analysis of survey results

Post on 21-May-2015



Social Media



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Analysis of survey results

How old are you?Out of the 10 people who answered my survey, 7 people are between the age of 18-25, and 2 people are between the age of 12-18. 1 person managed to skip this question, and therefore the percentages aren’t accurate. However, if we are to add in the age of Natalie, who was interviewed directly, that would result in 8 people being between the age of 18-25. As a result, 20% are aged between 12 and 18 and 80% are over 18, but younger than 26.

From this I can determine that the mode age range is 18-25 year olds, and therefore my average reader will be somewhere in this age range.

How often do you read magazines?

Here I was asking people how often they tend to read magazines in order to help gage how regularly the magazine should be printed, as this also effects how much people are willing to pay for. The results of the survey show that 20% read magazines once in a while, 20% read them monthly, 20% read them everyday and 40% read them weekly. The dominant answer was therefore weekly at 40%, even though the other three answers combined add together to hold a greater percentage at 60%. Nobody selected the ‘never’ option, suggesting that there is a definite consumer base and demand for magazines which is positive information for a new magazine coming in to the market.

Why do you read magazines? What do you feel you gain from them?

Here is a selection of responses from this question which I felt answered the question best and gave me something to work with. Out of these, there are a few words or phrases which are consistent throughout the 5 responses. These are ‘gossip’, ‘celebrities’, ‘artist’ and ‘learning about’- usually artists and their lives and how they’ve become to be famous enough to feature in magazines. This suggests to me that my magazine should definitely include all of these features, as it would make it a more desirable product to potential consumers.

How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

The responses from this question could have been quite varied as I left it as an open box, and didn’t limit answers to certain brackets or ranges. However, all the responses fell on or between £2.00-£3.00, which matches the prices of music magazines already on the market. This shows that the people who answered my survey are music magazine readers who know the genre well, meaning their responses are most likely reliable and useful.

2 people stated that they would be happy to pay £25 people stated that they would be happy to pay £2.503 people stated that they would be happy to pay £3.00

One of the people who suggested they would pay £2.50 for the magazine also stated that they would be happy to pay this price if it was a weekly publication, and since the most popular response to ‘how often do you read magazines?’ (slide 3) was ‘weekly’, this is my reasoning behind deciding that composed magazine will be a weekly publication that retails at £2.50.

How often do you listen to music?

Here I wanted to gage how music orientated my potential consumers are, and since 80% of them selected the ‘everyday, at some point’ option, and 20% said ‘all the time’, I’d say they are very interested in music. This, again, is a positive response as it suggests that there is potential for a strong consumer base for this type of magazine.

Do you read about music online?

All 10 participants responded with yes to this question, giving it 100%.

How often do you download music?

Here you can see that 80% of people that took my survey said that they download music on a weekly bases, and 20% on a daily bases. This shows that these people are avid music listeners who like finding new artists and songs to listen to. If downloaded legally, this suggests that they are willing to spend a good sum of money of music and music related products.

What kind of adverts do you prefer to see in magazines?

Out of the 6 options I gave, the two most popular responses were ‘gigs/festivals/music offers’ and ‘holidays/luxury items’, as both of these hold 100%, meaning all 10 people selected yes to these two options.

The third most popular selection was ‘technology’, followed by instruments and beauty. Least popular was perfume.

The fact that perfume and beauty ranked lowest possibly suggests that composed’s target audience is more male orientated, but then again all the other options refer to goods which are enjoyed by both genders, and items like perfume and beauty products are stereotypically more for just females.

Which social media sites do you


One person didn’t select any options for this question, suggesting they don’t use any form of social media site.

From these results, though, we can see that all 9people who did complete this question are Facebook users. Joint second are twitter and Instagram, with just under 80%, and Tumblr is least used at 50%. However none of these figures are particularly low, showing that prospective readers of composed magazine are pretty avid users of social media. The final question of my survey also clarifies that people use these sites as a way of gaining information about music, whether it’s artists, events, singles or anything else that interests them. As a result this will be taken into account when producing composed magazine.

Do you hear about new artists and events via these?

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