apostolic thoughts by apostle linda johnson

Post on 03-Mar-2016






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A comprhensive collection of Apostolic Mandates.


"..Those that are closest to us should be our destiny walkers.."

It Is Finished!

o one else can say with more conviction than Christ, It is Finished. But because of Christ, we too can shout it is finished with much conviction! Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, was able to say it is Finished. He is not the only person who is able to

say to hell, death, and the grave- loose me and let me go...it is finished!NGreetings from your Mom and Bishop. May this resurrection Sunday find you arising to the victory that Christ has given you through his Death, Burial and Resurrection. My love to all, the children, and to all the Saints of Ghana. Remember in all things, YES, you are more than conquerors. And no matter what evil goes on around you, you can rejoice and again I say rejoice Because- IT IS FINISHED! The ghost that has haunted, taunted, and tormented you, His goods have been spoiled because of the finished work of Christ.

Text: John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said it is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost.

Prayer- Lord don't allow my past, present, nor things to come torment, haunt, torture, or follow me into my DESTINY! The Apostle John who wrote the Gospel of John was a witness to Christ’s Suffering, death and Resurrection. He worked with Jesus when the Word became Flesh. Remember when Christ was suffering he was close to Him. That made Christ to say, “WOMAN BEHOLD THY SON”, and to the disciple “BEHOLD THY MOTHER”. (John 19:26-27)....ITS TIME TO finish familiar ties and walk with KINGDOM destiny links! We are not looking for members but partakers, sons and daughters in ministry that we can mantle to carry on our purpose in the earth long after we are gone....we need duplicators and multiplicaters....! Those that are the closest to us should be our destiny walkers...the rest just talkers that are not even going where you going. Be careful where you invest your time, seed, inheritance. People who have not suffered with you do not deserve to reign with you. If people cant stay with you through your down times, they shouldn't get to go up with you. Only elevate with those that know you when you were down, You can trust them to go with you higher.

In the book of John, this beloved Apostle portrayed Jesus 21 times.

· In Chapter 1 he portrayed Him as the SON OF GOD- royalty vs humanity...say hello to

rulership and it is finished to everything that keep you stuck in flesh and mess!.

· In chapter 2 he portrayed Him as the Son of Man.- Its about sonship- those led by the spirit, those are the sons of God...choose you spiritual sons and daughters wisely...they will carry your spirit into destiny. Be CAREFUL WHO ATTACHES THEMSELVES TO YOU. Your manna is the children bread!

· In chapter 3 he portrayed Him as the DIVINE TEACHER.- Experience is the best teacher...learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others...it is finished to repeating the same cycles of failure....start harnessing new and different things...Its over to the old and it has just begun in the new!

In chapter 4 he portrayed Him as the SOUL WINNER.

In chapter 5 he portrayed Him as the GREAT PHYSICIAN- he will heal you of every hurt pain sickness and disease...everything that tries to kill steal and destroy...It is finished

In chapter 6 he portrayed him as the BREAD OF LIFE.- Eat from thetree of life, if it don't build you up, its a destiny killer, vomit it up and don't eat it again...poison to your soul...It is finished you had your last food poisonous meal....it is finished!

·In chapter 7 he portrayed Him as the WATER OF LIFE.- drink and never thirst again...it is finish...your drought, your famine, your lack, your not enough...shout it is finished!

· In chapter 8 he portrayed Him as the DEFENDER OF THE WEAK.- in your weakness Gods strength is made perfect- The storm is over now- It is finished!

· In chapter 9 he portrayed Him as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.- look for the light in people, some come to brighten your light, others will dim your light, but be careful of those that will put your light out...it is finish to angels of light. Light seekers that destroy your walk. Shout it is finished!

· In chapter 10 he portrayed him as the GOOD SHEPHERD.

· In chapter 11 he portrayed Him as the RESURRECTION AND LIFE.

· In chapter 12 he portrayed Him as the KING- you are heirs!.

· In chapter 13 he portrayed Him as a SERVANT.- the greatest in the kingdom are those servant leaders.

· In chapter 14 he portrayed Him THE CONSOLER.- the lifter up of your head

· In chapter 15 he portrayed Him as the TRUE VINE- stay connected to those that feed and lead, not bleed! it is finish!

· In chapter 16 he portrayed him as the GIVER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.· In chapter 17 he portrayed Him as the GREAT INTERCESSOR.· In chapter 18 he portrayed Him as the MODEL SUFFERER.· In chapter 19 he portrayed Him as the UPLIFTED SAVIOR.· In chapter 20 he portrayed Him as the VICTOR OVER DEATH.· In chapter 21 he portrayed Him as the RESTORER OF THE PENITENT (He welcomed wandering Peter back to the Fold).

Now because we are talking about “VICTORY”, you cannot be a victorious person without passing through three (3) stages of COMMITMENTS. Jesus passed through these stages before He won that victory.1. He passed through the Stage of SERIOUSNESS. When he was working for Redemption and Salvation Jesus was really Serious; so He said “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). Because of the Seriousness about His work, He said, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head” (Matt. 8:20).- Let foolishness be driven out of you...if it don't fit with where you going let it go!

2. He passed through the Stage of SACRIFICE. He sacrificed His kingship, His Kingdom and His Glory and became Victorious for mankind. So the Apostle Paul said, “For ye know the grace for our Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor….” (2 Cor 8:9) Jesus really sacrificed every thing of His, for our sake.- always casualties in war...we lose some battles but we won the war!

3. He passed through the Stage of Suffering. Isaiah 50 speaks about His Suffering. “I gave my back to the smitters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” Beloved there are three sufferings which Jesus went through that no man has ever gone through. They STRIPPED HIM of His clothes. (John 19:23) They SPAT on HIM. (Matt. 27:30) They SCOURGED HIM. (John 10:1 & 3)- Yes we are still spitting....we have many sufferings to face...but many more anointings to receive...pain anoints you and propel you to destiny! If you can take it, you will make it!

Before somebody is awarded with a University degree or before an Olympic medal is won and somebody is declared victorious, he goes through seriousness, sacrifice and suffering. Christ has said “It is Finished”. Because He went through these stages. Beloved, I want to tell you that there is another three things that the Victory of Christ has done for us.

1. His VICTORY HAS CONFOUNDED THE POWER OF SATAN:To be confounded means to be perplexed or confused. Christ’s Victory over death confounded the devil. The devil never thought he will ever be confounded but my Lord’s victory did it. The devil cannot harm you for Christ has confounded Him.

2. HIS VICTORY HAS CONFISCATED THE POWER OF SATAN:The power Satan has been exercising over us for centuries was confiscated on that Easter Friday some 2000 years ago. It was revealed to Apostle Paul and he said “… Death is

swallowed up in victory. O’ death, where is thy sting?, Oh grave, where is thy victory…. But thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ”.(1 Cor 15:57) Finally, Apostle Paul declared, “And having spoiled principalities and Powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Col. 2:3).

3. HIS VICTORY HAS COMFORTED ALL SAINTS.We are comforted, are satisfied, due to His victory. Our Salvation has been secured. Oh my beloved Saints, we are comforted. We shall not lack any good thing, because of His Victory.

The “It is Finished”, that He said on the Cross means:a. Jesus took our CANTANKEROUS LIFE and gave HUMBLE LIFEb. Jesus took our CONTAMINATED LIFE and gave A HOLY LIFE.c. Jesus took our Place on the cross and gave us HEAVEN.

Let us Celebrate Christ’s Victory today, because that victory I'm sharing with Africa and others:

1. IS A UNIQUE VICTORY. Nobody under the sun has ever won such a victory.2. IS A UNIVERSAL VICTORY. ALL OVER THE world today, people are celebrating this victory.(for America, Africa, India, South America, Samoa, Mexico, even Ghana)3. IS AN UNCHANGEABLE VICTORY.

· Nobody can change this victory · Personalities in this world cannot change it. · Politicians cannot change it. · Powers of the darkness cannot change it · Principalities cannot change it.

I wish you well, May you be Victorious in everything. For Christ has won the Victory already, Amen!.

To the Churches of Ghana and unto all of Pure Word ministry, remember always, you have the victory and it is finished! Shake it off, drop it off, and let it Go! Destiny trumps the past, present, and a wrong future. For I know the path I have chosen for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a hope and a future...an expected end- DESTINY!

Psalms 127:1 Except the Lord Build the house, they labor in vain that BUILD IT!

What Don't Kill You Will Build You

f you are reading this you are a survivor. You survived all the darts, weapons, the warfare, the strategic attacks, demonic activities, and a host of other devices that came against you and your seed in your past seasons. Can I salute you and your King, who

always causeth us to triumph in Christ Jesus(2 Cor 2:14).

God is in the building business...build also means in this passage to birth...give sons and daughters....this passage is about Gods process of impregnating His Bride. Except the Lord birth, except the Lord impregnates...all your labor pangs, all your travailing, and all your pushing would be of none effect. But because God is birthing, every other attempt to keep us from coming forth will fail. That's why we need God to build and birth in us. And because he has, all the warfare of the enemy, all the opposition to the mission, is useless against us. If God be for us He is more than the whole world(even the prince of this world) against us. No weapons formed against us can prosper...Be formed but not prosper!(Isaiah 55:11) That's why we need God in the birthing room with us for smooth delivery. We need God back in the bedchambers of prayer. We need God to midwife our promises unto full fruition.

So much has tried to come against the seed of promise that God has placed in you. So much has desired to sift the seed even at the point of embryonic conception. So much has tried to cause premature abortion of the seed even during its infancy. So much has tried to delay the seed from fully developing and maturing. The enemy knows that you are pregnant even if you don't. He know every trimester of your pregnancy. That's why he has sent storms and trials and tribulations. He has tried to shipwreck you and get you stuck in the storms... So much has tried to kill what God has deposited in you. Its Gods seed of promise. The devil seeks to kill, devour and destroy the seed. Oh but thanks be to God! Thou the assassination attempts were many, and we are sought out to be killed all the day long and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter, what God causes to live cannot be killed. Once the breath of God has been released...only life can spring from it. God breathed the breath of life into Adam and he became a living soul. The enemy can huff and puff but is powerless to deny you the life of your seed of promise. So shout your breakthrough. Because you have been declared more than conquerors(Romans 8:37). Because God guards the birth canal of those whom He


has impregnated, the attacks against your womb was only able to delay but never deny you Gods promised seed.

Sometimes God has to allow things to break us just to build us! You didn't understand it. You didn't even like it. You sure didn't agree with it. But God has allowed what tried to break you to build you up again. He allowed what tried to kill you to strengthen the walls of your womb in preparation for delivery. Your trials and tribulation during your past seasons were not senseless seasons. But necessary madness and has only made you stronger. The foundational final blueprints were being made as He broke off of you pride, jealousy, strife, envy, self righteousness, rebellion, uncleanliness, and all manner of things that would destroy the final presentation of the building. He even broke off of you core people groups, relationships that you thought were for your good but turned out to be for the death of you and the seed you carry. You don't understand it now but oh by and by...The Holy Ghost will reveal all things...Sometimes the hard fact to receive is God showing you that you must change who you are walking and working with. The wrong Associations has purpose and can make or break you. Don't be surprised if you are walking and working with the wrong crew. Please know that you are called to be a people of the Cloud moving when God moves and not a people of the crowd! Shout glory! You can walk alone and still be anointed. You can walk with a few and still do the new. Or you can choose to walk with the multitude(a name and fame mentality) and loose the magnitude of Gods glory upon your life. Get a focus for your life. Let God rebuild you! Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. You need the glory of God on your seed.

