andrew was one of jesus’ disciples. the bible says he was the first person to follow jesus and...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Andrew was one of Jesus’ disciples. The Bible says he was the first person to follow Jesus and brought his brother Simon to meet him. Simon became a follower of Jesus too.

When Jesus died his disciples travelled to many different places telling people about Jesus.

Andrew travelled to Greece. He told many people about Jesus and these people also became followers of Jesus.

Andrew’s teachings did not please everybody. A Roman ruler decided Andrew should die. It was ordered that Andrew should be tied to a wooden cross until he was dead.

Andrew continued to talk about Jesus while tied to the cross but he eventually died on the cross.

300 years later a monk called Regulus had a dream. In his dream and angel instructed him to take Andrew’s remains, and the news of Jesus’ teachings, to the ends of the earth.

Regulus travelled for a long time. He eventually came to the east coast of Scotland. Regulus thought this was the ends of the earth.

Regulus took Andrew’s remains and buried them. He then built a church on top of the remains. There is now a town on this spot called St. Andrews.

The people of Scotland decided that Andrew should be their Patron Saint and chose a Greek cross, called a Saltire, as their flag.

Now every year, on November 30th, the people of Scotland remember St Andrew.

Presentation ©Bev Evans, 2010

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