analysis of opening techniques. the ring

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Analysis of Opening Film Techniques Employed

Film Techniques Examples of typical film techniques used and why– Illustrate your findings with references to actual onscreen moments.

Titling – colour, font style, over image or black, timing, credits presentation etc

The Ring has no opening credits.

Camera Movement (panning, tracking, crane shot and crabbing etc)

The camera does a lot of panning and tracking. It follows the main actresses around the house. There is a low level shot that shows the character walking up the stairs and then towards the cameral along the passage.

Framing of Shot (CU, MLS, ELS etc)

There are close ups of the girls faces as they realise something and react to it. Zooming is used to help us as the audience focus on what the character is looking at, e.g. the television. There is also zooming when the two girls are sitting on the bed.

Camera Angles (high and low angles etc

There are lots of low angle shots used to look up at the characters. Low level shots are used o create suspense by only showing the actresses feet e.g. when the girl is walking along the upstairs passage. There is a high level shot looking down on the girl as we walks up the stairs.

Selection of mise-en-scène including colour, figure, pops, lighting, objects, location and setting;

All of the lighting is very dark and gloomy as it is set in a big house at night. There is a lot of red as this connotes danger and blood. As it is a big house in a suburban area it gives the genre of the film away instantly. In the girls bedroom there are normal objects like a TV and clothes, a single bed and wardrobe.

Editing directions(Match cuts, jump cut, reverse shots etc)

The editing in this opening scene is slow and doesn’t seem to jump much until right at the end where there is a quick jumpy cut.

Sound techniques(diegetic, non diegetic, silence, dialogue

It uses the sound of rain at the beginning and then the television in the background behind the talking. As the action gets more there is music in the background, strings. There is also the use of a ringing phone. There is also the television on and cackling. The whole way through this the rain continues. Heavy breathing is used for when it gets tense.

Actor’s positioning and movement

Right at the beginning the girl w ho is the guest to the house is sitting at a lower level than the girl who owns the house. They move around the house slowly to show fear.

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