annual report archive 1887 -

Post on 23-Nov-2021






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/ z ~LC C // 1




iJrr <:i rlllro to ~Jarli;\11ll'l\t by (C011l11l;\llo .

'rhe Inspectol'-General oj' .Police to 'l' II e 111'incipal U I1(1ce Secretary. Si l', Poliee DepnI'Lm()l1t, In speelol'-GenCl'al' ti Offi ce, Nydney, n Janllary, 1888.

III compliance with the reg ulal ions, ~Jl(ll he Colonial :-:;ecreL:ll'y ' ~ in strucl iOll R, I do myself the honOl' to furni ~h, fol' hi s i nforlll~t ion, Ill y 1\ 1111 ual HeporL for I he p~s t ), cal' , t ngcl lwr wil h tho particul:1rs, usually laid befol'c P,Lrli'Ll11elll, of tll o diKtriblltioll oE th o I:'olil'e }'ol'ce on I he 1 HI. iII KIH Il L.

Besidcs sInall aJlliLiolls lII~de to the sll'ength or the l\ relropolita n J)i ~ tric l, (·ll icfly in ihe suburbs, new stations have be:;n fOl'mrd at LIl e placrs lllltl Crll1CllI iOIl Cd, the tolnl ill('l'cnsc to Lhe establi slnllent beillg twenty -fi I'e consl ahle3,

Distri ct, 1\'[ el1'opol i t:m Eastel'l1

'Western Bourke South-wesiel'll

203 appointments were made vacancies occasioned as under ;-

Jief\ ignations Di sehargcs .. . ])i sll1i Ksals Su peranlluat iOll S DeaLhs

Statio". J I (,IHarlllCl.

1 Hi I'l'r ,., t 0110, ... <. (ilallcsl'i Ill'. /

\ 1\ rILlldlll·Hlllfl. ... l C:lI'go. Cari lldll. Eurieswi e.

during tIle yCfll' to prov id e for illO ,dJOI'(' ill (' l'C:<sc, :<l so Lo supply

2~ '27


Amongst the last is included jJl e deat h of MI'. R Y. l\fO l'i ~HcL, , ' upcl'inton(i ont of Police, an d Deputy In spector-GOllCJ'~l; l dekire t o placo 011 r C' eord hiA Y:1III:1bl () SCI'l'i('CR for fI pcriod uf t.hirty-four ycars, ancl thc loss t Il e Departll1cnt li:l k SII K!:Jill crl l1y hi k dC' :l.ll l.

Two police pensioners died in 18S7 11' 11 0 bel bccn ill rc('C'ipl o[ Jlcn sion R of ,-en'/' :<nd £ 127 15s. respectiycly.

1'wenty-six mcmbers of tllC fo rce " -ere 1:; 11 pOI'fllm 11 :<1 eel (lilri II g t 11 0 YC[J I', ReY('ntccll recei l,ing pensions of from ~eG8 to £375 per annum, amouliLillg ill nil In .C2,-1-S0 p(, r 'llll1llll1,, :lI1(l llin e mcmbers gratuit ies upon their discharge, which formed a clt[Jrge o[ £ 1,007 II pon I he rllll(1.

1'e11 widows of members ofihe police force "-ere awarded graLuili es [ to £ 2,723 in all. The inrestments in debentures on account of th e l'ol ice Reward ;lJld SUpcl'[lJll1uation Funds COI11 -

bined amount to £40,200, but tho cllllrges for pensions to supor:lllJl II:<l crl mombers of the force 11 :1.1'0 incrcascd so rapidly that the t obl income for the year 1887 has ollly exceedcrl the e~pend i ture by £588. I have fOl'csccn for some yea rs that the pensirn li st wonld be so swell ed by the number of pol ice bCCOlllillg old and llllnt for duty that it would be improbable that the f unds ,,,QuId continue to be sclf-supporting. -

The conlemplated n,ltcrntions in the deparhncllbl di stricts rdol'l'cd to in my report for last ycar haye l)een cfll'I' iecl into cffect, and the arrangements so far Imw proyed yel'y ach:mtageous.

