annual report 2014 v2 1

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Heritage Railway Association Annual Report 2014



Annual Report 2014



Our Mission Statement

Contents, Acknowledgements & Mission Statement Page 2

President’s Foreward Page 3

Chairman’s Report Page 5

HRA Annual Awards 2014 Page 6

HRA Patron, President, Deputy & Vice President, Contact & Board Page 12

HRA Officers & Advisers Page 13

HRA Annual Statistical Survey 2013 Page 14


Editorial Team: The report has been edited & produced by Andrew Goyns & Steve Wood.

Photographs: The editors wish to record their thanks to the contributors of photographs and for their waiving any fees for reproduction.

Printers: Firpress Printers, Workington, Cumbria


There is only one way in which I can start my President’s

message for 2014, and that is by paying my own personal

and heartfelt tribute to David Morgan, who has retired as

HRA Chairman after an incredible period of 42 years.

His drive and determination played a crucial part in creating

the excellent reputation and high standing of the HRA and

its members. His tenacity and skill helped us overcome the

many obstacles put in the way of the railway heritage

movement over four decades by legislators who were often

well meaning, but not always.

I appreciate his friendship and his support for what I try to for the HRA and its members, particularly in

his column in Railway Magazine. I am glad that we will be able to continue to rely on his expertise and

experience in the years to come, and I extend the warmest of welcomes to his successor Brian Simpson.

It goes without saying that David will be a hard act to follow, but I have no doubt that Brian, with his long

and distinguished service in the European Parliament, where he has been indefatigable in support of

heritage railways across the European Union, will do the job brilliantly.

On the Westminster front, it has been a quieter year as far as our sector has been concerned. No major

legislation affecting our interests has been introduced, although we are concerned about future legislative

proposals on level crossings and HRA gave evidence to the Transport Select Committee to express our

views on behalf of members. There has been renewed concern about an upturn in metal theft on the

railway, following recent successes in tackling this dangerous and violently anti-social crime through the

licensing of scrap metal dealers and the outlawing of payment by cash. I asked an oral question in the

Lords about the abolition of the government’s Scrap Metal Task Force, which most observers

consider was a short-sighted and unwise move.

The lead police authority on metal theft is the British Transport Police, and after years of campaigning on

their behalf, I persuaded ministers to use the Infrastructure Bill to clarify the role and jurisdiction of the

BTP. They are a force which is sometimes under siege, and I think all of us involved with the railway

should do what we can to support them.

The work of the all-party parliamentary group on heritage rail has continued under the chairmanship of

Mark Garnier MP, who represents the Worcestershire end of the Severn Valley Railway. The real work

is done by our honorary secretary, Chris Austin, who manages to find the time to look after the group’s

administration, despite his many other railway heritage commitments. The committees report on the

value of heritage railways has been widely welcomed and useful meetings with ministers followed its

publication and has broadened the range of contacts the Association has with Government. It is unlikely

that there will be much activity by the APPG this side of the general election in May, but it is my intention

that once we know the composition of the new House of Commons – and each HRA member has

identified its own constituency MP – we shall arrange another reception in the Commons, similar to that

which so successfully launched the group at the start of the present Parliament.

President’s Message Lord Faulkner of Worcester

Continued on page 4


Continued from page 3

In my message last year I reported in some detail on the establishment of the Railway Heritage Advisory

Board, which has taken over the statutory designation powers of the Railway Heritage Committee, which

was abolished in March 2013 following the passage of the Public Bodies Act. It uses its statutory powers

to recommend to the Board of Trustees of the Science Museum railway heritage archives and objects that

should be preserved, and once their useful life is complete proposes recipients for items disposed of from

the modern railway industry.

In our first 18 months of operation we recommended 46 items for designation and 19 for disposal

including for the first time 19 items from Transport for London who have now agreed to work with the

Advisory Board under a voluntary agreement. Designations have included locomotives, diesel multiple

units, a rail mounted howitzer, mileposts, station clocks, signalling equipment, plaques, maps and benches.

We operate a flexible policy when it comes to the disposal of designated items that are no longer required

by their railway owners. National and other designated museums usually have first call, but we are also

keen that HRA members, particularly if they can offer safe keeping and public access, should receive them


I chair the RHDAB in my capacity of SMG trustee and I am supported by colleagues from the railway

industry, the rail heritage movement, national museums and archives, and Scotland and Wales, and four of

the committee are HRA members.

I conclude with a brief word about my year as HRA President. The UK highlight was undoubtedly the

autumn meeting in Northern Ireland, where we all helped the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland

celebrate its fiftieth birthday, with an event-packed weekend programme.

