appeals court ruling keeps dismemberment abortions · pro-life newsletter ... wear it when you go...

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Pro-Life Newsletter

Affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee

February 2016 Volume 34, Issue 2

Neither cold nor snow can stop January 22 rallies

A temporary injunction will remain in place against SB 95, the Unborn

Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, after the Kansas

state Court of Appeals ruled on Jan. 22, in a 7-7 tie in the matter.

The Act bars a gruesome method of abortion in which a well-

developed, living, unborn child is torn apart piece by piece with sharp

metal tools.

Attorney General

Derek Schmidt’s

office will continue

to rigorously de-

fend this law.

This outrageous

ruling needs to be

heard by the state

Supreme Court

without delay.

The law was

designed to pass

muster with the U.S. Supreme Court; abortion attorneys apparently

recognized that fact, thus choosing to file suit in state court, seeking the

creation of a state right to abortion.

It was a valid act–both legally and morally–for the Kansas legislature to

curb dismemberment abortions. “Kansans were outraged to learn of this

heinous method of shredding apart innocent unborn children,” said

Kansans for Life executive director, Mary Kay Culp.

Kansans for Life submitted a friend of the court brief for the appeal.

SB 95 is supported by U.S. Supreme Court language that upholds the

state’s right to show respect for the developing unborn and to insure the

integrity of the medical profession which it regulates.

Kansans for Life is confident this law will eventually be upheld—

mirroring the long, but successful partial-birth abortion battle in which

the U.S. Supreme Court eventually acknowledged the validity of pro-

life legislation.

For more information and continuing coverage, see the KFL blog


In spite of threats of a blizzard causing some buses to turn back,

hundreds of Kansans still made it to Washington, D.C. to attend the

National March for Life — and then many of them spent a few extra

days there, waiting for the snow to be cleared away enough that they

could get back to Kansas.

Appeals Court ruling keeps dismemberment abortions

Meanwhile, back in Kansas, the weather was cold but clear for the

annual march and rally at the State Capitol Building. In spite of the

“pro forma day” in which the legislators did not have to stay for

votes, some of our pro-life legislators stuck around for the afternoon

to attend our rally and meet with members of Kansans for Life.

Above: Hundreds of Kansans attended the

National March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Right: Kansans from all over the state attended

the rally at the State Capitol Building in Topeka.

Kansans for Life News is published by Kansans for Life (KFL)

3301 W 13th St., Wichita KS 67203

(316) 687-5433 or 1-800-928-LIFE fax: (316) 687-0303


KS City Regional Office: (913) 642-5433 e-mail:

Topeka Regional Office: (785) 234-2998 e-mail:


Kansans for Life is a statewide non-profit educational organization also engaged in social action. It is dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic human right: life itself.

The Kansans for Life Educational Trust Fund is a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) organization. Kansans for Life also has a legislative action fund and a political action committee (KFL-PAC) for which donations are not tax-deductible.

KFL is the Kansas affiliate to the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).

Newsletter Contributors: President: Lance Kinzer Executive Director: Mary Kay Culp Editor: Amy Torkelson ( Development Director: David Gittrich Legislative Director: Kathy Ostrowski Office Staff: Mary Lark Corbett, Anna Myers

Subscriptions: For a one-year subscription, send $15 to Kansans For Life, 2501 E. Central, Wichita KS 67214. For bulk subscriptions, please call KFL at 1-800-928-5433.

Article Submission: Mail or fax articles to any office listed above, or e-mail the editor at

Reprint Permission: Any item originating from KFL may be reprinted from KFL News with attribution. For other articles, please contact the editor who will direct you to the original author.

MEMORIAL GIFTS Please pray for the families who have honored their loved ones with a gift to Kansans for Life:

Bill Meek Given by: Craig & Janet Faroh

Marilyn Calhoun — Register of Deeds in Montgomery County Computer Information Concepts

Becky Nioce — Register of Deeds in Northeast Kansas

Mary Kay and Katie Raple ♦ Bob & Nancy White

Via Christi Health ♦ Dennis & Jelene Grady

Mike & Linda Kizzire ♦ Roland & Norma Jean Vangieson

Richard & Rachelle Ranzau ♦ Norman & Linda Arensdorf

The pro-life movement lost a true gentleman, a leader, a Christian, and a positive role model for all of us in the pro-life movement. Bill Meek (1944-2016) served as the Register of Deeds in Sedg-wick County and demonstrated

that pro-lifers are lovers of God as well as life. God called Bill home, but Bill left his mark on many hearts in Kansas. Rest in peace, Bill.



Do you subscribe to your local newspaper? We would like to find two subscribers to every newspaper published in the state of Kansas, who are willing to send pro-life letters to the editor to their local newspapers.

We will send you a sample letter and you may simply sign your name and send it to your paper, or use the letter as a factual reference and re-write it to fit your own personal voice and style.

Kathleen Garrison will be coordinating this effort. If you would like to join the Letter-Writing Team, please e-mail Kathleen: or call her: 316-304-7194.

Special thanks to Dr. Terry and Paula Lowry for hosting our annual Christmas party at Castle Inn

at Riverside. We very much appreciate your hospitality! Over 300 people attended, in spite of the

unpleasant weather that day. All photos are by Joseph Myers.

Wichita KFL Christmas party photos

Do you want to make a difference?

