ap world hist

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  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    1. All of the following

    are possibilities for

    life after death

    according to one of

    the worlds great

    religions EXCEPT

    (A) reincarnation as another being, depending upon actions in previous lives

    (B) becoming part of the Universal Spirit (Brahman) until descendents no longer remember you

    (C) becoming part of the Universal Spirit (Brahman) without further incarnations

    (D) ternal life in a paradise or torment, depending on actions in life

    (E) xistence in the spirit world, until descendents no longer remember you

    Good job. B is the correct answer.


    All of the worlds great religions (with the possible exception of Taoism) teach of an existence

    after this life. Some, such as Judaism and Hinduism, connect that existence to the manner of life

    that was led. Those who violated the laws of the faith are punished with either eternal torment

    (Judaism) or reincarnation as a form of life worse than the previous incarnation (Hinduism).

    Those who kept the laws of the faith receive eternal happiness (Judaism) or a better incarnation

    (Hinduism). It is also possible in Hinduism to break the cycle of endless reincarnations, although

    this is seldom accomplished. Buddhism promised a more likely relief from the cycle by following

    the Buddhas path to Enlightenment. Upon attaining this afterlife state (Nirvana) one would be

    rejoined with the Universal Spirit, Brahman, like a drop of water falling into the sea. Only

    Confucianism, supporting traditional Chinese beliefs, suggested that existence in the afterlife was

    predicated upon being remembered in this world (ancestor worship). In no way was Nirvana, or

    the Hindu equivalent, Moksha, connected to the worship of ones descendents.

    Topic: 8000 B.C.E.600 C.E.

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    2. Which of the following may have contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?

    (A) long-distance trade with India and China

    (B) assimilation of Germanic peoples into farming societies

    (C) worship of the pantheon of Roman gods and goddesses

    (D) rowing influence of Christianity throughout the Empire

    (E) transition from a republic to an imperial government

    B is not the correct answer. You should have selected D.


    The fall of the Roman Empire has been a topic of debate since before it even collapsed. Many

    different theories have been put forward, from poor leadership to economic mismanagement to

    lead poisoning on a massive scale. One element that has been suggested as a possibility is

    Christianity. The Roman attitude toward religion had generally been fairly tolerant, provided that

    worshipers of various religions also respected the Romans faith. During the Imperial Era, the

    emperor was considered a god, at least in a nominal sense. For polytheists, acknowledging one

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    more god was not a problem. For monotheists like Jews and Christians however, it was

    unacceptable. Jews rebelled and were dispersed from Judea (the Diaspora). Christians were also

    persecuted until Christianity became first an accepted and later the official religion of the empire.

    Yet the faith, with its view toward the next life, did little to bind the citizens to the state, unlike

    Confucianism in the Han Empire. Some historians consider this development, along with the

    compassionate message of Jesus, to have played a part in the decline of Rome. While there

    certainly is not agreement on this topic, it is the only option given that would receive any support

    as a possible cause of the empires collapse.

    Topic: 8000 B.C.E.600 C.E.

    topic: Changes in Functions and Structures of States

    3. Which of the following sets of pairs, correctly identifies faiths which were initially connected to older religions?

    (A) Hinduism and Buddhism; Judaism and Christianity

    (B) Hinduism and Islam; Confucianism and Taoism

    (C) Hinduism and Judaism; Christianity and Islam

    (D) Buddhism and Christianity; Taoism and Confucianism

    (E) udaism and Islam; Hinduism and Taoism

    A is not the correct answer. You should have selected E.


    One of the similarities between Christianity and Buddhism is that members of different faiths

    founded both. Jesus was (arguably until his death) a Jew. With his death and professed

    resurrection, of course, Christianity became separate from Judaism, though not originally a new

    religion in its own right. Even early Christians still perceived themselves as Jews. Likewise,

    Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was a Hindu prince. Until he attained enlightenment and began

    a new spiritual practice, there arguably was no such thing as Buddhism. This explains why

    Buddhism and Hinduism share many elements, such as reincarnation and the role of karma.Confucianism and Taoism developed at roughly the same time, but not in connection with one

    another. Islam traces its roots back to Abraham, the founder of Judaism. It also acknowledges a

    role for Jesus as a predecessor to the Prophet. Had ( A) listed Islam in place of Christianity, it

    would still be the correct answer, though Islam in practice and belief has not been tied as closely

    to Judaism as Christianity.