So can I share with you a word from the Lord? Can I speak into your destiny? What didn't kill you, will build you! If you went through pain in the process of giving birth to the new infrastructure that the Lord is birthing you to become, it was only because God allowed it.Because Gods word cannot return to him void(Isaiah 54:17). You were apostolically sent fully loaded and you must come forth!

God has sent you to do a work and that work must get done. He which hath begun a good work in you must perform and must complete that work in you even till the day of Jesus Christ.(Phil 1:6) Know that what God has for you to do it must get done through you and by you only. No substitutes! So if you are bearing much its because God will not put more on you than you can bear. If you went through it, its because you can handle it. Where much is given, much is required. God has given you great seed to bear all things! He has called you to be the sheep of His pasture and He is your Shepherd. So know that your new steps are ordered by the Lord! Trust and acknowledge God in all your ways and He will direct your path. Don't lean to the left or to the right unless God is there!

Your next move in God is strategic. Who am I talking to. Your next assignment is critical. Yes, God is talking to you. The next birthing is essential to a last day mobilization in the Kingdom. Timing is now EVERYTHING! When God moves, you must move in His cloud of glory, just like that! Delayed obedience will not be tolerated. It may very well cost you the seed. Worse may even cost you your natural life during delivery if delayed obedience is contemplated. Do not meditate on aborting Gods directives God has spoken to me this year in dreams and visions and I see many untimely deaths occurring because of delayed

disobedience and rebellion in our past seasons. But God is faithful and just to forgive our sins. The wages of sin is death. Don't cooperate with the enemy in terminating the lifespan of your seed. Many will have a short time to reestablish themselves and reposition themselves.

Last Year and yesterday is gone. Its behind you. You made it into the future. Repent and God will restore the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm has eaten...Joel 2:25. The enemy cannot digest your seed. Even the old seed through repentance is restored. God will crown your years with fatness. Today is a new day of mercy. Today is the day that the Lord has made so rejoice and be glad in it. You have survived the hell, the storms in your eye, the fiery furnace, the den of lions, the pits and prisons, the cells and the jails that held you captive to your past. Whats before you is greater than whats behind you. Your future looks better than your past and present. Your best is yet to come and you ain't seen nothing yet. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard......but the Holy Ghost shall reveal. For this is the year of manifestation. This is the year that God will make known what He has birthed what He has built. So walk into your destiny. For what didn't kill you, will now build you.....Let Go and Let God move you into the birthing room and walk into your destiny bringing forth much seed!

Lastly, the Hebrew word for 9 is Te-shah or Tish-aw. It means to look to or turn. Can I suggest to you that the seed in you has turned and position itself for delivery. The Body of Christ is in its Tesh-ee-ee(Hebrew ninth) season and must get ready to push! We are in our ninth month(time of birth), the ninth hour(travail is almost over), the ninth year 2009(a season to bring forth, manifest). I sense a spiritual awakening in you even now. Yes God is still talking to you. A global birthing from corporate wombs.

I decree and prophesy no still born babies, no birth defects, no premature babies, no tares to the womb in 2009. I prophesy to the four winds for global conceptions brought to full term. May the seed that you carried for the last nine months and the next nine months through intimacy in prayer, through travailing, through much sowing in tears come forth fully matured and fully developed now in Jesus name. I prophesy and decree wealth and health, and wholeness to your seed because of repentance and obedience. Obedience will make deliverance easy and open the flood gates of promise.

I break off of you every lie you received that hindered your new beginning. I break off of you every generational curse that is attempting to follow you and attach itself to your future. I break off of you the spirit of enticement and seduction, and deception. If you are honest with yourself, seduction comes before deception. Some of us were enticed and seduced by familiar spirits that almost cost us our future. Don't take pleasure and delight yourself in DELILAH'S and delay your DESTINY. Delilah was used of the enemy as allowed to be a deceiver. Be also reminded of Eve, she was enticed(lured and aroused with desire, then seduced(presented with temptation, beguiled, led away from proper duty and conduct), then the hook of deception(ensnared by misrepresentations of the truth). I break off of you guilt, shame and condemnation. You are now Eve redeemed from the curse of deceit! May you now walk upright and in proper convictions. You are repositioned for greatness. You shall know the truth and the truth that is hidden in our heart has made you free. Prepare to Propel

and move into promise!

I prophesy and decree that your delivered seed is sealed by the Holy Spirit, protected by the heavenly host of ministering Angels, and given unction to function with the full measure of anointing, with full rights to operate in both the Prophetic and Apostolic authority, to exercise dominion and power in the Kingdom....now push and give birth.

God bless you and I am praying for you and I desire your prayers. Give birth!!! and remember if it didn't kill you, it will build in 2009!

“You are to propel in, through, and past your first ,second, and third trimester semesters..”

Plead For Your Seed—An Apostolic Mandate to Speak to Your Seed!

ow that we are in our new year and ready to push...let me encourage you from the womb to the cradle. Your latter days shall be greater than your

former.....During this time of conceiving the seed, you may experience many different emotions. Many of us are beyond the first trimester . This is the most critical period. This trimester period is the first three months or typically the first twelve weeks. You may wonder if you can carry the seed . You may wonder if God made a mistake by choosing you for such a great mission. You may wonder about the successfullness of pregnancy and have anxiety about deliverance. It is during this time that that some will consider abortion. Much the same both naturally and spiritually. This is the time of great warfare. This is the time when hell gates are opening. But can I encourage you that the gates of hell shall not prevail against you(Mathew 16:18). This is the time to cover your seed heavily in word and prayer. Begin to speak life over yourself and your seed. David said these words, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, El-Eloah.(Psalms 91) There shall no evil befall upon me, neither shall any trimester plaque come near me. Declare the word that says we can


call(pray),he will answer me, and deliver me from trouble. His word declares , " with long life he will satisfy me. Speak to your seed, You will live and not die, I will not abort but will deliver full term...and on time!

Let me encourage you God is not a man that he should or could lie(Numbers 23:19). What he has spoken concerning you will manifest. He will not alter from the words that have gone out of his mouth(Psalms 89:34) . His word is settled(stands fast without change) in heaven(Psalms 119:89) He will not break nor alter from that which he declares. It will be so! I loose you now from all anxieties(uneasiness, distress, uncertainties, apprehensions, worries, intense fears). The Lord said be anxious for nothing(Phil 4:6). I bind the spirit of fear that captivates your imaginations. I encourage you to plead the Blood for it covers the mind. Pull down every stronghold that exalts itself against what God has said concerning you. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power(dunamis exousia), and of love, and of a sound mind. You are what God said you are. You can do what God said you can do. You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. You are well able to walk up and down in the land and overtake pursue and conquer. I speak to the giants in your mind for they are like grasshoppers. They can be smashed. They are like Goliath, they shall fall. You are to propel in, through, and past your first ,second, and third trimester. You will graduate and bear seed. God has declared your womb as a carrier of his word, his promises, his glory, his hope, his dreams and visions, and his answer to a lost and dying world. You have been carried in the spirit by many but now You will incubate many. For your womb is full and your quiver is overflowing. It is a beautiful thing to be fruitful, a blessing even. Hannah was barren, she had no seed(. She hurdled through the ridicule of her seasons of lack. She had and confronted her seasons of being tormented and taunted by the adversary. You will always have a Peninnah experience before promise. Peninnah will always precede promise and breakthrough. This spirit comes to hinder the conception and birthing of your seed. This spirits attempts to provoke you to doubt God. But you are a Hannah. Her name means grace. You have been given supernatural grace to endure all things. She endured the painful memories of being empty on the inside. She pressed her way past the depression, the oppression, the opposition and she got before God and wept for her seed. God is calling for wailing women. Women that know how to travail through their trimester drama unto breakthrough. I believe we are the women that know how to weep and fast. We have been given strength supernatural to endure until we hear the abundant sound of rain, of promise, of breakthrough. Don't allow your Peninnah to cause you to abort the promise. Stay in the face of God, weep, fast, petition, and give him your best sacrifice of praise and the promise will arrive in its ninth month. Stick around to see the conclusion of the whole matter in its fullness of time. Often we leave the delivery room before the manifestation of promise arrive. But wait on the Lord. Stand still and see the salvation of your God. He will deliver thee. Because great is his faithfulness. He that promise is faithful. Don't let your countenance fall because of Peninnah. Don't be sad and sorrowful because of Peninnah. Don't switch and don't quit pushing and pressing and travailing and wailing because of Peninnah.

eninnah name means pearl. Pearls can be beautifully worn around the neck to add glamour and beauty or they can be used to choke the life out of you. Don't let this audacious spirit rob you of an encounter for breakthrough. Do what

Hannah did, obtain your grace and favor in the time of need. Go boldly before the throne of God....meet him at your place of Shiloh and pray to God the effectual fervent prayer like Hannah. She prayed in bitterness of soul. She was desperate before God. She was not too proud to plead for her seed. Because of her prayers , her fasting, her worship, and her faith in God...Hannah was no longer barren, empty or without. The scripture declares in 1 Samuel 1:20- Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about(9months after spoken) after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying because I have asked him of the Lord.

Can I prophesy to the women of God. God has mandated me. Charged me to speak life to the wombs of many. It is time to be in expectation of seed. Not only will you not be barren in 2009, but just like Hannah named Samuel, I prophesy this is the year that God wants you to name your seed. Can you feel that in the spirit. She gave birth and she named her seed. SAMUEL name means Shemuel, asked of GOD, or God heard! Can I prophesy to your womb, This is the year that the Lord will hear! This is the year that the Lord is near. To those who have been intimate with him in prayer. To those that have been fasting for the promise. To those that seek after him. To those that give him great praise inspite of the circumstances. Inspite of the opposition of Peninnah. To those that will push to the promise. This is your year of conception. Your Te-shee-ee(ninth) season. This is your Shemuel year. Your Te-shay or Tish-aw year. In Hebrew it means to look forward, unto, at or about. Look forward to God hearing and answering you!

Until we fellowship again...may the Lord hear you! May the Lord be near unto you. From the womb to the cradle...I prophesy long life. Join me next time.....when I talk about now that the baby is here...what now! The world lets us know that there is such a thing as postpartum syndrome......in other words immediately or shortly after the delivery...we can be attacked and feel even more anxiety concerning the seed. We can often and too easily get disenchanted because maybe the seed is not what we expected, maybe things are not what we thought they would be, or maybe the reality of bringing forth was just overwhelming. Because now there is an expectation of bringing the seed up in the ways of the Lord. Whether your seed is a dream, a 20 year old vision about the ministry, a new book, a transitional shifting, a regional or global assignment...we will have to guard the seed!


“..It is a reformational message for a New day Church( KINGDOM)...”

S imply Sunday or Supernatural Kingdom

o all the wonderful people of God! Hear the word of the Lord blasting a manual in my spirit! It is a reformational message for a New day Church( KINGDOM), a Third day people(RESTORED), with Kingdom Revelation.(Destiny

MANIFESTATIONS). It is an everyday message unto those with ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the New & NOW Testament Church. I sense it is "Packaged for Impact" and thus the very voice, the "trumpet" & the clarion call of God for us to hear, feel, and know the rapid heartbeat of God and His plans for TOTAL REFORMATION!

It is apostolic, prophetic, and instructional in its contents. This is not the first time you will hear it or the last time you will hear it. There is no monopoly on it so use it. It is Gods written word inspired at the feet of many great leaders, for the use of the Body of Christ. Its contents are not for sale but to be shared. Every Apostle is saying the same things and more. This is the beginning inserts of the Mantle 2 Mantle School of Apostles Manual to be released unto Accra Ghana, its President and Founder, Apostle, Dr Linda Johnson, its Board of Deans, Apostle Isaac Agyemang and Apostle Nicolass Apiah, for the equipping of the Church for the work of the ministry in Africa, for the edifying of the Body of Christ and restoration of the ministry and office of the Apostles!

