ananda bosman - akasha somagenic and somajetics

Post on 16-Apr-2015






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ACCORDING to ancient Indian tradition the universe reveals itself in two fundamental properties: as motion, and as that in which motion takes place, namely space. This space is called âkâsha (Tib.: nam-mkhah) and is that through which things step into visible appearance, i.e., through which they possess extension or corporeality. As that which comprises all things, âkâsha corresponds to the three-dimensional space of our sense-perception, and in this it is called mahâkâsha. The nature of âkâsha, however, does not exhaust itself in this three-dimensionality; it comprises all possibilities ofmovement, not only the physical, but also the spiritual ones: it comprisesinfinite dimensions. ÂKÂSHA is derived from the root kâsh, ‘to radiate, to shine’, andhas therefore also the meaning of ‘ether’, which is conceived as the mediumof movement. The principle of movement, however, is prâna(Tib.: sugs), the breath of life, the all-powerful, all-pervadingrhythm of the universe, in which world-creations and world-destructionsfollow each other like inhalation and exhalation in the human body, andin which the course of suns and planets plays a similar role as the circulationof the blood and the currents of psychic energy in the human organism.All forces of the universe, like those of the human mind, from the highestconsciousness to the depths of the subconscious, are modifications of prâna.The word prâna can therefore not be equated with the physicalbreath, though breathing (prâna in the narrower sense) isone of the many functions in which this universal and primordial forcemanifests itself. THOUGH, in the highest sense, âkâsha and prâna cannot be separated, because they condition each other like ‘above’ and ‘below’, or ‘right’ and ‘left’, it is possible to observe and distinguish the preponderance of the one or other principle in the realm of practical experience. ALL that is formed and that has taken spatial appearance by possessing extension, reveals the nature of âkâsha. Therefore the four great elements (mahâbhûta; Tib.: hbyun-ba) or states of aggregation, namely the solid (‘earth’), the liquid (‘water’), the incandescent or heating (‘fire’) and the gaseous (‘air’), are conceived as modifications of âkâsha, the space-ether. ALL dynamic qualities, all that causes movement, change or transformation, reveal the nature of prâna. All bodily or psychic processes, all physical or spiritual forces, from the functions of breathing, of the circulation of blood and of the nervous system, to those of consciousness, of mental activities and all higher spiritual functions are modifications of prâna. IN its grossest form âkâsha presents itself as matter; in its subtlest forms it merges imperceptibly into the realm of dynamic forces. The state of aggregation, for instance, which we call ‘fire’ or the state of incandescence, is material as well as energetic. Prâna, on the other hand, appears in such bodily functions as breathing, digestion,etc., and is the cause of physical and psychic heat (Tib.: gtum-mo). IF this were not so, the interaction of body and mind, of spiritual and material forces, of matter and consciousness, sense-organs and sense-objects, etc., would be impossible. It is precisely this interaction of which the yogin (irrespective whether he is Buddhist or Hindu) makes use, and upon which the technique of meditation is built. Excerptfrom Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism byLama Anagarika Govinda

WHAT ARE SOMAGENICSSOMAGENICS: Soma Neuro-molecules produced by ones own Gendre, from ones own Genes and Metabolic Genesis. Usually produced by the Pineal Gland from one of the 8 essential amino acids: Tryptophan.

WHAT DO THEY DO These neuro-hormones, are involved in: Producing our dreams and lucid dreams, and inducing REM, Rapid Eye Movement. Our visionary and creative brain states, Transfering daily expereince to ancestrial memory, into the archives of the de-nucleated DNA. Near Death Experiences, for neuro-protection and transfering ancestrial memory to the conscious mind in emergency situations. Some are essential in body health, and switching on the other neuro-hormones and hormones systems for our endocrine glands. Some are anti-oxidents. Pinoline is the body's greatest anti-oxident, appart from inducing REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, and hence dreams. Pinoline is also: Neuro-protective against stroke, and radiation, Is the body's tool against addiction, As well as it stopping leukemia from spreading by 98% and reducing it by 36%.

To give a very brief overview of the highest priority importance of these molecules of consciousness (much more in the Somajetic section). These are the hormones of superconsciousness. The infamous 3rd Eye produces them. These are the 3rd Eye's "Akashon's". They are the keys to all of the major glands, and coordinating the 7 nervous energy plexi, of the nervous system, the 7 eastern "chakra's" whose vorticity facilitates our 7 major endocrine glands. INTERACTIVE NANO TECHNOLOGY & DNA TOOLS They are a potential Nano-Technology, since they are in the nano-metre dimension, and can be coordianted by sound and consciousn coherence bio-feedback. With their capability to intercalate with the DNA and RNA code of life,they enable genetic corrections and interactive DNA programming and rejuvination. This we call Somagenesis. Hence, here lies awaiting a new frontier of medecine caled Somagenic Medecine, which does not require computers to coordinate these nano-molecules, with a potential to programme the DNA. As is already the case today, albeit unconsciously. The Somagenics include: Melatonin: N-Acetyle-5-Methoxy-Tryptamine, or N-Acetyl-Serotonin. Induces Mitosis, or cell devision. Pinoline: About 212 electrons in weight, it is a tri-cyclic indole nucleus with 3 attached rings, a pyrido, 3,4-indole, known as the beta carboline base) it is: 6-Methoxy-tetra-hyrdo-beta-carboline 6-MeO-THBC. With C13 H12 N2 O. Induces mitosis, or cell replication, and intercalates with the DNA in a superior and significant manner. DMT: Is an indole tryptamine made from Tryptamine and Serotonine by several enzyme metabolisations. It has 188 electrons, and is known as: N,N, Dimethyltryptamine, N,N,DMT, more technically as 3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-indole, with C12 H16 N2. It intercalates with the messenger RNA. 5-MeO-DMT: 5-Methoxy-Dimethyltryptamine. It has 218 electrons in its molecular weight, it converts to Pinoline, and it is structured as C13 H18 N2 O. It intercalates with the messenger RNA. All of the above are mainly exclusive to the Pineal gland. Pinoline beats at the all significant 8 cycles per second, the alpha range, where both brain hemi-spheres "superconnect". Melatonin and Pinoline work on the DNA, inducing an 8 Hz signal to enable metosis and DNA replication. A form of body temperature superconductivity is evident in this process. DMT and 5-Me0-DMT are active on the messenger RNA. Together with the body's own Mono-Atomic elements, recently discovered (the body's own exotic matter, with bizzare laws which enable life), an alchemical technology for potential genetic perfection of the human being, and greater activation of the 90% unassigned Neo-Cortex.

SOMAJETICSSOMAJETICS: Soma Molecules in natures garden, that mirror the Pineal gland's Somagenics, and like Thermojetics like Ephedra, enable the same fat burning actions as the body's nore-ephedrine, so Soma-Jetics enable our Somagenics to activate and enable the same Somagenesis.These are an absolute distinct form of molecule from enthno-botanical Entheogens which contain pschoactive molecules NOT produced by the brain. Somajetics follow the Hermetic Axiom: "As within so without."Instead of becoming addicted, they awaken the brains own capacity to synthesise the Somagenics, and in the meantime, enhance the brain's efficiencey as the latest scientifica studies have shown.Somajetics like Harmine and exogenous Pinoline are also anti-parasitical, anti-microbial, anti-fungial, and their alkaline nature, draws toxins out of the organs, with their 8 Hz beat, and enable these to be eliminiated. They anesthize parasites and worms, and enable mitosis.In addition to the Somagenics listed before, Somajetics also include the Pinoline relative:Harmaline,Harmine,I personally feel, along with numerous of my coleagues, that the Somajetic equation should be made as a distinction to entheogens that cannot be produced by any organ of the body. And that this distinction can aid in the scientific and public understanding of the importance of these molecules.With Somagenics engendered somatically in the brain, and the Somajetics like thermojetics, engaging the same changes. And Somajetics activate Somagenics.I have to very often point out to the more new age in my audiences, that "People always speak about opening the third eye. This is it. These are the actual third eye crystals, the door openers to the Akashic records and the Spirit. Here are the actual agents that can make that practically real. The question is: Do you dare to Open the Third Eye and really see. These are the molcules that


affect the mechanisms on all of the other organs through the Pituitry and Thyroid gland. They are the crown of the bodies crystals that regulate and switch on all of the other chakra's."The anti-aging, anti-leukemia, anti-depression, anti-fungoidal, anti-parasite, anti-microbal, and anti-oxident nature of the beta-carbolines are another such absolutly objective criteria of facts, which are used as a tool to affect public awareness.NOTE: This was an older chapter of the book SOMANETICS, an astounding book on alchemy, enthobotany, and the Pineal Gland. The main content are the medical sumaries at the later part of this book, including quaotes on Soma (Pegunam Harmala, or Syrian Rue), in healing Leukemia, dermatosis, and other diseases, as well as fungi, parasites, and micro-bacteria's et al. A cure for leukemia has been found.--Ananda, February 2000

PINEAL POWERTHE MIRACLE CURES OF THE THIRD EYE:New Science Paradigms For Somagenic & Somajetic Medicine

