdentificationAt the heart of the PA-4000 Series is an application-

centric classification technology called App-ID. Unlike traditional security approaches that rely solely on protocol and port, App-ID is an industry first, using up to four traf-fic classification techniques to analyze the actual session data and identify the application—even those applications that use random ports, tunnel inside and emulate other applications, or use SSL encryption. With the resultant vis-ibility into the actual identity of the application, customers can deploy policy-based application usage control for both inbound and outbound network traffic. The four traffic classification mechanisms in App-ID are:

Application signatures: • application context-aware pattern matching designed to look for the unique properties and information exchanges of applica-tions to correctly identify them, regardless of the protocol and port being used.

Application decoding:• a powerful engine that continuously decodes application traffic to identify the more evasive applications as well as create the foundation for accurate threat prevention.

SSL decryption: • decrypts outbound SSL traffic using a forward SSL proxy to identify and control the traffic inside before re-encrypting it to its desti-nation.

Protocol/port: • helps narrow the application iden-tification process, but is primarily used to control which ports applications are allowed to use.

Figure 1: App-ID uses four traffic classification techniques to accurately identify the application, irrespective of port or protocol.

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The application-centric nature of App-ID means that it can not only identify and control traditional applications like HTTP, FTP, SNMP, but it can also accurately delineate specific instances of IM (AIM, Yahoo!IM, Meeboo, etc), Webmail (Yahoo!Mail, gmail, Hotmail, etc), peer2peer (Bit-torrent, emule, Neonet, etc), and other applications com-monly found on enterprise networks. Once the application is identified and decoded using App-ID, the traffic can be more tightly controlled through security policies.

User Visibility Through transparent integration with Microsoft’s Active

Directory (AD), both ACC and App-Scope will display who is using the application based on their identity from Active Directory, as well as their IP address. Positive identification of which actual user is using specific applications is key to providing visibility into application usage on the network and subsequently being able to create an appropriate secu-rity policy that is based on actual users and user groups. In addition to being displayed in ACC and App-Scope, user identity is also accessible as part of the policy editor, log-ging and reporting giving administrators a consistent view of network activity.

Policy and Configuration ControlWith increased visibility comes the ability to deploy

policies for more granular control over traffic traversing the network. ACC allows a security team to analyze the data collected and make informed, security policy decisions which can then be implemented using the intuitive man-agement interface. From the familiar rule-base editor, an application usage control policy can be created, reviewed and deployed. Administrators can pick and choose from over 500 applications, dynamically updated and listed by their commonly used names. Alternatively, application control can be implemented based on the 16 different application categories, which are dynamically updated as new applications are added the Palo Alto Networks update service.

ConclusionThe Palo Alto Networks PA-4000 Series brings welcome

relief to security teams struggling to gain control of, and protect the network from new threats borne by the next-generation of applications, both personal and business, that are specifically designed to evade today’s port-based security offerings. With its’ fresh from-the-ground-up approach, the Palo Alto Networks PA-4000 Series accu-rately identifies applications irrespective of the protocol or port that they may use for communications. Once accurately identified, appropriate security policies can be implemented to enforce application usage rights and any traffic that is ultimately allowed onto the network can be inspected more completely for all manner of malware.

Palo Alto Networks 2130 Gold Street Alviso, CA 95002 408.786.0001

Copyright 2007, Palo Alto Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Palo Alto Networks, the Palo Alto Networks Logo, PAN-OS, FlashMatch, App-ID and Panorama are trademarks of Palo Alto Networks, Inc. in the United States. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Palo Alto Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document or for any obligation to update information in this document. Palo Alto Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.

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Technology has enabled businesses to become highly distributed. Headquarters isn’t where all of the action is. With about two-thirds of the workforce operating in loca-tions other than HQ, and an estimated 450 million mobile workers1 around the world, businesses now operate every-where all the time.

The ability to take advantage of business opportunities, people and resources in previously distant markets has cre-ated a vast new set of challenges that when taken together, present a difficult dilemma to a CEO or CIO: Continue to deliver acceptable IT services by throwing money, band-width and infrastructure at the problem? Or, save money by consolidating at the expense of the end users? Or use IT to drive new business initiatives? Is it possible to do both? How does a business in today’s global marketplace bring the world closer?

