“service name” - grofar · web viewletter to parents work experience at [ your school ] grofar...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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Letter to parents

Work Experience at [ Your School ]


The School is goint to be using an innovative new careers system calle “Grofar” to assist with this years work experience.

Grofar will provide students with a range of web based tools to assist them in their journey through school and towards career choices. These include tools such as:

Careers Action planning Skills profiling Research tools Careers diary and events Work experience

All of these tools are housed on the Internet and can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer or mobile with a web-browser. No special software is required.

What to expect

Students using Grofar will be sent emails inviting them to create an account if they haven’t already used Grofar at school. They will then be able to enter the details of their chosen work placement location in the Work Experience section of Grofar. The location will then be verified by the school before the placement commences.

Before, during and after the placement students will complete a digital “logbook” covering all aspects of the placement including setting themselves targets, adding health and safety information, completing an induction and also writing a diary of their experiences including the ability to upload photos of their time with the employer.

At the end of the placement the system will be used to capture feedback from sudents and employers and the final work experience logbook will be available

to download and save.

More information

If you would like any more information then please contact [ careers contact ] who will be happy to help. Students can log in to Grofar at www.grofar.com and via the school website.


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