andrew charlton : free and fair trade

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Andrew Charlton


Australian Economist, Political Figure & Business Professional

Andrew Charlton, a known Australian economist, political figure and business professional, has published multiple works throughout his career, including two books and two quarterly essays. These works have striven to provide the reader a careful analysis and evaluation of the issues that have had, and continue to have, the biggest impact on the global economy.

Below are some of the most important issues Andrew Charlton believes have a crucial and direct impact on the environment and the future direction of the global economy.

Free Trade

Fair Trade practices, as outlined by Andrew Charlton, are essential to not only enhancing development in poorer nations, but also to engage and involve them more thoroughly in the discussion of climate change. Fair trade is important to both the reduction in global poverty, and to the creation of stronger and more meaningful relationships between richer and poorer nations, which can then lead to the development of tangible solutions to the ever-increasing problem of global climate change.


An increasingly global economy requires even the richest of nations to be engaged on the issue of poverty. By opening up doors of free and fair trade to poorer nations, richer countries can help to remedy the economic imbalances that lead to such problems as overpopulation, lack of education and scarcity of food.

Educational Opportunity

Making progress on any issue, whether that be systemic poverty, free trade, green technologies, climate change and more, is impossible without an educated public. By working towards providing better educational opportunities to the people of poorer nations, wealthy countries are taking a very critical step towards a more informed and involved global populous; one that not only understands the issues, but that is also better equipped to take action in the development of real, lasting solutions. Make information more accessible and available, as Andrew Charlton knows, is key to tackling and solving the problems that impact us all, as well as to the creation of a cleaner and healthier environment that will be sustainable for all future generations.

Educational Opportunity

Making progress on any issue, whether that be systemic poverty, free trade, green technologies, climate change and more, is impossible without an educated public. By working towards providing better educational opportunities to the people of poorer nations, wealthy countries are taking a very critical step towards a more informed and involved global populous; one that not only understands the issues, but that is also better equipped to take action in the development of real, lasting solutions. Make information more accessible and available, as Andrew Charlton knows, is key to tackling and solving the problems that impact us all, as well as to the creation of a cleaner and healthier environment that will be sustainable for all future generations.

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