This paper will explore the business imperatives that are driving enterprise IT design today, and then presents five key principles CIOs are using to redesign business infra-structure at companies of all sizes. Finally, this paper dis-cusses the importance of wide-area data services (WDS) solutions and explains how they can help to cohesively tie together distributed and highly mobile organizations.

The Business ImperativeBefore considering an information technology strategy for

a globalized world, it is valuable to understand the funda-mental trends that are pushing businesses to redesign their operations around a small set of broad-based imperatives.

Flexibility. 1. Businesses that operate across tradi-tional borders must be able to respond to opportuni-ties and challenges faster than ever before. In order to compete, a business has to be faster to deliver

1 IDC, Worldwide Mobile Worker Population 2005-2009 Forecast and Analysis

a product or service as good, or better, than that of potentially any other company in the world.

Simplicity. 2. Less has always been more for enter-prises, as an increase in technology has typically led to increased complexity. While per unit costs of technology are always decreasing, in aggregate companies see an increase in cost. Smart CIOs are investing in technologies like continuous data pro-tection, virtualization, and wireless connectivity to help IT slim down its footprint while increasing their business’s competitive advantages. As a result, the IT team is typically in a difficult position, assessing where to try and cut costs while still moving for-ward with a plan to continually enhance IT services to the business.

Security.3. With the growing importance of digital applications and data, the sources of threats to enterprise data have multiplied dramatically. While businesses do everything that they can to stop threats in the first place, they still must be prepared to recover from threats as quickly as possible.

Continuity. 4. As businesses have expanded, the need for anytime, anywhere application access has become a requirement. At the same time, “follow the sun” (global 24/7) operations have shrinking maintenance windows and a need for applications to be running at all times. Delay or loss of data for any reason – system failure, natural disasters – has a domino-like effect across the entire organization, at any time of the day or night.

Redefining the Enterprise Workplace

Historically, decision-making power was concentrated in the headquarters. As a result IT infrastructure development

the cio’s new guide to design of global it infrastructure:

Five Principles Driving Radical Redesign

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mostly focused on that location. Data centers were rou-tinely housed as close to headquarters as possible, where most employees worked, and “remote” workers were often relegated to small, disconnected islands of branch offices. Typically these were sales representatives who only needed to receive information from headquarters. The major deci-sions – including the tools and data to make those decisions – were essentially in one place.

Mobile workers were almost an anomaly – those who were traveling among offices were simply out of touch, with no ability to access applications and data, and few decision making requirements while they were on the road.

Today’s enterprise looks significantly different. Location – headquarters, branch office, home office, or no office – simply doesn’t matter anymore. While data lives in a data center, it can be used by anyone everywhere. Decision-making has become significantly more decentralized, with mobile workers and branch office employees making critical decisions on a regular basis. The cross functional nature of the distributed workforce significantly changes how a busi-ness needs to resource and support both the branch office and the mobile worker.

Many organizations have made a 180-degree change in how they view employees who work outside of headquar-ters: before decisions were handed down to them and now remote workers’ decisions help define the path of the organization, making it impossible for the CIO to develop an IT strategy without accounting for a distributed workforce – and a mobile one as well. In fact, a recent Forrester survey notes that 80% of businesses are trying to set a strategy and policies for mobility in their organizations this year.

With such a pressing need for redesigning IT strategies to encompass global, follow-the-sun business practices, how does the CIO begin to sketch out the path forward?

The Principles of the Global Workforce

There are five key principles that CIOs must take into account when thinking about how business is changing today.

Distance doesn’t matter. 1. Employees now expect to be able to collaborate in real-time with any co-worker. They expect to have access to whatever data or services the company offers no matter where they happen to be. IT must be an enabler for the way business needs to operate. Waiting 20 min-utes for a file to be sent between workers – even if they are across the world from each other – is no longer acceptable for the employee or for the cus-tomer project that they are working on.

Business never stops.2. With a globalized work-force – and a rapidly globalizing customer base – businesses cannot afford their operations to be stopped for even a few minutes. Issues like hur-ricanes or a flu pandemic might force workers to operate from home for an unspecified period of time. Compromised data centers may require enter-prise to rapidly switch operations to secondary loca-tions with no loss in information.

Applications and data must be available every-3. where but be all in one place. Consolidating data makes it easier to track, protect, and restore. CIOs are demanding that data be brought back from remote offices. At the same time, businesses recognize that the data and applications were “out there” for a reason – that’s where they needed to be accessed. So while consolidation is an important strategy for data protection and cost control, it can negatively impact business operations unless LAN-like performance can be maintained everywhere.

