“technical specifications (tl)” specifications.pdf · data such as: laws, regulations and...

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Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support

TRAmtmDipl.-Ing. (FH) Björn Kowalske

BAAINBw – Q3.1 Tel.: +49 (0) 261 400 25 79Fax.: +49 (0) 261 400 25 63E-Mail: bjoernkowalske@bundeswehr.org

“Technical Specifications (TL)”

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- History of Technical Specifications

- Fundamental TL Issues

- The Different Types of TL

- TL Structure according to TL-A0100

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But things used to be different, better,

or maybe not!

Here is some information on the history of standards

development and TL preparation

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1900 German Imperial Navy standardising components for warship construction

1916/18 High Command of the Army establishing Standards Committee in Berlin - Spandau

1917 Foundation of DIN as the Normenausschuss der Deutschen Industrie (NADI, Standardization Committee of the German Industry) on 22 December

since 1920 Based on the lessons learned in the First World War, the Inspektion für Waffen und Gerät (German Army Weapons Agency) of the Reichswehrcontinued the development of standards for the future development and procurement of equipment .

since 1933 The Wehrmacht was the largest consumer of industrial products in Germany.

Source: Special publication of the Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher IngenieureVol. 86 (1942) No. 910 Pages 129 to 134

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2010 Statistics

As of: 1 Dec 2010 591 TLs published

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Basic Aspects

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The Technische Lieferbedingungen (Technical Specifications - TL) are a summary of technical and technical-organisational requirements which have to be fulfilled for defence materiel to be delivered or other technical supplies or services to be provided .

Basic Aspects:

TLs are agreed as a basis for contracts and help to rationalise the procurement system .

TLs are preferably prepared for products and services that require adaptations to changed delivery criteria to be made at short notice.

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Today TLs are generally prepared and published by the BAAINBw and its agencies only.They were formerly prepared by all Federal administrations, such as the Bundesbahn(German Rail), the Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Mail

Other government agencies still like to use TLs of the BAAINBw today(such as the Federal and the State police (mainly in the area of clothing))

TL A-0100 forms the basis for TL preparation:

“Principles, layout, requirements, general terms for the preparation of Technical Specifications (TLs)” (based on DIN 820-2)

in conjunction with:

DIN 820-2 “Standardization; Part 2: Presentation of Standards“

Basic Aspects:

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Benefits of using TLs:Their application enhances competition by permitting to seek comparable offers.

The award of contracts is accelerated.

They facilitate the repeated procurement of a product identical in quality and type.

They facilitate the decentralised procurement by other agencies within the own area of responsibility, by other departments and also by external agencies not familiar with the equipment (e.g. clothing by LHBw via the Federal Office of Defence Administration).

They are in line with the principles of economic efficiency and economy in administration in accordance with the Federal Budget Code .

They serve as perfect acceptance documents for the Government Quality Assurance Authority.

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Functional Area:

The preparer is responsible for the technical contents of the respective TL.Within this area of responsibility, the preparer ensures that

- TLs are prepared complete and on time,

- TLs are technically updated on time (every 5 years, at the latest),

- all organisational sections affected by the contents of TLs take part in the staffing, if required in coordination with potential manufacturers

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Functional Area:

The preparer is responsible for the technical contents of the respective TL.Within this area of responsibility, the preparer

- determines whether TLs are freely accessible (Intranet/Internet)(fundamental difference to e.g. a VG standard)

- requests Stock No. at LogABw, if required

- ensures that all TLs of his area of responsibility are transmitted to theLogABw (Bundeswehr Logistics Office)

- ensures that all issues regarding the copyright/user rights with respect tothe contents of the TLs are solved by BAAINBW Z3.3

(Protection of Industrial Property / License Agreements)

- ensures that alle issues regarding image representation (product description) in TLs are solved by BAAINBw Z3.1 (Legal Issues of the Procurement Process)

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Services provided by Q3.1:

- responsible for matters of policy

- central assignment of numbers and administration of all TL data

- review if normative references are up-to-date (“standard control”)

- support in the preparation

(e.g. formatting, inclusion of tables etc.)

- monitoring of the TL staffing process

- digitalisation of TLs

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Services provided by Q3.1:

- TL printing

- updating and printing of the TL directory

- updating of the TL data base

- ensuring uniform TL formatting

(TL writing service if there are free capacities)

- requesting the translation into English

- making TLs available on the Internet / on the Bundeswehr Intranet and

initiating publication in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) & notification

in the DIN Gazette (DIN-Anzeiger)

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The Different Types of TL

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Types of TL:

- contain summarised requirements or descriptions of technical services / procedures, which have general application

- help to rationalize the preparation of Equipment or Procedural TLs

- reference shall be made to the General TL in the “NORMATIVE REFERENCES” section of Equipment and Procedural TLs.

General TL

Example: A - 0032 Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 „Marking“

General Item no.

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Equipment TL

Example: 8435 - 0020 Combat boot, women’s

Stock group/cl. Item no.

