angular js crash course 140501021644 phpapp01

Post on 15-Nov-2015






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Crash Course

Keith BloomfieldLead Developerdev9

Crash Course

Crash Course

Show of HandsFront-end developers?Back-end developers?Other?Using AngularJs at work/home?New to AngularJs?

Keith BloomfieldLead Developerdev9

OverviewData Binding, Expressions, Scopes,Ng DirectivesModules, Dependency InjectionControllers, Services, Factories, DirectivesUnit TestingEnd-to-End (e2e) TestingContinuous IntegrationReal World ExperiencesTool SupportResources for LearningQ&A

Crash Course



AngularJs is a Spa framework


Body/Facial Treatment


A lot has changed on the front-end in the lastfew years!


AngularJs is a Spa framework

Single-Page Application (dynamic views)

Recommends client-side Model-View-Controller (Mvc) pattern


AngularJs is a Spa framework

Single-Page Application (dynamic views)

Recommends client-side Model-View-Controller (Mvc) pattern

Don't know about each other.


AngularJs is a Spa framework

Single-Page Application (dynamic views)

Recommends client-side Model-View-Controller (Mvc) pattern


AngularJs is a Spa framework

Single-Page Application (dynamic views)

Recommends client-side Model-View-Controller (Mvc) pattern

Implications:RoutingHistoryCaching PackagingDeploymentAutomationData BindingObject ModelingTiming/DispatchTemplatingTestingStorage...



AngularJs is a Spa framework

Single-Page Application (dynamic views)

Recommends client-side Model-View-Controller (Mvc) pattern

What becomesof this?


AngularJs is a Spa framework

Single-Page Application (dynamic views)

Recommends client-side Model-View-Controller (Mvc) pattern

Model-View-Whatever (Mvw)

The View


foo.htmlHtml content swapped into/out of the single page



Data Binding, Expressions and Scopes

Extending Html's vocabulary: Directives

Extend Html as markers on the Dom

Can be used as an attribute, element, class name, comment

Tell AngularJs' compiler ($compile) to attach specific behavior to that Dom element or even transform that element and its children.


{{ echo }}

Angular (ng)Directives

Data BindingExpression

The compilation is a process of walking the DOM tree and matching DOM elements to directives. (links scope to template)

auto-bootstraps the AngularJs application/designates the root element.

binds input, select, textarea to aproperty on the scope using ng-model(NgModelController), and more.

Evaluated againstthe scope.

Data Binding, Expressions and Scopes

Extending Html's vocabulary: Directives

Extend Html as markers on the Dom

Can be used as an attribute, element, class name, comment

Tell AngularJs' compiler ($compile) to attach specific behavior to that Dom element or even transform that element and its children.

Data Binding, Expressions and Scopes

Extending Html's vocabulary: Directives

The only place where an AngularJs application touches the Dom is within directives.

This is good as artifacts that access the Dom are difficult to test.

More about directives later, but first...

Data Binding, Expressions and Scopes


Acts as the glue between the view and the controller

Refers to the application model

Arranged hierarchically to mimic the Dom

Can inherit from parent scope

Can watch expressions and propagate events

Data Binding, Expressions and Scopes


$rootScope: Defined at the top level of the application (where the ng-app directive is applied)

Lookup proceeds up the scope chain when a variable is not found in the local scope.

Relying on scope is risky because the Dom layout is often changed. - Isolating scope protects against changes to the Dom hierarchy.

Data Binding, Expressions and Scopes


$watch: Observe model mutations

$apply: Propagate model changes through the system into the view from outside the Angular realm (controllers, services, ng event handlers). Triggers $digest, which can be used directly in unit tests.

Also available: $watchCollection, $destroy, $eval, $evalAsync, $on, $emit, $broadcast

Dependency Injection

Reusable container for different features of your app


Dependency Injection

Has two phases:config: setup providers and constants

run: after injector is created, kickstart the app

angular.module('myModule', ['moduleDependency1', 'moduleDependency2',....]).config(function(injectable1, injectable2,...) { // provider-injector// Use as many of these as you want.// Can only inject Providers (not instances)}).run(function(injectable1, injectable2,....) { // instance-injector// Use as many of these as you want.// Can only inject instances (not Providers) and constants});


Dependency Injection


Features can be bundled and injected in/as modules

Dependency Injection


- Object in module auto

auto- Implicit module which gets automatically added to each $injector

$injector- used to retrieve object instances as defined by provider, instantiate types, invoke methods, and load modules.

Dependency Injection


- Helper methods (also exposed on module):

provider(provider) - registers a service provider with the $injector

constant(obj) - registers a value/object that can be accessed by providers and services.

value(obj) - registers a value/object that can only be accessed by services, not providers.

factory(fn) - registers a service factory function, fn, that will be wrapped in a service provider object, whose $get property will contain the given factory function.

service(class) - registers a constructor function, class that will be wrapped in a service provider object, whose $get property will instantiate a new object using the given constructor function.

