“a good head and a good heart make a formidable combination”€¦ · “a good head and a good...

Post on 23-Sep-2020






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“a good head and a good heart make a formidable combination” Nelson Mandela

Mindset, Attitude & Resilience. They are the secret to leading & living with confidence, balance & a smile. They are the core ingredients for people development that enable positive & sustainable change . They make the big difference; at work, in the classroom, in daily life. J Mindset The one thing that changes everything. It determines your focus. We can help you develop a winning Mindset J Attitude Determines your confidence & motivation. We’ll help you learn how to choose to feel confident. J Resilience Develop a resilient Mindset & discover your formula to manage your stress & sustain balance. Wiseheart will help you bring to life Great Leadership, Confident Service, High Performing Teams & Thriving Cultures. Winning Mindsets; with a focus on the right thing, more awareness, confidence, energy & balance. This is what we deliver. With Wiseheart, you’ll get a different, tailored & powerful approach to people development. Modern, science based experiential learning & coaching that makes sense & feels real. “This programme is daring, innovative, good for business and ethically sound too”

Professor Eugene Sadler Smith, Surrey University


What we do

“Without question the best training experience I have had in all the major FTSE companies I have worked for.” Dean Burdon

We can help you bring your Values, Leadership & Customer Service to life. We help develop… - Thriving cultures where people make Values based decisions, positive choices & Doing the Right Thing becomes natural. - Leaders with a balanced focus on people and targets, with growth Mindsets & the emotional & social intelligence to build trust. - High Performing Teams with trust & confidence to work tensions & maintain openness & honesty. - Warm & friendly Customer Service that is anchored in personal confidence & a Service Mindset. - Confident people; from the classroom to the boardroom. Whatever your age, learning how to feel more confident is a powerful thing. Through our coaching, workshops & flexible programmes we bring to life... Self-awareness to improve your impact on others & to understand how Mindsets & attitudes impact results. Mindset & Attitude skills to help you be your best & lead yourself with energy, focus and confidence. Service Attitude skills specifically to help your front line feel more confident & motivated to serve. Resilience to help you manage your stress, sustain balance, motivation & keep making smart decisions.

How we can help

Culture Change Bringing Values, Leadership & Customer Service to life through tailored programmes. Develop Leaders Coaching & Workshops enabling confident, self-aware & emotionally intelligent leaders. Develop Teams Powerful shared learning experiences that break down barriers & build trust. Service Attitude Enabling people with powerful Attitude & Resilience skills to serve your customers with confidence. Diagnostic Insight into the impact of your leaders & the Mindset & Attitudes that create your culture,

drive behaviour & determine your results. Inspirational Talks To energise & inspire your people on the importance of Mindset, Attitude & Resilience.

Tailored talks on bringing Values, Leadership & Service to life. Schools Workshops for children & teachers. Developing growth Mindsets. Confidence building & well

being. Managing stress to help you pass exams. Resilience for teachers & dealing with low level classroom disruption with confidence.

Public courses For business & personal growth. Develop a winning Mindset,

find your Confidence, build Resilience & leave refreshed, refocused & reenergised.

“A really effective combination, creating dramatic personal transitions. It results in alignment of values, so our leaders can be at their best. You are helping us create the leaders we need for the future.” Jo Colville ~ Tesco Leadership Development Manager 2015

How we do it

“this course is thought provoking and challenges you to look at the impact you have, a truly inspirational course and a great mix of theory and practice” Adrian ~ Strategy Director

People tell us they love our content & blend of science & experiential learning but they say it is our approach that’s really different. We don’t do training. We do experiential learning & feel proud to make a difference. We are skilled coaches & facilitators. Our we aim is to help people discover & learn for themselves. In short, we help people get it so they can live it. We create experiences for people that feel real & make sense. We blend experiential learning with neuroscience & positive psychology with practical business experience. Our common sense, applied approach combines our expertise, experience & passion to help people. As much as this is serious business, we also believe a few laughs & a bit of fun is a great way to create safe & productive learning environment.

What people say about us

“Richard was excellent – he ran the course beautifully, with the correct pace and

approach. The mix of exercises, videos & time to chat was perfectly balanced. I would love to work with Richard again in the future and would heartily recommend him.”

“inspiring on so many levels, you both put me at ease, pitched the pace really well and

gave me the time to think that so many courses just don’t”

“More challenging, fun and insightful than I expected. And I have learnt so much more than I thought possible.”

“It felt so safe. I can’t believe how much we have bonded as a team in just two days.

The levels of honesty and emotions shared are fantastic”

“I can’t believe we have learnt so much and had so much fun too”

“I can’t believe how much better we feel as a team now and the level of honesty we’ve achieved is beyond what I thought possible. We’ve gone from being colleagues to friends in just two days”

“it was an especially powerful few days that reminded me that it's not just a good idea to stick to the few life rules I've figured out along the way, but that it's essential. And that is partly thanks to

your style, but more importantly, to your approach and the feeling that this stuff is delivered by you in a whole-hearted and life-dedicated way. So thank you, because your closing words in the

feedback session in particular will stay with me throughout my career, whatever that may be”

“I had a real feeling that with your delivery approach you truly cared about the content and the people you conveyed, I sensed quickly I was being taught by someone who was simply honest, learned and

passionate, commonly something I find most "trained" trainers lack.”

Who we have helped

“Not what I expected! Deceptively simple, easy to put into action and definitely powerful” Paulina Kadjid, 2015

“We are more open and honest now, a much stronger team and we make better decisions as a result” Andy Dewhurst CEO Tesco Telecoms

Who we are and getting in touch

We understand that being more aware & learning new skills is only half the story. We are a group of friendly coaches with experience & expertise in our field. We are experienced enough to know that it is not just about models & theories, it is about learning that people can apply in their job & relate to their own life. Ah-ha moments, learning that sticks & sustaining new behaviours is what really counts & what you pay us for. A good head & a good heart really is a powerful combination. Our satisfaction comes from making a difference to peoples lives & helping leaders create cultures that thrive. So please get in touch if you think we can help.

Richard Thorp


+44 (0) 7764 856526 www.wiseheart.co.uk Many thanks.

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