Knowledge must be harnessed – and data must 4. be managed. Consolidation goes a long way toward eliminating the ‘islands’ of storage and data that evolve over time. But with organizations being required to react quickly in the face of change, or move in order to take advantage of an opportunity, flexibility in moving data and applications is essen-tial. CIOs must be able to quickly move massive amounts of data, and potentially set up application infrastructure in remote locations overnight. New offices and merged/acquired businesses must

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quickly be absorbed into the fabric of the existing organization by providing them immediate access to new systems and data.

There are no second-class enterprise citizens. The 5. days of the “important” people working at corpo-rate HQ are rapidly fading. Employees everywhere are now empowered to make important decisions. CIOs and IT managers may no longer prioritize workers based on their geographic location. Every member of the enterprise needs to have access to the same applications, at the same level of applica-tion performance.

Wide-area data services: bringing the distributed enterprise closer

No single technology can allow a CIO to accomplish these large goals for an enterprise, regardless of size. Applica-tions, storage, networking, and security will all play into the mix. But no matter which of these technologies – and which vendors – are chosen, one thing remains certain: a wide-area data services (WDS) solution is the fabric that can tie all of these elements together.

WDS solutions combine the benefits of WAN optimization and application acceleration, to allow workers anywhere to feel as if the files, applications, and data they need are always local. The impacts of WDS are tangible, across a range of different IT projects. WDS solutions allow indi-viduals to collaborate more easily; IT to complete tasks like backup and consolidation more quickly and effectively; virtu-alized infrastructures to live anywhere and migrate at faster speeds than ever before.

WDS solutions are architected – and should be evalu-ated - with three characteristics in mind: Speed, Scale and Simplicity.

Moreover, once IT implements a WDS fabric, the way that they implement services can be dramatically simplified. What if distance were no longer an issue? How would that change the way document management systems, ERP sys-tems, and backup systems are architected? The possibilities are endless. But in order to fully take advantage of WDS in the enterprise, CIOs must choose a solution that can reach

out to the three key areas of the business: the branch office, the mobile worker, and the data center.

Branch Office1.

WDS solutions have typically been known for accel-erating the branch office Branch office acceleration forms the basis of a WDS fabric. With an effective branch WDS solution, CIOs can engage in meaning-ful consolidation projects that are de-risked by the fact that application performance will still be main-tained. Employees who work in branch offices can more effectively share data with colleagues across the organization, without significant investment in bandwidth or infrastructure.

Mobile Worker2.

CIOs today have a strong focus on the mobile worker. It’s those executives, engineers, and sales representatives that are on the move who are often responsible for bringing in new revenue and dealing with the customer in times of crisis. As such, it’s essential that these employees have fast access to any and all of the corporate resources that are avail-able to employees at the office.

WDS solutions have a primary role in ensuring that users everywhere can access applications with LAN-like performance even if they are accessing data from low-bandwidth Wi-Fi connections. The introduction of a mobile user use case adds a num-ber of requirements for any proposed WDS solu-tion: Does the mobile solution provide acceleration of the same level to mobile workers as to branch offices? Is the WDS solution architected so that the Mobile accelerator connects directly to the existing appliance solution? Can the appliances support potentially thousands of mobile workers effective-ly? Does the mobile software use the same code base and functionality as the appliance solution?

IT-empowered mobile workers can also enable new and innovative work arrangements within an organi-zation. For example, businesses that are hoping to expand to a new region often want to hire profes-sionals in that region. Once in place, the workers can “source” work from other offices, collaborating

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in real-time with colleagues on projects in other parts of the world.

Data Center3.

The idea of application acceleration has a special place in the data center. Of course it must tie in to what is happening in the branch office, but a dif-ferent set of challenges await with the sometimes massive amount of data that needs to be managed among data centers.

Massive backup and replication jobs are now a regular occurrence. Datacenter migration for stor-age and applications, moving virtual images of serv-ers, and snapshots are becoming essential. As a result, many companies are regularly trying to move terabytes each day, in a window that is continually shrinking to support 24x7 operations.

