ancient greece sam meyer

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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This land is very mountainous. This land has many islands. This land separates the Greeks so it is

hard for them to unite.


The land of Greece is very warm so they wear little or no clothes.

They play many sports and do many events outside. Such as Olympic Games, Heria Games, etc…

Religion They believe in monotheism. Here are Some of their main gods and goddess: Zeus: King of all gods, god of Heaven and Earth Hera: Queen of all gods, goddess of motherhood and marriage Hades: god of the underworld Athena: goddess of wisdom and war Ares: god of war Demeter: goddess of harvest and ferity Aphrodite: goddess of love and beauty Hephaestus: god of blacksmiths, volcanoes, and fire Hestia: goddess of hearth and fire Apollo: god of music, poetry, and healing Artemis: goddess of hunt and wildlife Hermes: god of messengers, thieves, and luck Dionysus: god of wine and celebration Poseidon: god of sea and earthquakes

Women’s Rights

Women had little or no rights. Only in Sparta, Women had little rights.

They were allowed to play sports outside and raised to be strong because they had to see their children go off to boot camp at a very young age.

Men’s Rights

Men were able to shop. Men were able to vote. Men were able to be a soldier. In Sparta, they were sent to be in the

army at age seven. When they were born, if they weren’t healthy they would be killed. Then they were able to marry at age thirty but still had to be a full-time military soldier.

Entertainment and Music

The Greeks played many sports. Such as the Heria Games, the Olympic Games, and More…

The Greeks had many plays. The they're two types. They are called Comedy and Tragedy.

The Greeks were music lovers!

The Acropolis

At the centre of many towns and cities in ancient Greece was a hill or rocky mound called an acropolis.

“High-City” Many buildings such as: Government

Buildings, temples, the agora (market place), houses, etc…

Children In Ancient Greece, Marrying at 13 years old

was okay because in ancient times. Girls would marry men twice their own age. Men sometimes paid girls and women to

entertain them at drinking parties called symposia.

If babies were not wanted they were left to die.

Choes are miniature jugs associated with children.


Slavery was a normal part of everyday life in Ancient Greece.

A lot of the slaves are Persian. Only the poorest people didn’t have

slaves, but mostly everyone had slaves to help out around the house.

Women slaves were often “wet nurses” which means that they would feed the children.

Death and Burial Women washed the dead body, wrapped it

and then decorated it. Men and women were mourners. Women made offerings at a tomb too. Three days after they died they were carried

from their home to the cemetery. Men would dig the grave and made the

sacrifices. Only women and old men were allowed to

cry if a loved one passed away.


Children learned how to play musical instruments.

They would have competitions to see who played what.

In a chorus, one boy played a lyre, while another reads from a scroll.

Children also had physical eduacation, Especually in Sparta.

Ancient GreeceBy Sam Meyer

Ancient GreeceBy Sam Meyer

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