annual report - filey town council

Post on 25-Jul-2022






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Awarded Quality Level in the Local Council Award Scheme 2016 and was the first Council in Yorkshire to achieve this award.






INTRODUCTION TO FILEY TOWN COUNCIL Filey Town Council serves a community of approximately 7,050 residents. It consists of thirteen Councillors elected for a term of 4 years with members serving until May 2023. Meetings of the Council are normally held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, 52A Queen Street, Filey on the second Wednesday of each month and members of the public are welcome to attend. Public Question Time is held early in the meeting as an agenda item and 15 minutes are set aside for questions, comments or exchange of information. Filey Town Councillors receive no financial allowances for their term in office. The Council has seven Committees which members serve on, Finance & General Purposes, Planning (as a consultee), Property, Staffing, Events and Lighting, Town Map and Guide and the Strategic Planning Committee. Planning Committee meetings are held approximately monthly on Monday evenings and all other meetings are held periodically, please consult the Town Council Noticeboard or web site for details. Councillors act as representatives on a number of Working Parties and outside organisations and also attend regular meetings, walkabouts and discussions with outside bodies. The Council Offices in Queen Street are open to the public from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 1.00 pm until 4.00 pm Monday to Friday. The Council staff comprise of the Town Clerk, Mr David Liddle, the Deputy Town Clerk, Mrs Audrey Adnitt, Assistant Town Clerk Mrs Sharon Pogson and Caretaker, Mr Richard Ulliott. Filey Town Council carries out a variety of functions and has specific responsibilities for the following:

• Provides advice and guidance to members of the public on a variety of services and is now a ‘Just Ask’ information point.

• Room Hire • Equipment Hire for local groups - PA system, tables, and chairs. • Services – Photocopying, Laminating, Document Binding • Mayoral engagements and Civic Functions • Crimlisk Fisher Archive • The Lawns Cemetery and associated Burial Administration. • Public & Commemorative Seating • Maintenance of some Public Shelters • Weed Spraying • Queen Street Garden • Parish Wood • Filey Museum (building only) • Sunday Band Concert Programme • Christmas Tree Lighting and permanent display lighting • Filey Town Guide & Town Map • Production of Newsletter and delivery to all households • Setting the Parish Precept and monitoring the Council’s investments and finance • Engaging an Internal Auditor and an Independent Financial Advisor • The Town Council is an employing body. • Liaison with other authorities on a regular basis • Awarding of Financial Assistance to local organisations. • Provision of administrative support to the Town Council as a corporate body which is made

up of 13 Town Councillors. • Provision of administrative support to 7 main committees and 3 working parties. • Provision of administrative support for informal and liaison meetings of the Town Council. • Member representation on many local groups and organisations.

Filey Town Council welcomes enquiries from the general public regarding the work of the Town Council and is pleased to answer any queries you may have. The Town Council also welcomes

members of the public to attend its council meetings and provides an opportunity during the meeting for members of the public to speak on matters relating to the agenda. The Town Council prides itself on engaging with all sectors of the local community. Meetings are now recorded and are uploaded to the Town Council’s website and can be viewed at Our friendly staff are here to provide advice and guidance to members of the public and will be pleased to refer matters to other local authorities for you and often saving you time and obtaining quicker results for you. Please contact us at: Filey Town Council Council Offices 52A Queen Street Filey North Yorkshire YO14 9HE Tel: 01723 514498 E mail: Web:



Cllr Mike Cockerill T’Norad, 2 Wooldale Drive, Filey


Cllr Victoria Crawford-Gage

1 Ash Road, Filey 07734924227

Cllr Neil Cronk Flat 9 The Crescent, Filey 07894561017

Cllr W. John Haxby 33 Grove Hill Road, Filey 513696

Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks (representing Primrose Valley Ward on Filey Town Council)

19 Stepney Close, Scarborough


Cllr Gary Howgate Flat 9 The Crescent, Filey 07894561016

Cllr Sally Mills Flat 3, 26 Mitford Street, Filey 07969627314

Cllr Howard Parkin 80 Hallam Close, Filey 07523343889

Cllr Linda Randall 94 Scarborough Road, Filey 314475

Cllr Janine Robinson 168 West Road, Filey 07720870783

Cllr Kevin Wilkie 5 Bay Crescent, Seadale Gardens, Filey


COUNCILLORS REPRESENTING FILEY ON SCARBOROUGH BOROUGH COUNCIL Councillor Michael J Cockerill, 2 Wooldale Drive, Filey 512844

Samuel A Cross, 12 Cliff Top, Filey 515843 John Casey, 4 Church View, Filey 514268

COUNCILLOR REPRESENTING FILEY ON NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Councillor Helen Swiers, Bickley Gate Farmhouse, Bickley Scarborough 882438 COUNCILLOR REPRESENTING PRIMROSE VALLEY - HERTFORD WARD ON NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Councillor Roberta Swiers 23 main Street, Cayton, Scarborough 584386


Cllr. Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Chairman and Mayor

Finance & General-Purpose Committee

Chair- Cllr John Haxby

Cllr Gary Howgate

Cllr Victoria Crawford-Gage

Cllr Sally Mills

Cllr Janine Robinson

Cllr Kevin Wilkie

Property Committee


Cllr. Janine Robinson

Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Cllr Howard Parkin

Cllr Mike Cockerill

Cllr Neil Cronk

Cllr Victoria Crawford-Gage

Events and Lighting Committee

Chair Cllr Linda Randall

Cllr Mike Cockerill

Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Cllr Howard Parkin

Cllr Gary Howgate

Cllr Janine Robinson

Planning Committee


Cllr. Howard Parkin

Cllr Gary Howgate

Cllr Sally Mills

Cllr Kevin Wilkie

Cllr Neil Cronk

Staffing Committee

Chair Cllr Linda Randall

Cllr Howard Parkin

Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Cllr Janine Robinson

Cllr Gary Howgate

Cllr John Haxby

Strategic Planning Committee

Chair Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Cllr John Haxby

Cllr Gary Howgate

Cllr Howard Parkin

Cllr Janine Robinson

Cllr Linda Randall

Town Guide and map Committee

Chair Cllr Gary Howgate

Cllr Howard Parkin

CllrJacqui Houlden-Banks

Cllr. Gary Howgate

Deputy Mayor


Groups and Organisations

Councillors 2018 / 2019

Allotment & Garden Association (2)