*If a word is bold, please briefly define for the class for revelatory clarification. Move the class from foundation to mystery and supernatural understanding. Make room for the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit which will lead and guide you into all truth and bring all things to your remembrance


Chapter 1

"Where Does God's Head rest?"

Is the hand, head, and government of Jesus, the Chief Apostle, and high priest of our confession, resting in your Church today or has it been cut off? Headship(leadership) must be re-established so that the Body of Christ (His Church) can be fully operational, jointly fit together, and walking and working together in unity and in Love. God's hand is not too short! We just got too far out of reach! Come closer! God's hand it is not withered, it is being restored! Jesus is just looking for a Church(Body) to lay his head . A shouldering Church for the government to be placed upon. A place for his power to manifested through.

Judges 1: 6- describes a season and a time when the Thumbs of Kings were cut off(70 to be exact- 7 is symbolic complete and utter finality).In 5-fold ministry, the hand represents the power of God to the Church. Symbolically the thumb is the Apostles. The one that governs with a Kingly anointing. During the "fall of Kings" there were great lamentations.

Purpose of cutting off- prevent from functioning, gripping and holding together! To disable! Render ineffective! The enemy would love to completely and utterly destroy the government and order of God.

In Luke Chapter 10 , it gives an account of another 70 being sent( not disabled or powerless but operating in a measure of restored authority to heal that which was lamed, maimed, withered, blind, deaf, dumb, mute, and all manners of sickness and diseases). This day partial reformation took place. Establishing further that the Kingdom of God is near. Those that hear those who are sent(Apostolos) also hears and receives Him that has sent them(Jesus, The Chief Apostle)...thus removing the Church from lamentation to Rejoicing that apostolic authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy has been restored. 7 being again symbolic of complete and finality. The curse has been reversed! Signs, wonders, and miracles never left the Church. The Church just left the signs, wonders, and miracles. It was cut off from it without Apostles & Prophets. It was robbed of supernatural identity because we would not readily identify with Gods set order. Thus the sad" Simply Sunday syndrome " entered the church! Is your church dealing with identity theft?

John 10:10 -A device of the enemy is to Kill and cut off the life and function of the church! Does the spirit of the thief rest in your church, or are you a Reformational church full of Dunamis dynamite, and Exousia Kingdom power? Be not ignorant (without knowledge (Teachers) of the devices of the the enemy. He is the author of confusion and must be cast out of God's house. When The Church takes allegiance with enemy tactics to kill the head, destroy the hand(power), and deny God's government in the church, it is a house of desolation, destined to be destroyed!. Satan is the strongman of this house and he seeks to divide the house. A House divided against itself will not stand. The very apostolic nature and mandate of an Apostle is to destroy the works of the devil to assure that the foundation of Gods house remains in tact!

Math 18:18- You have apostolic power to bind the devil and loose Kingdom into your Church, to empower the hand(5-fold giftings) of God into your church, to manifest the head(foundational anointings), and the proper divine order(Government) of God in your church. To move it from Simple Church to Supernatural Kingdom! You have Kingdom Keys! Everyone that Jesus sends(Apostolos), He equips and empower them with Keys. Has your Church lost or misplaced its keys? Wait in Jerusalem until you have been endued with power from on high. You are simply having Church without power. Just a form of godliness denying the power thereof. Is this your Church? Hmm I wonder!

Math 14:6:-12- gives an account of demon traffic and powers of darkness beheading Gods authority in the earth, the forerunner, John The Baptist. Because the voice of the Apostles rattles, confronts, and convicts the gates of hell, the enemy seeks to bury, muzzle and silence that prophetic voice. A Church without a head(government) and a Church without Thumbs, is disabled from threatening the kingdom of Satan. Is your Church a noise or a voice? The messages that your Church preach, are they powerless to convict? Satan don't mind you making noise(preaching prosperity only) he just don't want you being a voice(preaching the requirements for prosperity...repentance, returning, obedience) Are you just making noise? Hmm simply Sunday!

1John 2:20- But we have an unction to function! An anointing from the Chief Apostle Jesus, The Christ! We should be operating in the fullness of Christ. Both the head and the body must be functioning in its proper place. There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord, diversities of activities, but it is the same God that works all in all. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for profit of all. One may be given the word of wisdom, another word of knowledge, to another faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues , and to another interpretation of tongues. But one in the same Spirit works all these Things, distributing to each individually as he wills. None is more honorable or less important. All is vital and necessary equally so that there be no schisms in the Body.

Does your Church activate in its authorized anointings?. The kind that destroys yokes or is it Simply Sunday at your Church? Hmm I wonder!

If we are to shift from simply Church to Supernatural Kingdom, we must take and make quantum leaps in the Church! The Kingdom is not part of the Church, the Church is part of the Kingdom. Stop trying to fit into the old Church patterns and get fitted for the Kingdom pattern. We must shift from Church mentality to Kingdom Reality! Shout Kingdom now! New wineskins, new order, new Kings and new patterns! Shout order in the courts of God! Have you changed the garments of your church lately? Hmm simply church!

Ecclesiastes 3:1- seasons are changing, the timing of Gods reformation of the Church is now! When God is ready to move on the face of the deep, everything is recreated and restored according to Genesis the 1st Chapter! Do your church know what time it is or is it simply Sunday, no breath, no wind, no move of God? Hmm simply Sunday.

Acts 2: 1-4- Is Pentecost yet to come ? We need the Suddenly Sundays of Acts chapter 2. Sudden sounds of Heaven, and Sudden rushing mighty winds, and sudden fires! When was the last time someone called 911 because your church was on fire for the Lord? Fire in the praise, fire in the worship, blazing prayers, and smoking preaching! Does your church know how to call down the fire or be the fire? Hmm I wonder!

Isaiah 43:19 God is doing a new thing. Its a dawning of a new day, a new era, a new time..forget the former things, do not consider the things of old. Its passing away, behold all things are become new! God is changing guards! No more Saul's but a Dynasty of Davids! Where is the heart of your Church? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Is your Church heart following after Gods own heart? Hmm those hearts that will usher in the KINGDOM! Where is the church?

That which was last is now first, which means the Kingdom of God is advancing and being restored, the hand, the head, and the government! Shout Kingdom!

Acts 3: 19-21- These are the times of refreshing for those that REPENT for being out of order, out from under the hand and government of God . It is time for restoration of all things! Divine order! Return, The King and His Kingdom is near!

Prov24:3- Through wisdom a house is built(Apostles), and by understanding it is established(Prophets); by knowledge(teachers) it is filled with precious and pleasant riches. Has your Church moved from rags to riches? Are you counting the cost of building in vain. Unless the Lord builds(Apostled) the house, the Church labor is in vain!

Math 7:25-27: rooted, grounded and founded on the rock! Wisdom will not let the enemy huff and puff and blow your house down. Is your Church falling down and can't get up? Is it an obedient Church that both hear and do the word of God or is it a house built on sinking sands because it was not built by God, does not have the right material and cannot stand nor withstand! Hmm I wonder is the Church deceiving itself?

Math 16:18-19- Upon this rock(Jesus not Peter "little rock), I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys to the KINGDOM of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose

on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Are you bound or binding, loose or tied, a tangled up Church that has no hand, no head, no divine government, no power, no authority, no workings of the Spirit that will profit all. Are you simply having Church? You are on the wrong foundation. Shift Now to Kingdom.



Now Testament Churches are built, birthed and Apostled according to the blueprints of God. Without the pattern of God, the Church is like a Head without a body, a body without bones, no infrastructure and no order. Therefore a foolish house!

Ephesian 4:10-16- And he himself(Jesus, the Chief Apostle) gave some to be, Apostles, some Prophets, some evangelists, pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things unto Him who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective work by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

The Apostles have a great shared mandate, to mature the Church and bring into fullness of Christ, Total reformation! To keep the Church from being bewitched by false doctrines of false Apostles and Prophets that will say peace in a time of destruction. That stir up false winds and strange fires!

Prov 10:25- when the whirlwind passes by....the righteous has an everlasting foundation.

The office and ministry of Gods headship gifts will help to keep the people rooted and grounded in truth, the solid rock, the chief cornerstone.

Does Kingdom government(Headship) and divine set order rest in your Church today. Without proper order, the Church is like a body without a head and a head without a

body....Simply dysfunctional! Simply powerless! Simply Sunday. Church without Kingdom!

Isaiah 28:16- Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.

Does your Church stand on a sure foundation. Will it crumble when the whirlwinds blow? Will it be tossed to and from? Does it stand in the times of testing and endure during times of great furnace of afflictions? Does it have a word foundation. Hmm I wonder!

Ephesian 2:20- ..having been built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the Chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

1 Corinth 3:10- For we are God's fellow workers, you are God's field, you are Gods Building, According to the grace of God that was given unto me, as a wise master building. I have laid the foundation and another man builds upon it, but let each one take heed how he builds upon it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Build with personal vision, build upon new territories, reach new boundaries(where the name of Christ is not yet named), labor and plant new things, buy new technology , release fresh anointing, pass on new vision, mantle by preparing and equipping others. Start mentoring, mothering, nurturing, fathering, and birthing sons and daughters and stop stealing members. Your church membership has not grown or multiplied apostolically, it simply increased due to church hopping and sheep swapping. We should build and not borrow from our neighbors sheepfold. Get busy about your Fathers business and not your neighbors business.

My prayer for us all is that we all get connected...too many rolling stones, not enough lively stones, too many heads, not enough bones and joints, too many eyes, not enough feet, too much talking and not enough action!

Can the real stones of God, please come forth! Can the Kingdom people, Please stand up! Its time out for Simply Sunday mentalities and high time for Supernatural Kingdom realities! Its time to shift from Church to Kingdom! Hmm are you tired of having simply Sunday Church as usual? Do you want a habitation and not just a visitation from God? I wonder! Do you want the Spirit of God to layover or stay over and dwell? Do you want power and authority to be exercised everyday and in every service. Do you want glory or fame. Hmm simply Sunday!

“This is a strategic time for God to move into a Kairos moment just at the brink of a STORM.”

If You Are In A Storm God Is There!!!

raditionally and spiritually for many this has been our season of thanksgiving, and yet for many it is a time of grief and discomfort. Isaiah 53:1- declares the Lord will surely

comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing. I will not allow Zion to stretch out her hands to me and I not comfort. It is my charge and very mandate as it was given in Isaiah 61:-to comfort all that mourn. As we stand and weep with those that weep today, we are comforted that the God of peace will create a praise on the lips of those that mourn and give them new garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness sweeping over Samoa and Hawaii and unto us all. It is our charge and very mandate to comfort those in Zion. I am at this moment in time very discomforted in my heart for my Samoan family who are grieving the lost of family members and friends during this recent tsunami that stuck at a magnitude of 8.0 on Tuesday, September 29Th. This devastating earthquake that has hit the villages and islands without warning for some and at surprise to many, wiped out whole villages and with that were many that lost their lives, scores of those reported injured and still there are many that are reported missing. The earthquake was said to have triggered 4 tsunami waves 15 to 20 feet high, damaging waves that hit the shore washing over many carrying them by waves for 80 yards or more. Many sought higher grounds on the mountains. Those that could make it to higher ground in time among those were patients evacuated from the main hospitals, newborn babies with IV's, crying children and frightened elderly people. You can sense the growing and overwhelming anxieties of those that endured this devastating disaster. When the warning center in Hawaii issued the alert, many had all of 10 minutes to respond before the devastation of the waves hit. It has also been reported that due to hardware malfunctions many agencies that would have received the notification alert did not, so many were unprepared to respond.