Types of TL:

- specify the requirements for the device, equipment, products,services to be supplied

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Mondopoint system: Shoe sizes according to STANAG 2339

Equipment TL

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Procurement types (only for Equipment TL)

The boxes must be checked on a case-by-case basis if:

C: - it is largely a functional description of performance - reference is made to a Set of Drawings bearing the notes

“No usufructuary marking in accordance with ISO 16016” or Originator: Bund, “Copyright note i.a.w. DIN ISO 16016 to beobserved”

E: - a reproduction licence exists - a utilization privilege has been granted through a licence

agreement - the Set of Drawings bears the marking

“Reference to right of use according to VG 95034 to be observed”

F: - the item and the suppliers require the explicit approval of BAAINBwand the drawing is marked "qualified product in accordance with VG 95001-6"

H: - the item is described by order information supplied by onemanufacturer only

- the item is protected by a patent or registered design- the drawing bears the marking “Originator: name of company“

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Types of TL:

Procedural TL

Example: 8100 - 0100 Part 1 Packaging - Materiel protection by means of preservation and packaging

Stock group/cl. Item no.

- contain the requirements for technical procedures, e. g. packaging, surface treatment, preservation

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Structure of a TL

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Main Sections: (without number of section)

TABLE OF CONTENTS (if required)

NORMATIVE REFERENCES (examples Annex B, TL-A0100)

FOREWORD (if required)

DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS(if required, e.g. for ammunition (from Annex B, TL-A0100))

ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, MISCELLANEOUS(if required and after Section 4)

ANNEXES (if required and after Section 4)

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Incl. numbers of sections:

1. GENERAL- Essential information, such as: environmental compatibility, property rights


- Description of performance , scope of delivery, materials, surface treatment, marking

3. QUALITY ASSURANCE- Text from TL A-0100, then staffing by BWB T3 not necessary


- Text to be extracted from A-0100

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1. General1.1 Scope

- Short description of the essential details with respect to the materiel/item (and/or the performance requirements to be met), its purpose, function, use- In case of commonplace items, the predominant material, e.g. non-ferrous metal, should be indicated,

1.2 General technical-organisational requirementsProvisions and actions ensuring the proper handling of manufacture and delivery as well as the observation of safety-related and environmental protection requirements.

Data such as: Laws, regulations and provisions on technical safety and operational safety of defence material, e.g. environmental compatibility, property rights, Product Safety Act, Regulations Authorizing the Use of Vehicles for Road Traffic (StVZO)

But also: Data with respect to equipment to be furnished, CE identifications, operating instructions, preliminary samples, type samples, welding certificates etc.

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1.4 Reference to Property Rights

- e.g. Set of Drawings is property of the company or Bund has unrestricted rights of use

1.3 Environmental Compatibility

- Text to be extracted from A-0100, if required

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2.1 Description of performance

- Specification of the technical requirements in the form of a description of performance according to Art. 8 VOL/A

- Economic aspects shall be observed when specifying the technical requirements .

- Functional descriptions of performance shall be preferred to constructional descriptions of performance

2. Technical Requirements

2.2 Scope of deliveryClear specification of the required scope of delivery

- i.e. for e.g. equipment packages , indication of the individual items including their storage containers (quantity per equipment/equipment package)

- Stock number and item name shall be indicated if expedient.

- Technical documents, e.g. drawings, operating instructions etc. shall be included

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2.3 Materials (shall be specified in any case)

- Trade names are not permissible, - for material checks of metallic materials: certification in accordance with DIN EN 10204

- for all other materials: certification DIN 55350-18......

2.4 Welding- Standard text in Annex F of TL A-0100 separated with respect to: ferrous metals and nonferrous metals

2.5 Marking of supply items- Basic requirements in accordance with TL A-0032 Part 1

- TL A-0068 shall apply to POL items- Additional requirements shall be specified in the Equipment TL

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3.3 Government Quality Assurance- required texts according to Annex H of TL A-0100 shall be included as a rule- Annex J shall apply to POL items

3.1 Quality inspection- all tests required for the evidence that the technical requirements are met

3.2 Contractor quality control- required texts according to Annex G of TL A-0100 shall be included as a rule- Annex J shall apply to POL items

4 PackagingTL A-0100 contains valid standard texts for packaging of defence materielThey mainly include;

- TL 8100-0100 Part 1 to Part 7 (Packing levels S, A, B and C (NATO-1, -2, -3, -4))- TL 8100-0102 (Packing levels H and T).

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Summary (Criteria for including Sections 1 to 4)

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Verzeichnis der Technischen Lieferbedingungen TL(für Nutzer innerhalb der Bundeswehr und für externe Nutzer)

Access via:

For users within the Bundeswehr:http://intranet.bwb/web-T71/index.htm

For external users:http://www.baain.deLink: “Technische Lieferbedingungen“


Intranet access and/or

Internet access

What is provided?:

a) Search engine for the entire TL standards portfolio

b) Downloadable full-text pdf files of the searched TL

c) Help files + registration for monthly change notices

View Intranet

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