These requirements in themselves require a WDS solution that can scale up to handle massive data transfers, and also be clustered to handle the simultaneous load of inter datacenter transfers as well as datacenter-to-branch transfers. Large-scale solutions between datacenters need to be able to handle different bandwidth conditions as well: high bandwidth connections; high latency between DR

centers. These conditions, plus those encountered in a branch office environment, and those of a mobile user comprise a wide set of conditions that require an intelligent, adaptable WDS solution.

ConclusionThe way that businesses operate is always changing.

CIOs must be prepared to adapt their IT infrastructure in a way that supports distributed employees, anytime any-where collaboration, and the need for business continuity in times of change or disaster. Using WDS solutions, CIOs now have a technology that can tie together their distrib-uted enterprises. Mobile and branch office workers can have the same level of application performance as users at headquarters. Data centers are more protected, using WDS to respond faster in the event of disaster. Infrastructure can be consolidated without performance loss to far-off loca-tions, yet the flexibility to move data and applications can be retained, often providing faster response than ever before.

With WDS, CIOs now have a way to bring their distributed enterprise closer together.

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Virtual Enterprise WAN emulation solutions for the entire application development lifecycle.

Shunra Virtual Enterprise Desktop Now you can quickly test your applications to ensure production network readiness. Simulate any wide area network link to test applications under a variety of cur-rent and potential network conditions – directly from the desktop. A windows-based product, Shunra Virtual Enterprise (VE) Desktop is a must have tool for applica-tion developers and QA teams.

Shunra Virtual Enterprise SuiteShunra Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a highly robust, com- prehensive network emulation solution that creates a virtual network environment in your performance and pre-deployment network lab. It delivers a powerful and accurate way to model complex network topolo-gies and test the performance of your applications and network equipment under a wide variety of network impairments – exactly as if they were running in a real production environment. With this tool you can uncover and resolve production related problems – before rollout. Use production network behavior recorded with Shunra VE Network Catcher to capture real world testing condi-tions in the lab.

Learn more at

Go to for a free 30-day trial

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Virtual Enterprise Desktop Professional v4.0Now it’s easier than ever for multi-user enterprise network engineers and developers to test applications under a variety of current and potential network conditions—directly from the desktop.

Shunra Virtual Enterprise (VE) Desktop Professional offers a methodology that integrates test plans, including business processes and network scenario files. The enhanced VE Desktop Server enables the administrator to plan, prepare, manage and distribute tests and reports. Additionally, it allows end-users to conduct tests based on these plans, experience the impact of impairments on transaction times, and upload test results to the VE Desktop Server.

Enhanced Functionality for Administrators

Silent Install: allows enterprise deployment and installation by network administrators with-outend-user interactionVista Support: all end-user desktops running Windows Vista are fully supported

Redesigned user interfaceRedesigned Basic Mode GUI: enhanced and more user friendly options deliver a much easier way of defining testing parame-ters. Parameters include: traffic source and desti-nation (by cities), connection qual-ity and connec-tion type.

Increased Testing ValueAgent Support: provides an Application Programming Interface (API) which enables clients to be seamlessly integrated with auto-mation and load tools

Transaction Analysis:

Transaction Timer: lists contents of business processes to guide users in conducting tests. Enables timing of trans-actions and designation of pass or fail of transactions.Packet List: enables the capture of packets during tests. Packet List saves data in .enc format and can then be used by VE Analyzer or other packet analysis software VE Analyzer Integration: tests conducted using a Pack-et List to capture traffic can be analyzed using Shunra VE Analyzer or other packet analysis software

Business Process Editor: enables the creation of business processes and the subsequent transactions which take place for each process

Test Results Repository: a central repository for test results is available in the VE Desktop Server. Test results that include HTML Reports, packet capture files (.enc) and Shunra .vet test result files can be uploaded to the central repository for viewing and distribution

Enhanced Profession-al Mode: integrates the use of Test Plans that include Business Pro-cesses (list of transac-tions that need to be conducted) and Network Scenario Files (impair-ment parameters) to guide users in conducting tests

VE Reporter: VE Desktop Client is installed with a basic version of VE Reporter that displays runtime and offline data in easy to read reports. Reports can also be saved in HTML and MS Word format, and test results can be exported to Comma Separated Values (.csv)

Test Data Upload to VE Desktop Server: test results can be uploaded from the VE Desktop Client to the VE Desktop Server central repository

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Turn-key Managed Services Deliver Immediate Results.Now, you choose how Shunra Virtual Enterprise is delivered!

