animals in danger

Post on 08-May-2015






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Done by the children in the fourth grade, in the school year 2010-2011

THE   JACKASS   PENGUIN• CLASSIFICATION:• Penguins are aquatic flightless birds that are adapted to

live in the water.• ANATOMY:• African penguins are about 60 cm tall .They weigh from

3.1to 3.6 kg  The male is larger and has a longer bill than the female .African penguins have got a big head .They can swim but they can´t fly .They haven`t got ears . They are black and white .

• HABITAT :• The African penguins live in colonies on 24 islands

between Namibia and Port Elisabeth ( Africa). New colonies are in the continent

• DIET: • Afrcan penguins are carnivores ( meat).They eat fish

including sardines and anchovies and sqid .• BEHAVIOR :• Penguins can spend up to 75% of their hunting in the

water . Their prey are near the surface so penguins have no need to swim in deep water.Some species only go out of water for breeding and mating.

• THREATS :• Penguins are threatened by climate change, global

warming and predators. Other threats are destruction of habitats with pesticides and oil spills. And men kill them for their fur.

•  DID YOU KNOW?• The African penguins can swim up to 20 km. an hour when

they are hunting.• Their name is because they cry like a jackass or donkey. Hugo and Javier

THE   ASIAN   ELEPHANT• CLASSIFICATION:• The Asian elephant is a mammal and a herbivore. It´s

vertebrate and it´s warm-blooded.• ANATOMY:• Asian elephants average about 2,5 m. tall to the

shoulder. Males weigh up to 6 tons (5,400 kg) ,females average about 4 tons (3.600 kg) .Only males have tusks (large,pointed ivory teeth). People use the elephants for religious festivals and transportation.They have grey-brown skin that is almost hairless.It´s a little fat and very strong.

• HABITAT: • Asian elephant lives in many different habitats including

open grasslands,marshes,savannahs and forests.• DIET:• Asian elephant eats roots, grasses, leaves,bark,

bananas, sugar cane, plants and bamboo.Working males can eat up to 130-260 kg of food each day.

• BEHAVIOR:• Asian elephants live on average for 60 years in the wild

and 80 in captiivity.Females are always  in family groups consisting of mothers,daughters,sisters and the oldest female. Adult males usually are solitary animals.

• THREATS:• Habitat loss and conflicts with humans are the main

threats. People kill the young elephants for their tusks and the males are declining in number.

• DID YOU KNOW?• The Asian elephants are used for ceremonial and

religious uses Nico, Sara and Diana


• CLASSIFICATION:• It´s a vertebrate animal  and it is a mammal.• ANATOMY:• The bactrian camel is a two humped camel.Camels

are very strong mammals, with padded feet.Camels have nostrils that can open and close , protecting them from blowing sand. The ears are with protective hair.They have got bushy eyebrows and two rows of long eyelashes protecting their eyes from sand .They are over 2m tall at the hump and weigh about 725kg    

• HABITAT:• We can find this camel in the deserts and grasslands

of  Asia.• DIET:• Camels are herbivores( plant eaters). They eat

grass, leaves and grains. Many camels are domestic and people feed them. The bactrian camel can drink up to 120 l. of water at a time.

•  BEHAVIOR:•  They are social animals that live in flocks.•  THREATS:•  Lots of bactrian camels are domesticate and there

are about 800 in the wild in China and Mongolia.•  DID YOU KNOW?•   Camels can go without food and water for 3 to 4


Susana, Leonor and Lucía

THE  BALD EAGLE• CLASSIFICATION:• Eagles belong to the  birds. They are vertebrates.• HABITAT:• The bald eagle lives near rivers and large lakes, as it

catches most of its food in the water. You can find them in North America.

• DIET:• Eagles are carnivores. Their diet is mostly fish . They

also hunt and eat small mammals , snakes and  others birds.

• ANATOMY:• Balds eagles have got a long , yellow bill , and large

keen eyes. These strong flyers have white feathers on their head , tail , and wing tips.The body has brown feathers .The feet have knife-like talons .Eagles have about 7.000 feathers.

• BEHAVIOR:• Nests are high from the  ground  in large trees and on

cliffs .Eagles  use the  same enormous nest over and over again  for years . They lay 1 to 3 eggs.The incubation period  is from 1 to 1/2 months.Both males and females incubate the eggs.

• THREATS:• The bald eagles die electrocuted on  power lines.Men

kill the eagles for their feathers and talons. • DID YOU KNOW?• They live in America and the bald eagle is the national

symbol of the USA since 1782. 