Cllr Janine Robinson Cllr Neil Cronk

Bowling Club

Cllr Howard Parkin

Community & Police (CAP) Group (2)

Cllr Howard Parkin Cllr Linda Randall

Elderly Persons ‘All Day’ Club (2)


Filey in Bloom (1)

Cllr Linda Randall

Filey Community Sports Club Ltd (Executive Board Member) (1)

Cllr Kevin Wilkie

Filey Fisherman’s Charity (1)

Cllr Mike Cockerill

Filey Museum (2)

Cllr Victoria Crawford-Gage Cllr Janine Robinson

Coble Landing Harbour Users Group (1)

Cllr Mike Cockerill

Filey Tourism Association (1)

Cllr Linda Randall

Yorkshire Local Councils Association (up to 4) (2 VOTES ONLY)

Cllr Kevin Wilkie Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Filey Pub Watch

Cllr Howard Parkin

Bonhomme Richard Group

Vacancy Cllr Howard Parkin

Filey Town Council Audited Accounts for 2019-20


COUNCILLOR Jacqui Houlden-Banks

05.07.2020 Photo call ‘Footprints in the Sand’ Signage

10 am

24.07.2020 Meeting with the Mayor of Scarborough, Scarborough Town Hall

11 am

26.07.2020 Meeting with Journalist and Street Ambassadors to promote Filey

11 am

12.08.2020 Filey Flood Alleviation Scheme / Press call

10.30 am

05.09.2020 Mayor meeting with Mayor of Scarborough, Scalby

12 noon

30.09.2020 Presentation of Sports and Leisure Grant Cheques


15.10.2020 Present Green Flag Award, White Lodge Hotel, Filey


24.10.2020 Meeting with the Mayor of Scarborough 12.30pm

30.10.2020 Opening of Simply Rustic, Filey 10.15am

11.11.2020 Laying of Wreath in Memorial Gardens 11.00am

11.12.2020 Presentation of Sports & Leisure Grant to Filey Golf Club



Chairman’s report

The Town Council has worked hard over the last year to represent the best interests of the town and the community meeting the legal responsibilities of a quality assured council. The Council is a legal corporative body with legal existence of its own, separate from its members the decisions it makes are the responsibility of the whole body. The Council must abide by standing orders and financial regulations and when making decisions ensure they do not impact on crime or disorder. The Council is none political ensuring that the Councillors work together for the good of Filey. Councillors must sign a register of interest and abide by a Code of Conduct. Members do not receive allowances for their work but can claim travel allowances after a five-mile radius of Filey. In addition to full council meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month, members also sit on seven committees, finance, property, staffing, strategic planning, events and lighting and town map and guide. Councillors also are council representatives on many outside groups and working parties. The local police also attend full council meetings giving monthly crime figures for the town of Filey, we commend the team of officers in Filey for their excellent work. Residents of Filey are very welcome to attend any of the meetings we hold, there is a public question time of 15 minutes in which the public can ask questions on anything on the agenda. Local Awards received during 2019/20

• Filey beach was voted one of the top six in the world for children by ‘TripAdvisor’.

• Catherine Welch, a Founder Member of Friends of Filey Parks received the 2019 Yorkshire Rose

Discretionary Community Champion Award from Yorkshire in Bloom for all her hard work over many


• Yorkshire in Bloom also awarded Friends of Filey parks a Platinum Award in the Gardens Category,

Filey Bistro and Coffee Bar won a Gold Award in the Small Business Category and Filey Town Council

won a Silver Award for the Lawns Cemetery in the Cemeteries Category.

During 2019/20 Following my election as Town Mayor I felt that the relationship between Scarborough Borough Council and Filey Town Council should be improved as this would be beneficial for both parties and most importantly for the residents of Filey. 2019 was a perfect time in which to try and achieve this goal, as Scarborough Borough Council had a new Leader and Chief Executive, and Filey Town Council had many new Members who were all eager to move forward. Working hard with the Mayor of Scarborough Borough, Councillor Hazel Lynskey, the Leader of Scarborough Borough Council Steve Siddons and the Chief Executive of Scarborough Borough Council Mike Green a new relationship has been forged. Filey Town Council has rescinded its’ previous ‘Vote of no Confidence’ in Scarborough Borough Council. The Leader, Chief Executive and Borough Mayor have all visited Filey Town Council and Filey Town Councillors

and Clerk have visited Scarborough Borough Council. I as Mayor of Filey have a monthly meeting with the Mayor of Scarborough and am a member of her Mayor’s Awards panel. Lisa Dixon, a director of Scarborough Borough Council, is now the Borough’s Liaison Officer with Filey Town Council and has regular updates with me as Mayor and the Town Clerk, which is proving to be very helpful. This improved relationship has already led to an Action Plan being produced with plans to restore the railings on the seafront and to preserve and refurbish our public toilets to name but a few. It has been a busy year for civic events too, we held the Annual Civic Service in September at Filey Methodist Church and have also had the pleasure of representing Filey at 76 events both locally and around the county, many other planned events sadly had to be postponed due to the pandemic. As a Council during this year we have been busy working to improve our town, work is ongoing to prevent further land slippage at Queen Street Gardens, new railing have been commissioned at The Lawns Cemetery, the Town Council has launched a new and improved website, we are also currently looking to award a total of £100,000 in Sports and Leisure grants within our community and last but not least a replacement ‘Bonzo the Seal’ has been sourced for the Coble Landing. Covid 19 Pandemic The ongoing Covid Pandemic has been a time of worry for many of our residents and it has been my priority for the Town Council to assist in every way we can. The Town Council has invested £600 to provide Face Shields to assist businesses in the town to protect their staff. We have been working hard with our colleagues at both North Yorkshire County Council and Scarborough Council to increase footpath capacity to assist with social distancing and helped the SBC Street Ambassadors wherever possible. We have also worked in partnership with a local business to provide some extra signage for the sea front ‘Leave only your footprints on the sand’, to remind people to take their rubbish away. I would like to thank my Deputy Mayor Councillor Gary Howgate for taking up this position part way through the year and for his support. I would also like to thank my fellow Town Councillors for their continued work both in and out of the chamber.