I have also this year had the good fortune to speak at two splendid international railway heritage events –

the Latvian Banitis conference in Riga in June, and the Asian Pacific Heritage and Tourist Railways

Organisation conference in Taiwan in May. In my speeches to both organisations I was able to talk not

only about what we do in Parliament to promote heritage railways, but also about what you all do in

terms of contributing to your local and regional economies. I am delighted that the conclusions of the all-

party group report on this subject has been so widely read, learnt and inwardly digested, and that it has

even been translated into Russian.

You do a great job - my warmest thanks to all of you.


Chairman’s Report Brian Simpson OBE

The year 2014 has been a challenging one for the country as a whole. Yet our

Heritage Railways (Including Tramways and Cliff Railways) have managed to buck

the trend and enjoy a fairly successful year. I have no doubt that this is due in no

small part to our dedicated band of volunteers, and brilliant full time paid staff and

our commitment to give the fare paying public good and enjoyable experience

when they visit us. Next year will be just as challenging, but I feel we are in a good

position as a movement to carry on the good work that we have already done to


Taking over as Chairman of HRA is a great honour for me. We have been ably led for many years by our

past Chairman, David Morgan. David has been Mr Heritage Railways; and it would be remiss of me not

to mention the work David has done for our movement. We owe him a great debt of gratitude. I would

also mention here the good work done by David Woodhouse and David Madden who stepped down as

directors at last year’s AGM.

The HRA is now in the process of re-branding and modernising the way we work for the challenges that

lie ahead. We have reduced the number of committees and the size of them so that they become more

focused on providing the help and guidance that you the members are seeking. We are looking at a new

strategy document that best reflects the needs and aspirations of our membership and are working on a

new website that is better suited to modern communications in the 21st-century. We need to be more

modern in our outlook, whilst we strive to recreate the experiences of the past.

However, we do have a problem that we cannot afford to ignore, and that is recruiting enough

volunteers to help run our railways, particularly young people. This problem is becoming acute and not

to put too fine a point on it, worrying. The HRA is addressing the problem but we need your help so

that together we can solve it. One thing is certain, burying our heads in the sand is not an option.

This year gives us a golden opportunity for us to sell the idea of Heritage Railways to our elected

representatives. I hope all our railways will take the opportunity to invite candidates at the General

Election to visit them and see what good work is being done.

Times are a changing for HRA. But through this the founding principles remain the same. That is to

represent our members big or small; museum or active railway; tramway or cliff railway to the best of

our ability. We are all of us dedicated to doing this.



This Award is made to a HRA member organisation for an outstanding achievement in railway


North Yorkshire Moors Railway in recognition of its operating a shared station with Network Rail

which has blazed a trail for other railways to follow and the associated re-signalling at Grosmont using

the Falsgrave gantry; the net result being an increase in the trains to Whitby with a boost to the local



This Award is made to HRA member organisations for an outstanding achievement in railway


Joint award to the Moseley Railway Trust and to Downpatrick & County Down Railway.

Moseley Railway Trust - for amassing a unique collection of industrial locomotives, and the re-creation

at its Apedale Valley Light Railway of a WW1 trench railway, with appropriate traction and rolling stock

as an invaluable educational resource.

Downpatrick & County Down Railway - in recognition of its involvement of young people and its

excellent building and museum development.


Moseley Railway Trust to acknowledge its funding and restoration of the British built Hudswell Clarke

2ft gauge G class 0-4-0 well tank locomotive 1238 of 1916 and its return to showpiece condition after

lying in a in a swamp in Ghana for forty eight years. The locomotive is now part of the fleet running on

the Apedale Valley Railway.


P2 Prince of Wales project (P2 Steam Locomotive Company) for its excellent business case,

phenomenal rate of fund raising and early manufacture of components.



Colonel Stephens Museum at Tenterden Station on the Kent and East Sussex Railway for the

continuing magnificent highlighting of a unique dimension of British railway history.


Project Miller for the overhaul of the prototypes of arguably the most successful form of British

traction ever, in the form of the prototype High Speed Train power car, which has recently hauled a

production Class 125 set on the Great Central Railway (Nottingham).


Above: Moseley Members (Photo provided by Simon Lomax, Moseley Railway Trust)

Below: Frames of P2 dedicated by Mayor & MP for Darlington. (Photo provided by Mark Allatt)


Above: Colonel Stephens office in Colonel Stephens Museum. (Photo provided by Brian Janes)

Below: 1st Passenger run of 41001. (Photo provided by Simon Bendall)


Above: Statfold Barn - Some of many locomotives on display. (Photo provided by Statfold Barn)

Below: Foxfield Railway with restored stock. (Photo Gary Boyd-Hope)


Above: Former Falsgrave Signal Gantry now installed at Grosmont (NYMR) (Photo provided by NYMR)

Below: Graeme Lee at GVLR in 2007 (Photo from Cliff Thomas)


Cover Photograph Captions:

Front Cover: Moseley Railway Trust Loco (Courtesy Moseley Railway Trust)

Back Cover (Top): North Yorkshire Moors Railway. Whitby Station pictured from buffers showing the new

track layout. (Photo: provided by Nigel Trotter)

Back Cover (Bottom): Downpatrick & County Down Railway. Picture inside museum.