Most of you know of my spiritual covering and affiliation in the Samoan community of churches here in Texas. We have been building unity and fellowship while breaking down those traditional and religious structures and cultural barriers with our Samoan family of churches for over the last 7 years. I am personally affected because I both know and feel the


infirmities brought to my family of churches here. It is with that being said, just as our President Barack Obama has declared a disaster for American Samoa, I want to create and declare a state & sense of "Reaction to Disaster " in the hearts of Kingdom minded individuals such as you. Because of our fellowship and affiliation God has opened yet another door. When man or God closes one door we should be attentive to be spiritually sightful so that we may clearly see that God has opened another needful door that we must access. In light of the Samoa devastation, Hawaii will be hosting a Conference of Hope and Comfort in November 2009 during the thanksgiving holiday. I have been honored and privileged with the requested opportunity to preach and minister a message of hope and restoration unto the Samoan families. I have been praying as I always do at the close of the year for directions and agendas for the next year. Often I have been instructed to let go so I can latch onto. It is always at a season of letting go that God will give me a mandate for my future. And true to his word, he has seen and heard me. I need your prayers and support as God adds Samoa and Hawaii to our calendar for 2009/2010 and send me yet again into his vineyard to speak life in a place where life has been taken. Families are broken, whole villages and islands are crying unto God for answers. And we must be ready to give an answer concerning the hope that is within us.

This is a strategic time for God to move into a Kairos moment just at the brink of a STORM. He prepares to turn the Chronos pain of Samoa and Hawaii into a Kairos shift of comfort and consolation. With the help of the Lord, we are prepared to speak both spirit and life and be the answer to Samoa and Hawaii. We know Jesus is that hope and life, that comfort and the strength that they will need in their time of weakness and sorrow. We need prayer warriors whose prayers will be released now toward Samoa and Hawaii. Please pray that God will prepare me NOW for such a time as this, in all areas mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually to be his vessel. We have accepted the call to Samoa and Hawaii and now pray for all things to be set in order as we await Gods provision for the mission to line up and overtake us! We know with man things are impossible but with God all things are possible. There is a non-profit organization that has connected to me that are preparing a CHEST of HOPE(medication, food, water, clothing, finances) to rebuild houses and shelters for the homeless). Jesus declared in Mathew10:42- if we should but give a cup of cold water to refresh the least, we will in no way lose our reward. When we sow into prophetic people and purpose we too receive a Prophets reward. If you can sow into us, we will release that which you give to us unto Samoa into the Hope chest! Please if God touches your heart, email or call me and as workers together be a part of reestablishing a community back to a place of hope and comfort! Whatever you do unto the least you have also done unto me. It is our charge to feed, to clothe, and to shelter the least.

Additionally, we have founded this year a project called BOTTOMS UP 4 AFRICA! It is just the thing that we the Bottoms up founder inspire to put our hands and hearts to. Bottoms up Foundation is about supporting and supplying unto ever joint. It’s about lifting up and restoring Kingdom living, and its very heartbeat is to render aid and relief with comfort. We have just returned from Ghana, West Africa in July 2009. We endeavor to build and fortify people by building both naturally and spiritually. Bottoms up is about building leaders, ministries, and nations as a whole up from the bottom to higher grounds. Since we have returned from Ghana my whole heart has been consumed with Gods love for His people

everywhere. We have actively sought the minds and hearts of people, churches, and organizations, via local media, through local Killeen Daily Herald newspaper, and our local Christian television station, KPLE-TV. We have made our petitions with many here locally and abroad to become partners and captains with us to oversee our Kingdom works here in the USA and globally. Due to the response of many, the Bottoms up Foundation with the cooperation and labor of love of some core individuals and great friends of mine that are of Kingdom minds, we together have helped to lease rental property to those that were in need of housing assistance in Ghana and establish headquarters for many future projects, we have sent individuals to schools, we have sowed into orphanages in need of food, we have sowed spiritually and financially into a number of our spiritual sons lives and churches in Ghana. Even now there are many others waiting on our support in Ghana to retain land and villages, to build more facilities for schools and more stable structures for the orphanages. God is looking for a few Good men to help Captain the Kingdom works in Africa! Our global website is in just a few days ready to be released to Global Alliances here and abroad instructing them on how they can become a partner and invest in the Bottoms up Foundation. Duet 1:15- selected wise well-known men and made them captains and officers over tribal works.

We too are seeking Decapolis Captains(sowing $10 monthly), Jubilee Captains($50 seeders), Centurion Captains($100 up to $1000 or more). It is the word of God that promises if you are faithful over a few things, he will make you ruler over much. We want your best seed to be sown on good grounds so that it may produce and lift people from the Bottom up to higher grounds! Because we are not just interested in your money, we are interested in your heart and ability to serve good and faithfully while submitting to the legacy of the vision, we must accept good seed and not bloody money. We endeavor not to be a wicked and slothful servant but amongst the good and faithful. If you have agendas other than the ones God given concerning this vision, this is not the project for you. We stand on the word as the scripture declares, we must seek wise men, well known and of good report and good and faithful standing in the church(the Body not the building), full of the Holy Spirit, those not after gain or filthy lucre. If you are interested in being screened and briefed by one of the designated BOARD of BISHOPS on the vision for these projects as well as be giving your purpose in participating, please email or call us and we will get you linked to our new website, Bottoms up 4 Africa. If God has given you a like vision and you are interesting in linking your website to ours, we are very open to that.

Thanks for your Kingdom ears, hearts and hands . As we go forward into the vineyard, we pray that Gods grace and unmerited favor is bestowed upon you, that his goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and that together we will comfort all that mourn and build up the lives of all Gods people from the Bottom up to Higher grounds. Please continue to pray for our brethren, our sons and daughters, our churches in Ghana, our missions and works in Texas, Chicago, Mississippi, Virginia, Peru, South America, India, Nigeria, Ghana, West Africa, Mexico, Samoa, Hawaii, our global alliances made through the intranet and websites, partners, Captains and colaborers, sponsors, families, and friends!

Global Impact from the desk of Bishop Linda JohnsonSunday, October 18, 2009

1:33 PMBottoms Up Global News

“..When wisdom enters our hearts, then knowledge it becomes pleasant to our souls.

When Wisdom Falls Fools Rise-Ask Me How I know!

rov 2: 6- For the Lord giveth wisdom, out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He has put wisdom in the inward parts and he has given understanding to the heart. Psalms 37:30- The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom and his

tongue talketh judgment. There must be a shift in wise leadership both in our speaking and in righteous judgment by the word. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and prepare to shift from old paths to new paths, old wineskins to new wineskins, old orders to new orders, old complacent guards to new leaders that will take a stand and withstand!. In order to be in the remnant of blessings we must chart and re-chart a course headed toward wisdom.


This may offend, shock, shake, rattle or roll you. Hebrew 12:28- let us therefore receive a kingdom that is firm, stable and cannot be shaken, offer unto God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that the word the thing that cannot be shaken will remain. God is removing that which is movable and transforming those which cannot be shaken. It is time that we vomit up the things we have breathed into our spirit, ingested, digested and tolerated and celebrated that is not like and of God and his kingdom. You may not like it but it will continue to sicken my spirit if I do not say it out loud . Wisdom is crying in the street, in the church, in the heavens, and in the Kingdom of God! And it has not been heard. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word. The evidence that the word is heard is obedience.

The bible has a lot to say about wisdom. When wisdom enters our hearts, then knowledge it becomes pleasant to our souls. We that are preaching, teaching, and standing uncompromisingly on sound wisdom are finding out that fools are rising. Fools despise wisdom and instructions. The word falls on deaf ears. Like casting precious pearls before foolish swine. We are among swine nations Sunday after Sunday. It is our call to herald the word before the wise and the foolish. Those that hear and obey shall stand because he has built his house upon a rock. But he that does not hear and obey when the storm comes great shall be the fall of that foolish house. Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars and has made that house unto perfection... God is birthing and

breeding a wise house, whose founder is a wise master builder. The rise and fall of wisdom gives place to fools in the house! God layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous, he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.

When was the last time you saw the church standing. The church is falling, the church is falling because wisdom is falling and fools are rising! Fools despise knowledge and understanding. There should be blessing upon blessing in the church when wisdom and understanding is found. Is wisdom lost, can it be found, is anyone seeking wisdom? Are our ears dull to her cry? Wisdom serves as our foundation by it the Lord founded the earth and established the heavens.....where are our roots of wisdom? Are we leaning and rocking on the wrong foundations? Are we rising with the fools of today? What is before our eyes today, what has blinded us from the truth? Where is sound wisdom and discretion? Have we forgotten wisdom and understanding? Are we declining and departing from wisdom as fools. If wisdom is the principal thing, we must do first things first . We must get wisdom and with all our getting, get understanding, discernment and interpretation. The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for the want of wisdom.

Wisdom is a teacher it is a guide that leads us in good paths, We have not attended to her cry. We have not bowed our ear to hear her understanding words. Some have compromised on the basic of doctrine. We have allowed hell into the church with its abominations and false interpretation of inclusive messages. Yes God word is for whosoever will. But that will must then be transformed unto the will of God. In our effort to embrace all, we have compromised on levels I feel have open gates of hell in the church that the anointing cannot close or destroy because we have not denounced and renounced them.

Now there is another authority working in the church. There is another influence and leadership don't have it. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Many of our tongues have been cut off therefore the power that we need to preach and cry loud and spare not even from our own pulpits, and in our own homes are muzzled to silence and compromise. What ever happened to the, " as for me and my house mentality"....the dog, the cat, the fish, the bird, everything...we will serve the Lord! Wisdom indeed is crying loud. Now we are harboring aiding and assisting demons from the pulpit to the backdoor. There is a fight In our flesh, in our mind, and now in our spirits Instead of battling we are harboring demonic traffic in the church. It is indeed something else working in our members. A wise man wins souls but with wisdom not compromise. We have compromised our lifestyles, the lifestyle of the Holy church,. our music ministries, what we wear, what we teach and believe, without consulting wisdom. We have not embraced wisdom and said you are my sister and to understanding we have not said you are my kinswoman. Wisdom indeed is crying and the voice of understanding weeps in the street unheard. Because we have made allegiance with ungodly unreverential influence.

It is so simple to get wisdom that even a fool can receive it if his heart desires understanding. Lay aside your worthless desires. Wisdom is better than rubies and pearls. Nothing a fool desires can be compared to it. Gold and glass cannot equal to wisdom, nor can it be exchanged for vessels of fine gold. God knows the way to understanding wisdom. He knows the place of it is found in God and with God, He saw wisdom and declared it; he established it, he searched it out for his own use and he possessed it. He decreed it to be

found in the fear of the Lord and the departing from evil. It is both reverential and worshipful to get wisdom, to walk in its understanding, and to depart from walking with the ungodly that do not reverence God. The mouths of the uncompromising righteous speaks with wisdom and justice. Even the meditations of her heart there is found of her. Wisdom desires truth from the inward parts. Wisdom is found in the innermost heart.. The heartfelt reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord. It is the preceding essential factor the prerequisite to understanding. Only fools despise skillful and godly wisdom, instructions and discipline.

Yes wisdom is crying in the streets in the market places, and in the churches of today. Wisdom is saying, let me deal with you. Wisdom is saying, if you will repent and turn and take heed to my reproof, I wisdom will pour out my spirit upon you and make you to know my words.. Until you repent, you will call upon me and I will not answer. You will seek me early diligently and I will not be found of you. Wisdom has been speaking eternally and yet we deny her. She speaks loudly and we cover our hearing. She roars and still we ignore her. What is wisdom to do if we will not hear. She cries in the street. She says if you hearken unto me you will dwell securely and in confidence and trust. You will fear no evil. She says seek me like silver and search for me as a hidden treasure. She says, happy and blessed are those that find me. They are blessed and fortunate even envious. She says, do not forget, turn away from me, or forsake me then I will keep, defend and protect you. Love me and I will guard you. Exalt wisdom and wisdom will exalt, promote and honor you.