Summer 2020 – April 2021

With the continued confinements of Covid 19, and Filey as the rest of the country having been locked down

in November 2020 and January 2021 until April 2021, the Council remains working for Filey in a new format

of Teams and Zoom Meetings.

Filey Council follows all government guidelines for covid 19 and shares all and any relevant information, with

the public via Filey Town Council website and the physical newsletter, which is posted through resident's


As in the Summer report 2019-2021, Filey Town council has achieved all the projects mentioned. The Council

has granted almost £80,000 in Sports and Leisure funds for the community of Filey.

The Town Plan is a work in progress with to date with monies of the SBC Capital Programme to be spent in

Filey, for the benefit of the community and to move Filey forward to being able to capitalise on the

potential market to continue to make Filey a vibrant, pleasant, and appealing public realm, that can draw in

new visitors, as well as enhancing the visitors experience for existing ones.

Filey Town Council has further partnership projects to be developed with SBC to provide a deliverable

foundation, a joint strategic vision for Filey which reflects the aspirations of both authorities and, most

importantly the community of Filey.

Queen Street Gardens remains the asset of Filey Town Council, and work continues to keep the area safe.

A difficult year for all, and I thank the Councillors for their continued hard work and support.

Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Mayor and Chairman of Filey Town Council

Committee Chairman Reports

Strategic Planning Committee Report 2020-2021

The overall aim of this Committee is: - To provide effective, efficient, and professional management of the council, in order that it may provide a high standard of quality services to the community. Objectives are to improve the quality of communications with residents and local organisations, share good practice and ensure consistency by the Council. Our aims for the year were: -

• To maintain and improve the relationship with Scarborough Borough Council. This relationship will

undoubtedly begin to show benefits in the near future.

• To update the existing Town Plan, working with Scarborough Borough Council to ensure that Filey

moves forward with a structured approach to the future.

• Update Councillor IT hardware to provide a platform to allow remote working by both members of

staff and the Councillors with a system to allow video conferencing of meetings which was a

definite requirement during the last most difficult year. This was achieved with the Council

maintaining all of its functions during this once in a lifetime period.

• Install a website that both informs the residents of Filey in an effective and efficient way being also

simple to maintain. The website is now installed and has been received very well by both the

public and local organisations.

• Install a new telecoms system again to allow the Council staff to work remotely but be in

communication with all other stakeholders.

• To continually look at improving the way the Council operates ensuring that the best decisions are

made for the community in an efficient manner.

I would like to thank the Committee for their continued support and attendance of meetings.

Chairman of Strategic Planning Committee. Cllr Jacqui Houlden-Banks

Report of the Town Council’s Finance and General Purposes Committee 2020-21 It is very fitting that, before the main report is presented, tribute is paid to the former Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, John Shackleton, who passed away suddenly in September 2019. John had been Chairman for eight years. He was a very conscientious person who took the responsibilities of the post extremely seriously and his loss is sadly felt by all. It was a great honour to be asked to take over Chairmanship of the committee and I just hope I have done John and all his hard work justice. John Shackleton, gone but certainly not forgotten. The Finance & General Purposes Committee have reviewed all budget headings, ensuring that the Council is fully abreast of all changing economic situations including the vastly reduced interest rates. Over the current year the committee have reviewed the effectiveness of internal controls and are confident that correct mechanisms are in place to regularly check and monitor the financial management of the Council. Council investments are monitored on a regular basis by both committee and the Councils independent financial advisor. All investments are covered by the Governments guarantee scheme up to the level of £85.000. The Councils Annual Investment Strategy of 1) Security 2) Liquidity 3) Yield, in that order remains in place for all present and future investments. These along with other measures, enable the Council to remain in a strong position to manage current financial pressures. In the year up to the end of March 2020 the Council awarded Grants to the following (See list below). In 2020-2021 the Council also awarded grants to local organisations but due to the pandemic these had were returned as the activities planned did not take place.

In 2019/20 we have a slight overspend due to

a) Staffing: Over lapping and extra training expenses after the appointment of a new Deputy Clerk.

b) Queen Street Garden expenditure. The overspend has been countered by a increase in income from burials and commemorative seating. At the time of writing this report income was projected at £240,091 with expenditure of £234,500. In the 2021/22 draft budget the precept requirement was set at £162,400, members agreed that this was acceptable giving a rise of 3.02% to the Council tax bill this is mainly due to the decrease in “Band D” equivalent properties in the Town. Members of the council also agreed again to employ a part time dog warden at a cost of £10.000pa. Both these subjects having an impact on the budget and precept requirement.











Filey Bay Initiative Production of Leaflet £300.00

Filey Brigg Angling Society

Sponsorship Filey Town Cup £100.00

Filey Cricket Club Equipment for under11’s cricket team £800.00

Filey Folk Festival Sponsorship of the 3day event £400.00

Filey in Bloom Enhancement to planting area, Filey entry signs £500.00

Filey Flower Club Newsletters and Posters £150.00

Filey Lions Community Bonfire £750.00

Parish Centre, St Johns Refurbishment of the Parish Hall £400.00

Steampunk Festival Sponsorship of Festival £400.00

SECTION B – Projects funded from reserves

Section A Total £9,000

Section B Total £222,000

Total £231,000

My year as Chairman of this committee comes to an end in May 2021, I would like to thank the members of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the admin team, the Councils internal auditor Mr David Latham and the RFO for their work throughout the past financial year. Copies of the last fully audited accounts for the financial year ending 31st March 2020 are available in the annual report or from the council offices. The accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021 will be made available for inspection by members of the public prior to the external audit; this date has been set by the external auditors from between 17 June 2019 to 26 July 2019.

Councillor John Haxby Chairman Finance & General Purposes Committee.

Capitol Spend 2019/20 Section A -Short term projects funded in year

IT Upgrade £1,500 Upgrade to office network

Repair of Council Chamber Chairs/Tables £1,000 Update Room Boards

Neighbourhood Plan £1,500 Initial spend on town plan if any consultation is required

Office Repairs and Improvements £2,500 General Repairs

Track rod Rally £2,500 Request for funding

Sports Provision (EBOR) £65,000 New Sports Facility at Ebor Academy

Flood Alleviation £20,000 Work planned to commence in 2019

Election Reserve £10,000 Possibility of holding a bi-election

Ravine Skate Park £28,000 Contribution to project.