    Topic: 8000 B.C.E.600 C.E.

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    4. Which of the following describes the period in Islamic history immediately after the death of the Prophet


    (A) Islam was ruled by the sultans of the Ottoman Empire

    (B) Islam was confined to the Arabian Peninsula as a mostly local religion

    (C) Islam was ruled by a caliph, whose authority was recognized by all Muslims

    (D) Islam was ruled by a new prophet, in contact with the Devine

    (E) Islam encouraged pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    Good job. C is the correct answer.


    The period after the death of the Prophet (632 or the year 10 in the Islamic calendar) ushered in

    a new era. Since no one else could share the message of the Divine as a prophet, the power to

    rule was given to the caliphs, who had spiritual authority as a result of their relationships with the

    Prophet Mohammad. The first caliphs ruled in succession from 632 until 661, at which time thefaith was split into the Shiite and Sunni factions, supporting rival claimants to the title, caliph.

    During these three decades however, Islam had also spread into the Middle East and North Africa.

    It was also accepted practice, as one of Islams Five Pillars, that all faithful should try to make the

    pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca during their lifetime. Thus neither of those developments accurately

    mark a new era. The Ottoman Empire would not emerge for seven more centuries.

    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

    topic: Relationship of Change and Continuity

    5. Which of the following is suggested by the map above?

    (A) Aden was the most important city in the Indian Ocean

    (B) oods traded from Arabia were the most valuable

    (C) easonal winds impacted trade on the Indian Ocean

    (D) African sailors played little or no role in Indian Ocean trade

    (E) ost merchants in the Indian Ocean circuit were Hindus

    Good job. C is the correct answer.


    As with most questions like this one, the central issue is what can be determined from the map,

    graph, etc. In this case, it is not possible to tell from the map what religion most sailors were, or

    of what nationality they might have been. It is not clear what goods were being exchanged, let

    alone the value of those goods. Aden is pictured on the map, suggesting it was a key tradecenter, but there is no reason to believe it was the most important city, or even more important

    than Oman or Bombay. What is clear is that seasonal monsoon winds were a significant factor in

    the development of the Indian Ocean trade routes and activities.

    6. Which of the


    accurately describes

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    the spread of a

    religion through


    (A) hristianity spread to Japan; Buddhism spread to China

    (B) Islam spread to East Africa; Judaism spread to China

    (C) hristianity spread to West Africa; Buddhism spread to Southeast Asia

    (D) Islam spread to the Middle East; Buddhism spread to the Middle East

    (E) Islam spread to West Africa; Hinduism spread to Southeast Asia

    D is not the correct answer. You should have selected B.


    Some of the worlds faiths have been spread through missionary zeal, including Buddhism,

    Christianity, and Islam. Religions can also spread when merchants of one faith encounter people

    of other faiths. The non-believers might convert for any number of reasons, including spiritual

    fulfillment, preferential business dealings, or to increase social status. Islam was able to spread to

    East and West Africa largely because of its merchants. The Indian Ocean and trans-Saharan trade

    routes were conduits of faith as well as goods. Likewise, Hindu merchants helped to spread their

    faith to Southeast Asia. Note this question specifically asks about the spread of religions by

    merchants. Thus, while Islam did reach North Africa and the Middle East, and Buddhism did reach

    Southeast Asia and China, these developments were not primarily due to merchant activity, but

    to expansion of political control (Islam) or missionary work (Buddhism). Of course, there is

    seldom a case where only missionaries or merchants are involved, but this question seeks to

    examine the students knowledge of what the primary means of religious expansion were.

    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    7. In which of the following ways were the Byzantine Empire and Abbasid Caliphate similar?

    (A) both were predominantly Eastern Orthodox Christian after the year 761 C.E.

    (B) both separated women and men at prayer or in religious rites

    (C) ach used the Arabic language as one of the main languages of communication

    (D) ach relied on trade with Western Europe for key commodities and goods

    (E) both would eventually become part of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan

    E is not the correct answer. You should have selected B.


