ancillary products evaluation q1

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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Ancillary Products Evaluation Q1.DALE RICHARDSON

To the left is my finished magazine cover next to a professional magazine cover. I will annotate on the professional magazine cover the conventions that are used and compare it to mine explaining the effectiveness of the convention.

Marked on the cover you can see that the route of the eye is used. This is to ensure that the cover is viewed in sequence from the top to the bottom. This is used to draw the eye to each individual aspect of the cover to make it look as appealing as possible

Another convention of this cover is the use of the masthead covered by the heads of the main subjects in the image. The masthead is the brand of the company and this needs to be one of the standout components of the cover to make it appealing and recognisable.

This cover uses the convention of cover lines, these are extra stories included in the magazine that aren’t the main attraction inside. These however are still a vital part of the cover as it allows the consumer to see what else is inside the magazine.

The cover uses conventions of colour, the colours on this cover signify different elements that are synonymous with the action genre. The orange in the background signifies an explosion which is frequent in action films, it also makes the image in the foreground stand out with the orange behind it.

Marked on my cover is the same use of the route of the eye. I used this convention of the cover to ensure that the entire spread of the cover is seen when the consumer looks at it.

The image I used on my cover is directly related to the trailer I produced, this shot can be seen in the trailer. Because the image is very similar to the shot in the trailer the use of mise-en-scene is appropriate for the genre and clearly shows a hierarchy between the two characters.

My cover uses the conventions of a magazine cover due to the use of a bold masthead that stands out from the rest of the cover. The use of colour in my masthead makes it stand out above the rest of the cover as it is different to what is on the rest.

My cover uses the conventions of magazine covers by having a barcode in the bottom right of the cover, this is the last thing that the consumer will look at before purchasing the magazine as this is where the price will be located on all magazines.

In comparison to a professional cover my cover has most of the elements to it that the professional one also contains. Because of the research I undertook before producing my product I was able to find out what the conventions were and then easily implement them into my piece.

To the left is my finished poster next to a professional film poster.I will annotate on the professional poster the conventions that are used and compare it to mine explaining the effectiveness of the convention.

This magazine poster uses the rule of thirds to ensure that no character is directly in the middle of the poster. Iron Man and Thor are on the left and right vertical line to ensure the poster is creative and not boring. This is conventional of action film posters as the characters are never directly in the middle of the poster but they are to the right or left of the centre. This helps to draw the attention to these characters and then allow the audience to see the background behind them

The poster uses the route of the eye to show the character Hulk, in the primary optical area, directly opposite that horizontally is an explosion that draws the eye, this then diagonally goes down the centre of the poster through the main characters to the terminal area where the title of the film is placed as well as the small printed information that is not relevant to the audience.

This poster is conventional for a film poster as it shows the title text of the film to be the largest text on the poster, this is much larger than the actors names and the irrelevant information placed at the bottom of the poster.

The poster is conventional for an action film poster as it shows all the protagonist characters in action rather than standing around. This is conventional as the image is expected to show a scene from the film rather than it being a photo shot outside of the film itself.

My poster is conventional for film posters due to the use of route of the eye. This enables the audience to see every aspect of the poster from top to bottom. This is effective for film posters as it draws their attention and encourages them to watch the film.

My poster uses conventions of film posters with the use of the font and colour, the font is bold and stands out because of the bright colour in which it is in. This immediately draws the audience in and sticks in their heads.

My poster is conventional for film posters as it uses the billing block at the bottom which contains all the information regarding the production of the film. This is seen in every film poster.

My poster uses conventions of film posters by using an image that is directly related to the film and is used in the film itself, this keeps the mise-en-scene clear and continues the message of the film.

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