Lawns Cemetery Railings £15,000 New railings

Queen Street Garden £40,000 Estimated sum for the most minor of work

Council Office Windows £10,000 New windows to the front of building.

IT Upgrade £15,000 New hardware for councillors. Savings to be made on paper and printing

Coble Replica £19,000 Replica metal coble on coble landing

Report of Filey Town Council Planning Committee 2020-21

I have only recently taken on the position of chairman for this committee and overall, the attendance is very good and for a committee with very little influence with final decisions taken by SBC. This I find very concerning as we regularly object to applications but as a committee feel that these are not taken into account regularly we are being ignored due to government pressure on reaching targets especially for housing applications not taking into account our infrastructure regarding healthcare on all sides we are struggling to accommodate residents for GP surgery facilities and dental treatment, and the increase on the parking issue with new build and flat conversions also putting pressure on the town but with other applications such as just recently when we were overturned with our objection to an already built structure that impeded on some residents privacy, to this end although generally as a council we are making progress with SBC but in other areas I personally feel that we are not having our concerns taken seriously.

Chairman Cllr Howard Parkin

Report of The Filey Town Guide & Map 2020-2021

The map for 20/21 has been produced. Because of the challenging times due to the

Covid 19 pandemic the committee decided that with the difficulties of producing a

map at this time to ask the current advertisers if they would like to advertise with

their already existing adverts at a reduction of 50%, which they all took up. This

meant that the map this year was produced at a slight loss, the actual cost of the map

was £3250.00 and the money from advertising will be £2500.00.

The only things that were changed on the map were the front cover and the tide tables

and town map which were both updated.

We have started work on the next town guide for the years 22/23 and FTC has

approved the current printer to print it as they have done an excellent job in the past.

If anyone has any ideas for items to be included in the next town guide, would they

please contact Sharon at FTC.

I would like to thank the staff and committee members and Elaine Taylor for their

hard work in producing the map and guide.


Cllr Gary Howgate

REPORT OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE 2020-2021 This has been a very difficult year for the Property Committee. Lawns Cemetery: Quotes were received and an order placed for the replacement of the railings. This work is ongoing often being delayed due to weather conditions. It has been agreed that the gates will be removed. Parish Wood: Discussions have been held with FBOG regarding the very poor state of the path. We have asked them for a plan of action. Bandstand: This appears to be in a reasonable condition with no obvious work needed. Queen Street Gardens: Yorkshire Water have repaired one of the pipes which should solve some of the problems. The Council is currently investigating the best route to progress the issue. Filey Museum: There has not been a visit again this year due to covid lockdown. Council Offices: Waiting on the weather to improve for the replacement/repair of the windows. A quote has been received for the decorating of these.

Cllr. Janine Robinson Chair - Property Committee Filey Town Council

Report from Staffing Committee 2020-21

The past year has been difficult with the onset and progression of the Covid 19 pandemic

and series of National lockdowns.

The council, like many other organisations, have had to adapt working practices and allow

staff to work from home and follow government instructions. Fortunately, the council had

just invested in new IT equipment allowing council staff and members to access video

conferencing facilities. FTC have therefore been able to maintain regular Team meetings.

FTC had also implemented a new and improved website allowing easier access and links

to information for staff, members and the public.

I was appointed Chair of the Staffing Committee in October 2020 following the resignation

of Cllr Bosomworth and subsequent temporary cover arrangements.

Since October - The Staffing Committee and Council Staff have worked hard to progress

and make improvements in the following areas.

Telephone system to allow home working and transfer of calls.

Review of Office cover and public access times.

Review of annual leave and TOIL arrangements and recording of this/ sharing information

with Committee members.

Current review of Policies and Procedures in light of changes made.

Develop home and lone working policies.

Major review of Staff roles, tasks and responsibilities via job evaluation exercise conducted

in partnership with YCLA.

Some changes to job titles and salary review in line with current local government

guidance and standards.

Staff appraisals conducted with clear aims and objectives for staff.

All the above undertaken to improve business efficiency and effectiveness giving direction

and clear expectations for staff - modernise some council practices.

The next steps are to return to office working when able and to improve/ freshen office


Develop Team Plan and focus for further work and improvements.

Improve recording of staff supervision and maintenance of staff personnel files.

Committee and Full Council to better support council staff.

Aim to Improve transparency, openness and trust across the council and improve public

confidence in FTC.

Cllr. Linda Randall

Chair of Staffing Committee

Events and Lighting Committee Report 2020-21 The past year has been a difficult one due to the Covid 19 Pandemic and with regards to a series of National Lockdowns. The events that were planned to take place in the town had to be cancelled. Despite much effort and hard work, the major 75-year VE Day celebration that was due to take place was also cancelled. This promised to be a great family fun day with a wide range of activities planned for all ages and was to be completed by having a vintage dance with pie and pea supper in the evening for adults. The idea was to have a good memorable community event for the town. Also, Yorkshire Day did not follow the usual programme with very few residents and visitors gathered by memorial gardens. However, the day was at least acknowledged with people gathered at safe distance and masked. Our main efforts therefore concentrated on re-commissioning the Christmas lights in the main areas of the town. A new supplier MK Lighting was awarded a three-year contract. They made some bespoke motif lights and also improved LED icicle lights were installed in three main streets. The display was very positively received and enjoyed by businesses, residents and visitors alike and brought some joy at a time of crisis. The electrical infra structure in areas needed attention and requires some further work along with the replacement of Christmas tree brackets. This work is ongoing. Old brackets are to be removed and some new more substantial galvanised brackets are to be installed. A full survey of where we want these to be placed is to be undertaken and restoration work to walls where previous brackets were needs to be carried out. A detailed plan of ideas for these improvements has been compiled and a site survey with MK Lighting is to be undertaken so that costings for an extension of Christmas Lighting can be considered. When we are clearer about what can be achieved a request is to be made to SBC to see if they can support some of the costs involved.