Copyright © 1999 by Ananda ®, all rights reserved. Duplication of contents prohibited, except by written permission. Protected by international copyright laws. Feel free to make a link The human Pineal gland not only produces the remarkable neuro-hormone Melatonin, itself one of the body's most potent anti-oxidents, but the revolutionary Pinoline, which is the name for 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC for short. As well as other beta carbolines which have miraculous powers.The most ancient used plant in global folk medecine that has these components itself, is the infamous Soma plant, the original Rue, called Assyrian Rue, or latin Pegunam Harmala. It has been widely used in the Ayurvedi medecine of the Rg Veda, as the Soma plant, and mixed with gold and metorite and special elements.It is the infamous plant of life of the great Zoroaster (Zurathustra), where it was called Haoma, in the Avesta Veda, and was given to him by the "god" Masda, the Wise God of Light, just as Soma was given by Brahma-Manu in the Rg Veda. Since Zoroaster is in the line of ancesters of Gilgamesh known in the actual Sumerian Kings list as King Etana or Atun, who saught the bush of life, the very ancient plant of life may here have been partially identified. And with the modern discoveries now of the importance of beta carbolines, in elimenating disease causing organisms, much of this is coming into the light of a form of science confirmation. Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 8 cycles per second, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured by Dr. Puharich in the late 1970s to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers, regardles of belief or faith. This very point makes the plant even more significant.It was the most sacred plant of Mohamad, who took the Esphand (Arabic/Persian name for the plant) before receiving the Koran from "God", it is so sacred that 7 angels are placed above its branches. The Holy Esphand castes out the evil spirits, and cures feavour and maleria, in their traditions.In the Petra mystery rites and schools of alchemy, the plant was central in their beverage of illumination and restoration, which again was mixed with gold and other alchemical bu-products, as with Zoroaster, who was also known as Chem the original Alchemist and CHEMist.Through the grand son of Zoroaster, Nimrod or King En.Meru.dug, who founded the Egyptian 2nd ynasty, that this plant of life became central in the Mysteries and healing schools of ancient Egypt.It was the plant that the Egyptain Essenes (the original Essen headquarters being in Heliopolis of Anu/An/On, even to this day), who named themselves after the plant. The Plant was the burning bush of Moses, and it was called Asena, the name of the Essene Therapeutate in Egypt, it was also the acrynom of the gods Set Isis Osiris and Nephtys (in this Greek form acrynom is SION, from whence comes a coruption ZION), who in the Egyptian language were called Aset (Isis) Sutekh (Set) Nebtet (Nephty's) and Auser (Osiris), acynom is ASNA, the name of the Essenes and the Bush of Life itself was caled Asena, the female form of the One God ATON, from whence comes the greek godess Athena.In fact the Essence that was made from the Assena Bush mixed with gold bi-priducts, is where we get the word Essence from, and the German word for to eat Essene.The Assena healers made a Bread of Light from it. Their laboritories hve been unearthed on the Sinai Pennisula, at its highest and greatest mountain, Mt Serabit, near Serabit El Khadim.In 1903, Sir Williams Flinders Petrie, unearther this ancient temple, which was full of alchemical ifonography from the time of the 3rd Dynasty, and the 12th dynasty, with significant activity of the 18th dynasty, the gret dynasty that gave rise to Tutankamun, Akenaton, Tuthmosis 3, Amenhotep 3, and Queen Hatshepsut, as well as the time that Josephk the son of Jacob, was the Vizier of Egypt, known as Yuya.


In this temple complex, were found 50 tons of white powder, which is now known to be exotic matter, composed of mon-atomic platinum group elements, extracted from gold, meteors, and some mineral element rich soil of the nile, from Abydos. An alchemical cruciple was unearthed, and it was shown that this was one of the incgredients of the Bread Of Light, the other was the Assena Bush and the Accacia tree.Interestingly enough, the local beduines of the area, have an anient lineage of shamans, who still today make the bread of light, from Asena/Haoma bush, Akacia tree, and meteorite, and give it the same shape, as the Eucharist of the Egyptians, a circle with a hole in, the eye of Ra.Later the Christian Gnostics of Abydos, Egypt, called the Soma plant Besa, after the dwarf god of transformation and life, called Bes, who was asscoaited with the god of alchemy, Ptah.The same plant is carried into the essene traditions, righ upto the time of christ. The Essenes raised Christ. The use of the Bush become symbolikc in the later church, where upto 200 years ago the holy water was sprinkled onto the people with branches of the Ruta Bush.Never-the-less Leonardo Da Vinci and Michael Angelo, knowing the deeper use of this traditional plant of awakening, used it prufely to increase their visionary talents in their art work, as Da Vinci himself openly admited, it was miracle smart nutrient for him.Naturaly it featureed centrally in the alchemical traditions. It was the Rue of alchemy, essential to be added to potable gold and acacia gum, an example of which was printed in the 1425 by Samual Hill Norton, In the Alchmeical Key.The ancient Etruscians of Italy used the plant along with a sacred grass called Phallaris Arundenacia, for thier visionary abilities and for medecine. And in ancient Greece, it was a plant associated to Hermes, for restoration, and has been used in folk medecine to ward of the evil eye, even to this day.This ancient list, amidst a much larger list, of ancient cultural indigenous use of such a plant is impressive, but what science is actually behind this.In the last few years leaps and bounds have been made in the analysis of the Pinoline and Harmine (a related beta carboline with a 7 methoxy postion rather than a 6 methoxy position), in it s affect on the body. Here follow some examples. It was found that:PINOLINE AT SAME LEVEL AS MELATONIN IN THE EYE RETINAThe presence of two 5-methoxyindoles, 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4- tetrahydro-beta-carboline (6-MeO- THBC ) and melatonin was demonstrated in human retinae using a highly specific gas chromatographic mass spectrometric method from eyes affected with various ocular diseases. Both compounds were found to occur in similar quantities. 6-MeO- THBC is a newly- identified endogenously-occurring retinal compound possibly acting as a neuromodulator. -Dr. M. Leino: 6-Methoxy-tetrahydro-beta-carboline and melatonin in the human retina.: Exp Eye Res: 38:3:325-30 (1984)BETA CARBOLINES AS ANTI-OXIDENTSA series of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carbolines has been synthesized and evaluated for cerebral protecting effects against lipid peroxidation and potassium cyanide intoxication in mice. Most of the compounds synthesized had potent effects against lipid peroxidation. Among them, 1- (3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta- carboline (22) was found to have a combination of potent effects against both lipid peroxidation and potassium cyanide intoxication.Kawashima Y; Horiguchi A; Taguchi M; Tuyuki Y; Karasawa Y; Araki H; Hatayama K: Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline derivatives.: Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo): 43:5:783-7 (1995)PINOLINE ANTI-ADDICTIVEMelatonin's active metabolite Pinoline is oneirogenic. Not only have such beta carbolines been shown to have, via the NMDA receptor, an anti-addictive effect against opiates and stimulants such as cocaine. Additional REM in the morning for people who are REM-deprived may bring about a 25% rise in serotonin uptake.-Dr. J. C. Callaway, Mechanism For Visions of Dream Sleep. Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University Of Koupio, FinlandPINOLINE FOR PARKINSONS + ALZHEIMERS DISEASEThe progression of several neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease has recently been shown to involve free radical damage. It is therefore of great importance to find agents that will effectively protect brain tissue against oxidative damage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the free radical scavenging properties of pinoline.The results found in this study suggest that both melatonin and pinoline are valuable as potential free radical scavengers in brain tissue.Both pinoline and melatonin were found to inhibit lipid peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner.


Frederiksen T; Pless G: Antioxidantive potential of melatonin and pinoline in lipid peroxidation of brain tissue: Master's thesis: 1-52, App. (1998)PINOLINE CURES DERMATOSIS IS ANTI-FUNGAL & ANTI BACTERIALThe extract of Peganum harmala (Rutaceae) was used topically to treat certain dermatoses of inflammatory nature. Results were encouraging and proved the antibacterial, antifungal, antipruritic and probably antiprotozoal effects of the extract. -Peganum harmala: its use in certain dermatoses. El-Saad El-Rifaie MBy extension, since the Amazonian Banisteriopsis Caapi tree also contains harmine and harmalaine, like the Soma Bsuh, but does NOT contain Pinoline, it will doubtless have some of the above curative elements too. And this is born out by the experience of 30,000 years of shamanistic medecinal use, and recent anti-addiction programmes in Brazil, as well.Now it is a well known fact in science that Melatonin induces metosis. Melatonin does this, by sending a small electrical signal up the double helix of the DNA, which instigates an 8 HZ proton signal that enables the hydrogen bonds to the stair steps, to zip open, and the DNA can replicate.This is astonunding unto itself. Melatonin is exclussively made in the Pineal Galnd, comprised of the same Tryptophane base materials as Pinoline, in fact Pinoline is made in two steps from Melatonin, but the pineal gland uses another pathway to produce Pinoline as well, in about equal quantities to Melatonin. Since Melatonin we only produce in sufficient quantitites in darkness whilst we sleep, darkness is essential for our body to reproduce.But what is of prime imporetance here, is that my colleague Dr. Dieter Brauer's, in a study done for Deutch Telecom, was able to demonstrate that 8 Hz goes first to the pineal gland, before any other region in the brain. And it is here that Melatonin and Pinoline is made, which instigate themselves, the DNA to replicate by an 8 Hz signal.What is almost unknown, is the pinoline is far superior to Melatonin in aiding DNA replication. It could also be involved in genetic programming and corrections of DNA damage, a model we have illustred in equisit detail in our book The Unity Keys of Emmanuel Chapter 49.Recent tests have now furthermore demonstrated Pinoline's and the Harmine beta carboline of the Assena Bush, to have remarkable mitosis increasing powers, in the following test:EFFECT OF PEGANUM HARMALA EXTRACT ON ROOT TIPS OF ALLIUM CEPATreatment with Peganum harmala extract remarkably increased the mitotic index in Allium cepa root tips with increasing treatment duration at all exposure times used andwith almost all concentrations. The extract caused a relatively high increase in the mitotic index after a long period of treatment with some low concentrations. Dr. SM Abderrahman, Department of Biological Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.Cytobios 1997;90(362-363):171-4 Here now follow further remarkable anti-parasitical and anti-microbial tests on animals, which demonstrate the curative power of Soma. Since these living organisms, are a prime contributer, if not instigator of immiune break down and disease's in general, now well popularised by Dr. Hulda Clark et al, and pioneering by the late scientists Dr. William Rife, and his Rife frequency generator, to eliminate parasites and bacterieas. It appears that Pinoline and the beta carbolines act like a Rie generator produced by the body itself, and in the plant resonating with the body. Since 8 Hz gathers all wave lengths, long and short , into a Golden Mean alignment, or frequency cascade, that includes the entire spectrum, when maintianed for any length of time, and hence eliminates the MHZ range bacterias and parasites, coherently, whilst bridging it to the * hz pulse of the planet and universe. This is much more natural and interactive medecine, that requires conscious participation.Look at these astounding cases for the evidence of the Third Eye's own nano molecul Rife generator, that is interactive with * Hz Alpha Brain Waves, induced by cardio rythms of coherence (compassionate love):Trop Anim Health Prod 1997 Nov;29(4 Suppl):72S-76S OBSERVATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF NATURAL HAEMOSPORIDIA INFECTIONS BY TOTAL ALKALOID OF PEGANUM HARMALA L. IN CATTLE.Eighty two cattle naturally infected with haemosporidians were treated with total alkaloid hydrochloride of Peganum harmale L. (0.5 mg/kg/day). Fifty eight cases with Theileria sergenti showed a cure rate of 86%; thirteen cases with Theileria annulata showed a cure rate of 85%; eight cattle infected with Babesia bigemina showed a cure rate of 88% and three cases of Anaplasma marginale were completely cured. The results suggested that the curative effect of total alkaloid of P. harmale was better than that of diminazene aceturate and produced minimal side effects. The alkaloid could also be administered to pregnant animals. It was concluded that the total alkaloid of P. harmale showed a marked effect as a treatment for haemosporidican infections in cattle.