Thou gh the crimillal stati stics for the yea l' are as a matte·r of course not yet al'ai labl e for refercl1co, I am ill fI, position to st-ate with confidcnce il1flt throughout the Colony ge]1('1'nlly (Time of a, scrio ll s chal'flctc l' has l1{; t bCCH l)J'cYalent; indced the moml condition of the commllJ1ily in 111~L l'CRpect has shown g l'~dual s-igns of improvoment for years past,

Th cre is, 11owever, I regret to add, ono exception, tho crime of incendiarism, which is very pre-valent, there llayin g been no less than thirt-y-n ille cascs, ill addition to fiftecn H'l'y suspicious cases l'eported within Iho pasl yeaI' .

For t he Metropolilan Di ~hic:t I llarc beeJl ('nabled to obtain from the poli ce l'ccol'llH t.he follo wing parliculnl's shOlyil lg the nUll1bCl' of perRons appl'cllcnded during the P[Jst year for tll'l.lIlkellnCSs (01' for offonces of "h ich dl'llllkcllllCRS forllled part of the chargc) ; nl so, the tab l llllmllCl' of ~ppl'chCJJ s i ol1s, aDO similnr inforlllflt.ioll for tlle six ]1rCyiOllS ye:U' R.

101,25-[1, 158 copics--Approximate co~t of printing, (lalJoll!' allllll1aterial) £ l2 30, 3L1.]

I r- .

1 '81 1882 I H83 1884 ISS3 J S8G 1887



1 Xumbcr 01: itppI'ehcns iollS £01' Dl'lIllkcnnC5S, 01' I in ",bidt it. fot'med part of c1Htrgl'.

I B,8W 1l,tH2 13,3 12 13,02G 14,8J,G IG,741 1:3,1O:l

Tolal flpprchem iol1s.

22 ,GG7 18,G:3!) 21,831 2:),158 21,713 2G,G2l 22,01,3

The~c fi gurc~ cxhibi t ~ ycry gra tifyiJlg dccrc~~e ill lite Humbcr of offell dcr~, r ~'pccially ~s r cgard iJ1cbl'iilte ~ .

Th o li consed public-houscs i ll thc J\'[eiropolit an Di st rict llflVO incrcased ill lllllnl)cl' to 8-W ai Lill ' clo~c of last year, as c:omp~l'cd ,,,iLlI 820 in 188G, hut lhc tolal i ~ sli l.l tIro ulltler t he Humber existing ill ISS:!, before thc prcscnt Lic.;cnsing Act wa s passcd.

Oil examination of tlt(' rcports rcl~ li llg to thc ] ,883 inqucsts hrld in the year, it is found that ill lOG cascs pCl'RO nS llilYC 10Rt theil' lires fr 0111 cau ses ~tLl'iblitablc dircclly 01' in dircctly to intclllllcmllcc.

I refcl'rcd b st ycar Lo th o laq:;e JllllUl.Wl' of inqlliries adcll'c.'scd tlll'oligh t hl' Govcl'lll1lcn t, :tlld othcl'wi w, rcgarding Hli~ si ng fri C lld ~ , thc Lthol' C'llt.ti lC' cl hy tllC' )lolicr ill c.;o llncd ioll thCl'O\\'ith bciug ' ·l'I·.V cOll Ki drmble. 588 s ll rh in,]uirirs wCI'e lIl ade last YCill' ; 338 s ll c:c.;c~~f llil y.

'1'11 0 condllct of the pol icc gcncmlly has nminbincd a ll iglt ,t:l1ldn,l'd . Thc mc}} valne tllcir appoinL mcn t;s, :.Iud thlll'c i ~ liOW no diOiclilLy ill so locL in g SlliULbl c eimdidatcti to fillmcC\ncic ti . A jm'ge proporLion of ihe cO lI sbbl es \\·ho'il y l'e~ i. g Jl SOOII a[tcl'\\"iIl'ds '-1pply for rcappoilltll1cni".

O\\'ing to cxLl'CIl1O pl'CSti Llre ul' oflic.;ial dulics in t:l .n lllcy, I. l'CgTet that I km: fOllld it impractil:<Lb lt· to makc allY cxtcnded in~pediolls or the cO llnh,Y lli vi sioll~ dllring tho pa,t year.