Chair Cllr Linda Randall

Assets and Services Working Party Report 2020-2021 With the Local Government Reorganisation looming ever closer the Town Council decided to engage with both the County and Borough Councils to discuss the future provision of services to Filey together with the ownership of Local Authority assets. Whether the decision from Westminster is that the new Unitary Authority is the County wide one or that with an East / West split the Town Council believes there is an opportunity to consider having further services provided locally. Additionally, it may be considered advantageous for the Town Council to acquire Borough Council Assets in Filey. The Town Council has been provided with lists of SBC and NYCC Assets and Services, in the case of SBC very long lists. The Town Council has requested further information in regard to some of these Assets and Services, when received it will study the information to see if there are any services that we believe can be best provided by the Town Council rather than any Upper Tier Authority in the future. Many of the services are considered to be beyond the capability or capacity to be realistically provided by the Town Council. Some of the assets might prove advantageous from a financial consideration, others from a quality-of-life aspect. I would emphasise that this is very much at an early and that any Services or Assets with which the Town Council decides to move forward with, will be a Living Document that will require frequent revisiting as we receive information from both the Borough Council and the County Council. The Town Council already undertakes some work on behalf of SBC under the Model Agreement and receives payment for this work.

Chair Mike Cockerill

Sports and Leisure Grants Working Party Report 2020/2021

There have been 5 grants awarded this year, these being

1. Southdene Bowling Club £3,964.80

2. Filey Playing Fields Association £25,000.00

3. Active Filey £1,600.00

4. Parish Centre (St. Johns Church) £24,429.00

5. Filey Golf Club £25,000.00

A Total of £79,983.80

Out of the £100,000.00 allocated this leaves £20,006.20.

At present we have received two more applications which at this time

have not been processed, these being from Silver Birches and Filey

Sailing Club

Cllr. Gary Howgate

Chair of Sports and Leisure Grants Working Party

Borough Council Report 2020-2021 by Mike Cockerill

Although meetings at the Town Hall in Scarborough have not been taking place due to COVID most of the work of Officers and Elected members has continued. Meeting have been held over the Internet and have allowed most of the routine work to continue.

LAWNS CEMETERY Investigation continues into the possible extending of the Lawns Cemetery into the adjacent land near the Mill Meadows development.

SPORTS & LEISURE It is most disappointing that the project to create additional facilities at “Top School” that would have been open for the whole community to use has fallen by the wayside. This is solely down to the huge increase in the cost together with the lack of sufficient funding from Sport England to support the financial contributions allocated by both the Town and Borough Councils. I am pleased that my request for the budget of £328,000 for that facility to be retained for projects expected to increase the participation in physical activity and / or enhance the provision of sport / leisure facilities is retained for Filey.

SEAFRONT RAILINGS The funding for the second phase of the work to replace the rails of the seafront railings has largely been spent, the value was £20,000. Rather than replacing rails as and when they break it was felt that better Value for Money would be achieved if a long stretch of the rails could be replaced at the same time.

STATION AVENUE / BELLE VUE CRESCENT JUNCTION – Extended Island I am pleased that NYCC agreed to implement my suggestion and I thanks Cty Cllr Swiers for her support. I have received many positive comments about the success of the new island.

POLICE 101 Together with Cllr Casey, the concern regarding the effectiveness of the 101-telephone reporting system was discussed with our MP, Kevin Hollinrake, who agreed to raise the concern with the relevant minister at Westminster.

SEADALE TERRACE FOUL WATER FLOODING Having made comments in regard to the current planning application for a further 42 properties, I have been working with residents of Seadale Terrace due to the incidents they experience of flooding from foul water. The immediate problem has now been resolved. I also liaised with the caravan park to ensure that any new development does not adversely affect the surface water drainage from their facility.

COUNTRY PARK Damage to the grassed area on Country Park continues to cause concern due to inconsiderate drivers taking short cuts across the grass during very wet periods.


I raised the possibility of having something similar to Scarborough’s Fin the Fish into which people could deposit litter etc at a number of points along Filey’s seafront. This is under discussion.

SEAWALL Grant Aid of £1.7 million has been approved by the Environment Agency for work including improving the rock armour revetment in the area of outflanking to the south of New Sea Wall, localised replacement and refurbishment of missing or damaged sections of the toe beam of the seawall exposed by low beach levels together with capital refurbishment of the face of the seawall. The works would be 100% externally funded. This will help to address some of the concerns that have been expressed about the deterioration of some of the blocks forming the sea defences that is considered to have been caused by the natural action of the abrasive sand during periods of rough seas. .

DOG MESS I raised this ever present problem at a meeting of the Borough Council. I stated that 2 Dog Wardens are totally insufficient to even attempt to redress this problem. Both my fellow Borough Councillors for Filey supported my view.

SBC PUBLIC CONVENIENCES I continue to raise questions as to the refurbishment of SBC toilets in Filey. I am informed that the work on some will start in May 2021.

FORMER CONFERENCE HALL & ADJACENT BUILDING For far too long, in my opinion, this once proud and much-loved building has been left to deteriorate. This situation was not helped by the existence of a lease. However, this has now lapsed, and the building and part of the site has been marked by SBC. A report will be prepared following the completion of the marketing of the site, whether this will be a decision by a Director, Cabinet Member, or the Cabinet itself will depend on the degree of interest in the site.

FILEY INVESTMENT PLAN During my regular meetings with the SBC Chief Executive, I continue to urge quicker progress on the Filey Investment Plan and said that I considered it was important to having funds allocated and spent, particularly before Local Government Reorganisation.

WARD MEMBERS LOCALITY BUDGET Each SBC Ward Member now has a budget of £2,000 with a general minimum grant of £250. There are criteria to be abided by when considering any grant application. I have already intimated that I would like to support Keep Filey Tidy if their project fits the necessary criteria.


I have saved the item that I consider to be one of if not the most important matters to the end of my report.

Construction of the Filey Flood Alleviation Scheme started in the summer and, following a break in work due to the poor weather and bad ground conditions over the winter, is

nearing completions.

The work completed before the bad weather break proved more than adequate to protect Filey during the bad weather.

During the project I have raised a small number of concerning issues that I pleased to report have largely been resolved.

Latterly I have been working with relevant SBC officers, landowners, and consultant engineers to ensure the Environmental Enhancement phase of the scheme achieves its potential. One important item being the completion of the link between Scarborough Road and the track alongside Country Park.

At this time I would like to take the opportunity of thanking everyone who has worked to bring this project to fruition. We formally started in August 2002 and involved representatives from FTC, SBC, NYCC, Yorkshire Water, Environment Agency, landowners and importantly Filey residents.

