ancient egypt speech prep outline

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Serigne Mbaye Seye Ba ESL 125

Topic: The Ancient Egypt General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: to inform the audience about Ancient Egypt Pattern of Organization: Topical order


Attention Getter + Involving the audience: Where do you have the most impressive and oldest monuments in the world? Where do you have the Valley of Kings and the Valley of Queens? The answer is the Ancient Egypt. More than five millions of people come yearly to visit those places. One of these Queens was said to be the most beautiful and powerful woman of her time. Establish credibility and goodwill: During my research and after watching a couple of documentaries. I've find out interesting facts and things I want to share with you a little about what Ive learned. Reveal the topic: Today I will show how Ancient Egypt was. Preview statement: Well learn his history, his culture, his religion and science in Ancient Egypt. Body I. The formation of Ancient Egypt

Signpost: The Ancient Egypt knew three big steps in his history; The first step A. The Old Kingdom took place between 26852200 b.C. This was a peaceful and prosperous period of time. This was a time of economic wealth

and political stability. At this time started mummifications and the building of pyramids. Political instability and drought caused the decline of the old empire. This was a period of anarchy which causes the loss of the pharaoh power. The second step B. A new dynasty of pharaohs was created in the city of Thebes in 2040 b.C. : its the Middle Kingdom After the anarchy Egypt knew a stable period with a stronger dynasty who took the control from Egypt to Nubia. Instead of the drought in the previous era the high floods of the Nile created another period of anarchy. A group of invader took the power during some years. The third step C. Egypt became a world power from 15701085 b.C. The capital was moved from It moved from Memphis to Thebes. Its the new empire. This was a stable time period, full of military expansion. The Valley of Kings was built during this time. Transition: Now that we know how to this great civilization was formed lets take a look at the culture and the religion


Culture Ancient Egypt

Preview Statement: We will look at first the main points of the culture I. The society was classified The Egyptians had a pyramid society consisting of eight levels. The first and highest level was held by the pharaoh. He was considered as a god. The second level was held by the vizier. He helped the pharaoh. The third level was composed by the relatives of the pharaoh. On the fourth level were local barons controlling small districts. The fifth level was held by the scribes, or the educated officials who kept written records and were responsible for most communications in the kingdom. The sixth level consisted of the priests. The seventh level consisted of craftsmen. The eighth and lowest level was held by the peasants and the poor who made up ninety percent of the population.


Living in Ancient Egypt Egyptian daily life revolved around their family and their religion. People use to live in a nuclear family. The structure was the same as in African society. The father was the head of the family and had to take care of the family while woman had to raise the children. However, the women in ancient Egyptian society had many more rights that woman in other ancient civilizations. Women could administrate their properties (lands, slaves, financial resources) by themselves. They could sue the husband for divorce or could go to court when they were raped.


Religion The Egyptians practiced polytheism. It means they believed in many gods. Their religion was based on service to these gods. They believed that everything was controlled by the gods the water, the sun, the earth even the afterlife which they believed in. Another aspect of their religion was the belief that animals were sacred and the Art was religious too. Thus, many gods were portrayed as animals or humans with animal characteristics. Internal Preview: Finally lets see how developed was the science in architecture mathematics and astronomy


Ancient Egypt was a great place for architecture, mathematics and astronomy Signpost: First lets take a look at A. The equation of the pyramids. The architecture of Egypt has produced some of the greatest works of art of all timestructures. It includes such famous structures as the pyramids, sphinxes, and temples. Nobody really knows for sure how the Egyptians used mathematical concepts in their architecture, but their culture is the oldest to have a set number base (based on '10') and to understand and write mathematical equations. The ancient Egyptians used symbols instead of numbers, and understood concepts and theories that were not universally known or accepted for centuries after the Egyptians used them to build the great pyramids. Signpost: In the second part well see

B. Some principles of algebra and geometry were used in Egypt first. From the detailed historical records, we know that over time the ancient Egyptians developed a body of abstract information. Historical investigations into the records and buildings of the Egyptians have established they developed and maintained a body of scientific information. These things the ancient Egyptians knew with certainty (in no particular order): how to manipulate rational numbers (to some extent) how to bisect an angle how to construct similar polygons of certain ratios how to find vertical and horizontal that a triangle with the sides 3:4:5 was a right triangle that the length of a year to be 365 days

Signpost: Finally lets take a look at

C. Astronomy and Ancient Egypt. Like the Native Americans, the Egyptians placed great importance on the sun. Their main god, Amon-Ra, was said to hold the power of the sun. However, the calendar that the Egyptians used originally was not a solar calendar. It was lunar, based on the phases of the moon. This calendar didn't always fit with the seasons, however, so every now and then, an extra month was added. How did they know when to add an extra month? They watched for the rising of Sirius.

Conclusion Signal the end of the speech: In closing weve seen how this great civilization was formed and what make it fascinating after all these year. Reinforce the central idea: Weve seen that there was three different era in the formation of the empire, how the people use to live and how important art and religion were connected and the achievements of the ancient Egyptians in science. Lead away: Ancient Egypt inspired many of the next empires and civilizations around the world and across the time

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