People say, “I’d like to do something meaningful with my life!” Well,

how about making the difference in someone else’s life – like 80 years’

worth of difference. Help us share the pro-life message. Here is a list of

volunteer opportunities that do make a difference.

Anywhere in Kansas you can… Distribute pro-life materials in your neighborhood/community.

Place a pro-life poster in the front window of your home, in your

church, in your school, at work, even a pro-life bumper sticker on your


Write pro-life letters to the editor of your local newspaper. After all,

someone needs to share the truth with the media as well as the public.

For prepared letters that you can either use as they are or use as an idea

to write your own, join our Letter-Writing Team (see bottom left corner

of page 2).

Wear precious feet wherever you go.

Wear a pro-life T-shirt. Wear it to the gym. Wear it to your child or

grandchild’s soccer game. Wear it when you go grocery shopping. Peo-

ple need to see that being pro-life is normal. Everyday people all around

them are pro-life!

Arrange an educational presentation at your church or with any organi-

zation. We can send a video or a live speaker.

Set up a display table and exhibit pro-life materials in your church, or

with any organization or school. Check your community calendar for

festivals, fairs, and other events, and find out how to reserve a booth

there. KFL can provide you will all the materials you need for your


Provide needed materials to a pregnancy crisis center in your area, and

get others to help gather these materials.

Encourage your church to participate in the Baby Bottle campaign.

Volunteer opportunities … make a difference for life!

Vote pro-life and assist pro-life candidates seeking public office – in-

cluding your local school board.

Subscribe to KFL’s Voter Voice e-mail alert system. When you are

connected to Voter Voice, you will receive an alert when a pro-life vote

is coming up in the Kansas House or Senate. The system makes it quick

and easy to contact your legislators. Go to the KFL website to sign up.

Write to companies that sponsor programs on TV that are immoral and

promote promiscuity and abortion. Urge them to change their ways.

Involve your children in pro-life activities, i.e. Life Chains, poster con-

tests, coloring book contests, essay contests, etc. Whether it is just your

family or an entire school, you can help bring the pro-life message to

the young people.

In Wichita and the surrounding area… We need help with data entry.

We always need to know who can come and help with mailings.

If you like to decorate for / set up for / help with events, we can use

your help in those areas.

We’d like someone to keep track of our materials (inventory) and place

orders for the items we are running low on.

We’d like someone to come to the office and fill orders for various pro-

life materials and take them to the post office.

We can use your talents in our office, so if interested just stop by and

we will visit about what God is calling you to do to help save His little


For any of the materials described above, for help with a project, or for

guidance how to do any of the items mentioned above:


or call 1-800-928-5433

or write to KFL, 3301 W. 13th, Wichita, KS 67203

A powerful FREE app shares the beautiful, wonderful life of a child

developing in the womb! This is not ultrasound, but instead a video

camera in the womb. The app is produced by the Endowment for Hu-

man Development (EHD), which is known for their cutting edge DVD

distributed by National Geographic called The Biology of Prenatal


Their app includes clips of their video in the womb along with other

developmental milestones of the child. A pregnant woman can enter the

date of her last menstrual period and see what her baby looks like at her

current stage in pregnancy. See the picture at right of an eight-week


The app is free and available for your phone or tablet, Apple or

Android. To get it go to your phone or tablet’s app store and search for

EHD. There is two versions of this app. One is called Little One

Pregnancy Guide which works best on tablets and the other one is

called See Baby Pregnancy Guide, which is for smart phones.

App makes it easy to teach about fetal development

If you install this app, you will have at your fingertips a super easy, but

powerful way to show and defend the humanity of the unborn child,

even at the child's earliest stages of development.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Wichita Sat. March 12 at noon — Douglas & McLean

Join our KFL float in the Wichita St. Pat-

rick’s Day Parade! We have FIVE amazing

green vehicles in our float. Now, we need

lots of walkers, wavers, and kiddos. And if

you have an antique, sporty, or super car,

let us know — it doesn’t have to be green,

we can just put a few garlands or other

green decorations on it.

E-mail us to participate:

7:00 p.m. at the KFL State Office,

3301 W 13th Street in Wichita

Featured Speaker: District

Judge Mike Hoelscher

Thurs. Feb. 18

No cost to attend. Refreshments served.

Details, call 687-5433. Outside Wichita, call 800-928-5433

Next meeting, Thurs. Mar. 17

Wichita Hour for Life

Join us for the Serving the Hurting Seminars on February 25,

at 1550 N. Lindberg Circle in Wichita.

If you have a passion for helping people in personal crisis, this

one-day offering of 16 different seminars provides you with

valuable training for serving with greater wisdom and

knowledge while staying emotionally and spiritually well.

Seminars include:

Mental Illness

Sex Addiction

Tools for Mental Wellness

Eating Disorders

The Abuse Cycle

And More! See website for complete listing.

Some seminars have limited enrollment, so register early! For

more information or to register, see

SERVING THE HURTING Strengthening Compassionate Christian Care in Our Community

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Registration deadline: Feb. 22

Save the Date!

Cowtown Extravaganza!

Father’s Day

Sunday, June 19th

15th Anniversary Dinner Thursday, March 31, 2016

Doors open: 6:00 p.m. ● Dinner by Ray’s Catering: 6:30 p.m.

K of C Hall ● 3202 W. 13th Street North ● Wichita KS 67203

$20 per person or $35 for two people ● RSVP: 209-5029

Our mission statement: To promote as truth the value and dignity of every human life from conception until natural death through education in the mass media.

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