-Hu T, Fan B, Liang J, Zhao S, Dang P, Gao F, Dong M, Institute of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China. PMID: 9512749, UI: 98173905EFFECT OF TOTAL ALKALOID OF PEGANUM HARMALA L. IN THE TREATMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL HAEMOSPORIDIAN INFECTIONS IN CATTLE. Cattle experimentally infected with Babesia bigemina or Theileria sergenti or mixed infestations of the two parasites were treated with Total Alkaloid of Peganum harmala L.The results showed that treatment was effective against B. bigemina infection, had a marked effect on the course of infection with T. sergenti and some effect on the courseof the mixed infection. -Fan B, Liang J, Men J, Gao F, Li G, Zhao S, Hu T, Dang P, Zhang L. Institute of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China. Trop Anim Health Prod 1997 Nov;29(4 Suppl):77S-83S Anti-microbial properties were also demonstrated in the paper :ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS FROM HIGHER PLANTS. ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS FROM PEGANUM HARMALA SEEDS.-Al-Shamma A, Drake S, Flynn DL, Mitscher LA, Park YH, Rao GS, Simpson A, Swayze JK, Veysoglu T, Wu STWith what follows, the alchemical tradition which asserted that the Rue was a neutraliser of snake poisen, can be confirmed. Rue,s beta carbolines demonstrate neutrality against poisen. It was upheald for a long time, in the alchemical traditions, that Christ was given Gal or snake poisen, which is also mentioned in the Nag Hammadi Gnostic gospells, found in Egypt. And that the vinagger he received on the cross, before "giving up his Spirit", was the Vinagger of the Four Theifs, famous in ALchemy, and named after Christ, whose central ingedrient is Pegunam Harmala. It was also the major treatment and protections against the plague, with the above points, and wha now follows, this anti-plague protection and snake poisen neutralisation properties of the Soma plant (Soma = body, Christ body is Soma in Greek, "eat my body"), are even more astounding. Perhaps all of these elements may aid to explain my the early Gnostic based art, had the apostles throwing our demons from people, after giving them something to drink, and they are shown vomiting out the demons (parasites), just as larger doses of Harmala induce, when one's stomach in invested with toxins, and micro-invaders. Such an plant could be seen as an exorcists par se, and it was precisely used as such, and is to this day, in the Koran Islamic traditions.It clearly appears to be usefull in a number of diverse chronic poisening forms, appart from the fact that it aids one to induce vomiting, having with poisening the does should be maintined low:SYNTHESIS AND PHARMACOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF 1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-BETA-CARBOLINE DERIVATIVES.:A series of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carbolines has been synthesized and evaluated for cerebral protecting effects against lipid peroxidation and potassium cyanide intoxication in mice. Most of the compounds synthesized had potent effects against lipid peroxidation. Among them, 1- (3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta- carboline (22) was found to have a combination of potent effects against both lipid peroxidation and potassium cyanide intoxication. Structure-activity relationships are discussed. -Kawashima Y; Horiguchi A; Taguchi M; Tuyuki Y; Karasawa Y; Araki H; Hatayama K: A-4627. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo): 43:5:783-7 (1995)Furthermore, the Soma Harmal plant, also was found to contain very important flavinoids for health and healing:FOUR FLAVONOID GLYCOSIDES FROM PEGANUM HARMALAThe aerial parts of Peganum harmala yielded four new flavonoids: acacetin 7-O-rhamnoside,7-O-[6"-O-glucosyl-2"-O-(3'''-acetylrhamnosyl)glucoside and 7-O-(2'''-O-rhamnosyl-2"-O-glucosylglucoside), and the glycoflavone 2'''-O-rhamnosyl-2"-O-glucosylcytisoside.-Sharaf M, el-Ansari MA, Matlin SA, Saleh NA, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt. PMID: 9014375, UI: 97166655 Not only does Harmine and Pinoline instigate all of the above, but it is the perfect anit-depresent, without the dangerous side affects of Prozac and other serotonine based drugs. Hence, healthy pineal gland activity, by practise of Apha wave entrainment, at 8 Hz, instigated by superlearning techniques, Sylva Mind Method, Mental Photography, Einstein Focusing Technique and its expanded daughter field Image Streaming, along with mediation and Taoist martial arts such as Tai Chi and Chi Kung, and coherent emotion and breath patterns, aid in pineal gland Pinoline turn-over."Meditation" is simply an alpha brain wave entrainment technique, which synchronises the two brain heme-spheres into 8 Hz, but the additional afect is that the closing of the eyes, stops Melatonin flow leakage to the body, and makes it saturate the neo-cortex, and hence there is an


increased production of Meltaonin and Pinoline. Note that this does not stop flow to the body, but instigates flow to the brain.This gives an extra impetous to Meditation, several times a day, as an essential health excercise, appart from an energiser, a coffee of its own, and an aidive tool for mental integration of daily duties. The extra Pinoline and other beta carboline levels that results, aid the body cells to replicate, and micro-organisms, parasites, fungoids, and bacteria's, and related harmfull invaders, to be neutralised. Appart from the extra melatonin and Pinoline giving the beneficent anti-oxident properties to the body. The most superior anti-oxidents the body can produce. So this is not only a rest break, an excercise sesion, and integration session, an energiser, and a body tuner, it is also a vitamine break, since most vitamins like C, A and E, act as anti-oxidents. Furthermore, it is an anti-depressent, increasing Serotonin (5-HT) tunrover, and recycling other essential neurotransmitters. Hence an ecological green agent in the brain and body, aiding the recycling of essential neurotranmitter hormones:BINDING OF PINOLINE ON THE 5-HYDROXYTRYPTAMINE TRANSPORTER: COMPETITIVE INTERACTION WITH [3H] CITALOPRAMPinoline (6-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline) is a naturally occurring compound in the mammalian body which inhibits 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) uptake and exerts antidepressant-like behavioural effects in rats. The present study investigates the effects of pinoline on [3H] citalopram binding to the 5-HT transporter on rat brain. Our experiments revealed that pinoline inhibits [3H] citalopram binding with IC50 1255 +/- 167 nM and Ki 572 +/- 76 nM; Hill coefficient for inhibition was close to 1. In saturation experiments, pinoline co-incubated with [3H] citalopram, increased dose-dependently the Kd value but had no effect on the Bmax value of [3H] citalopram binding. Micromolar concentrations of pinoline did not have influence on the dissociation rate of specifically bound [3H] citalopram. Binding parameters of [3H] citalopram did not differ significantly in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats treated for 10 days with pinoline or vehicle. These results indicate that pinoline did not have any modulative influence on the activity of 5-HT transporter and it interacts competitively with citalopram on the substrate recognition site of the 5-HT transporter. -Pähkla R; Rägo L; Callaway JJ; Airaksinen MM: A-4626. Pharmacol Toxicol: 80:3:122-6 (1997)Another test result demonstrated similar affects on Serotonin 5-hydroxy-Tryptamine (5-HT), as further evidence of its anti-depresent properties:MAJOR PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF 6-METHOXYTETRAHYDRO-BETA- CARBOLINE, A DRUG ELEVATING THE TISSUE 5-HYDROXYTRYPTAMINE LEVEL.Major pharmacological effects of 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4- tetrahydro-beta-carboline (6-methoxytryptoline, 6-MeOTHBC) are described. It seemed to have a weak effect of its own on 5-HT-receptors. It is concluded that most of the effects, like the increase of rectal temperature after peripheral administration and decrease and then increase after intrahypothalamic application as well as the antagonism of the group toxicity of amphetamine without effect on norepinephrine toxicity or barbiturate sleeping time, can result from the increase of tissue 5-HT-concentration and/or inhibition of 5-HT-uptake. -Airaksinen MM; Ho BT; An R; Taylor D: A-4634. Arzneimittelforschung: 28:1:42-6 (1978)Pinoline and Harmine as well as other beta carbolines, inhibit the Mono Amine Oxidase enzyme. In a process called oxidative deamination, MAO converts as much as 80 percent of the body's serotonin into a physiologically inactive metabolite. As serotonin binds to the enzyme's active sites MAO removes the amine function and renders the molecule harmless and ineffective. A small oral dose of 22-52 milligrams, will temporarily prevents physiologically active amines, like serotonin, from binding to the active site of the MAO molecule and undergoing deamination. This continues for three to six hours, where the harmala alkaloids interfere with the function of MAO before their action is reversed and MAO activity restored.Hence, inhibiting MAO, softly, means that there is a much larger turnover of serotonin which renders a major anti-depresent affect, as Saint Johns Wort has shown on winter depression studies. But underlying this, is not just depresion caused by the light, but by lack of darkness. It appears that Pinoline plays an even more important role on depression, and it is produced only in suficient quanitites in darkness.What the above and now following studies are showing is that it is lack of Pinoline that disturbs our circadian rhythms and renders depression. It thus will turn into one of the most important neurotramitters of the future, as we have been publically stating for 7 years (since 1992).