Cllr Helen Swiers North Yorkshire Annual Report 2020-2021

This has been a most difficult year for the council, and we should be both pleased and proud of the way our staff have stepped up to the challenge of trying to deliver services in unprecedented conditions. Not one has refused to adopt new ways of working. There are over 3000 now work from home, this was a huge effort from our IT people to facilitate this. They have worked well with a range of partners, other local government people from parishes, districts, national parks, blue light services, NHS, the Army, businesses and especially our great volunteers. Our staff have organised 25 formal Community Support Organisations and helped hundreds of smaller more informal groups. All with the same aim of helping those who need it. Our Public Health teams have been very busy managing outbreaks wherever they occur and leading on helping setup test and trace activity. Our Social Services team went to a temporary 7/7 working model, which we are now consulting staff on continuing with as ‘good practice’. We have supported the 235 care settings in the County by being in daily contact with them, and have set up Infection Prevention and Control teams, and helped them access PPE and mobile testing. We continue to implement our flag ship Extra Care Housing – Two schemes opened this year in Great Ayton and Scarborough with three on course for next year in Skipton. Bentham and our own Filey. Currently the build is still on track for Housing21 to take the keys from the first week in September. The Scheme consists of 70 apartments in total with a mix of one and two bedrooms of which:

• 35 will be available for rent.

• 35 will be available for shared ownership.

• Care and support staff will be on site 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

• Onsite restaurant

• Onsite hair salon

• The show flat is officially opening on 22nd April although Housing21 are currently doing some viewings as it is ready now. Also, there will be an open day for the general public to come and see what the scheme offers. In May Housing21 will be starting to recruit staff and they are hoping to employ as many local people as possible. With regard as to the future of Silver Birches: Unfortunately, staff are still responding to the pandemic therefore things are moving more slowly than we would like and we are still awaiting a final decision as to the future of Silver Birches. The options do include the possibility of continued use for future care needs. Hopefully, we will have a decision in the near future. Our Children’s Services have been rated Outstanding by Ofsted; the first in the country to get this rating. Naturally we are very proud of this achievement, but the work must go on and ever strife to improve. We are transforming our Healthy Child programme to make it work even better, working very closely with Health. 82% of our children attend good or outstanding schools and we have seen a decrease in fixed term and permanent exclusions. We have done our best to support our schools to make sure every child in North Yorkshire could access remote learning in this most difficult and challenging of years, not only to teaching staff but also to parents – We are also aware of the potential impact on mental health the closure of schools may have had. The County Council put in extra training and support in schools to support mental health and all mental health services will remain available to any young person who needs it. We rolled out a scheme of supermarket vouchers for families in need over Christmas and this will be extended for

now, supported by Government cash and County Council cash. The music service has changed to online and does over 1000 lessons a week this way. We have managed record investment into road repairs this year – sadly, there will always be more to do as we manage the largest road network in England. We should thank and celebrate some of the work that our highways teams have been carrying out in recent months and continue to do so. They have had to deal with a number of snow events and some serious land slides and flooding. It is right to recognise the work that still carries on regardless of the pandemic. In 2020/21 the Locality Budget gave grants to Tommy’s Filey Studio; Filey Literature Festival; St. John’s Parish Hall; Filey Museum; Active Filey; Filey Sailing Club and Filey in Bloom. I look forward to seeing all the projects progress. It has been agreed to continue the Locality Budget for 2021/22. Although I do not have a start date confirmed as yet (I think it will be about the week beginning 10 May) I have already been speaking to a number of people with very worthwhile and exciting projects they wish to put forward. If you have one or know of one, please contact me. There are so many good things coming forward in Filey with people working hard to make them happen. Filey Library is rewarded for all their commitment and hard work by achieving Highly Recommended as a runner up for North Yorkshire’s Library of the Year 2019/20. Well done to all those who have supported Filey Library in delivering this outstanding performance. As part of the devolution process Government invited proposals to reorganise local government structures in North Yorkshire. The County Council submitted a proposal based on the existing county boundaries where we already deliver our services; 80% of the total delivery by value. We received the Minister’s decision on whether we met the criteria, and he went out to consultation before reaching his decision. That consultation has just finished, and we await his decision. This is a whistle stop tour of just some of the activity the County Council has been and is engaged in the past year. We always strive to keep Council Tax as low as possible, after all we are all Council Taxpayers ourselves, but we have experienced extra spending this year of £75m on Covid activities alone therefore it was with a heavy heart it was agreed to raise Council Tax by 1.99%, supplemented with 1.5% social care precept (total increase of 3.49%). This results in a Band D Council Tax of £1411.05 for the council in 2020/21. That is an additional £47.58 per annum (£3.96 per month or 91p per week). The council faces major uncertainties as a result of Covid; limited visibility of government spending plans; and the potential reorganisation of local government in North Yorkshire. Given these uncertainties it is critical that the council maintain as much flexibility as possible in order to protect vital services whilst being able to respond to further potential shocks. May I take this opportunity to thank the Town Council and your clerk, David Liddle, for all your help and support over this past difficult year. May we not see it’s like again. Helen Swiers North Yorkshire County Council, Filey Division



Cllr Gage 20 13 5 2

Cllr Cockerill 19 19 0 0

Cllr Randall 23 22 1 0

Cllr Cronk 23 22 0 0

Cllr Haxby 22 21 1 0

Cllr Houlden-Banks 34 30 4 0

Cllr Howgate 38 37 1 0

Cllr Robinson 33 33 0 0

Cllr Mills 22 13 6 3

Cllr Parkin 41 40 1 0

Cllr Wilkie 23 19 4 0


















Cllr Haxby
















2% 0%







Mr David Liddle

Town Clerk/RFO

Mrs Sharon Pogson

Assistant Town ClerkMrs Audrey Adnitt

Deputy Town Clerk

Mr Richard Ulliott


Local Groups and Organisation Reports

Filey Town Council Crimlisk Fisher Archive Report (FTC Annual


Filey Town Council is in the enviable position of providing support for an

archive of the calibre of the Crimlisk Fisher Archive, a valued local history

resource centre that few small town councils are able to offer.

Despite the exceptional challenges everyone has confronted over the last year,

we have continued to respond to CFA e-mail enquiries from home, and we have

currently amassed quite a sizable number of requests for the team to deal with

when we are safely able to return to operating the archive.

