ancient egypt assessment

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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The Development of the Western World - EGYPT

Samir Loumachi

Diary of an Egyptian Slave

Day 1

After my few sightings of slavery as I entered the country I was caught and sent to work for the pharaohs. As soon as I was captured and sold all hope lay in my leader. His traditions for us varied and in some cases was unfair. I realised every morning I was to wake up before sun-rise. I am only just getting used to the pain from punishments from my beginner's mistakes. I am thinking a lot about trying to escape but the consequences.

Day 2

Waking up early seemed a lot easier and I am definitely getting used to this. So far I have had no food or drink and I hope our leader remembers as I cannot remind him or I will get whipped for my lack of patience. We went for a walk to the Rive Nile to harvest and after carrying buckets of water back tens of kilometres. But after we were able to take a drink from the River and have some vegetables from the crops, not really satisfying for my hunger but oh well.

Day 3

Today we had a sleep in but still had to wake up before sun rise. Immediately after waking up we went down to the open desert which was only ten minutes walk! We picked up some heavy stones and heaved them to the pyramids where another team of slaves would work, cutting the delivered stones. Today I think our job was a lot easier and we were able to sleep in today which made our day an easy one.

Day 4

There was a surprise this morning. Two slaves from our team fled the leader to escape the painful work put upon us. The leader was calling them shy cats that couldn’t handle man-work. Today our mission was to find them and return them to the leader for a cruel punishment. It was not easy as we all wanted them to be free but knew the leader would punish us if we weren’t doing our best to find him. We looked in caves and dark underground tunnels but still could not find them. The leader punished us all for not accomplishing anything!

Day 5

The leader realised if he kept making us looking for them we wouldn’t be having to do any work so he reported the matter to the pharaohs who then found other slaves. So we were sent to build some platforms on wheels to carry tools. I found this great as it would help us manage big loads of items and would last us a long time. We had to make around fifty of them and they had to be very solid and strong so that did make us end up staying up till long in the night. I did feel we worked together as a group to satisfy the leader and its good he got more than one slave.

Day 6

It was a harsh morning for us all. Firstly they tracked the escapees and gave them a big warning. The leader was ready to sell us. I was pleased he wasn’t going to keep using us. Then again I don’t see why he should make money from us. I am looking forward to see whether or not our new leader will be different and I am just glad today we didn’t have any physical work. We just had to follow our seller around until he found someone.

Day 7

We woke up the next morning in another mans house. I was surprised he didn’t get angry at me for sleeping in this time and he gave us a good breakfast. He also communicates with us a lot more which shows how lucky I am to be with a leader such as him. The only thing we must do is praise his gods which is not too bad. I hope the next week goes like this!

Egypt’s Contribution to the Western World


• The Invention of Paper made from a plant which grows along the bank of River Nile

• Black Ink, which was made from vegetable oil and bee wax.

• The Egyptian Civilisation Revolution the way agriculture was carried.

• The logic of time was invented by the Egyptians as they divided the day into morning and afternoon by using the sun clocks and water clock.

Contribution (continued)

• Our current Sun Calendar is made thanks to the Egyptian Civilisation.

• As the western world progressed most of the Architectural Ingenuity was invented by the building of the pyramids. It continues to the Louvre in Paris.

• As of today, some Mummies are still preserved because of the Ingenuity of the Egyptians. This is how a lot of Preservatives are based from in todays society

• The Egyptians developed many Herbal Remedies for Medical Purposes and these ancient herbs are still used in some of todays medicines.

• Transportation methods and Lifting Equipment as the Pharaohs used wheels and chains.

• Most of the new technology inventions are based on the science and architecture found in Ancient Egypt.

Contribution (continued)

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