Wisdom rested upon the hearts of those that have understanding, but that which is in the midst of fools will be made known. Folly is joy to them that are destitute of wisdom, but a man of understanding walketh uprightly. Speak not into the ears of a fool for he will despise the wisdom of your words and instructions. Wisdom is too high for a fool, he opens not his mouth in the gate. The wise man Solomon said when we give our heart to know wisdom, and to know foolish madness and folly,we bring unto ourselves vexation of spirit. Then he saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness. Then said he wisdom is greater than strength and better than the weapons of war.

Therefore the wisdom of God has said, I shall send unto you apostles and prophets, and some of them shall be slayed and persecuted. Christ sent us not to baptize but to preach the gospel, not with the wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ be made of none effect. For it is written, he will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise, hath God not made foolish the wisdom of this world. Rise wisdom rise and let the foolish fall!

“Why are we building bigger buildings/churches yet the sheep are lean?”

Build, Renew, and Restore

am ever grateful to the Lord for His marvelous works of REFORMATION to bring HIS bride, the Church, the Body of Christ into perfect maturity. God has never been out of order neither can He ever be. He is a God of perfect order never confusion(1 Cor

14:33). He would have it that all things be done decently and in order(1 Cor 14:40).

Adam and Eve was placed in a perfect garden with a perfect God. They were given perfect instructions. They made the mistake of rebelling against order and defying Gods instructions. That mistake turned the perfect place into total chaos. Chaos is a declared state of utter confusion or disorder. A total lack of organization and structure.

Jesus came to Rebuild, Renew and Restore!


Mathew 16:18- upon this rock, I will build my Church.a. Jesus is the Rock(Psalms 18:22- rock, fortress, deliverer, strength, my buckler & horn of my salvation)b. Jesus is the Foundation(Isaiah 28:16- I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: He that believeth(trust/rely) shall not make haste(be ashamed or give way to panic)c. Jesus is the Head and Chief of His House( Ephesians 1:22-23 - all things were placed under His feet, and He was given to be the head over all things to the church. Which is His body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.

Psalms 118: 22- the stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner! To God be the Glory!Matthew 21: 42-..this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.Luke 20:17- the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the cornerActs 4:11- this is the stone that was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

Who are the builders that are refusing the stone today? Who are the builders that are


not considering the marvelous work of God? Who are the builders that are throwing away the head? Who are the builders that despise this stone today? Many of us say that Jesus is the head of our lives, our ministries, and the Church. Yet we have been ashame of Him, we have refused and rejected His word, His ways, and His plans as if they were useless and unsatisfactory. We have not made Him Lord! Why call me Lord Lord and do not the things that I say(Luke 6:46)? Many today have sat in His seat, stolen His glory, and are operating as Heads over His Church. Yes we have delegated authority, stewardship, and we are colaborers and workers together with Him! But the work is His, the Body is His, The Church is not the building it is the people. And they and we are the sheep of HIS pasture. Not ours! Why are we now denominations and organizations that are divided? Why are we building bigger buildings/churches yet the sheep are lean? How big do your barn need to be before you realize the needs of the sheep? Why are we a people not a people? Who is our Father?What are we building with and who are we building for? Why do the blueprint differ from the original pattern?

The Church is in the RE- mix. God is doing it again(refining), making it over(remodel), giving it a face lift(reframing), repairing, remolding and reshaping it to its original order! Shout Remix! God is remembering His covenant which He swore against Himself, He is reappointing, re-approving, reaffirming, realigning, reassembling,recharging, redefining, redeveloping, reestablishing, refinancing, reigniting, re-enrolling, rekindling, reorganizing, restarting, restructuring RECREATING and more, so he can Rebuild and Remarry His Church!

If you are in His seat get up! God is reinstalling and taking back His seat, His throne, His House, His People, and His Church!

The RENEWAL:(the prophecy of RECREATION)

God is renewing the Kingdom. Behold John said, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth".God is renewing His altar the place before the porch of the Lord. He will meet many in this place.God is creating in the Church clean hearts and renewing the right spirit within it.God is scattering the chickens and sending out Eagles that will soar in high heavenly places.God is giving new strength to run and not get weary to walk and not faintGod is renewing the days of old returning us to the old landmarks, not forsaking or forgetting us.God is transforming the church from the conformity of the world and renewing the mind of the church.God has spoken faint not, though the outward man perish, the inward man is renewed day by day.God has spoken the spirit of the mind of the church is renewed.The new man, the new look of the church is renewed in the knowledge after the image of the Creator.God has promised new mercies, new washings, regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost

Thanks be to God, He has not left or forsaken His Church. He has never slept nor slumbered. He ever liveth to make intercession for the Rebuilding, Renewing and the Restoration of the Church! God is calling the Church back(on recall) to the original CHURCH. Not the building for we are a temple not made by hands. We are more than what we have become(buildings) and we are less than what we have made and esteemed ourselves to be. Chiefs in charge, and dictators, and abusers of the flocks, denominations and organizations of hierarchy. We and many have become like many worldly systems with corporate offices and pensions of men. This shall be your reward the fame and fortune of men. But know that God shall repay every man according to his deeds.

RESTORATION of All Things:

Elijah must 1st come and restore all things. Indeed the spirit of Elijah has come and He too was beheaded refused,and rejected. John the baptist indeed came first to prepare the way of the Lord. he came crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord and Repent....return so that you can be rebuilt, renewed, and restored! He came to point us to the Head, the Chief, the high priest and Apostle of our profession, the cornerstone, the rock of our salvation, and the Savior of the Church, Jesus Christ, the anointed one.

We have become a people like Isaiah spoke of in chapter 42:22. a people that have been robbed and spoiled, snared and imprisoned, like a prey, none delivered, and none saith RESTORE! Somebody shout RESTORE! Restore means to give back or put back into its former place or position. Somebody shout restore! Restore the joy of my salvation Lord. Restore my health and heal my wounds Lord! Restore unto me the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, the caterpillar and the palmerworm. Somebody shout RESTORE! Let me build the old waste places, let me raise up the foundation(Jesus) for this generation, let me be the repairer of the breach and the restorer of the paths to dwell in. Restore oh Lord Restore in me! Restore restore restore!

God is looking for Elijah's, a prophetic people to turn the hearts of His children back to the Father. He is looking for Jeremiahs, a people with a rooting and plucking anointing to plant and rebuild. The Foundation has yet to be laid in many of our Hearts in many of our ministries. Jesus is the Foundation, for other foundations can no man lay than that which is laid(1 Cor 3:11). Many wrongful structures and many man made heads will fall. These structures shall not stand. In the days of restoration everything that God has not built, that does not bear His name, that is not built according to His pattern and with His materials shall be utterly destroyed when the prophetic and apostolic anointing is operating in full effect. And these are the days!

God has allowed us to go and do missions with our community of Samoan branches of churches in Hawaii/Samoa/Alaska and we have just returned home. The annual conference was packaged for impact. God showed up and showed out in miracles, signs, and wonders

and indeed it was marvelous in our sight. God in His own wisdom allowed the forthcoming cutting edge message to shift the culture from operating under Chief structures to Kingdom rule. The word is quick, powerful and indeed sharper than any two-edge sword. The word like a hammer broke up and beheaded many wrongful structures. He sent the spirit of Elijah to speak a prophetic word to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the hearts of the children back to Him( Malachi 4:6). They shall go in the spirit of Elias to make ready a people prepared for the Lord(Luke 1:17) . He sent the spirit of Jeremiah's rooting and plucking anointing(Jeremiah 1:10) to overthrow faulty cultural and tribunal structures that has been built up for centuries, and he came in to replant and rebuild true apostolic houses. Unless the Lord builds his house all the labor of that house will be in vain(Psalms 127:1). The spirit speaks to all of us today and tells us we have done some things well but yet he has one thing yet against us in that we have built temples that do not bear his name, his pattern, his blueprint, and his material. God has set the order of his own house. He set first the Apostles, secondly the prophets, and thirdly teachers(1 Cor 12:28). This is governmental order. Unless the Lord builds His house they that labor in the house labor in vain. God has birthed a blueprint and a pattern for the construction of His house(Exodus 25:7&8). He expects us to make Him a sanctuary that He may dwell in according to the pattern that He has given. God has set His own house in order. He gave some, apostles; some, prophets; some, evangelist; and some, pastors and teachers.(Ephesians 4:11). These ascension gifts/Five-fold gifts are set pillars of the Church of today. They are not obsolete or are they in your church? They should be fully operating with the unction to function. He has built His Church upon the foundation(the rocks within the Rock, building within a Building, a people pulled out of a People) apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the CHIEF cornerstone(Ephesians 2:20). Are all Apostles, no but we are all Apostolic in nature because we are lively stones built inside the stone of all stones, Jesus Christ.

We are apostolic because He is the CHIEF Apostle. We are prophetic because He is our prophet and we are built upon that foundation. There are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. That's why we must try the spirit by the spirit, know the spirit, and be in the spirit. Apostles are not puffed up by titles. They respect the ministry and the office because they understand it was only received by grace its no special accomplishment of their own(not by works but grace alone). They see themselves as the least not the chiefest and not the greatest that's why you find them serving from beneath(humility) not above(pride) because foundation gifts serve from the bottom up not the top down(somebody need to repent right here). They will not be found glorying in the revelation, anointing or even the works of the gift but rather glorying in the cross. You will find them building people verses buildings.

When we build Gods house on foolish wood, hay and straw(tradition, religion, denomination) surely the destiny of that house will burn. But if we build with gold, silver, and costly stones(Apostles, prophets, and teachers) we shall receive his great reward(1 Cor 3:12&13), God in His wisdom has sent apostles and prophets and they are being slayed and persecuted even now. But the remnant is here! This call to the apostleship of Jesus Christ is not self appointed neither man promoted but as God gave man recognizes by the spirit and by the fruit the call and then lay hands on those with this ministry office upon their lives. This is not sought by the will of men and not given by election of man but by appointment of

Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ Himself. We are received(not fully restored) last though by the order of God we were set first. But we are in the final Restoration of all things(Acts 3:19). Apostles by nature are builders, those that are anointed to establish and govern. That's why its crucial that we build by the order of God. We are the last day apostolic and prophetic people with the mind to Rebuild, Renew and Restore order in Gods house!

If we want to get God back in the sanctuary where He can dwell, If we want the glory of the Lord to return to Shiloh, we must repent & return so God can Rebuild, Renew, and Restore! We must behead wrongfully built faulty structures that were erected by us, for us, and because of us in order for God to add unto the Church. Then true apostolic and prophetic churches can continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and prayers so that fear may fall upon every soul and many signs and wonders will return to these apostolic prophetic houses(Acts 2:42). Then God can continue to add to the church(not the building! He wasn't talking about membership but partakers in the Body of Christ the true Church!

Lastly, God is speaking today just as He gave prophetic utterance from Ezekiel 43:9-11-Tell all my people to put away their whoredoms(are you playing the harlot halted between two opinions God and idolatry?), and the carcasses(dead things) of their kings(what or who is ruling you? Dethrone it before it thrones you!), don't allow it to put a gulf between you and God, put it far away from you forever and God will dwell in your midst forever. Son of man, show the house(describe) to the house(the church to the Church), that they may be ashame of their iniquities and let them measure the pattern(measure accurately its appearance and plans, the order, blueprint, the model, the design, formation, characteristics) . And if they be ashame of all they have done, show them the form of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do them. For this cause was this blog inspired by the Holy Ghost that the pattern for Gods house be revealed and order be restored. That they may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These sayings are faithful and true the Lord God of the prophets has sent an angelic word unto his servant the things which must be shortly done(rebuild, renew, and restore). Blessed be the man who hears these sayings and keeps them, for he shall wear a crown. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets. It is time to REBUILD, RENEW, and RESTORE! Unless the Lord builds, our labor is in vain! Lets do it again in 2010. The right way!