    The Byzantine and Abbasid empires had many differences. The Byzantines were largely EasternOrthodox Christians while the Abbasids were Muslims. The Byzantines first language was Greek,

    while the Abbasids would have been more likely to use Arabic. The Abbasids were eventually

    included in the Mongol Empire, though not by Genghis Khan. The Byzantine Empire escaped this

    fate. Yet among their similarities were an active long-distance trade (of which Western Europe

    was not a crucial part) and the segregation of women. This later practice was already established

    in the Middle East and diffused into both the Byzantine and Muslim practices. Christians and

    Muslims who lived farther from Persia, in say France or Mali (respectively) did not practice this

    segregation, despite being members of the same faiths. This is a classic example of how religions

    change the communities that accept them, and are at the same time changed by the cultures of

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    these communities.

    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

    topic: Social and Gender Structure

    8. All of the following were military tactics used by the Mongols EXCEPT

    (A) rapid attacks by small bands of horsemen

    (B) feigned retreats to lull enemies out of defensive positions

    (C) iege engines and other machines, employed against cities

    (D) arrows shot from compound bows, at ranges up to 600 feet

    (E) assaults by heavily armored infantry, in close ranks

    C is not the correct answer. You should have selected E.EXPLANATION

    The Mongol strategy was one developed on the steppes. Highly skilled horsemen, usually armed

    with deadly accurate compound bows, would fire at enemies. Often, several attacking parties

    would attack from various sides, encircling the enemy if possible. Yet the Mongols often faced

    foes in superior numbers or in defensive positions, such as cities. In these situations, the Mongols

    used siege engines (borrowed from the Chinese) or feigned retreat. When opposing armies broke

    ranks, sensing a rout of the Mongols, they would be led into an ambush or a deadly counter-

    attack by their mounted prey. The one form of warfare practiced by most armies of the day

    but never by the Mongolswas the slow, heavily armored infantry assault. Such a maneuver

    would have robbed the Mongols of their primary advantages: speed, surprise and long-distance

    attack capabilities.

    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

    topic: Impact of Technology and Demography on People and the Environment

    9. Which of the following did Galileo prove?

    (A) that Newton was correct in asserting that gravity was a force in nature

    (B) that the Church was right in asserting that the sun revolves around the Earth

    (C) that Copernicus was right in arguing that the Earth revolves around the sun

    (D) that Newton was incorrect about the role of gravity in nature

    (E) that Kepler was correct in his descriptions of planetary motion

    B is not the correct answer. You should have selected C.


    Nicholas Copernicus was asked to fix the calendar in use by the Catholic Church. He uncovered

    that the years were too short (no Leap Day every four years) but also came to realize that the

    Earth was not the center of the universe, as the Church taught. However, Copernicus did not try

    to make waves with his discovery, as he realized that suggesting the Church had erred in this

    matter left open the possibility that the Church was wrong about other issues as well. Instead, it

    was Galileo Galilei who used a telescope to assert publicly and proudly that Copernicus had been

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    right. For this, Galileo was persecuted, put under house arrest, and had his book banned. Newton

    wasnt born until 1642, the same year Galileo died. Thus, Galileo had no impact on proving or

    disproving anything written by Newton. Kepler was a contemporary of Galileo and an important

    astronomer, but Galileo did not prove Keplers theories of planetary motion were correct.

    Topic: 14501750

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    10. Which of the following correctly describes the termMiddle Passage?

    (A) the journey around the Cape of Good Hope, the middle of journey to the Indian Ocean

    (B) a passage through the Pyrenees Mountains, used by the French to attack the Spanish

    (C) the journey by boat, of African slaves to the Western Hemisphere

    (D) the leg of the overland spice routes, between Baghdad and Samarkand

    (E) he area between Chinas Grand Canal and the Yangtze River

    A is not the correct answer. You should have selected C.


    The term Middle Passage is used to refer to the voyage of slaves to the New World. Prior to the

    journey, slaves would be captured in Africa, often as prisoners of warring tribes or nations. They

    would then be sold on the African coast to Europeans. During the Middle Passage, conditions were

    abysmal: cramped, dirty, germ-ridden, and brutal. At times, the fatality rate for slaves was as

    high as 50 percent. (On average, it was much lower, since each slave was a valuable commodity

    to be sold in the Americas.) If they survived the voyage, slaves would then be sold to new

    masters in the Western Hemisphere, usually for work in mines or plantations.