I ha\'c, &c., l~Dl\[UNlJ ];'Ot:llml{Y

J n~pector-Grl;el'al of P olicc,

REl' LJ ltN sho\ving i:lLl'cngLh and Disil'ibLllion of lIw P olicc Ful'cC on the !31sL Dcccmbcr, 1887.

~!or XT I·:[).

S'J''-\Trox. [ DISt RICT. intcll ' II p e<.:- In.<.: pcc- Kcl'- . CI'-dellt!:). lur::;. I torti. ~·e:lllts. gcaIlL~.

SnJ) tJ l'- I I s I SUh' 1 StOrl ior- i S


)Ictropolitan .. H ead Sbtioll Xo. 1 "i'YJ'lIl ont. Glebe l sbllcl C eneml Post Ofl ice .. ,\1 int Towll J lilll . H ead St 'Ltioll N (J . :! RccHel'll and Darli ll g'

t on ..... IYaterloo 'lilci A lex-

andria . . , Bcacollsliei,l Esk1tc mel)e H ead Statioll No. :{ \ \':1tSOll 'ti Bay \\-'t\'erley amI Bondi Patl{l ington .. Botany ....... .. .. .. Donhle Bay n ose Bay .. ]{ush eutters' Bay " ' 1 Ha.lllhriek & Coogec

i3a y . '\'oo\1ahJ'a . Iri sh Tow ll . H eat! Statioll 1\0. 4

. Colonial Secretary's Uffice

Lands Ofli ce Public Li brary " '1 n "!Jn,,in . .. . ... I

)Ianly BC:J,ch . He:J,(] Station No. ;) Cook's Hi)'er ........ ·1 Conconl ......... . .. . , Petersham ......... . ! Leiehhanl t .. ......... 1 (,:tmpcr<lown Ashfield .. . Enfield .. ClIItCJ'llllJ'Y ..... .... , ~ I arri ck ville 'Bul'wo()\l. . . .'I lactlUlJal,1 T OWll . ~(oga, ra.h ... F i)'c Unck

:2 :2



" . I Ol"cli, ' s . c · Ol"cli-I)C I1I01" 1 nary I" C,1I101' Ser- j ..J01 11 0 1' I !l'u)'

COIl- COII- I Scr - I "'c'wt::;. COll- I C~n-!)tahlcs. .t. 1,1 's g'mntti . 0 ' I stables. ,t· lie I ::.·l c . I I t " ,\. ) I!! .




" ... I

3 1



1 -!



It 1



:2 11






[i ·i· 3 1 :2 "



12 1

11 4:l

I :1 2 :!

:2 !) J


~ :~ I

II :\

I !J I I :\ :2 :! 2 I I ;\ ;! :!


i::l talllllorc Summer Hi ll H omebush .. Stmthfiehl ,. H l1I:stvilk Belmore , Croydon .. i\fol'th,ke .. Annandale, , Bi rkcnhead St. P eter's 1l"elsill'll1cl Uoektla le North Shore North W illoughby .. Nell tml ]3",y ......... Lane Cove Mosslllan',; Bay Water P olice,

Northern ..... . Armi(ble


Do \Yest .. , ralcha

W alcha Road .. .... : .. . : .. \ ]3cndemeor , Uralla , BundaI'm 'l'ingha. 1m'croll .. Ashford ElI1ll1al'ille Glen Innes, Deepwater T cntel'field . D rake \Yilson's Do,,·nfall.. (Jllym .. Grafton, Nor th .'

Do Routh .... Uhnal'l'a Drusllgt'OYC .. J...J~.\\TCnCC

::.l:tclean .' .. Harll·oot! . Clmt' '''orth Pallller 's I sl'tIlt! , Yamba .. Copmanhlll'st , DalmOl'ton .. Blick's Ri" er ... i\Iir"'ill lllnbah CtldgCll Tumblligull1 ... Casino, Lismore Comki .. 'Yoodblll'n ]3roadwater .. \\'ardell Ballina .. Bl'l1ns\\"iek H eat!,; ..

