(ap gov) unit 6

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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Unit 6 Study GuideThe definition of bureaucracy:

Federal bureaucracy is a complex web of federal agencies with overlapping jurisdictions

British bureaucrats are distinguished from the US. How? In Britain, appointed officials work for cabinet ministers, who report to the prime minister British bureaucrats never take orders directly from Parliament, and rarely give press interviews In the U.S., the Constitution permits both president and Congress to exercise authority over the

bureaucracy The divided authority in the US encourages bureaucrats to play off two branches & use media

Most federal agencies must share their function with? Related agencies in state and local government

When an agency makes an important decision it is likely to be taken to court. This is an example of what term?

Adversary culture: expansion of personal rights through lawsuits and political action

Where as European countries tend to control key industries by government ownership, the United States relies primarily on?

Regulating privately owned enterprises to a degree not found in many other countries Extensive regulation on these enterprises

One complication surrounding the federal bureaucracy is the fact that the Constitution: Never mentioned bureaus or agencies that were then created by Washington

In the first Congress, it was decided that appointed federal officials would be removable by: Only by the president

During most of the 19th and 20th centuries, appointments to the civil service were often controlled by?

Congressional preferences

The eightfold increase in the number of federal employees that occurred between 1816 – 1861 was the result of?

The government taking on new functions and the increased demand of traditional functions

A Constitutional limitation on the federal bureaucracy's ability to regulate the economy is that? The Constitution only stated that Congress had the authority to regulate interstate commerce

The times of bureaucracy growing has occurred during: Wars In addition to this, restrictions on administrators lessened during wars

A dramatic increase in activism by the federal bureaucracy occurred in the 20th century largely as a consequence of

The Great Depression and WWIIIf you wanted to do away with high federal taxation, you might see a quick solution in the repeal of the:

The Sixteenth Amendment, because it allowed the government to collect income taxes

The number of civilians working for the federal bureaucracy has not increased much since 1970. This fails to account for, however, the:

The number of employees indirectly associated with the government's

The importance of the federal bureaucracy today can be measured in part by the total number of federal employees, or, more accurately, by the:

Discretionary authority each official has: the ability to make decisions on your own judgment

The broad factors that best explain the behavior of bureaucratic officials include all of the following:

How they're recruited and rewarded Personal attributes Nature of their employment Constraints by outside forces (media, etc)

In recent years, the competitive service has become more decentralized and examinations have become less common. This is because:

Office of Personnel Management was becoming cumbersome and inapplicable to complex department's needs

These agencies needed more professionally trained employees Civil rights groups pressed government to portray the racial diversity of the nation in the


If you worked in a senior position on a successful presidential campaign and the new president then wished to have your advice while in office, you would be most likely appointed to:

A “Schedule C” appointment

What is the Pendleton Act? Passed due to dissatisfaction with the spoils system during Republican administration Passed to avoid many Republicans losing their jobs Response to President's assassination Began the merit system

Employees who are blanketing in are ones who Are covered by the merit system while appointed

One advantage of the merit system to president is that it: Protects them from patronage demands Allowed them to “blanket in” those already appointed After blanketing in, the next administration would find it hard to fire those appointed officials

If an agency committed to consumer protection hires someone from a private environmental protection group, the type of recruitment illustrated would be:

Issue network

Fire of a bureaucrat Is extremely hard James Madison argued that the ability to fire bureaucrats would be the only power the president

would have over his subordinates Most bureaucrats are tenured, or unable to be fired

In 1987, approximately what percentage of all federal employees who had completed their probationary period were fired from misconduct or poor performance?

A 1/10 of a percent

The fact that agencies usually recruit their own staff, often on a name-request basis, should lead us to expect that these recruits will possess the

Agency point of view Make decisions that are more affected by their attitude than political beliefs

Cross section of civil-service jobs Represents the society as a whole

When a person is selected by the president to head an agency and to shift its policies in the direction of the president's the appointee generally finds that

They have to collaborate cooperatively with subordinates Subordinates hold considerable power, so cooperation is tantamount

Relative to their share of population, Republicans tend to be overrepresented in the Defense Department (Democrats are overrepresented in social service programs)

The Whistle-blower Protection Act of 1989 is designed to protect Bureaucrats who “blow the whistle” on their superiors Aimed at protecting their jobs so that they may come forward without fear

If a civil servant is in a complex, loosely defined position, one can expect his or her political and social attitudes to

Have strong influence over his decisions

Lawyers working for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are most likely to select cases that That will develop new legal precedents

Before recommending legal action against a business for illegal practices, an economist with the FTC might first want to know whether

Consumers were burdened with a heavy cost because of the practice

Having a strong agency culture can help an agency by motivating its employees to work hard, but it can also hurt it by

Making it harder to change the agency

The Freedom of Information Act and the Administrative Procedure Act are examples of Government wide constraints on bureaucracy

Among the effects of the many constraints on government agencies is the fact that

Acts slowly and inconsistently Easier to block action than take action Lower ranking employees are reluctant to make big decisions Citizens complain of red tape

The usual definition of a triangle includes all of the following: Agency, committee, and interest group

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