Let’s face it, the need for our solutions doesn’t always correspond neatly with a budget cycle. Flexibility to receive the value of our technology the way you require it is now more essential then ever.

The DilemmaOftentimes our customers need to quickly add one or more VE appliances or software solutions to man-age surges in their demand for testing projects. Other customers test applications prior to deployment using ad-hoc teams assembled temporarily to quickly certify an application’s readiness for production. Finally, many organizations that are looking at our technology for the first time are between budget cycles and don’t have the funds for a capital purchase, or the time to process the request through internal channels.

The SolutionShunra has responded by creating a Services team dedi-cated to delivering the benefits of our solutions when you require them. If you need the power of Virtual Enter-prise to emulate and test your applications and networks on a temporary basis we will deliver both the technology

and a skilled technician to work with your staff. The expenditure includes the onsite expertise as well as the short-term use of the Virtual Enterprise suite.

The BenefitWhen the project is completed the Shunra team exits, technology in hand, until future needs arise. No capital purchase, no learning curve, no more failed application rollouts.

DeliveringDetailed, Actionable Reports and Analysis•

Best Practices and Documented Methodology•

Repository of Project Artifacts•

Expert Knowledge Transfer, Mentoring, and •Training

WAN Optimization Vendor Selection (with our ROI Metric) \

Application Performance Profiling/Production Readiness \

Package or Custom Application Roll-outs \

Data Center Moves/Server Consolidations \

CONTACT SHUNRA VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE TODAY TO LEARN MORE! North America +1 877 474 8672 Europe and Africa +44 208 382 3757 Israel, APAC, Mediterranean +972 9 763 4228

A Guide to Decision Making 140

ApplicAtion Delivery HAnDbook | februAry 2008

A New Performance Challenge IT staff supporting today’s rich, highly interactive and

dynamic web applications are facing new and difficult per-formance challenges. Web 1.0 was characterized by web sites designed to disperse information, one-way com-munication vehicles with largely static HTML pages ,files, that although large, such as image and video, changed rarely and were displayed exactly the same way each time a visitor requested the page. Today’s Web 2.0 sites are full blown applications, characterized by dynamic pages stitched together from database lookups and web services whose content is regenerated every time a visitor reloads the page. Additional tools, such as AJAX and Microsoft’s Silverlight let developers deliver a more complex and “desktop-like” user experience.

Communication is two-way Content generation has shifted from the majority of the

content built by the website owner the bulk of the content contributed by users. The dynamic web has transformed into a medium for sharing and collaboration, embracing a new approach to generating and distributing Web content. And as these new sites, really web applications, add APIs, the communication extends to application-to-application communication.

Pages are dynamicWith this change from static web sites to

dynamic web applications come new and diffi-cult performance challenges. Traffic volumes and patterns become unpredictable and can spike without warning. Applications designed using development methods to deliver and deployed with infrastructure to support an average load can experience order-of-magni-tude traffic increases overnight.

Traditional solutions aren’t enoughEnsuring performance and scalability for these new web

applications requires new tools that can support dynamic content and adapt to changing usage patterns.

Traditional solutions – adding servers or more network capacity and deploying traditional application acceleration devices – provide some gain, but dynamic web 2.0 appli-cations have inherent bottlenecks that cannot be removed by increasing server or network capacity. Traditional accel-eration devices offload the server for static applications, but they lack the dynamic features needed to fully exploit browser caching, and the visibility of the application and the data lookups to offload work for dynamic applications.

Automatically optimize Microsoft ASP.NET If you run web applications in a Microsoft environment,

chances are they were developed using Microsoft’s ASP.NET framework which includes many features designed to support application performance and scalability, ranging from caching to session state. While these features can be used to improve application performance and scalability, taking advantage of them through coding can be complex, time-consuming and expensive forcing your development organization or software vendor to tradeoff new features for

High Performance Web 2.0 Applications How enterprises can have their performance and new features too by automatically optimizing Microsoft applications in the network

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improved performance. Delivering high performance Web 2.0 applications demands a new solution that takes advan-tage of these ASP.NET performance features, but does it automatically, optimizing ASP.NET application in real time, in the network.

