android fundamentals - part runtime...

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Android Fundamentals - Part 1

Alexander Nelson

September 9, 2019

University of Arkansas - Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering



Project 1 due Friday, September 20thLink

Choose a project idea and team for the final project ASAP

First project report is due September 13th

Android OS Platform Architecture

Android Stack

Used by Fair Use under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5

Linux Kernel

Android is based on the Linux kernel

• All lower-level functionality is handled by Kernel

• Provides consistent functionality across devices

• Maintains standard security practices

• No need to reinvent the wheel

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

Standard set of interfaces from device hardware to

Java/Kotlin APIs

• Consists of library modules

• Modules are loaded when API makes call to access hardware

Android Runtime (ART)

Managed runtime environment of an application

• Beginning with Android 5.0, each app runs in its own process

and its own instance of ART

• Each process runs in its own VM, and is thus isolated from

other applications

• Includes core Java libraries for most of the Java functionality

• Android 9 and above convert executables to more compact

machine code

Native C/C++ Libraries

Android system components are built from native code and

require support libraries

• Android provides Java framework APIs to expose some

funcitonality to these libraries

• e.g. OpenGL ES can be accessed through Java OpenGL API

for graphics

Java API Framework

Entire Android OS feature-set available through Java APIs


• View System to build UI (XML defined)

• Resource manager - Access to non-code resources

• Notification manager - All apps can display alerts

• Activity manager - Manage lifecycle of apps

• Content Providers - Enable cross application sharing

System Applications

Core set of applications provided by OS

• e.g. Camera, SMS, Email, Calendar, Calls, etc...

• No special status among apps

• Provide capabilities developers can access from their own app

Application Fundamentals

Application & OS

OS Security Features:

• Multi-user Linux system – each app is a different user

• System assigns each app a unique user ID

• Permissions are set for files such that only the assigned app

can access them

• Each process has own VM – App code run in isolation

Application & OS

Process Cycle:

• Each app runs in its own Linux process

• Android starts the process when any app component is needed

• Shuts down process when finished, or memory is needed


Principle of Least Privilege

Each app, by default, has acess only to the components that

it requires, and nothing more!


• Two apps can share the same Linux user ID

• Can access each other’s files

• Can run in the same process and same VM

• Must be signed with the same certificate

• e.g. Facebook & Messenger

• App can request permission to access device data

• User must grant these permissions explicitly

Application Components

Four different types of Application components:

• Activities

• Services

• Broadcast Receivers

• Content Providers



Entry point for interacting with the user

Typically represents a single screen with a UI

Mutliple activities can come together to create a single application

Example: e-Mail application

• Inbox Screen

• Compose e-Mail

• Settings

Activies (continued)

An activity facilitates key interactions between the system

and the application, including:

• Keeping track of what the user is currently focused on

• Helping the app handle having its process killed

• Providing a way for apps to implement user flowss between

each other

Activities (continued)

To be used, an activity must be declared in the application manifest


<m a n i f e s t . . . >

<a p p l i c a t i o n . . . >

<a c t i v i t y a n d r o i d : n a m e=” . E x a m p l e A c t i v i t y ” />

. . .

</ a p p l i c a t i o n . . . >

. . .

</ m a n i f e s t >

Activitiy Attributes

Attributes can define certain interactions about the activity

Contained inside the activity tag

The only required attribute for an activity is ”android:name”

This specifies the class name of the activity

Think these names through! They should not change after

publishing your applications!

Activitiy Attributes (continued)

Other attributes you may want to include in the manifest:

• Intent filters (Will discuss later)

• Permissions

• Screen Orientation

• Icon

Activity Lifecycle

An activity will transition through a number of states during

its lifetime

A series of callbacks are used to handle transitions

• onCreate()

• onStart()

• onResume()

• onRestart()

• onPause()

• onStop()

• onDestroy()


Callback which fires when the system creates the activity

You must implement this callback!

This callback should initialize the essential components:

• Create views

• Bind data

• Calls setContentView() which defines the layout for the UI

After returining, the next callback is always onStart()


Activity becomes visible to the user

Final preparations before coming to the foreground and becoming


Followed by onResume()


Invoked when the activity starts interacting with the user

Most of the App’s core functionality implemented here

At this point the activity is on the top of the activity stack and

captures all user input


Called when activity loses focus and enters Paused state

e.g. When the user hits the back button

The activity is still partially visible and can (should?) continue to


If the user returns to the activity, onResume() will be called

onStop() is called if the activity beomes no longer visible


Called when activity becomes no longer visible to user

e.g. When activity being destroyed, new activity starting, existing

activity being resumed

If the activity comes back to the foreground, onRestart() is called

onDestroy() is called if the activity is completely termininating.