POSSIBLE ENDOCRINE ROLE OF THE PINEAL GLAND FOR 6- METHOXYTETRAHYDRO-BETA-CARBOLINE, A PUTATIVE ENDOGENOUS NEUROMODULATOR OF THE:3H:IMIPRAMINE RECOGNITION SITEThe association of the pineal gland with circadian rhythms, and the growing evidence for a disruption or phase alteration of circadian rhythyms in depression make it tempting to speculate that 6-methoxy-THBC could play an important role in the pathophysiology of depression. -Langer SZ; Lee CR; Segonzac A; Tateishi T; Esnaud H; Schoemaker H; Winblad B: A-4630. Eur J Pharmacol: 102:2:379-80 (1984)One centrally significant factor to Pinoline, is that it boosts the immune system by at least 2.6 fold, as the following animal studies demonstrate. However, this was with a high dose, some 800-900mg, depending on ones weight, and hence some 5-6 teaspoons of Soma. Please be sure to read our cautions on high doses, and be aware of the inense affects that can result for 4 hours.Of prime importance to these molecules, is that they boost the immune system some 2.6 fold, which is not without significance. However, do note that this was at high dose levels, in a human some 800-900mg depending on body weight, and that is some 5-7 teaspoons. Please read our cuationary notes on high doses, what to avoid in food and medecine, and what to do, as well as be aware of what to expect from such a powerful experience, that can last 4-6 hours, and be VERY intense.6-METHOXY-TETRAHYDRO-BETA-CARBOLINE (PINOLINE): EFFECTS ON PLASMA RENIN ACTIVITY AND ALDOSTERONE, TSH, LH AND BETA- ENDORPHIN LEVELS IN RATS.Plasma renin activity and the plasma concentrations of aldosterone, TSH, LH and beta-endorphin were radioimmunologically determined in rats after ip administration of 15 mg/kg of 6-methoxy-tetrahydro-beta- carboline (6-MeO-THBC, pinoline), a compound found to occur normally in mammalian and avian pineal gland. A 2.6-fold increase of plasma aldosterone concentration was found and it was preceded by increase of plasma renin activity. An increase was also found in beta-endorphin/beta-lipotrophin concentration. The effects of 6-MeO-THBC on plasma beta-endorphin/beta- lipotrophin levels may be mediated by the dopaminergic or 5- HT-neurones. -Airaksinen MM; Sainio EL; Leppaluoto J; Kari I: A-4628. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh): 107:4:525-30 (1984)Pinoline has been conclussively demonstrated to have NO function in schizenphrenia, test subjects healthy and otherwise, had the same levels of Pinoline:PINOLINE, A BETA-CARBOLINE DERIVATIVE IN THE SERUM AND CEREBROSPINAL FLUID OF PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIABaseline levels of pinoline, 6-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- beta-carboline (6-MeOTHBC) in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were determined with GLC-mass spectrometry in 13 unmedicated schizophrenic patients and 18 non-psychiatric controls. A detectable concentration of 6-MeOTHBC was always present, but no differences were found between the schizophrenic and the control groups.The serum and the CSF levels of 6-MeOTHBC were not significantly related to such variables as sex, age, subtype of schizophrenia, the quality and/or intensity of the psychopathological symptoms, or the duration of illness. The role of the indoleamines in the aetiopathogenesis of schizophrenia is discussed. -Rimon R; Airaksinen MM; Kari I; Gynther J; Ven:al:ainen E; Heikkil:a L; Ryypp:o J; Palo J: A-4629. Ann Clin Res: 16:3:171-5 (1984)As the the posr-modern elixir of life extension are presently the hormone precursors of DHEA (DiHydroEpiAndroSterone) and Pregnelenone, which may extend human life span to 120 years if kept at a conciurrent level, it becomes significant a fact that both Pinoline and related beta carbolines are not only produced in the brain, but in the adrenal glands themselves, where these hormones undergo their transformation to the hormones of life.It was demonstrated by the HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek, Colorado, that minutes of compassion in the cardio-rhythm, which induces 8 Hz in the brain, braught DHEA levels up to youthful levels. In other words 20 minutes of compassionate love, through meditative breathing, and whole body 8 Hz Phase Conjugation (Vortexijah Technique), is the ultimate hormone precursor anti-aging pill.Not only does the pineal gland produce more Melatonin and Pinoline, which instigate 8 Hz ELF waves throughout the body, but these neurohormones switch on our pituitry glands, which thus releases the life hormone Somatropin, which in turn goes to the adrenal glands and instigates cholesterol to convert to Pregnelenone, and Pregnelenone into DHEA.For Pinoline and its related beta carbolines to have also been found in significant quantities there, is no small finding, since Pinoline instigates cell division, and actually has the ability to loose its


electrical resistence, when it binds to DNA, du to its flat nature, where it shares electrons with the DNA base pairs.Hereby, resonating with the in-vivo superconducting core of DNA, first pointing to in the March 1965, issue of the Scientific American, pp-27. It is at such a moment of superconductivity, that the superior 8 Hz is instigated, and that bio photons of infra red emerge from the DNA core, hving fluctuated from the vacuum. Or in other words, having been made from nothing. We eat foods to extract the infra red they have photosynthesised or assimulated from the sun. Infra red is life to us, and at this level, the bio-photons switch on our life functions.Hence Pinoline actually can make the supercondujctive elements within our body, the mono-atmonic minerals, useful to our biology, by acting as a biological door, or bio-crystal bridge, which can momentarily superconduct, and transmit that high spin state that it anticipates, into biological availability, as 8 Hz, and bio-photons of life.Here we find Pinoline sitting right at the place where the post-modern elexier of life is produced, as it resonates to 8 Hz, the question that must be investigated, how significant and essential a role, does Pinoline play in the adrenalagenic system, in the metabolism for the living crystals of live, oiur hormones and neuradrenaline.Furthermore, nore-adrenaline plays a significant role in the Pineal gland, when there is sufficient Pinoline saturation in the brain. It releases a serotonin sight, to enable another serotonin site on the pineal gland to produce the all powerful, and outmost visionary Dimethyltryhptamine, neurotransmitter, the most potent transmitter and well known transmitter to the inter nervous system (it is so well known to the brain that it is metabolised within 30 seconds, unlike any other transmitter). This molecule, dubbed by Dr. Strassman as the "Spirit Molecule", was detected by Dr. James Callaway in the spinal serum of people who were dying, or were having an "Out of body experience (OOBE)", or who were lucid dreaming. It is Pinoline that enables the threshold levels of DMT to become acive in the brain, but it requires an adrenaline burst.Perhaps Pinolines position in the adrenals is also related to this bio-funciton, which has been almost all but obscure to western science so far, but appears to be opening a door, to higher brain cortical fuinctioning. DMT with Pinoline increases brain activation,a nd with its cousin the 5-Methoxy-DMT, has been shown to activate the brain by as much as 40%, compared to our 10% maximum potential at present. The higher brain states are quite intense, and frightening or live changing to most. It is as if we are in a baby brain state, and are about to come to terms with the genuine adult brain. A function which we once used consciously, rather than unconsciously in our dreams and lucid dreams, and visionary bursts.IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF 1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO- BETA-CARBOLINE, 2-METHYL-1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-BETA-CARBOLINE, AND 6-METHOXY-1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-BETA-CARBOLINE AS IN VIVO CONSTITUENTS OF RAT BRAIN AND ADRENAL GLAND.The identification and quantification of three 1,2,3,4 tetrahydro-beta-carbolines as normal constitutents of rat brain and adrenal gland, using combined gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric techniques, are reported. Qualitative analyses of these tissues led to the identification of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline (THBC), 2-methyl-THBC (2-MTHBC) and 6-methoxy-THBC (6- MeOTHBC), as determined by observed peak retention times, mass fragments, and ion mass ratios. Quantitative analyses, using deuterated internal standards, gave the following results: THBC (ng/g wet wt) in brain = 7.5 ± 4.86, adrenal = 500.3 ± 163. 6-MeOTHBC (ng/g wet wt) in brain = 35,6 ± 16.6, adrenal = 1113.7 ± 300. Mechanisms for the formation of these beta-carbolines as well as their possible function in vivo are discussed. -Barker SA; Harrison RE; Monti JA; Brown GB; Christian ST: A-4632. Biochem Pharmacol: 30:1:9-17 (1981)Even more astounding, is the fact that Pinoline/Harmine actually protects the brain against gamma radiation.Since the early 1990's there have been a series of bizare Gamma rays bursts regularly bombarding our plantetary atmosphere. And since 1994, these have remains regular. Amidst these have been a series of anomolous cosmic rays with the strongest power ever observed for these highest energy level rays. These ultra high order cosmic rays at more energy then the maximum posible to generate them in the old universal model. Which lead, in Janurary 1999, to the introduction o the multiverse theory, that we are not one universe but a multiverse of universes. Something we were publically stating for many years before, as the New Universe model. These cosmic rays are excitting for coherent phase conjugated life (8 Hz), but for the rest it has lead to drastic mutations and to a massive increase in fibrosis in humans, the mutation of gene 7.Cosmic rays convert into gamma rays. With a healthy pineal gland, maintained by proper darkness, and coherent heart rhythms (compassionate love), and mediation and superlearning life


