appendix f academic program research and monitoring...

Post on 23-Oct-2020






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  • Kanata Lakes North Development (KNL): Overall Benefit Permit Application Supplemental Material October 2015


    Academic Program Research and Monitoring Proposal


  • Overview KNL Developments Inc. is expected to obtain an Overall Benefit Permit under the Ontario Endangered Species Act before January 2016 in order to authorize impacts to protected species associated with the planned development of l

  • Doctoral Researcher - The Doctoral Researcher refers to a PhD student who will be selected in time to commence the research program. The Doctoral Researcher must review and agree to the terms of this research outline. In the unlikely event that a Doctoral Researcher can not be recruited in a timely manner to coincide with initiation of fieldwork, the Doctoral Researcher may be replaced by one or more Masters Students, provided that this does not impact the overall obligations -of the Research Team, as outlined below. The Designated Specialist will be advised in advance of any changes in the academic degree sought by student researchers.

    General Terms 1.1. l

  • (i) Professor 'and Doctoral Researcher shall provide KNL Developments Inc. and/or their designated specialist with copies of any draft papers or presentations in advance of submission/presentation of those materials to any public audience or publication outside of the university research community. A public audience or publication should be understood to be anyone who is outside of the university academic review system such as members of the public at large, media, government reviewers, or representatives of publications. KNL Developments Inc. and/or their designated specialist shall be given a minimum of fourteen days (14) days to review and comment on those materials prior to dissemination to anyone outside of the university research community. Professor , Doctoral Researcher agree that they will consider comments provided by KNL Developments Inc. and/or their designated specialist;

    (j) KNL Developments Inc. shall have discretion as to whether its company and/or any affiliated companies are named in the acknowledgements or content of any published material. Published material shall include any papers, research reports, or presentations which are made available to the research community or public. At its discretion, KNL Developments Inc. may request that the name of the development, the developer, and any affi liated companies not be named in the published research results. If l

  • • How the researchers will address challenges arising from the unforeseen research- -related circumstances such as environmental variability or unforeseen logistical challenges {e .g. by collecting data to address an alternate question);

    • The timeline in which the actions shall be complete, which shall be prior to the expiry date of the overall benefit permit; and

    • Complete the actions set out in the contingency plans in accordance with those plans.

    Monitoring Requirements

    2.1. Professor Murray shall, at a minimum, employ a new Doctoral Researcher to perform the monitoring activities. Professor and the Doctoral Researcher shall be responsible for completing the monitoring requirements in accordance with the following conditions:

    (a) Monitoring data must be collected for a four (4) year period beginning in April 2016 and ending in October 2019;

    (b) Monitoring data must include collection of telemetry data using contemporary and acceptable technologies to document the movement of turtles across t he landscape;

    (c) Sampling each year must document turtle movement over the active season of Blanding's Turtle. This is {approximately) Apri l 15th to September 301h each year (depending on weather);

    (d) This data must be of sufficient resolution to identify Blanding's Tu rtle movement patterns, the occurrence of turtles within core wetland habitats, and whether turt les are uti lizing newly created artificial habitat features (new nesting areas and wetlands built by KNL Developments Inc.). The data must also be of sufficient reso lution to demonstrate whether turtle exclusion fencing throughout the development and in offsite areas (see below) are effectively controlling turtle movement;

    {e) The data must also be of sufficient resolution to identify seasonal movement patterns including usage of natural and artificia l nesting and hibernacula areas, movement corridors, and core wetlands;

    (f) The study area shall prioritize the area that was previously studied by Dillon Consulting Inc. during their long term radio telemetry study conducted for the City of Ottawa. This must include the lands within the l

  • (g) Please note that the researchers must obtain permission from landowners prior to entering privately owned property. The majority of the study area is owned by the City of Ottawa or l

  • the purposes of meeting regulatory requirements, for reporting to government agencies, and for applied purposes which may include informing the design of management practices for other development projects;

    (m) KNL Developments Inc. shall make available its designated specialist periodically to provide background information, to provide orientation at the Site, and to generally aid in the execution and organization of the research project. l

  • 1) What are time-activity budgets of Blanding's turtles in Ontario and are these influenced by development/mitigation?

    2) What are movement patterns of Blanding's turtles in and around the development area? 3) What are the patterns of hibernacula use by Blandings turtles? 4) What is the extent of connectivity and genetic exchange among turtle sub-populations in the

    larger study area. 5) What are the demographic attributes of the turtle population in the larger study area? 6) What is the viability of the turtle population in the larger study area, and what is the potential

    long-term impact of development on meta-population dynamics.

    Please note that this is a preliminary research outline and the stated research goals and methods may be modified at a later date depending on several factors including any observed challenges or opportunities in the research program, early research results, and the input of the Doctoral Researcher. Professor

    r and the Doctoral Researcher sha ll submit a full research proposal to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forest ry (OMNRF) for their review and approval, following selection of the Doctoral Researcher. The Doctoral Researcher shall contribute to the development of the research proposal, following the terms and direction set by this document. Development of the full research proposal must begin prior to the start of the field season. The full research proposal must be submitted prior to completion of the first year of research.

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