The CFA is entirely staffed by a local team of dedicated volunteers, and, when

we are able to return, the archive will reopen on Wednesday and Friday

mornings between 10.00 a.m. and Noon, so why not come along and explore for

yourself how the CFA is helping to bring bygone Filey back to life.

Steve Midwood Archaist


It has been a strange year for Filey Lions Club, as it has for many other

organisations. Despite the fact that we had to cancel every one of our fundraising

and community events, we are pleased that we have still been able to support our

community in many ways.

From the first day that we were locked down in March 2020, we arranged to have

some leaflets printed with a dedicated emergency phone number for contact to

Filey Lions, with an offer to collect shopping, prescriptions, and any other

emergency that residents did not feel they were able to go out and do themselves.

Within 72 hours, the leaflets were printed and distributed to every house in Filey,

giving our vulnerable residents a lifeline. The scheme was spread via social media

and soon became very successful, with a dedicated lion and partner, disregarding

our own vulnerability, shopping, and manning the phone each day, and we were

shopping etc. 7 days a week. As lockdown eased towards the end of June, we slowly

reduced the number of days as more and more people were feeling safer to go out

themselves, and eventually on 31st July we closed down the support. At that time,

we had carried out some 1240 duties, shopping, prescription collection and delivery,

and even a weekly plated Sunday lunch delivery from one home to another. We feel

very satisfied and proud that we supported our community the best we could, and

in fact the project won us an award through our Lions district as the best lions

project this year. I am pleased to say that the project brought us a reasonable

amount in donations, in a year when we had no other fundraising available to us.

Also, in that period we purchased a large number of PPE items, distributing to our

local care homes, hospitals, surgery, and individuals who needed them.

At the beginning of this year, we have supported financially St. Catherine’s Hospice,

£3000.00, Martin House Hospice, £1000.00, and the little white bus £1000.00, all

which we felt are very important to our community and need to be kept going when

funding has been hard for them. We have also recently made donations to Filey

Community Fridge for their Fare Share transport costs, and Filey Playing Fields

Association towards CCTV for their building security.

We continue to support our community the very best we can and look forward to a

better year financially when we can restock our coffers and continue our work.

John Sellers, Filey Lions Club President.

Filey Parish Churches

We have endeavoured to continue to serve the local community in numerous ways, not only in matters of faith, but in works of service too. As we have witnessed, there

has been a great sense of the community pulling together and helping both neighbours and strangers alike.

Since the first lockdown we have kept in touch with members and others with ‘The

Weekly Link’ sharing news, varied articles, spiritual reflections, and meditations. It has been much appreciated particularly by those on their own or not on the internet.

Worship services have gone online, and we continue to investigate new ways of making our services accessible.

The website was revamped and continues to be developed to make church information

readily available. We only held one wedding in 2020 and funerals have by necessity been severely limited in numbers attending. We aim to offer Services of Thanksgiving for those we have lost during the year.

The redevelopment of St John’s Parish rooms finally got underway. ‘2020Vision’ began

in 2017 and it has taken a lot of hard work and patience to get the building completed. We met many delays and obstacles along the way, but I am delighted that we will have

a resource fit for purpose, available to the community and from which we hope to build new possibilities. I am most grateful to the many individual donors and organisations

who have contributed to this vision and my thanks go to the Town Council for making a grant toward refurbishing the upper floor for sports use, and for new kitchen


St Oswald’s Church also had major repairs including the organ, car park, conservation

work on the windows, the roof and a new lighting system has been installed making it much brighter inside.

We continue to want to work with the Parish Council and develop ways to serve the

wider community and so we look forward to the coming year ahead.

Revd Nigel Chapman Vicar of Filey

Police Report Filey Town Council

April 2021

Crime Figures 1st April 2020 – 29th March 2021

Group Crime Type 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Diff 2021 from 2020

Victim Based

Arson & Criminal Damage

44 52 46 -6

Burglary 13 16 24 +8

Sexual Offences 9 16 6 -10

Theft 51 44 38 -6

Fraud 9 39 41 +2

Robbery 0 1 0 -1

Vehicle Offences 10 13 11 -2

Violence against the person

101 155 115 -40

Total victim-based crimes

237 336 281 -55

Drug Offences 8 10 6 -4

Misc Crimes Against Society

14 11 2 -9

Possession of Weapons

3 4 2 -2

Crimes Against Society

Public Order Offences

14 15 17 +2

Total crimes against society

39 40 27 -13

Total 276 376 308 -68

March 2021

There were 115 incidents reported in Filey during March. 02/03/2021 17:40 - A scam call was received by a resident from someone purporting to be PC Barker from

Scotland Yard (Met Police). The scammer stated their bank card had been used to the tune of £800 to purchase a laptop. They were asked numerous questions but became suspicious and put the phone down. This is the correct

action, please do not engage with these criminals. 07/03/2021 11:57 - Four covid tickets were issued to visitors from South Yorkshire on the beach at Filey.

08/03/2021 11:00 - A fraudulent call was received in the form of a pre-recorded message. The message stated that it was the HMRC, they had committed tax fraud and the Police were coming to arrest them within the next

couple of hours if they didn’t press 1. Please continue to share with any elderly or vulnerable residents or relatives the fact that these calls are scams and they must put the phone straight down on them. If you don’t engage with

them, they cannot take anything from you. 20/03/2021 23:11 - Four covid tickets issued at Filey Country Park to people who had travelled over from West

Yorkshire to have a fire and drink beer. 20/03/2021 23:11 - Two covid tickets issued at Filey Country Park to people who had travelled over from

Lincolnshire to camp overnight. 20/03/2021 23:11 - One covid ticket issued at Filey Country Park to a person who had travelled in a camper van to

stay overnight. 22/03/2021 10:56 - At some point between 19/03/21 and 22/03/21, a shed door was damaged on land off Grove

Road in Filey, in a possible attempt to gain entry. Nothing was stolen from within. We received 12 reports of concern for safety of individuals in your ward area during March. These incidents

invariably relate to people in distress. We work closely with the Street Triage Mental Health Team at Cross Lane who carry Police radios with them, we also have support from Mental Health professionals who work in our

control room. This is sadly becoming an increasing trend, but we always ensure the people receive the best help available at the time and refer them to other agencies. If necessary, they are referred into the weekly meeting we

have with other agencies from around the Borough where we can discuss courses of action to provide best support.