    Topic: 14501750

    topic: Impact of Technology and Demography on People and the Environment

    11. In which of the

    following ways

    were King

    Affonso of Kongo

    and Queen Nzinga

    of Angola


    (A) Affonso converted to Christianity, whereas Nzinga fiercely resisted Portuguese power

    (B) Affonso dealt primarily with the Spanish, whereas Nzinga dealt mostly with the Portuguese

    (C) Affonso converted to Catholicism, whereas Nzinga converted to Lutheran Christianity

    (D) Affonso led a large army against the Europeans, whereas Nzinga offered no resistance

    (E) Affonso was educated in Europe as a child, whereas Nzinga never left Angola

    B is not the correct answer. You should have selected A.

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    Portuguese missionaries baptized King Affonso a Catholic. As a ruler of Kongo, he had been called

    Nzinga Mbemba, but Affonso was a highly devout believer, impressing even European

    missionaries. Unfortunately, this piety did not spare his kingdom the harsh realities of the slave

    trade. He had been in frequent contact with the king of Portugal, but ultimately to no avail.

    Queen Nzinga of Angola (then known as Ndongo) however, had a very different approach.

    Struggling to gain control of her realm, she fiercely resisted the Portuguese and other Europeanswho had invaded her country. She was also baptized as part of an early treaty with the

    Portuguese, who soon broke the alliance. For nine years, she fought vigorously against the

    foreigners, aided by neighboring peoples and escaped slaves. She died in 1663.

    Topic: 14501750

    topic: Changes in Functions and Structures of States

    12. Which of the following describes a way in which the political circumstances of Western Africa and that of the

    Incas were similar before the arrival of Europeans?

    (A) in both regions, strong local governments ruled under the authority of Islam

    (B) in both regions, long-distance trade served very little purpose to the economy as a whole

    (C) ach region was headed by a single ruler whose authority was unquestioned

    (D) women in each society had considerably more rights than most European women

    (E) olitical and tribal rivalries weakened the local people, making European conquest easier

    Good job. E is the correct answer.


    Western Africa is a very large region, stretching from the Cape in the south to the Sahara in the

    north. No one ruler ever controlled the entire area. Even within smaller areas, such as the Niger

    River region, multiple peoples with various rulers were more the norm than the exception. Long-

    distance trade was a crucial element to those kingdoms bordering the Sahara, while not an

    important key to the rest of the coast (before Europeans arrived). Islam was popular in the north,

    but not so to the south, which Muslim merchants never reached. These political differences were

    exploited by the Europeans to generate wars and prisoners of war for the slave trade. Likewise,

    while the Incan Empire was ruled by a single figure (the Inca), there was a civil war going on

    regarding succession to the throne when Pizarro showed up. Long-distance trade was carried out

    with the Aztecs to the north, to some degree, but Islam was unknown. In both instances (and

    many others) the Europeans manipulated local peoples into fighting one another, ultimately to

    the benefit of the newcomers. While some African women had more status than their European

    counterparts, this is not really true of the Incas.

    Topic: 14501750

    topic: Social and Gender Structure

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    Getty Images

    13. The building pictured above shows

    (A) Angkor Wat in Cambodia

    (B) the Forbidden City in China

    (C) the Taj Mahal in India

    (D) Hagia Sophia in Constantinople

    (E) Notre Dame in France

    Good job. C is the correct answer.


    The Taj Mahal is probably the most well known Indian landmark. It may well be one of the best

    known buildings in the world, along with the Eiffel Tower and the pyramids of Egypt. It was built

    over the course of seventeen years, beginning in 1633. The Mughal King Shahjahan erected it in

    memory of his beloved wife, who had died giving birth. The monument was built in the Indian city

    of Agra, as a sign of the kings love for his wife and as a mausoleum for her remains. Some

    scholars have suggested that Shahjahan intended to build a second complex for his own tomb,

    but this theory is somewhat controversial. He was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb in 1658 and

    died in captivity in 1666.

    Topic: 14501750

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    14. Which of the following accurately compares the French policies toward Haiti and the Louisiana Territory in the

    early nineteenth century?

    (A)both Haiti and the Louisiana Territory were sold to raise funds for Napoleons wars

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    (B) local uprisings cost the French both regions as there were not enough troops to defend them

    (C) the French lost both regions to wars versus the British and the Americans

    (D) France was unable to keep Haiti from becoming independent and sold Louisiana to fund wars in Europe

    (E) France released both regions because sugar could instead be grown in the Indo-China colony

    C is not the correct answer. You should have selected D.


