andy goes to the apple store

Post on 06-May-2015






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Andy At The Apple Store

Andy sees a glowing Apple logo.

“What’s inside the store?” asks Andy.

Andy is curious.

The Apple is way up high.

Andy has Apple on the brain.

Andy stares at the iPad.

“Can I go inside?” asks Andy.

Andy takes his first stepinto the Apple Store.

“This store smells new.” says Andy.

Andy likes the MacBook Air.

“I can haz Apple?”Yes, Andy. There’s an app for that.

“I have one of those.” says Andy.

And Andy has many of these.

Andy says “I would like two of everything, please.”

Circles, and squares and bright colours make Andy smile.

Go Andy Go! Drop us some funky beats.

Andy watches. Andy waits. His turn is next.

Andy wonders. What should he do?

Click. Glide. Swipe. Zoom.“This mouse is Magic!” says Andy.

Andy Rocks the iMac!

Andy gets a sticker for playing nicely.

Andy sees the Genius Bar.

Andy Goes to the Apple Store“I think they need a helper.”

says Andy. “I will help.”

Andy Goes to the Apple StoreAndy works the Macbook

like a Genius.

An e-book gives Andy a feeling of déjà vu.

Andy takes a picture to remember his visit.

I’m sorry Andy. You can’t take it with you.

Don’t worry Andy, you’ll always be welcome at the Apple Store.

Creatively co-developed by:@thecleversheep & @aforgrave

This presentation is Creative Commons Licensed

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