anthrax bacterium protective antigen (pa) edema factor (ef) lethal factor (lf) pa+lf combine to...

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Why is it a threat?

Anthrax spores are the top choice in biological weapons for “germwarfare.”

Anthrax is effective as a biological weapon because:

Anthrax is almost always DEADLY if not treated early. Spores can beproduced in large quantities using basic knowledge of biology. Spores can bestored for decades without losing viability. Spores can be easily spread in the

air by missiles, rockets, artillery, aerial bombs & sprayers.

Why is it a threat?

We KNOW there are potential adversaries developing it as a weapon:

At least 10 of our potential adversaries have worked to develop an offensive biological warfare capability using anthrax. Iraq has admitted to producing

and weaponizing anthrax.

There is no indication of exposure:

There is no cloud or color. There is no smell. There is no taste. There is noindication of an attack when dispersed by aerosol spray.

Why is it a threat?

There is no effective treatment for unvaccinated victims of inhalationalanthrax:

Antibiotics will suppress infection only if administered early after exposure—usually within the first 24 - 48 hours.

By the time symptoms develop,it is highly likely death will occur

despite the best efforts of modern medical science.

99% lethal to unprotected individuals.

What it is

Anthrax is produced by the bacteria Bacillus Anthracis. A tough protective coatallows the bacteria to survive for decades as spores.

Anthrax is dangerous because, it is:

Highly lethal

One of the easiest biological agents to manufacture

Relatively easy to develop as a weapon

Easily spread in the air over a large area

Easily stored and dangerous for a long period

What it is

Three types of Anthrax diseases:

Cutaneous Anthraxcaused by contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products.

Gastrointestinal Anthrax

caused by ingestion of contaminated meat

** Inhalation Anthrax **

caused by inhalation of anthrax spores


Incubation period - 1 to 6 days

Symptoms of inhalation anthrax include:

Flu-like aches & pains

Fever, malaise, fatigue, cough and mild chest discomfort followed by severedifficulty breathing

The disease occurs when spores enter lungs, migrate to the lymph nodes,change to the bacterial forms, multiply, and produce toxins.

These toxins cause bleeding and destruction of structures in the middle of thechest

(medical term: hemorraghic necrotizing mediastinitis).

Shock and death occur within 24 to36 hours

Protective antigen (PA) Edema factor (EF) Lethal factor (LF)

PA+LF combine to produce lethal activity

EF+PA produce edema EF+LF is inactive PA+LF+EF produces edema and necrosis and is lethal

Lethal factor cuts enzymes in two -- the enzymes that are responsible for transmitting signals within the cells

in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, which helps control cell growth, embryonic

development and the way oocytes (eggs) mature

A-B enzymatic-binding structure of bacterial exotoxins with PA-key, EF/LF-lock/active site. The virulence of Bacillus anthracis is attributable to three bacterial components:

1. Capsular material composed of poly-D-glutamate 2. EF component of exotoxin 3. LF component of exotoxin

What it is:

The vaccine is a cell-free filtrate, produced by a strain of anthrax that doesnot cause disease. The vaccine contains no bacterium, dead or alive.

The vaccine was developed in the United States during the 1950s and1960s for humans and was approved by the FDA in 1970

Since 1970, it has been safely and routinely administered to wool millworkers, veterinarians, laboratory workers, and livestock handlers in theUnited States

Why Vaccinate?

A three-year study found that vaccinationwas the safest way to protect a highlymobile military against a threat from

anthrax spores that are 99% lethal forunprotected persons

To be continued…

Thank you for your attentiveness

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