    The French decision to sell the Louisiana Purchase to the United States was largely a strategic

    move. Unable to keep Haiti under his control (thousands of French troops died of malaria and

    other tropical diseases), Napoleon was faced with the tremendous loss of sugar revenue from the

    island. Furthermore, conflict with Britain in Europe made defense of the far-flung Louisiana

    Territory problematic. An area so large would be difficult and expensive to defend, and it would

    draw off troops necessary for the fulfillment of Napoleons European ambitions. Thus, the sale of

    the Louisiana Territory eliminated a potential battlefront and helped ease the pain of lost revenue

    from Haiti. Sugar was in fact the main source of income from Haiti, but France would not seize

    Indo-China until the 1880s.

    Topic: 17501914

    topic: Patterns and Impacts of Interaction

    15. Which of the following describes the purpose of the Conference of Berlin, held in 18841885?

    (A) to agree on the partition of China by European imperialists

    (B) to determine the boundaries of the new German nation

    (C) to determine the partition of Africa by European imperialists

    (D) to establish borders of Europe and nations after the Napoleonic Wars

    (E) to share new medical information about malaria for Europeans in tropical areas

    Good job. C is the correct answer.


    The Conference of Berlin ushered in a new age for Africa, one in which the Europeans colonized

    and dominated the continent. Representatives from the major colonial powers agreed to Africas

    partition on the basis of lands that had already been claimed and lands that bordered them. Areas

    not yet included in any European realm (especially in Africas interior) were awarded on the

    basis of which European claims were nearby, e.g. had claims to coastal areas. The plan was

    successful, for the most part, in preventing wars among Europeans over territory in Africa. No

    such conference could be held with regard to China because the government of Imperial China

    was still in power. Bismarck, who headed the conference, had already helped create the new

    German nation in 1870. The post-Napoleonic conference was in Vienna, in 18141815. Advances

    in fighting malaria began largely after 1880, but the means of transmission (the mosquito) wasnt

    known until 1897. Nonetheless, (E) probably represents the second best answer.

    Topic: 17501914

    topic: Relationship of Change and Continuity

    16. All of the


    correctly match

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    inventors of the

    early Industrial

    Revolution with

    their inventions


    (A) ohn Kay - flying shuttle

    (B) Matthew Boulton - steam engine

    (C) ames Hargreaves - spinning jenny

    (D) Eli Whitney - cotton gin

    (E) Samuel Crompton - spinning mule

    B is not the correct answer. You should have selected D.


    Obviously, four of the options are correct answers and need no explanation. (B), however, is

    incorrect. Matthew Boulton was an entrepreneur who helped fund the improvements to the steam

    engine by James Watt. If (B) had listed either Watt or Thomas Newcomb, it would have beencorrect. This should alert students to the reality that many inventions we ascribe to a single

    individual were actually the result of efforts by many developers working independently. Another

    note of interest about (B) is that it is the only one of the choices that was not part of the textile

    industrythe heart of the early Industrial Revolution.

    Topic: 17501914

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    17. Which of the following was the basis for the Declaration of Sentiments issued by the Seneca Falls Convention of


    (A) the Constitution of the United States

    (B) the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    (C) the British Bill of Rights of 1689

    (D) ary Wollstonecrafts Vindication of the Rights of Woman

    (E) the American Declaration of Independence

    You left this question blank. You should have selected E.


    Many predecessors no doubt influenced the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments. Mary

    Wollstonecraft was certainly a pioneer in the womens rights movement whose work was familiarto those gathered in New York in 1848. However, the American Declaration of Independence

    served not only as an inspiration, but a blueprint for the Seneca Falls document. The Seneca Falls

    statement even begins with the phrase, We hold these truths to be self-evident

    Topic: 17501914

    topic: Social and Gender Structure

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    18. Which of the following is a conclusion that could be reached, based on the graph above?

    (A) women in the developing world have no chance for equality, except through education

    (B) there are more men than women in the medical field

    (C) there is an inverse correlation between education and income

    (D) en in the United States are generally paid more than women of comparable education

    (E) the Industrial Revolution made it necessary for more people to have an education

    You left this question blank. You should have selected D.