Strangeloop Accelerates Web 2.0 Applications

The Strangeloop AS1000 Application Scaling appliance takes a new approach to application acceleration, automat-ically optimizing ASP.NET applications by implementing a series of performance optimizations in real time, in the net-work. The Strangeloop AS1000 takes over the difficult task of performance and scaling optimization, removing that burden from the developers. It gives network managers a way to meet performance challenges without adding more servers or handing the problem back to development

Strangeloop AS1000 ApplianceThe Strangeloop AS1000 is a network appliance, eas-

ily deployed in line with the web servers, behind the load balancer. In this position, the AS1000 sees every request/response pair moving between the web servers and client browsers. By monitoring these pairs, the AS1000 can iden-tify opportunities to optimize the ASP.NET application and implement specific optimization treatments as appropriate.

The Strangeloop AS1000 relies on three key architec-tural components: the Choreography Engine, the Chore-ography Agents, and a series of Application Acceleration Treatments.

Choreography EngineThe Choreography Engine is the AS1000 appliance’s

software platform and provides a number of features nec-essary to monitor ASP.NET traffic, act on appropriate data, and maintain the system, including:

A high-performance network cache for storing data •relevant to the request/ response cycle of the ASP.NET application

Monitoring features for tracking request/response •pairs—to measure performance and provide the data for optimization discovery

Application-based cache expiry features that ensure •that caches remain current

Choreography AgentsChoreography Agents, in the form of ASP.NET Providers,

communicate with the AS1000 to provide visibility into the application and provide additional feedback for monitoring and improving performance.

Application Acceleration TreatmentsApplication acceleration treatments are the heart of the

Strangeloop AS1000 system. Treatments are implemen-tations of coding optimization techniques. When a treat-ment is enabled on the AS1000 appliance and applied to a web application, it “treats” ASP.NET traffic to provide the real-time code optimization that yields performance and scalability improvements. The use of the treatments creates ASP.NET web pages similar in logical structure to the hand-coded, more time-consuming manual imple-mentations of optimized ASP.NET web pages. Yet these optimizations can be added and removed on demand, in real time.

The Strangeloop AS1000 appliance provides a series of treatments that provide real-time optimization to improve the ASP.NET application’s performance and scalability, including:

Automatic Output cache—Caches server output on the AS1000 to reduce server workload and accelerate page views

Automatic Web Services cache—Caches web servic-es server output on the AS1000 to reduce server workload and accelerate page views

Dynamic Browser cache—makes caching resources such as images and JavaScript files on the browser a viable option by adding the ability to automatically learn when those files have changed and dynamically renaming them. Browser caching can reduce the number of round trips required to render a page by as much as 10 times; this also significantly reduces the amount of bandwidth used,

Automated ViewState Removal—Removes ViewState from the outgoing response and re-inserts it into the returning requests, reducing bandwidth requirements and accelerating page views.

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Deployment and Performance Management The Strangeloop AS1000 Appliance is designed for simple,

rapid installation and configuration. The Strangeloop Man-ager provides an easy to use GUI that walks users through setting up the appliance and configuring the application treatments to accelerate any ASP.NET application. Treat-ments can be applied on per application or per URL basis.

Strangeloop Manager

The Strangeloop Manager also provides access to Strangeloop Analytics Reporting features.

Strangeloop Analytics: Browser Load Time

ConclusionASP.NET sites that serve more than a few dozen simul-

taneous users or perform complex tasks inevitably face performance challenges. Using the Strangeloop AS1000 appliance, you can avoid the tradeoff between new fea-tures and performance.

The Strangeloop AS1000 appliance takes over the difficult task of performance and scaling optimization, removing that burden from the developers. It gives network managers a way to meet performance challenges, without adding more gear or handing the problem back to development.

Development can focus on new features, and can still use the time- and effort-saving features of the ASP.NET Framework and third-party controls that make it easier to bring new features and applications to market faster. The Strangeloop AS1000 appliance reduces the need for time-consuming performance optimization, and reduces the ongoing cost of delivering and supporting ASP.NET applications.

And the AS1000’s deep understanding of ASP.NET behavior allows for dynamic tuning as the application evolves. With the AS1000 in your network, you can keep up with the dynamic nature of today’s Web 2.0 applica-tions, in a way that’s simply not possible when you rely on traditional application acceleration appliances or hand-coding for performance.

"With ASP.NET and Strangeloop, organizations can quickly deliver richer user experiences featuring increased performance and improved bandwidth utilization." - Keith Smith, Developer Tools Team, Microsoft Corp

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