Worth investigating: $provide.decorator() // $provide only

Dependency Injection


- Helper methods (also exposed on module):

provider(provider) - registers a service provider with the $injector

constant(obj) - registers a value/object that can be accessed by providers and services.

value(obj) - registers a value/object that can only be accessed by services, not providers.

factory(fn) - registers a service factory function, fn, that will be wrapped in a service provider object, whose $get property will contain the given factory function.

service(class) - registers a constructor function, class that will be wrapped in a service provider object, whose $get property will instantiate a new object using the given constructor function.

Where is the Controller?Added to the Dom using ng-controller

The ng-controller directive asks the injector to create an instance of the controller and its dependencies.

The controller itself never knows about the injector.

Loose coupling is maintained.

Dependency Injection

Dependencies are looked up by name for a provider that satisfies the argument.

app.controller(AController, function($scope, $http){$scope.userName = 'Walt';$ = $http.get('');});

a.controller(AController, function(b, c){b.userName = 'Walt'; = c.get('');});


Order doesn't matter$scope found inng module - $rootScopeProvider- $rootScope.Scope$http service found ng module- $http


Dependency Injection

Longer version preserves dependency by treating it as an argument:

app.controller(AController, ['$scope', '$http', function($scope){$scope.userName = 'Walt';$ = $http.get('');}]);

a.controller(AController, ['$scope', '$http', function(b, c){b.userName = 'Walt'; = c.get('');}]);


Order matters

Passed in as argumentsto the function

Dependency Injection

Minification Pain Relief: ngmin

It turns thisangular.module('whatever').controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, $http) { ... });into thisangular.module('whatever').controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) { ... }]);


Used to augment the Angular scope

Attached to the Dom via the ng-controller directive

Set up the initial state of the $scope object

Add behavior to the $scope object

Our Pizzas:

{{ }}...

app.controller('HomeController', function($scope){

$scope.pizzas = [{name: "Meat Lover's",ingredients: ['Sausage','Pepperoni','Bacon','Olives'],price: 6},{name: 'Hawaiian',ingredients: ['Canadian bacon','Pineapple'],price: 5},];});


Do not use a controller to:

Manipulate the Dom- Business logic only. Presentation logic affects testability and belongs in directives

Format input- Use angular form controls instead:

Filter output- Use angular filters instead:

Share code or state across controllers- Use angular services instead:

Manage the life cycle of other components- eg: Using a controller to create a service instance


Stateless, injectable argument providing the instance of a function passed to module.service

Singleton: delayed/lazy loaded (Not instantiated until used), only instantiated once

Good for cross app/controller communication (sharing of utility functions)

service(class) - registers a constructor function, class that will be wrapped in a service provider object, whose $get property will instantiate a new object using the given constructor function.



module.service('MyService', function() {this.method1 = function() {//..}

this.method2 = function() {//..}});module.factory('MyService', function() {

var factory = {};

factory.method1 = function() {//..}

factory.method2 = function() {//..}

return factory;});

factory(fn) - registers a service factory function, fn, that will be wrapped in a service provider object, whose $get property will contain the given factory function.

Services, Factories, Values, Constants

Are convenience methods for making providers

Serve to avoid polluting the global namespace

Services, Factories, Values, Constants

The difference between factory and service is the difference between a function and an object.

Factory(give it a function)

Service(give it a constructor)

Further study (object vs. function):

Further study (ng factory vs. service):

service vs. factory

Services, Factories, Values, Constants

Either can be a primitive, object, or function

Constant can be injected into services, controllers, or module configs

Value can only be injected into services and controllers

value vs. constant

Why can't value be injected into module config?

The injector has not been setup yet.Constants (special case) are accessed by their name alone, cannot be changed, and aren't accessed through a provider $get.

Services, Factories, Values, Constants

Are convenience methods for making providers

You can also create your own providers:

app.config(function($provide){$provide.provider('MyProvider',{$get: function(){return{foo: function(){return 'bar';}}}}) });

Services, Factories, Values, Constants

function provider(name, provider_) {assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'service');if (isFunction(provider_) || isArray(provider_)) {provider_ = providerInjector.instantiate(provider_);}if (!provider_.$get) {throw $injectorMinErr('pget', "Provider '{0}' must define $get factory method.", name);}return providerCache[name + providerSuffix] = provider_;}

function factory(name, factoryFn) { return provider(name, { $get: factoryFn }); }

function service(name, constructor) {return factory(name, ['$injector', function($injector) {return $injector.instantiate(constructor);}]);}

function value(name, val) { return factory(name, valueFn(val)); }

function constant(name, value) {assertNotHasOwnProperty(name, 'constant');providerCache[name] = value;instanceCache[name] = value;}



Isolate Scope: Directive-specific scopeAssists in creating reusable components

Prevents or other components from changing your model state

app.controller("myController", function($scope){$scope.doSomething = function(something){...};}).directive('myDirective', function () {

return {restrict: "E",scope:{done:"&"},template:'my-template.html'}});

The 'scope' optionisolates the directive'sscope.