Bishop Linda JohnsonInspired for 2010(the year of Establishment- bring into existence, cause to be recognize)


Apostolic Release For 2010 for Africa

Apostle Isaac, my 1st born Son, my Ghanaian family, and all of Africa, It pleases me to speak into your end of the year(2009), the closing of the old(past or former things) as well as to release a new word into your new beginning, the opening of a new year(Fresh status). I decree at this time, that YOUR STATUS IS CHANGING NOW! May your latter days be greater than your former! Whats before you is bigger, better, and greater than whats behind you so press into your year of OPEN doors! Behold I set before you an open door that NO MAN CAN SHUT!

Let me 1st begin by saying I love you dearly with an everlasting love and I am very excited about the new relationship we have begun to take together. It will not be a relationship without trial and error. We must not take each other for granted. As we learn of each other and endeavor to love and care for each other we will grow in our relationship with each other and with God. We cannot say that we love God who we cannot see if we do not love each other who we do see(in action, deeds, and words...demonstration).I am persuaded and confident, that He which has begun a good work in us shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1: 6 is our witness that God has performed and he shall perfect His work and workers! ( perform defined- carryout, execute, do, accomplish, complete, fulfill his promises!)Can I prophesy to you that your day of deliverance, help, of aid is near! His plan and program for your life is working for you and not against you and for your good!

Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the thoughts that I have toward you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,to give you an expected end.

Our Journey my sisters, my brothers, my sons, and my daughters, OUR journey is as a race as Paul has said. OUR Challenge is to run without fainting and to walk without getting weary because of the trials and circumstances that we face.

Hebrews 12:1-3- ...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which do o easily set us back, and let us run with patience the RACE, that God has set before us.

My beloved children, He did not say the race would be easy! He did not say it would be

favorable all the time or that you would not have troubles. In fact He said the opposite. He said in this life you shall have tribulations. He said they will hate you as they hated him also. He said think it not strange when fiery trials began to try you as though some strange thing has happened to you. This is part of the journey of the steps of the righteous. Jesus took these very steps and yet he overcame the world!

Romans 5: 3-4.....we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience, experience, and experience hope: tribulations defined: affliction, hardship, adversity, distress, trouble, trial or sufferingpatience defined: patient, able to bear, endure provocation, annoyance, misfortune, and pain, without complaint or loss of temper. Rather be calm, quiet, composed, long-suffering when faced with delays and setbacks.

Can I encourage you that God sees, He knows, and He cares! He has not forgotten. He will never forsake, nor will he put more on us than we can bear! We just need to stay humble and learn to stand!

Ephesians 6:13- wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand!

A fighting church is not defeated, it cannot be knocked down! Its position is that of a warrior. He is always on His feet. His posture is upright. His stance is solid and firm. His sword not in its sheath but out and ready to fight, defend, protect, and contend!

Pure Word Ministries is a fighting ministry. It is full of warriors that Know how to fight the enemy. We are of the tribe of warriors. We understand warfare and the works of the enemy! And we have the power to destroy all the works of the enemy!

Ephesians 6:12- For we wrestle not with flesh and blood(each other), but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness,of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

If we spend less time, in fact no time fighting each other, we can spend more time, fighting our real enemy and coming against his works by fighting the good fight of FAITH, by putting the WORD on our problems, by rebuking him and placing him back under our feet, and by trusting God inspite of our trials and tribulations.

The year 2010 will only prove different and victorious for those who take heed to the word of God. The new warriors anointing will be released upon those who are of a willing and obedient spirit to the prophecy of this word.

Decrees:In 2010 I am stepping into my year of fulfillment! God is performing it!This year my status is Changing- Behold God is doing a new thing! My love is getting Bigger and Better! God is love and He is in me!God is ordering my steps toward my good expected end!

The race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to he that endures to the end!My journey is a challenge worth taking because no weapon formed against me shall prosper!I am running this year with patience as I lay down all that hinders me!I am fighting the right opponent this year...the enemy not the church!Pure Word ministry will receive the warriors anointing to stand!

“Are You Doing What Jesus Does or Are you just Saying What He said?...”

Religion Or Relationship Which Do You Have?

Bottoms Up For Africa has successfully launched globally around the worldwide web! If you have not visited our site yet....please do so or shame on you.....Take an opportunity now to see what the Lord is doing around the world and be a part of GLOBAL Change. We need Change 4 Change. Will you make a difference with us together our hands holding the chariots of God? Visit us at our newly released website: www.wix.com/bottomsupafrica/Bottomsup Africa. Take a moment now to go to our website ministry page and leave a comment so that we may know of your visit. It is our prayer that you will partner with us and Jesus in word, deeds, and prayer. Lets make a difference in the world and really do what Jesus do!

Here is a message The Lord placed in my spirit and the words he shared with me about me, about usabout you, It is alive and burning deep in my heart! I challenge you to checkyour spiritual barometer and see if you are doing what he did or just saying whathe said!

Here is the test……let me know how you scored!

Its the Lord's doing! Mathew 5:16- let your light so shine before men, that theymay see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Some of usare weary and faint and we have not even begun our Jesus Ministry. Where areyour greater works?

Religion and reality don't mix! Mathew 25:35-37- for I was an hungered, and yougave me meat, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger and youtook me in: naked you clothed me, sick you visited me, in prison and you cameto me. Then the righteous answer him saying Lord, when saw we thee.......When

was the last time you were hungry for God?

The root vs the symptom Isaiah 1:19- If ye be willing and obedient, you shall eatthe good of the land. We are not always obedient in serving. We want to beserved! Serve and you will be served at a table that will be prepared for you.Quit treating your own symptoms and follow the Dr's orders....obedience is fargreater than sacrifice(religious, rituals, traditions) What table are you sitting at yours or His?

Practicing doctrine without living it is not acceptable unto God. Isaiah 58:6- Isnot this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undothe heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break everyyoke? If your fasting afflicts you, and causes you to be hungry, it should all themore cause you to help those that are hungry, oppressed, in need because yourmeat is to DO the will of the Father! Are you hungry for his will and are youdoing His will or doing your own?

Breaking the mirror in you. Mathew 6:1- Take heed that you do not your almsbefore men, to be seen of them; otherwise you have no reward of your Father inHeaven. The prophets and Jesus came to rebuke rituals, traditions, taintedreligion, and outward drama queens and kings . Ask not what your religionshould do for you, rather you should say what do my religion lead me to do forothers.

Religion put spots on you, Reality takes them off. James 1: 27- pure religion andundefiled before God is this, To visit the fatherless and the widows in theiraffliction, and to keep himself unspotted before the world. Don't stay in thatspot, roll over and fetch this nugget from the word!!

Walk in your WWJD anointing. Luke 4: 18- The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent meto heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, andrecovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised! Stopsaying what Jesus would do and start doing what Jesus has done! Ouch! This iswhat the gospel does. Its not in word only but in a demonstration of power!

Lent reverence and follow God 40 days, Discipleship follows him all year long anduntil he c comes!

2 Timothy 3: 5- Having a form of godliness, but denying the powerthereof: from such turn away! Turn away from tainted religion and get a realdisciples fellowship and relationship with God! Will the real saints ofGod please stand up and be counted among those that are doing the greater worksof the church and not just the work in the church....Get out the box and quitserving tables in the church only. Its time to take your meal to the street andlead, feed, serve and pastor a community! Super Ouch!

Spend less and give more to get more! 2 Cor 8: 9- For ye know the grace of our LordJesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, thatye through his poverty might be rich. Many shepherds are fat but God's sheepare lean. We have many cars while others are walking, many coats while somehave none, our cupboards are full while others are empty. This is not Godsplan, he has devised a plan for the welfare of the poor also to give them ahope and a future. You are Gods gift to many!

What you make happens for others God makes happen for you! Luke 6:38- Give, andit shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together,and running over; shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measurethat you mete withal it shall be measured to you again. How many pots do you havehow much can you carry?

Free people will Free people! John 8:32- And you shall know the truth and thetruth shall make you free. You have the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is the powerof God unto salvation. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations. Youhave the truth to help, heal, and set free from bondage's. Who have you setfree? Who have you helped? Who side are you on those that bound or those that set free?

I say all these things to help shift you the church from Church to Kingdom, from religionto reality and relationships, from traditions of men unto truth that makes you free and free others, from being believers only to disciples indeed(followers), from being hearers only to doers that work their faith, from being self serving to serving others.

Mathew 23:11- But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. The reason alot of us are notexperiencing the blessings of God in abundance or to the full, may be because we are good at worshiping the word(or atleast our doctrines) and even worshiping our worship, but we fail at worshiping what worship teaches us. Worship should transform our lifestyles unto a life of giving and serving and not just receiving!

When we learn the principle of pouring ourselves out to others we will also find out that as we pour out we get filled up. Proverbs 11:25 states, " The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. No more empty rituals that allows us to walk away without true concern for others, no more religion that makes you pray and not become the answer to the prayer that you just prayed...How many times have you bowed your head to say Lord bless your people, heal the sick, feed the hungry, open prison doors. How dare we pray the prayer and not expect to ever BE the prayer. It is time to be the Word in Motion, to be the Balm in your community, in your region, to the nations infact......God expects you to be the worship experience for others....How long shall ye halt between 2 opinions saith the Lord, religion and traditions, doctrines of men and doctrines of devils, being neither hot nor cold rather lukewarm, between the fast that you have chosen and the fast of God that causes change in the nations unto the nations, and for the nations awaiting your comfort and relief!

I pray these scriptures will saturate our hearts and minds, and cause true repentance, and a great transformation in our pure religious walk with God! I pray that we would practice the word and not just preach it, that we would not load men with oppressive burdens hard to bear that we ourselves would not lift a finger to touch. We must become Kingdom focus on helping the poor and the needy, the broken hearted, the blind, captives of this world. Yes the poor we will have with us always…some are happy to hear this and are justified even so that they are comforted in doing nothing….so they are content having done nothing to lift a finger to reach out...even if we can't change all the poor present state ,we can change those who we are sent to eternal state and lessen, ease, and better their future!

Are you religious or do you have a relationship? WE all have a responsibility to change our world so that the kingdoms of this world may become the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The acid truth….are you doing what Jesus did or are you just saying what he said?

We have been working diligently to create a website to make you aware of some our Kingdom works in Africa, South America, India, Mexico, Hawaii & Samoa. Sometimes progress takes time. The time is NOW, you will be able to see our covenant friends, affiliates, and the churches we oversee in Africa. We pray that your heart will reach out and touch the Globe and sow into the needy. Not just those that we know but to all the Lord will send you to. This is the vision and prayer of Global Sword Nations International.

Bishop, Dr Linda Johnson

Linda Johnson

Global Sword Of The Lord Nations Int'lGlorygloryprayer@yahoo.com

Bottoms Up For Africa Is about to launch globally around the worldwide web ! Pray for our success as we make happen for others what God makes happen for us!