Darío, Estrella and Paula

THE KIWI• CLASSIFICATION: • The kiwi is a flightless bird form New Zealand. This

bird lives in forests. The bird is a warm blooded animal. Kiwi is an omnivore.

• ANATOMY:• The kiwi is small. It is about 40 cm. The male weighs

about 2 k and the females 3k. It has got a long beak, it hasn`t got a tail. It has got small wings. It`s brown and their legs are short and strong . It has got three fingers. There are six species tof Kiwi.

• HABITAT : • The kiwi lives in New Zealand (Australia). • DIET:• The kiwi eats insects, worms, spiders, seeds and fruit.• BEHAVIOR:• The kiwi is nocturnal. It lives about 25 years. It lives in

the forest. It builds the nest in the ground. The females lay 1 to 2 eggs. They incubate them for 76 days.

• THREATS: • The kiwi is in danger of extiction. Their predators are

the birds (eagle and falcon ) the dogs, the ferrets, the cats and the ermines. It is also in danger because of habitat destruction.

• DID YOU KNOW ?• It is the national emblem of New Zealand and the

males incubate the eggs.  

Jorge, Carmen and Lorién

THE  KOALA • CLASSIFICATION:•  The koala is a small marsupial and herbivorous. It lives in 

Australia .Koalas are not bears.The koalas are mammals and warm blooded animals.

• ANATOMY:• The koala is up to 0,6 - 0,9m long ,weighing 4,5 - 13 ,5kg. The

koala has got five fingers including two opposable thumbs to grab things. Koalas have a slow metabolism and sleep for most of the day .The koala's teeth are adapted to their herbivorous diet .The koala´s brain is very small.   

• HABITAT:• Koalas live in Australia.They prefer to live in eucaliptus

forest,costal island and low woodlands.• DIET:• The koala lives almost entirely on eucaliptus leaves.These

herbivores (plant-eaters) eat mostly eucaliptus.• BEHAVIOR:• Koalas are nocturnal mammals they are  for up to 16 hours a

day sleeping and resting . They  are arboreal ,which means that they live in trees ,they do not live in big groups ,they prefer to be alone .Koalas breed once a year.Gestation lasts 35 days ,after that  one koala is born. The koala's body is very small when it is born ,and it lives in its mother's pouch for seven months.After this time koalas are independent and survive by himslf. Koalas can be aggressive throwing a foreleg around their opponent and biting him.

• THREATS:• The main threats are men because they hunt koalas for their

fur.Habitat destruction and attacks by dogs kill lots of koalas too

• DID YOU KNOW...?• Koalas are one of the few mammals except primates to have


Sandra, Cristófer, Juan and Diego

THE   KOMODO   DRAGON• CLASSIFICATION:• The Komodo Dragon is a reptile and a vertebrate. • ANATOMY:• The komodo dragon averages almost 2´8m long,

but it can get up to3 m long and it weighs up to 135kg. It has got four short legs and five-toed feet whith sharp clows. The tail is longer than the body.

• HABITAT:• The Komodo Dragon lives on an island in the

country of  Indonesia . They live in hot low lands and in rainforests.

• DIET:• The komodo Dragon is a carnivore . It eats almost

anything that it can catch or find including goats . • BEHAVIOR• The wild, komodo dragons are generally solitary

animals except  during the breeding season. Males maintain and defend a territory up to 2km per day.The komodo dragon swims from island to island long distances. They can allow other dragons to cross their territory when they are on a food run.

• THREATS:• The main threats are humans and loss of

habitat.They have got few predators.• DID YOU KNOW? • Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards in the


Alfonso, María and Alberto

THE LYNX.• CLASSIFICATION:• This animal is a mammal .It is a vertebrate and it is a

carnivore too.The lynx is a fierce cat. • ANATOMY:• The lynx lives for 10-15 years.It weighs 8-10 kg.It has

got long whiskers.It´s black and orange.The lynx has got powerful and long,pointed canine teeth.It has got big ears.The brown eyes have circular pupils.This powerful cat is from 0.6 to 1.2 m long including the tail.

• HABITAT:• We can find this lynx in pine  mountains and

forests.The lynx lives in America,Europe and Asia. It lives in Spain too.

• DIET:• This lynx eats mice,,rabbits,hares,foxes,small

deer,birds and eggs.The lynx is a carnivore (a meat-eater).

• BEHAVIOR:• Generally a solitary animal, the lynx usually hunt and

travel alone and is more active at night than by day.It lives in forest.It is nocturnal.It has a life of 12-14 years.

• THREATS:• The lynx is preyed by coyotes,wolves,owls and

people.The lynx is an endongered species because to the weather change and the forests destruction.