Directive Definition Options: Instructions to the ng compiler

app.controller("myController", function($scope){$scope.doSomething = function(something){...};}).directive('myDirective', function () {

return {restrict: "E",priority:sort order before compilation, terminal: if true, process this directive last,scope: true, false, or {} (isolate)controller: instantiate before pre-linking phase...,require:..another directive and inject its controller...controllerAs:controller alias at the directive scope...type: doctype ('html','svg','math'),template:replace current element with....templateUrl: same as above, but async from url...replace: where to insert template...,transclude: precompile element.....,compile: transform template Dom...,link: update Dom, register listeners...,}

restrict:matching restrictionoptions:'A' - only matches attribute name'E' - only matches element name'C' - only matches class name'M' - only matches comment

or any combination.(eg: 'AE')

default: 'A'


Directive Definition Options: Instructions to the compiler

app.controller("myController", function($scope){$scope.doSomething = function(something){...};}).directive('myDirective', function () {

return {restrict: "E",priority:sort order before compilation, terminal: if true, process this directive last,scope: true, false, or {} (isolate)controller: instantiate before pre-linking phase...,require:..another directive and inject its controller...controllerAs:controller alias at the directive scope...type: doctype ('html','svg','math'),template:replace current element with....templateUrl: same as above, but async from url...replace: where to insert template...,transclude: precompile element.....,compile: transform template Dom...,link: update Dom, register listeners...,}

Deferring to api:$compile#description_comprehensive-directive-api_directive-definition-object

Unit Testing

Test on real devices

Remote control

Testing framework agnostic (Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit... or write adapter)

Simple CI integration (Jenkins, Travis, Semaphore)

Open Source

Easy to debug from IDE


End-to-End (e2e) Testing


Thin wrapper for webdriver.js

Support for cross-browser testing using Selenium Webdriver

Support for GhostDriver/PhantomJs (Wip)

Includes webdriver-manager for drivers, Selenium installation, and updates to both

Includes elementExplorer for building locators

Integrates with Saucelabs, easy enough to port over to BrowserStack

End-to-End (e2e) Testing


Recommends the Page Object Model design pattern for testing

End-to-End (e2e) Testing


var flow = browser.driver.controlFlow();

// pseudocodelogin = function(username){...}navigateToReviews = function(){...}addNewReview = function(){...}


(Optional) Tap into webdriver.js:

Continuous Integration

Jenkins + NodeJs plugin

Unit tests run via Grunt and Karma

e2e tests are still a work-in-progress:Rely on npm concurrent, connect(express), scripts for setup + watch and teardown

Awaiting reintroduction of timing in Jasmine for PhantomJs tests

Awaiting Saucelabs/BrowserStack credentials for cross-browser tests

Real World Experiences: Project Challenges

Project challenges are similar to those of all large projects:Discovering and establishing best practices amongst contributors

Directory structures/file taxonomy, refactoring with project growth

Keeping libraries up do date, Bower in the loop

Rediscovery of conveniences found in mature frameworks

Multiple solutions, evaluation, and selection

Real World Experiences: New Challenges

Adjustments for allRamp up on new framework and conceptsContinuous delivery and deployment challenges (binary artifacts, externalizing conf)Various tools/tools in motion (grunt, node/npm, bower, css compilers, yeoman)

Front-end veteransNew conventions, structures, design patterns (not just jquery, js, css any more)More responsibility for application architecture

Back-end veteransJavascript as the primary language (callbacks, promises, debugging, refactoring..)UX, responsiveCoordination with rest apis and content delivery service

Real World Experiences:Gotchas

Potential for memory leaks/weird behavior with scope misuse

Bower gone wild

Dependency additions, revisions (npm need-to-know)

Library/dependency bloat

Issues/feature requests in (ng and integrated) libraries and tools

Tool Support: IDEs & Refactoring

IntelliJ Idea, WebStorm

Vim, SublimeText


Visual Studio

Behold thePlug-Ins!

Tool Support: Misc. Open Source Frameworks

Yeoman (Yo, Grunt, Bower) + generators

Lots of Grunt plugins

Lots of Npm packages

Batarang plugin for Chrome

Browser web developer console

Tool Support: Static Code Analysis



Enforces code quality using rules

Configured tasks in grunt pass directly to jshint

Customizable reporter output,

options and globals

ignores for specific warnings

grunt-contrib-concat: Linting before and after concatenating files

Tool Support: Code Coverage

Karma + Istanbul: karma-coverage

Generates reports in several formats including Cobertura xml (integration with Jenkins)

Protractor (none, lots of unit tests, REST apis covered on their end)

Resources for Learning


AngularJs api docs:

github (docs, plunkers, demos) (free and subscription)

AngularJs Style Guide:

angular-phonecat tutorial:

Los Techies AngularJs:


Demo examples:

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