ShareIf you know someone that will benefit from this message, perhapssomeone that has been traveling for the Lord a long time and gettingtired, please forward to them and copy me...I would love to know howfar my shoes traveled...Thanks and God bless~

Shoes:Shoes often tell a story of where we've been, how long we have traveled, if the stay was comfortable or uncomfortable, if we need repair, or just a

Traveling Shoes

shine or two, if we have grown or outgrown, or if we simply need a newpair of shoes. Shoes sometimes get forgotten, in inadvertently leftbehind, torn and tattered. Even shoes can be misused and abused!

Feet:The feet that wear Gods shoes often get weary, tired, troubled, stepped on, forgotten, bruised, calloused, swollen, cut, stretched and compactedinto places that are too small because our feet have gottenbigger. Feet often get dirty, smelly, sweaty, puffy, and blistered. Asyou walk in your spiritual shoes and get directions for your feet, asyou follow in His footsteps may you take comfort in this prayer.

My Prayer:May the shoes that travel for the Lord and the feet that wear Gods shoes be kept just

as the children of Israel shoes were kept even in their wilderness.May the Lord order and direct the paths of those that get bruised along their journey for Him. As you walk in the good way, walk in the lightof His countenance.

May God wash the feet of His servants as they get dirty in their desserts and dry in their valleys. As you pass through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil, God is with you. He will never leave you. Lean not to your own understanding and He will direct your path.

May the Lord enlarge the territories of those that walk by faith and not by sight. Remember to run and not get weary to walk and not faint. Prepare to mount up and soar as an EAGLE. Your shoes have wings.

May He be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your pathways. Walk uprightly before Him and no good thing will He withhold from you. There is no want to them that fear Him.

May He be the lifter up of your head when others trample upon you. Just keep on walking and you will find rest for your soul. The Lord is yourshepherd and guide. His compass will lead you to still waters.

May He give His Angels charge over you and concerning you even if through your own fault your feet dash against the wrong stones. Walk withintegrity and worthy of your vocation.

May His grace continue to abound where sin has abounded along your way. Walk not after the flesh, neither fulfill the Lust of it, for there isno good thing that dwell in the flesh. But walk after the spirit andreceive life. Look for the highway to God and the good way which is theway of Holiness.

May you find mercy in the time of need as you turn from the left or to the right. Walk worthy of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Walk circumspectly, Walk by the gospelrule like Enoch. He walked with the Lord and he was taken up in thespirit.

May everywhere your that your feet travel, you walk in prosperity and have good success as you walk in honesty, character, and in love. A walkwithout love is like walking without God. God is LOVE!

May His word be found in your mouth and His conviction in your heart as you are reminded that all things work together for the good of them thatlove the Lord and are called according to His purpose.Walk in the way of good men, for he that walk with wise men shall be wise. Iron sharpens iron and there is safety in a multitude of counselors.Seek Godly counsel. When you hear the Lord say, "this is the way walktherein", obey for obedience is far greater than sacrifice.Fools cannot endure sound doctrine, they mock the way that you take. But God has put all things even the foolish things under your feet. He has prepared a place for your enemies....its your footstool!

Even as you walk in the midst of trouble, walk in liberty and Let not your heart be troubled concerning the bumps, bruises, calloused conditionsyou will find on the highway to Him.Though you will find trouble on every side of you from within and without, may you forget those paths of disappointments and leave them behind you asyou press forward to your promised places.Remember to walk in the old paths of righteousness that have been paved for you. Mock them that cannot walk in these paths! Can two walk togetherwithout agreement as to directions? All are not agreed upon yourdestination.

Last Call:Remember your shoes as tattered and torn as they may be does not determine who you are in Christ Jesus, neither do the wrong stop points along the waydictate where you are going.Don't get stuck in the old landmarks, don't let what has happened in the lands you travel cause you to linger too long. Lot lingered. His wife lookedbehind, neither of them had the good sense to just keep walking,recognize and smell the smoke of God in the place.

You don't have to wear the same shoes, you don't have to keep shining away the story that your shoes tell. You don't even have to put on thoseshoes ever again. God has prepared new wineskins for you the old willeventually burst. Your feet are beautiful unto the Lord. Live thegospel, preach the Gospel. Walk in the the Light of Gods Word! If youget dirty, take off your shoes and remember you are standing on HolyGrounds. Let God wash your feet and keep on walking.Good news...God has several pairs of shoes tailored just for you. He has another direction for you to travel as He release you from your oldshoes. He has another path that will lead you safely to your places ofpromise! He knows the way and the plans He has for you, they are goodnot evil, designed to bring you to an expectant end!

Pick up your new shoes, walk in the newness of life, and pursue your new territories.Remember God maintains the cause of His people and you don't have to keep travelingalone. Allow him to carry you when you cannot or don't even feel like walking. He will carry you in His bosom and nourish you under His healing wings.May this prayer encourage you and let you know your don't have to travel back into time and

The Church That Spits!

allow your tattered shoes and bruised feet to keepyou stuck in the past. But you can ascend, arise, and soar into yournew destiny with a new pair of shoes. You can find your new shoes atthe cross, meet Jesus there, repent of your sins, and pick up yourcross and follow Christ!

Apostle Linda JohnsonA Poetic and Prophetic Word to the Body of Christ!Sword Of The Lord Ministr

“Bad root means bad fruit...”

The Church That SpitsIsaiah 53:5- But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.Somebody shout glory!

I stopped being the victim of church hurt and people hurt when I realized He was wounded for my transgressions, and He was bruised for my iniquities. He took it all for me. He was touched by my infirmities. Hebrews 4:15-For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but one that hath been in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Many of us are bitter, battered, scarred, wounded, resentful, full of rage, murder and wrath...angered even unto sin.....deal with it...its true search yourself...seeds are deposited you wont see the fruit until they manifest...you want to destroy the fruit, YOU go to cut it off at the root...bad root means bad fruit...cut it off....people, relationships and things will and can potentially be the death of you. When I tell people I'm sick of them. I am, they have made me sick to spit and vomit. I've been raped and molested naturally and spiritually. I had to learn how to spit and regurgitate many seeds and tares that were sown over the course of my life. People of God, stand up and spit out those seeds! It’s adoggy dog world, every man for himself, sadly even in the church. If I profit and gain the whole world and lose my soul, tell me what have I profited. If I can just get down right ghetto fabulous about this, You ain't neva gonna look better than heaven baby! You better ask somebody! Sometimes you do have to kill to live to breathe! That may mean relationships got to go. Oprah said in the movie Color Purple, she will kill him dead before she let another man beat her. You got to be militant about your survival even in the church. No its not about rising to the top of fame, fortune, status or power, at least not for me. I'd rather be a doorkeeper in my Fathers House and I have been. I'd rather be a servant-leader than a follower. But it is about living, breathing and having your being. Church folks will kill you, ask Jesus! They would have rather seen a murder go free and even become one than to let an innocent man go free….you better run like Forrest Gump, Run Christians run, somebody say Exit the Church and enter the KINGDOM!

I've been hurt and have hurt others, we all have. And if I keep on living, I will be hurt and hurt again. We all will be. But thanks be unto God for Jesus, who always causeth us to triumph in the anointing, Christ(2 Cor2:14).....Unto others that are being hurt now, get anointed, get very anointed....It destroys every yoke and lift the burdens(Isaiah 10:27),... Awake, awake, Zion and put on strength. The anointing is the garment of power against all elements that come against you. You got to learn how to disrobe your self, don't go to another conference, don't you give another dollar for another bottle of oil I don’t care who anointed it, get in your own prayer line, repent and lay hands on your self, call on the name of Jesus and spit out those seeds and walk in deliverance, truth, wholeness, and healing! You have been given the same dunamis power to cast out, rebuke, and deliver yourself...

2 King 7 chapter- Can I prophecy to you that "This is the season" where God will cause that which "you thought" would kill you to feed you well. Somebody Shout glory! What's in your mouth…you better shout..you have stormed around your Bethel for the last time, This very mountain of pain you have circled and allowed it to encamp about you long enough. 7 means complete, its done, its finish, fini, klaar, acabados, finito, finite, 3akohyeha, terminado, gotowy, fardiga, and all that in every language translation it over, its done! You better receive this word! What came to kill you even if it was your own imagination real or perceived, it has to loose you, let you go, and feed you your victory meal! You better shout glory! Your Jericho experience is NOW! I hear the Lord saying to you, Now its time to SHOUT! Its time to SAY to that mountain, BE YE REMOVED and cast it wherever you choose…it simply cant live here anymore! The lepers asked, why sit we here and die?.. Are you kidding me…this famine that you are in right Now, It might be a famine of faith, a famine in your relationships, a famine of dream and vision, whatever the lack is, whatever is causing you to lose heart and hope, and joy, of any loss. Whatever is causing you to die to the pains of it, get ready to be free of it.

Get out of the church and drink some new wine. Get into the Kingdom and receive fresh new oil. The reason we low on fuel, we have let church mentality, tradition, religion, a Pharisee spirit into our houses. OPEN the door wide and kick them, him, her, it out! Whatever is effecting your flow, loose yourself spit, shout, and let it go so you can digest now what God has for you! Joel 2:24-26-And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD yourGod, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. God is here to restore the years so that not only will you eat well but for years you will have the increase of it. That swarm of locust(things) that has come to strip you of your God mind, God heart, God dreams, by inflicting you with pain got to go. The cankerworm is like a licking locust that eats up the field and spoils it and flee away. The Hebrew word is yelek….nothing worse than a leaping lizard like licking Yelek CHURCH locust. Always after the seed of God. Play in your own fields, You don’t belong in the fields of the LORD. REPENT, change your ways, and come into the KINGDOM for such a time as this "FOR REAL". Don’t talk about it, BE about it! Quick! Stop being like that caterpiller(slimy people) that prey on you like

extortionist. Be loose! Gods people are hungry and ready to EAT! And they shall be filled! People that don't want to see you prosper will always be a pest to you. You better use your pesticide…discernment. They will feed off you like the palmerworm, until you are fruitless and UNABLE TO bear fruit and multiply. Anytime you left barren by one of these seed eaters, you will need God to restore what you have painfully lost!

It's time, past time, High time even to Get off your bed of affliction and live and not die in Hurt, go and declare the works of the Lord(Psalms 118:17). This is where your healing starts and ends..I rebuke the spirit of hurt and release the prosperity of good health, and of whole and healthy healing, and relationships for the Body of Christ! Step into the realm of your breakthrough NOW! You are more than more than more than, can I say that again MORE THAN a conqueror.(Romans 8:37) I am no longer the victim but the victor through HIM!

Almost 5 years ago, after spending 10 days in ICU with my beloved son Anthony, my son passed on into glory November 5th 2005. I went to bible study and preached as planned, I still went to intercessory prayer meetings, I still read and meditated on my word day and night, and still reflected and declared the goodness of God in my life even as I grieved heavily for my son. November 12th, I preached at my own 1st born son funeral that would be almost 5 years ago. He was only 21 but thanks be to God, he had given his life to the Lord just 3 months prior. Even in death he was found on his knees in prayers of forgiveness unto God. I planned his funeral service, I picked his casket, I made the obituary, I paid for the funeral..All these things done with the help of the Lord though with much pain. What I thought would kill me(his death) has catapulted me into new realms, new dimensions, and new levels ofgrace beyond grace grace…multiplied grace. I Ten days after the funeral we were still on our ministry agenda heading toward Virginia to preach a message on The Kingdom of God. The kingdom, I spoke, from Roman 14: 17 , declaring, for the Kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. I preached that word with more power and conviction than I ever preached it before because I was experiencing a joy and a peace beyond my own comprehension. I had fully accessed the KINGDOM of God during a time of grief and pain. Pain has a way of pushing and propelling you to another place. A place you could not would not have gone on your own. I would go on to preach this message at my brothers funeral 2 years ago, "GET OFF YOUR Ashes", Can I encourage the church to bury the ashes of hurt never to resurrect again, your pain, your past, your residue...then and then only will and can you manifest into your Breakthrough...pain propelled me to this place called Here(today) and Jesus sustains me from a place called Here to There(Destiny)

But it is my job to maintain...I am pain free through the blood of Jesus say it, its a mindset, soak in it its a fresh saturation of manna, and sow into it...be an investor and contributor to becoming an Harriet Tubman in the spirit... bringing others that have not crossed over the Jordan of pain out of their misery unto dimensions of relief and joy in the Holy Ghost...don't help keep them in it…Release and let go!