management in alpha brain rhythms (8 Hz), we then not only have an anti-oxident, but a protecter from gamma radiation, at the active Soma dose level of around 500mg, or 2 full teaspoons:RADIOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF GAMMA-HARMINE AND ITS CARBOLINE ANALOGUESGamma-Harmine (I), harmine (II) and harmaline (III) were isolated from Peganum harmala L. (Zygophylaceae). Tests were conducted with mice to detect whether gamma-harmine (a new compound), harmine, harmol (IV) and harmalol (V) are effective radioprotective compounds against gamma-ray irradiation. Intraperitoneal injection of the hydrochlorides of the four alkaloids 50-80 X 1 in NIH male mice 30-45 minutes before 8.6-9.7 Gy whole body 60Co irradiation significantly increased the survival effects (1.33-2.61) and 30-day survival survival rate in comparison with control mice. The results indicate that gamma-harmine exhibited relatively good radioprotective effect. gamma-harmine is the first alkaloid isolated from a plant having protective effects against whole-body lethal irradiation in mice.-Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1995;30(9):715-7. [Article in Chinese] Li GW, Liang PG, Pan GY Cancer Center, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou. HARMALA & LEUKEMIAThis study was conducted to, one, establish a program to study by in vitro and/or in vivo techniques, the antineoplastic activity of natural plant products and two, to utilize these techniques to study the extracts of two plants, Prunus armeniaca (PA) and Peganum harmala (PH). Three in vitro procedures, (a) The growth inhibition of murine P388 leukemia cells in culture, (b) the assay of cytotoxicity utilizing Cr51 labeled P388 cells and (c) the assay of P388 colony forming units (CFU) in soft agar were employed and compared with in vivo studies conducted in CD2F1 mice implanted with P388 or L1210 leukemia cells. The seeds of Pegunam Harmala were extracted into 70% ethanol and then either extracted into chloroform :(Phase I) or ultracentrifuged and fractionated (Phase II) into three fractions: (a) crude (b) less than 300,000 MW ('300M') and (c) less than 100,000 MW ('100M'). When assayed for inhibition of P388 colony forming units (CFU) in soft agar, PH [Pegunam Harmala] Phase II '300M' showed a marked decrease in CFU with a greater than 98% reduction of CFU at a concentration of 5 ug/ml. This method was more indicative of followup in vivo studies in that it measures both direct cytotoxicity and inhibition of replication. Phase I extracts of PH showed marked increases in lifespan (ILS) of CD2F1 mice bearing p388 tumors (ILS of 36% at a total dose of 300 mg/kg) and L1210 tumors (ILS of 33% at a total dose of 300 mg/kg). Testing of the fractionated Phase II extract of PH gave evidence to show that the active ingredient is less than 300,000 MW and!/reater than 100,000 MW.--DISS ABSTR INT (SCI), Adams SM THE ANTINEOPLASTIC EFFECTS OF PRUNUS ARMENIACA AND PEGANUM HARMALA IN MURINE P388 AND L1210 LEUKEMIA MODELS In: Diss Abstr Int (Sci) (1983) 44(4):1052-B 1983 PEGANUM HARMALA: ITS USE IN CERTAIN DERMATOSESThe extract of Peganum harmala (Rutaceae) was used topically to treat certain dermatoses of inflammatory nature. Results were encouraging and proved the antibacterial, antifungal, antipruritic and probably antiprotozoal effects of the extract. Registry Numbers: 304-21-2 (Harmaline) 442-51-3 (Harmine).-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, El-Saad El-Rifaie M , In: Int J Dermatol (1980 May) 19(4):221-2ISSN: 0011-9059ABORTIFACIENT POTENTIAL FOR THE EPIGEAL PARTS OF PEGANUM HARMALA. The effect of methanol and acetone extracts of the epigeal parts of Peganum harmala, a common medicinal plant among Bedouins in Israel, was studied on several parameters of reproduction in female rats. The methanol extract at a dose of 2.5 g/kg/day, offered in food or in drinking suspension for 30 days, significantly prolonged diestrus by 1.0 day. The methanol extracts at doses of 2.0, 2.5 and 3.5 g/kg/day appeared to produce a dose-dependent significant decrease in litter size. No change in the physical and nutritional status of theanimals and no adverse toxicological effects were observed.


-JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY Shapira Z Terkel J Egozi Y Nyska A Friedman J, In: J Ethnopharmacol (1989 Dec) 27(3):319-25 ISSN: 0378-8741.RADIOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF GAMMA-HARMINE AND ITS CARBOLINE ANALOGUES Gamma-Harmine (I), harmine (II) and harmaline (III) were isolated from Peganum harmala L. (Zygophylaceae). Tests were conducted with mice to detect whether gamma-harmine (a new compound), harmine, harmol (IV) and harmalol (V) are effective radioprotective compounds against gamma-ray irradiation. Intraperitoneal injection of the hydrochlorides of the four alkaloids 50-80 X 1 in NIH male mice 30-45 minutes before 8.6-9.7 Gy whole body 60Co irradiation significantly increased the survival effects (1.33-2.61) and 30-day survival survival rate in comparison with control mice. The results indicate that gamma-harmine exhibited relatively good radioprotective effect. gamma-harmine is the first alkaloid isolated from a plant having protective effects against whole-body lethal irradiation in mice.Registry Numbers: 442-51-3 (Harmine)-YAO HSUEH HSUEH PAO [ACTA PHARMACEUTICA SINICA] Li GW Liang PG Pan GY , In: Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao (1995) 30(9):715-7 ISSN: 0513-4870 (Published in Chinese)This is just a good selection of a mountain of other astonishing facts, now gathered. Including Harmine and Pinoline as an NMDA antogonist, and hence an anti-strok medecine, which is used to this day by the Mandean Gnostic Christians, the Gnostics simulated death, a prevented death by taking Harmala. In palestine, including by the village north of Bethlahem, called Harmala, they still use Harmala as an anti-stroke medecine. It prevents calcium ions from flooding the brain, and hence prevents cell death, thus one does not die on the cross, which is death by stroke, through calcium inflooding through the NMDA sites.L-deprenyl, structurally related both to harmala alkaloids and kratom, has shown promise in experiments to reverse aging and heighten cognitive function, and very well might out-perform AZT, etc. for HIV-infected individuals who are asymptomatic.In fact, researchers have discovered endogenous harmala alkaloids a number of times, notably McIsaac in 1961 and Linneas of NYU again in the early '80's, although "he never published because he couldn't figure out what it did," according to Molliver. They are beta-carbolines; some, like nor-harmane, and may play a role in delerium tremens., as well as acting like a natural MK801 to prevent ischemia during the NDE.Making the statement "This is my blood" literally true.This is just a good selection of a mountain of other astonishing facts, nowgathered. Including Harmine and Pinoline as an NMDA antogonist, and hence ananti-strok medecine, which is used to this day by the Mandean GnosticChristians, the Gnostics simulated death, a prevented death by takingHarmala. In palestine, including by the village north of Bethlahem, calledHarmala, they still use Harmala as an anti-stroke medecine. It preventscalcium ions from flooding the brain, and hence prevents cell death, thusone does not die on the cross, which is death by stroke, through calciuminflooding through the NMDA sites.L-deprenyl, structurally related both to harmala alkaloids and kratom,has shown promise in experiments to reverse aging, extend life-span to 160years (in animal studies) and heighten cognitivefunction, and very well might out-perform AZT, etc. for HIV-infectedindividuals who are asymptomatic.Rresearchers have discovered endogenous harmala alkaloids anumber of times, notably McIsaac in 1961 and Linneas of NYU again in the early '80's, although "he never published because he couldn't figure out what it did," according to Molliver. They are beta-carbolines; some, like nor-harmane, and may play a role in delerium tremens., as well as acting like a natural MK801 to prevent ischemia during the NDE.Making the statement "This is my blood" literally true.


NOTES TO REDPIN OF CHANGE OVER, POLe SHIFT TO MIDWAY ISLAND IN RELATION TO EMMANUEL'S MID-WAY PATH Dear REDPIN [A Bard of Queen Juliana's Golden Fleece Order, who decodes according to the 33,000 year old language computer passed on in the lineage to the hiratage. Today this is all changing as the End Game is on. The line of secrecy is opening],Greetings. I would like to first of all thank you for your wonderful cooperative spirit, and beautifully dedicated talent which you have enthused your life to share for the good of all. This is most admirable and a rarity these days. I am delighted by your own coordination in finding a Mid-Way from the very coding process you