• DID YOU KNOW...?• The lynx can often kill  their prey in one powerful bite.It

can leap up to 3m.

Lucía, Ana and Lorena

THE   MANATEE• CLASSIFICATION:• The Manatee is marine mammal .It is a large aquatic

relative of the elephant and it is warm blooded. It is a hervibore animal.

• ANATOMY:• They breathe air through nostrils into their lungs, and can

stay under water for up to 20 minutes. They have molars (flat teeth). The average adult manatee grows to be about 3,6 m long and weighs about 800Kg.

• HABITAT:•  It lives in the warm , shallow waters on the coast and in

canals in North America and in South America. • DIET:• Also called "sea cows" , these swimmers  eat water

plants with their "marching teeth. An adult eats 45-67Kg of food each day.

• BEHAVIOR:• Manatees are not aggressive and they  spend most of

their time eating and resting .They  like traveling ,investigating obiects and socializing with other manatees.

• THREATS:• The main causes of death for the sea cows are humans

because they are distroying their habitats. Another threat is the weather change and the global warming because the waters are very hot and the manatees have diseases.

• DID YOU KNOW ?• Some scientists think the manatees can differentiate

between colours

Pedro, Fernando and Delia

THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY • CLASSIFICATION:• The monarch butterfly is an insect.It´s an

invertebrate animal.• ANATOMY:  

The monarch butterfly is black and orange with white small spots.They can measure between eight and ten centimeters.They have got two long antennae.It has got six black legs.It has got four wings.It´s a big and beautiful  butterfly.

• HABITAT:• They live in U.S.A. and in Spain in Canary Island

and all around the worldin tropical and subtropical areas.

• DIET:• It eats pollen, leaves and milkweeds.  BEHAVIOR:• In summer they migrate to the south and in spring

they migrate to the north.They live nine months.                          

• THREATS:• The tree felling and the weather change are the

main threats.• DID YOU KNOW....?• This animal is the national insect of Canada and

U.S.A.It can cross the ocean. Her orange colur is to scare predators because they look poisonous. 

Marina, Raquel and Marinette

 THE ORANGUTAN• CLASSIFICATION:• The orangutan is a mammal. It is similar to the humans.• ANATOMY: • Most orangutans are around 1,5 m. long and they have

very long arms . Adult males weigh between 50 kg - 100 kg and adult females weigh between 35 kg - 50 kg. The orangutans live for about 35 to 40 years . They have got a large body, a large head, a thick neck , very long , strong arms , short , bowed legs, no tail and his colour is brown.

• HABITAT:• They live exclusively in Asia ( on the islands of Borneo

and Sumatra). These apes mostly live in trees ( they are arboreal ) and swing from branch to branch using their arms. 

• DIET:• Orangutans feed mainly on fruits, especially wild figs.

They also eat other kind of vegetation and insects, small vertebrates and bird eggs. So they are omnivores.

• BEHAVIOR:• Orangutans are solitary creatures . Adult males live

alone and only come together with females to mate. The females live with their young. Occasionally, adults live with other adults for short periods in small temporary groups.

• THREATS:• The animal that is the biggest threat for the orangutan is

man ( who uses its habitat and sells young orangutans as pets) And another threat is the destruction of forest.

Javier, Héctor and Francho

• DID YOU KNOW?• The word orangutan comes from the Malay words orang ( man ) and hutan ( forest ), ´´man of the forest´´.

THE   PANDA• CLASSIFICATION:• The pandas are mammals.They´re vertebrate animals.The

pandas are considered true bears.They´re hervibore animals.

• ANATOMY:• The largest pandas grow to be about 115kg, about the

weight of a large adult human.They´re black and white. With these colours they can camouflage .They´re about 1.6 to 1.8 m  long.The pandas´tails are about  16cm  long.

• HABITAT:• The natural habitat of the pandas are cool, wet, cloudy

mountain forest land where bamboo grows.Pandas usually live in China.

• DIET:• Pandas have the most espezialized diet of any of the bears

.Their diet is almost exclusively two species of bamboo ( arrow and umbrella bamboo )Pandas eat about 18 kg of food each day .Bamboo is very low in nutrition.

• BEHAVIOR:• They´re solitary animals.They live most of their life alone.A

small group of pandas share a large feeding area,only meeting to breed. 

• THREATS:• The pandas are endangered species and their

numbers are dwindling very quickly because their habitats are destroyed. There are about 1.000/1.500 pandas living in the wild (in China). There are about 120 pandas living in zoos.This species is extremely vulnerable to extintion because of humans.