There is a get out of jail free card....Jesus purchased it with his pain, sufferings, and crucifixion. He lived, He died, and He rose again. Again I repeat what the Lepers asked, why sit we here and die….There is a place called There(A 3RD DAY EXPERIENCE FOR YOU TOO…you only need resurrect yourself and walk into a new way of thinking…..I am not the victim, I AM THE VICTOR. A new way of speaking, I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. A new way of Living, TRIUMPHANT….yea in all things!

Be blessed! Step out of Pain that Kills and into Christ that lives, sits on the right hand of The Father, and is soon to return for his BRIDE- the OVERCOMER! Get Ready to eat. Can God prepare at table in your wilderness? Yes and he will. Though you may walk through many valleys and shadows of death, fear no evil, God is with you. What looks like it can kill you, it will feed you fresh wine, new joys unspeakable, new anointing, and much much much more! God will comfort, refresh , and restore you. He prepareth a table before you in the presence of your enemies(pain, frustration, resentment, bitterness, anger, wrath, people, and circumstances…these are just set backs…be prepared to sit up now and eat least these things choke you to death). He will anoint your head with oil(you will need to be Gods anointed headship in this hour so that what's on the head of the church will flow down to the body…every governmental gift need to be anointed again, again, and refreshed again…Get real even Jesus was anointed more than once….read it for your self…you ain't all that baby). Your cup need to run over…you need enough for others…you need to be in the overflow so that others can glean the oil….what's in your house? Oil baby Let it burn baby burn. Let it not go out or dim. When and if it does due to the cares of life….Lord send a fresh anointing! You are going to need it to endure hardness as a good soldier in this next wave of persecution that’s definitely coming. But don’t worry surely(that’s God promise), It’s a sure word! Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the day of your life.

Until next time- Rev 2:7- he that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to EAT of the tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. God is about to change your testimony. You went through but you coming out! God is about to give you double for your trouble... Isaiah 61: 7- for your shame ye shall have double ;and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto you. You are or should be shouting right about now. DOUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE! Hey Gods talking to you. Shout! Shout! Don’t you go no where, don't you change jobs, don't get a new husband or wife, don'tchange churches…Not yet! Not yet. God is about to change YOUR ATMOSPHERE! Your surroundings is about to change, You don’t have to switch or quit not yet…don't you dare move out of your land…the promise and the table is in the land…don't you move not yet until GOD has prepared that table before your enemies. Until God gets the glory out of your story…Shout let God get the glory! Open your mouth and Shout, It ain't over until Gods says its over, and when it is done, finito, acabados, terminado…then and then only can you MOVE when God moves, just like that!

Peace be multiplied, You on the way and I am rejoicing with you…Don’t you wait till the

battles of pain are over…you better shout now. Your status just changed in that SHOUT! Shout, lift your voice and shout... Lift your voice oh ye people of Zion, Shout unto Lord with a voice of TRIUMPH!

Forever in HIS name even through hurts and Pain,

Dr LINDA JohnsonApostle Dr Linda JohnsonFounder & CEO of Global Sword Nations Int'lGlorygloryprayer @yahoo.com


Share Monday, April 5, 2010 at

12:14am | Edit Note | DeleteIt Is Finished- Resurrection Sunday: April 3, 2010- Pure Word Ministry

Greetings from your Mom and Bishop. May this resurrection Sunday find you arising to the victory that Christ has given you through his Death, Burial and Resurrection. My love to all, the children, and to all the Saints of Ghana. Remember in all things, YES, you are more than conquerors. And no matter what evil goes on around you, you can rejoice and again I say rejoice Because- IT IS FINISHED! The ghost that has haunted, taunted, and tormented you, His goods have been spoiled because of the finished work of Christ.

Text: John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said it is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost.

Prayer- Lord don't allow my past or present nor things to come to torment, haunt, torture, or follow me into my DESTINY!

DiscussionNo one else can say with more convictions than Christ, It is Finished,. But because of Christ we too can shout it is finished with convictions!. Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, was able to say it is Finished. He is not the only person who is able to say to hell, death, and the grave- loose me and let me go...it is finished!

The Apostle John who wrote the Gospel of John was a witness to Christ’s Suffering, death and Resurrection. He worked with Jesus when the Word became Flesh. Remember when Christ was suffering he was close to Him. That made Christ to say, “WOMAN BEHOLD THY SON”, and to the disciple “BEHOLD THY MOTHER”. (John 19:26-27)....ITS TIME TO finish familiar ties and walk with KINGDOM destiny links! We are not looking for members but partakers, sons and daughters in ministry that we can mantle to carry on our purpose in the earth long after we are gone....we need duplicators and multiplicaters....! Those that are the closest to us should be our destiny walkers...the rest just talkers not even going where you

Bishop Johnson's sent letter to the churches in Ghana April 4th- Give up the Ghost- Its finished!

going..Be careful where you invest your time, seed, inheritance...

In the book of John, this beloved Apostle portrayed Jesus 21 times.

· In Chapter 1 he portrayed Him as the SON OF GOD- royal and humanity...say hello to rulership and it is finished to everything that keep you stuck in flesh and mess!.

· In chapter 2 he portrayed Him as the Son of Man.- Its about sonship- those led by the spirit, those are the sons of God...choose you spiritual sons and daughters wisely...they will carry your spirit into destiny. Be CAREFUL WHO ATTACHES THEMSELVES TO YOU. Your manna is the children bread!

· In chapter 3 he portrayed Him as the DIVINE TEACHER.- Experience is the best teacher...learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others...it is finished to repeating the same cycles of failure....start harnessing new and different things...Its over to the old and it has just begun in the new!· In chapter 4 he portrayed Him as the SOUL WINNER.· In chapter 5 he portrayed Him as the GREAT PHYSICIAN- he will heal you of every hurt pain sickness and disease...everything that tries to kill steal and destroy...It is finished!.· In chapter 6 he portrayed him as the BREAD OF LIFE.- Eat from the tree of life, if it don't build you up, its a destiny killer, vomit it up and don't eat it again...poison to your soul...It is finished you had your last food poisonous meal....it is finished! · In chapter 7 he portrayed Him as the WATER OF LIFE.- drink and never thirst again...it is finish...your drought, your famine, your lack, your not enough...shout it is finished!

· In chapter 8 he portrayed Him as the DEFENDER OF THE WEAK.- in your weakness Gods strength is made perfect- The storm is over now- It is finished!

· In chapter 9 he portrayed Him as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.- look for the light in people, some come to brighten your light, others will dim your light, but be careful of those that will put your light out...it is finish to light seekers that destroy your walk.shout it is finished!

· In chapter 10 he portrayed him as the GOOD SHEPHERD.

· In chapter 11 he portrayed Him as the RESURRECTION AND LIFE.

· In chapter 12 he portrayed Him as the KING- you are heirs!.

· In chapter 13 he portrayed Him as a SERVANT.- the greatest in the kingdom are those servant leaders.

· In chapter 14 he portrayed Him THE CONSOLER.- the lifter up of your head

· In chapter 15 he portrayed Him as the TRUE VINE- stay connected to those that feed and lead, not bleed! it is finish!· In chapter 16 he portrayed him as the GIVER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.· In chapter 17 he portrayed Him as the GREAT INTERCESSOR.· In chapter 18 he portrayed Him as the MODEL SUFFERER.· In chapter 19 he portrayed Him as the UPLIFTED SAVIOR.· In chapter 20 he portrayed Him as the VICTOR OVER DEATH.· In chapter 21 he portrayed Him as the REStORER OF THE PENITENT (He welcomed wandering Peter back to the Fold).

Now because we are talking about “VICTORY”, you cannot be a victorious person without passing through three (3) stages of COMMITMENTS. Jesus passed through these stages before He won that victory.1. He passed through the Stage of SERIOUSNESS. When he was working for Redemption and Salvation Jesus was really Serious; so He said “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). Because of the Seriousness about His work, He said, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head” (Matt. 8:20).- Let foolishness be driven out of you...if it don't fit with where you going let it go!

2. He passed through the Stage of SACRIFICE. He sacrificed His kingship, His Kingdom and His Glory and became Victorious for mankind. So the Apostle Paul said, “For ye know the grace for our Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor….” (2 Cor 8:9) Jesus really sacrificed every thing of His, for our sake.- always casualties in war...we lose some battles but we won the war!

3. He passed through the Stage of Suffering. Isaiah 50 speaks about His Suffering. “I gave my back to the smitters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.” Beloved there are three sufferings which Jesus went through that no man has ever gone through. They STRIPPED HIM of His clothes. (John 19:23) They SPAT on HIM. (Matt. 27:30) They SCOURGED HIM. (John 10:1 & 3)- Yes we are still spitting....we have many sufferings to face...but many more anointings to receive...pain anoints you and propel you to destiny! If you can take it, you will make it!

Before somebody is awarded with a University degree or a Olympic medal is won and declared victorious, he goes through seriousness, sacrifice and suffering. Christ is said “It is Finished”. Because He went through these stages. Beloved, I want to tell you that there is another three things that the Victory of Christ has done for us.

1. His VICTORY HAS CONFOUNDED THE POWER OF SATAN:To be confounded means to be perplexed or confused. Christ’s Victory over death confounded the devil. The devil never thought he will ever be confounded but my Lord’s victory did it. The devil cannot harm you for Christ has confounded Him.


The power Satan has been exercising over us for centuries was confiscated on that Easter Friday some 2000 years ago. It was revealed to Apostle Paul and he said “… Death is swallowed up in victory. O’ death, where is thy sting?, Oh grave, where is thy victory…. But thanks be to God which giveth us the Victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ”.(1 Cor 15:57) Finally, Apostle Paul declared, “And having spoiled principalities and Powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Col. 2:3).

3. HIS VICTORY HAS COMFORTED ALL SAINTS.We are comforted, are satisfied, due to His victory. Our Salvation has been secured. Oh my beloved Saints, we are comforted. We shall not lack any good thing, because of His Victory.

The “It is Finished”, that He said on the Cross means:a. Jesus took our CANTANKEROUS LIFE and gave HUMBLE LIFEb. Jesus took our CONTAMINATED LIFE and gave A HOLY LIFE.c. Jesus took our Place on the cross and gave us HEAVEN.

Let us Celebrate Christ’s Victory today, because that victory I sharing with Africa and others:1. IS A UNIQUE VICTORY. Nobody under the sun has ever won such a victory.2. IS A UNIVERSAL VICTORY. ALL OVER THE world today, people are celebrating this victory.(for America, Africa, India, South America, Samoa, Mexico, even Ghana)3. IS AN UNCHANGEABLE VICTORY.· Nobody can change this victory· Personalities in this world cannot change it.· Politicians cannot change it.· Powers of the darkness cannot change it· Principalities cannot change it.I wish you well, May you be Victorious in everything. For Christ has won the Victory already, Amen!.To the Churches of Ghana and unto all of Pure Word ministry, remember all ways you have the victory and it is finished!shake it off, drop it off, and let it Go! Destiny trumps the past, present, and a wrong future. For I know the path I have chosen for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a hope and future...an expected end- DESTINY!

Your Mom and Bishop,

Apostle Linda Johnson-

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