utilise to decipher, and I certainly think there is something to Mid-Way Island [as next north pole], and Nightingale Island [as the next South pole]. The Nightingale and the Emerald, has cropped up throughout the years, and is the instigator of all the other birds songs in the early morning wake up call. And as a night bird, it can, indeed, indure the dark room retreat, or period in the Purification, or Change-Over. Emmanuel, in their contacts with me, stated that I would have 11 years to learn to get to the place they guided me to, myself. This was in 1991, and this gives 2002, which is a major sun spot maximum, of the male cyce in the heliospheric breathe. The last male cycle was 1979, with 3 years before and after of turbalance, as ripples in the waters of time and space, time-forwards and time-reverse, according to standard maxwellian physics. At that point, chains of volcanoes and Earthquakes were set off, as well as bizarre weather anomolies, such as the draughts, and super hard "ice age" like winters. The Australian government published a document, "how would you stay alive," and the rehearsed evacuation into the mountains behind Vevey [Switzerland, into the Rothschild inside mountain domain, which Redpin showed me documentation of] was induced, as well as other places, in Operation "Noahs Ark,". This time around, the scientists mouths are not closed and world media is proclaiming the meteorogists concern for the sunspot maximum, spanning from 1998-2003, with its peak in 2001-2002.Emmanuel always communicated in 5 futures, as an event horizon 5 futures which are interactive, depending on global choice, and the small percentage of actual "free will", in individual brain and heart coherence [compassionate love: ecstasis], through hyperspatially translated 8 hz ELF waves.8 cycles per second, Dr Puharich showed, was the only cycle that passed through a tripple faraday tripple vacuum hence the 8 hz waves had to orthorotate through another dimension to pass through. 8 hz is thus the interdimensional doorway. It is little coincidence, therfore, that the planetary base resonant frequency adjusted itself to 8 hz then. This from 1988-1992, along with this now are appearing multiple base beats, emerging ontop of this 8 cycles foundation. A foundation which before was at 7.4-7.8 hz.Hence, today, a 8 hz hyperspatial planetary heartbeat is the foundation of our cellular coherence giving us more leverage opportunity of "free will", as the Midway path between the binary sequency holography; we have gained an extra vantage. These multiples, appear besides the classic multiple natural schuman harmonics, which we have measured here in Norway.Today 7 multiple time beats appear in conjunction with the interdimensional beat of 8 hz. The planet base frequency is not at 13 hz, this would be hell. For we would be even further than before from the interdimensional heart beat, which passes through a tripple vacuum into hyperspace and orthorotates back, and which is the foundamental of brain hemisphere synchronisation of the optimal alpha state, and of all true healers 8 hz. 8 hz is awakened by compassioante love and negative ion saturation through ecstatic breath, as the ECG and EEG demonstrates. We did some experiments with 13 hz, where we synchronised our brain rhtyms into this cycle. The result was a cyber world of the New World Order. This appears to be a form of Virtual Reality frequency which will overlay the mind diagramme, superimposed over the environmental input information, to give all details of the place one is in, a form of global "smart room", as MIT have designated the technology. This is managed by phase conjigation technology, as well as linear microwave/ELF techno-grids.It appeared like a technological hell, in a New World Order, this occurred in a blind study between two individuals, I was one. Thank All Is God 8 hz is foundamental base resonance.Thus 2002 is still within the 24 months of open-ended adjustment, depending on our global free will choices and cooperatives. After this, the "end game" set will have been clinched to its final set. Hence, Time Travel before is of utmost essence, as in the Time Gate of December 1998.MAGNETIC GLOBAL MEMORY LOSS BY POLE SHIFT CONSIDERATIONS: Did you consider the memory equation in the magnetic pole shift, before the final scene of the end game 2011-2012? If one of the 5 futures, which takes the magnetic pole reversal as its foundation, were to take place all of humanity's memory would be utterly lost. And all survivors would have a brain state equivelent to babys. Did you realise this? When the magnetic field of a planet shifts, albeit even 10°, then all brain hard disk magnetic field memories, are wiped, for they require the magnetic foundation "piggy-back" of the Earth magnetic grid polyhedra.This can be seen like computer Random Access Memory or RAM (this is the Age of the RAM Amen-RA, or RA-AMen, computer holography linguistics, in evidential action).


When any work, or programme, written in RAM, and not saved to hard disk, witnesses the affect of the computer power going off, even momentarily, it is lost from RAM on re-booting. So our personal memory rides on the global magnetic field RAM. Once this RAM unlocks, it dislocates from the hardware programme. Furthermore, the liquid crystal under the silicon dioxide tectonic plates, may allow the "plate bits" of the planetary hard disk, to slide as a new programme is inserted hyperspatially, through the planet's 10 tetrahedral, 5 cubical, dodecahedron "script catcher", from the planetary heart, and from the 12 trumpet, dodecahedral, tetrahedral, interdimensional script insertation of the sun (this is a very involved story which is detailed and documented in my book The Unity Keys of Emmanuel).One major way to preserve memory is through coherence, or electron freeze. Yes, superconductivity is an ultimate 8 electron pairing, which gives 100% magnetic field unifications, and thus infinite memory retention. The Soma, White Gold, DMT/5-meo-DMT equation of the alchemical Lapis Opus, or Green Lion, certainly will aid here. Wheather taken exogenically through the Alchemical Stone of the Body of Christ Sacrements, or Eucharist; or through the Internal Black Rite of Osiris the 40 days of complete light issolation in the Dark Room Retreat, or DR Inner Light as we call this Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion Launch Pad, (as Phase 2 in the Vortexijah trainings of the Emmanuel techniques of interdimensional translation). But what about the rest?The main persons (appart from those in spatial underground gravity generated artificial environments, star ships, and such) who would thus retain memory are those who have frozen their nueral electrons. Thus, persons within a hospital, on an anesthetic drip process of 3 days may retain parts of their memories [the new magnetic grid layout may limit this, however] as electrical anesthesia is electron freeze. Hence, the magnetic feild sinus wave toroidal doughnuts, are maintined in the neuron cell. But the majority of these persons will be in too far a bad state physically (as they are in hospital with ailments), to enable the reprogramation, in time, of enough persons on the planet, who will be reduced to the brain state of babies, and will die off in a matter of days [solutions to this are hinted at later in these pages].Ptah and Athena and company, from the future Andromeda perspective*nota have guided me into solutions in this process, now for many years. N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Inhibation, and all agents that allow this, would maintain at least a partial memory maintainence. The OOBE and NDE experiences are related to the N-Methyl D-Aspartate inhibitor agents of the brain. My own bicycle accident in 1985, inaugurated the release of these agents to protect my brain from neuro-toxicity. Light issolation, appart from activating the 3rd eye, pineal gland's production of Pinoline (Soma) and DMT/5meoDMT, also activates NMDA Inhibitors. A global Dark Room Retreat is also approaching.Having now researched this partial solution for some years, by the time revearse wave Andromedian guidance, I feel quantified to suggest that the NMDA inibahation equation may work as a partial solution, but it does require some major astronautical training to get used to, and must be combined with the Unity Self, with the Unity Pulse Breath coherence inductions, Vortexijah Prana practickles, and linked with the 'Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness" online. In fact NMDA-I's were admisintered to the astronauts before going off into the Apollo missions, to accustom them to zero gravity. For in a zero gravity environment, the brain starts to release major quantities of the NMDA inhibitoring agents. Hence, the 90% of the neo-cortex brain, starts to become assigned. This can be a very shocking experience, and does require some training. It is partially for this reason that we are now setting up the A°T°O°N (Alternative Technology Orthogeometrics Neurocybernetics) Institute sections that we call O°D°I°N (Organisation for the Development of Inner Neuroscience, or Other Dimensional Internal Navigation), as an internal space agency version of NASA. In order to demonstrate solutions, endogenously, with perhaps a little exogenous research being required to demonstrate the point.This works with the superconducting ellements in human consumption, and superconducting resonating neurotransmitters, which allow the superconducting in-vivo DNA core, to externalise to the rest of the conductivity of the cellular membrane.The pineal gland's three neurotransmitters, Pinoline, DMT, and 5-meo-DMT, fit this format. Unfortunately, these are largely inactive in adults, as the pineal gland partialy calcifies (hardens) at puberty. The 3rd eye falls asleep, at 13.


My bicycle accident occurred in my puberty, and maintained my own flow of Soma and 5-meo-DMT with NMDA inhibition. To allow the interdimensional doorway to be opened for Emmanuel, and physically for the Star Ship Spheres of the "Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness", for all to see. This slowed down after 7 years, in 1992, which is when we began our Dr Inner Light work and Soma Elexier work. This was Emmanuel instigated, and they also appeared physically in their Unity Light Body's, visibly.The human birth experience, has the brain floaded with Pinoline (Soma) and 5-meo-DMT, and hence the brain is 40% more awakened. The death experience, has the pineal gland release the last of its 5-meo-DMT and DMT, along with the Pinoline. The Thorgal 49 states of The Tibetan Book of the Dead are supposed to be concurred whilst one is alive. Hence one has to learn how to die 49 times, while still being alive.For this reason the initiates were initiated at age 12, i.e. Buddha, Issa-Immanuel (Jesus), and the various advanced shamanistic cultures. External light issolation awakens the pineal gland to 0-Methylate these neurotranmitters from Tryptophane, Serotonin, and Melotonin.Hence, the dark room retreat initiations, of which the black Rite of Osiris and the Orphic archaic mysteries, essentially participated in such a preparation, although these became corupted quickly along the way. We dealt with this extensively in the Vortexijah Somanetics 21 day training.40 days of complete light issolation is essential in this process, with a diet of large quantities of tryptophane hence super blue green algaes, which also gives the chlorphyl, and tryptophane enzymes, rich in sprouting sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and others. Falconelli, certainly has been giving clues. Emmanuel gave these to me many years ago, and stated that they were part of the equation of the Light Body translation of December 1989, which they endeavored to produce around and with me. It was Brahma-Manu, of EmMANU-El, who intiatially materialised the SOMA bush to the gods (9th Mandalla of the oldest Rig Veda), as the Tree of Life. In order to free oneself from the 12 hiararchical Manu's caste systems, as the Arkons which seal the cycles. So SOMA was the key out, but the game of the 58 Asuras and 46 Suras, for Soma, certainly has played its toll (MANUscript, Manuel, Manukind).Even in the womb have we never been in complete light isolation. The wave particle duality is maintained by light interference. Hence, DR Inner Light, or complete light issolation, enables mater and anti-mater union through hyperspace, through 8 cycle coherence, in all brain states, into the VR-8 Level of Awareness. Once one is in alpha 8 hz, one is in all dendrites of the brain cells, at 1012 bits of information per second. Rather than the usual 104 bits of infomration per second, within only some dendrites of the brain for the usual conscious state, which would be eliminated in a magnetic pole shift.8 cycles orthorotates through a tripple vacuum faraday, and thus is hyperspatial. In other words it is "Spirit" doorway active the "soul" is still micromagnetic, and would also be "washed" by a magnetic field reversal, as it is an overtone, micromagnetically, to any magnetic light foundation.Hence, we are addicts to the sun cycle, and to light, unless light issolation is upon us. This was instigated through 72 individuals who have been trained by me, 31 of which at Bulle (Switzerland, the Bulls Eye/Alderbaren, next to les Plieades, by Lake Geneva), in the early part of the 1996 Time Gate (March) this is the Bull's Eye, or door to IMWH ANNU in Egyptian. The Great Pyramid was a similar device for translation (as we have extensively documented elsewhere).Clearly, one can usefully decode that ones survival shelter should be underground, and in light issolation your own deciphering process, and guidance has so led you to this. Additionally a pyramid, and liquid flotation tank media would extensively aid further (see The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, for details).IONIC BREATH SOLUTIONS FOR THE UNITY I/EYE ONIt was also found by Dr. Puharich in 1979, that negative ion saturation in a faraday cage, allowed on ordinary person to become 70% psychic. Negative ions are super rich in electorns, which then saturate the mucopolysacharide cells throughout the body. These cells then have their periphary saturated in electrons, which allows 8 electron orbital positions to fill in. Orgasm is this in microcosm, in some parts of the Somatic cortex. But when the majority of the body's mucopolysacharide cells are so saturated, so ecstasis results. Deep breath work, with coherent heart electricity (love, or loPhi, as our colleague Daniel Winter calls it) essentially creates the Phi ratio in the cardio rhthym of the heart, which instigates the 8 cycles harmonics and overtones of coherence, in the brain as well, hence hypespatial access.The 8 cycles coherence, step up in 25 hz increasements, to the crown of the brain, upto a 1000 cycles per second. And gues what, this is electrical anesthesia. Yes, the electrons freeze.