    As with other stimuli questions, there is only one statement that is both true andcan be

    supported by the stimuli. Certainly, education is important to women in the developing world, butthe graph is from the U.S. Census Bureau and therefore only relevant to America (not a

    developing nation). The graph does not offer information about what jobs the various people on

    the graph might have or why educational attainment in 2001 might be prominent. Certainly, the

    Industrial Revolution has had an impact on education, but again, the graph does not demonstrate

    this. Finally, the phrase inverse correlation means that as one thing goes up (such as

    education), the other thing (e.g. income) goes down. Clearly this is not the case from the graph:

    higher levels of education result in higher levels of income. It is obvious, however, that at every

    educational level, men in the United States earn more than women.

    Topic: 1914Present

    topic: Social and Gender Structure

    19. Which of the following is true of modern South Africa, Russia, and Australia?

    (A) ocial systems that discriminated against certain ethnic groups were recently discarded

    (B) ll three are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

    (C) ll three are among the worlds leading diamond exporters

    (D) ach has refused to sign the Kyoto Agreement on global pollution

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    (E) ach is a major producer of uranium for the worlds nuclear reactors

    You left this question blank. You should have selected C.


    Questions such as this one offer students a chance to practice eliminating answers to establish

    the correct one. Both the pros and cons of this approach are evident. Most students, for example,

    are familiar with the apartheid system of South Africa that is described in ( A). Did such a system

    exist in Australia? No. Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council. Is South Africa? No.

    Russia did not promptly sign the Kyoto Protocol, but most of the other nations of the world were

    signatories, probably including Australia and South Africa. This leaves the two exporting

    options. Students are probably familiar with South Africas diamond production, connecting it

    back to Cecil Rhodes or the modern DeBeers Corporation. It is unlikely that students know where

    most of the worlds uranium comes from, (Canada is the leading exporter) thus making (C) the

    betterand correctanswer. No student can know everything about all the topics on an AP test,

    so some educated guessing is necessary. In this case, what students know about each of the

    three nations should lead them to the correct answer, even though it is probably unknown.

    Topic: 1914Present

    topic: Patterns and Impacts of Interaction

    20. Which of the following signed the NAFTA treaty in 1994?

    (A) the United States, Canada, and the nations of Western Europe

    (B) the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador

    (C) he worlds leading economic powers as well as developing nations

    (D) the United States and the nations of South America

    (E) anada, Mexico, and the United States

    You left this question blank. You should have selected E.


    NAFTA stands for the North American Free Trade Agreement. This treaty united Canada, Mexico,

    and the United States as a single bloc for trade purposes. Tariffs and duties between the three

    nations were dismantled, and common expectations regarding environmental and labor laws were

    established. The impact of this treaty is a source of debate, but the nations it unified should be

    well known to students. It is possible that students confused NAFTA with NATO (North Atlantic

    Treaty Organization) in (A), although that treaty dates back to the 1940s. (C) could be seen as

    the GATT, Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which was signed in 1995, establishing the

    World Trade Organization.

    Topic: 1914Present

    topic: Patterns and Impacts of Interaction

    21. Which of the


    correctly matches

    the belief systems

    with their sacred

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    (A) uran - Islam, Tao te Ching - Taoism, Vedas - Judaism

    (B) ao te Ching - Taoism, Analects - Confucianism, Quran - Islam

    (C) Analects - Taoism, Quran - Buddhism, Torah - Judaism

    (D) Bible - Christianity, Torah - Judaism, Analects - Buddhism

    (E) orah - Islam, Vedas - Buddhism, Analects - Taoism

    D is not the correct answer. You should have selected B.


    Students of world history should be familiar with the sacred texts of the worlds major belief

    systems. They might also be aware that some belief systems have more than one sacred text,

    such as the Vedas and Upanishads for Hinduism, and that some belief systems do not have a

    single sacred text. Buddhists, for example, are not likely to agree on one single work to

    incorporate all their varying beliefs. However, the Quran is clearly the sacred text of Islam, and

    the Torah is certainly the most important text to Judaism. The Analects, by Confucius, is the

    central book of Confucianism (which is a belief system, not necessarily a religion, depending one

    ones definition of religion.) The Bible is the most important text in Christianity, and the Tao TeChing is the most important text in Taoism.

    Topic: 8000 B.C.E.600 C.E.

    topic: Cultural and Intellectual Developments

    Master Yu said those who in private life behave well towards their parents and elder brothers, in public life

    seldom show a disposition to resist the authority of their superiors. And as for such men starting a revolution, no

    instance of it has ever occurred.