<': ollll>urn Collector. M "rulan }:llngonia. J arago .. Crookwell Tucna. \\,heeo .. T:ll':tlgn. Coota.lllllllllm ' Gun ning """:::1 Dalton .. . . .. nuncluroo Ginuinderra Queanbeya.n Bungendore Captain '" Flat 'lass ... BowJling. ' Vce .Jasper Rinn.iong .......... .. . . R eid's Flat .. , Fl'ogmol'e .. .... Pudman's Creck ::'ll1l'l'umhul'l'all Harden ... Burrml'" Walleudbeen


i\IO l: ~TED. Foo'r,

S ' I /' S 1 Is' I Is' I Onli· S ' I Is' ~ llPCl- I nspcc- . > U)- ,CillOI' S" , ' ~llIo r .. I ' CillOI' S" , . Cl lIOt' IIttCIl- .. Inspcc- Ser- . 01 (J01l- I 1In.1,) ; SCi'. • 0 1 Con-dents. tors. t.ors. geants. gcants' lstauICS. , stefill ' . I :;cants' l gC:lllts . sta,bll s.

I aJ eS' 1 I

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1


1 1 2 J 2 2

1 1 1 2

;3 1


Onli-nan' GOI'I'

!)talJ lc~.

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

12 1 1 ;{ 1


6 1 1

1 :l

;{ 1

4 1

1 1 1 1 1

I 2 1



:3 1

:l 1


-----.-';-- ----

Southern-continued. 1.

IVombat .. . Y oung .. . .. . 1Iarengo. i\Jol'1tngarell T ClllO l'it Bal'lllcdJnan 'Braidwood. Mongarlowe 1bjor 'H Creek E mu Flat Amluen Moruya Bat man 's Bay N elligen ... Eu 1'0 bod alia .. , Animbo ........ .. .... . Cobargo . Michclago Cooma .. .. ,. Nilll itybelle ..... Buck ley 's Crossing JilHbbyne ........ , .. . A daminaby .. . Kiandm .... .... , . BOlllbab D elegate. \Vyndha1l1 P anbula Mori1l1buj" Ellen .. , ......... . Bega .......... .. . \ \'o lumb. Canllclo Colombo.

Eastel'll ......... f) ep(,t .. l'arralllatta .. Roo k\\ 'ood Uranvillc. ' Prospect H yde H unte!" s fl i l!., . P eat 's F ol'!'y (:l,,,lesv ille , iV iJlllso l' HichmOlld House ] I ill , '\ \' ilberforcc St, Alban's, ]~ i \ 'Cl'st OllC .Pemith , .. St. Mary 's Emul'lains " " ""., Springwood,. "" .. , Katoomba .......... Li \'erpool. .. , , .. , , .. , .. ' Smithfield Campbelltown ,,' Appin .. .. . Camden ...... , . .. .. Pict on ...... .. ...... ... . Berrilll a .............. . Bowral.. ... , .. " .... .. J\littagollg .......... . Moss Vale .. ' Robertson '\ Vollongong .... .. .. Dapto ................ .. Bulli ................. . Clif ton, .... , . ... ...... .. 20-111ile Camp ........ . Otford ...... ........... .

~i~-I~~:C .. :: ::: :::::: ::: : Shellharbonl' . . ..... . . Jamboroo . ...... ... .. Gel'l'ingong ... ...... .. . Albion Park . NO\Yl'[t .. , ... , ..... , . . , .. Tcrl'1tm .. .... ....... . Broughton Croek .. Milton ..... .... .... . . . Kangaroo Vallcy ' ..

\V estern ...... Bathurst ............. .. ]\:elw ................ .. J\ l illtown Oberon ........ . ........ . Mitchell ............ .. .



1\ l orsn~ D.

I S b Is ' '1 \ s ' . Ordi-JnSI!~C- l n~;)C-c - SI~ ~.~ l (r SCl'- ~~~~_l llary tOll;' I tors gr.'lllts oCUlltS. stables COll-I . ., . I . stnbles.

I '-I -

I 1


2 I I

1 1 1 2 1 2 I 1 I I 2 1


1 1 1 I



S . I Is' I Onli-C11101' SCl'- 0 11101' Ilary SCI'- (l'ca nts. COIl - COll-

gea nts. Q stables, I stables .









11 I 2 2 I I 1 1 :1

I 1 1 1 1 1 I




,~r est ern-con-tinued.


