
Post on 19-Jun-2015






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presentation about Keri Cahill, her adopted daughter, and the daughter she could not adopt. prepared for the fundraiser at the Elegant Women Expo, Danversport Yacht Club, September 30, 2010.


Bring Anya HomeThe Story of Keri Cahill, her adopted daughter,

and the sister who still waits.

In 2005, Keri Cahill traveled to Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo, Siberia, Russia and adopted a little girl. Anastasia came home to live with her new mom, and start her new life in Marblehead, MA.

March 2005 – first meeting May 2005 – officially a family

After coming to America, Anastasia, known as “Nastia” told her new mother“I have a sister! I have a sister!”

She wasn't kidding.

Keri found Nastia's sister Anyaand Nastia & Anya were reunitedby phone the day before Thanksgiving, 2006.

Keri made a promise to both Nastia and Anya.She would adopt Anya, and they would be a family.

They traveled to Russia and the girls were reunited in 2006.

It is now 2010.

What happened?

Politics.Roadblocks.Funding.Kemerovo closed their borders to foreignadoption.Her agency lost international accreditation.

Time was of the essence. Anya, being ayear older than Nas, would soon “age out”of eligibility. She would not be able to beadopted when she reached age 18.

Anya in 2007

Anya in 2009, shortly before turning 18.

Keri returned to Siberia in the spring of 2009 – visiting her daughter was heartbreaking.

She still could not be adopted due to powersbeyond Keri's control.

She visited the orphanage, knowing that in afew short months Anya would be too old toadopt.

Keri made arrangements after Anya had “aged out”of the orphanage for her to travel here on a student visa.

Tickets were purchased. Anya was on her way.

Until she got to Moscow and the US Embassy told her they believed she'd overstay her visa, and refused her entry to the United States.

This was December 9th, 2010.

Anya was frantic, devastated. Keri and Nastia were too. This was supposed to be a fantastic reunion. Keri's hope was once Anya washere on US soil she would find a lawyer who would assist her inhelping Anya emigrate here LEGALLY.

If that wasn't to be, she would certainly return to Russia. Obeying all the rules and laws that cover country-to-country travel.

This decision by our own embassy in Moscow was foolish, unfair,and unfounded. was born.

Keri's friends and a ground swellingelling of kind, hopeful and helpful strangersfrom all over the world (mostly through Facebook) pulled together to get Keri and Nastia over to Russia as quickly as they could for Anya's sake.

Christmas 2009 was spent in Moscow. Again, the sisters were reunited.

The Cahills enjoyed a wonderful Russianholiday, but a temporary fix is not acceptable.

These sisters need to be reunited.

Permanently. And through legal means.

Keri returned to the United States, andletter writing to Senators, Congressmen,the State Department ramped up with greathaste and urgency.

It is now nearly October, ten months since Anya was denied entryto this country. Six of which she could have been

living with her sister and the woman who wants to be her mom.

Political channels have not been paying off, no change has been made in Anya's status.

Anya's situation is dire. Her living situation is unsafe. The futurefor pretty 18 year old girls on the streets in any country is grim –

more so in Siberia.

What is a mother to do?

Move. To Siberia.

In early September, Keri and Nastia packed up and traveled back to Siberia to be with Anya. They will have three months together,

and hopefully the time together will give Anya the hope that her situation will be resolved soon.

Best case scenario is that her situation is resolved during Keri andNas' stay, so Anya can come home with them.

Keri is forgoing salary by leaving the North Shore. Friends are helping and supporting her efforts by doing fundraiserssuch as this one, and making donations on the


While in Siberia, Keri, Nas and Anya are enjoying time togetherAs a family, and are also ministering to the children in Nas' oldOrphanage. They plan to visit frequently, bringing needed itemspurchased through donations to the fund earmarked for the Detsky Dom #5.

Anya and Nastia are spending quality timetogether on this trip. Their bond is strong,No government can break that, or take it from them.

Keri and Nastia will return to the United States the first week of December,with or without Anya.

The fight to bring Anya home currentlydoes not seem to have an end.

Thank you for caring about Keri and thisstory. Thank you for caring enough to come out and support this fundraiser.

Please go home and hug your children,and remind them that their bond is not something to take for granted.

“A ministering angel shall my sister be.”-William Shakespeare

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