Called when a stopped actibity is about to restart

e.g. When activity is brought back to the foreground

Restores the state of the activity from when it was stopped

Always followed by onStart()


onDestroy() is invoked before the activity is destroyed

Implemented to ensure that all the activities resources are released

This is the final state in the activity lifecycle

Must be recreated to start again



Application component that can perform long-running operations

in the background

Does not provide a user interface!

Another app component can start a service

The service continues to run in the background even after activity


Components can bind to a service to interact & perform

interprocess communication


There are three different types of services:

• Foreground

• Background

• Bound

Foreground Service

Performs some operation that is noticable to the user

e.g. Audio app uses foreground service to play music

Must display a status bar icon

Continue running even when user isn’t interacting with the app

Background Service

Performs operations not directly noticed by user

e.g. Compress file storage for application


Starting with API 26, background services have restrictions when

the app is not in the foreground

Often better to use a scheduled job instead

Bound Service

A service becomes bound when app component uses bindService()

Offers a client-server interface for interacting with the service

Only runs when another application is bound to it!

Declaring Services

To be used, an service must be declared in the application manifest


<m a n i f e s t . . . >

<a p p l i c a t i o n . . . >

< s e r v i c e a n d r o i d : n a m e=” . E x a m p l e S e r v i c e ” />

. . .

</ a p p l i c a t i o n . . . >

</ m a n i f e s t >

Service Lifecycle


One way to start an Android service

System invokes this by calling startService() from another


• startService() takes Intent as argument

• onStartCommand() takes Intent, flags, and startId

If this is implemented, you must stop the service when work

is complete by calling stopSelf() or stopService()

Started Services

A started service is one that is created when a component calls


Lifecycle of the service is independent of the component

which creates it!

App components create services by calling startService() and

passing an Intent object specifying the targeted Service

Started Services (continued)

By default started services run in the same process in the main

thread of the application in which it is declared

If the service is blocking while the user is to be interacting with the

app, start a new thread within the service

Started Services (continued)

It is best to start a service by extending the IntentService class

The IntentService class does the following:

• Creates default worker thread that executes all intents

delivered to the onStartCommand()

• Creates a work queue that passes one intent at a time to your

onHandleIntent() implementation, so you never have to worry

about multi-threading

• Stops the service after all of the start requests are handled, so

you never have to call stopSelf()

• Provides a default implementation of onBind() that returns


• Provides a default implementation of onStartCommand() that

sends the intent to the work queue and then to your

onHandleIntent() implementation

Example IntentService

Extending Intent Service

All you need (as shown by previous example):

• Constructor

• Implementation of onHandleIntent()

You may also override callbacks, but you must call the super


Starting a Service

You create a Started Service by calling startService() and passing

an intent object

Stopping a Service

Started services must manage their own lifecycle

The system will not stop or destory a service unless it must

recover memory

Services must stop itself by calling stopSelf() or another

component may stop it by calling stopService()

If your service is potentially used by multiple components


Use stopSelf(int) where the passed integer is the ID of the start



Other way to start an Android Service

Calledc when another component calls bindService()

• You must provide an interface to communicate between client

and service

• IBinder object provides this, by extending the Binder class

Bound Services

Bound services are to be used when you want your service to

interact with other components through Interprocess

Communication (IPC)

Use onBind() callback to create a bound service

onBind() returns an IBinder object defining the interface for


Bound Services

Multiple components may bind with a service, and have a reference

to the same IBinder object

When a client is finished with the service, it calls unbindService()

to unbind

You do not need to stop a bound service!

Bound services terminate when no clients are connected


Invoked by the system before onStartCommand() or onBind()

Perform one-time setup procedures

Not called if service is already running!


Invoked by the system before when Service is no longer needed

Should be implemented to clean up any resources (threads,

registered listeners, receivers)

Last call that the service will receive

Service Stop Conditions

Service started by calling startService() will run until stopped by

stopSelf() or another component calls stopService()

Service started by bindService() will run as long as the component

is bound to it

Force-stop conditions

• If memory is low and system resources must be recovered

• Bound services to app in focus less likely to be killed

• Foreground services are rarely killed

• Long-running started services are highly susceptible to being



Services may communicate to the

user with:

• Toast Notifications

• Status Bar Notifications

Foreground Services

Foreground services are services the user is actively aware of

Must provide a notification for the status bar under the

Ongoing heading!

Notification cannot be dismissed unless service is stopped or

removed from foreground

ex. Music player should be foreground

Notification shows current song

Can interact to launch the music player

Starting a foreground service

Request to run service in foreground with startForeground()

Takes two parameters:

• Integer to uniquely identify the notification

• A Notification object for the status bar

Notification object must have priority of PRIORITY LOW or higher

Foreground Service Example

Removing Service from Foreground

To remove service from foreground:

• Call stopForeground()

stopForeground() takes a boolean argument which indicates

whether to remove the status bar notification

Removing service from foreground does not stop the service!

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