,V allera wang ........ . Rydal ....... .......... . Lithgow .............. . Hartley Vale ........ . Hartley .......... .. .. Mount Victoria .... .. Hill End ............. .. Sofala ......... .... ... .. 'Vyagdon ...... .... .. Rockley ............ . .. Burraga ....... " .... . O'Connell .. ........ . . Forbes .... .... ......... . Condobolin ........ . . Eugo,vra ....... .. . .. . . Parkes ... .... . . Grenfell ........ . Marsden ........ . VlT oIl on gough ....... . . Dubbo .............. .. .. Wellington Coonamble ..... . Obley ............ . "Varren ....... .. Tomingley .. . Dandaloo ....... . N evertirc .. ... .. Timbrcbongie Collie .. Gi lgandm Quambonc Orange .......... . Stu,ut Town ... . Molong Cowm ... , ....... . Blayney ....... .. Carcoal' Canowindra Cudal .... Toogong. .' Mount McDonald. Goolagong . Tl'Unkey ... Memnbllrn Cargo " nlanrlllr:.LlI1a Mllllgee ........ .. Gulgong .. . Coolah .. ~Jundoomn ..... Ta.lbrn,gar , Rylstone ............. .. Ilford ... }Lwgraves \Vindeyer ' Vollar .. Cobbomh Bourke .. Brewarrina ........... . Cobar ...... .. ........ .. Byeroek ........ ..... .. Gongolgn,n .... .. .. , .. . Louth ................ .. Barringun .. ...... . . . . '" :1na[l,l'ing .. , .... . ... . ~nrrinyulpah ........ . hnngonw, .. . " . ... . Nymagec ......... .. Nyngan ... .. . {;annonba1' .......... . . Yantabulla ...... ..... . 'Valgett .............. . Colla1'endabri ........ . Mogil Mogil ....... .. Mungindi Angledool ........... . ~oodoog" Gr",wlll .... .. .. ..... .. Tntalla ......... .... .. Pilliga ............ .... .. Ca1'inda .............. .

North-eastern 'Vest Maitland .. .. .. Branxton Lochinval' . Greta ...... .. .... ..... . Cessnock .. . .. . ... .. ... . East Maitland .... .. Mulbl'ing .............. .




b Is' I Is ' \ 0rdi· . uper- Inspcc- u - olllor s. _ entor nary lIltCIl- . Inspec- Ser- er COIl- on dents. tOI s. ! tors. geants. gcants. stables. s~bl~S.


1 2 1 1 1 1 1 I Z 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 2

1 1 1 I 1 1 I 2 I I I 1 I

3 1 2 I I I

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Z 1 1 1 Z 1 1 2 1 1


1 Z


Scr- r· C()II ' IInry Senior I Sc I SCliior I Ordi:"" gcallts. gc:mts. stabl os. COII -

18(,,1>1 08.



1 1

3 1

2 1

[j 2 3


1 2 1

3 1


4 1 3

1 2


9 I




North -eastern -continued,


Coomnbollg ... Pelican's Flat L~rgs j\torpeth Hinton Paterson Oresford . llayrnolll! Tel't'aco .. CIl.renco '1'011'11 "Ilnngog :Stroud . (: loncester Copoland . I\ll llahdolialt " Bllnglmll Flat Tca Garl!clls Forster Cosford " Woy Woy Noweastlo Point Road . Lako Hoad The Glebo Charlestown lh llast Pi t H amilton A(!amstown \\Tamtah ............. .. Cillrrillgtoll . L:1,Inbton . Now Lmnbton \ V "Uselll! Stockton. \ \'ickh"lll Islington .. ..... .... ," Tighe 's Hill j\Jinmi 'IYoliombi Ellalong .... Howe's Vallcy .Si ngleton Ooomngoob Broke J Ol't'y 's Plaills ... Mllswellbrook Donman :'\T ol'ri"',,

, ](cl't'abeo . Cassi lis .. Scone K ompsoy c: 1"c1stono Froc1orickton . Arakoon . .. Nambnecra Bowmyille . Tarce Cll mlleto\\' n ;;:inghmn ..... l111onoe .. Coop01'l100k l'ort J\Iacquarie. Camden H,wen Bo,.t Harbol1l' F Cl'llll10 tlnt ., Smithtown .