(Photo provided by Brian Goodfellow, Downpatrick & County Down Railway)



Graeme Lee for creating from a brown-field site, a magnificent mixed gauge railway enterprise at

Statfold Barn, with workshops; plus the repatriation of significant narrow gauge locomotives including the

last steam age locomotive built in Britain. Also, for creating an accessible Hunslet archive.


Foxfield Railway which has gone from small beginnings to become a serious national visitor attraction,

integrating the industrial legacy with a new tourist passenger operation featuring wonderfully restored

rolling stock.

Opening of The Carriage Viewing Gallery of the Downpatrick & County Down Railway by HRH Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex 23.9.2014.

(Photo: Downpatrick & County Down Railway.)


Patron: Dame Margaret Weston DBE

President: Lord Faulkner of Worcester

Deputy President: David Morgan MBE TD

Vice President: Ian Allan OBE,


Board Members

All Correspondence and Enquiries to (1st Point of Contact):

Andrew Goyns, 28 George Street, Altofts, Normanton, WF6 2LT

Tel; 0800 756 5111 x 1 Fax: 0845 528 0775 E-Mail


Brian Simpson OBE

9 Nevada Close, Great Sankey, Warrington WA5 5WW Tel: 0800 756 5111 x904


Vice Chairman:

Mark Smith

25 Peile Drive, Taunton TA2 7SZ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x902

Fax: 0845 834 0988 Email:

Company Secretary:

Peter Ovenstone

33 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AU. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x331

Fax: 0131 220 5886 Email:

Finance Director:

Ian Leigh

206B North Row, Milton Keynes MK9 3LQ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x422

Fax: 01908 696422 Email:

Richard Barnes Clowrance Barton Lodge, Praze-an-Beeble, Camborne TR14 0PR.

Tel: 0800 756 5111 x310 Email:

Geoffrey Claydon CB 3 The Park, Tamworth Street, Duffield, Belper, DE56 4ER

Tel: 0800 756 5111 x903 Email:

John Crane 10 Hurdeswell, Long Hanborough, Witney OX29 8DH.Tel: 0800 756 5111 x702

Fax: 01993 883384 Email:

Hugh Harkett 27 Angels Meadow, Ashwell, Baldock SG7 5QS. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x705


Bill Hillier 19 Simon de Montfort Drive, Evesham, WR11 4NR.

Tel: 0800 756 5111 x431 Email:

Jenny Nunn Riverside Depot, Harbour Road, Seaton EX12 2NQ. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x223


David Morgan MBE TD 12 Cheyne Gardens, London SW3 5QT. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x901


Chris Smyth 7 Woodside, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8BX.

Tel: 0800 756 5111 x701 Email:

Steve Wood 15 Croftlands Drive, Ravenglass, Cumbria, CA18 1SJ.

Tel: 0800 756 5111 x421. Email:


HRA Officers and Advisers

** See Board details for addresses etc. not shown below

HRA Ireland:

Chairman: Johnny Glendinning, Crunagh, 9 Highfields Court, Lisburn, Co Antrim BT28 3GF Tel / Fax: 028 9266 2181 Mobile: 07803 239 123 Email: Vice Chairman: Clifton Flewitt, 6 Waterloo Avenue, Dublin 3, Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 1 8554081 Secretary: Brian Goodfellow, 15 Ballynaclosha Road, Tunnydonnell, Silverbridge, Co.Armagh BT35 9LS Tel: 07825 743531

Email: HRA Archivist: Mark Sissons: Email: Archiving Adviser: Dr Dudley Fowkes, 18 Helpston Close, Westhouses, Alfreton DE55 5AX. Tel: 01773 830520. Email: ARPS Ltd Hon. Sec: Mike Stanbury, “Beechcroft”, Station Road, Wakes Colne, Colchester, Essex CO6 2DS Tel: 01787 224724.

