anti – bullying

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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What is bullying?

Bullying is aggressive behaviour that comes in many forms. It involves an imbalance of power and is often repeated over a period of time. Bullying threats include:

• Name calling• Isolation• Physical assaults • Verbal threats • Harassment• Intimidation • Cyber bullying

What are the effects of bullying?


Drug & Alcohol Abuse

Self Harm






Lack of Sleep

Changes in eating patternLoss of interest

Mental Health problems

Dropping out of school

Low Self Esteem


Almost 45,000 children

talked to Child Line about bullying last year

More than 16,000 young people are absent from school due to bullying.

Up to 43% of students have been bullied while online.

Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide,

and almost 7 percent have attempted it.

Demi Lovato

“ I had a really tough time when I was in middle school.

People would write hate petitions about me and send them around to be signed.

They'd have cd bashing parties of my demos. They'd come to my house, stand across the

street and yell things. It was a very emotional time for me

and all I wanted to do was get away.”

Sean's Story

Justin Timberlake

“I grew up in Tennessee, and if you didn’t play football you were a sissy. I got slurs all the time because I was in music and art… I was an outcast in a lot of ways…”

Jordan's story

What to do if your being bullied?

Tell him/her to stop in a clear, calm voice.

Walk away. DON’T fight back. Find an adult and inform them of the situation.

Stay close to adults and your friends. Most bullying happens when adults aren't around.

What can we do to help?

Stop and THINK before you say or do anything that could hurt someone.

Talk to an adult, friend or someone you TRUST

Everyone is UNIQUE keep that in mind.

APOLOGISE if you feel like you’ve bullied someone in the past, you'll feel better.

Hangman is great, because it teaches you that by saying the wrong things you could end someone's life.

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