The average time taken to answer 101 calls in March 2021 was 252 seconds. During March we dealt with 802 incidents across the area as a whole, a breakdown of these follows (not inclusive of

all incidents):- • 2 injury/death RTCs.

• 18 damage only RTCs. • 35 road related offences, drink/drug driving, no insurance/license/dangerous driving/speeding etc…

• 71 reports of suspicious circumstances. • 1 missing person.

• 0 firearms incident. • 9 hoax calls.

• 4 Domestic Violence Disclosure Schemes – commonly referred to as ‘Clare’s Law’ The Scheme was introduced to set out procedures that could be used by the police in relation to disclosure of information

about previous violent and abusive offending by a potentially violent individual to their partner where this may help protect them from further violent and abusive offending.

• 32 domestic incidents/violence. • 81 concern for safety incidents.

• 2 civil disputes. • 2 animal incidents

• 13 highway disruptions • 62 violence crimes. • 7 sexual offences.

• 18 thefts. • 0 stolen motor vehicles.

• 30 fraud or forgery. • 3 drug offences.

• 19 criminal damages. • 5 dwelling or commercial burglaries.

• 3 auto crimes. • 168 anti-social behaviour reports.

Other News Please note that in addition to the traditional 999 or 101 we can be contacted on our email address is Please do not report incidents to this email, but if you would like to speak to a member of our team for advice then please use it.

If an incident of Anti-Social Behaviour occurs which you would like Police to deal with then please report this as soon as possible after the event to allow Officers the best chance to deal with the culprits. Please do not wait until next

time you happen to bump into an Officer or Parish Councillor. It allows us to make connections with other incidents and deal with individuals for patterns of behaviour rather than incidents in isolation. It does not matter if no suspects

have been seen or cannot be identified; we may have this reported on another nearby incident and be able to link them.

If you wish to look at crime statistics, along with stop-searches, news & events and other information for your area, then please visit . There is a multitude of information on this website.

• Still always phone 999 in emergency and 101 to report incidents or crimes. • 999 text service -

• Local Station but likely not get same day response at present - • General NYP email address -

• Who to contact for any issue & other agency contact details • NYP service directory -

• General Police advice -

• Silent solution system, helps victims of domestic violence/stalking who cannot talk -

Derwent & Hertford Rural

Watch – April Thieves, poachers, burglars, scammers never stop – not even for

lockdown - and the Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team and Off-road

Motorbike team have been stepping up their great works within our

areas. They have carried out regular patrols, responded to calls, also

carried out patrols in the Wykeham forestry areas to deter off-road vehicles/cyclists/motorbikes,

especially on weekends.

It is also up to us to do our own part by staying alert and keeping an eye out for anyone or anything

suspicious and reporting incidents to 101 or 999; please do not share explicit information on social

media as this could cause problems for any future prosecution and possibly get you into trouble

for libel if what you post is found to be untrue!!

Poachers do not only take game and fish, they also destroy crops and farm property;

as they are often armed, you are strongly advised not to approach any poachers but

either report using the #ProjectPoacher app ( which will talk you

through how to report a crime and #What3Words ( which is a great

app; if you are not sure of your exact location and need to report an incident

#What3Words is a great app to use!

And of-course there are the scammers/phishers/catfishers online also waiting to bait

us with their wily websites, too-good-to-be-true deals or tax returns, those who are just waiting for

the lost and lonely to be reeled in by either pretending to be someone they are not (catfishing) or

by just taking advantage of those who are vulnerable and scamming them out of their hard-earned


It is not an all-bad world out there though!

If we -

• are careful of what links we click on,

• double-check information that is supposed to be from everyday websites, they can be so

deceiving – often the sites look genuine, but they could have been cloned, and

• ensure you do not give out personal information online or over the phone unless we are

100% certain that the source is trustworthy – the slightest doubt, break contact and double


then all these things can all go toward keeping you safe, both online and offline.

But it cannot be

stressed enough – you MUST call the Police to report things, not putting things

on social

media. If you are unsure which number to call, ring 999 if something is

happening and 101

if you are calling with information. If you wish to become a member of the Derwent & Hertford Rural WhatsApp Group, please

contact Trish on or 07974 913105.

Until next time…... #StayHome #ProtecttheNHS and “Stay Safe”.

For any complaints regarding 101 or other issues, please go to the North Yorkshire Police Website, click – Contact us at the top of the page, then ‘complain to us box’

Or go straight to it by this link -

Local News

Here is where you will see local news posted – could be a forthcoming fete, Show or roadshow. Contact to “advertise” your

event here !!

To contact Local officers please call 101 and select Option Two and

state either officer’s full name or collar number. Please do not report

incidents via this method – please dial 101 and select Option One to

speak to an operator.


Your Local Team Beat Manager

PC 250 Walton PC 500 Sim


PCSO 5509 Almond PCSO 3571 Leeson PCSO 5590 Pearce

PCSO 3844 Jennings PCSO 3886 Ridley

PCSO 3680 Weatherley

Useful Contact Numbers

Highways 01609 780 780

NHS 111

Local Dog Warden 01723 232323

Action Fraud 0300 123 2040

Local Twitter – @NYP_FileySNA

Force Twitter – @NYorksPolice

Checkout Facebook and give our page a “like” for updates.

Local Page – Filey Police Force Page – North Yorkshire Police

Filey Museum

April 2021:

Filey Museum, located in Queen Street, in the ‘old town’ of Filey, regularly

attracts positive comments from tourists and locals alike within the museum

visitor’s book, and on social media platforms, for the diverse range of its

collections and displays capturing Filey’s past.

However, Filey Museum is only able to operate due to the efforts of a dedicated

group of local volunteers and the valued support of Filey Town Council.

In line with many organisations, 2020 has provided exceptional financial

challenges for the museum due to it not being able to open to the public, and

theses significant challenges continue into 2021, but the museum is determined

to safely welcome back visitors again when the situation allows.

Steve Midwood Filey Museum

Filey Southdene Bowls Club

As the Councils representative at the club as we all know during normal times, I would sit at committee meetings, but this has not been possible during the past year but as a club member I am in contact with the committee and things are progressing nicely at the club. The committee and members would like to take this opportunity to yet again thank FTC for with mobility issues a much better experience with the new pathway.

Councillor Howard Parkin.

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