Awards and Competitions:

Annual Awards: Mark Smith. ** Carriage & Wagon: Chris Smyth. ** Publications: Clifford Jones, Tel: 0800 756 5111 x102 Email:

(correspondence via HRA 1st point of contact) National Railway Heritage Awards: Clive Baker, Tel: 01366 385554. Email:

Charities: Nigel Ward, Hollins Farm, West Lane, Haworth, West Yorkshire BD22 0ER Tel: 01535 642040


Civil Engineering: John Buxton, Cambrian Transport Ltd, Green Farm Country House, Falfield, Gloucestershire GL12 8DL Tel: 01454 260319 Email:

Diesel & Electric, Press Officer,

Sidelines & Broadlines Editor: John Crane. **

Disabled Facilities: Via 1st Point of Contact

Education: Vacant

Employment: John Suggett: 01983 752492 Email:

Environmental: Tony Tomkins, Mount Pleasant House, Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes MK17 8JU. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x413. Email:

FEDECRAIL: HRA Representatives: Peter Ovenstone **, Steve Wood. ** European Co-ordinator: Livius Kooy, De Akker 25, 7481 GA Haaksbergen, The Netherlands. Tel/fax:+31 53 57 27357. Email: Fire Safety: Michael Tarran, 419 Halifax Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD6 2JY. Tel: 01274 608582 Email: Forestry: Gordon Heddon, 31 Lordsmill Road, Shavington, Crewe, CW2 5HB. Tel: 01270 568706. Email: Historical: Vacant Internet: Andrew Goyns, 28 George Street, Altofts, Normanton WF6 2LT Tel: 0800 756 5111 x320 Email:

InterRail Passes (Corporate): Mark & Sonia Dewell, 55 Fairham Avenue, South Ockendon RM15 5ND. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x425

Email: Legal (UK and English Law): David Morgan. ** Legal (Scottish Law): Andrew Boyd, 12. Learmonth Place, Edinburgh EH4 1AU Tel: 0131 332 3696 Email: Loco Boilers: Contact Bill Hillier ** Lottery Grants: Helen Ashby, 141 Manor Drive North, York YO26 5SD Tel: 0800 756 5111 x334. E-mail:

Mechanical Engineering: John Butt, The Old Stables, Grove Farm, Church Road, Stoke Hammond, Bucks Tel: 01525 270491. Email:

Medical: Contact via Bill Hillier ** Meetings Secretary: Bill Askew, 24 Grosvenor Road, Broxbourne, Herts EN10 7JG. Tel: 0800 756 5111 x427 E-Mail:

Membership: Private Members: Dr Alan Saunders, 31 Cedar Avenue, Malvern Link, WR14 2SF Tel: 0800 756 5111 x423 Corporate Members: Steve Wood **

Museums: Rob Shorland-Ball, 216 Mount Vale, York, North Yorkshire YO24 1DL. Tel + Fax: 01904 632751. Email:

Overseas Liaison: Richard Tapper, 39 Grange Court, Boundary Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 7PH. Tel: 01635 30464 Fax: 01635 35083

Public Relations: Rupert Brennan Brown, 18 Holloway Road, Duffield, Derbyshire DE56 4FE. Tel: (Mobile) 07973 950923 Email:

Railway Heritage Register Carriage Survey/Carriage Restoration:

Michael Cope, 30 Gledhow Drive, Oxenhope, Keighley, West Yorks BD22 9SA Tel: 0800 756 5111 x333 E-mail:

Railway Operating: Operating & Safety Committee via Bill Hillier** Rating: Roger Wilkins, 1 Shaw Street, Worcester WR1 3QQ Real Estate: Tom Carr, 18 Old Library Mews, Norwich, NR1 1ET. Tel: 01603 614030. Email: Safety: Bill Hillier ** Secretary-Awards Committee Clive Morris, Email: Secretary-Business Development Barbara Barnes, Email: Secretary-Finance Directors Group Robert Raynor, Email: Secretary-Heritage Committee Alan Saunders, Email: Secretary-Heritage Tramways James Hammett, Email: Secretary-Legal & Parliamentary

Affairs Chris Austin, Email:

Secretary-Member Services Andrew Goyns, Email: Secretary-Operating & Safety John Baxter, Email: Secretary-Rail Cableways Martin Slader, Email: Secretary-Scottish John Ransom, Email: (John Ransom doesn’t have e-mail so e-mails sent are automatically faxed) Secretary-Training & Education Martin Smith, Email: Specialist Adviser: Richard Gibbon, 202 Mount Vale, York YO24 1DL. Tel: 01904 631840. Email: Swindon Historic Castings: Andrew Goyns (Company Secretary), see 1st Point of Contact. Email: Taxation & VAT: Martin Bairstow: Email:

Tramways: Michael Crabtree, 31 Nevis Drive, Crewe, CW2 8UH. Tel: 01270 212778 Email: John Shawcross, 10 Birch Avenue, Ambergate, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2GL Tel: 01773 856116 Email:

Young Volunteers: Liz Fuller, 261 Lower Higham Road, Chalk, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2NP: Tel: 0800 756 5111 x424. Email:


Annual Statistical Survey 2013

Bill Hillier, HRA Returning Officer


Annual Report 2014

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