North-wes torn Tamworth Do \ Vest

:.\InrI'Ul'l111c1i Rbckville Cllllllec1ah Bal'l'"b" .. :'\f"nilb ....... .. .. .. \ \T "lhbac1ah Nnnc11e .. . Qnirinc1i ..... .. , .. , .. . Somerton Moonbi ... Un,lToll . ........ . \ \' en'is Creek .. "BoggabrI. T:~lllbar Springs .. }J;wacline ....... . . C'oon"hambnm Narmbri

Do W est " IeeW"" J(cra.m ing by


_ _ ---.-_ _ _ C ___ lIf_O_" _'·_fl_'"-,-. _ _ ---,-_ _ ---,-__ 1, FOOT.

S I I S b S· I I Son iol' I Ol'di: I soniOl' 1 '. I Soniol' I 0,,,,1 i-' j ~:f~~!': Inspcc- l ;l~~C'C- ~~11.~1' Sel'- COil- ~~!l~ I Scr- ,y~~~:ts. Con- IC~:I';-dents. tors. tors. gcants. g-ct\,nts. stables. stables, ), gcallts. 0 I staLlcs. stables.



1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 2 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


i I II



:2 2 4

1 2

I S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1


1 2


4 1 1


1 3 1


Xorth-westel'll Mcroe ...... i ~contialled . nrOl'OC

Eulowl'ic Bingem .. ,\" itria.!dit .. Yetman .. Boggabilla

South-wcstern Deniliqnin -;\Ltthoura :'.loitma J crilclcl'ic ToculHlI'al Hay ilIanlle Oxley C11mthool D,trlington Point Whitton Booligal ilIos"giel ........... .. hanhoe Hillston Enahalong. Uilgunnia. :'.IullllL H ope Cudgcllico ,_ :.'Iloulamein . Halrannld Hatfiehl Clare Enston ....... . .. . . . \ V entworth .. . Salt Creek Pooneitrie J\fenillllie .. Si ll-erton. Broken Hill EUl'OHl'ic. Purnall100ta "-ilcannia )Jilperinka TihoohlllTa

Mu rmy........ Albl\l'y . ]3o\\,na Germanton. i\' a lbnndrie Corowa lIo\\'long . i\Inlwitb. Tllmbcl'lllnba . Omnie. Cerogery. Gnl1lLLgai TUl11ut .. Y arl'Ungobilly .. Ac1elong Shephcnh Town l{eedy Flat.. .Jl1ci iong Coola" ... \Vagga \ragga. Junce ................. . 1. r rana ................ " NMntndent 'l'arcutta .............. . Kyamba lLwging Hoek Coolaman .

BEDIORE B.I I~ I~AC·K';. Constahles in comse of instruction,

under orders for trtlnsf er, &c . .. Onlerlies to His Excellency the

UoYel'l101' . .Armourer ..

D ETJiCTIY J.:,; . Inspector in charge .. First-class Detecti ves ... Second -class do. Third-class do.

(j :l (j



~npcr- l lllSPCC_ ! Snb- 1 S~nior I Scr- \ seniol" l" ~~~~'~~F Sellior \ ~. \ Sen ior \ Or~li . IlltCII- tors. ' 11!~pec- 1 801'- "'cants. COl1- <":0';- 8c1'- ,_()l- 1.)0 11 - C;\IY ,Iellis I tOI'" "'C" llts ~ I st·tblcs "cOllis. ge<1nts, sro i)les 'on-, :;. (.'='.... . i .' stables . ~ " <0 • stables.


1. 1 1 1 1

1 ' 1 1

:2 1 1 1 1 1 :2


:l 1 1 :2

2 1 1 2





1 1





., ~



1 1

5 1 1 :2


T OTAL ];, --7-1----u-----;;-127T53i 12':; I :3,, 1 23 i3Gi l02 710' '--------~---------- -----------------~ 'V

Tot"l of all gra<1cs 1, 401.

rolit:e D OP:tl'illlCllic, lmpet:tol'-Gcllol'al' ~ Office, :Sydney, January 8th, 1088.


top related