    Analects of Confucius, translated by Arthur Waley

    22. Which of the following is referred to in the quote above?

    (A) the importance of a strong central government to a stable society

    (B) the value of filial piety in creating an obedient citizenry

    (C) the importance of the afterlife in the Confucian belief system

    (D) the value of questioning authority that might be unjust

    (E) the occurrence of female infanticide in Chinese society

    Good job. B is the correct answer.EXPLANATION

    One of the key points that differentiated Confucianism from other belief systems of ancient China

    was the reliance on order in the family as a basis for order in society as a whole. In this quote,

    the topic of loyalty and respect for ones family (filial piety) is discussed. While this might lead to

    a strong central government, the quote does not refer to such a factor. While elder brothers are

    mentioned (and not sisters) there is no direct reference to the killing of infant daughters, as has

    occasionally occurred in China. There is also no direct reference to the afterlife, although worship

    of the ancestors was an important component of Confucian beliefs.

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    Topic: 8000 B.C.E.600 C.E.

    topic: Social and Gender Structure

    23. All of the following were goods that were transported along the Silk Road EXCEPT

    (A) horses from Central Asian pastoralists

    (B) ilk and spices from China and its tributaries

    (C) otton and ivory from the Indian sub-continent

    (D) oal and iron ore from Western Europe

    (E) textiles and gemstones from the Middle East

    Good job. D is the correct answer.


    The Silk Road carried more than just goods, It also carried ideas, beliefs, and germs. It was also

    a source for more than just silk, such as those products (and many, many more) listed in the four

    correct answers to the question. The route connected civilizations, both sedentary and pastoral,

    from the Pacific to Eastern Europe, and via Byzantium and the Italian peninsula, to Western

    Europe as well. However, the goods for sale were always light in weight and rare. In this regard,

    iron and coal would not qualify. While there were certainly places along the Silk Road where those

    commodities might have had value (because of local scarcity), their sheer weight made them

    poor trade goods for such a long, overland route.

    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

    topic: Patterns and Impacts of Interaction

    24. Which of the following describes the purpose of the Incan quipu?

    (A) a ceremonial cord for rituals involving the sun god

    (B) a symbol of the political authority of the Inca

    (C) a valued trade good between the Incas and peoples to the north

    (D) a means of recording numbers such as dates or amounts

    (E) a mining device for extracting silver from the earth

    C is not the correct answer. You should have selected D.


    One of the hallmarks of civilization is often considered to be writing. The Incas, however, had ameans of communicating data, especially numbers, called the quipu, which was unique. This

    rope, with a series of connected ropes and knots, enabled the Incas to detail statistical

    information that could be transferred throughout their empire. Placement of ropes and knots

    indicated varying amounts and quantities. Runners could carry these messages throughout the

    empire, over the elaborate system of roads and suspension bridges that the Incas had built. The

    colors of the ropes and intertwined thread also indicated what was being counted.

    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

  • 8/3/2019 AP World Hist


    topic: Impact of Technology and Demography on People and the Environment

    25. The Crusades of the eleventh through the thirteenth century could best be compared to which of the following in

    the Islamic world of the same period?

    (A) he Sharia

    (B) a qadi

    (C) a fatwa

    (D) the jihad

    (E) a madrasa

    You left this question blank. You should have selected D.


    The Crusades represented an unusual development in history, the attacks upon one faith by

    another based solely (at least in theory) on religious differences. Christians were told that the

    greater glory of their religion was based on the defeat of Islam, particularly regarding its control

    of the Eastern Mediterranean coast, or the Holy Land. There is, however, a comparable notion in

    Islam, though not one that is identical. The term jihad, meaning struggle, is used to describe

    wars that would defend or benefit the Islamic faith. The term can also be used to describe

    struggles within ones self, to continue on the path of righteousness. Relative to the actions of

    whole societies however, the earlier use, often equated with holy war, is most similar to the

    Crusades. Sharia refers to the Islamic legal code of which a qadi is a judge. An Islamic scholar

    might issue a ruling, called a fatwa, which other Muslims would be expected to obey. Most qadi

    and other scholars would probably have begun their education in theological schools, called


    Topic: 600 C.E.1450

    topic: Patterns and Impacts of Interaction

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