• DID YOU KNOW? • Pandas do not hibernate since their food is avaliable all year. Most bears' eyes have round pupils. The exception are the pandas. Their pupils are vertical, like cats‘ eyes. The Chinese people call the panda "the giant cat bear".Pandas have got very good eyesight.

Lucía, Paula and Jonathan

THE SEA TURTLE• CLASSIFICATION :• The sea turtles are reptiles. They are vertebrates. Like

all the reptiles, they are cold blooded animals.• ANATOMY :• These turtles vary in colour from brown to black. They

are from 0 ´5 to 1´9 m long. They have got four legs. Sea turtle  vary in size, weighing  35 to  870 kg. They have a short tail and a brown shell.

• HABITAT :• Sea turtles live in warm and temperate seas all around

the world.• DIET :• They eat jellyfish , seaweed , crabs , sponjes , snails

and mollusks.They are carnivore turtles.• BEHAVIOR :• Sea turtles spend most of their life in the water . Most

we know about sea turtles behavior is observing hatchings and females that leave the water to  lay  eggs.They are very good swimmers and divers.

• THREATS :• Sea turtles are threatened by coastal development ,

market for turtles and eggs , pollution,  global warming  and fisheries . Fisheries are one of the main causes for sea turtles death.

• DID YOU KNOW ?• Green sea turtles can stay  under water for five hours.

Their heart beats slowly to conserve  oxygen Nine minutes pass  between  heartbeats.


Violeta, Patricia and Daniel

THE SIBERIAN TIGER• CLASSIFICATION:•  This animal is a mammal. It is a warm blooded animal.

The animal eats meat so it is a carnivore. The Siberian tiger is the largest member of the cat family

• ANATOMY:• It is a big animal.It mesures 1,to 2,7 m. It weighs up to

230 kg. The colours go from white to orange brown with grey stripes. The ears are small and round. They have a black back and white spots in the middle. Male Siberian tigers are up 3.3 m long and weigh up to 300kg. Females are up to 2,6m long and weigh up to 165kg

• HABITAT:• We can find the Siberian tiger in Siberia, the

northeastern of Russia,in the centre of China, Sumatra, Indochina and India.There are no tigers like these in Africa.

• DIET: • The Siberian tiger main prey is the wild boar,though it

also feeds red deer and domestic animals: dogs pigs and sheep . They also eat antelopes and young elephants. The siberian tiger is a fast-moving carnivore.

• BEHAVIOR:• They live in mountains and conifer forest and in areas

with tall grass where they can hide when they are hunting. They are very good swimmers and they like water.

• THREATS:• The humans look for their fur. Illegal hunting and

deforestation are taking them to risk of extintion.• DID YOU KNOW?• The Siberian Tiger is a nocturnal animal.Tigers have eyes that are the brightest of any other animals in the world. Tigers mark the terrytory with their urine.

David, Sandra and Jorge


• CLASSIFICATION:• This animal is a big mammal and warm blooded. It

is hervibore• ANATOMY:• It can measure 2 metres tall and it can weigh about

2300 kg .It has got two horns that can grow from 2,5 to 8cm.

• HABITAT:• They live in centre and south Africa and tropical

regions.• DIET:• Rhinoceros are herbivores.They eat plants and

grass.• BEHAVIOR:• They are nocturnal .They are active at

night .Durning  the day they are lied.• THREATS:• They are threatened by poaching This is people

hunt them to sell their horns. Rhinos  are among the most endangered species  on Earth because of the weather change too.

• DID YOU KNOW? • White Rhinos have bad eyesight , good hearing and

very good sense of smell  .White Rhinos enjoy mud baths.


Clara, Mario and Víctor

THE SCARLET MACAW CLASSIFICATION:• This animal is a bird. It is a warm blooded animal

too. It is omnivorous.• ANATOMY:• It´s small. The males and females are very similar.

The feathers are red and yellow and in the wings orange and blue too. Its bill is curved and its legs are dark.

• HABITAT:• The scarlet macaw lives in Central and South

America (Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil…)• DIET:• Iteats fruit, seeds and nuts.• BEHAVIOR:• It´s a very fast animal. It hunts its food with the bill.

Macaw nests in holes high in the decidious trees. Females lay 2 or 3 white egss in each clutch. Both parents incubate the egss. The young stay with their parents for up to 2 years. They are intelligent and social birds that often fly in flocks of 10 to 30 individuals.

• THREATS:• The scarlet macaw is in danger because men want

it as a pet. Another threat is the loss of habitat.• DID YOU KNOW?• Scarlet macaws are left- handed. They use their left

foot to handle food and other things while their right foot supports their body.

Ana, Jacobo and Paula

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