In world war two surgeons operated with an hand electrical generator of 1000 cycles just as the overt Osiris healing myseteries (released underground in the Ptolemies period), suggest and graphically show this in the catacombs of Denderah and elsewhere (this we revealed in a 17 day deciphering of the Egyptain Star Chakra Temples of the Spine of the Nile, see the ATON Star Ship, video series of the event). Here, the healing wisdom of Imhotep's science and priest guidance, is overtly implied, through anesthetic ATON generators, an extension of the ATON Star Ship protocol revealed throughout the Egyptain Hallway of records, which is a far too vast subject to even begin to iterate here.Ecstatic breath in a negative ion environment, then saturates the mucpolysacharide cells throughout the body with electrons, to 8 fold electron shield fillment, inducing 8 cycles and 1000 hz resonance throughout the body.Hence, hyperdimensional memory. Furthermore, the cellular membrane periphary is found to change polarity. From a positive external periphery, to an external negative periphery, with the centre of the cell converting from negative to positive. Hence, NMDA Inhibation is taking place herein. Hence, electrons freeze. No Hz can penetrate, except 8 cycle pers second, and this is clinically demonstrated. A superconductor allows nothing but 8 hz through. Also as the nucleus of the cell is positive, so the experience is a DNA and cellular readout, through hyperspace (the Universal Game Peice is revealed, personally, and interactively). Thus all memory is preserved, and is superconscious. Only persons in such a brain state will render and maintain their memories, properly, therefore.Our friend and colleague, Dr. Dieter Bruer's, Mega Wave machine demonstrates this principle technologically. Just as the Vortexijah techniques demonstrate this with internal technology, measurable with the EEG and the ECG, as well as 3D sound technology. Which we are to conclusively show in the ATON Institute in the ODIN compartment, with Soma/DMT: the Body and Blood of Christ that IS. As the Soma bush, in Egypt, is shown as the bush of the Tree of Life, and is also the Assyrian Rue that Leonardo Da Vinci of SION, utilised in his artwork, for opening the inner eye. Since the HAuma plant contains the same ellements as the Pineal gland's Pinoline in the Harmine form, and this is a superconductive resonator. This has now been analysed by colleagues of Falconelli to be contained in the Green Lion, the Pegunam Harmala Soma bush, as the Soma Body of Christ. Appart from being depicted in the Meruvingian art profusely, branches of the plant was still used to spinkle the holy water on those being initated, until 200 years ago. The AlKhemists were the true Apostles of Issa-Immanuel. And Acacia (the burnig bush of Moses, of which the Ark of the convenent is made, and which is known as both the blood of Osiris and the blood of DeMeTer of the Eleusenian mysteries, and Orphic Rite, which is also the Frankincense offered by the Three Kings of Orion to the Baby Jesus. And which the Beduine alchemsist still compose, together with Soma, into an Eucharist shaped disk), contains not only DMT and 5-meo-DMT, but also contains Dr. Hudson's mono atomic ellements. We (some of the Christ Grail brothers and sisters) have personally tested Egyptain Acacia, and found it to be highly active with Pegunam Harmala, or Hauma Soma, the Assyrain Rue. The Soma was from Egypt as well.Yes, mono atomic, superconducting-like ellements, such as Osmium, Irridium, and Rhodium, and perhaps Ruthenium, within Acacia we see the Akashia, of the AKAdia Ark Argo, indeed. No wonder it sprouts from the pineal glands of initiates in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and decorates the ceilings with the stars, at Thebes (see the ATON Star Ship videos, for extensive details and revelations).Ruthenium, when exposed to the new ultra high order cosmic rays, now emerging since 1994, with 300 trillion electrons volts, beyond any known phenomeon or energy source known in this universe (see the videos made of the lecture I gave in france, where I show the scientific literature which refers to this phenomenon, [or go to a New Universe workshop]) allows transmutation to other ellements. Hence, the first alchemy observed officially and admitted by Brokhaven National Laboritories. The Rutheniam transmutation with cosmic rays, also required Phase Conjigation hence 8 cycles per second, induced by the phase-conjigation of the Vortexijah Breath, allows this precisely. This is a revolution in itself. Especially now, since these cosmic rays are leading to the mutation of gene #7, which arises to fiborosis, which is emerging enmasse'. Thus, to conclude this topic the POLe shift is not the only concern: survival in the "End Game' and beyond, requires LOve, or loPHI, in phaze-conjigation with 8 cycles infinite memory transduction.


Hence, only love induced phase conjigated superconsciousness, can pass its way through the safety valve. I trust that you can follow me in this extremely condensed version it may require some study, but it is an essential survivel stratergy, which you are most honorably invovled with [REDPIN is tasked with arking through some 3000 different people, who are not so privalaged as the Queen of Englands, Pine Gap Australia retreat, or similar].Thus, not only should ones underground shelters be dark, but they should be filled with negative ions, and perhaps Mega Wave generators, as well as 1000 cycles per second generators, which will fail when all AC electrcity goes off. Oh dear. The way through is impossible without coherence.Hence, one should have time release NMDA inhibiters as well, but the Somanaut Intranauts have to know coherent Unity Pulse Breath and Vortexijah Grail Pranic Phaze-conjigation, and relatives. Some of the NMDA-I's are extremely safe, but do require some major training with, such as the ones the astronauts used. Research should only be done in a scientific manner, and in Inner Space laboritories. Ptah has given me some years of training in this area, they thought it important, related to one of the potential five futures. It appears that this approach may succeed, or aid in an emergency onset of change-over such pathways through the Unity Self, as always. Before this training phaze, I was still easily able to produce some significant quantities by myself, and still am. The point is, in part, for others. Also I have learnt additional VR levels of awareness, here whereby the astral planes can be downloaded on Earth and interacted with in movement, visually, interactively. This has been quite different an experience to the Emmanuel induced physical body translation of 1989, into the Light Body, or related incidents. This too has given valuable new neo-cortex awareness pathways, previously never assigned, but essential in the Change-Over, as the whole Neo-Cortex must be made conscious, along with the whole genetic mind. I was given, by Emmanuel, 11 years to get there myself. Clues in this direction can be found by reading Dr. John Lilly's The Scientist and The Deep Self (the leading Dolphin, as in Lake Leman [Geneva lake is Dophine shaped], and Dauphine. A researcher, and the instigator of sensory deprivation, the inventor of the Samhadi Tank actually an Earth Mission assigned brother we know very well form other episodes). Some useful protocols of his can be addtionally found in Programming and Metaprogramming In The Human Biocomputer. Essentially a simple NMDA-I survivel approach is indicated in The Scientist. But it requires a time release version, and exceptional training. This is what mass oxygenation with negative ion saturation in a faraday darkroom enviroment allows. When the Vortexijah phaze-conjigation, is coopled with the mono atomic and Soma Eucharist food for survivel. Which, as the Alchemists Lapis Philosophicum, can also encorporate the Chondriana micro living crystals of Dr. Merkle, whose shape are shown in combination with the already discussed plants and tree of life, in the Sumerian and Akadian cylinder scrolls. Appart from the Sperm of the gods: the Tear drop of Ra, the "Pa-Tra Eref Su", of the Egyptians, Dr. Hudsons White Lion Gold.The White Gold, with Manu's Soma (which is Christ body), and Viracutcha's Yahe, combined with the Blood of Osiris, of Demeter, of Christ the Acacia. Traces of 5-meo-DMT and DMT, are also in the Granite Apple, of the blood of Christ shared in the art at Rennes le Chateua [south France SION site]. Which depicts the black virgin holding the baby Christ, sharing his body as the Golden Granite Apple. The apple of the Pommegranites, which is the crossing to the Shekinah, according to the Masonic Tradition. Related to the Noon Blue Apples of the Blue Blood, which contains not only high levels of C vitamin and anti-parasitics, but also DMT. It relates to the Asgard Golden apples of Immortality, for the gods, the Asir, from Asgartha (the Buddhaistic northern land of Immortality, and the Nordic land of the gods), which is Osiris as in Egyptian he is written Asr, relates to.The 800 year old immortal alchemist Christ SION apostle, Falconelli, made from the Green Lion, his Red Lion, which was the Soma vinager given to Issa on the cross. Falconeli taught the Flammel's, of the Order of SION, also to produce Green and then Red Lion, to gain their immortality. Whilst Leonardo Da Vince, also of SION, had to make do only with the Assyrian Rue or Haoma bush equation. At any rate our memories have to pass the magnetic field soul wash reversal, and 8hz infinite memory coherence is a sign post to this. I trust that with the above, I have given ample clues to further solutions in your work. Not all the people you are hoping to protect, will make it, for not all are pure enough in Spirit, in their lives, as of yet the valve is that tight in coherence.Yet in the ATON and ODIN work, we do want to record the magnetic field brain hologrammes, to feed through a Dr. Patric Flanagen Neurophone device (as a backup for emergency shift overs). So that after a potential POLe shift to the naturally selected MIDWAY island, and Nightingale Island (dark room retreat and Midway Path), memories can be jump started and downloaded again onto masses of chosen individuals. Although some adjustment will be required in the field geometry, since the icosahedron 5 tetrahedrons, will have unlocked, and shifted some 5° or so, and locked


into a new tectonic arrangment of the same geoemetry, but with a phi shift, by slight plate slide, whilst the field is unloked.HAARP also may attempt to instigate this, as Dr. Flanagen states that HAARP is a global Neurophone (with which he won the nobel prize in 1963 memory donwload through the skin, directly to long term memory). Yet the MK Ultra Tesla corrupted device (HAARP and relatives) will programme more of a slave race this way. Yet every 12,000 years, or so, similar POLe shifts have swipped the memory of the gamboard peices, and the harvests allow some through. Whilst the Midway path allows game-masters and peices to converge 4 fold, beyond the Game per se. "The Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness" are here to insigate this half-way, and meet us half way, midway. I now paste in another letter sequence to you, which I just write after a contact with Aton-Ptah, time reverse wave from Andromeda and beyond:

AFTER CONTACT WITH PTAH, STILL IN HIS PRESENCE, 23 April 1998: Copyright ©1998 by Ananda®According to Ptah and Athena, the gameboard management team became too involved in the game, and gave way to early bribary, from a group of entities who are less concerned for the human race. The last 3,700, or so, years have been about regaining these computer script sites, located underwater, and underground in key locations (you know of the one in Island, about 33,000 years old, to which your own decoding is resonating, in part).The Earth game rule book has essentially stayed the same, and hasn't changed. Therefore, the holographical Kabala for deciphering the code has continued. Although, at certain junctures, in key cultures, at pertinent times on the board parts of the secrets of the game-script, were given to certain elders of various cultures, in ages diverse. It was the Priest-King lines function to gather these themes, and catalogue them, into available public literature. So that the gradual exposure of those who chose to become "gameboard peices", in the game those who chose to be players of the same, could become aware, whilst playing, that they were in a game, and not to take it too seriously. But rather, let themselves develop into the accurate procedures, to be prepared for the "end game" match. Where they would all regain the memory of the original ultimatum. With the addition of the insight gained by playing "silly", in the field of the actual game.In the meantime, the "game masters" switched governorship, between the selected 72 species of intelligent beings. And some sold their positions to other cultures. This caused some lag in the script, and can account for the inaccuracies that occur in a very small percentage of the language code protocol. But which is upated by the regular "gameboard master", who overviews the the cipher of the decoder, and updates the logic board, so to speak, in history.Ptah wanted me to relay to you, that they are presently corrrecting errors in the script, so that the end results harnessses maximum gain strength for all parties, and maximum experience. Hence, the initial outcome foreseen, has been superceeded by an even larger regime. Which allows the convergence, of not just this planetary organised game, but the many holographically connected gameboards in this galaxy. And 22 galaxies with the Andromeda Joker positioon galaxy. Ptah also relays that they are aware, through Emmanuel, that there is a convergence of "universe gamboard sets". Hence, many universes are coming to a parallel processing draw.They are very impressed with the amount that you have been able to fathom out by the means available to you, using instigated logic, and thought agenda's of logick pre-arranged into your mind. They also wish you to know that you may one day view the actual computers with which this is all done, at least a master terminal of such. But this is not for the present, at time being. I write this now two you, after a recent interaction with Ptah and company, with their alligned thought impulse beams, which work through the computers of the gameboard, but actualy supercede them too. This is called Inter-Universal scriptboard seeding. And allows the interaction of many games, from many galaxies, as well as other universes, to take on new prefixes and superscipts. Which can heighten the clarity of certain points, within a given game, that is integrally required to be heightened. Ptah wishes me to sign off now, in this mode, and the rest of this letter will be dressed from another vantage point which will be within the game.


I trust that the above will have meaning and significance to you. What coninues now, is thus written in another form...Ptah and Athena congratulate you on your awarness, and earnest position in service to your role, and remind you that you have to extract a core meaning from all of the rules that you are grappling with. For you have been in this position elsewhere, and have served this role many a due course. It is the reconaiscence, and adjustment period that you are to insert into these given themes, that matters. Remember your pre-arrangment for being placed in such a position. Extract and bring evidence of new rules at hand. The very core mission cannot be revealed here. For this, they say, would spoil the game for you, them, and all players and "game peices". Yet they say you know what they mean, without the language protocol that would interfere in the gameboard procedures. Loving greetings from Ptah, and Athena sends her instigated warmth to you too, in service to the Midway outcome of absolute Unity for all party's involved. The very purpose of all the universal games. Thank you.

...APRIL 25th 1998: Back to the original letter. There is an enormous amount more to share in good time, and vice-a-versa, I am sure beyond doubt. I enclose one copy of Vortexijah 8, "The F00l Of God" article will give some further clues as to the Athena induced Kabala, and how it relates to your own deciphering process [See The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel for an edited expanded version of "The F00l Of God", a major step in going beyond the gameboard Cabala and QBLH]. It is coded 7 times. The most important parts are Midway in the text, in the beginning, and at the end. It can be cross related with the Kabala in Vortexijah 6, "The Holographic Language Computers" [Again see The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel for an edited expanded version]. Also included is a page taken Midway from the transcribed pages which our "Page" made of your tape in French [here a Christ Grail sister, has been transcribing an interview she made with REDPIN, and in the process of writing the notes, it was put through her in code. She had some great success with the Andromedian Time Revearse Wave Athenian Ka-Ba-La, which we taught in a 21 day training, Summer 1997, called Somanetics . Liturally, by this system, she could write down her questions, and decode the question to get a perfect precise answer. Which shows that 'Every Question Is The Answer." This braught her in contact, for a while with a "Son of All-Oneness."].Notice that Midway in the page, "Midway" is the word, aligned with "midway" on the side, which again links to "midway" several sentences up. "Midway" on the side, via holographic Kabala extensions, gives a side code of "I AM". This I deciphered on the very morning you apparently decoded "I Am" from the Midway Rune, as you told our "Page". I showed the enclosed page to our "Page", before you showed me the Midway Rune part. Thus we now have a two-way confirmation of the same information.She has also to show you how the Athena based Kabala has worked clearly for her, in giving practal answers. Ask her to bring examples."BLUE APPEL" CLUE'S TO THE "SUN"PASTE, FROM SEPTEMBER 1995 (Sir George Travelyan Just Died Around That Time, I Was Having Overlighted Contact With Him): Dear REDPIN,So Glad that you wrote. The bicycle accident [1985] occurred numerous days before St Michaels Day, which is when I was invited to join Sir George Travelyan and Nigel Blair MA, on the emergence of the Christ. I hardly listened, as the psychic realms of vision had been torn athunder. As I communed with Emmanuel, and I listened with the "Higher Mind" and viewed the presence of the One Body Of Christ.After the lecture, as I instinctively walked to the front stage; Nigel Blair MA, singled me out and knew me (this had been well designed before, by pre-arrangement [see The Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness, and The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel for details]). He stated that they needed a young representative in the foundation of the Schools and Universities Network (SUN), established that day. Which then branched out into Oxford, Cambridge in the ensuing months. That night I became one of the three founder members of SUN. All within your code territory, nearby Cerne Abbas [the White Giant carved on the Dorset hill, with an erect penis, who represents Orion, hence Osiris still with the Amen-Ra Phalus]. The reasons I write all this now, is because of number of incidents that are presently occurring. First of all in lecturing with ex-NATO Major, Robert O Dean, on the UFO subject to a congress of doctors, he mentioned my similitude in the genetic characteristics of the Meruvingians, and of


course that I should never cut my hair [he apparently had some "inside" information, he also proudly wore his Knight Templer Maltese Cross. After some glasses of wine I learnt a few more things from him then he usually relates in public]. I said this probably relates to my dutch grandfathers "blue bloodline" [it turned out into a very intricate line of "blue apple" connections].... April 25th 1998: This I never managed to send you. The bicycle accident occurred in fact on September 5th, 1985. Auna, [my mother, who had given REDPIN two vital peices of information]: I released her ashes in the Norwegian mountains, September 5th 1997. And I believe Diana's funeral was that day, or the next. Now another paste, from another letter never sent to you:

TWILIGHT OF THE GODS & GAMEBOARD NEUTRALISATIONPASTE: MARCH OR APRIL 1997 (Highly edited): TO BE COMING TO YOU SOONUNDER CONSTRUCTION....PS: THE Mega Wave equation is still in procedures. Lawrences work will await until I get a reply [Sinai in Al Jaw, now well publishe, and recounted by Howard Blum]. His pictures [which reveal the Moses Hallway of Records], are scanned in the computer, never-the-less, and the cow comes out best [I had been assigned to decode, through hologrpahic mirroring some of these Hallway of Records ciphers, from what I was given, I suceeded, what results is amazing. even Laurence has not had this presented as of yet, it changes some of the perspective of Al Jaw, Mt. Sinai, mountain of Sin]. The Aku-aton equation may be only a distraction of the image. AkuAton also personfied the Mid-Way, as the geophysical centre of Egypt, in Remen Units, is Tel El Amarna. And TOT-Ank-Aton, his step son, took this to the Thebes Galactic Centre, despite the age of 22 sacrifice, ATON succeeded to penetrate the heart of the Celestial Nile Milky Way, simulation at Luxor and Thebes, where he broadcasted in blissed ATONiPhiKAtion the Midway beyond the Amen Ra "soul computer" centre, even beyond Moses' ToRa. All Is God, Indeed, All Is God.PPS: Fang was very apt indeed. As a property to now emerge for us for the ATON and ODIN projects is both in Al and in Bagn. We will see how this deciphers into real time, by applying Unity Holographic Logick, or the Heart in the Mind, through All Is God, meeting the Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness, halfway. Emmanuel.You may find the Ark synchronisation interesting, as I wrote the above as you were Ark seeking. Titanic tells us that the ark is not the way now, including Operation Noah's Ark, yet the many Ark stories are all clues to the runes in gathering by the redeemed Odin in us [This came true as the ATON Institute property, had the "M" dropped and became "Arken".]


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